Consumer Grivence

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July 2010

Final Report

Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance
Redressal System

Prepared for
Ministry of Urban Development
Government of India

Project Report No. 2009IA01

www. t er i i n . or g The Energy and Resources Institute
ii Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System

TIe Energy und Resources nsLILuLe zo1o

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AssessmenL oI Consumer GrIevunce RedressuI SysLem
|ProjecL ReporL No. 2009 IA 01|

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iii Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

TER Is gruLeIuI Lo MInIsLry oI Urbun DeveIopmenL Ior gIvIng us un opporLunILy Lo
underLuke LIIs sLudy. VIsILIng dIIIerenL ndIun cILIes und undersLundIng Iow consumer
grIevunce redressuI sysLems operuLe Iormed un InLegruI purL oI LIIs sLudy. We ure gruLeIuI
Lo LIe oIIIcIuIs oI LIe MunIcIpuI CorporuLIons oI AImedubud, RuIpur, BunguIore, Mysore,
und urIdubud Ior LukIng ouL LIme Lo expIuIn us In deLuII LIeIr redressuI processes und
IucIIILuLIng our vIsILs Lo LIeIr consumer compIuInL cenLers.

We uIso ucknowIedge LIe ucLIve purLIcIpuLIon und supporL oI vurIous oLIer sLukeIoIders
InvoIved In LIIs sLudy IncIudIng secLor experLs, ucudemIcIuns, NGOS und cILIzens
(CompreIensIve IsL oI SLukeIoIders Is gIven In AppendIx 1).

We ure exLremeIy gruLeIuI Ior LIe vuIuubIe InsIgILs und cooperuLIon receIved Irom LIe
revIewers uL every sLuge oI LIe projecL. We wouId uIso IIke Lo LIunk Mr Soy JosepI Ior
secreLurIuI ussIsLunce.

v Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System

Project Advisors
Mr S Sundur
Dr VInod TewurI

Project Investigutor
Veenu AggurwuI

Teum Members
DeepIku Gurg

vii Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System

List of Abbreviations

AC AssIsLunL CommIssIoner
ACM AuLomuLed CompIuInL oudIng und MonILorIng
AE AssIsLunL EngIneer
AMC AImedubud MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon
ATE AppeIIuLe TrIbunuI Ior EIecLrIcILy
BBMP BruIuL BenguIuru MuIunuguru PuIIke
BWSSB BenguIuru WuLer SuppIy und Seweruge Bourd
CCC Consumer Cure CenLer
CDR Consumer DIspuLe RedressuI orum
CGR Consumer GrIevunce RedressuI orum
CGRS Consumer GrIevunce RedressuI SysLem
CMC CILy MunIcIpuI CouncIIs
CROs Consumer ReIuLIonsIIp OIIIcers
DERC DeIII EIecLrIcILy ReguIuLory CommIssIon
DO DIvIsIonuI OIIIcers
ECAC EIecLrIcILy Consumers Advocucy CommILLee
EE ExecuLIve EngIneer
GS GeogrupIIc nIormuLIon SysLem
Go GovernmenL oI ndIu
GoNCTD GovernmenL oI NuLIonuI CupILuI TerrILory oI DeIII
HCB HIgI Consumer Buse
CT nIormuLIon und CommunIcuLIon TecInoIogy
VRS nLerucLIve VoIce Response SysLem
JE JunIor EngIneer
JNNURM JuwuIurIuI NeIru NuLIonuI Urbun RenewuI MIssIon
JUSCO JumsIedpur ULIIILIes und ServIces Compuny ImILed
MC MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner
MCC Mysore CILy CorporuLIon
MC MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon oI urIdubud
MoUD MInIsLry oI Urbun DeveIopmenL
NDP NorLI DeIII Power ImILed
NeGP NuLIonuI e-governunce PIun
PGR PubIIc GrIevunce RedressuI
PRA SocIeLy Ior PurLIcIpuLory ReseurcI In AsIu
RMC RuIpur MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon
RWAs ResIdenL WeIIure AssocIuLIons
SDM Sub DIvIsIonuI MugIsLruLe
SERC SLuLe EIecLrIcILy ReguIuLory CommIssIon
SB ServIce eveI BencImurks
SG ServIce eveI GuurunLee
viii Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System

SMC SuruL MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon
UBs Urbun ocuI BodIes
UNCRD UnILed NuLIons CenLre Ior RegIonuI DeveIopmenL
ix Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I
TEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
LI ST OF ABBREVI ATI ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI I
CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I X
EXECUTI VE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Project scope and methodology ........................................................................................... 1
Literature review of grievance redressal systems in Municipal Corporations ...................... 2
Review of existing CGRS in selected cities (Ahmedabad & Raipur).................................... 3
Drawing lessons for CGRS in Other Cities........................................................................... 5
Recommendations................................................................................................................ 6
Model Framework ................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTI ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Consumer Grievance Redressal System: An Overview......................................................... 15
E-governance and CGRS................................................................................................... 17
FACI LI TI ES I N CI TI ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company Limited ........................................................ 22
Surat Municipal Corporation ............................................................................................... 24
Public Grievance Redressal System in Karnataka............................................................. 26
Andhra Pradesh State Housing Corporation Limited ......................................................... 27
Provision under the Electricity Act, 2003............................................................................ 29
Case study: Delhi................................................................................................................ 29
Complaint handling and grievance redressal procedure in NDPL...................................... 31
CHAPTER 4 REVI EW OF EXI STI NG REDRESSAL SYSTEM I N CI TI ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) ............................................................................. 37
TERIs observations............................................................................................................ 43
Recommendations.............................................................................................................. 44
Raipur Municipal Corporation ................................................................................................. 46
TERIs observations............................................................................................................ 49
Recommendations.............................................................................................................. 52
Municipal Corporation of Faridabad (MCF)............................................................................. 54
TERIs observations on CGRS at MCF .............................................................................. 57
Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike.................................................................................... 58
Consumer Grievance Redressal System (CGRS) at BBMP .............................................. 58
TERIs observations on CGRS at BBMP............................................................................ 61
Observations of CIVIC on the working of CGRS in BBMP................................................. 62
Mysore City Corporation ......................................................................................................... 63
x Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
PGR system in Mysore....................................................................................................... 63
CHAPTER 5 MODEL FRAMEWORK FOR CGRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Avenues .................................................................................................................................. 67
Complaint Redressal Process................................................................................................. 68
A. Complaint Recording...................................................................................................... 68
B. Complaint Resolution ..................................................................................................... 71
C. Monitoring, Reporting and Complaint Analysis.............................................................. 73
Feedback ................................................................................................................................ 74
Pre-requisites for the effective implementation of the model framework................................ 79
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
BI BI LI OGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
APPENDI X I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

List of Boxes & Tables

Box 1.1: Key recommendations for Ahmedabad.......................................................................... 7
Box 1.2: Key recommendations for Raipur ................................................................................... 7
Table 2.1: JUSCOs Service Level Indicators............................................................................. 24
Table 2.2: Categorization of Complaints by SMC....................................................................... 25
Box 4.1 Best Practices from BBMP............................................................................................ 63

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Benefits of a Consumer Grievance Redressal System............................................. 17
Figure 1.2 CGRS: General Structure Flow................................................................................. 20
Figure 3.1 Structure of Grievance redressal process in Delhis Electricity Sector ..................... 30
Figure 4.1 The Online complaint registration form of AMC........................................................ 38
Figure 4.2: Automatic escalation of complaints based on hierarchy at MCF............................. 56
Figure 4.3: Automatic escalation of health related complaints based on hierarchy at BBMP.... 61
Figure 4.4: SMS integrated CGRS at Mysore City Corporation................................................. 66
Figure 5.1: Components of Grievance redressal Mechanism.................................................... 67
Figure 5.2: Online grievance registration system at BBMP ....................................................... 69

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Executive Summary
Urbun IocuI bodIes (UBs) ure IocuI seII governIng InsLILuLIons
und consLILuLe LIe LIIrd LIer oI governunce sysLems In ndIu und
uLLend Lo LIe duy-Lo- duy needs oI u communILy sucI us rouds,
sLreeL IIgILIng, wuLer suppIy und sunILuLIon, soIId wusLe
munugemenL, prImury educuLIon, purks, pubIIc IeuILI, und so
on. MosL oI LIe cILIzens` InLerucLIon wILI LIe governmenL
Iuppens uL LIe munIcIpuIJIocuI IeveI In ndIu und LIereIore
LIese UBs ure requIred Lo orIenL LIeIr ucLIvILIes Lowurds LIe
suLIsIucLIon oI cILIzens In LIe cILy so us Lo buIId conIIdence
umong LIe cILIzens.
Consomer Grievunce Redressul {CGR) Is un ImporLunL
IuncLIon oI un eIIIcIenL, responsIve und LrunspurenL munIcIpuI
body. TIe busIc purpose beIInd u grIevunce redressuI
mecIunIsm Is Lo provIde u pIuLIorm Lo LIe cILIzens Lo Iodge LIeIr
compIuInLs reIuLed Lo vurIous servIces LIey receIve Irom LIe
munIcIpuI body, voIce LIeIr opInIons und provIde Ieedbuck on
vurIous servIces rendered by UBs. L brIdges LIe
communIcuLIon gup beLween LIe munIcIpuI bodIes und LIe
cILIzens und provIdes cILIzens u pIuLIorm LIrougI wIIcI LIey cun
geL LIeIr grIevunces redressed In u LImeIy und LrunspurenL
munner. L uIso serves us u meuns Lo meusure LIe eIIIcIency und
eIIecLIveness oI munIcIpuI bodIes us IL provIdes ImporLunL
Ieedbuck Lo LIe UBs on ILs workIng.

Project scope and methodology
TIIs sLudy envIsuges u crILIcuI ussessmenL oI LIe exIsLIng
consumer grIevunce redressuI sysLems In MunIcIpuI bodIes wILI
LIe objecLIve oI sLrengLIenIng LIe grIevunce redressuI sysLems In
Lwo seIecLed cILIes. TIe sLudy druws IeurnIngs Irom cILIes wIere
redressuI sysLem Ior MunIcIpuI servIces Ius been more eIIecLIve
und uIso druws besL prucLIces Irom LIe eIecLrIcILy secLor. TIe
sLudy uIso proposes u modeI Irumework Ior consumer grIevunce
redressuI ucross cILIes.
TIe dIugrum beIow descrIbes LIe sLepwIse upproucI udopLed Ior
LIe sLudy:

STEP 1: Literature review of
STEP 2: Review of practices
in Delhis electricity sector
STEP 3: City visits and
stakeholder discussions
STEP 5: Consultative
stakeholder workshop

STEP 6: City Specific
Recommendations and
Model Framework
STEP 4: Observations and
draft recommendations
2 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Literature review of grievance redressal systems in Municipal Corporations
TIe CGR sysLems oI MunIcIpuI bodIes In JumsIedpur, SuruL,
Hyderubud und In LIe cILIes oI KurnuLuku were sLudIed In deLuII
Lo undersLund LIe busIc sLrucLure oI u CGR sysLem. n uddILIon
Lo LIe UBs, LIe grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsm oI LIe
eIecLrIcILy secLor In DeIII wus uIso compreIensIveIy revIewed Lo
druw Iessons Irom LIe workIng oI CGR sysLems In LIuL secLor
und uIso Lo see II some uspecLs oI LIuL CGR sysLem couId be
repIIcuLed In LIe modeI Irumework Ior grIevunce redressuI.

L emerged Irom LIe nuLIonuI revIew LIuL LIe exIsLIng grIevunce
redressuI sysLems In MunIcIpuI CorporuLIons vury sIgnIIIcunLIy
ucross cILIes, dependIng upon LIe sIze oI cILy, nuLure oI servIces
provIded und LIe resources uvuIIubIe wILI LIe UBs. WILI LIe
growIng use oI nIormuLIon und CommunIcuLIon TecInoIogy,
severuI munIcIpuI bodIes Iuve udopLed uuLomuLed CGR sysLems
wILI sopIIsLIcuLed reporLIng und monILorIng mecIunIsms buIIL
InLo LIeIr sysLems.
TIe common sLrucLure oI grIevunce redressuI sysLem LIuL Is
LypIcuIIy IoIIowed by u servIce provIder Is dIscussed beIow:
CILIzens cun regIsLer LIeIr compIuInLs eILIer LIrougI
LeIepIone or In puper Iorm wILI LIe HeIpIIne or LIey cun
regIsLer dIrecLIy LIrougI LIe MunIcIpuI body`s websILe.
Once LIe compIuInL geLs regIsLered wILI LIe HeIpIIne,
LIe cILIzens ure provIded wILI u UnIque TruckIng
Number. TIe HeIpIIne oIIIcIuIs muy upIoud LIe
compIuInL ImmedIuLeIy on LIe web uppIIcuLIon or do so
uL LIe end oI LIe duy.
OIIIcIuIs munnIng LIe IeIpIIne compIuInLs dIrecL LIese
compIuInLs Lo LIe upproprIuLe depurLmenL und LrunsIer
LIe compIuInLs eILIer dIrecLIy Lo LIe IIeId oIIIcers or Lo
LIe concerned depurLmenL Ieud or engIneer. TIe IIeId
oIIIcers or LIe depurLmenL Ieud muy receIve ImmedIuLe
InLImuLIon or LIey muy receIve LIem uL specIIIc LIme
sIoLs oI LIe duy.
TIe IIeId oIIIcer uILer redressIng LIe compIuInL, reporLs
buck LIe sLuLus dIrecLIy Lo LIe HeIpIIne sLuII or Lo IIs
TIe sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL Is LIen upduLed on LIe
TIe operuLIon und muInLenunce oI LIe IeIpIIne Is usuuIIy
ouLsourced Lo u LIIrd purLy, In some cuses Lo NGOs. TIrougIouL
LIe process, LIe sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL cun be monILored by LIe
compIuInunL. n some cuses, once LIe compIuInL Ius been
3 Executive Summary
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
redressed, LIe munIcIpuI body uIso seeks Ieedbuck Irom LIe
compIuInunL (LIrougI Ieedbuck Iorms, eLc.).

Review of existing CGRS in selected cities (Ahmedabad & Raipur)
TER Leum vIsILed AImedubud MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon (AMC)
und RuIpur MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon (RMC) Lo undersLund LIe
currenL mecIunIsm Ior compIuInL IundIIng und resoIuLIon In
LIe Lwo munIcIpuI corporuLIons. TIe exIsLIng sysLems In LIese
Lwo cILIes were crILIcuIIy evuIuuLed Lo IdenLIIy LIe prevuIIIng
boLLIenecks und LIus ureus oI ImprovemenL.

Ahmedubud Monicipul Corporution provIdes severuI
uvenues Lo ILs cILIzens Ior ruIsIng LIeIr concerns und IodgIng
LIeIr compIuInLs uguInsL AMC`s servIces. AMC provIdes un
onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon sysLem Lo ILs cILIzens, wIIcI Is
currenLIy noL beIng wIdeIy used In LIe cILy. TIe onIIne sysLem
uuLomuLIcuIIy Iorwurds LIe compIuInL Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuI
und generuLes un ucknowIedgemenL receIpL Ior LIe compIuInunL
provIdIng IIm LIe deLuIIs sucI us compIuInL regIsLruLIon
number, regIsLruLIon duLe, desIgnuLIon oI LIe concerned oIIIcIuI

BesIdes un onIIne mecIunIsm, u munuuI mecIunIsm Is In pIuce
wIIcI Is beIng unIIormIy IoIIowed In uII LIe wurd oIIIces. TIe
munuuI mecIunIsm Is supporLed by wurd-wIse IeIpIIne number
LIuL Ius been pubIIcIzed umongsL LIe cILIzens LIrougI
newspupers, bIIIs eLc. TIIs munuuI sysLem Is used Lo regIsLer
compIuInLs LIuL ure receIved over LIe pIone und LIose LIuL ure
Iodged by LIe cILIzens by personuIIy vIsILIng LIe wurd oIIIce.
TIere Is u munuuI recordIng oI compIuInLs In u regIsLer by u
compIuInL supervIsor uL eucI wurd. TIIs sysLem Is currenLIy
beIng used In combInuLIon wILI LIe onIIne sysLem Ior beLLer
monILorIng by LIe oIIIcIuI uL LIe IIgIer IIerurcIy oI LIe
orgunIsuLIon. However, sucI munuuI-cum-onIIne mecIunIsm
InvoIvIng recordIng oI compIuInL deLuIIs In u regIsLer us weII In
LIe onIIne sysLem by LIe compIuInL supervIsor, Ieuds Lo
unnecessury dupIIcuLIon oI work und IneIIIcIenL uLIIIzuLIon oI
LIe supervIsor`s LIme.

A new IucIIILy cuIIed us '1cnsutidhc` wus uIso IuuncIed by AMC
us u pIIoL In Lwo zones In zoo8. L Is un uuLomuLed compIuInL
IundIIng sysLem supporLed by soILwure deveIoped und beIng
muInLuIned by un T vendor. TIIs servIce provIdes u cenLruIIzed
IeIpIIne number Ior eucI oI LIese Lwo zones unIIke LIe IeIpIIne
number Ior eucI wurd In LIe munuuI mecIunIsm. As soon us
compIuInL Is regIsLered, LIe sysLem sends one SMS Lo LIe
consumer us un ucknowIedgemenL receIpL und unoLIer SMS
4 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
InLImuLIng LIe concerned wurd oIIIcer ubouL LIe compIuInL. TIe
sysLem Ius pre-deIIned IIsL oI ServIce IeveI AgreemenLs (SAs)
wIIcI ure mupped wILI uII LIe sub-cuLegorIes oI consumer
compIuInLs. TIe concerned oIIIcIuI cun vIew uII LIe compIuInLs
uIIocuLed Lo IIm und cun upduLe ILs sLuLus. Once, u compIuInL Is
cIosed by LIe concerned wurd oIIIcer, LIe sysLem send u SMS Lo
LIe compIuInunL conIIrmIng LIe cIosure oI LIe compIuInL. AII LIe
deLuIIs oI LIe regIsLered compIuInLs ure uuLomuLIcuIIy recorded
by LIe sysLem IncIudIng SA, cuII sLuLus, cIosure duLe und LIme,
remurks by LIe wurd oIIIcer eLc. SucI reporLIng IeIps In
monILorIng by LIe IIgIer uuLIorILIes. TIe sysLem uIso sends
duIIy SMS Lo zonuI Ieuds und depuLy munIcIpuI commIssIoner
ubouL LIe number oI compIuInLs regIsLered, pendIng und
resoIved Ior eucI oI LIe depurLmenLs. urLIer, sysLem generuLes
perIodIc dusIbourds, cIurLs und perIormunce unuIysIs Ior beLLer
monILorIng purposes.

AMC Is pIunnIng Lo exLend JunsuvIdIu Lo LIe remuInIng Iour
zones us weII. However, AMC Is noL pIunnIng Lo compIeLeIy do
uwuy wILI LIeIr munuuI mecIunIsm us LIe munuuI sysLem Is sLIII
more popuIur umong LIe cILIzens In AImedubud. PeopIe sLIII
vIsIL LIe wurd oIIIce wIere JunsuvIdIu Ius uIreudy been
IuuncIed. JunsuvIdIu soILwure wus uIso used us u pIIoL In zooq
Ior monsoon compIuInLs In uII LIe zones wILI u cenLruIIzed LoII-
Iree number In AImedubud.

A key druwbuck oI LIe AMC`s CGRS Is LIuL LIere Is no
mecIunIsm Lo seek cusLomer Ieedbuck once LIe compIuInL Is
resoIved. Moreover, LIe exIsLence oI LIe muILIpIe uvenues Ior
IodgIng compIuInLs wILIouL uny InLegruLIon mukes LIe sysLem
Loo compIIcuLed Ior monILorIng und reporLIng. urLIer, perIodIc
meeLIngs ure noL IeId by LIe IIgIer uuLIorILIes Ior dIscussIons
on LIe vurIous uspecLs oI LIe compIuInL IundIIng mecIunIsms
und Ior seekIng commenLs und suggesLIons Irom LIe oIIIcIuIs so
us Lo muke LIe sysLem beLLer.

UnIIke AMC, Ruipor Monicipul Corporution {RMC) does
noL Iuve u sLrucLured compIuInL IundIIng mecIunIsm. RMC
provIdes sIngIe wIndows ('Elcl Khidli Prcncli') In uII LIe 8
zones wIere compIuInLs ure recorded In wrILLen In u regIsLer.
TIere Is no dedIcuLed IeIpIIne numbers und LIe cILIzens Iuve Lo
personuIIy vIsIL LIe zonuI oIIIce Lo Iodge LIeIr compIuInL uL LIe
sIngIe wIndow. L wus observed LIuL cILIzens preIer Lo ruIse LIeIr
concerns by mukIng cuIIs Lo LIe oIIIcIuIs on LIeIr personuI
conLucL numbers und Ience sucI compIuInLs ure noL recorded.
TIe mecIunIsm oI recordIng LIe compIuInLs, IorwurdIng LIem
Lo LIe concerned depurLmenLs, reporLIng eLc In LIe sIngIe
wIndow sysLem oI RMC Is noL unIIorm ucross uII LIe zones.
5 Executive Summary
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
A key obsLucIe Lo u more sLrucLured und orgunIsed compIuInL
IundIIng process Is LIe Iuck oI skIIIed und unskIIIed personneI In
RMC. Moreover, LIere Is no cusLomer Ieedbuck mecIunIsm
uImed uL ImprovIng LIe servIces. L wus uIso observed LIuL
cILIzens ure more comIorLubIe In regIsLerIng LIeIr compIuInLs
LIrougI wurd councIIIors ruLIer LIun LIrougI sIngIe wIndow
sysLem. TIe monILorIng sysLem Is noL IormuI und munduLory.
MeeLIngs ure noL IeId reguIurIy wILIIn LIe munIcIpuI
corporuLIon Lo revIew LIe eIIIcucy oI LIe redressuI sysLem und
IdenLIIy ureus oI ImprovemenL.
RMC Is pIunnIng Lo InLroduce un uuLomuLed grIevunce redressuI
sysLem soon und Ius InILIuLed dIscussIons wILI CenLre Ior Good
Governunce Ior sucI un uppIIcuLIon. L Is expecLed Lo become
operuLIonuI In zo1o.

Drawing lessons for CGRS in Other Cities
n order Lo druw IeurnIngs Irom oLIer cILIes, TER Leum vIsILed
BenguIuru und Mysore. TIe Leum uIso vIsILed urIdubud wILI
LIe InLenL Lo undersLund LIe InIrusLrucLure, munpower und
oLIer InsLILuLIonuI cIuIIenges Iuced by reIuLIveIy smuIIer cILIes.
As In LIe cuse oI RuIpur, Monicipul Corporution oI
Iuridubud {MCI), does noL Iuve u dedIcuLed IeIpIIne
numbers Ior compIuInL regIsLruLIon. TIe cILIzens dIrecLIy muke
cuIIs Lo JunIor EngIneer, ExecuLIve EngIneer und AssIsLunL
EngIneer on LIeIr personuI conLucL numbers. BesIdes LIIs,
cILIzens cun uIso vIsIL LIe wurd oIIIces wIere LIey cun Iodge LIeIr
compIuInLs. TIe compIuInLs ure recorded In wrILLen In regIsLers
muInLuIned by peons und Iower IeveI sLuII member oI MC.
An onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon Ius uIso been IuuncIed In
zooq. However, IL Is noL weII receIved und uLIIIzed by LIe
oIIIcIuIs uL MC due Lo Iuck oI LruInIng us weII us u generuI
unwIIIIngness Lo udupL Lo u new sysLem oI work. TIere Is no
cILIzen cIurLer oI MC. AII emergency compIuInLs ure supposed
Lo be resoIved wILIIn duys wILIouL uny specIIIc ruLIonuIe.

n BenguIuru, Brohut Bengoluro Muhunuguru Pulike Ius
InLroduced zqx; IeIpIIne number (cenLruIIzed cuII cenLre) Ior
grIevunce regIsLruLIon. n uddILIon Lo LIIs, LIe cILIzens cun
uccess u runge oI oLIer opLIons Lo regIsLer LIeIr grIevunces sucI
us SMS, posL, onIIne regIsLruLIon eLc. ApurL Irom LIe cenLruIIzed
cuII cenLre cILIzens cun uIso cuII up LIe zonuI oIIIces Lo regIsLer
LIeIr compIuInLs. TIe compIuInL munugemenL sysLem In
BenguIuru Is sLrucLured und robusL wILI powerIuI buIIL In
reporLIng und monILorIng LooIs. I u compIuInL Is regIsLered uL
LIe cuII cenLre, LIe cuII Is recorded und LIen IL Is Iorwurded Lo
LIe concerned oIIIcIuI LIrougI wIreIess seLs. AILer LIe compIuInL
6 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Is resoIved, LIe oIIIcIuI reporLs buck Lo LIe cuII cenLre upduLIng
LIe sLuLus us 'compIuInL resoIved`. TIe cuII cenLre LIen cuIIs LIe
uggrIeved cILIzen Lo verIIy LIe sLuLus und Lukes LIeIr Ieedbuck. n
cuses LIe concerned oIIIcIuI Is noL LukIng uny ucLIon, LIe
compIuInL geLs escuIuLed Lo LIe nexL IeveI oIIIcer, wIIcI brIngs
In uccounLubIIILy InLo LIe sysLem. BBMP uIso scuns LIe IeudIng
newspupers Ior compIuInLs und LrIes Lo uddress LIem.
Mysore City Corporution Ius udopLed LIe PGR (PubIIc
GrIevunces RedressuI) moduIe, wIIcI Ius uIso been
ImpIemenLed In 6 oLIer cILIes In KurnuLuku. CILIzens cun Iodge
LIeIr compIuInLs LIrougI pIone, InLerneL, puper uppIIcuLIons or
SMS. CompIuInLs ure gruded InLo Lwo cuLegorIes: A und B.
CompIuInLs under cuLegory A ure consIdered Lo be emergency
compIuInLs und LIey Iuve Lo be redressed wILIIn zq Iours, wIIIe
compIuInLs under B cuLegory ure consIdered urgenL Iuve Lo be
redressed wILIIn ; duys.
MCC Ius recenLIy InLroduced u SMS InLegruLed sysLem. TIIs
sysLem Ius been In operuLIon sInce AugusL zoo8. TIrougI LIIs
sysLem, u cILIzen cun regIsLer IIs grIevunce by sendIng u LexL
messuge Lo MCC In u prescrIbed IormuL. TIe sysLem uccepLs LIe
messuge II IL Is In LIe rIgIL IormuL und generuLes u dockeL
number. L IurLIer Iorwurds IL Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuI Ior
ucLIon. As soon us LIe sysLem uccepLs LIe SMS un
ucknowIedgemenL Is senL Lo LIe cILIzen. n LIose cuses, wIere
SMS Is noL In LIe rIgIL IormuL, LIe sume Is communIcuLed Lo LIe
cILIzen. AILer LIe concerned oIIIcIuI uLLends LIe compIuInL, Ie
opens LIe orIgInuI messuge und Lypes S, wIIcI Is u repIy Lo
orIgInuI messuge sLuLIng LIuL LIe compIuInL Ius been uLLended.

Bused on LIe compreIensIve revIew oI LIe exIsLIng CGRS oI
AImedubud und RuIpur und TER`s observuLIons, TER
provIdes u Iew recommenduLIons Ior u beLLer und eIIecLIve
compIuInL IundIIng mecIunIsm In LIe Lwo munIcIpuI
corporuLIons. TIe key recommenduLIons Ior LIe Lwo cILIes Iuve
been IIsLed In LIe box 1 und box z.
7 Executive Summary
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Box 1.1: Key recommendations for Ahmedabad

Source: TERI
Box 1.2: Key recommendations for Raipur

Source: TERI

A dedIcuLed IeIpIIne number sIouId be InLroduced Ior u more sLrucLured process
TImIngs oI LIe sIngIe wIndow counLers sIouId be exLended Lo IucIIILuLe compIuInL
Awureness sIouId be creuLed umong LIe musses ubouL LIe sIngIe wIndow sysLem oI
RMC. ew cILIzens use LIIs IucIIILy uL presenL.
An onIIne sysLem sIouId be operuLIonuIIzed uL LIe eurIIesL
MonILorIng oI compIuInLs on u reguIur busIs sIouId be sLrIcLIy enIorced.
CusLomer Ieedbuck mecIunIsm sIouId be IncorporuLed
A pubIIc dIscIosure oI compIuInL sLuLIsLIcs und reIuLed InIormuLIon sIouId be mude In
LIe AnnuuI ReporL oI RMC.
TruInIng und cupucILy buIIdIng Ior RMC oIIIcIuIs on eIIecLIve compIuInL redressuI
sIouId be InLroduced
A IormuI und unIIorm mecIunIsm Ior reporLIng und duLu munugemenL Ior uII LIe
regIsLered compIuInLs sIouId be InILIuLed
TIe cILIzen cIurLer sIouId be revIsed und mude more compreIensIve
To buIId uccounLubIIILy InLo LIe sysLem, u perIormunce uppruIsuI sysLem couId be puL
In pIuce wIIcI wouId consIder LIe perIormunce oI LIe oIIIcIuIs wILI respecL Lo
compIuInL IundIIng
CusLomer Ieedbuck mecIunIsm sIouId be IncorporuLed InLo LIe redressuI sysLem. L Is
necessury Lo evuIuuLe LIe eIIIcucy oI LIe sysLem und IdenLIIy ureus oI ImprovemenL.
TIe uuLomuLIc escuIuLIon process In cuse oI non-compIIunce wILI LIe LImeIInes sIouId be
mude operuLIonuI In order Lo Improve uccounLubIIILy umongsL LIe oIIIcIuIs.
TruInIng sIouId be gIven Lo LIe oIIIcIuIs Lo enubIe LIem Lo use LIe T-enubIed consumer
redressuI sysLem eIIecLIveIy.
SInce T enubIed consumer redressuI sysLems Is uL ILs nuscenL sLuge, perIodIc ussessmenL
oI LIe processes sIouId be mude Lo IdenLIIy LIe key Issues beIng Iuced by LIe oIIIcIuIs In
mukIng use oI LIe new sysLems und procedures so LIuL uccordIngIy cIunges cun be mude
Lo ensure user IrIendIy sysLems.
n LIe presence oI muILIpIe sysLems Ior compIuInL regIsLruLIon und LIeIr resoIuLIon, IL Is
necessury Lo InLegruLe uII LIe sysLems Ior unIIorm reporLIng essenLIuI Ior eIIecLIve
An exposL evuIuuLIon oI jcnsutidhc sIouId be mude beIore IL Is exLended Lo LIe enLIre
AMC ureu.
TIe perIormunce uppruIsuI oI LIe empIoyees sIouId be IInked Lo LIeIr eIIIcIency In
IundIIng consumer compIuInLs.
TIere sIouId be munduLory meeLIngs uL reguIur InLervuI Lo ussess LIe eIIIcucy oI LIe
8 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Model Framework
Bused on sLukeIoIders` consuILuLIon, compreIensIve
undersLundIng oI sysLems In CGRS sysLems In AImedubud,
RuIpur, BunguIuru, Mysore und urIdubud, und IILeruLure revIew
oI LIe exIsLIng mecIunIsms In vurIous cILIes, TER Ius
deveIoped u modeI Irumework Ior un T-enubIed CGRS Ior
munIcIpuI corporuLIons. TIe modeI Irumework Ius IncorporuLed
LIe Iessons druwn Irom good prucLIces IoIIowed by cILIes und
Ius uIso uddressed LIe sLrucLuruI Issues In LIe exIsLIng sysLems.

TIe busIc componenLs oI u modeI Irumework ure - Avenues Ior
IodgIng compIuInLs, compIuInL regIsLruLIon process, compIuInL
recordIng, compIuInL resoIuLIon, monILorIng, reporLIng und
Ieedbuck. TER`s modeI Irumework Ius IdenLIIIed LIree uvenues
Ior LIeIr grIevunce regIsLruLIon; numeIy, (1) PIone, (z) WuIk-In
und () OnIIne. TIe number oI LoucI poInLs sIouId be decIded
keepIng In vIew LIe socIo-economIc proIIIe oI LIe cILIzens und
LIeIr preIerences Ior vurIous opLIons. TIere Is u need Lo
esLubIIsI cenLruIIzed cuII cenLre Ior mukIng IL convenIenL Ior LIe
cILIzens Lo regIsLer LIeIr grIevunces over LIe pIone. urLIer,
eucI wurd oIIIce sIouId Iuve u compIuInL desk Lo IucIIILuLe LIe
cILIzens wIo ure personuIIy vIsILIng LIe wurd oIIIces Lo Iodge
LIeIr compIuInLs.
TIe modeI Irumework LIuL Ius been deveIoped by TER wouId
be unIIorm ucross LIese LIree uvenues. Under eucI uvenue, LIe
process oI compIuInL redressuI Ius been dIvIded InLo LIree
broud sLeps:
1. CompIuInL regIsLruLIon und recordIng
z. CompIuInL resoIuLIon und cusLomer Ieedbuck
. MonILorIng, ReporLIng und compIuInL AnuIysIs

Complaint registration and recording
TIIs Is LIe Iirst interIuce between u citizen und the
Monicipul Corporution wIereIn IeJsIe cun Iodge IIsJIer
compIuInL usIng uny oI LIe uIore-menLIoned uvenues Ior
compIuInL regIsLruLIon. TIe ImporLunL deLuIIs oI LIe compIuInL
sIouId be recorded In LIe sysLem. TIe compIuInunL`s deLuIIs
sIouId IncIude nume und uddress conLucL number, pIn-code,
wurd und LIe zone. TIe wurd und LIe zone cun be mupped Lo LIe
pIn-code us gIven by LIe cILIzen.

TIe compIuInL cuLegory und sub-cuLegory Ius Lo be submILLed
usIng u drop-down menu In LIe sysLem. TER proposes Lo mup
eucI oI LIe sub-cuLegorIes wILI LIe reIevunL oIIIcIuIs (Ior eucI
wurd und zone) In order Lo IucIIILuLe un uuLomuLIc uIIocuLIon oI
compIuInL Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuI us soon us LIe compIuInL Is
9 Executive Summary
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

Once LIe compIuInL Is regIsLered, sysLem generuLes:
UnIque compIuInL regIsLruLIon number
CompIuInL regIsLruLIon duLe und LIme
SLIpuIuLed resoIuLIon LIme
Nume oI LIe concerned oIIIcIuI

TERI proposes thct Municipcl Corporction should specij the
stipulcted time jor resolution jor ecch oj the sub-ccteor oj
the complcints bcsed on the citizen chcrter cnd its experience
oter time.

As soon us LIe compIuInL Is submILLed, sysLem generuLes un
ucknowIedgemenL receIpL Ior LIe compIuInunL menLIonIng uII
LIe ubove deLuIIs Ior IIsJIer IuLure reIerence.

or onIIne compIuInLs, compIuInunLs sIouId be gIven opLIon oI
LukIng u prInL ouL oI LIe ucknowIedgemenL sIIp. TIese deLuIIs
ure communIcuLed Lo LIe cILIzen over LIe pIone II LIe cILIzen
regIsLers IIs compIuInL uL LIe cuII cenLres wIIIe u Iurd copy oI
LIe receIpL Is Iunded over Lo LIe cILIzen II Ie personuIIy vIsILs
zonuIJwurd oIIIce Lo Iodge LIe compIuInL.

Complaint resolution and feedback
AILer LIe compIuInL Is uuLomuLIcuIIy uIIocuLed Lo LIe concerned
oIIIcIuI (mupped Lo concerned wurdJzone und LIe compIuInL
sub-cuLegory), LIe compIuInL deLuIIs sIouId be mude uvuIIubIe Lo
LIe oIIIcIuI. TER proposes Lwo mecIunIsms Ior LIIs purpose.

1. SMS InLegruLed sysLem: As soon us LIe compIuInL Is
submILLed, u sysLem generuLed SMS sIouId be senL Lo
LIe oIIIcIuIs gIvIng brIeI deLuIIs sucI us regIsLruLIon
number, compIuInunL`s nume, uddress und conLucL
numbers und LIe grIevunce cuLegoryJsub-cuLegory. TIIs
IeuLure Is essenLIuI Lo ensure LIuL oIIIcIuI Is InLImuLed
ubouL LIe compIuInL us soon us IL Is uIIoLLed Lo IIm Lo
uvoId uny deIuy In LIe resoIuLIon process on uccounL oI
Iuck oI InIormuLIon.

z. OnIIne sysLem: TER proposes LIuL eucI oIIIcIuI sIouId
Iuve unIque IogIn D und pussword wIIcI cun be used
Lo uccess LIe deLuIIs oI uII LIe compIuInLs uIIocuLed Lo
IIm, Lo seIecL un upproprIuLe IIeId person Lo resoIve LIe
probIem und Lo upduLe uny remurks on LIe compIuInL.

AL uny poInL oI LIme uILer LIe regIsLruLIon, u compIuInL sLuLus
cun be (1) cIosed or (z) In process or () pendIng.
10 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

1. PendIng compIuInLs: A pendIng compIuInL Is one wIIcI
cunnoL be recLIIIed In LIe sLIpuIuLed LIme us LIe
compIuInL muy requIre mujor repuIrs und LIereIore
upprovuI Ior uddILIonuI Iunds. Remurks Ior LIe reuson
wIy u compIuInL Is pendIng sIouId be upduLed by LIe
concerned oIIIcIuI In IIs sysLem und sIouId uIso be
communIcuLed Lo LIe compIuInunL.

z. 'n process` compIuInLs: I LIe compIuInL Is noL cIosed by
IIeId personneI us expIuIned ubove, LIe sysLem ILseII wIII
sIow ILs sLuLus us 'In process` In LIe cuII cenLre sysLem us
weII us In LIe concerned oIIIcIuI`s sysLem

. CIosed compIuInLs: TER proposes LIuL LIe oIIIcIuI
responsIbIe Ior u purLIcuIur compIuInL sIouId noL be
gIven LIe opLIon oI cIosIng LIe compIuInL Ior
Lrunspurency reusons. Once LIe compIuInL Is recLIIIed by
LIe IIeId person, Ie Ius Lo geL LIe sLuLus upduLed uL LIe
cuII cenLre wIere dedIcuLed execuLIve ure responsIbIe Ior
upduLIng LIe sLuLus us 'cIosed`. BeIore LIe compIuInL Is
cIosed, LIe execuLIve cuIIs LIe compIuInunL Lo seek IIs
Ieedbuck wIIcI Is upduLed In LIe sysLem. Once LIe
sysLem cIoses LIe compIuInL, IL Is upduLed In LIe
oIIIcIuI`s sysLem uuLomuLIcuIIy.

TIere sIouId be u IormuI mecIunIsm Lo seek cILIzen Ieedbuck
uILer LIe probIem Ius been resoIved. TIe Ieedbuck sIouId
record LIe cILIzen`s suLIsIucLIon wILI respecL Lo:

TIe quuIILy oI resoIuLIon oI grIevunce
TIme Luken Ior resoIuLIon
BeIuvIour oI LIe sLuII

CILIzen sIouId be ubIe Lo provIde IIs Ieedbuck eILIer over LIe
pIone or onIIne. TIe cILIzen sIouId Iowever be uIIowed Lo gIve
IIs Ieedbuck onIy LIrougI one oI LIe opLIons In order Lo uvoId
InconsIsLencIes In LIe Ieedbuck.

TERI clso proposes to conduct reulcr third pcrt customer
sctisjcction surtes jor cn unbicsed cnd jcir cssessment oj the
ejjiccc oj the CGRS.

Monitoring, Reporting and complaint Analysis
TER recommends LIIs componenL oI LIe CGRS us mosL
ImperuLIve Ior brIngIng uccounLubIIILy umongsL LIe empIoyees
11 Executive Summary
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
und uIso Lo ussess LIe perIormunce oI munIcIpuI corporuLIon In
deIIverIng ILs servIces Lo LIe suLIsIucLIon oI LIe consumers und
LIus Lo IdenLIIy LIe ureus oI ImprovemenL.

MonILorIng: TIere Is un In-buIIL monILorIng Ior 'In
process` compIuInLs by wuy oI perIodIc commenLsJ
remurks mude by LIe concerned oIIIcIuI. TIey ure
uuLomuLIcuIIy upduLed In LIe cuII cenLre sysLem so LIuL u
compIuInunL cun be upduLed ubouL LIe resoIuLIon sLuge
oI IIs compIuInL (In cuse Ie cuIIs up LIe cuII cenLre Lo
know ILs sLuLus).
o I LIe compIuInL Is noL redressed wILIIn LIe
sLIpuIuLed LIme, IL wIII geL uuLomuLIcuIIy
escuIuLed Lo LIe IIgIer IeveI oIIIcIuI.
o As soon us sLIpuIuLed LIme Is over, LIe cuII cenLre
execuLIve cuIIs up LIe compIuInunL Lo
ucknowIedge LIe deIuy, expIuIn LIe reuson Ior
LIe deIuy (II possIbIe), upprIse on LIe
sLuLusJsLuge oI resoIuLIon und LIe LIme In wIIcI
LIe probIem wouId be resoIved.

ReporLIng: TIe sysLem sIouId generuLe perIodIc reporLs
on number oI compIuInLs regIsLered In u purLIcuIur LIme
perIod, depurLmenL wIse compIuInLs, zoneJwurd wIse
compIuInLs, compIuInLs uIIocuLed Lo vurIous oIIIcIuIs,
compIuInLs resoIved In sLIpuIuLed LIme perIod,
unresoIved und pendIng compIuInLs so on und so IorLI.
TIese reporLs sIouId be presenLed In pIe cIurLs,
dusIbourds, grupIs eLc Ior compreIensIve perIormunce

CompIuInL AnuIysIs: Bused on LIe sysLem generuLed
reporLs, perIodIc unuIysIs oI sucI InIormuLIon und duLu
sIouId be InsLILuLIonuIIzed Lo IdenLIIy LIe uspecLs sucI
us recurrIng compIuInL In u purLIcuIur zoneJwurd, uny
sIgnIIIcunL sIIIL In LIe number und cuLegory oI
compIuInLs In u purLIcuIur zoneJwurd, uny specIIIc
depurLmenL LIuL receIved muxImum compIuInLs In u
gIven perIod oI LIme eLc.

Strengthening the IT Enabled Grievance Redressal System
TER IurLIer recommends cerLuIn governunce und
InIrusLrucLure sLrengLIenIng meusures LIuL ure necessury Lo
muke LIe proposed modeI Irumework eIIecLIve:

Truining und skill enhuncement oI
Ionctionuries: TIe IuncLIonurIes oI LIe munIcIpuI
corporuLIons sIouId be ImpurLed T LruInIng Ior
12 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
operuLIng LIe CGR sysLem. TruInIng sIouId be uIso
orgunIzed on soIL skIIIs Lo enubIe LIe sLuII Lo IundIe
compIuInLs poIILeIy und eIIecLIveIy. TruInIng In LIe use
oI T Is noL onIy essenLIuI uL LIe IeveI oI LIe sLuII buL uIso
uL LIe munugerIuI IeveI.

Citizen-Iriendly systems: TIe soILwure deveIoped Ior
redressuI sIouId be sImpIe und user IrIendIy. TIIs wIII
ensure LIuL LIe cIerIcuI sLuII Is ubIe Lo work on IL wILI un
eIemenLury undersLundIng oI T. SImpIe Lo use sysLem
wIII ensure more uccepLubIIILy by consumers. TurgeLed
eIIorLs musL be mude Lo creuLe uwureness umong LIe
musses ubouL LIe CGR sysLem.

Robost buckend processes: A good grIevunce
redressuI sysLem sIouId be supporLed by robusL buckend
processes, InIrusLrucLure und upproprIuLe LecInoIogIes
Lo supporL servIce requIremenLs sucI us zq-Iour uccess

Boilding uccoontubility umongst oIIiciuls: SenIor
oIIIcIuIs need Lo proucLIveIy monILor LIe perIormunce oI
LIe sLuII In redressuI. TIey need Lo IoId perIodIc
meeLIngs und keep cIeck on LIe Iower IeveI sLuII. AnnuuI
perIormunce uppruIsuI sIouId uIso evuIuuLe LIe
perIormunce oI sLuII In eIIecLIve redressuI oI compIuInLs.

Boilding competitive pressore: SLuLes cun consIder
ruLIng MunIcIpuI bodIes on LIeIr perIormunce In
grIevunce redressuI. TIe MoUD Ius Issued servIce IeveI
bencImurks Ior grIevunce redressuI under LIe E-
governunce moduIe LIuL cun be used Ior LIe ruLIng
exercIse. GovernmenL IundIng cun uIso be IInked Lo LIe
perIormunce oI MunIcIpuI corporuLIons In redressuI oI
consumer Issues.

Legul recognition oI Monicipul's role in
consomer grievunce redressul: MunIcIpuI AcLs
sIouId be umended In order Lo recognIze Consumer
GrIevunce RedressuI (wILI respecL Lo MunIcIpuI
servIces) us u core IuncLIon oI LIe MunIcIpuI
CorporuLIon. ServIce sLundurds sIouId be prescrIbed
und mude IeguIIy bIndIng on LIe MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon.
Ike LIe eIecLrIcILy secLor, provIsIons sIouId be mude Ior
compensuLIon Ior non- resoIuLIon oI compIuInLs beyond
sLIpuIuLed LIme.

13 Executive Summary
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Poblic disclosore: TIe duLuJInIormuLIon on
consumer compIuInLs receIved by LIe munIcIpuI
corporuLIon In LIe yeur sIouId be uvuIIubIe Ior pubIIc

Independent Iorom Ior Appeul: L Is recommended
LIuL un ombudsmun, on IInes oI LIe ombudsmun In
KeruIu (KeruIu Ombudsmun Ior ocuI SeII GovernmenL
nsLILuLIons) sIouId be seL up uL LIe cILy IeveI wIIcI
Lukes up uppeuIs reIuLIng Lo MunIcIpuI servIces.

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

TIe Energy und Resources nsLILuLe (TER) Ius been uwurded u
sLudy by LIe MInIsLry oI Urbun DeveIopmenL (MoUD) under LIe
MInIsLry`s CenLre oI ExceIIence (COE) InILIuLIve Lo
Recommend un IIIective Irumework Ior Consomer
Grievunce Redressul Ior Monicipul Services. TIIs sLudy
envIsuges u crILIcuI ussessmenL oI LIe exIsLIng consumer
grIevunce redressuI sysLems In MunIcIpuI bodIes und In
eIecLrIcILy secLor wILI LIe objecLIve oI sLrengLIenIng LIe
grIevunce redressuI sysLems In Lwo seIecLed cILIes. TIe sLudy
uIso proposes u modeI Irumework Ior consumer grIevunce
redressuI ucross cILIes.

TIe reporL Is sLrucLured InLo IIve cIupLers. CIupLer 1 brIeIIy
summurIses LIe need Ior consumer grIevunce redressuI sysLem
Ior munIcIpuI servIces und LIe on-goIng e-governunce
InILIuLIves, wIIcI encompuss sucI u sysLem. CIupLer z Is u
documenLuLIon oI LIe grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsms oI
munIcIpuI corporuLIons In severuI cILIes In ndIu. CIupLer
presenLs LIe grIevunce redressuI Irumework In eIecLrIcILy secLor
In DeIII. CIupLer q dIscusses TER`s observuLIons on Consumer
GrIevunce RedressuI SysLem (CGRS) bused on ILs IIeId vIsILs Lo
AImedubud, RuIpur, urIdubud, BenguIuru und Mysore. L
crILIcuIIy ussesses LIe grIevunce redressuI sysLems In LIe
MunIcIpuI CorporuLIons oI LIese cILIes und proposes u seL oI
recommenduLIons Ior AImedubud und RuIpur Lo Improve LIeIr
redressuI sysLems. InuIIy, cIupLer Iuys down u modeI T-
enubIed Irumework Ior grIevunce redressuI sysLem Ior munIcIpuI
corporuLIons. L uIso recommends cerLuIn governunce
sLrengLIenIng meusures, wIIcI ure u pre-requIsILe Ior mukIng
LIe T enubIed e-governunce seL up eIIecLIve.
Consumer Grievance Redressal System: An Overview
Urbun governunce und munugemenL In ndIu Is predomInunLIy
LIe consLILuLIonuI domuIn oI LIe sLuLe governmenL wIIcI
deIeguLe LIese IuncLIons Lo Urbun ocuI BodIes LIrougI specIIIc
IegIsIuLIons. Urbun IocuI bodIes (UBs) ure IocuI seII governIng
InsLILuLIons und consLILuLe LIIrd LIer oI governunce sysLems In
ndIu und uLLend Lo LIe duy- Lo- duy needs oI u communILy sucI
us rouds, sLreeL IIgILIng, wuLer suppIy und sunILuLIon, soIId
wusLe munugemenL, prImury educuLIon, purks, pubIIc IeuILI,
und so on. Urbun popuIuLIon oI ndIu Is vusL und growIng on
uccounL oI economIc und socIuI deveIopmenL In ndIu. TIe
mussIve growLI In urbun popuIuLIon Ius creuLed un urgenL need
16 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Ior sLrengLIenIng urbun IocuI bodIes LIuL cun deIIver udequuLe
servIces und Improve IIvIng condILIons oI cILIzens.
GovernmenL oI ndIu (Go) Ius recognIzed LIe ImporLunce oI
urbun InIrusLrucLure deveIopmenL Ior LIe overuII progress oI
ndIun economy. L Ius IuuncIed LIe JuwuIurIuI NeIru NuLIonuI
Urbun RenewuI MIssIon (JNNURM) In December zoo In order
Lo provIde cenLruI ussIsLunce Lo IdenLIIIed UBs Ior urbun
InIrusLrucLure deveIopmenL IInked Lo vurIous sLuLe und
munIcIpuI IeveI reIorms LIuL ure necessury Lo Improve urbun
governunce und LIe deIIvery und munugemenL oI urbun servIces.
mprovIng governunce und servIce deIIvery Is LIereIore un
ImporLunL componenL oI LIe reIorm ugendu IInked Lo LIe
MosL oI LIe cILIzens` InLerucLIon wILI LIe governmenL Iuppens
uL LIe munIcIpuI IeveI In ndIu und LIus LIese UBs ure requIred
Lo orIenL LIeIr ucLIvILIes Lowurds LIe suLIsIucLIon oI cILIzens In
LIe cILy so us Lo buIId conIIdence umong LIe cILIzens.
Consomer grievunce redressul Is un ImporLunL IuncLIon oI
un eIIIcIenL, responsIve und LrunspurenL munIcIpuI body. TIe
busIc purpose beIInd u grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsm Is Lo
provIde u pIuLIorm Lo LIe cILIzens Lo Iodge LIeIr compIuInLs
reIuLed Lo vurIous servIces LIey receIve Irom LIe munIcIpuI body,
voIce LIeIr opInIons und provIde Ieedbuck on vurIous servIces
rendered by UBs. L brIdges LIe communIcuLIon gup beLween
LIe munIcIpuI bodIes und LIe cILIzens und provIdes cILIzens u
pIuLIorm LIrougI wIIcI LIey cun geL LIeIr grIevunces redressed
In u LImeIy und LrunspurenL munner. L uIso serves us u meuns Lo
meusure LIe eIIIcIency und eIIecLIveness oI munIcIpuI bodIes us
IL provIdes ImporLunL Ieedbuck Lo LIe UBs on LIe workIng oI
LIe udmInIsLruLIon.
TIus Consumer GrIevunce RedressuI process ussIsLs LIe
munIcIpuI bodIes In ImprovIng LIeIr servIces In LIe IoIIowIng
Citizens Monicipul Bodies: - Consumers JCILIzens
voIce LIeIr grIevunces und LIus provIde vuIuubIe
Ieedbuck Lo munIcIpuI bodIes regurdIng LIe quuIILy oI
servIces deIIvered.
Monicipul bodies Citizens: - BesIdes uddressIng
LIe compIuInL, LIe Ieedbuck gIven by LIe
consumerJcILIzens IeIps LIe munIcIpuI bodIes Lo unuIyze
LIe quuIILy oI LIeIr servIces und become uwure oI (und
evenLuuIIy recLIIy) uny deIIcIency (sLrucLuruI or
oLIerwIse) InIerenL In LIeIr servIces. TIIs IeIps In
ImprovIng LIe eIIIcIency, uccounLubIIILy, responsIveness
17 Introduction
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
und Lrunspurency oI LIe munIcIpuI bodIes. AII LIIs
uILImuLeIy Ieuds Lo Improved servIce quuIILy.
TIe IIgure beIow presenLs LIe key beneIILs oI u grIevunce redressuI
sysLem oI u munIcIpuI body:

Figure 1.1 Benefits of a Consumer Grievance Redressal System

TIere ure severuI uvenues uvuIIubIe Lo LIe cILIzens Ior grIevunce
redressuI (WSP, zoo8). Some ure InILIuLed by LIe UBS und
ImpIemenLed by LIem wIIIe LIere oLIer cIunneIs uIso uvuIIubIe
Lo LIe consumers. TIe dIsLIncLIon IIes In LIe IucL LIuL InILIuLIves
by UBs ure prImurIIy IormuI wIIIe oLIers sucI us LIose
InILIuLed by consumers und drIven by oLIer purLIes ure InIormuI
cIunneIs. or InsLunce, cILIzens someLImes resorL Lo InIormuI
cIunneIs wIen LIey IIgIIIgIL LIeIr grIevunces wILI respecL Lo
munIcIpuI servIces In newspupers or resorL Lo demonsLruLIons
Ied by NGOs eLc.

DurIng sLukeIoIder dIscussIon, u concern wus ruIsed regurdIng
LIe provIsIon Ior un uppeuI process wIere u cILIzen cun uppeuI
uguInsL LIe ucLIonJresponse oI LIe corporuLIon on IIs grIevunce
In cuse IeJsIe Is noL suLIsIIed wILI LIe ucLIon. However, us per
LIe munIcIpuI bodIes, sucI kInd oI u Iorum Is noL requIred us
corporuLIons Iuve eIecLed represenLuLIves Irom cILIzens wIo cun
LIemseIves proucLIveIy uddress sucI concerns.

n LIIs reporL, we Iocus onIy on LIe IormuI grIevunce redressuI
mecIunIsms LIuL ure InLernuI Lo LIe munIcIpuI bodIes.
E-governance and CGRS
TIe use oI nIormuLIon und CommunIcuLIon TecInoIogy (CT)
Is becomIng IncreusIngIy popuIur In buIIdIng LIe sysLems Ior
InLerucLIon beLween cILIzensJ consumers und servIce provIders
ucross uII LIe secLors In ndIu. DurIng LIe IusL Iew yeurs In ndIu,

System in Urban
local bodies
Building confidence among the citizens and
encouraging public participation

Direct feedback from consumers on the
working of the ULB
Identification of recurring systemic problems
enabling effective resolution of complaints

Building accountability and ensuring
transparency in an organization

18 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
LIere Iuve been mujor InILIuLIves by LIe governmenL Lowurds
usIerIng In InIormuLIon LecInoIogy und ILs LooIs In LIe
IuncLIonIng oI GovernmenL.
n zoo6, LIe NuLIonuI e-governunce PIun (NeGP) wus InILIuLed
by LIe GovernmenL oI ndIu Lo:
Muke uII LIe governmenL servIces uccessIbIe Lo LIe
common mun In IIs IocuIILy, LIrougI common servIces
deIIvery ouLIeLs und
Ensure eIIIcIency, Lrunspurency und reIIubIIILy oI sucI
servIces uL uIIordubIe cosLs Lo reuIIze LIe busIc needs oI
LIe common mun.
SInce LIe IocuI governmenLs ure LIe IIrsL InLerIuce beLween
cILIzens und governmenL, LIe ImporLunce oI e-governunce In
UBs Ius been recognIzed by Go.
E-governunce In munIcIpuIILIes Is one oI LIe vurIous MIssIon
Mode ProjecLs (MMPs) IdenLIIIed under NeGP under LIe
MInIsLry oI Urbun DeveIopmenL (MoUD) us purL oI JNNURM.
TIe objecLIve oI LIIs projecL Is Lo Ieveruge LIe CT opporLunILIes
Ior susLuIned ImprovemenL In eIIIcIency und eIIecLIveness oI
deIIvery oI munIcIpuI servIce Lo cILIzensTIe projecL busIcuIIy Is
expecLed Lo Iocus on cIeurIy IdenLIIIed IIsL oI servIces LIuL wIII be
covered wIIcI IncIudes compIuInLs IundIIng besIdes oLIer
IuncLIons und servIces oI munIcIpuI bodIes.
TIe use oI CT Ior CompIuInL IundIng und grIevunce redressuI
mecIunIsm uL UBs Is envIsuged Lo sLImuIuLe good governunce
und Improve Lrunspurency und uccounLubIIILy In LIe provIsIon oI
munIcIpuI servIces.
Under LIe munuuI sysLem oI grIevunce IundIIng process uL LIe
UB IeveI, cILIzens need Lo upproucI LIe munIcIpuI corporuLIon
oIIIce Lo regIsLer u compIuInL In u puper Iorm or over LIe pIone
und keep wuILIng Ior LIe redressuI In LIe ubsence oI uny
compIuInL LruckIng mecIunIsm. n LIIs sysLem even regIsLerIng
LIe compIuInL Is u LedIous und LIme-consumIng process.
However, growIng use oI CT uppIIcuLIon Ior grIevunce IundIIng
process by munIcIpuI bodIes Ius Increused LIe uccessIbIIILy Lo
deIIvery oI busIc servIces.
CT uppIIcuLIon In CGRS Is envIsuged Lo provIde u 'one sLop
wIndow` Lo regIsLer LIe compIuInLs, provIde u Ieedbuck Ior LIe
munIcIpuI servIces, gIve suggesLIons und ruIse grIevunces wILI
respecL Lo uny uspecL oI servIce deIIvery und provIde u pIuLIorm
Ior pubIIc purLIcIpuLIon In LIe overuII udmInIsLruLIon oI UBs.
urLIer, LIe MoUD Ius prescrIbed u seL oI bencImurks Ior e-
governunce In MunIcIpuIILIes, known us ServIce eveI
BencImurks (SBs). TIese bencImurks or Key PerIormunce
19 Introduction
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
ndIcuLors (KPs) Iuve been prepured wILI LIe objecLIve oI
ImpIemenLIng LIe nuLIonuI mIssIon mode projecL on e-
governunce In munIcIpuIILIes. KPs Iuve been prepured Ior eucI
oI LIe eIgIL busIc servIces IdenLIIIed Ior e-governunce, IncIudIng
grIevunce IundIIng.
or grIevunce IundIIng, LIe KPs Iuve been deveIoped Ior LIe
resoIuLIon oI compIuInLs, udIerence oI response LIme Ior
grIevunce resoIuLIon, uccessIbIIILy und uvuIIubIIILy oI IucIIILIes Ior
regIsLruLIon oI grIevunces, IeveI oI uwureness umong cILIzens eLc.
TIIs wouId IeIp LIe MunIcIpuI corporuLIons und councIIs Lo
evuIuuLe LIeIr perIormunce uguInsL LIe specIIIed bencImurks
und LIereby IdenLIIy ureus oI ImprovemenL.
TIe common sLrucLure oI grIevunce redressuI sysLem LIuL Is
LypIcuIIy IoIIowed by u servIce provIder Is dIscussed beIow:
CILIzens cun regIsLer LIeIr compIuInLs eILIer LIrougI
LeIepIone or In puper Iorm wILI LIe HeIpIIne or LIey cun
regIsLer dIrecLIy LIrougI LIe MunIcIpuI body`s websILe.
Once LIe compIuInL geLs regIsLered wILI LIe HeIpIIne,
LIe cILIzens ure provIded wILI u UnIque TruckIng
Number. TIe HeIpIIne oIIIcIuIs muy upIoud LIe
compIuInL ImmedIuLeIy on LIe web uppIIcuLIon or do so
uL LIe end oI LIe duy.
An oIIIcIuI munnIng LIe IeIpIIne dIrecLs LIese
compIuInLs Lo LIe upproprIuLe depurLmenL und LrunsIer
LIe compIuInLs eILIer dIrecLIy Lo LIe IIeId oIIIcers or Lo
LIe concerned depurLmenL Ieud or engIneer. TIe IIeId
oIIIcers or LIe depurLmenL Ieud muy receIve ImmedIuLe
InLImuLIon or LIey muy receIve LIem uL specIIIc LIme
sIoLs oI LIe duy.
TIe IIeId oIIIcer uILer redressIng LIe compIuInL, reporLs
buck LIe sLuLus dIrecLIy Lo LIe HeIpIIne sLuII or Lo IIs
TIe sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL Is LIen upduLed on LIe

TIe operuLIon und muInLenunce oI LIe IeIpIIne Is usuuIIy
ouLsourced Lo u LIIrd purLy, In some cuses Lo NGOs. TIrougIouL
LIe process, LIe sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL cun be monILored by LIe
compIuInunL. n some cuses, once LIe compIuInL Ius been
redressed, LIe munIcIpuI body uIso seeks Ieedbuck Irom LIe
compIuInunL (LIrougI Ieedbuck Iorms, eLc.).
TIe ubove sLrucLure cun be represenLed dIugrummuLIcuIIy us
20 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

Figure 1.2 CGRS: General Structure Flow

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
CHAPTER 2: Literature Review of Consumer Grievance
Redressal Facilities in cities
TIe UBs und IocuI governmenL In ndIu Iuve recognIzed LIe
ImporLunce oI Improved urbun servIce deIIvery Ior LIe
expundIng urbun popuIuLIon und ure LryIng Lo exumIne LIe
ImpedImenLs In eIIIcIenL servIce deIIvery und ure workIng
Lowurds ImprovemenL.
n LIe provIsIon oI urbun servIces, LIere Ius been u growIng
consensus LIuL cILIzens` InvoIvemenL und un ucLIve InLerucLIon
beLween munIcIpuI bodIes und LIe cILIzens cun pIuy un
ImporLunL roIe In brIngIng uccounLubIIILy, Lrunspurency und
ImprovIng servIce deIIvery oI UBs. To LIIs end, muny
munIcIpuI bodIes ucross ndIu Iuve InILIuLed reIorm processes Lo
Improve LIe consumer grIevunce redressuI sysLem, some oI
wIIcI ure quILe progressIve und ImpressIve. n order Lo Increuse
LIe uccessIbIIILy und LIe eIIIcucy oI LIe sysLem, InIormuLIon
LecInoIogy Is beIng used by severuI munIcIpuI bodIes; Iowever,
LIe IeuLures und LIe exLenL oI InILIuLIves dIIIer Irom cILy Lo cILy.
Some oI LIe cILIes In ndIu Iuve InLroduced e-governunce In LIe
process oI servIce deIIvery und especIuIIy In redressIng und
IundIIng LIe consumer grIevunces. or InsLunce, In KurnuLuku,
LIe governmenL Ius InLroduced LIe OnIIne PubIIc GrIevunce
RedressuI SysLem (PGR) In JuIy zoo, In ; Lowns ucross LIe
sLuLe Lo provIde LrunspurenL und eIIIcIenL pubIIc grIevunce
redressuI sysLem. TIIs sysLem enubIes LIe consumers Lo voIce
LIeIr grIevunces und Lruck LIe progress oI ILs redressuI In u
sLrucLured und eIIIcIenL munner. n order Lo keep u Lruck on LIe
recurrIng probIems Iuced by LIe cILIzens, compIuInLs ure
cuLegorIzed Lo undersLund wIuL kInd oI probIems ure Iuced by
LIe cILIzens mosL so LIuL upproprIuLe ucLIons cun be Luken Lo
Improve LIe sILuuLIon. SImIIur InILIuLIves Iuve been Luken In
AndIru PrudesI us weII.
TIe e-governunce moduIe oI AImedubud MunIcIpuI
CorporuLIon (AMC) In GujuruL Ius bugged LIe 'e-ndIu zooq'
uwurd In LIe munIcIpuI T secLor In zooq. An T enubIed
uuLomuLed sysLem Ius been IuuncIed Ior compIuInL regIsLruLIon,
uIIoLmenL oI compIuInLs Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuIs In
zonesJwurds, und IucIIILy Lo Lruck LIe sLuLus oI compIuInL uL uny
poInL oI LIme beIore LIe compIuInL Is cIosed, und un In-buIIL
reporLIng und monILorIng mecIunIsm.
TIe eIIIcucy oI LIe uuLomuLed sysLem dIIIers Irom cILy Lo cILy.
or InsLunce, uL AMC, LIougI un onIIne sysLem Lo regIsLer
compIuInLs Is In pIuce, IL wus Iound LIuL mosL oI LIe oIIIcIuIs sLIII
use u munuuI und convenLIonuI process oI compIuInL
22 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
regIsLruLIon. L muy be due Lo Iuck oI udequuLe LruInIng Lo LIe
oIIIcIuIs wIIcI Is ImperuLIve Lo IumIIIurIze LIem wILI LIe new
sysLem. KurnuLuku Ius ucknowIedged LIIs need und Ius
desIgnuLed z- soILwure engIneers Lo IundIe LIe sysLem uL eucI
oI PGR und Lo provIde LruInIng Lo LIe oIIIcIuIs Lo use IL
eIIecLIveIy Ior LIe prucLIcuI purposes.
TIere ure oLIer InnovuLIve sLeps Luken by severuI munIcIpuI
bodIes ucross ndIu Lo InsLILuLIonuIIze LIeIr grIevunce redressuI
process. or InsLunce, sysLemuLIc monILorIng mecIunIsm uL
JumsIedpur ULIIILIes und ServIces Compuny ImILed (JUSCO)
by mukIng rundom cuIIs Lo LIe compIuInunLs Lo IdenLIIy wIeLIer
LIey ure suLIsIIed wILI LIe ucLIon Luken, prIorILy-wIse
cIussIIIcuLIon oI compIuInLs uL SuruL MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon
(SMC), uuLomuLIc escuIuLIon Lo uuLIorILIes uL LIe IIgIer IeveI In
cuse oI non-resoIuLIon oI compIuInLs uL AndIru PrudesI SLuLe
HousIng CorporuLIon ImILed.
TIe InILIuLIves Luken by munIcIpuI bodIes vury Irom cILy Lo cILy
und LIeIr prucLIcuI ImpIemenLuLIon depends on severuI IucLors
IncIudIng IncenLIve sLrucLure, cupucILy buIIdIng, uccounLubIIILy
reIuLIonsIIps, monILorIng mecIunIsm eLc. TIe IILeruLure revIew
Ius uIso brougIL ouL u IucL LIuL uwureness umong LIe
consumers ubouL LIe InILIuLIves oI munIcIpuI bodIes Is very
ImporLunL und Is oILen Iound wunLIng.
TIe subsequenL secLIon expIuIns In deLuII, LIe cuse sLudIes oI
consumer grIevunce redressuI sysLems In MunIcIpuI bodIes In
vurIous cILIes In ndIu.

Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company Limited
JumsIedpur Is un IndusLrIuI Lown IocuLed In JIurkIund. L Ius
u LoLuI ureu oI 6q sq. kms und Is Iome Lo upproxImuLeIy ; IukI
peopIe (us per zoo1 census). TIII zooq, TuLu SLeeI`s Town
ServIces DIvIsIon used Lo provIde munIcIpuI servIces Lo LIe
resIdenLs. n zooq u sepuruLe compuny - JumsIedpur ULIIILIes
und ServIces Compuny ImILed (JUSCO) wus creuLed ouL oI LIe
Town ServIces DIvIsIon. TIe servIces provIded by JUSCO
IncIude wuLer und wusLe wuLer servIces, power dIsLrIbuLIon
servIces, engIneerIng und consLrucLIon, und pubIIc IeuILI und
IorLIcuILure (JUSCO zoo;).
n order Lo uddress consumer grIevunces, JUSCO SuIyog
Kendru wus esLubIIsIed. TIIs SuIyog Kendru uIIows sIngIe
wIndow uccess Lo LIe compIuInunL Ior compIuInL regIsLruLIon
und subsequenL IoIIow-ups on u zqx; busIs. To sLreumIIne LIe
workIng oI LIe SuIyog Kendru, LIe LownsIIp Ius been dIvIded
InLo seven zones - SonurI, Kudmu, CenLruI, BIsLupur, SukcII,
SIdIgoru und Burmu MInes.
23 Literature Review of Consumer Grievance Redressal Facilities
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Under LIIs SuIyog Kendru sysLem, consumers cun regIsLer LIeIr
compIuInL by cuIIIng on LIe compIuInL number. or regIsLruLIon,
consumers ure requIred Lo IdenLIIy LIemseIves by LIeIr pIone
number, cusLomer D, und LIe IocuLIon Irom wIere LIey ure
cuIIIng. n cuse oI InIrusLrucLure probIems, JUSCO mups down
LIe IocuLIon Lo uny one oI LIe seven zones LIrougI LIeIr
GeogrupIIc nIormuLIon SysLem (GS)

soILwure. AILer LIe
IdenLIIIcuLIon, LIe consumer Is usked Lo specIIy LIe purLIcuIur
compIuInL code (us IIsLed In LIe JUSCO SuIyog Kendru
CompIuInL BookIeL
) IoIIowed by LIe deLuIIs oI LIeIr compIuInL.
On receIvIng LIe compIuInL, LIe JUSCO SuIyog Kendru regIsLers
LIe compIuInL In ILs cenLruI duLubuse, uIong wILI LIe cusLomer
D und nuLure oI LIe compIuInL us IdenLIIIed by LIe reIevunL job
TIe SuIyog Kendru LIen puLs In LIe requesL Ior uddressIng LIe
compIuInL by cuLegorIzIng LIe compIuInL uccordIng Lo LIe
reIevunL depurLmenL und sendIng IL Lo LIe reIevunL depurLmenL
Ior consIderuLIon. A job curd Is sImuILuneousIy prInLed uL LIe
concerned zone und Is senL Lo LIe uIIocuLed empIoyeeJconLrucLor
Ior compIuInL redressuI.
n uddILIon Lo LIe compIuInL reIerence number (LIrougI wIIcI
cusLomer cun Lruck LIe sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL), LIe
compIuInunL Is uIso InIormed ubouL LIe ServIce eveI GuurunLee
(SG) I.e. LIe muxImum LIme LIuL LIe servIce depurLmenL expecL
Lo Luke Lo redress u compIuInL.
Once LIe compIuInL Is redressed, LIe consumer musL IIII In LIe
job curd IndIcuLIng IIsJIer suLIsIucLIon wILI LIe ucLIons Luken Lo
resoIve LIe compIuInL. TIe job curd musL uIso be sIgned by LIe
concerned empIoyeeJconLrucLor beIore beIng IundIng IL buck Lo
LIe depurLmenLJempIoyee LIuL wus responsIbIe Ior resoIvIng LIe
compIuInL. TIe empIoyeeJdepurLmenL upduLes LIe duLubuse Ior
LIe duIIy revIew uL LIe Kendru.
TIere Is uIso provIsIon oI regIsLerIng repeuL or recurrIng
compIuInLs wILI LIe JUSCO SuIyog Kendru. SucI u compIuInL
regIsLruLIon Is IoIIowed by In depLI unuIysIs oI wIen LIe
compIuInL wus IusL regIsLered, wIuL wus LIe ucLIon Luken eurIIer
und wIy wus LIe compIuInL noL redressed on u permunenL busIs.
SuIyog Kendru monILors LIe eIIecLIveness oI LIe compIuInL
redressuI sysLem by rundomIy pIckIng up 1oo job curds duIIy
und mukIng cuIIs Lo LIe concerned cusLomers Lo cIeck II LIeIr

JUSCOs Complaint booklet lists complaints according to eight different service categories: Town
Electrical, Integrated Customer Service, Water Management, Planning Engineering and construction,
Public Health, Fleet Management, Billing and customer care, and Horticulture. Each of these service
categories are further categorized into respective areas of work, having their own job codes. For instance,
Town Electrical is further subcategorized into 4 categories House Maintenance, Street Light, Meter in
House, and Service and Transmission all of which have a particular job code.
24 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
compIuInLs Iuve been uddressed und uIso wIeLIer LIey ure
suLIsIIed wILI LIe ucLIon LIuL wus Luken Ior uddressIng LIeIr
n order Lo brIng LIeIr servIce IeveI cIoser Lo consumer
expecLuLIons, JUSCO conLInuousIy monILors cerLuIn IndIcuLors.
TIese IndIcuLors ure presenLed In TubIe 1. ConsLunL monILorIng
oI LIese IndIcuLors Ius Ied Lo eIIIcIency ImprovemenLs on purL oI
LIe servIces provIded by JUSCO. or InsLunce, uILer monILorIng
LIe response LIme Ior redressIng compIuInLs reIuLed Lo overIeud
Lunk overIIows, JUSCO wus ubIe Lo reduce ILs AcLuuI
Turnuround TIme Irom duys In LIe IIrsL LIree quurLers oI zoo
Lo 1 duy In LIe IusL quurLer oI zoo.
Table 2.1: JUSCOs Service Level Indicators
SLG: Service level
The maximum time that service departments expect to take to redress a
complaint. Also called expected compliance time
SLP: Service Level
The actual performance against SLG, called compliance within time. SLP=
Number of complaints within SLG/Total number of complaints with defined
SLE: Service Level
The average time a customer can tolerate to get his complaint redressed
ATAT: Actual
Turnaround Time
Time taken by JUSCO service departments to resolve a particular customer
CG: Capability
Inability of JUSCO services to promise a service level that matches
customer expectation. Capability Gap = SLG-SLE
SG: Service Gap Gap between ATAT and SLG, also called compliance beyond time. Service
QG: Quality Gap Sum total of capability gap and service gap. Quality Gap = ATAT-SLE
Source: Jusco Sahyog Kendra, January 2006.

Surat Municipal Corporation
SuruL MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon (SMC) wus esLubIIsIed under LIe
Bombuy ProvIncIuI MunIcIpuI CorporuLIons AcL oI 1qqq. As per
zoo1 census, LIe LoLuI ureu oI SMC (wILI exLended ureu) Is
z6.1 sq. kms und LoLuI popuIuLIon upproxImuLeIy z.8 mIIIIon
peopIe (SMC, zooq). TIe ureu under SMC Is dIvIded InLo seven
zones - NorLI, SouLI, EusL, WesL, CenLruI, SouLIWesL und
SouLIEusL Zones.
SuruL MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon InLroduced uuLomuLed compIuInL
IodgIng und monILorIng sysLem In OcLober zooo (NUA, zoo).
TIe sysLem Is supporLed In GujuruLI, HIndI und EngIIsI
Iunguuges. Under LIIs sysLem, cILIzens cun regIsLer LIe
compIuInL LIrougI pIone, emuII, posL, Iux, or LIey cun submIL u
25 Literature Review of Consumer Grievance Redressal Facilities
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
wrILLen compIuInL. On IodgIng oI LIe compIuInL, LIe
compIuInunL Is Issued u unIque LruckIng number cuIIed TIckeL
Number Lo IeIp IIm Lruck sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL. CompIuInLs
ure LIen sLreumIIned InLo compIuInLs reIuLIng Lo EngIneerIng
Works, und compIuInLs reIuLIng Lo PubIIc HeuILI und SunILuLIon
depurLmenLs. AII LIe compIuInLs ure Ied InLo u cenLruI duLubuse
cuIIed AuLomuLed CompIuInL oudIng und MonILorIng (ACM)
SysLem wIIcI Is bused on nLerucLIve VoIce Response SysLem
(VRS) soILwure.
TIe regIsLered compIuInLs ure LIen cIussIIIed on LIe busIs oI
prIorILy us Emergency compIuInLs (LIuL ure Lo be uLLended
ImmedIuLeIy), HIgI PrIorILy compIuInLs (LIuL ure Lo be uLLended
wILIIn zq Iours), MedIum PrIorILy compIuInLs (ure meunL Lo be
uLLended Lo wILIIn q8 Iours), ow PrIorILy compIuInLs (Lo be
uddressed wILIIn ;z Iours) und GeneruI compIuInLs (need Lo be
uLLended Lo wILIIn ; duys) (SMC, zooq).
TIe compIuInunL Is uIso Issued u WIILe curd or u Red curd
dependIng upon LIe nuLure oI LIe compIuInL. WIILe curd Is
Issued Ior compIuInLs reIuLed Lo PubIIc HeuILI DepurLmenL LIuL
needs Lo be uddressed wILIIn zq or q8 Iours und Red curd Is
Issued Ior compIuInLs reIuLed Lo EngIneerIng Works DepurLmenL
und needs Lo be Iooked upon wILIIn 1, or ; duys (UNCRD,
zoo1). TIe servIces LIuL ure IncIuded In LIe WIILe und Red
Curds ure sIown beIow In TubIe z.
Once u compIuInL Is regIsLered, LIe ACM SysLem uuLomuLIcuIIy
dIrecLs IL Lo LIe concerned depurLmenL oIIIcIuI. Once LIe
compIuInL Ius been redressed, LIe oIIIcer cuIIs LIe IeIpIIne
number Lo upduLe LIe sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL. n cuse, LIe
compIuInunL Is noL suLIsIIed wILI LIe soIuLIon, Ie cun reopen LIe
compIuInL by usIng LIe sume LIckeL number.
Table 2.2: Categorization of Complaints by SMC
WHITE CARD (For Public Health related complaints)
To be cleared within 24 hours To be cleared within 48 hours
o Disposal of carcasses
o Leakage of 0.5 water lines
o Disposal of garbage
o Leakage of public standpost
o Mixing of drainage with water line
o Shortage of chlorinated water line
o Sweeping
o Cleaning public toilets
o Spraying of insecticides
o Overflow of cesspools
o Stale food control
o Rodent work
RED CARD (For Engineering Works related complaints)
To be cleared within 1 day To be cleared within 3 days
o Repair of street lights o Change of drainage covers
o Fallen light poles
To be cleared within 7 days
26 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
o Fallen trees
o Repairing roads
o Lifting of debris from building
o New water/drainage
o Footpaths repair
o Encroachments
o Repair of hand
Source: Second Thematic Training Course (1-30 November 2001), United Nations Centre
for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan.
MonILorIng oI LIe grIevunce redressuI sysLem uL SMC Is currIed
ouL uL IeveIs. eveI 1 consIsLs oI ZonuI OIIIcer or DepurLmenLuI
Heud, wIo monILors LIe sysLem duIIy. eveI z consIsLs oI LIe
ZonuI CIIeI or DIvIsIonuI Heud, und eveI consIsLs oI LIe
MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner. BoLI LIe ZonuI CIIeI und LIe
MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner revIew LIe sysLem once In u week. TIe
ACM generuLes und prInLs reporLs on u weekIy busIs. TIese
reporLs IeIp In unuIyzIng LIe perIormunce oI LIe grIevunce
redressuI sysLem, LIereby mukIng LIe sysLem more eIIecLIve.

Public Grievance Redressal System in Karnataka
n order Lo sLreumIIne LIe munIcIpuI sysLems, u new mecIunIsm
Ior pubIIc grIevunce redressuI wus InLroduced In zoo In ;
Lowns ucross LIe sLuLe oI KurnuLuku. TIIs PGR (pubIIc grIevunce
redressuI) wus web-enubIed, wIIcI LIe cILIzens couId uccess
unywIere unyLIme. TIe PGR moduIe works us u cILIzen-IrIendIy
compIuInL regIsLruLIon und LruckIng sysLem LIuL IuncLIon over
LIe nLerneL, pIones, und In puper Iorm. CILIzens cun regIsLer
LIeIr grIevunces und cun LIen Lruck progress oI ILs redressuI In u
sLrucLured munner. Upon regIsLruLIon, LIe compuLer sysLem
generuLes u 'compIuInL LruckIng number`, usIng wIIcI LIe sLuLus
und progress oI LIe compIuInL cun be cIecked by LIe cILIzen over
nLerneL. TIe compIuInLs ure LIen uuLo-rouLed Lo LIe
upproprIuLe oIIIcIuI bused on LIe compIuInL Lype und
cuLegorIzuLIon. TIe sysLem Is deveIoped In sucI u munner LIuL II
compIuInLs ure noL redressed wILIIn LIe uIIoLLed LIme LIey
uuLomuLIcuIIy geL escuIuLed Lo LIe IIgIer oIIIcer. TIe DIrecLoruLe
oI MunIcIpuI AdmInIsLruLIon oIIIce consLunLIy monILors LIe
sLuLus und generuLes weekIy reporL oI LIe PGR sysLem ucross LIe
; cILIes. TIe eIIIcIency oI LIe redressuI oI grIevunces Is uIso
meusured und uccordIngIy, cILIes ure runked. TIe PGR sysLem
Ius InLroduced Lrunspurency und uccounLubIIILy umongsL LIe
munIcIpuI sLuII. TIIs sysLem Is noL onIy useIuI Lo redress
IndIvIduuI cILIzen`s compIuInLs buL uIso Lo undersLund LIe
probIems LIuL occur In dIIIerenL purLs oI LIe cILy.

27 Literature Review of Consumer Grievance Redressal Facilities
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Andhra Pradesh State Housing Corporation Limited
TIe grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsm udopLed by AndIru PrudesI
SLuLe HousIng CorporuLIon ImILed Is mude eIIecLIve by u
sysLem wIereIn II u compIuInL Is noL uddressed by oIIIcIuIs, IL
uuLomuLIcuIIy geLs escuIuLed Lo LIe nexL IeveI oI oIIIcIuIs
(APSHC zooq). urLIer, In LIIs escuIuLIon process, even LIe
number oI duys grunLed Lo LIe oIIIcIuIs Ior redressuI goes on
decreusIng. or exumpIe, II LIe compIuInL Is noL redressed by
LIe IrsL IeveI IuncLIonury In duys, IL uuLomuLIcuIIy geLs
escuIuLed (LIrougI SMS & web uppIIcuLIon) Lo Second IeveI
IuncLIonury wIo Ius Lo redress LIe sume In duys. InuIIy, II LIe
compIuInL Is noL redressed by second IeveI IuncLIonury uIso, IL
geLs escuIuLed Lo TIIrd IeveI IuncLIonury LIuL needs Lo uddress
LIe compIuInL wILIIn z duys. TIe combIned Iorce oI escuIuLIon
und response LIme reducLIon ensures uccounLubIIILy und puLs
consLunL pressure on LIe oIIIcIuIs Lo uddress LIe compIuInL.

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
CHAPTER 3 Consumer Grievance Redressal in Electricity

Provision under the Electricity Act, 2003
TIe EIecLrIcILy AcL, zoo, recognIzes LIe need Lo provIde quuIILy
servIces Lo consumer. TIe AcL provIdes Ior LIe esLubIIsImenL oI
u Lwo-LIer consumer grIevunce redressuI sysLem. SecLIon qz()
provIdes LIuL u dIsLrIbuLIon compuny sIuII consLILuLe u
Consumer GrIevunce RedressuI orum (CGR) In LIe respecLIve
IIcense ureu. TIereuILer II uny Issue remuIns unuddressed or LIe
compIuInunL Is noL suLIsIIed wILI LIe CGR, IL cun IIIe un uppeuI
Lo LIe ombudsmun under SecLIon qz (6) (DERC, zoo).
AnoLIer Iorum open Lo consumer under LIe EIecLrIcILy AcL zoo
Is LIe AppeIIuLe TrIbunuI Ior EIecLrIcILy (ATE). Consumers cun
uIso upproucI LIe ATE under SecLIon 111 II LIey ure uggrIeved by
uny order oI LIe CommIssIon.
n IIne wILI LIe provIsIons oI LIe AcL, mosL sLuLe eIecLrIcILy
reguIuLory commIssIons Iuve Issued reguIuLIons Ior
esLubIIsImenL oI CGR. urLIer, SLuLe EIecLrIcILy ReguIuLory
CommIssIons (SERCs) Iuve uIso uppoInLed ombudsmun, wIIcI
cun be upproucIed In cuse u consumer Is noL suLIsIIed wILI LIe
order oI LIe CGR. BesIdes LIe provIsIons mude under Iuw, uII
uLIIILIes uIso Iuve un In-Iouse compIuInL redressuI mecIunIsm.
ApurL Irom specIIIc provIsIons reIuLed Lo grIevunce redressuI,
LIe AcL uIso prescrIbes cerLuIn provIsIons reIuLed Lo SLundurds oI
PerIormunce, wIIcI ure uImed Lowurds proLecLIng consumer
InLeresL. SecLIon ; oI LIe AcL sLIpuIuLes LIuL uII IIcensees sIouId
specIIy sLundurds oI perIormunce und ubIde by LIem. n cuse LIe
IIcensees IuII Lo compIy wILI LIese sLundurds, LIey ure requIred
Lo puy compensuLIon Lo LIe user. urLIer under SecLIon q, LIe
AcL dIrecLs IIcensee Lo IurnIsI InIormuLIon Lo LIe reguIuLor on ILs
compIIunce wILI LIe prescrIbed sLundurds.
n LIe subsequenL secLIon, LIe consumer grIevunce redressuI
sysLem oI LIe eIecLrIcILy secLor In DeIII Is dIscussed.

Case study: Delhi
Consumer grIevunce redressuI In LIe eIecLrIcILy secLor Is u
sLrucLured process. AL LIe IIrsL IeveI Is LIe In-Iouse cusLomer
cure cenLreJceII consLILuLed by LIe uLIIILIes. TIe second IeveI Is
Consumer GrIevunce RedressuI orum (CGR), wIIcI Ius been
seL up In uccordunce wILI LIe provIsIons oI LIe EIecLrIcILy AcL
zoo.TIe CGRs comprIse oI members. AppIIcuLIons Ior LIe
30 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
posL oI members ure InvILed by LIe uLIIILIes LIrougI pubIIc
udverLIsemenL In IeudIng duIIIes. TIe uppoInLmenL oI LIe
members Is mude In consuILuLIon wILI DERC. Consumers wIo
ure noL suLIsIIed wILI LIe decIsIon oI LIe CGR cun upproucI LIe
EIecLrIcILy Ombudsmun by IIIIng un uppeuI uguInsL IL. n
uddILIon Lo LIe CGR, LIe consumers cun uIso dIrecLIy upproucI
LIe PubIIc GrIevunces CeII (PGC), Iormed by LIe GovL. oI NCT oI
DeIII or LIe Consumer DIspuLe RedressuI orum (CDR), wIIcI
Lukes up uII kInds oI compIuInLs (excepL LeIecom reIuLed). TIe
GoNCTD Ius uIso consLILuLed LIe EIecLrIcILy Consumers
Advocucy CommILLee (ECAC), wIIcI empowers consumers und
creuLes uwureness umong LIem ubouL LurIII, ARR, cross subsIdy

I. In-hoose Iucility ut otility premises

II. Lnder Ilectricity Act oo
Two-tier Stroctore

Members cppointed b utilities
in consultction uith DERC but
operctes in the utilit's premises

To cddress rietcnces ccinst
the orders oj CGRI

III. At the stute level

Figure 3.1 Structure of Grievance redressal process in Delhis Electricity Sector

TER Leum IeId dIscussIons wILI LIe dIsLrIbuLIon IIcensee
NDP, on LIe compIuInL IundIIng und grIevunce redressuI
procedure puL In pIuce by LIe dIscom. TIe observuLIons mude by
TER ure gIven beIow:
Call Centre

Public Grievance Cell (PGC)
Constituted by Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Redressal Forum


31 Consumer Grievance Redressal in Electricity Sector
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
NorLI DeIII Power ImILed (NDP) wus Iounded on JuIy 1,
zooz us u 1:qq joInL venLure beLween TATA Power und GovL. oI
DeIII. NDP Is responsIbIe Ior dIsLrIbuLIon oI power In LIe
norLI und norLI-wesL DeIII. L serves u popuIuLIon oI ubouL q.
mIIIIon peopIe spreud ucross 1o sq kms wILI u regIsLered
cusLomer buse oI uround 1 mIIIIon.
or udmInIsLruLIve purposes, NDP`s IIcensed ureu Is spIIL InLo
cIrcIes comprIsIng oI z Lo dIsLrIcLs eucI, wIIcI In Lurn
comprIses oI -q zones. n LoLuI LIere ure 1z dIsLrIcLs und q6
zones In LIe NDP`s IIcensed ureu.

Complaint handling and grievance redressal procedure in NDPL

Avenues for complaint registration
NDP provIdes ILs consumers severuI IucIIILIes Lo regIsLer LIeIr
compIuInLs und seek cIurIIIcuLIons Lo LIeIr querIes. VurIous
LoucI poInLs provIded by NDP Lo ILs consumers ure:

Consumer Cure CenLer (CCC)
CuII cenLre
Web bused servIces (emuII, onIIne IIIIng oI
ZonuI compIuInL cenLre

OuL oI LIe uII LIe ubove-menLIoned IucIIILIes, mosL oI LIe
consumers use LIe IIrsL Lwo vIz. Consumer Cure CenLre und CuII

Consumer Ccre Center (CCC)
TIere ure 1 consumer cure cenLres In LIe NDP ureu IncIudIng
1z dIsLrIcL oIIIces und one uL LIe corporuLe oIIIce. AL LIese
cenLres, LIe consumer cun regIsLer compIuInLs und seek
cIurIIIcuLIons Lo IIsJIer querIes. TIe execuLIves provIde LIe
compIuInunLs un upproxImuLe LIme perIod wILIIn wIIcI LIe
Issue wouId be resoIved uIong wILI u unIque compIuInL
regIsLruLIon number Ior IuLure reIerence. Once LIe compIuInL Is
regIsLered, IL Is uuLomuLIcuIIy uIIocuLed Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuIs
wIo Iuve Lo Luke ucLIon (uL vurIous sLuges oI LIe redressuI
process) wILIIn LIe sLIpuIuLed LIme.

Ccll Centre
TIere ure Lwo cuII cenLers Lo IundIe commercIuI und operuLIonuI
compIuInLs wILI dIIIerenL IeIpIIne numbers. BoLI oI LIese
cenLres Iuve been ouLsourced; Iowever, LIe commercIuI cuII
cenLre Is Ioused In NDP`s premIses uL ILs cenLruIIzed buck
oIIIce. TIe operuLIonuI cuII cenLre (generuIIy known us No
32 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
SuppIy CuII CenLre) IundIes compIuInLs IurgeIy reIuLed Lo no
suppIy und oLIer sucI Issues wIIIe commercIuI cuII cenLre
regIsLers compIuInLs reIuLed Lo connecLIon, bIIIIng, meLerIng und
reIuLed concerns.
TIe ugenLs uL LIe commercIuI cuII cenLre ure gIven specIuIIzed
LruInIng Lo IundIe vurIous Lypes oI compIuInLs reIuLed Lo
connecLIon, meLerIng, bIIIIng, recovery eLc. WIenever LIe
cusLomer cuIIs uL LIe cenLruIIzed IeIpIIne number, IeJsIe Is
uuLomuLIcuIIy connecLed Lo LIe reIevunL ugenL dependIng on LIe
nuLure oI IIs compIuInL.
BesIdes LIe cenLruIIzed cuII cenLres us expIuIned ubove, LIere ure
servIce IeIpIIne numbers uL eucI zone. I LIe consumer Is noL
ubIe Lo cuII uL LIe cenLruIIzed cuII cenLre, Ie cun regIsLer IIs
compIuInL uL LIe zonuI servIce cenLres. TIe InLerneL users cun
regIsLer LIeIr compIuInLs onIIne LIrougI onIIne compIuInL
regIsLruLIon sysLem or LIrougI un emuII Lo LIe NDP`s cusLomer
TIe consumers cun regIsLer LIeIr compIuInLs reIuLed Lo TIeIL,
HurussmenL, ELIIcs, NDP`s projecL reIuLed querIes & SuIeLy
ssues on u specIuI VRS number. TIe consumer Is noL
necessurIIy requIred Lo provIde IIs personuI deLuIIs und Ie cun
ruIse IIs voIce uguInsL LIeIL und securILy Issues ucross LIe
NDP`s operuLIonuI ureu.
AL presenL LIese cuII cenLre numbers ure noL LoII Iree; Iowever
NDP Is pIunnIng Lo InLroduce Lo LoII Iree cuII cenLre numbers In
LIe IuLure

Complaint redressal process after registration
TIe CCC und CommercIuI CuII CenLre ure supporLed by soILwure
cuIIed 'SumbundI`. AII LIe compIuInLs regIsLered LIrougI
vurIous sources ure Ied InLo LIe soILwure by LIe execuLIves. Once
LIe compIuInL Is regIsLered, LIe sysLem generuLes u unIque
compIuInL number und LIe execuLIves cun IocuLe LIe sLuLus oI
LIe compIuInL uL uny sLuge oI LIe redressuI process und IL cun be
uccordIngIy communIcuLed Lo LIe cusLomer. n oLIer words, LIII
LIe compIuInL Is cIosed und Issue Is resoIved, concerned
oIIIcIuIs, uL eucI sLuge oI LIe process, Iuve Lo upduLe LIe
soILwure on LIe sLuLus oI u purLIcuIur compIuInL.
AL uny sLuge oI LIe redressuI process, II LIe ucLIon Is noL Luken
wILIIn LIe sLIpuIuLed LIme Irume or LIe sLuLus Is noL upduLed,
LIe compIuInL geLs uuLomuLIcuIIy escuIuLed Lo LIe senIor oIIIcIuI
Ior un upproprIuLe ucLIon.
or LIe operuLIonuI Issues, LIe consumers cuII uL LIe No SuppIy
cuII cenLre. Once LIe cuII Is receIved by LIe execuLIves, u SMS Is
33 Consumer Grievance Redressal in Electricity Sector
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
senL Lo LIe concerned IInemun or LIe crew on IIeId Lo uLLend LIe
compIuInL. Once LIe Issue Is resoIved, LIe IIne mun und LIe crew
sends buck un SMS Lo LIe cuII cenLre. TIe cuII cenLre InIorms LIe
consumer und IIs Ieedbuck Is Luken beIore LIe compIuInL Is

Perjormcnce enchmcrls
NDP seL ILs own perIormunce bencImurks In zoo6 prIor Lo LIe
IormuI noLIIIcuLIon oI PerIormunce sLundurds by DERC In AprII
zoo;. NDP cIuIms LIuL ILs LurgeLs ure sLrIcLer us compured Lo
LIe bencImurks specIIIed by DERC.

Perjormcnce linled incentites to emploees
n order Lo boosL up LIe perIormunce oI empIoyees Lowurds LIe
ImprovemenL In LIe consumer servIces, suIurIes und bonuses
Iuve been IInked Lo LIe overuII perIormunce durIng unnuuI
uppruIsuI oI uII LIe empIoyees. TIere ure severuI rewurds und
recognILIon LIuL ure gIven Lo empIoyees uL every IeveI Ior LIeIr
ouLsLundIng perIormunce. or e.g. NDP Ius un InLernuI
process known us 'SIIne projecL` Ior rewurdIng empIoyees wIo
come up wILI new projecL Ideus LIuL cun sIgnIIIcunLIy Improve
LIe operuLIonuI perIormunce oI LIe uLIIILy und IeIp serve ILs
consumers beLLer. TIese Ideus ure crILIcuIIy evuIuuLed by LIe Lop
munugemenL und promIsIng Ideus ure ImpIemenLed. n uddILIon
Lo LIIs LIere Is uIso u provIsIon oI penuILy LIuL cun be Imposed
on LIe empIoyees In cuse oI non-compIIunce oI key perIormunce

Consumer Feedback Mechanism
NDP Ius vurIous cusLomer Ieedbuck mecIunIsms uImIng uL
ImprovIng ILs servIces bused on LIe commenLs und suggesLIons
provIded by LIe consumers.
Huppy CuIIIng: DurIng LIe oII-peuk Iours uL LIe cuII
cenLres, LIe ugenLs muke some rundom cuIIs Lo LIe
consumer uILer LIeIr compIuInLs Iuve been resoIved und
Ieedbuck. TIIs Ieedbuck Is used Lo ussess LIe exIsLIng
perIormunce oI LIe sysLem und Lo IdenLIIy LIe scope oI
ImprovemenL In consumer servIces.
VoIce oI Consumer: TIIs Is u sysLem Lo esLubIIsI u
process Ior cupLurIng experIence oI consumers uL vurIous
LoucI poInLs und deveIop un InIormuLIon IIow Ior
ensurIng LIuL LIe InIormuLIon Is coIIuLed und unuIyzed
cenLruIIy und LIe upproprIuLe ucLIons ure Luken Lo
Improve LIe servIces und Increuse LIe cusLomer
suLIsIucLIon. Under LIIs sysLem LIe Ieedbuck Is Luken In
LIrougI LIree sources:
34 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Apku AnubIuv Iorms: TIese ure LIe suggesLIon Iorms
uvuIIubIe uL LIe cusLomer cure cenLres. TIe cusLomers
cun provIde LIeIr Ieedbuck by ruLIng vurIous cusLomer
servIces sucI us cuII cenLre, cusLomer cure cenLre, bIIIIng
servIces, compIuInL redressuI eLc.
Awuz: ResponsesJIeedbuck receIved by uny empIoyee
Irom consumers (even durIng non-workIng Iours)
PerIodIc quesLIonnuIre survey by LIe LIIrd purLy

AII LIe commenLs und suggesLIons receIved Irom LIe ubove
sources ure IIrsL sLreumIIned und coIIuLed Ior un exLensIve
unuIysIs. TIe IIndIngs und resuILs oI sucI unuIysIs ure presenLed
Lo LIe Lop-IeveI munugemenL und un upproprIuLe ucLIon pIun Ior
LIe ImpIemenLuLIon Is prepured. SeveruI InILIuLIves Iuve been
underLuken on LIe busIs oI Ieedbuck receIved Irom consumers.
Consumer Participation
n order Lo InvoIve consumers In ImprovIng ILs servIces, NDP
Ius creuLed vurIous Iorums Lo InLerucL wILI consumers. n order
Lo buIId up reIuLIonsIIp wILI ILs cusLomers, NDP Ius
underLuken u segmenL wIse reIuLIonsIIp upproucI wIereIn IL
Ius cIussIIIed ILs cusLomers InLo cuLegorIes on LIe busIs oI LIeIr
upproved Ioud us IoIIows:
AccounL munugers Ior Express und KCG group
consumers (1oo-oo KW und more LIun oo KW
CIIenL munugers Ior HIgI Revenue Buse consumers
Consumer ReIuLIonsIIp OIIIcers (CROs) Ior HIgI
Consumer Buse (HCB) consumers.
NDP uIso conducLs meeLIngs wILI LIe ResIdenL WeIIure
AssocIuLIons (RWAs) on monLIIy busIs uL uII LIe dIsLrIcLs Lo
undersLund cusLomers` perspecLIve ubouL LIe servIces oI NDP.
MeeLIngs ure IeId on IIrsL SuLurduy oI every monLI wILI RWAs
und on IusL SuLurduy oI eucI monLI wILI IndusLrIuI weIIure
TER Leum uIso InLerucLed wILI LIe oIIIcIuIs oI DERC Lo
undersLund LIe eIIIcucy oI LIe compIuInL IundIIng und grIevunce
redressuI procedure In LIe eIecLrIcILy secLor. TIe IoIIowIng key
poInLs emerged Irom LIe dIscussIons:
TIe muILIpIIcILy oI grIevunce redressuI Iorum enubIes
consumers Lo enguge In 'Iorum sIoppIng`, wIIcI creuLes
probIems In Lerms oI coordInuLIon.
Any compIuInL pIuced wILI LIe Ombudsmun Ius Lo be
cIeured wILIIn 6o duys Irom LIe duLe oI IIIIng oI LIe
35 Consumer Grievance Redressal in Electricity Sector
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
peLILIon. BI-unnuuI monILorIng Is beIng currIed ouL Lo see
II LIIs process Is beIng IoIIowed LIrougI.
L wus sLressed LIuL CGRs were noL vIewed us enLIreIy
IndependenL by LIe pubIIc uL Iurge us LIese Iorums ure
Ioused wILIIn LIe premIses oI LIe uLIIILIes und uIso LIe
suIurIes oI LIe sLuII ure meL by uLIIILIes.
L wus menLIoned LIuL LIe reguIuLor does noL Iuve u
dIrecL roIe In grIevunce redressuI us per LIe provIsIons oI
LIe EIecLrIcILy AcL zoo. However In order Lo proLecL
und suIeguurd LIe InLeresLs oI LIe consumers, LIe
reguIuLory commIssIon cun Luke meusures Irom LIme Lo
LIme. or InsLunce, recenLIy u Lemporury ceII Ius been seL
up by DERC wIIcI Iooks InLo compIuInLs oI crILIcuI
nuLure sucI us InIIuLed eIecLrIcILy bIIIs eLc.
L wus uIso poInLed ouL LIuL Sec 1qz oI LIe EIecLrIcILy AcL
uuLIorIzes LIe CommIssIon Lo Impose penuILy on uny
person (IncIudIng uLIIILy) In cuse oI uny serIous vIoIuLIon
oI LIe provIsIons oI LIe AcL.
or ImprovIng consumer servIces DERC Ius brougIL ouL
SoP reguIuLIons wIIcI Iuys down LIe sLundurds oI
perIormunce Lo be udIered Lo by LIe IIcensees. TIe
IIcenseesJuLIIILIes perIodIcuIIy submIL duLu on
compIIunce wILI SoP Lo DERC. However DERC oIIIcIuIs
were oI LIe vIew LIuL LIe credIbIIILy oI duLu wus
quesLIonubIe, us LIese sLundurds were noL beIng
monILored IndependenLIy by u LIIrd purLy.
SoP reguIuLIons uIso Iuy down LIe compensuLIon puyubIe
Lo consumers In cuse LIe sLundurds ure noL udIered Lo.
DERC oIIIcIuIs sLuLed LIuL In u Iew cuses compensuLIon
Ius been puId Lo consumers. DERC Is now LryIng Lo
deveIop u sysLem oI IInkIng LIe eIecLrIcILy bIIIs wILI LIe
non-compIIunce oI LIe SOP sucI LIuL uny compensuLIon
Lo be puId Lo consumers cun be dIrecLIy deducLed Irom
TIe ImpucL oI LIese consumer cenLrIc InILIuLIves Luken by NDP Is
uIso evIdenL Irom LIe consumer Ieedbuck receIved durIng LIe recenL
survey conducLed by DERC In zooq. TIe consumer suLIsIucLIon
survey, wIIcI LurgeLed domesLIc consumers In DeIII, Ius runked
NDP us LIe besL dIscom, In Lerms oI consumer suLIsIucLIon Index,
IoIIowed by oLIer Lwo prIvuLe uLIIILIes In DeIII (DERC zooq).

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
CHAPTER 4 Review of Existing Redressal System in Cities

To sLudy LIe CGR sysLems und evuIuuLe LIeIr IuncLIonIng, TER
Leum vIsILed LIe munIcIpuI corporuLIons oI AImedubud , RuIpur,
urIdubud, BenguIuru und Mysore durIng LIe course oI LIe
projecL. AImedubud und RuIpur Iuve been seIecLed by MoUD
us cuse sLudIes. OLIer cILIes Iuve been vIsILed Lo guIn InsIgILs
on LIe workIng oI LIe CGRS wILI dIverse cIurucLerIsLIcs und
uIso Lo druw Iessons Irom LIe besL prucLIces.
TIIs cIupLer crILIcuIIy ussesses LIe grIevunce redressuI sysLems
uL AMC und RMC und IIgIIIgILs some oI LIe good InILIuLIves us
weII us LIe exIsLIng Issues LIuL udverseIy uIIecL LIeIr IuncLIonIng.
Bused on LIe ucLuuI observuLIons, TER proposes
recommenduLIons Lo IurLIer Improve LIe CGR sysLems In LIese
cILIes. n uddILIon Lo AImedubud und RuIpur, LIe cIupLer uIso
descrIbes TER`s observuLIons durIng ILs vIsIL Lo oLIer cILIes.
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)
TIe AImedubud MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon (AMC) Is responsIbIe
Ior LIe governunce oI neurIy . mIIIIon peopIe oI LIe cILy oI
AImedubud In LIe sLuLe oI GujuruL. or udmInIsLruLIve
purposes, AMC Ius dIvIded LIe enLIre cILy InLo ; wurds spreud
ucross 6 zones. UnIIke oLIer cILIes, AMC provIdes Iurger runge
oI servIces. n LoLuI, IL suppIIes uround 1; servIces In LIe cILy
rungIng Irom wuLer und sewuge Lo medIcuI servIces und pubIIc
EucI oI LIe 6 zones oI AMC Is beIng Ieuded by u DepuLy
MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner (DYMC). AII LIe servIces oI AMC In u
zone ure cIussIIIed InLo depurLmenLs us EngIneerIng, HeuILI,
EsLuLe und Lown deveIopmenL, Tux, EIecLrIcILy, Purks und
Gurdens. TIese depurLmenL Ieuds oI LIe zone ure responsIbIe
Ior LIe respecLIve servIces In LIe enLIre zone und ure ussIsLed by
depurLmenL Ieuds In eucI oI LIe wurds wILIIn u zone. However,
Ior eIecLrIcuI servIces und purks und gurden, LIere ure no wurd
oIIIcers und LIese ure beIng IundIed by LIe respecLIve zonuI
Ieuds oI LIese depurLmenLs.
TIus, LIe orgunIsuLIonuI sLrucLure oI u zone Is us IoIIows:

38 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

AMC provIdes vurIous uvenues Ior compIuInL regIsLruLIon und
redressuI Lo LIeIr cILIzens LIuL Iuve been descrIbed beIow:
Online Complaint Registration System
A consumer cun regIsLer IIsJIer compIuInL onIIne on LIe AMC
websILe. TIere ure vurIous moduIes Ior 1 cuLegorIes oI
compIuInLs sucI us druInuge, wuLer eLc. TIe consumers cun
cIoose Irom LIe 1 cuLegorIes und specIIy LIe respecLIve zone
und wurd In LIe onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon Iorm. HeJ sIe Is
uIso requIred Lo provIde nume, uddress und brIeI descrIpLIon oI
LIe compIuInL In LIe Iorm.

Figure 4.1 The Online complaint registration form of AMC
AILer submILLIng LIe compIuInL (eILIer by LIe consumer or LIe
oIIIcIuI), LIe sysLem generuLes u receIpL menLIonIng LIe
compIuInL regIsLruLIon number, duLe oI regIsLruLIon, consumer`s
nume und uddress, LIe subjecL oI LIe compIuInL und LIe
desIgnuLIon oI LIe concerned oIIIcer wIo Is supposed Lo uddress
LIe Issue In LIe respecLIve wurd sucI us ussIsLunL cILy engIneer,
pubIIc IeuLI oIIIcer eLc.
A sumpIe oI sucI ucknowIedgemenL sIIp gIven Lo LIe consumer
Is depIcLed beIow:
City Engineer
Deputy Health
Deputy Estate
and Town

Deputy Tax


Parks and
head at zone
heads in each
Head of a zone
Deputy Municipal Commissioner
Assistant City
Public Health
Supervisor (PHS)
Inspectors Inspectors
39 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

Illostrution oI un ucknowledgement oI compluint
registered by u consomer

DurIng TER`s vIsIL Lo AMC, IL wus LoId LIuL LIe onIIne
compIuInL regIsLruLIon Is noL wIdeIy used by LIe cILIzens Lo Iodge
LIeIr compIuInLs.
n zoo8, AMC IuuncIed un uuLomuLIc compIuInL redressuI
sysLem cuIIed JunsuvIdIu TIIs servIce wus InLroduced us u
pIIoL projecL In New WesL Zone wIIcI wus IuLer seL up In AMC`s
SouLI zone us weII. TIIs sysLem Is supporLed by soILwure cuIIed
'SmurL Serve` wIIcI wus deveIoped by VBSOT ndIu (TD).
CurrenLIy, LIe server oI LIe sysLem Is operuLed und muInLuIned
by LIe vendor.

Compluint registrution:
Under LIIs sysLem, consumer cun cuII up u cenLruIIzed IeIpIIne
number oI LIe zone Lo regIsLer IIsJIer compIuInL. DurIng
TER`s vIsIL Lo New WesL zone, IL wus observed LIuL LIe IeIpIIne
number Is currenLIy munned by LIree peopIe workIng In z sIIILs
(8:oo AM Lo :oo PM und :oo PM Lo 1o:oo PM) (IncIudIng
weekends). EucI oI LIem Ius LIeIr unIque ogIn d und
pussword Lo uccess LIe sysLem. Once LIe person receIves u cuII
Irom u cILIzen, Ie cun enLer LIe deLuIIs In u compIuInL
regIsLruLIon Iorm uvuIIubIe In LIe sysLem.

40 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

TIe deLuIIs IncIude LIe cuII Lype und sub cuII Lype, ureu, wurd,
nume oI LIe compIuInunL, pIone number, mobIIe no eLc. Once
LIese deLuIIs ure suved, LIe sysLem generuLes u unIque number
Lo be communIcuLed Lo LIe cILIzen Ior LIeIr reIerence Ior uny
IuLure IoIIow-up oI LIe sLuLus oI IIsJIer compIuInL. As soon us
LIe compIuInL Is regIsLered, LIe sysLem sends u SMS Lo LIe
cILIzen us un ucknowIedgemenL oI LIe receIpL oI IIsJIer
compIuInL. TIe SMS provIdes LIe compIuInL regIsLruLIon
numberJcuII number Ior uny IuLure reIerence. n cuse, LIe
compIuInunL does noL provIde IIsJIer mobIIe number, LIe
regIsLruLIon number Is verbuIIy communIcuLed Lo IIm. TIe sume
soILwure Is used II u cILIzen vIsILs LIe zonuI oIIIce Lo Iodge
IIsJIer compIuInL und LIe cuII number Is provIded In wrILLen.

Compluint redressul
Once LIe compIuInL Is regIsLered, u SMS Is senL Lo LIe concerned
depurLmenL wurd oIIIcer, sucI us ussIsLunL cILy engIneer, pubIIc
IeuILI oIIIcer eLc. wIo Is responsIbIe Ior LIe resoIuLIon oI LIe
compIuInL. TIese wurd oIIIcers Iuve un opLIon oI vIewIng LIe
compIuInLs und upduLe LIeIr sLuLus. TIere Is un opLIon oI IeId
CuII ReporL (CR) In LIe sysLem wIereIn LIe concerned wurd
oIIIcer cun vIew uII LIe compIuInLs und upduLe LIe sLuLus oI LIe
compIuInLs uIIocuLed Lo IIm. or uny open cuII (compIuInL), LIe
sLuLus opLIon cun be eILIer 'resoIved` or 'cuII LrunsIer`. TIe
oIIIcer cun cIose LIe compIuInL und sysLem generuLes LIe cuII
cIosure duLe und LIme. I Ie cIoses LIe compIuInL, sysLem sends
SMS Lo LIe consumer Ior upduLIng IIm ubouL LIe cIosure oI LIe
compIuInL. OLIerwIse, In cuse LIe compIuInL Ius been wrongIy
uIIocuLed Lo u depurLmenLJwurd, LIe oIIIcIuI Ius un opLIon Lo
LrunsIer LIIs cuII Lo LIe rIgIL depurLmenL. TIe oIIIcer cun uIso
wrILe IIs remurks on LIe compIuInL (II uny) wIIcI Is uIso
uuLomuLIcuIIy upduLed In LIe sysLem.

41 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Reporting und monitoring
TIe sysLem Ius un In-buIIL monILorIng und reporLIng
mecIunIsm. On u duIIy busIs, u SMS Is senL Lo LIe zonuI
depurLmenL Ieuds und depuLy munIcIpuI commIssIoner
descrIbIng depurLmenL wIse number oI open compIuInLs uL LIe
begInnIng oI LIe duy, cuII receIved durIng LIe duy, cuIIs resoIved
und number oI pendIng compIuInLs uL LIe end oI LIe duy.

urLIer, uny oIIIcer (IncIudIng depuLy munIcIpuI commIssIoner)
cun vIew LIe deLuIIs oI LIe regIsLered compIuInLs In LIe
'Adtcnced Secrch` opLIon uvuIIubIe In LIe sysLem. HeJsIe cun
seurcI compIuInLs by purLIcuIur duruLIon oI LIme, compIuInL
regIsLruLIon number, wurd, depurLmenL eLc. AII LIe deLuIIs oI u
regIsLered compIuInL ure recorded In LIe sysLem IncIudIng
compIuInL regIsLruLIon number, nume und uddress, cuII sLuLus,
uIIocuLIon duLe, cIosure duLe und LIme, ServIce eveI AgreemenLs
(SA), remurks eLc. HuvIng uII LIe deLuIIs In LIe sysLem, LIe
person munnIng LIe IeIpIIne number cun upduLe LIe
compIuInunL ubouL LIe sLuLus oI IIs compIuInL usIng IIs unIque
compIuInL regIsLruLIon number.

TIe deLuIIs sucI us cuII sLuLus, cIosure duLe und LIme ure
uuLomuLIcuIIy upduLed In LIe sysLem us soon us LIe concerned
oIIIcer IIIIs IIs IeId CuII ReporL (CR). TIe SAs ure LIe
sLIpuIuLed LImeIInes Ior compIuInL resoIuLIon LIuL ure mupped
wILI LIe compIuInL cuLegory und sub-cuLegory. As soon us LIe
compIuInL Is regIsLered, LIe sysLem uuLomuLIcuIIy provIdes u
SA Ior LIe purLIcuIur compIuInL bused on LIe compIuInL sub-
cuLegory. Any oIIIcIuI cun seurcI uII compIuInLs by LIeIr sLuLus In
compurIson Lo SA sucI us open cuIIs greuLer LIun SA, cIosed
cuIIs greuLer LIun SA eLc. TIese SAs Iuve been deIIned on LIe
busIs oI LIe AMC`s cILIzen cIurLer und LIe experIence oI LIe
oIIIcIuIs uL AMC. n cuse, u repeuLed compIuInL Is receIved LIuL
does noL IuII In uny oI LIe sub-cuLegorIes oI LIe currenL IIsL oI
SAs, LIen LIe IIsL cun be upduLed by LIe oIIIcIuIs us weII us LIe
person IundIIng IeIpIIne number uL LIe zonuI oIIIce Lo IncIude u
new sub-cuLegory und ILs correspondIng SA.

Moreover, LIe sysLem generuLes dusIbourds, cIurLs und grupIs
Ior monILorIng und perIormunce unuIysIs by LIe depurLmenL
Ieuds und depuLy munIcIpuI commIssIoner oI LIe zone. SucI
reporLs provIdes unuIysIs Ior depurLmenL wIse open cuIIs, cuIIs
exceedIng SA, dIsLrIbuLIon oI compIuInLs In u depurLmenL InLo
vurIous sub-cuLegorIes, duIIy execuLIve summury oI cuIIs Iogged,
cIosed, duy`s open cuIIs und LIeIr dIsLrIbuLIon ucross vurIous
depurLmenLs und wurds. TIese reporLs ure supposed Lo be
dIscussed wILI LIe depuLy munIcIpuI commIssIoner on u weekIy
42 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
busIs. L Is IeurnL LIuL LIIs prucLIce Is noL beIng reguIurIy
CenLruIIzed LoII-Iree number Ior monsoon compIuInLs
A sImIIur sysLem Lo 1cnsutidhc wus IuuncIed In zooq Ior
monsoon compIuInLs. A cenLruIIzed cuII cenLre wus deveIoped uL
AMC`s oIIIce IocuLed uL uw Gurden wIere u LoII-Iree number Is
beIng used Lo Luke consumer monsoon compIuInLs sucI us wuLer
IoggIng, druInuge eLc. TIIs servIce wus sLurLed us u pIIoL Ior
monLIs durIng zooq.
MunuuI mecIunIsm (Helpline numbers in ucrd ojjices)
TIe Iour zones wIere 1cnsutidhc Ius noL been ImpIemenLed, u
munuuI-cum-onIIne mecIunIsm Is beIng used Ior IundIIng
consumer compIuInLs und LIeIr resoIuLIon. A IeIpIIne number
Ius been provIded Lo eucI wurd Lo regIsLer consumer
compIuInLs wIIcI Is beIng munned by u compIuInL supervIsor.
TIe cILIzen cun eILIer cuII on LIe IeIpIIne number or cun vIsIL
LIe respecLIve wurd oIIIce Lo Iodge IIs compIuInL.

TIe supervIsor IundIes u compIuInL book wIereIn eucI
compIuInL Is regIsLered usIng LIree dIIIerenL coIoured sIIps
(wIILe, yeIIow und pInk). A unIIorm prInLed IormuL Is beIng
IoIIowed ucross uII LIe wurd oIIIces oI AMC. TIe wIILe sIIp Is LIe
orIgInuI one wIere uII LIe deLuIIs oI u compIuInL ure IIIIed In und
recorded. TIe deLuIIs IncIude wurd, regIsLruLIon number
(prInLed on sIIp), nume und uddress oI LIe cILIzen, compIuInL
summury, compIuInL LIme und LIe supervIsor seIecLs one oI LIe
Lwo opLIons; numeIy, engIneerIng or IeuILI depurLmenL
(compIuInL oI onIy Lwo depurLmenLs ure Luken uL wurd IeveI).
OLIer Lwo sIIps ure LIe curbon copIes oI LIe wIILe sIIp. WIIIe LIe
wIILe sIIp Is recorded, yeIIow sIIp Is Iunded over Lo LIe
concerned depurLmenL und LIe pInk sIIp Is gIven Lo LIe
consumer Ior IIs reIerence. n cuse compIuInL Is mude over
pIone, LIe pInk sIIp Is gIven Lo LIe IIeId oIIIcer wIo wIII LIen
Iund IL over Lo LIe consumer. Once LIe probIem Is resoIved, LIe
IIeId oIIIcer Ius Lo geL LIe yeIIow sIIp sIgned by LIe consumer
conIIrmIng LIe cIosure oI LIe compIuInL.

AII LIe deLuIIs LIuL Iuve been recorded In LIe sIIps ure uIso
recorded In unoLIer regIsLer Ior monILorIng purposes. TIe sIIps
ure Issued In IocuI Iunguuge. n uddILIon Lo LIe InIormuLIon In
LIe sIIp, LIe regIsLer uIso records LIe resoIuLIon duLe, wIeLIer IL
wus soIved wILIIn LIme IImIL or beyond LIme IImIL uILer LIe
compIuInL Is cIosed.

AILer LIe compIuInL Is regIsLered, IL Is LrunsIerred Lo LIe
concerned depurLmenL on un IourIy busIs und once LIe
supervIsor geLs LIe conIIrmuLIon Ior LIe cIosure oI LIe compIuInL
43 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
(In LIe Iorm oI yeIIow sIIp sIgned by LIe cILIzen), Ie cun cIose LIe
compIuInL menLIonIng LIe cIosure duLe In LIe regIsLer. TIe
supervIsor Ius Lo menLIon wIeLIer IL wus resoIved wILIIn LIme
IImIL or beyond LIme IImIL In unoLIer coIumn In LIe regIsLer
(LIese LIme IImILs ure bused on LIe cILIzen cIurLer).

AnoLIer regIsLer Is muInLuIned Ior reporLIng cuLegory-wIse
number oI compIuInLs receIved In u duy. TIere ure IIve
compIuInL cuLegorIes numeIy, wuLer, roud, druInuge, buIIdIngs
und IeuILI. TIe wurd oIIIcer verbuIIy communIcuLes LIIs reporL
Lo LIe zonuI depurLmenL on u duIIy busIs.

DurIng TER`s vIsIL Lo one oI LIe wurds, IL wus observed LIuL LIe
munuuI mecIunIsm Is beIng used In combInuLIon wILI LIe
onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon sysLem (us descrIbed eurIIer). AL
LIe end oI LIe duy, LIe supervIsor Ieeds In LIe deLuIIs In LIe
onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon Iorm. TIe wurd oIIIcer oI
concerned depurLmenL cun vIew uII LIe compIuInLs uIIocuLed Lo
IIm usIng IIs IogIn d und pussword. or eucI sucI compIuInL,
Ie cun repIy In LIe Iorm oI upduLIng ILs sLuLus us pendIng,
resoIved or rejecLed us weII us provIdIng uny remurks (II uny).
TIIs sysLem Is used Ior beLLer monILorIng by LIe zonuI
depurLmenL Ieuds und DYMC. TIe DYMC, usIng IIs IogIn d
und pussword, vIew compIuInLs receIved, resoIved und pendIng
In uII LIe depurLmenLs durIng u purLIcuIur perIod oI LIme us weII
us wurd-wIse dIsLrIbuLIon oI LIe compIuInLs oI eucI depurLmenL.
He cun uIso vIew uII LIe deLuIIs oI uny purLIcuIur compIuInL uL
LIe wurd IeveI Ior monILorIng purposes.
City civic centres
AMC Ius uIso esLubIIsIed z6 cILy cIvIc cenLres uround LIe cILy oI
AImedubud. TIese cIvIc cenLres ure IurgeIy Lo IucIIILuLe cILIzens
In properLy Lux regIsLruLIon, bIrLI und deuLI cerLIIIcuLes, veIIcIe
Lux submIssIon eLc. BesIdes LIe revenue coIIecLIon Ior AMC
servIces, LIese cIvIc cenLres uIso provIde unoLIer pIuLIorm Lo LIe
cILIzens Ior regIsLerIng LIeIr compIuInLs. TIe cILIzen Irom uny
wurdJzone cun geL IIs compIuInL regIsLered uL uII oI LIe z6 cIvIc
cenLres; Iowever, us oI now, LIese cenLres ure noL exLensIveIy
used by LIe cILIzens Ior LIe purpose oI compIuInL regIsLruLIon.
TERIs observations
TIe onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon sysLem Is noL wIdeIy used
by LIe cILIzens. As per LIe oIIIcIuIs, LIe cILIzens preIer Lo
Iodge LIeIr compIuInLs over LIe pIone or personuIIy vIsILIng
LIe respecLIve wurd oIIIce us LIIs wuy u cILIzen IeeIs more
connecLed wILI AMC In cuse oI uny compIuInL ruLIer LIun
regIsLerIng IL onIIne. Moreover, uccordIng Lo LIem, mosL
cILIzens In AImedubud ure noL weII versed wILI LIe InLerneL
44 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
und LIereIore seIdom use LIe onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon
n LIe Lwo zones wIere jcnsutidhc wus IuuncIed, cILIzens
sLIII personuIIy vIsIL wurd oIIIces Lo Iodge LIeIr compIuInLs
und demund u wrILLen ucknowIedgemenL currenLIy In
prucLIce In oLIer zones. AMC sLuLed LIuL LIougI LIey Iuve
been LryIng Lo persuude cILIzens Lo use LIe cenLruIIzed
IeIpIIne number; IL Is dIIIIcuIL Lo cIunge peopIe`s mIndseL.
AMC Is pIunnIng Lo exLend LIe uuLomuLed SMS sysLem In
oLIer zones. However, senIor oIIIcIuIs were oI LIe vIew LIuL
munuuI mecIunIsm wIII conLInue Lo be In operuLIon us
cILIzens consIder IL Lo be more user IrIendIy us compured Lo
LIe uuLomuLed sysLem.
PresenLIy, LIere Is no mecIunIsm Lo seek cusLomer Ieedbuck
on LIe compIuInL redressuI sysLem oI AMC uILer LIe
compIuInL Is cIosed. TIere Is no sysLem Lo eIIcIL LIe opInIons
und vIews oI cILIzens on LIe vurIous uspecLs oI CGRS sucI us
LIe munner In wIIcI LIe oIIIcIuIs uL AMC InLerucLed wILI LIe
consumers, uny probIems Iuced by cILIzens In regIsLerIng
LIeIr compIuInL, LIeIr suLIsIucLIon In Lerms oI LIe LIme Luken
Lo redress LIeIr compIuInL or uny suggesLIons In generuI Ior
ImprovIng LIe mecIunIsm.
Some senIor oIIIcIuIs uL AMC were oI LIe vIew LIuL LIere Is u
scope Ior ImprovemenL In LIe consumer grIevunce IundIIng
n LIe SMS bused sysLem, LIere Is u moduIe uvuIIubIe LIuL
descrIbes LIe IeveI oI escuIuLIon Lo IIgIer IeveI oIIIcIuI
dependIng on LIe deIuy In resoIuLIon beyond LIe sLIpuIuLed
SA. However, currenLIy IL Is noL In operuLIon. As per LIe
oIIIcIuIs, LIIs mecIunIsm wus noL weII upprecIuLed by LIe
oIIIcIuIs uL AMC. TER recommends operuLIonuIIzIng LIIs
sysLem Lo Increuse uccounLubIIILy oI LIe oIIIcIuIs ucross LIe
IIerurcIy In Lerms oI LImeIy und eIIecLIve resoIuLIon oI
cILIzens` grIevunces.
n JunsuvIdIu, u wurd oIIIcer Ius been gIve rIgIL Lo LrunsIer u
compIuInL Lo unoLIer wurd oIIIcer wILIouL uny upprovuI
Irom LIe zonuI depurLmenL Ieud. SucI Ireedom cun be
mIsused by LIe oIIIcIuIs und Ience sucI IncIdences sIouId be
reguIurIy monILored by LIe zonuI Ieuds und cIurIIIcuLIons
sIouId be sougIL In cuse LIere Is uny unnecessury LrunsIer oI
cuII by LIe wurd oIIIcer.
AMC sIouId IncorporuLe u mecIunIsm Lo seek consumer
Ieedbuck on LIe compIuInL IundIIng servIces oI LIe
45 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
corporuLIon. Once LIe compIuInL Is resoIved, LIe IIeId oIIIcer
sIouId uIso geL u consumer Ieedbuck Iorm IIIIed up by LIe
compIuInunL und submIL IL Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuI. L
sIouId uIso be upduLed In LIe sysLem Ior reporLIng und
monILorIng. TIIs sIuII be useIuI Lo unuIyze LIe consumer
Ieedbuck und IdenLIIy LIe ureus oI ImprovemenL.
L Is ImperuLIve Lo educuLe LIe oIIIcIuIs ubouL LIe vurIous e-
governunce InILIuLIves underLuken by AMC Lo eIIecLIveIy
uLIIIze LIe resources und muxImIze LIe poLenLIuI beneIILs oI
sucI InILIuLIves. TIe LruInIng sIouId be cusLomIzed Lo suIL
LIe requIremenLs oI LIe IndIvIduuIs. SInce e-governunce Is uL
ILs nuscenL sLuge, perIodIc ussessmenL oI LIe processes
sIouId be mude Lo IdenLIIy LIe key Issues beIng Iuced by LIe
oIIIcIuIs In mukIng use oI LIe new sysLems und procedures so
LIuL uccordIngIy cIunges cun be mude uccordIngIy Lo ensure
user IrIendIy sysLems.
n LIe munuuI mecIunIsm In Iour wurds, LIe compIuInL
supervIsor IIIIs In LIe deLuIIs In LIe onIIne compIuInL
regIsLruLIon sysLem uILer Ie records IL munuuIIy In LIe
compIuInL book. L Is mereIy u dupIIcuLIon oI LIe work und
LIus IneIIIcIenL. TIus TER proposes LIuL LIe compIuInL
supervIsor sIouId dIrecLIy submIL LIe deLuIIs oI uny
compIuInL receIved (eILIer by pIone or wuIk-In) In LIe
onIIne moduIe und LIe onIIne sysLem sIouId be used Ior
compIuInL resoIuLIon und monILorIng purposes. And InsLeud
oI IundIng over sIIps Lo LIe concerned oIIIcer descrIbIng
compIuInL deLuIIs, u prInL ouL oI LIe sysLem generuLed receIpL
cun be provIded us IL Is gIven Lo LIe compIuInunL us un
ucknowIedgemenL receIpL oI IIsJIer compIuInL. TIIs wouId
uIso IeIp LIe wurd oIIIces Lo regIsLer compIuInLs oI uII
cuLegorIes InsLeud oI onIy engIneerIng und IeuILI compIuInLs
us currenLIy In prucLIce.
CurrenLIy LIe SMS bused mecIunIsm (jcnsutidhc) und
onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon sysLems ure noL InLegruLed. AII
LIe sysLems sIouId be weII syncIronIsed Ior u beLLer
reporLIng und monILorIng oI LIe sysLem. TIe onIIne sysLem
sIouId uIso Iuve u sImIIur sysLem oI reporLIng us In
junsuvIdIu brIngIng unIIormILy In LIe duLu munugemenL
needed Ior u compreIensIve perIormunce unuIysIs oI AMC`s
L wus LoId by LIe AMC oIIIcIuIs LIuL In u duy, LIree peopIe
Iuve Lo be empIoyed Lo IundIe uround 1-zo compIuInLs In u
duy per zone Ior junsuvIdIu. TIus IL wouId be economIcuIIy
more IeusIbIe Lo Iuve u cenLruIIzed LoII Iree IeIpIIne number
Ior uII LIe zones wIIcI wIII opLImuIIy uLIIIze LIe Iumun
resources und LIus suve LIe cosL.
46 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
An evuIuuLIon oI junsuvIdIu sIouId be mude beIore IL Is
exLended Lo LIe enLIre AMC ureu. L sIouId uIm Lo
undersLund LIe probIems Iuced by LIe oIIIcIuIs us weII us
consumers In usIng LIe uuLomuLed sysLem SMS bused
sysLem. SucI unuIysIs cun IeIp AMC Lo IdenLIIy LIe key
Issues In LIe currenL mecIunIsm und LIus cun modIIy IL
uccordIngIy beIore IL Is operuLIonuIIzed ucross LIe AMC`s
IIcensed ureu.
TIe perIodIc meeLIngs wILIIn LIe munIcIpuI corporuLIon Lo
ussess LIe CGRS sIouId be mude munduLory. TIe key
IIndIngs Irom LIe sysLem generuLed reporLs sIouId be
presenLed sucI us nuLure oI IrequenL compIuInLs, wurd wIse
perIormunce, percenLuge oI compIuInLs resoIved wILIIn und
beyond LIe sLIpuIuLed LIme eLc. AII LIese IIndIngs sIouId be
unuIyzed und opInIons und suggesLIons sIouId be soIIcILed
Irom LIe oIIIcIuIs Lo ImprovIse LIe sysLem und uIso Lo
IIgIIIgIL LIeIr concerns ubouL LIe workIng oI LIe sysLem.
As LIe e-governunce InILIuLIves Ior grIevunce redressuI by
AMC ure uL LIe nuscenL sLuge, AMC sIouId creuLe uwureness
und buIId cupucILy umong LIe cILIzens. TIIs wIII ensure LIuL
LIe cILIzens uLIIIze LIe new servIces wIIcI cun poLenLIuIIy
Improve LIeIr suLIsIucLIon In Lerms oI LIe redressuI process
und resoIuLIon oI LIeIr compIuInLs.

Raipur Municipal Corporation
AL presenL LIe grIevunce redressuI sysLem In RMC Is sLIII
munuuI. TIere Is no uuLomuLedJ onIIne sysLem. TIe grIevunce
redressuI sysLem Is known us SIngIe WIndow sysLem or "Ikul
Khidki Prunuli. L Is known us sIngIe wIndow sysLem us LIe
cILIzens cun submIL uII kInds oI compIuInLs uL u sIngIe counLer us
opposed Lo dIIIerenL counLers Ior dIIIerenL compIuInLs. TIe
sIngIe wIndow sysLem wus IuuncIed In JuIy zooq. PrIor Lo LIIs,
LIe compIuInunL Iud Lo personuIIy meeL LIe concerned
depurLmenLuI Ieud In u purLIcuIur zone und submIL u compIuInL.
Key features of CGRS
TIere ure eIgIL sIngIe wIndow counLers presenL In uII
LIe eIgIL zonuI oIIIces. CILIzens cun Iodge LIeIr
compIuInLs by submILLIng u wrILLen uppIIcuLIon In LIe
prescrIbed compIuInL Iorm, wIIcI Is uvuIIubIe uL LIese
counLers Ior u nomInuI Iee (Rs zJ-). BesIdes compIuInL
regIsLruLIon, sIngIe wIndow counLers ure uIso used Ior
revenue coIIecLIon, Issue oI ruLIon curd eLc. TIe sIngIe
wIndow counLers ure open everyduy Irom 1o:o AM-
z:oo PM (excepL weekends und IoIIduys). TIey cun uIso
47 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
dIrecLIy conLucL LIe depurLmenL oIIIcIuIs on LIeIr
personuI mobIIe pIones or personuIIy meeL LIem.

AILer LIe compIuInL Is noLed In LIe compIuInL regIsLer,
LIe compIuInunL Is gIven u receIpL wILI LIe receIpL no.
und LIe LIme IImIL wILIIn wIIcI IIs or Ier compIuInL
wouId be resoIved. TIese LIme IInes ure LIe sume us
menLIoned In LIe cILIzen`s cIurLer. However, LIe nume
oI LIe concerned oIIIcer Is noL menLIoned on LIe receIpL.

CompIuInLs wIere LIe compIuInunL Ius dIrecLIy
upproucIed LIe RMC oIIIcIuI LIrougI pIone ure noL
recorded In LIe compIuInL regIsLer.

TIese sIngIe wIndow counLers ure beIng munned by
cIerIcuI sLuII oI LIe RMC. One person sILs uL eucI
counLer. TIe cIerk Is responsIbIe Ior LukIng LIe
compIuInLs, enLerIng LIe compIuInLs InLo u sIngIe
regIsLer, wIIcI Is segreguLed InLo dIIIerenL secLIons
uccordIng Lo LIe servIce. He enLers LIe IoIIowIng deLuIIs
InLo LIe regIsLer:

CompIuInL number
CompIuInL regIsLruLIon duLe
CompIuInunL nume und uddress, deLuIIs oI
compIuInL (Summury)
Concerned depurLmenL, LIme IImIL (wILIIn wIIcI
compIuInL wouId be resoIved)
SLuLus oI LIe compIuInL
Remurks (Lo be IIIIed us per LIe InIormuLIon
gIven by LIe concerned depurLmenL oIIIcIuI)

TIe compIuInL sIIps ure Iorwurded Lo LIe concerned
depurLmenL LIe sume duy on wIIcI IL Ius been
regIsLered und LIe compIuInL record Is muInLuIned In
regIsLer. TIe concerned oIIIcIuI Ius Lo ucknowIedge
receIpL oI LIe compIuInL by sIgnIng In u receIpL book
(Dcl-bool). TIIs book conLuIns compIuInL number, u
summury oI LIe compIuInL, duLe und u coIumn Ior LIe
sIgnuLure oI LIe concerned oIIIcIuI. TIIs sysLem uIds In
monILorIng LIe Iog oI compIuInLs uL uny IuLer sLuge.

MosL oI LIe LImes, LIe LIme IImIL gIven Lo LIe cILIzen Is
udIered Lo excepL In some cIrcumsLunces wIere In LIe
work InvoIves upprovuIs Irom IIgIer oIIIcIuIs or requIres
Iunds. n sucI cuses LIe cILIzen Ius Lo wuIL Ior un
IndeIInILe LIme perIod, us Ie Is noL gIven uny kInd oI
InLerIm repIy sLuLIng LIe LIme perIod wILIIn wIIcI IIs
48 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
compIuInL wouId be resoIved. TIe concerned
depurLmenL Is LIen gIven more LIme Lo resoIve sucI

Once LIe compIuInL Is resoIved, LIere Is no proper
cIosure und Ieedbuck mecIunIsm. SomeLImes LIe IIeId
person Lukes LIe sIgnuLure oI compIuInunL on un
ucknowIedgemenL Iorm, wIIcI IndIcuLes LIuL LIe
compIuInL Ius been resoIved. eedbuck Irom
compIuInunLs Is noL sougIL uILer LIe resoIuLIon oI

ApurL Irom LIe uIore -menLIoned uvenues, LIe cILIzens cun uIso
IIgIIIgIL LIeIr grIevunces dIrecLIy Lo LIe CIIeI MInIsLer wIo
meeLs LIe cILIzens every TIursduy (eILIer Irom q-11 AM or 8:o-
1o:o AM) Ior u one-Lo-one InLerucLIon. TIIs duy Is known us
Jun DursIun. TIe cILIzens cun submIL wrILLen compIuInLs Lo
LIe CM wIo eILIer resoIves LIe compIuInL on LIe spoL or dIrecLs
IL Lo LIe RMC Lo Luke up LIese compIuInLs.

RMC Ius uIso pubIIsIed u cILIzen`s cIurLer, wIIcI gIves LIe LIme
IInes Ior vurIous servIces provIded by LIe RMC. BroudIy LIere
ure 8 servIces- PubIIc works, revenue depurLmenL, IeuILI oIIIcer,
Town pIunnIng, WuLer suppIy, Iood IIcense, sLreeLIIgILs und
mIsceIIuneous compIuInLs. TIere ure vurIous subcuLegorIes
under LIese eIgIL cuLegorIes.
Monitoring mechanism
CompIuInLs wIIcI Iuve exceeded LIe sLIpuIuLed LIme IImIL ure
IoIIowed up by sendIng wrILLen remInders Lo LIe concerned
oIIIcIuI IundIIng LIe compIuInL. CIerksJwork ussIsLunLs wIo
IundIe LIe sIngIe wIndow counLers, verbuIIy IoIIow up LIe sLuLus
oI compIuInLs und send wrILLen remInders II u compIuInL Ius
exceeded ILs LIme IImIL, urgIng LIe oIIIcIuI Lo Luke ImmedIuLe
ucLIon und LreuL LIe compIuInL serIousIy. However, uguIn LIIs
process Is noL beIng IoIIowed ucross uII zones.

Once LIe compIuInL Ius been resoIved undJor LIe sLuLus Ius
been communIcuLed by LIe concerned oIIIcIuI, LIe cIerk upduLes
LIe sLuLus Jremurks und duLe, II LIe compIuInL Is cIosed, In LIe
compIuInL Iog bookJregIsLer. UsIng LIese deLuIIs, u reporL Is
supposed Lo be generuLed by eucI zonuI oIIIce Lo presenL IL Lo
LIe MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner, on u monLIIy busIs. TIe reporL
provIdes LIe numbers oI compIuInLs Lo be resoIved us on LIe
duLe In quesLIon, und LIe number oI pendIng compIuInLs
cIussIIIed InLo vurIous cuLegorIes. PendIng compIuInLs ure uIso
cIussIIIed InLo Lwo cuLegorIes (wILIIn sLIpuIuLed LIme IImIL und
exceedIng LIe LIme IImIL).

49 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
TIese reporLs ure supposed Lo be monILored on u monLIIy busIs
uL LIe RMC Ieud oIIIce by LIe MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner. TIe
TER Leum wus LoId LIuL LIIs monILorIng Is noL on reguIur busIs.
urLIer, wIIIe LIe zonuI commIssIoners ure uIso supposed Lo
monILor LIe zonuI compIuInLs reporLs on u reguIur busIs, LIIs
process Is noL beIng IoIIowed us LIe oIIIcIuIs ure severeIy LIed up
due Lo oLIer work commILmenLs.

urLIer LIere Is no monILorIng mecIunIsm In LIe RMC Lo cIeck
II LIe concerned oIIIcIuIs Iuve ucLuuIIy redressed LIe compIuInLs

n uddILIon, LIere Is u weekIy T (TIme ImIL) meeLIng IeId
under LIe munIcIpuI commIssIoner`s dIrecLIon every
Wednesduy. TIIs meeLIng Is uLLended by LIe DepuLy
CommIssIoners und LIe respecLIve zonuI commIssIoners und Is
cIuIred by LIe MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner (MC). n LIIs meeLIng
LIe MC IdenLIIIes uII LIe ImporLunL Issues, wIIcI muy uIso
IncIude cerLuIn specIIIc grIevunces oI cILIzens Lo be uddressed on
u prIorILy busIs, und ussIgns u LIme IImIL Lo IL. He revIews LIe
sLuLus oI LIese grIevunces every week LIereon LIII LIe LIme IL Is

TERIs observations
One oI LIe muIn probIems Iuced by RMC Is LIe sIorLuge
oI munpower (boLI skIIIed und unskIIIed personneI).
TIIs wus reILeruLed by RMC oIIIcIuIs durIng sLukeIoIder
. Due Lo LIIs, muny oI LIe oIIIcIuIs ure
IundIIng oLIer responsIbIIILIes In uddILIon Lo LIeIr
ussIgned responsIbIIILIes. TIIs consLruIns LIe
perIormunce oI LIe oIIIcIuIs und LIey ure noL ubIe Lo
respond Lo uII LIe consumer compIuInLs eIIecLIveIy. TIIs
Ius uIso Ied Lo cILIzens upproucIIng uILernuLIve uvenues,
sucI us Pcrshcds, Lo geL LIeIr grIevunces regIsLered.

TER Leum Iound LIuL LIe sIngIe wIndow counLers were
In poor pIysIcuI condILIon. CounLers were In dIIupIduLed
sIupe und were Iound Lo be InucLIve durIng LIe oIIIcIuI
workIng Iours.

CIerks uL some oI LIe sIngIe wIndow counLers were noL
uvuIIubIe LIrougIouL LIe duy. L wus noLed durIng IIeId
vIsILs, LIuL cIerks were noL presenL In some oI LIe
counLers. L wus uIso sLuLed by LIe oIIIcIuIs LIuL, uL LImes,

The RMC officials opined that lack of manpower is mainly due to the fact that RMC has not been
generating sufficient revenue income to pay adequately for staff salaries.
50 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
LIe personneI Is uIso enguged In oLIer ucLIvILIes ussIgned
Lo LIem sucI us CensusJ eIecLIon duLIes eLc., due Lo
wIIcI LIey cunnoL be uvuIIubIe uL LIe sIngIe wIndow

Muny cILIzens ure uIso upproucIIng LIe Pcrshcds, ucrd
councillors Lo geL LIeIr compIuInLs redressed. DurIng
InLerucLIon wILI PRA (SocIeLy Ior PurLIcIpuLory
ReseurcI In AsIu), u weII known NGO In RuIpur, IL
emerged LIuL LIe cILIzens generuIIy preIer LIIs
uILernuLIve, InsLeud oI dIrecLIy reucIIng LIe zonuI oIIIce.
Pcrshcd LIen dIrecLs LIe compIuInLs Lo RMC.

TIere Is no unIIormILy In LIe process oI compIuInL
regIsLruLIon ucross zones. TER Leum vIsILed LIree zonuI
oIIIces oI RMC (Zones , ; und 8) und Iound LIuL LIey
don`L IoIIow u unIIorm und sLrucLured process. or
InsLunce, In one oI LIe zones u sIngIe regIsLer Is
muInLuIned Ior uII compIuInLs, Iowever In unoLIer zone
LIere Is u sepuruLe regIsLer Ior wuLer suppIy reIuLed
compIuInLs us LIey ure consIdered Lo be more crILIcuI In
nuLure und Iuve Lo be redressed on u prIorILy busIs und
Iuve Lo be redressed on u prIorILy busIs.

L Ius uIso been noLed LIuL cILIzens cuII up LIe
conLrucLors dIrecLIy, InsLeud oI upproucIIng LIe RMC.
Every zoneJureu Ius u desIgnuLed conLrucLor und
cILIzens generuIIy ure uwure oI LIe conLucL deLuIIs oI LIe
conLrucLors und Ience muke u dIrecL cuII.

n cuse LIe compIuInLs Iuve exceeded sLIpuIuLed LIme
IImIL, wrILLen remInders senL ouL Lo oIIIcIuIs Lo Luke
ucLIon uL LIe eurIIesL. However, IL Ius been observed LIuL
very Iew oIIIcIuIs respond Lo sucI remInders IndIcuLIng
Iuck oI uccounLubIIILy prevuIIIng In LIe sysLem.

RMC oIIIcIuIs InIormed TER Leum LIuL LIey ure
pIunnIng Lo seL up un onIIne sysLem Ior CGRS, wIIcI
wouId ensure proper uccounLubIIILy und LImeIy redressuI
oI compIuInLs. RMC Ius InILIuLed LuIks wILI LIe CenLre
Ior Good Governunce (CGG), Hyderubud Ior LIIs und Is
proposIng Lo Issue LIe work order soon. CGG Ius
submILLed u proposuI Ior un OnIIne GrIevunce RedressuI
und TruckIng SysLem (OGRTS), u web bused uppIIcuLIon.
RMC envIsuges LIuL LIIs uuLomuLed CGRS, supporLed by
cuII cenLre wouId be sLreumIIned wILIIn -q monLIs.
GIven LIe IImILed T cupucILy In LIe corporuLIon, InILIuIIy
LIe server und operuLIon sIuII be muInLuIned by CGG Ior
51 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
uL IeusL -q monLIs. TIe Leum wus IurLIer LoId LIuL LIIs
process wus InILIuLed beIore e-governunce In
munIcIpuIILIes wus IncIuded us one oI LIe mIssIon mode
projecLs In JNNURM. z moduIes oI munIcIpuI servIces
Iuve been IdenLIIIed ucross LIe sLuLe Ior
ImpIemenLuLIon, wIere In CGRS Ius uIso been IncIuded.

MoUD servIce IeveI bencImurks ure noL beIng IoIIowed
uL presenL.

TIe CGRS Is sLIII un unsLrucLured mecIunIsm wILIouL
uny proper uccounLubIIILy or Ieedbuck mecIunIsms buIIL

ApurL Irom wrILLen compIuInLs LIe cILIzens do noL Iuve
oLIer uvenues sucI us onIIne CGRS, LoII Iree IeIpIIne
number eLc Lo Iodge compIuInLs.

TIe compIuInL receIved by RMC oIIIcIuIs LIrougI pIone
Is noL u IormuI process oI compIuInL regIsLruLIon.
CILIzens, wIo know LIe oIIIcIuIs personuIIy, ure dIrecLIy
conLucLIng LIem Ior speedy redressuI oI compIuInLs.

n Lerms oI prIorILy wIse cIussIIIcuLIon oI compIuInLs,
RMC oIIIcIuIs sLuLed LIe IoIIowIng: (sLurLIng Irom mosL
preIerred Lo IeusL preIerred)
WuLer suppIy
AII oLIer compIuInLs

TIe cILIzens cIurLer pubIIsIed by RMC Is noL u
compreIensIve documenL. L onIy IIsLs down LIe 8 muIn
servIces (menLIoned ubove), wIIcI Iuve been IurLIer
sub -cuLegorIzed InLo servIces. TIese servIces IndIcuLe
LIe correspondIng LIme IInesJ servIce IeveI LIme. L does
noL conLuIn uny deLuIIs on LIe compIuInL IundIIng
mecIunIsm, conLucL deLuIIs oI responsIbIe oIIIcIuIs, LIe
deLuIIs oI concerned depurLmenL eLc.

TIe oIIIcIuIs oI RMC were oI LIe opInIon LIuL LIere Is u
scope Ior ImprovemenL In LIe consumer grIevunce
IundIIng mecIunIsm.

TER Leum uIso conLucLed some oI LIe cILIzens In RuIpur
Lo geL LIeIr perspecLIve on LIe grIevunce redressuI
sysLem In RuIpur und LIe probIems Iuced by LIem wIIIe
regIsLerIng LIeIr compIuInLs In RMC. rom LIe
52 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
InLerucLIons IL emerged LIuL cILIzens ure noL uwure oI LIe
sIngIe wIndow sysLem uL RMC. TIey generuIIy preIer Lo
IIgIIIgIL LIeIr compIuInLs Lo LIe PursIuds or LIe Muyor
InsLeud oI regIsLerIng compIuInLs uL RMC.

Bosed on the citg oisit, TER1 proposes the follouing

TIe CGRS In RMC sIouId be mude more sLrucLured
responsIve und uccessIbIe. PresenLIy, LIe cILIzens
dIrecLIy geL In LoucI wILI RMC oIIIcIuIs Lo Iodge LIeIr
compIuInLs. TIIs cun Ieud Lo u sILuuLIon wIere
consumers puy un umounL Lo LIe geL LIeIr compIuInL
redressed (speed money). To do uwuy wILI LIIs prucLIce,
uccessIbIIILy oI LIe exIsLIng cIunneIs oI grIevunce
regIsLruLIon sIouId be broudened. n uddILIon Lo LIe
SIngIe wIndow sysLem, u dedIcuLed IeIpIIne number
sIouId be InLroduced so LIuL cILIzens cun uIso geL LIeIr
grIevunces regIsLered over LIe pIone. OnIIne CGR
sysLem sIouId uIso be IuuncIed Lo IucIIILuLe euse oI
grIevunce regIsLruLIon. BoLI LIese meusures sIouId be
ImpIemenLed uL LIe eurIIesL. TIII LIe LIme LIe onIIne
sysLem geLs operuLIonuI, meusures sIouId be Luken Lo
sLrengLIen LIe munuuI sysLem oI grIevunce regIsLruLIon.

TIe sIngIe wIndow counLers sIouId be mude cILIzen
IrIendIy wILI proper InIrusLrucLure und IucIIILIes In
pIuce. SInce LIese counLers requIre LIe cILIzens Lo queue
ouLsIde u smuII wIndow, LIe cIunneIs sIouId Iuve
IucIIILIes Ior drInkIng wuLer, LoIIeLs eLc. wIIcI wIII muke
LIem uppeuIIng und comIorLubIe Ior cILIzens.

AII compIuInLs sIouId be recorded und u duLubuse oI
compIuInLs sIouId be muInLuIned, regurdIess oI LIe Lype
oI cIunneI used Ior grIevunce regIsLruLIon. PresenLIy
compIuInLs receIved by oIIIcIuIs dIrecLIy on LIeIr
personuI mobIIes ure noL recorded. As reILeruLed ubove,
LIe InLroducLIon oI u IeIpIIne number wouId muke LIe
process more sLrucLured und sImpIIIIed. TIe oIIIcIuIs
cun dIrecL LIe compIuInunL Lo LIe RMC IeIpIIne number,
In cuse LIe compIuInunLs geL In LoucI wILI LIem dIrecLIy.
TIIs wouId ensure LIuL uII compIuInLs ure duIy recorded

TIe LImIngs oI grIevunce regIsLruLIon sIouId be
exLended Irom LIe presenL LImIngs (1o:oo AM-z:oo
PM). TIe sIngIe wIndow sysLem sIouId be open durIng
53 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
oIIIce Iours oI RMC. TIIs wIII udd Lo LIe convenIence oI

TIe uwureness umongsL LIe pubIIc regurdIng LIe
grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsm In RMC Is very Iow.
Even LIougI LIe grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsm exIsLs
In RMC, Iew cILIzens ure usIng IL. TIereIore, creuLIng
uwureness ubouL LIe grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsm
sIouId be u Lop prIorILy Ior RMC. PumpIIeLs sIouId be
dIsLrIbuLed Lo IouseIoIds expIuInIng LIe process oI
grIevunce regIsLruLIon. PromInenL sIgnuges uL ImporLunL
IocuLIons sIouId uIso be puL up.

n LIose cuses, wIere RMC envIsuges u LIme Iug In
compIuInL redressuI, un InLerIm repIy sIouId be senL Lo
LIe cILIzen regurdIng LIe deIuy.

Once u compIuInL reucIes LIe concerned depurLmenL, IL
needs Lo be Lrucked und monILored reguIurIy Lo buIId
greuLer uccounLubIIILy InLo LIe sysLem, wIIcI Is IuckIng
uL presenL. TIIs cun be done by sLrIcLIy enIorcIng
monILorIng on duIIy busIs by LIe depurLmenL Ieud und
IurLIer reguIur weekIy monILorIng by LIe zonuI
commIssIoner. MonILorIng sIouId be done on u monLIIy
busIs wIereIn uII LIe RMC oIIIcIuIs IncIudIng depuLy
MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner und MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner
sIouId cIeck LIe progress oI compIuInL redressuI.

TIe compIuInLs sIouId be cIosed onIy uILer LukIng LIe
sIgnuLure oI LIe compIuInunL on u sIIp. urLIer,
Ieedbuck musL uIso be Luken Irom LIe cILIzens uILer LIe
compIuInL Is cIosed prImurIIy Lo guuge LIeIr IeveI oI
suLIsIucLIon wILI RMC`s compIuInL IundIIng mecIunIsm.
TIe Ieedbuck sIouId be duIy uccounLed Ior wIIIe
monILorIng LIe perIormunce oI empIoyees und uIso Ior
ImprovIng LIe presenL sysLem.

CILIzen cIurLer sIouId be revIsed und mude more
compreIensIve. L sIouId provIde InIormuLIon ubouL LIe
servIces deIIvered by RMC und ILs depurLmenLs, LIe
rIgILs und responsIbIIILIes oI cILIzens, wIo LIey sIouId
upproucI In cuse oI compIuInLs und wIuL Is mecIunIsm
Lo Iodge LIeIr grIevunces, wIen Lo compIuIn und Ior
wIuL Lo compIuIn, IormuLs Ior regIsLerIng compIuInLs

ApurL Irom LIe sLrucLured CGRS, meeLIngs wILI cILIzens
couId uIso be orgunIzed by RMC on u monLIIy busIs.
54 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
SucI Iorums wouId provIde un uddILIonuI pIuLIorm Lo
LIe cILIzens Lo voIce LIeIr concerns. TIese Iorums couId
Iocus on grIevunces wILIIn u purLIcuIur ureu. ReguIur
upduLes on LIe progress mude couId be gIven In
successIve meeLIngs. Concerned depurLmenL Ieuds,
zonuI commIssIoners, depuLy munIcIpuI commIssIoner,
cILIzens, PursIuds und oLIer cILIzen represenLuLIve
groups sIouId uLLend LIese meeLIngs.

TIe unnuuI reporL oI LIe MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon sIouId
gIve deLuIIs on LIe number oI compIuInLs uddressed und
compIuInLs pendIng. TIIs InIormuLIon sIouId be
uvuIIubIe on LIe CorporuLIon`s websILe uLIeusL on u
monLIIy busIs.

TruInIng sIouId be gIven Lo RMC oIIIcIuIs Lo educuLe
LIem on Iow Lo eIIecLIveIy IundIe cILIzen compIuInLs. A
messuge needs Lo be ImpurLed Lo oIIIcIuIs LIuL LIey
sIouId udopL u your probIem Is our probIem upproucI
InsLeud oI reucLIng In u pussIve munner.

BesIdes LIe Lwo cILIes IdenLIIIed by MoUD, LIe Leum vIsILed
MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon oI urIdubud (MC) Lo undersLund LIe
CGRS oI LIe munIcIpuI bodIes In smuII Lowns und LIe cIuIIenges
Iuced by LIem In IormuIIy InsLILuLIonuIIzIng LIe compIuInL
IundIIng mecIunIsm Ior Improved urbun governunce

Municipal Corporation of Faridabad (MCF)
urIdubud Is LIe bIggesL urbun uggIomeruLIon oI Huryunu
consIsLIng oI oId munIcIpuI Towns oI urIdubud, BuIIubIgurI,
und New ndusLrIuI Town uIong wILI 8 revenue vIIIuges. L Is
LIe LweIILI dIsLrIcL oI Huryunu und comes under LIe Gurguon
Citizen perspective on CGRS
During the field visits to Ahmedabad and Raipur, information on complainants
was gathered from the respective municipal bodies to solicit their opinions on
the existing CGRS. Random calls were made to some of the complainants to
discuss the issues that they face in getting their grievances redressed.

Two key points emerged from the interactions.
o Citizen awareness and credibility about various avenues for CGRS is
quite low in both cities. They prefer to send complaints by post or
approach parshads to raise their concerns instead of using the formal
channel such as in-house grievance redressal systems.

o Customer feedback is not sought and there is no mechanism to
capture suggestions of citizens for the improvement in the present
55 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
DIvIsIon oI Huryunu.

TIe dIsLrIcL Ius un ureu oI z11 Kms. L

uccommoduLes u popuIuLIon oI upproxImuLeIy 1 IukIs (MC,

TIe dIsLrIcL Ius CommunILy DeveIopmenL BIocks
IocuLed In q LeIsIIs. L Ius 88 revenue vIIIuges oI wIIcI z ure
unInIubILed und qo vIIIuges Iuve been urbunIsed.
Monicipul Corporution oI Iuridubud {MCI) Is u cIvIc
body provIdIng uII LIe busIc cIvII umenILIes Lo LIe cILIzens ucross
wurds. L Is responsIbIe Ior LIe muInLenunce und upkeep oI
rouds, sewers, wuLer suppIy IInes, sLreeLIIgILs, pubIIc purks eLc.
TER Leum IeId exLensIve InLerucLIons wILI LIe oIIIcIuIs oI MC
Lo undersLund LIe grIevunce redressuI mecIunIsm und crILIcuIIy
ussess ILs eIIIcucy.
Grievance registration at MCF
TIe cILIzens oI urIdubud cun regIsLer LIeIr compIuInLs und
grIevunces wILI MC usIng one oI LIe IoIIowIng LIree opLIons:
1. Personcl tisit to MCI ojjice jor complcint reistrction:
n eucI oI LIe wurd oIIIces, compIuInL regIsLers ure
muInLuIned sepuruLeIy Ior wuLer suppIy, seweruge und generuI
compIuInLs. or eIecLrIcuI servIces (IurgeIy sLreeL IIgILIng
compIuInLs), compIuInLs ure beIng regIsLered uL LIree cenLres
ucross LIe IIcensed ureu oI MC. AL presenL, peons und Iower
IeveI sLuII ure IundIIng LIe regIsLers und LIere Is no dedIcuLed
sLuII Lo excIusIveIy IundIe und muInLuIn LIe compIuInL regIsLers.
AL some oI LIe oIIIces, LIe JE IImseII regIsLers LIe consumer
compIuInLs und dIrecLs LIe IIeIdworkersJIInemen Lo coIIecL LIe
necessury equIpmenLs (requIred Ior resoIuLIon oI consumer`s
probIem) Irom LIe sLore und usk LIem Lo resoIve LIe Issue.
Consumers cun regIsLer LIeIr grIevunces unyLIme durIng LIe
oIIIce Iours I.e. Irom qAM- PM.
z. Dnline complcint reistrction:
TIe onIIne compIuInL IodgIng IucIIILy wus IuuncIed by MC In
zoo8. TIe consumer cun regIsLer IIs compIuInL regurdIng uny oI
LIe servIces provIded by MC. AILer regIsLruLIon, u unIque LIckeL
number uIong wILI LIe deLuIIs oI LIe concerned oIIIcIuIs wIo
wouId IundIe LIe grIevunce Is gIven Lo LIe consumer wIIcI cun
be used by LIe consumer Lo Lruck LIe sLuLus oI IIs grIevunce uL
uny sLuge oI LIe grIevunce resoIuLIon process. Once u compIuInL
Is regIsLered, IL Is uuLomuLIcuIIy Iorwurded Lo LIe JunIor
EngIneer (JE), AssIsLunL EngIneer (AE) und LIe ExecuLIve
EngIneer (EE) oI LIe Leum (wuLer, seweruge eLc) In LIe
compIuInunL`s wurd.

Haryana is divided into four Divisions. Each Division is headed by Divisional commissioner. The
Deputy Commissioner is the administrative head of District. Faridabad is divided into four Sub Divisions
and each Sub Division is headed by Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM).
56 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
. Telephonic reistrction:
WIIIe uL presenL LIere Is no IeIpIIne number Lo IundIe
consumer compIuInLs, Iowever cILIzens cun dIrecLIy conLucL LIe
JE, AE or EE Lo Iodge LIeIr compIuInLs. TIe conLucL deLuIIs oI uII
LIe oIIIcIuIs ure gIven on LIe websILe und ure uIso uvuIIubIe on
requesL Irom RWAs, medIu reporLs eLc.
ApurL Irom LIese cIunneIs, u compIuInL cenLer Ius uIso been
Ioused uL LIe MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner`s oIIIce, wIere In
cILIzens cun geL LIeIr compIuInLs Iodged. TIe cILIzens wIo do noL
Iuve uccess Lo InLerneL IucIIILy or do noL know Iow Lo Iodge LIeIr
compIuInLs cun come Lo MC und geL LIeIr compIuInLs
regIsLered In LIe onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon sysLem uL
MunIcIpuI CommIssIoner`s oIIIce.
Grievance Resolution at MCF
AILer LIe compIuInL Is regIsLered, oIIIcIuIs IIrsL cross cIeck
wIeLIer LIere Is ucLuuIIy u probIem In LIe consumer`s ureuJ
resIdence. HuvIng done LIuL, oIIIcIuIs uL LIe concerned wurd
need Lo Luke un upproprIuLe ucLIon Lo resoIve LIe Issue.
rom LIe dIscussIon wILI oIIIcIuIs, LIe TER Leum undersLood
LIuL uII emergency compIuInLs (sucI us druInuge und wuLer
cIoggIng eLc.) ure uLLended Lo on LIe sume duy wIIIe Ior oLIer
compIuInLs; LIe mInImum resoIuLIon LIme Is duys. TIe
concerned oIIIcIuI Ius Lo reporL LIe sLuLus wILIIn duys IuIIIng
wIIcI LIe compIuInL Is uuLomuLIcuIIy escuIuLed Lo LIe nexL IeveI
oIIIcIuI bused on LIe IIerurcIy (Igure q.z). TIIs IucIIILy Is onIy
uvuIIubIe In LIe onIIne sysLem.

Figure 4.2: Automatic escalation of complaints based on hierarchy at MCF
Source: Based on discussions with MCF
n LIe onIIne sysLem, uII LIe Leum members (JE, AE, EE) cun
cuLegorIze LIe compIuInLs uIIocuLed Lo LIeIr Leum InLo IoIIowIng
LIree cuLegorIes:
1. PendIng grIevunces
z. CompIuInL resoIved und compIuInunL Is suLIsIIed
. CompIuInL resoIved und LIe compIuInunL Is noL suLIsIIed
CIIeI EngIneer

57 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Cuses wIere LIe compIuInL cunnoL be ImmedIuLeIy resoIved due
Lo IInuncIuI requIremenLs und wIIcI need upprovuIs Irom
IIgIer uuLIorILIes, LIe consumer Is gIven un InLerIm repIy und IL
Is reIIecLed In LIe sysLem us u 'CompIuInL resoIved und LIe
compIuInunL noL suLIsIIed` (III ubove). n sucI cuses, LIe
consumer cun upproucI IIgIer-IeveI oIIIcIuIs Lo geL IL redressed.
AL every sLuge oI LIe resoIuLIon process, LIe oIIIcIuIs upIoud
LIeIr commenLs und remurks (wIeLIer resoIved or noL) In LIe
sysLem LIuL cun be vIewed by LIe consumer.
GrIevunce resoIuLIon Is noL u sLrucLured process wIen LIe
consumers regIsLer LIeIr compIuInLs LeIepIonIcuIIy. n LIIs cuse,
LIe consumer dIrecLIy cuIIs LIe JEJAEJ EE (on LIeIr personuI
conLucL number) Ior ruIsIng LIeIr concerns und LIe oIIIcIuIs Iuve
Lo dIrecL LIe IIeId workers uccordIngIy. AccordIng Lo LIe
corporuLIon oIIIcIuIs, IL Is dIIIIcuIL Ior LIem Lo uLLend Lo LIe cuIIs
LIrougIouL LIe duy sImuILuneousIy wILI IoIIowIng up wILI LIe
IIeId sLuII Lo ensure LImeIy resoIuLIon oI LIe Issue. L wus uIso
noLed LIuL MC sLuII do noL uIwuys cuII buck LIe consumers Lo
know II LIe consumers ure suLIsIIed wILI LIe resoIuLIon process.
TIIs Is prImurIIy due Lo LIe IucL LIuL oIIIcIuIs ure severeIy LIed up
wILI consumer cuIIs LIrougIouL LIe duy wIIcI Ieuves LIem wILI
no LIme Lo seek LIeIr Ieedbuck. AILer receIvIng LIe InIormuLIon
Irom LIe IIeId sLuII, LIe oIIIcIuIs IormuIIy cIose LIe compIuInL. L
wus IIgIIIgILed by LIe oIIIcIuIs uL MC LIuL uILer onIIne
compIuInL regIsLruLIon Ius been puL In pIuce, LIere Ius been u
reducLIon In LIe number oI compIuInL receIved LeIepIonIcuIIy.
TIe MC oIIIcIuIs IIgIIIgILed LIuL LIe mosL IrequenL compIuInLs
ure reIuLed Lo seweruge probIems. oIIowIng Is LIe IIsL oI
compIuInLs In LIe order oI recurrence:
1. Seweruge
z. SLreeL IIgIL
. WuLer suppIy
q. SunILuLIon
. Rouds
6. Purks

TERIs observations on CGRS at MCF

TIere Is no IeIpIIne number or cuII cenLer dedIcuLed Lo
cusLomer compIuInLs.
TIere Is u Iuck oI LruIned personneI Lo IundIe consumer
compIuInLs. Even wILIIn LIe MC oIIIces LIere Is no
sepuruLe personneI munnIng LIe compIuInL desk, InsLeud
peons und Iower IeveI sLuII ure IundIIng LIe compIuInL
No unuIysIs Is beIng done Ior IdenLIIyIng LIe Lrends In
compIuInLs, mosL uIIecLed ureus eLc.
58 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
TIe mInImum resoIuLIon LIme Ior uII compIuInLs
excIudIng emergency compIuInLs Is duys. TIIs
sLundurd Ius been udopLed by MC wILIouL uny specIIIc
MC Ius noL udopLed u cILIzen`s cIurLer so Iur, gIvIng
busIc InIormuLIon Lo consumers sucI us LIe sLundurds
Ior eucI servIce, conLucL deLuIIs oI oIIIcers eLc.
AILer LIe compIuInL Is resoIved LIe concerned sLuII does
noL uIwuys Luke consumer Ieedbuck
TIere Is u Iuck oI wIIIIngness Lo udopL T enubIed sysLem
on purL oI LIe empIoyees
ServIce IeveI bencImurks prescrIbed by MoUD ure noL
beIng IoIIowed uL presenL.
ormuI meeLIngs or InLerucLIons wILI consumers ure noL
IeId on u perIodIc busIs. OccusIonuIIy LIe MunIcIpuI
CommIssIoner und oLIer oIIIcIuIs InLerucL wILI RWAs
und consumers buL LIIs Is noL done on u reguIur busIs.
or uny compIuInL resoIuLIon wIIcI requIres upprovuI
Irom IIgIer uuLIorILIes, LIe concerned Leum puLs LIem
under LIe Ieud oI 'CompIuInL resoIved und LIe
compIuInunL noL suLIsIIed`. However, sucI compIuInLs
sIouId be reIIecLed under LIe pendIng grIevunce Ieud so
us Lo enubIe eIIecLIve monILorIng oI LIe grIevunces und
uIso Lo buIId up uccounLubIIILy on LIe purL oI concerned

TER Leum uIso vIsILed BruIuL BenguIuru MuIunuguru PuIIke
(BBMP) und Mysore CILy CorporuLIon (MCC) Lo undersLund LIe
workIng oI CGR sysLems In Iurger cILIes und druw Iessons Irom
LIe besL prucLIces. TIe workIng oI CGR sysLem In LIe
uIoremenLIoned corporuLIons Ius been descrIbed beIow.

Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike
TIe BruIuL BenguIuru MuIunuguru PuIIke (BBMP) Is In cIurge
oI LIe cIvIc udmInIsLruLIon oI BenguIuru. L wus Iormed In zoo;
by mergIng 1oo wurds oI LIe ersLwIIIe BunguIore MuIunuguru
PuIIke wILI LIe neIgIbourIng ; CILy MunIcIpuI CouncIIs (CMC),
one Lown MunIcIpuI CouncII und 11o vIIIuges uround BunguIore.

BruIuL BunguIore MuIunuguru PuIIke presenLIy comprIses oI 8
Zones und 1q8 wurds wILIIn ILs jurIsdIcLIon.

Consumer Grievance Redressal System (CGRS) at BBMP

CILIzens Iuve LIe IoIIowIng uvenues Lo geL LIeIr grIevunces
regIsLered uL BBMP.
OnIIne CompIuInL RegIsLruLIon
59 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
zqx; HeIpIIne number

Online grievance redressal system
TIe onIIne compIuInL regIsLruLIon sysLem Spcndcnc Ius been
recenLIy IuuncIed by BBMP In SepLember zooq. AII kInds oI
compIuInLs cun be Iodged Irom Lree IuII Lo IeuILI, revenue und
cIvIc InIrusLrucLure reIuLed probIems. TIe cILIzen cun regIsLer
IIs compIuInLs on Spundunu IInk on BBMP`s websILe
(www.spundunu.kur.nIc.In). A compIuInL Iorm Is opened wIere
consumer Ius Lo gIve IIs deLuIIs sucI us nume, uddress, zone,
LIe concerned depurLmenL Ior wIIcI compIuInL Is mude und LIe
descrIpLIon oI LIe compIuInL. TIe consumer Is uIso usked IIs
mobIIe number Lo upduLe IIm ubouL sLuLus oI LIe compIuInL
LIrougI SMS.
24x7 Helpline
BBMP InLroduced u zqx; IeIpIIne number (CenLruIIzed cuII
cenLre) In JuIy zooq. Once u cILIzen cuIIs up uL LIe BBMP oIIIce,
LIe cuII geLs rouLed Lo LIe cenLruIIzed cuII cenLer. L Is un VR
bused sysLem wIIcI connecLs LIe cILIzen Lo LIe cuII cenLer
represenLuLIve uILer wIIcI deLuIIs ure Luken Irom LIe cILIzen und
ure pussed on LIe concerned oIIIcIuI LIrougI wIreIess seLs. AILer
LIe oIIIcIuI reporLs buck LIe sLuLus Lo LIe cuII cenLer, LIe cuII
cenLer represenLuLIve InIorms LIe cILIzen regurdIng LIe sLuLus oI
LIe compIuInL. TIe cenLruIIzed cuII cenLer Is IocuLed In LIe WesL

L Is beIng munned by eIgIL cusLomer servIce workIng In LIree
sIIILs vIz.;
IrsL sIIIL: 8 AM- PM,
Second sIIIL: PM-1o PM,
TIIrd sIIIL: 1o PM- 8 AM.

BBMP cIuIms LIuL IL receIves 1oo-zoo compIuInLs everyduy
LIrougI LIe sysLem.

ApurL Irom LIe cenLruIIzed cuII cenLer, cILIzens cun uIso cuII up
LIeIr respecLIve zone oIIIces Lo Iodge LIeIr
compIuInLsJgrIevunces. EucI zone Ius u conLroI room, wIere
sLuII Iogs LIe compIuInLs InLo LIe sysLem. AII oI LIIs Ieeds InLo
LIe cenLruI duLubuse muInLuIned by LIe cenLruIIzed cuII cenLer.
CILIzens cun uIso LexL LIeIr compIuInLs Lo BBMP wIIcI ure
ImmedIuLeIy responded LIrougI un SMS sLuLIng LIuL LIeIr
grIevunce Ius been regIsLered. TIe LexL messuge Is Iorwurded Lo
LIe IIeId oIIIcer und uguIn u messuge Is senL Lo LIe cILIzen gIvIng
LIe nume und conLucL deLuIIs oI LIe oIIIcer.

60 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Complaint redressal process
CuII cenLre execuLIves ure supporLed by IuII-LIme BBMP
empIoyees wIo ucL us supervIsors. q represenLuLIves IundIe LIe
Inbound cuIIs und LIe resL IundIe ouLbound cuIIs. nbound
represenLuLIves geL uII LIe reIevunL deLuIIs Irom LIe cILIzen
wIenever IeJsIe cuIIs und Iog LIe sume InLo LIe sysLem. AILer
LIe compIuInL Is Ied InLo u reIevunL compIuInL cuLegory, LIe
sysLem uuLomuLIcuIIy generuLes LIe nume oI LIe concerned
oIIIcIuI wIo wouId IundIe LIe compIuInL

. TIey ure uIso

responsIbIe Ior IorwurdIng LIe cuII Lo LIe reIevunL oIIIcIuI
LIrougI wIreIess seLs (wuIkIe-LuIkIe). TIe cuII receIved Irom LIe
compIuInunL Is IIrsL recorded In LIe cenLruIIzed cuII cenLre und Is
LIen Iorwurded Lo LIe IIeId oIIIcIuI. AbouL 6o oIIIcers Iuve been
provIded wILI wIreIess seLs. AILer u compIuInL Is uIIocuLed Lo u
oIIIcIuI, Ie resoIves IL und reporLs LIe sLuLus buck Lo LIe cuII
cenLre execuLIve wIo LIen verIIIes IL by cuIIIng LIe consumer
und geLLIng LIe Ieedbuck. TIe ouLbound represenLuLIves IundIe
LIese cuIIs.

AII LIe cuIIs mude Irom LIe conLroI room Lo LIe IIeId oIIIcIuI
(und receIved Irom IIm) ure recorded. TIIs IeIps In LruckIng
und monILorIng oI compIuInLs.

Once u compIuInL geLs Iodged wILI BBMP LIrougI uny oI LIe
ubove menLIoned cIunneIs, un ucknowIedgemenL Is senL Lo LIe
cILIzen conLuInIng LIe IoIIowIng InIormuLIon- nume oI LIe
grIevunce oIIIcer, conLucL deLuIIs oI LIe oIIIcer, LIme IImIL wILIIn
wIIcI LIe compIuInL wIII geL redressed, grIevunce numberJ
dockeL number.

TIe LIme IImILs Ior redressIng u compIuInL ure IInked Lo LIe
cILIzen cIurLer. I un oIIIcer does noL redress u compIuInL, IL
uuLomuLIcuIIy geLs escuIuLed Lo LIe nexL IIgIer IeveI. TIe
number oI InLermedIurIes InvoIved In LIe escuIuLIon process
dIIIers uccordIng Lo LIe depurLmenL. or InsLunce, In cuse oI
IeuILI reIuLed compIuInLs, LIere ure LoLuI oI q IeveIs InvoIved
sLurLIng Irom LIe junIor IeuILI InspecLor Lo LIe AddILIonuI
CommIssIoner. TIe cuII cenLer represenLuLIves InIormed TER
Leum LIuL generuIIy compIuInLs geL resoIved uL LIe ExecuLIve
EngIneer IeveI und does noL geL Lo LIe AddILIonuI CommIssIoner

TIe uuLo escuIuLIon oI IeuILI reIuLed compIuInLs In BBMP Is
sIown In Igure q. beIow:

The directory of BBMP officials with their contact details, classified according to specific zones, wards
and geographical location has been fed into the system
61 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

Figure 4.3: Automatic escalation of health related complaints based on hierarchy
Source: Based on discussions with BBMP

TIose compIuInLs, wIIcI requIre Iunds und upprovuIs Irom
IIgIer oIIIcIuIs, ure reIIecLed us pendIng grIevunces. CompIuInLs
ure monILored reguIurIy. DuIIy und weekIy reporLs ure beIng senL
Lo LIe respecLIve zones Lo LIe zonuI commIssIoner Ior
monILorIng purposes.

TERIs observations on CGRS at BBMP
ApurL Irom LIe reguIur cIunneIs oI grIevunce redressuI,
BBMP proucLIveIy scuns LIe IeudIng duIIIes Ior
compIuInLs uguInsL BBMP. TIe conLroI room sLuII In
eucI zone regIsLers LIe compIuInL oI u purLIcuIur zone
InLo LIe sysLem.

BBMP oIIIcIuIs sLuLed LIuL LIe mosL commonIy used
mode Ior compIuInL regIsLruLIon wus LIe voIce-bused
sysLem. TIe IeusL used Is LIe onIIne sysLem. BBMP
oIIIcIuIs opIned LIuL peopIe preIer dIrecL conLucL wILI
LIe oIIIcIuIs und LIe onIIne regIsLruLIon sysLem does noL
provIde LIIs InLerIuce.

A unIque IeuLure oI LIe grIevunce redressuI sysLem In
BBMP Is LIe cIussIIIcuLIon oI compIuInL us normuI und
VP compIuInL. TIe cuII represenLuLIves LoId TER Leum
LIuL normuI compIuInLs ure LIe rouLIne compIuInLs
Iodged by cILIzens; Iowever someLImes LIe AddILIonuI
CommIssIoner or very senIor oIIIcIuIs Iorwurd cerLuIn
compIuInLs, wIIcI ure uddressed on u prIorILy busIs. TIe
coIour codIng Ior LIese compIuInLs Is dIIIerenL so LIuL
LIey geL redressed on u prIorILy busIs.
Junior Health Inspector
Senior Health Inspector
Medical officer (Health) Assistant Engineer Assistant Executive
Executive Engineer
Chief Engineer
62 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
BBMP Is uIso uccepLIng compIuInLs reIuLed Lo LIe
servIces provIded by BWSSB.

MoUD servIce IeveI bencImurks ure noL IoIIowed uL
presenL, Iowever oIIIcIuIs sLuLed LIuL BBMP Is pIunnIng
Lo upgrude ILs CGR sysLem In IIne wILI LIe MoUD
servIce IeveI bencImurks.

Observations of CIVIC
on the working of CGRS in BBMP
BBMP eurIIer Iud u munuuI consumer grIevunce
redressuI sysLem, wIIcI wus InILIuLed uIong wILI CVC.
TIe empIusIs wus on orgunIzIng weekIy guLIerIng
wIere boLI LIe pubIIc und LIe oIIIcIuIs oI BBMP were
presenL. TIe oIIIcIuIs wouId dIscuss sLuLus oI compIuInLs
und LIe ucLIon LIey Look Lo redress. PubIIc guLIerIngs
ensured LIuL LIere wus pressure on LIe empIoyees oI
BBMP. TIe ResIdenL WeIIure AssocIuLIons were keenIy
InvoIved In LIe grIevunce redressuI process und uLLended
LIe weekIy meeLIngs orgunIzed by BBMP.

CVC represenLuLIves poInLed ouL LIuL LIe newIy
InLroduced T enubIed sysLem Is noL eIIecLIve, us LIere Is
no pIysIcuI InLerucLIon wILI cILIzens. L reduces pressure
on empIoyees. L Is observed LIuL sLuII responsIbIe Ior
redressuI cuII up LIe cuII cenLre und InIorm LIuL u
compIuInL Ius been redressed, wIen IL ucLuuIIy Ius noL
been. TIere sIouId be u sysLem oI keepIng evIdence on
LIe redressuI (pIoLo, sIgnuLure oI consumer eLc.)

TIere Is noL enougI sLuII dedIcuLedIy workIng on onIy
consumer redressuI. urLIer LIe exIsLIng sLuII Is neILIer
penuIIzed nor IncenLIvIsed Ior redressIng consumer

ReguIur monILorIng oI LIe sysLem Is requIred.

Wurd commILLees sIouId be InvoIved In consumer
grIevunce redressuI.

DespILe LIe T sysLem, sLuII uL LIe IIeId IeveI dIrecLIy
receIves compIuInLs.

NGOS InvoIved In LIe CGR process ure noL puId weII by

CIVIC (Citizens Voluntary Initiative for the City) is a Bengaluru based NGO which is working on a
variety of issues of democratic, peoples' participation processes by bringing in citizens groups, NGOs',
local and state officials, business and industry, academics and others.
63 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

DIscussIon wILI u Iew common cILIzens brougIL ouL LIuL
noL Loo muny peopIe ure even uwure ubouL LIe CGR

L Is wIdeIy IeIL LIuL LIe currenL grIevunce regIsLruLIon
sysLem Is Iocused on uLLendIng compIuInLs und noL
eIIecLIveIy redressIng LIem.

Awureness needs Lo be ImpurLed Lo LIe musses so LIuL
LIey cun use LIe compIuInL munugemenL sysLem.

DespILe LIe sIorLcomIngs In LIe grIevunce redressuI sysLem In
BBMP, IL Is IeIL LIuL LIe perIormunce oI BBMP wILI respecL Lo
uddressIng LIe concerns oI LIe pubIIc Ius Improved
consIderubIy posL LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe uuLomuLed sysLem
und zqx; IeIpIne number. Some oI LIe noLeworLIy prucLIces
IoIIowed In BBMP wILI respecL Lo grIevunce redressuI Iuve been
summurIzed In LIe box beIow:
Box 4.1 Best Practices from BBMP

Mysore City Corporation
Mysore CILy CorporuLIon (MCC) provIdes uII LIe busIc servIces
Lo cILIzens und cuLers Lo u popuIuLIon oI uround 1o IukIs
(upprox). Ls ureu oI jurIsdIcLIon Is spreud over 1zq squure kms
coverIng q zones und 6 wurds. MCC Is governed by LIe
KurnuLuku MunIcIpuI CorporuLIons AcL, 1q;6.

PGR system in Mysore
MCC Ius udopLed LIe PGR (PubIIc GrIevunces RedressuI)
moduIe, wIIcI Ius uIso been ImpIemenLed In 6 oLIer cILIes In
Best Practices from BBMP

A robust IT enabled grievance redressal system capturing
complaints and general enquiries in detail in-built with powerful
complaint analysis and reporting tools.

Voice recording of all the information from complainant. The
purpose of voice recording is extremely useful as the same can be
immediately forwarded to BBMP officials who would know the exact
details of the complaint

Easy access to citizen through a range of touch points - 24x7
helpline, sms, online CGRS, post etc.

Proactive initiative of BBMP of scanning leading dailies for

A structured call center with dedicated representatives handling
inbound and outbound calls, supervised by BBMP officials.
64 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
KurnuLuku. TIe PGR moduIe wus InLroduced In KurnuLuku In

CILIzens cun Iodge LIeIr compIuInLs usIng eILIer oI LIese
PIone -zqx; LoII Iree IeIpIIne number
nLerneL- MCC onIIne grIevunce redressuI sysLem
Puper uppIIcuLIons - AvuIIubIe uL MCC oIIIce In IocuI
Iunguuge und EngIIsI
TIe cILIzens cun geL LIeIr compIuInLs regIsLered uILer wIIcI LIey
ure gIven u unIque LruckIng number, wIIcI enubIes LIem Lo
Lruck LIeIr compIuInLs uL uny sLuge durIng LIe redressuI.

CompIuInLs ure gruded InLo Lwo cuLegorIes: A und B.
CompIuInLs under cuLegory A ure consIdered Lo be emergency
compIuInLs und LIey Iuve Lo be redressed wILIIn zq Iours.
CompIuInLs under cuLegory B ure consIdered Lo be urgenL und
LIey Iuve Lo be resoIved wILIIn ; duys. CuLegory A compIuInLs
IncIude LIose oI deud sLruy unImuIs, wuLer Ieukuge, Lree IuIIIng,
roud bIocks eLc. CuLegory B compIuInLs IncIude uII oLIer

TIe oIIIcIuIs oI MCC Iuve been depIoyed In LIree RupId AcLIon
orces Leums Lo LuckIe emergency sILuuLIons round LIe cIock In
LIree consLILuencIes.

MCC Ius recenLIy InLroduced u SMS InLegruLed sysLem. TIIs
sysLem Ius been In operuLIon sInce AugusL zoo8.
TIrougI LIIs sysLem, u cILIzen cun regIsLer IIs grIevunce by
sendIng u LexL messuge Lo MCC In u prescrIbed IormuL. TIe
compuLer uccepLs LIe messuge becuuse IL Is In LIe IormuL und
generuLes u dockeL number. L IurLIer Iorwurds IL Lo LIe
concerned oIIIcIuI Ior ucLIon.

TIree numbers Iuve been provIded Ior SMS bused compIuInL
regIsLruLIon. TIese sIms ure uLLucIed Lo LIe compuLer sysLem
LIrougI modem Lo receIve LIe SMS Irom LIe pubIIc.

As soon us LIe sysLem uccepLs LIe sms, ImmedIuLeIy un
ucknowIedgemenL Is senL Lo LIe cILIzen. n LIose cuses, wIere
SMS Is noL In LIe IormuL, LIe sume Is communIcuLed Lo LIe

AILer LIe concerned oIIIcIuI uLLends LIe compIuInL, Ie opens LIe
orIgInuI messuge und Lypes S, wIIcI Is u repIy Lo orIgInuI
messuge sLuLIng LIuL LIe compIuInL Ius been uLLended.

65 City visits
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
TIe compuLer uuLomuLIcuIIy cIoses LIe compIuInL und sends LIe
InIormuLIon Lo LIe compIuInunL us under

Your complcint reistered on `dcte' doclet number AG: - z: -
:: - :oo: - op is cttended cnd closed, Recrds MCC

I LIe CILIzen Is noL ubIe Lo send un SMS Ie cun cuII LIe LoII Iree
IeIpIIne number oI MCC und IIIe IIs compIuInL.

Auto escclction oj complcints
TIe CGR sysLem In MCC Is InbuIIL wILI uuLo escuIuLIon IeuLure.
I cuLegory A compIuInLs ure noL uLLended Lo wILIIn zq Iours, un
escuIuLIon messuge wIII be senL Lo LIe ImmedIuLe oIIIcer vIz.
AssIsLunL CommIssIoner (AC) Lo InIorm IIm Lo uLLend LIe sume
In unoLIer zq Iours. I LIe AC does noL uLLend, LIe compIuInL
wIII geL escuIuLed Lo LIe DIvIsIonuI OIIIcers (DO) uIIowIng
unoLIer zq Iours. I LIe DIvIsIonuI OIIIcer IuIIs Lo uLLend LIe
compIuInL, LIe IInuI escuIuLIon messuge wIII be Iorwurded Lo LIe
CommIssIoner und T Ieud.

n cuse oI CuLegory B, LIe escuIuLIon occurs In LIe sume order.
However LIe LIme IImIL Ior eucI IeveI Is ; duys. A progress
reporL Is uIso senL uuLomuLIcuIIy Lo LIe CorporuLors uL u IIxed
poInL oI LIme.

TIe SMS InLegruLed CGR sysLem Is depIcLed In LIe IIgure q.q

Ward no. * grievances code * name & address
Eg: 21 * AG1 * Shastry, #111, Vivekanandanagar,
AG1 stands for removal of Stray Animal (alive or dead
A category)

(Grievance code Ward No - Month Serial
number of complaint year)

with docket no.
Forwarded to MCC official

Reply sent by official
stating complaint
CGR system at Mysore City
Message stating complaint
closed sent to citizen
66 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Figure 4.4: SMS integrated CGRS at Mysore City Corporation
Source: Based on information given by Mysore City Corporation
TIe oIIIcIuIs oI MCC opIned LIuL SMS bused compIuInL
regIsLruLIon Is LIme suvIng und convenIenL Ior LIe cILIzen.
urLIer LIe uuLomuLIc LrunsIer oI LIe grIevunce messuge Lo LIe
execuLIve suves LIme In communIcuLIon.

However, IL Ius uIso been observed LIuL LIe presenL SMS
InLegruLed compIuInL bused sysLem Is noL very eIIecLIve us IL Is
quILe cumbersome Lo Lype LIe compIuInL In LIe specIIIc IormuL.
TIe IormuL requIres LIe grIevunce code Lo be menLIoned, wIIcI
muy noL be uIwuys known by LIe cILIzen. However, MCC oIIIcIuIs
LoId TER Leum LIuL LIe grIevunce codes ure wIdeIy pubIIcIzed In

ApurL Irom LIe PGR sysLem LIe cILIzens uIso Iuve LIe opLIon oI
upproucIIng LIe cILIzen cenLers Ior grIevunces specIIIcuIIy
perLuInIng Lo wuLer suppIy. n uddILIon Lo LIese uvenues, Jun
Spundunu meeLIngs ure IeId every SuLurduy, wIIcI ure uLLended
by uII corporuLors, muyor und LIe generuI pubIIc. CILIzens cun
geL LIeIr grIevunces redressed In sucI Iorums uIso.

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
CHAPTER 5 Model Framework for CGRS

Bused on LIe IILeruLure revIew, sLukeIoIder dIscussIons und LIe
revIew oI CGRS In vurIous cILIes LIuL Iuve been vIsILed by
projecL Leum, TER Ius deveIoped un T-bused modeI
Irumework oI CGRS Ior munIcIpuI servIces. TIe modeI
Irumework Ius IncorporuLed LIe Iessons druwn Irom good
prucLIces IoIIowed by Iew cILIes und Ius uIso uddressed LIe
sLrucLuruI Issues In LIe exIsLIng sysLems. TIe ModeI rumework
wus uIso dIscussed In deLuIIed In u sLukeIoIder worksIop
orgunIzed by LIe MInIsLry oI Urbun DeveIopmenL In June zo1o.

Consumer grIevunce redressuI sysLem sIouId be sLrucLured,
responsIve, eIIIcIenL und IIexIbIe enougI Lo udupL ILseII Lo
cIunges. TIe IoIIowIng cIurL descrIbes LIe muIn componenLs oI
LIe consumer grIevunce process In deLuII.

Figure 5.1: Components of Grievance redressal Mechanism
Source : TERI

TIe vurIous cIunneIs Ior grIevunce regIsLruLIon uvuIIubIe Lo LIe
cILIzen ure:
WuIk In

Complaint Redressal Process
Complaint Recording Complaint
Reporting and
Complaint Analysis
68 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
TIe preIerence Ior u purLIcuIur cIunneI depends on ILs
uccessIbIIILy, eIIecLIveness und LrusLworLIIness. L Is LIereIore
ImporLunL Lo brouden LIe uccess Lo LIe consumer. TIIs cun be
enIunced by IncreusIng LIe number oI "tooch points Ior LIe
consumer und uIso by IncreusIng LIe geogrupIIcuI spreud oI
LIese LoucI poInLs.

Durin stcleholder intercctions, the TERI tecm ucs injormed
thct phone is the most prejerred option jor complcint
reistrction, jolloued b ucll in cnd emcil,posts. This is
primcril cttributed to the jcct thct citizens prejer those
options uhere the cre cble to directl intercct uith the
municipcl cuthorities. Dnline CGRS is c relctitel neu
initictite, uhich hcs been implemented in number oj lcre
cities due to the uidesprecd use oj e-oterncnce in public
sertice deliter.

The number oj touch points should be decided leepin in tieu
the socio-economic projile oj the citizens cnd their prejerence
jor tcrious options. esides this, it is imperctite to consider the
costs cssocicted uith ecch oj the options bejore decidin the
cppropricte chcnnels oj rietcnce redresscl.

Key features
Centrulized cull center: A cenLruIIzed cuII cenLer
sIouId be esLubIIsIed. TIe compIuInLs mude by cILIzens`
uIso ucL us consumer Ieedbuck Ior LIe servIces provIded
by LIe munIcIpuI corporuLIon. odgIng oI compIuInLs
sIouId be cosLIess Ior consumers Lo encouruge LIem Lo
voIce LIeIr concerns und provIde LIeIr Ieedbuck. Hence,
u LoII Iree number sIouId be gIven Ior LIIs cuII cenLer.

Compluint desk Ior wulk-in compluints: EucI
wurd oIIIce sIouId Iuve u compIuInL deskJ compIuInL
counLer, wIIcI sIouId be munned by dedIcuLed
munIcIpuI sLuII responsIbIe Ior recordIng LIe deLuIIs oI
LIe compIuInLs In LIe compuLer sysLem Iodged by LIe
cILIzens wIo personuIIy vIsIL LIe wurd oIIIces Ior
regIsLerIng LIeIr grIevunces.
Complaint Redressal Process

A. Complaint Recording
CompIuInL recordIng sIouId be done In sucI u munner LIuL IL
cupLures uII LIe reIevunL deLuIIs oI LIe compIuInL, wIIcI IeIps
noL onIy In LIe compIuInL redressuI buL uIso IucIIILuLes
monILorIng und perIodIc compIuInL unuIysIs.
69 Model Framework for CGRS
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

Key features
Compluint detuils: TIe compIuInL regIsLruLIon sIouId Iuve
LIe IoIIowIng InIormuLIon Lo be provIded by LIe compIuInunL:
o Nume
o undIIne numberJMobIIe number
o Address
o PIn code

o GrIevunce muIn cuLegory und subcuLegory

Figure 5.2: Online grievance registration system at BBMP
Source: BBMP

The sstem should be cble to enercte the ucrd cnd zone
number cs soon cs the pincode is entered. This jecture is
extremel usejul, cs mcn citizens cre not cucre oj their
respectite zones cnd ucrds.

New compluint[Repeut Compluints: ApurL Irom
recordIng LIe ubove seL oI InIormuLIon, LIe sysLem
sIouId uIso be ubIe Lo cupLure II LIe consumer Is IodgIng
TIIs sIouId uuLomuLIcuIIy generuLe cILIzen`s wurd
und zone
L sIouId be provIded wILI u drop down menu wILI opLIons
oI uII possIbIe kInds oI compIuInLs (See IIgure beIow)

70 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
LIe compIuInL Ior LIe IIrsL LIme or II Ie Ius mude u
compIuInL beIore. TIIs wouId IeIp In unuIyzIng II LIe
sume probIem Ius recurred und Iow IrequenLIy u cILIzen
Iuces probIems reIuLed Lo munIcIpuI servIces.

Aoto rooting oI grievunce: GIven LIe grIevunce
subcuLegory und LIe cILIzen`s wurd und zone, LIe sysLem
sIouId uuLomuLIcuIIy generuLe LIe nume oI LIe
concerned depurLmenL oIIIcIuI wIo sIuII be responsIbIe
Ior LIe resoIuLIon. EnLIre dIrecLory oI LIe munIcIpuI
corporuLIon oIIIcIuIs mupped uccordIng Lo depurLmenL,
IIerurcIy und geogrupIIcuI ureu sIouId be Ied InLo LIe
sysLem, bused on wIIcI LIe sysLem sIouId IdenLIIy und
rouLe u grIevunce Lo u specIIIc oIIIcer.

Acknowledgement slip: AILer LIe compIuInL Is
recorded, ucknowIedgemenL sIouId be gIven Lo LIe
compIuInunL wILI LIe IoIIowIng InIormuLIon:
GrIevunce regIsLruLIon number
CompIuInL IodgIng LIme und duLe
SLIpuIuLed resoIuLIon LIme
Nume oI LIe concerned oIIIcer
ToII Iree cenLruIIzed cuII cenLer number

csed on the citizen chcrter cnd cctucl
experience,obsertction, the Municipcl Corporction could jix
the stipulcted resolution time jor ecch complcint ccteor.

The telephone number oj rietcnce redresscl ojjicer should not
be iten cs the citizens mc directl et in touch uith the
ojjicicl to et his complcint redressed. This uould render the
CGR sstem inejjicient, cs the uhole process uould become
unstructured. Iurther, it mc increcse corruption,speed
mone uithin the orcnizction cs ojjicicls mc chcre citizens
to resolte problems. To ctoid these issues, it uould be
prejercble to ite the number oj the centrclized ccll center.

TER proposes LIe ubove mecIunIsm oI compIuInL regIsLruLIon
Ior uII LIe uvenues vIz. cenLruIIzed cuII cenLre, onIIne compIuInL
regIsLruLIon sysLem us weII us wuIk In uL LIe zonuIJwurd oIIIces.
or onIIne compIuInLs, compIuInunLs sIouId be gIven opLIon oI
LukIng u prInL ouL oI LIe ucknowIedgemenL sIIp. TIe cILIzens
wIo geL LIeIr compIuInLs Iodged over LIe pIone sIouId be
communIcuLed uII LIe InIormuLIon by LIe cuII cenLre execuLIve
und LIe compIuInunL wIo pIysIcuIIy go und geL LIeIr compIuInLs
Iodged sIouId be gIven LIe ucknowIedgemenL sIIp by LIe oIIIcIuI
IundIIng LIe compIuInL desk uL LIe zonuIJwurd oIIIce.
71 Model Framework for CGRS
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

B. Complaint Resolution
CompIuInL resoIuLIon process sIouId be sysLemuLIc und
sLrucLured. AILer LIe compIuInL Is recorded IL sIouId be
uuLomuLIcuIIy Iorwurded Lo concerned depurLmenL oIIIcIuI
wILIouL uny LIme Iug Lo ensure speedy resoIuLIon oI compIuInLs.
An oIIIcIuI sIouId be ubIe Lo see uII LIe compIuInLs LIuL Iuve
been uIIocuLed Lo IIm.
Key features
Compluint detuils: TIe CompIuInL deLuIIs sIouId be
senL Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuI uuLomuLIcuIIy LIrougI LIe
InLruneL sysLem us soon us LIe compIuInL Is submILLed
und LIe oIIIcIuI sIouId be ubIe Lo uccess uII LIe
compIuInLs usIng IIs unIque IogIn D und pussword. TIe
IoIIowIng deLuIIs sIouId be mude uvuIIubIe Lo LIe
GrIevunce regIsLruLIon number
Consumer`s conLucL deLuIIs sucI us pIone
number, uddress, respecLIve zone und wurd
CompIuInL IodgIng duLe und LIme
SLIpuIuLed resoIuLIon LIme
SMS integruted system: n uddILIon Lo LIe
ubove InLruneL sysLem, SMS sIouId uIso be senL
Lo IIs conLucL number. MosL oIIIcIuIs ure severeIy
LIed up due Lo wIIcI LIey ure unubIe Lo cIeck
LIeIr sysLems on u reguIur busIs, LIereIore SMS
bused sysLem wouId ensure LIuL compIuInL
reucIes LIe oIIIcIuI us soon us IL geLs regIsLered In
LIe sysLem.

Allocution oI compluint to Iield oIIiciul: Once LIe
compIuInL deLuIIs ure uvuIIubIe Lo LIe concerned oIIIcIuI,
IeJsIe sIouId seIecL un upproprIuLe IIeId person Lo
resoIve LIe Issue uL LIe cILIzen`s premIses. EucI oI sucI
IIeId sLuII sIouId be provIded unIque conLucL number
und empIoyee D wIIcI sIouId uuLomuLIcuIIy uppeur In
LIe sysLem us soon us LIe oIIIcIuI seIecLs LIe nume oI LIe
IIeId worker In IIs sysLem. TIIs sIouId uIso be
uuLomuLIcuIIy upduLed In LIe cuII cenLre sysLem.

Compluint stutos: AL uny poInL oI LIme uILer u
compIuInL Is regIsLered (onIIneJwuIk-InJpIone), ILs
sLuLus (I.e sLuge oI LIe redressuI process) cun be uny one
oI LIe LIree opLIons, numeIy, (1) PendIng (z) cIosed und
() In process
Pending compluints: n cuse u compIuInL requIres
mucI Ionger LIme Lo resoIve or LIere ure some
upprovuIs requIred Irom IIgIer uuLIorILIes sucI us
72 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
uddILIonuI Iunds, new consLrucLIon eLc., LIen LIe
oIIIcIuI IImseII cun upduLe ILs sLuLus us pendIng In
IIs syLem. TIere sIouId uIso be un opLIon oI wrILIng
remurks II LIe compIuInL Is pendIng. TIe deLuIIs oI
sucI compIuInLs wILI LIe remurks mude by LIe
concerned oIIIcIuI wIII be uuLomuLIcuIIy Iorwurded Lo
uII LIe senIor oIIIcIuIs In LIe depurLmenL so LIuL
senIor oIIIcIuIs cun eusIIy undersLund LIe reusons Ior
compIuInL beIng noL Luken up und wIuL
InLervenLIons ure requIred Lo resoIve LIe Issue Lo LIe
suLIsIucLIon oI LIe consumer. or sucI compIuInLs,
LIe concerned oIIIcIuI sIouId dIrecLIy InIorm LIe
consumer ubouL LIe Issue beIore LIe sLIpuIuLed LIme
provIded Lo LIe cILIzen durIng LIe regIsLruLIon
Closed compluints: TIe concerned oIIIcIuI sIouId
noL Iuve opLIon Lo cIose LIe compIuInL by IImseII Lo
uvoId uny mIsreporLIng oI InIormuLIon Ior IIs beneIIL
In Lerms oI eILIer Iesser compIuInLs Lo IundIe or u
beLLer perIormunce uppruIsuI. As soon us LIe
compIuInL Is resoIved by LIe IIeId personneI, Ie
sIouId InIorm LIe cuII cenLre execuLIves ubouL LIe
sLuLus oI compIuInL. TIese IIeId oIIIcers ure uIIocuLed
u unIque pIone number so LIuL wIenever u cuII Is
receIved Irom sucI numbers, LIe cuII sIouId be
uuLomuLIcuIIy LrunsIerred Lo LIe dedIcuLed execuLIves
wIo ure responsIbIe Ior upduLIng LIe sLuLus oI
compIuInLs In LIe sysLem (us expIuIned IuLer In LIe
secLIon). TIey cun uIso send u SMS Lo LIe cuII cenLre
Lo upduLe LIe sLuLus once LIe compIuInL Is recLIIIed.
'In process' compluints: I LIe compIuInL Is noL
cIosed by IIeId personneI us expIuIned ubove, LIe
sysLem ILseII wIII sIow ILs sLuLus us 'In process` In LIe
cuII cenLre sysLem us weII us In LIe concerned
oIIIcIuI`s sysLem.

Stutos opdution by cull center execotive: TIe
execuLIves dedIcuLed Ior sLuLus upduLIon sIouId Iuve u
sysLem wIere uguInsL eucI oI LIe compIuInL (IdenLIIIed
by LIe grIevunce regIsLruLIon number), IeJsIe cun
upduLe ILs sLuLus us cIosed und LIe sysLem sIouId
uuLomuLIcuIIy generuLe LIe duLe und LIme uL wIIcI IL Is
cIosed. As soon us LIe execuLIve receIves cuIIJSMS Irom
IIeId oIIIcer InIormIng LIuL LIe compIuInL Ius been
resoIved, LIe execuLIve mukes u cuII Lo LIe compIuInunL
Lo seek LIe Ieedbuck. As Iong us LIe Ieedbuck Is noL
upduLed In LIe sysLem, LIe compIuInL Is noL cIosed. Once
LIe sLuLus Is upduLed us cIosed by LIe cuII cenLre
73 Model Framework for CGRS
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
execuLIve, LIe sLuLus Is uuLomuLIcuIIy upduLed In LIe
concerned oIIIcIuI`s sysLem us weII.

In ccse oj c poor jeedbccl, the stctus oj the complcint
should remcin cs `in process'. The jeedbccl mechcnism hcs
been elcborcted in the subsequent section.

C. Monitoring, Reporting and Complaint Analysis
MonILorIng compIuInLs uL uII sLuges oI grIevunce redressuI Is
essenLIuI Lo brIng In uccounLubIIILy InLo LIe CGRS. L uIso IeIps
In meusurIng LIe perIormunce oI empIoyees wILI respecL Lo
compIuInL redressuI und IInkIng IL Lo LIe perIormunce uppruIsuI.
MonILorIng sIouId be done uL vurIous IeveIs wILIIn LIe
MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon.

AnuIysIs oI compIuInLs on LIe busIs oI sysLem generuLed MS
reporLs Is ubsoIuLeIy vILuI us IL serves us un ImporLunL revIewIng
LooI Lo know LIe eIIIcucy oI LIe sysLem.

Monitoring 'in process' compluints: As uIreudy
menLIoned, II LIe sLuLus Is noL cIosed uL LIe cuII cenLre,
LIen IL sIouId uuLomuLIcuIIy sIow IL us 'In process` und
LIe sImIIur sLuLus sIouId be upduLed In LIe oIIIcIuI`s
sysLem us weII. TIe concerned oIIIcIuI cun provIde IIsJ
Ier commenLsJremurks und LIe sLuge oI LIe resoIuLIon
In IIs sysLem Ior uII LIe compIuInLs LIuL ure noL cIosed
und sLIII under process. TIese commenLsJremurks ure
mude wILI LIe IeIp oI perIodIc IoIIow-ups wILI LIe
concerned IIeId worker. Once LIe oIIIcIuI upIouds uny
sucI commenL, IL geLs upduLed uL LIe cuII cenLre sysLem.
TIIs wouId IucIIILuLe LIe execuLIves Lo upduLe LIe
compIuInunLs II IeJsIe cuIIs up uL LIe cuII cenLre Lo
know LIe sLuLus oI IIsJIer compIuInL beIore LIe
sLIpuIuLed LIme provIded Ior resoIuLIon.

Aoto esculution: I u compIuInL sLreLcIes beyond LIe
sLIpuIuLed LIme IImIL, IL sIouId ImmedIuLeIy geL
escuIuLed Lo LIe nexL IIgIer IeveI oIIIcIuI. TIe munIcIpuI
uuLIorILy sIouId decIde LIe number oI InLermedIurIes Lo
be InvoIved und LIe respecLIve LIme uIIocuLed Ior eucI

As soon us sLIpuIuLed LIme Is over Ior u 'In process
compIuInL`, LIe dedIcuLed cuII cenLre execuLIve cuIIs
LIe compIuInunL und InIorm IImJIer ubouL LIe
sLuLus und cun uIso LeII IIm ubouL LIe sLuge oI
resoIuLIon (wIIcI Ius been upduLed by LIe
concerned oIIIcIuI). I In cuse LIe oIIIcIuI Ius noL
74 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
gIven uny remurks und LIe compIuInL Is noL cIosed
even uILer sLIpuIuLed LIme, LIen LIe execuLIve
sIouId cuII up LIe concerned oIIIcIuI und requesL
IIm Lo upduLe LIe InIormuLIon so LIuL LIe sume
cun be communIcuLed Lo LIe cILIzen Lo uvoId uny
consumer`s dIssuLIsIucLIon

Reporting: SysLem sIouId be Iuve InbuIIL MS
reporLIng, sucI LIuL vurIous reporLs presenLed In LubuIur
und pIe cIurLs IormuLs cun be generuLed Ior compIuInL
unuIysIs. L sIouId be ubIe Lo generuLe reporLs on
number oI compIuInLs regIsLered In u purLIcuIur LIme
perIod, depurLmenL wIse compIuInLs, zoneJwurd wIse
compIuInLs, compIuInLs uIIocuLed Lo vurIous oIIIcIuIs,
compIuInLs resoIved In sLIpuIuLed LIme perIod,
unresoIved und pendIng compIuInLs so on und so IorL.

Compluint Anulysis: Bused on LIe sysLem-generuLed
reporLs, reguIur compIuInL unuIysIs sIouId be
underLuken Lo IdenLIIy Lrends In compIuInLs bused on
vurIous purumeLers. DedIcuLed sLuII musL be empIoyed
Ior perIodIc compIuInL unuIysIs. A compreIensIve
compIuInL unuIysIs In u munIcIpuI corporuLIon cun IeIp
Lo IdenLIIy vurIous uspecLs sucI us:
RecurrIng compIuInL In u purLIcuIur zoneJwurd
Any sIgnIIIcunL sIIIL In LIe number und cuLegory
oI compIuInLs In u purLIcuIur zoneJwurd
Any specIIIc depurLmenL LIuL receIved muxImum
compIuInLs In u gIven perIod oI LIme
PurLIcuIur oIIIcIuIs wIo ure conLInuousIy noL ubIe
Lo provIde LImeIy resoIuLIon Lo compIuInLs LIuL
Iuve been uIIocuLed Lo LIem (This ccn be usejul to
linl the ojjicicl's perjormcnce uith their cnnucl
cpprciscl uhich helps to build more
cccountcbilit cmonst the emploees)
Any Issue LIuL Ius Ied Lo Iumun InjurIes und
Irequency oI sucI compIuInLs

eedbuck Irom cILIzens Is essenLIuI Lo know II LIe sysLem Is
perIormIng eIIIcIenLIy und Is ubIe Lo deIIver LIe desIred
ouLcomes. eedbuck Is uIso ImporLunL Lo ImprovIse LIe sysLem
wILI respecL Lo cIungIng needs und expecLuLIons oI LIe cILIzens
In order Lo provIde LIem quuIILy servIce.

Citizen sutisIuction: AILer LIe compIuInL Is cIosed, LIe
execuLIves sIouId cuII LIe compIuInunLs und usk Ior LIeIr
75 Model Framework for CGRS
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Ieedbuck, In cuse LIe compIuInunL Is wIIIIng Lo gIve LIe
sume. TIe Ieedbuck sIouId Iuve LIe IoIIowIng:
OveruII suLIsIucLIon (wIeLIer suLIsIIedJ
somewIuL suLIsIIedJunsuLIsIIed)
Do you LIInk LIe beIuvIour oI LIe IIeId worker
needs ImprovemenL?
Any suggesLIons Ior ImprovemenL?

eedbuck receIved on cIosed compIuInLs sIouId geL
reIIecLed In LIe depurLmenL oIIIcIuI`s sysLem. TIIs wouId
muke LIe CGRS u robusL sysLem und IurLIer sLrengLIen
LIe monILorIng process. L wouId uIso be useIuI Ior LIe
oIIIcIuI Lo demund un expIunuLIon Irom LIe IIeId sLuII In
cuse oI poor Ieedbuck.

In ccse the complcincnt hcs not protided his,her
contcct detcils durin complcint reistrction, jeedbccl
jorm should be sent to him b post.

eedbuck Iorm sIouId uIso be uvuIIubIe onIIne In LIe
onIIne compIuInL LruckIng sysLem. n LIIs cuse,
consumer cun cIeck LIe onIIne sLuLus oI IIs compIuInL
(usIng LIe unIque compIuInL regIsLruLIon number). I LIe
compIuInL sLuLus Is cIosed, u Ieedbuck Iorm Is mude
uvuIIubIe Lo compIuInunL.
However, In cuse LIe compIuInL Is cIosed und LIe cuII
cenLre execuLIve Ius uIreudy cuIIed up LIe compIuInunL
und IIs Ieedbuck Ius uIreudy been upIouded In LIe
sysLem, LIen LIIs cusLomer wIII no Ionger be gIven
opLIon oI provIdIng Ieedbuck In LIe onIIne compIuInL
LruckIng sysLem. TIus, Ieedbuck cun be receIved onIIne
us weII us by mukIng cuII Lo LIe cILIzen, buL once receIved
Irom uny oI LIe Lwo; LIe oLIer opLIon sIuII noL be mude
uvuIIubIe Lo LIe compIuInunL Lo uvoId InconsIsLencIes In
LIe Ieedbuck receIved Irom u compIuInunL.

Third purty costomer sutisIuction sorveys:
ndependenL LIIrd purLy surveys wouId uIso provIde un
unbIused und IuIr ussessmenL oI LIe eIIIcucy oI LIe
CGRS. TIIs revIew sIouId be boLI quunLILuLIve und
quuIILuLIve und couId be conducLed on un unnuuI busIs.
or InsLunce, cILIzen reporL curds Iuve been successIuIIy
ImpIemenLed In BunguIore, Hyderubud und AImedubud
In obLuInIng consumer Ieedbuck on vurIous uspecLs oI
LIe servIces. n LIese reporLs, consumer voIces ure
recorded LIrougI purLIcIpuLory meLIodoIogIes
consIsLIng oI Iocus group dIscussIons und sumpIe
IouseIoIds survey wILI dIIIerenL popuIuLIon groups.
76 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

The detoiled flou chort for the model CCRS is presented in the figure:

Complaint Registration Form (Online/Walk-in/Phone)

Acknowledgement Receipt

First interface between citizen and the municipal corporation

The official handling the complaint
desk should provide the hard copy of
the receipt
Name of the consumer
Phone Number



Grievance Category

Grievance Sub-category

Grievance Registration Date

Are you making complaint for the first time? Yes/No

It should be automatically displayed
The call centre executive
will fill in the information
The citizen himself will fill in
the information
The person handling the
complaint desk will fill in the
These are mapped to pin-code and automatically generated
The options should be available in a drop down menu

77 Model Framework for CGRS
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

Complaint Registration Form (Online/Walk-in/Phone)

SMS sent to

Information available through Intranet to
concerned official

Information available through Intranet to concerned official

Name of the complainant
Address, Pin-code
Ward, Zone
Grievance category and sub-category
Grievance registration date and time
Stipulated time for resolution

To be updated by official
Complaint Registration No.
Complainants Name, Address and
contact details
Stipulated resolution time
Grievance category

Redressal process: Flow of information within Municipal Corporation

Pending Closed In process
Complaint Registration Time
The system should generate
Stipulated time for complaint resolution
Name of the concerned official to whom
complaint is allocated and his contact
Complaint Registration Number

Field workers information:
Name: Employee ID:
Contact number:

78 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

Field Worker

Centralized Call Centre

Once the system records the status of the complaint as defined in the above
framework, it is automatically updated in the online complaint tracking system as
If the problem is rectified (Yes/No)
Is the stipulated time over? (Yes/ No)
The executive should call the complainant to apologize
for the inconvenience and update him about the status
(remarks by official)
The executive can update the complainant
about resolution stage (remarks by official) in
case he calls up
Automatic escalation to higher authority as soon
as stipulated time is over
The executive should call the complainant to seek
his feedback
Call centre executive updates the
status as closed
System generates time and date when
complaint is closed
Complaint not closed at the call centre will be
updated as in process in the officials system
Name of the complainant
Address, Pin-code
Ward, Zone
Grievance category and sub-category
Grievance registration date and time
Stipulated time for resolution

Field workers information:
Name: Employee ID:
Contact number:

In process Closed Pending
Remarks Reasons/
The official allocates a complaint to a particular
field worker
Status as in process in the
call centre database with
remarks by official
The status is automatically updated
as closed in the officials system with
feedback and time
Field worker calls up/SMS at the
call centre to update the status
79 Model Framework for CGRS
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
well, to facilitate the citizens to check the online status of their complaints using
the unique complaint registration number (see figure below).

Pre-requisites for the effective implementation of the model

Bused on exLensIve dIscussIons wILI oIIIcIuIs und consumers In
vurIous cILIes und uILer deLuIIed sLudy oI LIeIr redressuI sysLems,
LIe reporL IurLIer recommends LIe IoIIowIng meusures us
necessury Ior mukIng LIe proposed modeI Irumework eIIecLIve:

Truining und skill enhuncement oI
Ionctionuries: A modeI CGR sysLem wouId noL yIeId
muxImum beneIILs, II LIe oIIIcIuIs In LIe urbun IocuI
bodIes do noL know posses LIe skIIIs Lo use IL
opLImuIIy. TIe IuncLIonurIes oI LIe munIcIpuI
corporuLIons sIouId be ImpurLed LruInIng Ior operuLIng
LIe CGR sysLem. TruInIng In LIe use oI T Is noL onIy
essenLIuI uL LIe IeveI oI LIe sLuII buL uIso uL LIe
munugerIuI IeveI. DIscussIons wILI MunIcIpuI
CorporuLIons brougIL ouL LIuL In some cILIes even LIe
munugerIuI IeveI oIIIcIuIs ure noL weII udepL wILI T
und LIereIore sIy uwuy Irom ImpIemenLIng sucI
sysLems or IuIIy uLIIIzIng LIese sysLems.

80 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Citizen-Iriendly systems: TIe soILwure deveIoped
Ior redressuI sIouId be sImpIe und user IrIendIy. TIIs
wIII ensure LIuL LIe cIerIcuI sLuII Is ubIe Lo work on IL
wILI un eIemenLury undersLundIng oI T. OILen cILIzens
uIso uvoId IodgIng LIeIr compIuInLs onIIne us LIey ure
eILIer noL conversunL wILI T or do noL Iuve enougI
conIIdence LIuL by uppIyIng onIIne LIeIr Issue wouId
be uddressed. SImpIe Lo use sysLem wIII ensure more
uccepLubIIILy by consumers. urLIer, LIe compIuInL
cenLre sIouId be eusIIy uccessIbIe Lo cILIzens und
sIouId be udequuLeIy muInLuIned (durIng LIe course oI
LIe cILy vIsILs, IL wus observed LIuL some oI LIe
compIuInL cenLres were In u dIIupIduLed sLuLe wILIouL
even busIc IucIIILIes). urLIer, uwureness creuLIon Is
exLremeIy vILuI Lo ensure LIuL cILIzens use LIe modeI
CGR sysLem. TurgeLed eIIorLs musL be mude Lo creuLe
uwureness umong LIe musses ubouL LIe CGR sysLem.

Robost buckend processes: A good grIevunce
redressuI sysLem sIouId be supporLed by robusL
buckend processes und InIrusLrucLure. TIere sIouId
be suIIIcIenL number oI pIone IInesJIeIpIInes wIIcI
sIouId be dedIcuLedIy used Ior compIuInL IundIIng.
urLIer LIere sIouId be provIsIon Ior unInLerrupLed
eIecLrIcILy suppIy, LeIecom IucIIILIes und compuLers.
TIe T urcIILecLure sIouId uIso oIIer u IIgI IeveI oI
securILy und prIvucy.

Boilding uccoontubility umongst oIIiciuls:
SenIor oIIIcIuIs need Lo proucLIveIy monILor LIe
perIormunce oI LIe sLuII In redressuI. TIey need Lo
IoId perIodIc meeLIngs und keep cIeck on LIe Iower
IeveI sLuII. AnnuuI perIormunce uppruIsuI sIouId uIso
evuIuuLe LIe perIormunce oI sLuII In eIIecLIve redressuI
oI compIuInLs.

Boilding competitive pressore: SLuLes cun
consIder ruLIng MunIcIpuI bodIes on LIeIr perIormunce
In grIevunce redressuI. TIe MoUD Ius Issued servIce
IeveI bencImurks Ior grIevunce redressuI under LIe E-
governunce moduIe LIuL cun be used Ior LIe ruLIng
exercIse. GovernmenL IundIng cun uIso be IInked Lo
LIe perIormunce oI MunIcIpuI corporuLIons In
redressuI oI consumer Issues.

Legul recognition oI Monicipul's role in
consomer grievunce redressul: MunIcIpuI AcLs
sIouId be umended In order Lo recognIze Consumer
81 Model Framework for CGRS
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
GrIevunce RedressuI (wILI respecL Lo MunIcIpuI
servIces) us u core IuncLIon oI LIe MunIcIpuI
CorporuLIon. TIIs sIouId muke MunIcIpuI bodIes und
LIe sLuII more uccounLubIe. ServIce sLundurds sIouId
be prescrIbed und mude IeguIIy bIndIng on LIe
MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon. Ike LIe eIecLrIcILy secLor,
provIsIons sIouId be mude Ior compensuLIon Ior non-
resoIuLIon oI compIuInLs beyond sLIpuIuLed LIme.

Poblic disclosore: TIe duLuJInIormuLIon on
consumer compIuInLs receIved by LIe munIcIpuI
corporuLIon In LIe yeur sIouId be uvuIIubIe Ior pubIIc
scruLIny. TIe InIormuLIon sIouId prImurIIy IncIude LIe
number oI compIuInLs Ior dIIIerenL cuLegorIes oI
munIcIpuI servIces receIved durIng LIe yeur,
percenLuge oI compIuInLs LIuL Iuve been resoIved und
LIuL Iuve been pendIng, key reusons Ior unresoIved
compIuInLs, u Lrend unuIysIs over LIe yeurs IndIcuLIng
LIe perIormunce oI LIe munIcIpuI corporuLIon In Lerms
oI ILs eIIIcucy oI compIuInL IundIIng mecIunIsm eLc.
TIIs InIormuLIon cun be IncIuded In LIe unnuuI reporL
oI LIe corporuLIons und sIouId be uvuIIubIe In LIe
pubIIc domuIn In LIe Iorm oI pubIIsIed unnuuI reporLs
und monLIIy reporL on corporuLIon` websILe.

Independent Iorom Ior Appeul: TIere ure no
reguIuLIons guIdIng LIe grIevunce redressuI In cuse oI
IocuI governmenLs. OILen IL Is IeIL Lo LIe MunIcIpuI
CorporuLIons Lo see Iow besL IL cun uddress Issues.
urLIer, LIere Is no venue Ior uppeuI II LIe consumer Is
noL suLIsIIed wILI LIe redressuI oIIered by LIe
CorporuLIon. PubIIc servIces ure now beIng recognIzed
us u rIgIL oI cILIzens und compIuInLs Iuve been Luken
up by LIe Consumer CourLs under LIe Consumer
ProLecLIon AcL, 1q86. However, u sLrucLured und
IndependenL process Ior uppeuI Is requIred excIusIveIy
Ior MunIcIpuI servIces. n LIIs regurd, u Iorum sucI us
LIe KeruIu Ombudsmun Ior ocuI SeII GovernmenL
nsLILuLIons cun be consIdered Ior IndependenL uppeuI.
TIe KeruIu ombudsmun Is u Iorum Ior uppeuI uguInsL
MunIcIpuI CorporuLIons (or oLIer IocuI bodIes) buL
onIy on muLLers reIuLIng Lo muIudmInIsLruLIon or
corrupLIon. L Is recommended LIuL un ombudsmun,
on IInes oI LIe ombudsmun In KeruIu sIouId be seL up
uL LIe cILy IeveI wIIcI Lukes up uppeuIs reIuLIng Lo
MunIcIpuI servIces.

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

CMAK (CILy Munuger`s AssocIuLIon KurnuLuku), zooq
Puhlic Crieoonce Redressol Sgstem, Phose 1 Studg Report

APSHC (A.P. SLuLe HousIng CorporuLIon ImILed), zooq
Comploint Redressol Sgstem
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL;jsessIonId=q6CAE61qoBACAD

Consumer Protection (AmendmentJ Act, zooz
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL ILLp:JJncdrc.nIc.InJcons_umend.ILmI

DERC (DeIII EIecLrIcILy ReguIuLory CommIssIon) zoo
GuIdeIInes Ior esLubIIsImenL oI Iorum Ior redressuI oI grIevunces oI LIe
consumers und Ombudsmun, NoLIIIcuLIon MurcI 11, zooq

MoUD (MInIsLry oI Urbun DeveIopmenL), zooq
Seroice Leoel Benchmorks 1or e-Cooernonce -Municipolities

MC (MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon oI urIdubud), zooq
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL ILLp:JJwww.mcIbd.orgJproIIIe.ILm

NUA (NuLIonuI nsLILuLe oI Urbun AIIuIrs), zoo
Urbun Inunce QuurLerIy newsIeLLer, VoI 6, No. 1, MurcI zoo

SMC (SuruL MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon), zooq
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL

SMC (SuruL MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon), zooq u
1eedhock mechonism for efficient operotions
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL

TER (TIe Energy und Resources nsLILuLe), zooq
An explorotion of sustoinohilitg in the prooision of hosic urhon
seroices in 1ndion cities

UNCRD (UnILed NuLIons CenLre Ior RegIonuI DeveIopmenL), zoo1
Second Themotic Troining Course (1-jo Nooemher zoo1J
Nogogo, Jopon

WSP (WuLer und SunILuLIon Progrum), zoo8
1mplementing Rohust Consumer Voice Mechonisms
|IeId noLe|

DERC (DeIII EIecLrIcILy ReguIuLory CommIssIon), zooq
Consumer Sotisfoction Suroeg zoop

T E R I Report No. 2009IA01

BIII Dee, 1qq;
The essentiol elements of comploint hondling (ASqzopJ,
DIscussIon oI LIe AusLruIIun SLundurd on CompIuInLs HundIIng

Brewer B, zoo6
Delioering Better Seroice to Citizens Addressing Citizens
CompIuInLs EIIecLIveIy: WIuL? How? WIy?
TIe CAPAM zoo6 BIennIuI ConIerence
RIsIng Lo LIe CIuIIenge: EnIuncIng PubIIc SecLor CupubIIILy
Sydney, AusLruIIu OcLober z1 Lo z, zoo6

DERC Annuol Report zoo;-oS
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL;o8JengIIsI.pdI

PubIIc AIIuIrs CenLre, zoo
Citizen's Report Cords, Cose studg - Bongolore, 1ndio

EIecLrIcILy AcL, zoo

Governunce KnowIedge CenLre, DepurLmenL oI AdmInIsLruLIve ReIorms
und PubIIc GrIevunces (DARPG), IIsL oI InLernuLIonuI besL prucLIces,
eTIekwInI MunIcIpuIILy, Durbun, SouLI AIrIcu
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL

JuIpur MunIcIpuI CorporuLIon, zooq
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL ILLp:JJwww.juIpurmc.orgJ

NuLIonuI Consumer DIspuLes RedressuI CommIssIon
DeLuIIs uvuIIubIe uL ILLp:JJncdrc.nIc.InJ

NUA (NuLIonuI nsLILuLe oI Urbun AIIuIrs), zooz
Urbun Inunce QuurLerIy newsIeLLer, VoI , No.

NUA (NuLIonuI nsLILuLe oI Urbun AIIuIrs), zoo
1mpoct of the Constitution (;qth AmendmentJ Act on the
Working of Urhon Locol Bodies (Volume 1J

RungunuLIun M., zoo8
Crieoonce Redressol Processes in Urhon Seroice Delioerg: Hou
Effectioe Are Theg?
Governunce BrIeI, SSUE 1;, zoo8

SungILu S N, DusI BC, zoo
Electronic Cooernonce ond Seroice Delioerg in 1ndio: Theorg
ond Proctice
nsLILuLe oI SocIuI und EconomIc CIunge, WorkIng Puper 16 pp

SIukIu A und SrInIvusun R, zoo6
86 Framework for Effective Consumer Grievance Redressal System
T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Uttor Prodesh Lokogukto: Efficient redressol of citizen
VoIume 1, No 1






T E R I Report No. 2009IA01
Appendix I

S No Person Met Organization
1 Mr Dilip Mahajan, Deputy Municipal
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)
2 Mr I P Gautam, Municipal Commissioner Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)
3 Mr Yatinder Nayak, HOD, IT Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)
4 Mr Vipul Patel, Assistant Manager Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)
5 Mr P K Ghosh, Managing Trustee Consumer Education & Research Centre
6 Pritee Shah, Senior Director Consumer Education & Research Centre
7 Prof. H. M Shivanand Swamy, Professor &
Associate Director
Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT),
8 Ms Gauri Kumar, Principal Secretary Urban Development Gujarat
9 Ms Trupti Jain, Executive Director, City Managers Association Gujarat
10 Mr Rajendra Joshi, Saath (NGO)
11 Mr Subir Singh Hari, Principal Secretary Urban Development Department, Karnataka
12 Mr S M Sonnad, Deputy Secretary Urban Development Department, Karnataka
13 Mr Ziaullah , Joint Director (Reforms), Municipal Reforms Cell
14 Mrs Sapna N, Director, CMAK City Managers Association, Karnataka (CMAK)
15 Mr Pramod Goni Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy, Bengaluru
16 Mr R Shivakumar, PRO Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)
17 Mr Natraj, CFO Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)
18 Mr Harish Kumar, Program coordinator CIVIC Bengaluru
19 Mrs Chamaraj CIVIC Bengaluru
20 Raykar. K.S, Commissioner Mysore City Corporation
22 Mr Sivram Sistla, Head IMIS JUSCO
23 Mr Alok Chandrawanshi Raipur Municipal Corporation
24 Mr Dinesh Jain Raipur Municipal Corporation
25 Mr Pravin Jain, Vice Chairman
26 Shri Sanjay Shukla , Commissioner Urban Administration and Development, Chhattisgarh
27 Mr Sunil Kumar Sharma, Assistant Secretary Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
28 Mr Rajpal Manager, Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)
29 Mr Anil Mehta, Executive Engineer Municipal Corporation of Faridabad
30 Ms Paramita Datta Dey, Senior Research
National Institute of Urban Affairs

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