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Name the new micro insurance product scheme which has recently been launched by LIC to commemorate the corporations 56th anniversary: Jeevan Deep Who will be the 39th Chief Justice of India from September 29, 2012: Altamas Kabir Syed Mustafa Siraj who passed away recently was an eminent: Veteran Bengali Writer Which two countries are having disputes over the 330 mega watt hydro electric project Kishenganga before international court of Justice: India and Pakistan The disputed hydro electric project Kishenganga which is between India and Pakistan is constructed on which river: Tributary of Jhelum (Bandipur, Jammu & Kashmir) Who has recently became the first golfer to make more than $100 million in earnings on the PGA Tour in USA : Tiger Woods Who has recently been appointed as Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank: Kaushik Basu India has recently signed pacts with which country to boost the textiles business against the back drop of a free trade agreement being finalized between two nations as their celebrate 20 years of diplomatic relations: Israel What amount has been announced by India for contribution to International Monetary Fund: 10 billion US dollar

15) Which country is going to extend its help to Bihar in

agriculture, solar energy, water harnessing and health insurance: Israel

16) Which public sector bank has recently decided to

2) 3) 4)

massively increase its point of sale terminals to one lakh by next march from the current 18,500: State Bank of India at New Delhi: Nehru Cup of Football

17) Recently India has beat Cameroon to win ___________ 18) Which
committee has recently recommended to postpone the controversial tax provision GAAR by three years: Parthasarathi Shome Avoidance Rules


19) What is the full form of GAAR: General Anti20) The recent recommendations made by the Parthasarathi


Committee are: Postponement of GAAR by three years and abolition of capital gains tax on transfer of securities towers with a view to reduce emission by 90 per cent to one-tenth of the present levels: Radiation Emission Norms Norms which has recently been prescribed by the government is: Rs. 5 lakh per tower

21) Government has prescribed strict ______ for mobile



22) The penalty for not following the Radiation Emission

23) Reserve bank has agreed to remove the cash retraction


system from all ATMs to deal with the increasing number of fraudulent claims about non receipt of cash. The said proposal has been made by: National Payments Corporation of India currency if it is not removed within a certain time : Cash Retraction System by which international personality: Stephen Hawking

10) Who is the author of the book Maharani: Ruskin Bond 11) Name the first IndianAmerican business women who
has been selected as a democratic national convention Parliamentarian in US: Smita Shah

24) The system that enables the ATM to take back the

25) The London Para Olympic Games 2012 was inaugurated 26) Mitt Romney, who is contesting against Barack Obama

12) The government has recently setup committee to

examine how Panchayats can be leveraged for more efficient delivery of public good and services. The committee headed by: Mani Shankar Aiyar (M.P. of Congress) most influential people in the world of Finance as dated by Bloomberg Markets magazine: Mamta Banerjee to formulate the ______________ to control the fiscal deficit of the government: Fiscal Consolidation Road Map

(Democratic Party) in the US Presidential election is from which party: Republican Party election which will be held on 6th November 2012: 57th

27) This year (2012) USA has its ________presidential 28) _______has created a world record for spending highest

13) Which Indian politician has been figured in the list of 50

14) Government has recently formed Vijay Kelkar Committee

number of hours in spacewalk by a female astronaut : Sunita Williams an anti-submarine warfare Devendra Kumar Joshi specialist: Admiral

29) Name the newly appointed chief of Indian Navy who is



30) Admiral Devendra Kumar Joshi who recently took over

as chief of navy from __________________: Admiral Nirmal Verma recently: General Liang Guanglie

membership called Alpha for firms that do not handle customer funds: NSE

49) The expert committee on General Anti Avoidance Rules

31) Name the Chinese Defence Minister who visited India 32) Which bill has recently been passed by Lok Sabha that

(GAAR), headed by Parthasarathi Shome, has advocated postponement of the controversial tax provision upto which year: 2016-17 General of which International Organization: European Organization for Nuclear Research ( CERN) Paralympics Games 2012: Mens High Jump

seek to protect women, including domestic workers, from sexual harassment at work place: The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (prevention, prohibition & Redressal) Bill, 2010 educationist, activist, and former civil servant from Rajasthan Angola: Jose Eduardo Dos Santos

50) Rolf Heuer, who recently visited India is the Director

51) In which sports India got its first medal at the London 52) Recently unveiled Indias first passenger solar electric

33) Anil Bordia who passed away recently was an eminent:

34) Who has recently been re-elected as the president of 35) Government has recently announced to cover 3.40 crore
families under which medi-claim Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana known_________: Freedom Fighter scheme:

vehicle ARKA- The Sun Car is designed by ____________: Delhi Technological University as global systemically important banks (G- SIBs) under Basel III: Zero

53) Presently how many Indian banks have been identified


54) Recently which IT major has signed an agreement with

36) Lakshmi Sahgal, who passed away was a well37) The Pacific Islands Forum summit 2012 was recently

held in: Cook Islands (country in the South Pacific Ocean) crore for developing green cover in Eastern Ghats: Tamil Nadu at which place: Rohil ( Rajasthans Sikar district)

West Bengal government for designing and implementing ICT solutions for the rural employment guarantee scheme in the state: Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. country director for India: Onno Ruhl

55) Recently who has been appointed as World Banks new 56) Air India has got its first Dreamliner aircraft recently,
which is a _________: Advanced Boeing 787

38) Recently which state government has allocated Rs. 1500

39) Recently large uranium deposits have been discovered 40) Which nation has topped the Global Competitiveness

57) Recently in which state , the centre has allowed to set

up an exclusive Information Technology Investment Region (ITIR): Andhra Pradesh by the Department of Posts (DoP): to provide banking services with special focus on rural areas Salman Rushdie

Index for the year 2012- 2013 compiled by the World Economic Forum: Switzerland (followed by Singapore and Finland) Index 2012-2013 declined by three places to_______________ and the report noted that Indias infrastructure is largely insufficient and ill-adapted to the needs of the economy: 59th was held in : Iran

58) What is the main purpose to set up Post Bank of India

41) Indias ranking in the in the Global Competitiveness

59) Who is the author of the upcoming book Joseph Anton: 60) Which bank has recently announced to launch non-cash
transactions through social networking site - Facebook: ICICI medal table: China

42) Recently the 16th Non Aligned Movement (NAM) summit 43) Recently 44th ASEAN Economic Ministers meeting and

61) Which country has topped the London Paralympics 62) Who is the winner of the US Open Tennis 2012 Mens
single event: Andy Murray (UK)

related meeting were held at Siem Reap. In which country Siem Reap is located: Cambodia Court to refund around Rs. 24,000 crore to its investors: Sahara ministry: Ministry of Tourism

44) Which real estate firm was recently ordered by Supreme

63) Andy Murray has grabbed the title of US Open Tennis

2012 mens single by defeating ________: Novak Djokovic (Serbia) single event: Serena Williams (USA)

45) Hunar Se Rozgar Tak initiative is undertaken by which 46) Which state government has recently instituted nutrition
awards at the district level to check malnourishment among children: Haryana

64) Who is the winner of the US Open Tennis 2012 Womens 65) Serena Williams has grabbed the title of US Open Tennis

2012 Womens single by defeating_________________: Victoria Azarenka (Belarus) assistance of 10 million US dollars to ____________ and to support its bid for a full United Nations membership: Palestine

47) Recently in which state, Government of India has

launched National Vocational Education Qualification Framework pilot project ( NVEQF): Haryana

66) Recently India has agreed to extend development

48) Which stock exchange has launched a new category of


67) Name the Palestines President who visited India


recently and signed 3 pacts with India to enhance bilateral cooperation: Mahmoud Abbas

capable surface to surface Agni-IV missile. What is the strike range of Agni-IV missile: 4000 km

68) The 3rd East Asian Ministerial Conference on Sanitation

and Hygiene was recently held in ________: Bali

90) Which Satellite is being developed by Space Applications

69) Which

State government has recently launched unemployment allowance scheme: Uttar Pradesh guaranteed work days under MGNREGA from 100 days to_________: 150 days ( only in drought affected areas) Forests has suspended the 93 mining licences: Goa Libya: Mustafa Abu Shagour

Centre (Ahmedabad), to keep an eye on the country to alert authorities of trouble spots, natural disasters, floods and forest fires within five minutes of the event: GISAT

70) Recently government has increased the number of

91) What is the full form of GISAT: Geo-Imaging Satellite 92) India has recently beaten ______________ in the Davis
Cup Asia-Oceania group I in Tennis at Chandigarh: New Zealand

71) Recently in which state, the Ministry of Environment and 72) Who has recently been elected as new Prime Minister of 73) The 52nd National Open Athletics Championships was
recently held in______________: Chennai

93) The Babur, a cruise missile which has recently been

successfully test fired by Pakistan. What is its basic feature: it can carry both nuclear and conventional warheads over a range of 700 km which has recently been successfully test fired by Pakistan: Hatf-VII

94) What is the another name for missile named Babur

74) Ranganath Misra, who passed away recently was a

________________: Former Chief Justice of India exhibition centre: Gujarat

95) Which cricket player has been honoured with ICC Test
Cricketer of the year and the Peoples Choice Award by ICC for the year 2012: Kumar Sangakara

75) Which state will soon get Indias largest industrial 76) Recently Union Cabinet has allowed ________ percent
of FDI in Civil Aviation sector: 49%

96) India and Burundi have recently signed three MOUs for

77) Recently which bank has become the first bank to offer

cooperation in the fields of _____________: Education, Health and Medicine, and Rural Development visited India recently: Pierre Nkurunziza

Rupay Kisan Card with Aadhar authentication: Oriental Bank of Commerce recently held in ___________: Chennai

97) Name the President of Burundi (Eastern Africa) who 98) The Capital of Burundi is: Bujumbura 99) Recently anti Japan protests took place in China. The
protest was raised by the citizens of China on the issue of ___________: disputed island in East China sea, as Japan said it had agreed a deal to buy a chain of disputed islands in East China Sea from their private Japanese owner Bamboo September 18 guitar on the Nagaland Day is observed on_________:

78) The 52nd National Open Athletics Championships was 79) Who will be conferred with the Bhartiya Jnanpiths

prestigious Moorti Devi Award(24th) for the year 2010: Prof. Gopi Chand Narang (also awarded with Pakistans top civilian award Sitara-e-Imtiaz) Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) for 2012- 2013: Shailesh Gupta a__________________: Badminton player

80) Who has recently been elected as the Chairman of the

100) World

81) Pusarla Venkata Sindhu, who was recently in news is 82) Atanu
Sen has recently been appointed ________________: new MD & CEO of SBI Life was in news recently: Hyderabad as

101) Which state has recently launched the first ever bamboo
occasion of World Bamboo Day:

102) What is the full form of NBRC: Nagaland Bamboo

Resource Centre

83) Where is National Geo-Physical Research Institute which 84) Who will be the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia after the
death of Meles Zenwai: Haile Mariam Desalegn the year by the ICC: Virat Kohli

103) Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre which has recently

launched the first ever bamboo guitar on the occasion of World Bamboo day is at which place: Dimapur ( Nagaland) to empower adolescent boys by educating them on gender sensitivity and moral behavior: Saksham commendation at the Asian Human Capital Award 2012 for __________: its initiative to train professionals from the backward community and below poverty line families in rural India been launched by which ministry: Ministry of Women and Child Development

85) Who has recently been honoured with ODI Cricketer of 86) Recently which country has successfully test fired the

104) Which Scheme has recently been launched by the centre

nuclear capable Babur cruise missile with a range of 700: Pakistan USA Congressional Gold Medal :Aung San Suu Kyi

105) Recently an Indian IT major has been awarded a special

87) The lady from Myanmar who has been honoured with 88) After recent mid quarter review of monetary policy by

Reserve Bank of India ( in September 2012), what are the Cash Reserve Ratio and Repo rate: 8% and 4.50%

106) Saksham a scheme to focus on adolescent boys have

89) Recently India has successfully flight tested its nuclear



107) Till date which state has become the first open
defecation free state under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan : Sikkim open defecation free by _________: next ten years

125) As per the announcements made by the union cabinet

100 per cent FDI would be notified soon in : Single Brand Retail India-Myanmar-Thailand tri-connectivity located in _______: Manipur project is

108) As per the target setup by the government India will be 109) Aung San Suu Ki, who has recently been presented with
the Congressional Gold Medal by America is the Chairperson and General Secretary of which political party in Myanmar: National League for Democracy

126) Moreh which was recently in news in context with the

127) Recently World Bank has approved a $106 million credit

110) The State Bank of India has planned to add _______

to the government of India for what purpose: to improve the nutritional outcomes for children less than six years of age order to further reduce transaction cost of the importers: Electronic Payment Of Customs Duty

branches this fiscal as compared to 645 branches in the fiscal year 2011-2012: 1200 manufacture export grade 99 per cent NaCl purity salt: Gujarat ( it will be based on the internationally patented technology of the Central Salt Marine & Chemical Research Institute) on 9th September when the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle- C21 blasted off from Sriharikota: 100th convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging: Tareq Al Hashemi (fled to Iraqi Kurdistan to avoid
arrest on murder charges. At present he is living in Turkey.)

128) The government has made ____________ mandatory in

111) Which state will be establishing a model solar farm to

129) Reserve Bank of India has permitted Indians to invest in

which neighbouring country to promote bilateral trade and investment: Pakistan

112) ISRO launched its ___________ satellite

130) The Finance Ministry has recently declined permission to

which countrys bank to open branch in India apparently due to security concerns and threat of money laundering: Iran ( Parsian Bank) centre has asked states to introduce _________ in mid day meal schemes in schools to boost demand for the nutritious grain: Millets 12th Plan has been scaled down at _________ from 9% as envisaged earlier: 8.2% villagers launched a jal satyagraha there by standing in neck deep waters of Narmada river for 17 days, demanding reduction in the water level of Omkareshwar dam is in which state: Madhya Pradesh ( distt. Khandwa) Aarogya Nidhi scheme: Arunachal Pradesh

113) Name the Iraqs fugitive Vice-President, who was

131) Recently

132) As per plan panel Average annual growth target for the

114) Where did NASAS land rover Curiosity landed on mars

on August 5/6 2012: Gale Crater

115) Indias Mars Orbiter Mission is likely to be launched in

133) Ghogalgaon which was recently in news as scores of

November 2013. What kind of rocket will be used by ISRO for this mission: Extended Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle World Habitat Day

116) The first Monday of October every year is observed as: 117) To which country has India offered a stake in the 15000
crore Tipaimukh Hydroelectric project: Bangladesh

134) Which state government has recently launched Rashtriya 135) Recently Arunachal Pradesh has launched Rashtriya

118) The proposed Tipaimukh hydroelectric project is in 119) ___________ of Karnataka gave India its first medal at
the London Paralympic Games after bagging silver in the Mens High Jump event: H N Girisha

which state and on which river: Manipur/River- Barak

Aarogya Nidhi scheme which aims at: Providing financial assistance upto 1.5 lakh rupees to BPL patients suffering from life threatening diseases in the form of one time grant eruptions is located at ________: Guatemala 2012 was ________: 69th ________: Golden Lion

136) Feugo volcano was recently in news due to its sudden 137) Venice Film Festival which was held on 8th September, 138) The best film at the Venice film festival is awarded 139) Which film has recently been honoured with the Golden

120) Name the person who passed away and is also known as

Architect of the Operation Flood, Father of White Revolution & was founder of Anand Milk Union Ltd.(Amul): Dr. Verghese Kurien Reporting Language

121) What is the full form of XBRL: eXtensible Business 122) What is XBRL: it is a language to electronically
communicate financial and operational information between businesses and other users such as analysts, investors and regulators FDI in Multi Brand Retail: 51% increase in the Broadcasting FDI limit

Lion at the 69th Venice Film Festival: Korean film Pieta ( directed by Kim Ki-duk) evoked wide spread violent protests for its anti Muslim contents causing insult to Prophet Mohammed in a number of Muslim countries: Innocence of Muslims protest against US film Innocence of Muslims was __________: US ambassador to Libya

140) Name the US film which was produced recently and

123) Recently Union Cabinet has allowed ______ percent of 124) Recently in which sector Union Cabinet has allowed
from 49% to

141) Christopher Stevens who has recently been killed in




142) In its Mid quarter review of monetary policy in

September 2012, RBI has reduced CRR by : 25 basis points about ______ crores liquidity in Banking system : 17000

2012. He is : President of Sri Lanka

163) Mahinda Rajapakse laid foundation of the University of

143) The reduction by 25 basis points in CRR will release 144) In its address to the nation on August 15,2012,
the prime minister of India declared to start a new health scheme for the whole of India to be named : National Health Mission Justice of India

Buddhist and Indic Studies at a historical place at : Sanchi ( M.P.) these stores can only be opened in cities with population more than : One Million as pr 2011 census

164) According to guidelines for FDI in Multi Brand Retail,

165) FDI guidelines are issued by : DIPP 166) The full form of DIPP is : Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion

145) Ranganath Misra who expired recently was : Ex- Chief 146) The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize-2012 in the area of

167) DIPP is a part of Ministry of : Commerce & Industry 168) Which two Tennis players have recently been banned by
the All India Tennis Association (AITA) from representing India in international events till the end of June 2014: Mahesh Bhupati and Rohan Bopanna recently celebrated its 125th anniversary on 23rd September: Allahabad University (also known as Oxford of the east) Chairman of Commission ___________: Forward Markets

mathematical sciences have been awarded to whom: Shiva Ramachandran Athreya and Debashish Goswami : EMERGE

147) The new platform for SMEs launched by NSE is called as 148) The government of India has put a cap on the number

169) Which University (fourth oldest university of India) has

of cylinders to be supplied at subsidised rates to Indian Households :Six with public issue only on completion of ____ years of business or such period as may be specified by the Central Government : 10 Institute is to be set up in India in association with : World Bank

149) According to IRDA an insurance company can come out

170) Ramesh Abhishek has recently been appointed as

171) Forward Markets Commission(FMC) is the regulator of

_______: Commodity markets Liaoning: China

150) An institute to be called Corporate Social Responsibility

172) Which country has launched its first aircraft carrier173) To promote cashless transactions, the Finance Ministry

151) The World Economic Outlook report is issued by : IMF 152) The IMF has lowered growth projections for India for the
year to : 6.1%

153) According to IMF, the Indian economy grew by ____

during 2010 : 10.8%

has asked public sector banks to take steps to reduce the fee to zero for electronic transfer of funds upto what amount: Rs. One Lakh (presently banks charge rs. 5 per transfer of funds up to Rs 1 lakh & Rs. 2.50 for upto Rs.10,000.00) recently been started at which place: Galle, Srilanka _________: Johannesburg, South Africa

154) According to IMF, the growth of Indian economy during

the year 2011 was : 7.1%

174) The ICC Womens World Twenty20 Tournament has 175) The Ninth World Hindi Conference (WHC) held in 176) A regional bank in which country has started operating
ATMs that do not require plastic cards but instead identify account holders by scanning their hands: Japan World:2012 index is topped by_______: Hong Kong

155) S & P, a major rating agency has reduced the growth

forecast of India for the current fiscal to ___ from ____ projected earlier : 5.5%, 6.5% Goodwill ambassador to UNAIDS to raise issues related to HIV infections in children : Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Archery World Cup : Deepika Kumari Tokyo, Japan

156) Name the Indian actress who has been name as the UN

177) The annual ranking titled Economic Freedom of the 178) What is the Indias rank in terms of Economic Freedom

157) The women archer from India who won silver medal at 158) Archery World Cup was held in September 2012 at : 159) During Archery World Cup _______for Precision is given for
most 10 pointers in four events : Longines Prize

under Economic Freedom of the World:2012 index: 111th (out of 144 nations) world: 2012 which measure the degree to which the policies and institutions of countries support economic freedom is measured by ___________: Canada based Fraser Institute furnish a ____________ of their home country to claim benefits under the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement: Tax Residency Certificate

179) The annual ranking titled Economic Freedom of the

160) The movie Barfi has been nominated as Indian entry in

an International foreign Film festival in the foreign film category. Name the film festival : Oscars the Oscars, the international film festival: Foreign Film category.

180) India has made it mandatory for all foreign investors to

161) In which category has the movie Barfi nominated in

162) Mahinda Rajapakse visited India recently in September


181) Recently Mudalpatti Distt. Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu was


in news due to: the fire accident at a cracker godown and a factory

Award 2012: one lac dollar

182) In London Olympic Games 2012, which country won the

highest number of medals: USA

202) Dr. Gulab Kothari who has bagged the 25th edition of the

Moorti Devi Award-2011 for his book______: Mein Hi Radha, Mein Hi Krishna

183) Which institution has recently planned to offer free SMS-

based weather and crop advisory services and to cover 50,000 farmers in 10 districts in Maharashtra on a pilot project: NABARD associated with which organisation: Swayamsewak Sangh (Ex- chief) Rashtriya

203) Who is Indias Chief Economic Advisor to Finance
Minister: Raghuram G Rajan Tharoor

184) K S Sudarshan who has passed away recently, was

204) Who is the author of the book Pax Indica: Shashi 205) Global rating agency Fitch has recently cut the outlook

185) Name the controversial cartoonist from Kanpur who was

in news recently as he was charged with sedition for putting up banners mocking the constitution: Aseem Trivedi

for Indias vast retail sector from stable to negative. What is the reason behind this: Due to weakest consumers spending in 7 years. companies declined to $1.24 billion in July from $3.53 billion a month earlier: Overseas direct investment 2012-13 to 5.5% from its June estimate of 6.5%. What is the reason behind this decline in GDP growth: Deficient rainfall and deterioration in the Euro Zone growth outlook Information of India Limited

206) As per recent data released by RBI _______ by Indian

186) Under the Rajiv Gandhi Equity Scheme, what is the

maximum permissible investment: 50,000 place: 66th

187) In terms of food security India has been ranked at which 188) In which European country the Prime Minister Jens
Stoltenberg has appointed Pakistani origin Hadia Tajik as the new culture minister of the country: Sweden noted _________: Freedom Fighter championship was held : Hungary

207) CRISIL has cut Indias real GDP growth forecast for

208) What is the full form of CRISIL: Credit Rating 209) Recently India and Israel have signed a Memorandum

189) Konda Laxman Bapuji, who recently passed away was a 190) Recently in which country, world veteran Wrestling 191) Recently which country has banned all Pakistani
newspapers from entering the country: Afghanistan

of Understanding for ___________:Collaborative Academic Research Programme Agreement consumption increased in real terms in 2011-12: 18%

210) By how much percent monthly per capita rural 211) As per the 68th round of survey on household consumer

192) Name the Indian Wrestler who has created history by

winning the title in 97 kilogram category for the 16th time in the world veteran wrestling championship held in Budapast, Hungary: Kartar Singh Growth in Asia and Changes of Corporate Environment was held: Srilanka

expenditure for the period July 2011-12 survey conducted by the National Samples Survey Organization (NSSO), what percent of rural India lives on less than Rs.17 a day: 10 percent the poorest 10% of Indias rural population as per the 68th survey conducted by NSSO: Rs. 503.49

193) Recently in which country, Conference on Economic

212) What is the average monthly per capita expenditure of

194) Recently government has approved the National policy

on Information Technology. The aim is: to make at least one individual in every house hold e-literate chairman of___________: Committee of BCCI district having Ernakulum Male National Selection

213) The Reserve Bank of India has recently relaxed the

195) Sandeep Patil has recently been appointed as the

repayment norms for ______________ to help over 10 crore farmers to overcome the difficult financial situation due to deficient monsoon : Kisaan Credit Card neighbouring country has recently undertaken an initiative to allow two of its banks to open its branches in India: Pakistan Pakistans central bank to open its branches in India as part of efforts to normalize economic and trade relations between the two countries: National Bank of Pakistan and The United Bank Ltd. from Pakistan in all sectors except the ________________: Strategic ones like Defence, Atomic Energy etc. and Sri Lanka from the negative list under the foreign

214) In lieu of Indias move to allow investments, which

196) Which district in the country will be declared as the first

meaningful financial


197) Fifth meeting of SAARC Home ministers was held at: 198) Which has recently launched Bal Jyoti, an eye screening
and treatment programme for school children: Odisha Architecture Prize 2012: Wang Shu (China) Hyat Foundation

215) Which two banks have recently been allowed by

199) Who has recently been announced for the Pritzker 200) Pritzker Architecture Prize is sponsored by _________: 201) What is the prize money for the Pritzker Architecture

216) India has recently allowed Foreign Direct Investment

217) In the recent past India had dropped both Bangladesh


exchange management act. Name the only country which was not allowed to invest in India: Pakistan

234) Recently Yamuna Express has been inaugurated in

which State: Uttar Pradesh

218) Under the acronym FEMA, what does M stand for:


235) The 165.5 km long Yamuna Expressway which has

recently been inaugurated in Uttar Pradesh connects which two places: Noida and Agra persons were killed in a bloody shootout in a Sikh Gurudwara: Oak Creek International Finance Corporation of the world bank: Jin-Yong CAI from China women to encourage career oriented females within its strict S haria law: Saudi Arabia P. Chidambaram

219) The Reserve Bank of India has decided to constitute a

committee to review the _____________: Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure (STCCS) Credit Structure will be headed by whom: Prakash Bakshi ( NABARD chairman) to be transferred to the government for the accounting year ended June 30: 160.10 billion (Rs. 16 thousand crore) agreed to give loan of Rs. 365 crore to which state of India: Odisha census 2001) are considered as _________: Tier II cities cities without taking its prior permission: Regional Rural Banks lying in unclaimed deposits or in operative accounts with nationalized public sector, private sector, foreign and other banks, operating in the country as on December 31, 2011: Rs. 2481 crore the most decorated Olympian of all time when he won a record 22nd Olympic Medals. He is from country: USA

236) Name the place in Wisconsin state of USA where 6

220) A Committee which is to review Short Term Cooperative

237) Who has recently been appointed as the CEO of

221) How much dividend has recently been approved by RBI

238) Which country is planning to build a city exclusively for

222) In order to develop urban infrastructure Germany has

239) Who has been appointed as new union finance minister: 240) Name the nuclear capable Intermediate Range Ballistic

223) Cities having population of 50,000 to 99,999 (as per

Missile (IRBM), Which has recently been successfully test fired by India at the Wheeler Island of Odisha coast: Agni-II range ballistic missile which has recently been test fired by India: 2000 km

224) RBI has allowed ________ to open branches in tier II

241) What is the strike range of Agni-II, an intermediate

225) As per recent data collated by RBI how much amount is

242) India post has chosen _________ as its technology and

consulting partner to integrate its delivery of financial products across its network of 1.5 lakh post offices in the country: Infosys

226) Michael Phelps has become the greatest swimmer and

243) The Reserve Bank of India has recently asked banks to

227) ___________ has become the sportsman to win highest

numbers of medals in London Olympics, winning four Gold and two silver medals: Michael Phelps (USA) immediate food assistance after heavy rains killed scores of people and submerged vast swath of Farmland: North Korea

drop the no frills tag from the basic saving accounts, as the nomenclature has become a stigma and on the other side it has asked banks to provide the ________ facility in new Basic Savings Banking Deposit Accounts with ATM cum Debit card without any extra charge: Zero balance facility platinum jubilee recently: West Bengal

228) According to a UN report, which country needs

244) Which states legislative Assembly has celebrated its 245) Due to the robust growth in the television industry and

229) Name the NASAs Mars Rover which has fired its laser

for the first time on the Red Planet, using the beam from a science instrument to interrogate a first size rock: Curiosity and fled abroad, in a blow to President Bashar Al Assad. Who is he : Prime Minister of Syria

with the advent of digitization, which organization is set to hold Indian Television fest in Goa, in November 2012: Indian Broadcasting Foundation secretary of central government: Sumit Bose

246) Who has recently been appointed as the revenue 247) Government
has planned to implement _________________ which is an internationally accepted reporting rules from April 1, 2013 and this would be done even if the proposed new direct taxes code is not ushered in by that time: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reframe their __________ which would include compensation payable for the delayed period in case of collection of local cheques: Cheque Collection Policies (CCPs) comprehensively support producer organizations across the country: Produces Organization Development

230) Riad Hijab, has recently joined the anti regime revolt

231) _____________ has been re elected as vice president of

India. He is only the second vice president to get a second consecutive term after S. Radhakrishnan: Hamid Ansari woman banks which would be run by female employees and only women customers would be entertained: Karnataka

248) The Reserve Bank of India has recently asked banks to

232) Which state has recently decided to establish three all

233) Name the three places in Karnataka where it has

249) Which fund has recently been created by the NABARD to

decided to establish all woman banks: Mangalore, Shimoga and Raichpur





250) Name the country which was in news recently due to

twin earthquakes that devastated many villages killing over 300 people: Iran (North West Region) from which field: Politics (Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, ExCM of Maharashtra) spearheaded by History TV 18 and CNN IBN: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (Father of the Indian constitution) new scheme to provide financial assistance to urban poor for house construction. The new scheme has been named as: Rajiv Housing Loan Scheme

266) Indias first financial Supermarket aimed at cross-selling

non-standard banking products has recently been opened in which city: Jaipur recently become UKs largest selling book, outselling The Da Vinci code and Harry Potter novels: E L James report on _________ to the Government: National Security Qvir, a drug kit for treating HIV/AIDS: Cipla

251) Vilasrao Deshmukh who has passed away recently was

267) Who has authored Fifty Shades of Grey which has

252) Who was voted as the Greatest Indian in a poll

268) Recently Naresh Chandra Committee has submitted its

253) As per recent news government is planning to launch a

269) Which pharma companies in India has recently launched 270) 271) Ashok Mehta who has passed away recently was an
eminent ___________: Movies) Cinematographer (Hindi

254) What is the objective of Rajiv Housing Loan Scheme to

be launched by government very soon: Under this scheme people belonging to the economically weaker sections would be given relief on interest for housing loans of less than Rs. 5 lacs made by UN) to Yemen, which food crop has been donated by India: Rice (around 2500 metric tonnes) premature withdrawal of FD on death of one of the joint account holders without any penalty: Fixed Deposit account opening forms speeding up fund transfer, the RBI has asked all CBS enabled banks to issue which cheques only to all eligible customers which can be cleared by any branch of the same bank in the country: payable at par / multicity cheques households, what percent of households had reported availing of banking facilities: 58.7%

272) Vandana Shiva who has been chosen for Fukuoka Prize
2012 is an eminent _________: Philosopher and Activist


255) In order to provide humanitarian aid (as per an appeal

273) Fukuoka Prize, a prestigious award given to people who

256) The RBI has asked banks to modify _________ to allow

contribute to academia arts and culture in Asia is being bestowed by___________: Fukuoka City Government (Japan) Imtiaz, which is the third highest civilian honour bestowed by Pakistan: Prof. Gopi Chand Narang

274) Who has recently been honoured with the title Sitara-I-

257) With a view to improving customer services and

275) Gopi Chand Narang who has recently been honoured

with Sitara-I-Imtiaz (Star of excellence) by Pakistan is eminent ___________: Urdu litterateur (From India) Islamabad which was in news as it was attacked by terrorists: Kamra (China)

276) Name the Pakistan Air Forces Minhas Base station near

258) As per 2011 census out of total around 25 crore

277) Who is the winner of the Miss World 2012: Wen xia Yu 278) Ms. World contest 2012 was held at which place: Ordos

259) The government has recently asked public sector banks

to ensure one account per family. What is the purpose of the government behind this: To facilitate transfer of subsidy under 32 central schemes establish the National Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine (NISSM) at which city: New Delhi joint military exercise code-named Nomadic Elephant: 2012, is an exercise of defence cooperation between India and __________: Mongolia Cheyyur and Sarguja are located respectively ________: Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh 30th in

City, Inner Mongolia, China

279) Name an ace Indian Batsman who has recently
announced his retirement from International Cricket at Hyderabad: V.V.S Laxman contribution in the field of _____________: Child protection and welfare service to children Award for the year 2011: Mr. R Ravi Kumar, Swami Japananda and Mr. N Thungdemo Kikon was founded: Belgrade in the year 1961

260) The Government of India has recently proposed to

280) Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva award is given for the

261) The

281) Who have been selected for Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva

262) The upcoming Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs) at

282) Where and in which year Non Aligned Movement(NAM) 283) According to the rating agency ICRA _________ could

263) London Olympics-2012 is the ________ Olympic Event: 264) Recently the Prime Minister has constituted a committee

to review taxation of Development centres and IT sector. It is headed by _________: N. Rangachary was an exponent of which classical dance forms:

have an implication for growth, inflation an fiscal deficit: Deficient monsoons given for excellence in which field: Sports

284) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Indias highest honour is

265) Guru Vempati Chinna Satyam who passed away recently



285) Who are the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awardees for the
year 2012: Vijay Kumar & Yogeshwar Dutt

286) How many silver and bronze medal India has bagged in

commissioned by Indian Coast Guard which has been specially designed to mitigate any marine oil spill: Samudra Paheredar

the London Olympics 2012 respectively: 2 Silver & 4 Bronze Operational Planning meeting which aimed at bringing about the end of Syrian President Bashar al-Assads embattled regime: US and Turkey inflation _________ in India declined from 9.3% in the financial year 2010-11 to 7.8% in financial year 201112: Net Household Financial Savings deposits with banks and non-bank companies, investments in stocks, mutual funds, debentures, small savings, life insurance, provident and pension funds. 250 million to $288.91 billion. What is the reason behind this: Revaluation of currencies

301) Meles Zenawi who has passed away recently was the
Prime Minister of which country: Ethiopia

287) Officials of which two nations have recently held an

302) The pilotless target aircraft named ___________ has

recently been test flown from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur near Balasore, Odisha: Lakshya 1 USA who was in news as he was banned for life by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA): Lance Armstrong (He fought against cancer bravely)

303) Name the record seven Tour de France titles holder from

288) Due to slower growth in income and the rising rate of

304) We come across the words twin deficits which afflict

289) Net financial savings include: Cash investments,

290) Recently Indias foreign exchange reserves dropped by $

291) Under the abbreviation FIPB, what does P stands for:

Promotion (Foreign Investment Promotion Board)

292) The exposure to regulated Financial Service Companies

for single group entity has been set by RBI at : 10% of paid up capital and reserves nuclear-capable ____________ ballistic missile from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur off Odisha coast: Prithvi II capability to carry 500 kg of warheads: 350 km

293) India has recently test fired its indigenously developed

the Indian economy. What are these twin deficits : Fiscal Deficit and Current Account Deficit 305) KYC norms are required to be complied with to open Savings Bank Account and have also recently introduced Basic Savings Bank Account. For which type of account are KYC norms relaxed : Small Account ( It is a Savings Bank A/c) 306) Small Accounts are primarily meant for persons who do not fulfill the : KYC norms 307) The maximum balance in Small Account at any given point of time cannot exceed: Rs. 50000 308) The maximum withdrawals from Small Accounts cannot exceed : Rs. 10000 per month 309) The maximum amount that can be deposited in one year in Small Account is: Rs. One lac 310) The RBI has recently introduced Basic Savings Bank Account. The maximum number of withdrawals in a month allowed are : Four

294) What is the strike range of Prithvi-II which has the 295) RBI has recently allowed FDI from Pakistan but it has

311) Dronacharya Award is presented by the Government of

India for excellence in _______: Sports Coaching

not allowed such Indian companies receiving FDI, to be engaged in which sector: Defence, space and atomic energy and sectors/activities prohibited for foreign investment among the top 50 global free zones of the Future in a study conducted by FDI magazine that has surveyed 600 free zones across 120 countries: Dahej SEZ Ltd. the top 50 global free zones by FDI Magazines is in which state: Gujarat (Bharauch)

312) The Reserve Bank has recently issued draft guidelines

prescribing quantitative limits for banks _______ intra group transaction and exposures(ITEs), and prudential measures for the nonfinancial ITEs: financial Chand Award 2012 is from which sports: Wrestling

296) Name the only Indian company which has been figured

313) Vinod Kumar who has recently been chosen for Dhyan 314) Recently Apple has won case against _________, which
is alleged to infringe a series of Apples patents pertaining to software and design of mobile phone devices: Samsung (South Korean Firm)

297) Dahej an Indian company which has been included in

315) Name the legendary US astronaut who, (on July 20th

1969, became the first man to set foot on the moon) has passed away recently: Neil Armstrong was held at_________: Tehran, Iran which place: Townsville, Australia

298) SBI Chairman Pratip Chaudhary has made a strong plea

for the abolition of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR). Why did he raise such contention: Because depositing these funds with RBI without any interest was costing the banking system about Rs. 21000 crore which CAG office accused the government of India providing the nations coal deposits to private and state run entities in an irregular and arbitrary manner instead of publically auctioning them to the highest bidder.

316) 16th summit of Non Aligned Movement (NAM) Nations 317) The finals of the under 19 ICC World Cup was held at 318) Which country has lifted their third Under 19 ICC World
Cup title after beating formidable defending champions Australia by six wickets in the final in Townsville, Australia: India

299) What is Coalgate Scam: It is allegedly a scandal in

300) Name the indigenously built pollution control vessel,


319) Name the player of India who was declared a Man of

the Match of under 19 ICC World Cup: Unmukt Chand


(Captain of under 19 Indian team)

Kochi Metro Rail Project)

320) How 321)

many members are there in Non-Aligned Movement: 120 members (and 17 observers)

338) The famous harvest festival Onam is celebrated in

which state: Kerala

339) Name the country whose sports women will be

participating for the first time in the Olympic games: Saudi Arabia Syria

322) The exposure to Unregulated Fincial Service Companies

and Non Financial Services Companies for sngle group entity has been set by RBI at: 5% of paid up capital and reserves of Rs. 100 crore of which entertainment measure to expand its operation in India: Walt Disney percent of the paid-up capital and reserves in case of all non-financial services companies and unregulated financial services companies taken together: aggregate group exposure aggregate group exposure will be 20% of the paid-up capital and reserves in the case of which group: both financial and non-financial group entities taken together ________: Prof. Zhiwei Yan (China)

340) Bashar al-Assad is the president of which country: 341) Sana is the official news agency of which country: Syria 342) What is the full form of CERN: European Centre for
Nuclear Research

323) The government has recently cleared the FDI proposal

324) The Central bank has pegged banks __________at 10

343) The headquarter of CERN is at: Switzerland 344) Wladimir Klitschko (boxing champion from Ukraine) has
won WBA, IBF and WBO heavyweight boxing title at Berne, Switzerland defeating : Tony Thompson( USA) by defeating Agnieszka Radwanskw of Poland at London, UK: Serena Williams Wimbledon 2012 by defeating Andy Murray of Britain. It is his _____ Wimbledon title and ________ grand slam crown : seventh and seventeenth respectively recently in news as his 150th birth anniversary started in West Bengal: Dwijendra Lal Roy Peoples Choice Gold Medal at the second world Sand Sculpture Championship in Moscow: Sudarshan Patnaik ( for sculpture of showman Raj Kapoor) Clearance Board for speedy one time clearances to oil and gas projects. It is to be set up on the lines of ______: Foreign Investment Promotion Board ( FIPB) with the theme Space for the benefit of mankind at Mysore. What is the full form of COSPAR: Committee on Space Research National Institute of Financial Education under the aegis of the National Institute of Securities Market, which aims to equip Indian citizens to save, invest, borrow, and insure on their own: National Strategy for Financial Education lakh laptops and 26 lakhs computer tablets to students who are passed out of classes 10th and 12th: Uttar Pradesh Bank of India to attract new customers for saving bank accounts: minimum balance criteria (bank will not levy any charge for breach of it) income tax returns mandatory for all assesses whose annual earnings exceeded ___________ during the fiscal 2011-12: Rs. 10 lakh

325) As per the recent guidelines issued by the RBI the

345) Who has won the womens Wimbledon 2012

346) Roger Federer of Switzerland who has won the mens

326) Sastra Ramanujan Prize 2012 will be awarded to

JULY 2012
327) The recently elected President of Mexico is: Enrique
Pena Nieto

347) Name the eminent Bengali poet and musician who was

348) Name the Indian sand artist who has recently won the

328) Who has recently been appointed as the Controller

General Accounts (CGA): Jawahar Thakur : New Delhi

329) International Cooperative Conference 2012 was held at 330) The finals of Euro Cup Football 2012 was played at :
Kiev, Ukraine

349) The government has decided to set up a Project

331) Who has won the Golden Boot Award for being the top
scorer in the Euro Cup: Fernando Torres( of Spain)

350) ISRO has recently hosted the 39th assembly of COSPAR,

332) Name the five- time boxing world champion who has

become the first Indian woman and the fifth sportsperson overall to hold an honorary rank (Lieutenant Colonel) in countrys defence forces: M C Mary Kom Tournament of Euro Cup by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA): Andres Iniesta issues, who recently passed away was from which country: USA Football by defeating which countrys team: Italy

351) Name the programme which has been launched by The

333) ______________ has been named Player of the

334) Joan Dunlop, a global leader in addressing womens

352) Name the state which has announced to distribute 18

335) Spain has clinched the prestigious Euro Cup 2012 in 336) Which veteran women tennis player has recently

353) Which criteria has been done away with by the State

announced her retirement from the game announcing that US Open2012 will be final tournament of her career: Kim Clijsters (Belgium) metro rail project of Rs. 5,128 has recently been cleared by the government: Kerala ( for

354) The Central Board of Direct Taxes has made e- filing of

337) Which states



355) The meeting of the

World Heritage Committee was held at which place: St. Petersburg, Russia world heritage List: The Western Ghats of India


372) Name the missile which has recently been successfully

356) ______________ has recently been included in the 357) How many sites of the Western Ghats have been
decided by the World Heritage committee to be inscribed on the World Heritage List: 39

test fired by India with a strike range of 700 km: Agni-I Ballistic Missile (indigenously developed nuclear capable) India from which island: Wheelar Island ( Odisha Coast) crossing the English Channel between the United Kingdom and France twice within a fortnight: India ( by Indian Air Force swimming team) team who has created a world record by successfully crossing the English Channel between the United Kingdom and France twice within a fortnight: Delphinus 16 billion, as pledged by about 70 countries in a donors conference held at Tokyo: Afghanistan of African Union Commission: Nkosazana DlaminiZuma elected as the first woman head of African Union Commission is from which country: South Africa launched by india in the year 2013: Astrosat

373) Agni-I ballistic missile has recently been test fired by

358) Name the pace bowler

from Australia who has announced his retirement from international cricket: Brett Lee What is the purpose of this new tax treaty: to allow exchange of banking related information for taxation purposes. had served as Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the 1970s.

374) Which country has created a record by successfully

359) India has recently signed a new tax treaty with Norway.

375) What is the name of the Indian Air Forces swimming

360) Who was Prof. P N Dhar: an eminent economist who

361) Name the author of the bestselling motivational book

376) Which country has been given for development aid of $

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people who died recently : Stephen R. Covey with __________ to provide money order service using mobile phones: BSNL

362) The postal department has entered into a partnership

377) Who has recently been elected as the first woman head

363) Upto what amount housing

loans in metropolitan centres and other centres of population above 10 lakhs are covered under priority sector: loans upto 25 lakhs in metro politan centres and 15 lakhs in other centres has signed an agreement to establish the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for peace and Sustainable Development in New Delhi: UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ) an underachiever by the top U.S. magazine Time: India ( Manmohan Singh ) Amitav Ghosh

378) Nkosazana Dlamini- Zuma, who has recently been

379) Name the first astronomy satellite which will be 380) Astrosat, the first astronomy satellite will be launched by

364) Name the international organization with which India

India in _____________ in the year 2013: Polar Circular Orbit satellite: to study wavelengths the Universe at multi-

381) What is the purpose behind the launch of astronomy

365) Which countrys Prime Minister has recently been termed

382) Mrinal Gore who has

366) Who is the author of the book Sea of Poppies: 367) Who has recently won the British Grand Prix F-1

passed away recently was an eminent: Socialist ( known for her dauntless activism on the issues of price rise, water rights and women empowerment) production, storage and sale of gutkha: Rajasthan

383) Which state government has recently decided to ban the 384) What is the function of Producer Price Index (PPI),

championship beating Fernando Alonso ( Spain) of Ferrari: Mark Webber (Australia) of Red Bull Team first Indian private firm to make in to the top 100 list of worlds largest companies, compiled by the Fortune magazine: Indian Oil ( 83rd) and Reliance Industries ( 99th) Bank of India has slashed charges for electronic transfer of funds(NEFT) for amounts of upto _______________ to a maximum of Rs. 2.50, from August 1,2012: 10,000 deposits are termed as bulk deposits: accepted above card rate deposits

368) Which two Indian companies have recently become the

which has recently been proposed by the Reserve Bank of India Governor D. Subbarao: it would measure the average change over time in the sale prices of domestic goods and services overseas individual investors to invest upto $1 billion in corporate bonds and debt schemes of mutual funds without any lock-in period: The Securities and Exchange Board of India ( SEBI) provider which is working on a partnership with eight leading Indian banks to form a joint company by by 2012 end to expand its footprint in banking and financial sector of India: SWIFT Society

385) Which institution has recently issued guidelines allowing

369) In order to promote cashless transactions , the Reserve

370) As per recent government guidelines, which bank

386) Name the Belgium-based financial transaction SMS

371) What are the reasons cited by the IMF for lowering the

growth forecast for the calendar year 2012: weak domestic demand and difficult external

387) The expanded form of SWIFT is:




Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications

over Rs. 29000 crore: 75 Swiss Pilatus

388) Astronomers at the University of California, Santa Cruz

404) The Central Board of Excise and Customs has exempted

and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, have claimed to have discovered a planet that may be capable of supporting human life and is twice the size of earth.the said planet is formally known as: Gliese 581g million in the June quarter, for the first time in nearly three decades: Microsoft (due to lower online advertising business) recently due to violent clashes between local Bodo community and immigrant Bangladeshis: Kokrajhar Subhas Chandra Bose who passed away recently: Lakshmi Sahgal minister of: Egypt

remittances from abroad under which category of tax: Service Tax Discount Rate

405) What is the expanded form of MDR: Merchant 406) What was the theme of The World Population Day,
celebrated on July 11: Universal Reproductive Health Services passed away recently: Dara Singh Access

389) Which IT giant has recently reported a loss of $492


407) Name the noted wrestler- turned film actor who has 408) Recently banks have been directed by the government
to cap both bulk deposits and certificates of deposit at what percent of all deposits: 15%

390) Name the district and town in Assam which was in news

391) Name the freedom fighter and a close associate of Netaji

409) Name the Indian-American record setting astronaut who

392) Hesham Qandil has recently been elected as a prime 393) What does Factoring mean:
it is a financial transaction where a business entity, usually a manufacturer, sells its receivables to a third-party called a factor at discounted prices introduced by the Reserve Bank of India is named as: Non Banking Financial Company-Factors seeking registration would have a minimum net-owned fund of Rs.__________: 5 Crore manufacturing enterprises are covered under priority sector : No Limit (loan upto any amount is covered) coins of which denominations will be introduced by the RBI, having the image of the Parliament House: Rs. 5 and 10 his efforts for eradicating poverty and empowering more than one lakh rural women for 35 long years: Kulandai Francis the Asian Development Bank to be included in their Trade Finance Programme: Rupee and Renminbi Excise and Customs

was in news for her second space odyssey for a fourmonth mission on the International Space Station(ISS): Ms. Sunita Williams the government has been pegged at: 257 million tonnes 10.82% of its stake in the company ________________ , which may fetch the exchequer over Rs.4,000 crore: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) of the icy dwarf planet Pluto.It has provisionally been named as: S\2012 (134340)

410) The total foodgrain production for the year 2011-12 by

411) The government has recently approved the sale of

394) The new category of NBFCs which has recently been

395) RBI has stipulated that every NBFC-Factor company

412) US astronomers have discovered a fifth and tiniest moon

396) Upto what amount loans given to Micro and Small

413) Name the

stealth warship, armed with an array of missiles which has been commissioned by Indian Navy for enhancing its anti-submarine capabilities: INS Sahyadri commissioned by Indian Navy is the last of the______________ warships, after INS Shivalik and Satpura: Shivalik Class Project-17 on Food Processing

397) In order to commemorate 60 years of Indian Parliament,

414) INS Sahyadri a stealth warship which has recently been

398) Who has recently been awarded Magsaysay award for

415) What is the expanded form of NMFP: National Mission 416) As per recent report, Ministry of Food Processing

399) Which two currencies has recently been approved by

Industries is planning to set up a National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP). The aim of setting up NMFP is: to give a thrust to the food processing sector and to prevent wastage of agriculture produce Current Account Deficit (CAD) rose to ______________ in 2011-12 from $ 46 billion (2.7% of GDP) in 2010-11: $78.2 billion (4.2% of GDP) total imports of goods, services and transfers are greater than the country's total export of goods, services and transfers.

400) What is the expanded form of CBEC: Central Board of 401) Upto
what amount loans given to Micro and small service enterprises are covered under priority sector: loans upto Rs. 1 crore extended by the government by one year on housing loans upto Rs.15 lakh, provided the cost of the house does not exceed Rs. 25 lakh: 1% aircraft to replace the ageing Kiran aircraft at a cost of

417) Countrys

418) Current Account Deficit refers to: when a country's

402) How much interest subvention scheme has been

419) What

is the full form of QFIs: Qualified Foreign Investors priority sector: loans upto Rs. 10 lakhs for education in India and Rs. 20 lakhs for education

403) The air force will acquire ____________ basic trainer

420) Education Loan upto what amount are covered under





JUNE 2012
Which village has recently become the first village of the country to make available the fully computerized land records of all its farmers through satellite: Kurbanpur (District Ambala, Haryana) Clean India Campaign, which aims at improving the conditions at heritage sites to attract more tourists was started from which historical monument: Qutab Minar, New Delhi Prime Minister has recently visited Mexico in June 2012 to participate in the _________ : G-20 Summit (held at Los Cabos) What quantum of money has been approved by the government for the purchase of hi-tech equipment for the National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID): Rs.1,100 crore The Rural Development Minister has given directions to the chief ministers, to identify the BPL tribal families and to make them eligible for which schemes, within 90 days: Indira Awaas Yojana and National Social Assistance Programme Which state has launched the countrys first ever river-lake linking project: Madhya Pradesh (in the Bundelkhand region) Government of India has decided to set up two major new ports in which two states by 2020: West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh The head quarter of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is at: Trombay, Mumbai The 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2013 will be held at __________: Cochin In which place the annual World Economic Summit will be held in November 2012: Gurgaon, Haryana Name the system through which President of India is elected: Single transferable voting system Name the only president who was elected unanimously in the history of Indian presidential elections: Dr. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy State of ______ is one of the highest users of tobacco in the country with 43% adult males and 19% adult females addicted to it: Maharashtra Name the programme which has been launched under Bharat Nirman Programme to construct 1.20 crore houses for poor by 2014: Indira Awaas Yojana On July 19, India will elect its ___ President: 13th Which states legislative assembly has recently celebrated its 60th anniversary: Karnataka What quantum of money has been announced by the Union Rural Development Ministry to each panchayat in the country for solid waste management: Rs 20 lakh What percent of the village panchayats will be randomly selected for CA certification of the account holders under MGNREGA scheme: 20 %

Which two metro cities have been selected by the DRDO to be covered under Ballistic Missile Defence system to provide a cover from the incoming enemy missiles: Delhi and Mumbai The state which has achieved the Nirmal (open defecation free) status under small states category is: Sikkim In pursuit of long cherished goal of making India hunger free by 2020, Indias first food bank as part of the Indian Food Banking Network (IFBN) has been inaugurated in which state: Delhi Which state has become the first in the country to launch Childrens Courts for speedy trial of crime against children: Delhi Which committee has been setup by the government to examine and make recommendations regarding the issues concerned with the integration of staff of erstwhile Air India and Indian Airlines in to Air India Ltd: Dharmadhikari Committee Which Religious Trust recently earned Rs.61.72 crore by the online sale of human hair offered by devotees: Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Rural Development Ministry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with which ministry for installation of bio-toilets in 1000 gram panchayats across the country: DRDO (Ministry of Defence) In a bid to actively involve the private sector in the global effort to protect tiger, The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has teamed up with which international organization to establish India Wildlife Business Council: World Bank Which policy has recently been approved by the Central Government to abolish roaming charges on Mobile Phones: National Telecom Policy 2012 Which institution has proposed to make it mandatory for health insurers to provide policy cover to people up to 65 years and settle all claims within a month: IRDA Which bank has launched Signature card targeting the high net-worth individuals: SBI In order to revert back to 9% economic growth Prime Minister has set an investment target of _________for core sector projects in the current fiscal: Rs 2 lakhs crore ( Rs. 2 trillion) As per SEBIs recent directive , the defunct stock exchanges and those which are not able to maintain a turnover of Rs _________ will have to close the shop within two years: 1000 crore Name the only Taiwanese bank operating in India: China Trust Commercial Bank The only Taiwanese Bank China Trust is opening its second branch at which place: Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu Union Cabinet has approved capital infusion of 632 crore rupees in some __________to improve their capital to risk weighted assets ratio: Regional













428) 429) 430)



431) 432)


449) 450)




435) 436) 437)

452) 453)





Rural Banks

Committee on Economic Affairs


Which round of sample survey organizations (NSSO) enumeration of socio economic indicators will start in July 2012: 69th Name the state which will be covered under National Sample Survey Organization for the first time: Jammu and Kashmir The Planning Commission has approved Rs 1200 Crore for the_________________ state governments plan to boost coastal tourism project: Gujarat Rs. 1200 crore has been approved by Planning Commission for Gujarat Governments plan to boost__________: coastal tourism Which mobile company has recently launched its smart phone model Galaxy S III aimed at capturing 60% of smart phone market: Samsung India Which institution has recently won the State Bank of India tender to become the business correspondent company for all public sector banks operating in Chhattisgarh: FINO (Financial Information Network and Operations) Which bank has recently installed Indias first talking ATM for visually impaired at Ahmadabad: Union Bank Of India The Indian Government and _______________ will organize India Show in Colombo in August 2012 to promote Indian technology and services: Confederation of Indian Industry As per the Worlds Bank report titled Global Economic Prospect, the Indian economy will grow by what percent in the financial year 2012-2013: 6.9% Government has extended the__________________ to domestic workers: Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) What is the expanded form of USB in context of banking : Ultra Small Branch The government has imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of ___________from China, Thailand, Indonesia and the UAE: Plain gypsum plaster boards Which organisation has received nod from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board to float its mortgage guarantee company: National Housing Bank (NHB) Name the institutions which will partner NHB in forming the mortgage guarantee company: International Finance Corporation & Asian Development Bank Name the company which provides credit guarantee to housing finance companies and banks on behalf of home loan borrowers: Mortgage Guarantee company In view of rising input costs, the CCEA has announced Rs 170 per quintal hike in support price of paddy to farmers at Rs 1,250 for the year 201213. What is the full form of CCEA: Cabinet



Which Global financial services has stated that Indian economy is facing stagflation and cautioned that the RBI cannot be too aggressive in cutting interest rates: Moodys RBI has allowed payment of school and college fees and taxes through pre-paid payment cards ,besides buying rail and air tickets, within the prescribed limit of________: 10,000 The Reserve Bank of India has decided to enhance the ___________ limit to 50% from 15%, with a view to inject Rs 30,000 crore into the banking system: Export Credit Refinance (ECR) What reason has been cited by the Global rating agency Fitch for downgrading Indias credit outlook from stable to negative: Corruption and lack of reforms As per the latest data published by the Swiss National Bank, the quantum of money held by Indians in Swiss banks stood at: 2.18 billion Swiss francs (Rs.12,740 Cr) As per new guidelines from Finance Ministry , a loan defaulter would now get __________ by way of a warning before a bank sends recovery agents to his house: three SMS and a phone call The Competition Commission of India has imposed more than six thousand crore rupees as penalty on 11 cement companies for _________: price cartelization In order to arrest the rupee slide, RBI has increased FII limit in government bonds to____________: USD 20 billion With which country has set a bilateral trade target of $ 15 billion by 2015 and sought its investments support in the infrastructure sector: Brazil Chartered Accountants will begin certification of accounts under _________scheme at randomly selected village panchayats from April 2013: MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) Which city has been named the most competitive city in India, by the Economist Intelligence Unit research report of Citi Group: Delhi (68th rank out of 120 major world cities) Name the International bank which has decided to shift a large number of its jobs to India, as part of its plan to trim costs: Wells Fargo ( 4th largest bank of USA) What is meant by Brown Label ATMs: The ATMs which are licensed to banks but serviced and managed by third party Name the ATMs which are both licensed to and managed by non- bank entities: White Label ATMs The growth target decided by the Planning Commission for the 12th five year plan is: 9% As per the 2011 Census, what percent of the families are not in the banking system: 40%


















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Which international financial giant has cut its GDP forecast for India to 5.8% from 6.7% for the fiscal year ending March 2013: Nomura (Japan) When a bank loan is granted for purchase of white goods, it is called: Consumer durable loan Recently RBI notified M3 money supply level at Rs. 76.22 trillion. What is the popular name for M3: Broad Money What does M3(broad money ) mean: It refers to the currency with the public plus all the deposits with the banking system What is the purpose of setting up of Banking Codes and Standards Board of India by the RBI: to review and improve the customer service in the banks. Name the former England skipper who has recently announced his retirement from International cricket and T-20:Kevin Pietersen Who has won the years prestigious Spelling Bee Competition held in USA: Snigdha Nandipati Who is the recently appointed president of the World Bank: Jim Yong Kim Name the writer of the book The Householder:Amitabh Bagchi Name an Egyptian president who was found guilty of killing of over 800 protesters and was sentenced to life imprisonment: Hosni Mubarak Name the US Defence Secretary, who was in new Delhi for a two day visit to India: Leon Panetta _______ has been appointed the new Chief Election Commissioner of India: V.S.Sampath Name the person who has been selected to take over as the new Chief of the Indian Navy from Sh. Nirmal Verma: Devender Kumar Joshi Name the Former President of Liberia who was sentenced to jail by a UN backed war crimes court for arming rebels in Sierra Leone in return for blood diamonds: Charles Taylor Name the Sri Lankas star pacer who has been chosen by the ICC , as the official Event Ambassador for the World T-20 Championship: Lasith Malinga Name the two Indian players who have won their second Grand Slam title and first French open trophy together in the mixed doubles final of French open at Paris: Sania Mirza and Mahesh Bhupati Who is the founder of Microsoft: Bill Gates Name the Internationally acclaimed Indian sand artist who has won the first prize in the Copenhagen International Sand Sculpture Championship: Sudarshan Patnaik Name the International tennis player who has become the 10th woman in tennis history to win all four Grand Slam titles: Maria Sharapova ( Russia) Who has been appointed as a Chairman of LIC of India: D.K. Mehrotra


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Name the Swiss adventurer who has flown his way into the record books by completing the worlds first international flight in a giant solar powered planeSolar Impulse: Bertrand Piccard Name the writers of the book Reverse Innovation: Govindarajan and Chris Trimble Which actress has received the IIFA 2012 best actress award: Vidya Balan Who has been awarded the best director for the movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara at IIFA 2012 awards: Zoya Akhtar Sachin Tendulkar was presented with which award at Dubai for completing a century of 100 international hundreds: Wisden India Outstanding Achievement Award Name the writer of the book Confront and Conceal: David Sanger Name the recently elected President of Albania: Bujar Nishani Name the player who has clinched a record seventh French Open Tennis title defeating world number one Novak Djokovic of Serbia at Paris: Rafael Nadal (Spain) Who is the winner of the Indonesia Open Super Series title in Badminton held in Jakarta, Indonesia: Saina Nehwal Saina Nehwal won the Indonesia Open Super Series title beating______: Xuenui Li, China Name the Chinese pilot who recently got the honour to become Chinas first woman astronaut and worlds 57th space woman when she went up in spaceship Shenzhou-9: Liu Yang Name the India-born legendary ghazal maestro from Pakistan who passed away recently: Mehdi Hassan Harmeet Desai, the first Indian to win the Brazil Open table tennis held in Santos, Brazil has grabbed the title by defeating_____________: Belgian Cedric Nuytin Name an Israeli scientist who has received World Food Prize2012, for his radically innovative way of bringing water to crops in arid and dry-land regions: Daniel Hillel Who has recently been sworn in as the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: Fatou Bensouda (lawyer) of Gambia Who had created the first model of the Apple Computer: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs Who has recently won the U.S. Open Golf Championship held at San Francisco: Webb Simpson(USA) Who is the author of the book End This Depression Now: Paul Krugman The recently elected Prime Minister of Greece is: Antonis Samaras Sekhar Basu has recently been appointed as the Director of which institution: Bhabha Atomic

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The Company of Women is written by: Khushwant Singh The book English August has been written by: Upamanyu Chatterjee Who has recently been conferred with the Presidential Medal of Freedom 2012, the highest civilian honour given in the US: Bob Dylan The Unfinished Memoirs is written by Sheikh Mujibur Rehman. Who was he: Founder and first President of Bangladesh Name the newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan: Raja Parvez Ashraf (Pakistan peoples Party) Name the president of Paraguay who has been impeached by the parliament over his poor handling of a deadly land dispute: Fernando Lugo Who has been awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award by Rockfeller Foundation, New York: Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Sons (for his innovation in philanthropy) The noted film director and writer Nora Ephron, who passed away recently, is from which country: USA Which country has beaten Argentina to win Sultan Azlan Shah Cup 2012: New Zealand Which state has clinched both the boys and girls titles in the 63rd National Junior Basketball Championship held at Puducherry: Chhattisgarh Where was Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit recently held: Beijing Name the island from where newly built satellite GSAT-7 (made by ISRO) will be launched by an Ariane-5 rocket: Kouron Island in French Guiana Name the countries which are still in the WHOs polio endemic list: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria Which country has recently sought help from India to fight polio: Pakistan What ways has been discussed in a three day meeting of experts from 16 countries, which would radically reduce cargo transportation time between India ,Central Asia and Russia: International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC) On which day world environment day is celebrated: 5th June Name the manufacturer of tobacco cessation products which has launched a National Tobacco Cessation Quit Line to mark the World No Tobacco Day: Nicorette Name the foundation which is set to design the toilet that does not require running water and whose cost is very low: Bill and Melinda Gates Which country has been under a state of emergency continuously since President Anwar Sadats assassination in 1981 and recently it came to an end on May 31 as its last renewal expired: Egypt Name the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ,ICBM

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which has been successfully test fired by the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Topol RS12M Houla, a village where grisly massacre took place and it led to worldwide condemnation is in which country: Syria ______________, the newly refurbished aircraft carrier has recently been took to the sea from Sevmash shipyard in Russia: INS Vikramaditya Name the original name of INS Vikramaditya , which has been purchased by India from Russia: Gorshkov The names of mascots of London Olympics 2012 are_______________: Wenlock and Mandeville Name the team which has won the Canadian Formula One Grand Prix (car race) at Montreal , Canada: Britains Lewis Hamilton and his McLaren team IIFA awards 2012 was held at which place: Singapore Name the movie for which Ranbir Kapoor has been awarded the best actor at IIFA 2012: Rockstar Which film has been declared as the best film at IIFA 2012 awards: Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara The motto of Olympic is Citius,Altius,Fortius. What does it mean: Swifter, Higher, Stronger What is the motto for London Olympics: Inspire the Generation The European Southern Observatory has decided to set up the European Extremely Large Telescope, the E-ELT in__________: Chile Which two countries have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance co-operation in road transportation: India and Canada The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development was held at ____________: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil What is the another name for The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: Rio+20 or Rio Earth Summit 2012 What is the full form of NCLP: National Child Labour Project Name the sixth and the last of the Nilgiri class of frigates, which was damaged in an accident last year and has recently been decommissioned: INS Vindhyagiri As per survey of 214 cities worldwide Global HR services firm Mercer has ranked Tokyo as the most expensive ,while ___________ is the least costly place for expatriates: Karachi Which country has announced a 10 bn USD contribution to the IMF to help the debt wrecked 17-nation eurozone: India Indu Chaudhary and Sakshi Malik who have won the gold medal in the 44 kg and 63 kg weight categories in the Asian Junior Wrestling Championship was held at: Almaty,Kazakhstan Rajat Gupta has recently been found guilty by a Manhattam court for passing confidential market information to _________: Raj Rajaratnam (Galleon Hedge fund founder)



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A rare surviving first model of the Apple computer has recently been sold for___________ at an auction by Sothebys in New York: $ 374,000 Name the Nigerias Islamist group, who wants to impose Islamic Sharia Law in Nigeria: Boko Haram The 52ND National Inter State senior athletics championship was held in which state: Hyderabad Which state in western Myanmar has recently witnessed violent clashes between Buddhist and Muslim communities forcing some ninety thousand Muslims to flee from their homes: Rakhine Which government has decided to allow Indian nationals who are regular international travellers to enter the country without a visa and can stay for up to 21 days: Philippines As per a report issued by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, roughly how many refugees have been produced in the year 2011 due to conflicts around the world: 8 Lakh Which country has recently created the worlds largest network of marine reserves and will restrict fishing and oil and gas exploration in these areas as a major step to safeguard the environment: Australia Sea cucumber is the name of a variety of __________: Sea animal (echinoderm) The expanded form of ETC in context of highways is: Electronic Toll Collection Which country has recently unveiled a bust of Rabindranath Tagore to mark his 150th birth anniversary: Israel What is the expanded form of ASHA: Accredited Social Health Activists India has recently organised the Delhi Investment Summit on Afghanistan with the support of: Confederation of Indian Industry Rajat Gupta, eminent Indian American corporate executive, who was found guilty of passing confidential market information to Galleon Hedge Fund founder, has recently been charged by the Manhattan court for: the Insider Trading The Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport Project is a joint initiative of which two countries: Myanmar India Which country has been selected as the host of next Commonwealth Games: Scotland Which country is Indias largest defense partner: Russia Federal Reserves is the Central Bank of which country: USA In which international forum Myanmars opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi delivered her first speech outside the country in June: UN Labour Conference What is the purpose of Red List compiled by International Union for Conservation of Nature( IUCN): to identify endangered and threatened species Name the Indian company which has bagged the World Business & Development Award 2012 at the Rio+20 United Nations Summit in Rio de Janeiro: ITC Limited (for its transformational rural



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initiatives in social and farm forestry programmes in India) Why the UN Global Earth Summit held at Rio de Janeiro is called Rio+20 conference: Because first such summit was held 20 years ago at Rio de Janeiro Indian women team has recently won the gold in kabaddi in the third Asian Beach Games held in Haiyang (China) by defeating the team of _________: Thailand Russia has recently completed the refitting of the ____________, The Indian Navys Kilo-class dieselelectric submarine: INS Sindhurakshak Where was the International conference for dealing with the issues related to maritime piracy held recently: Dubai

MAY 2012
Supreme Court refused to stay which states High Court order that quashed 4.5% sub quota for minorities in central educational institutions: Andhra Pradesh What was the number of interlocutors appointed by Central Government for reviewing the Kashmir problem: Three Name the noted journalist who was appointed as one of the three interlocutor for the Kashmir review: Dileep Padgaonkar Which country topped the survey of consumer confidence in 123 countries, conducted by Nielsen: India A report by Security and Defence Agenda (SDA) & McAfee has placed India at ________ rank in terms of countries affected by Cyber Crime: 5th A World Bank survey to asses global trade logistics performance places India at _______ rank: 46th According to finance ministry data, the per capita debt in India was estimated at nearly Rs _______at the end of March 2012: 33,000 The internal debt of government is mainly on account of ________ either from the market or even from individuals in the form of small savings: Borrowings With which country India held its first Joint Consultative Commission meeting to review Teesta water treaty: Bangladesh India Post is celebrating completion of 25 years of which of its services: Speed Post Which country will host the annual meeting of board of governors of the Asian Development Bank: India Which country has replaced China as largest importer of arms during 2007-11 period: India

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India accounts for roughly ______ percent of total global arms imports: 10
The Supreme Court recently struck down the governments policy of giving subsidies to _________: Haj Pilgrims Which state has introduced Sampoorna Swashtya Sabke Liye scheme to cover all its 52000 villages: Madhya Pradesh Brazil is known for its high per hectare produce of cotton. Which Indian state has decided to follow



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Brazil pattern to improve its cotton production: Maharashtra To promote tourism in Bihar, the state government has offered 50% subsidy to what type of projects: Setting up of Dhabaas Which state recently held a road show in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to attract tourists from there: Kerala Name the state that has announced an unemployment allowance of Rs. 1000 per month for its youth between 30 and 40 year of age: Uttar Pradesh To attract investment from Japanese companies, which state has signed a MoU with Mizuho Corporate Bank, Japan: Karnataka National Panchayati Raj Award for successfully implementing all Central Government Schemes has been won by _________ district of Haryana: Kurukshetra Government as increased interest rates on General Provident Fund, GPF to ________ from 8.6% at present: 8.8 percent The Tihar-Prisons-authorities have launched a new scheme called Sparsh for what purpose: To provide financial help to poor prisoners Govt has amended which act to provide for life time royalty to song writers, artistes and performers for their works: The copyright Act Government has decided to make rural posting compulsory for doctors completing their studies. It is proposed to attach them with which national programme: National Rural Health mission To provide half a share to wife in her husbands residential property, in case of divorce, which law has been amended by the government: The Marriage Laws Recently Railways has launched Simran Project for what purpose: To track movement of trains What is the full form of abbreviation SIMRAN: Satellite Imaging for Rail Navigaiton Name the flagship employment generation programme of government of India: MGNREGS Government has introduced tax collection at source norms which make it mandatory for sellers of which item to collect tax at the time of selling their item: Gold bars / Coins for more than Rs. 2 lacs Government has decided to allow Sikhs to register their marriages under which act: Anand Marriage Act 1909 To measure the optimism level of the business managers in the country, which ministry plans to bring out a business confidence index: Ministry of Corporates Affairs Which government organization has fixed a target of planting one crore saplings on its land in the current financial year: Railways The government is promoting a new Pension and Life Insurance Fund (PILF) scheme in a bid to provide financial security to which segment of workers: Poor Indians working abroad To curb down the incidence of ragging and corporal punishment in the educational institution, government purposes to provide for ______ years jail to the offenders: seven

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Lok Sabha has approved a bill to establish separate High Courts for which States: Meghalaya, Manipur and Tripura Railways has increased the distance that could be covered under the Izzat scheme from 100 kms to 150 kms. What is Izzat scheme: Monthly Season Ticket What are the three main sectors comprising the Index of Industrial Production: Manufacturing, Mining & Electricity The manufacturing sectors comprises roughly ______ percent of the index of industrial production: 75.53 The weightage of mining sector in the Index of Industrial Production is about ________: 14.16% Electricity sector constitutes roughly ______ percentage of Index of Industrial Production: 10.32 The core sector in India comprises of how many industries: Eight All the 8 core sectors put together comprise ________ percent of Index of Industrial Production: 37.9% Growth rate target for agriculture during the 12th five year plan has been fixed at _____ percent: four The export target for the year 2012-13 has been fixed at USD __________ billion: 350 GSPA stands for: Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement From which country the Union Cabinet has signed the GSPA agreement: Turkmenistan Name the countries involved in the TAPI pipeline project: Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India Which scheme SEBI has asked the government to route tax saving through mutual funds: Rajiv Gandhi Equity Saving Scheme India and Japan signed ________ agreement, aimed at eliminating tariff on majority of products traded between the countries: CEPA (Compressive Economic Partnership Agreement) Reserve Bank of India will offer swap arrangement of ________ billion dollars both in foreign currency and Indian currency to SAARC nations: Two The petroleum and natural gas ministry has slapped a hefty penalty over US $1 billion on which company: Reliance Industries Ltd. India Green House Gas (GHG) emissions rose by: 4.2 percent to 1.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide The first Russian Indian trade house has been opened in: Mumbai The Indian government is committed to bringing down subsidies to below ______ percent of the its gross domestic product (GDP): two As per the 66th round of national sample survey, how much percent of Indias rural population lives on less than Rs. 35 per day: 60% The government has decided to allow export of ____ tonnes of sugar: 1 million Government has decided to cut crude oil import from which country by 11% to 15.5 million tonnes in 2011 2012: Iran India has decided convert 200 million US dollars as grant to which country: Bangladesh



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Axis Bank has established a partnership to introduce mobile banking and payment services in India with which company: Bharti Airtel Which Central Ministry has launched the scheme One MP One Idea: The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation What is the full form of Parliaments popular scheme MPLADS: Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme What is the objective of One MP-One Idea Scheme: To reward generation of innovative ideas about the development of local area Government recently appointed a technical panel under Chairmanship of Dr. C. Rangarajan for what purpose: To review the methodology of fixing poverty line Fixation of poverty line at present is done as per the methodology suggested by ________ committee: Suresh Tendulkar The interest rate on Special Deposit Scheme and State Provident Funds has been revised to ____: 8.8% Which state of India ranks first in fish production, accounting for almost 6% of overall fish production: Karnataka Which Indian Bank has launched a real time International account to account money transfer service from any way in the world to any bank in India: Federal Bank Prime Minister of India on his recent visit to Myanmar met H E Thein Sein. Who is he: President of Myanmar India has announced to launch a trans-border bus service from Imphal to Mandalay, for which country: Myanmar Name the film that recently won the prestigious Palme dOr award for best picture at Cannes film festival: Love Palme dOr the best film award is conferred by which film festival: Cannes Film Festival What is the full form of the new test ISEET proposed from 2013 in lieu of IIT-JEE/AIEEE: Indian Science Engineering Eligibility Test Name the country that won Thomas Cup for Mens Badminton: China Name the country that won Uber Cup for Womens Badminton: China At which place the recent UN Climate Change Meeting was held: Germany Write the full form of UNFCCC: United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change Space-X Dragon is the recent space craft launched by a private party in USA. What was its purpose: To carry supplies and science equipments for International Space Station Village Kodumanal of district Erode was in news recently as a variety of ancient artifacts were discovered there. It is in which state: Tamil Nadu What is the name of new Internet Protocol that will be launched World Wide from June 6: IPv6

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Australian F1 racer Mark Webber won the Monaco Grand Prix recently. What was the name of his team: Red Bull Government of India recently relaxed inward foreign investment norms for residents of which countries: European Union and Gulf Countries As per new relaxed norms for inward foreign investment by individual overseas investors, they have been allowed to invest up to $_____ billion in Indias debt and corporate bond market: One Recently Ministry of Corporate Affairs referred the alleged Rs. 870 crores fraud in Rebook Company to SFIO. What is the full form of SFIO: Serious Fraud Investigation Office Anshu Jain has recently been appointed as Co-CEO of which International Bank: Deustche Bank Name the International Finance giant which has recently been granted banking licence by RBI: Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley, the financial conglomerate which has been recently granted banking licence by RBI is from which country: United State of America Government has announced restructuring of loans amounting to Rs. 35000 cr for units of which industry: Textiles The Finance Ministry has directed all state-run banks to ensure that every household has at least one ______________ account by the end of June: Savings Bank Which public sector bank plans to float a dollar one billion debt bond issue to finance its expansion plans: State Bank of India RBI has recently removed restrictions imposed on charging of penalty on premature payment which type of deposits: Term Deposits Name the film personality who has been recently honoured with prestigious Excellence in Cinema Award by the South Asian Cinema Foundation, London: Shyam Benegal Government has decided to hold International Film Festival of India (IFFI) annually at which place: Goa Name the banks whose ratings have been downgraded by the Moodys Investors Service : ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank RBI has directed banks to ensure that currency notes in the denominations of ________ should not be put into recirculation without the notes being machine processed for authenticity: Rs. 100 and above In order to revise the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked the banks to issue smart card cum debit card to farmers. Name the institution which will design the card of the KCC?: National Payments corporation of India (NPCI) Name the bill which has been introduced in the Lok Sabha to transfer share holding of the countrys central bank (RBI) in the National Housing Bank to the centre National Housing Bank (Amendment Bill, 2012) Government has decided to exempt foreign banks from paying tax for setting up local units as it looks to ring-fence such units against _________: External Economic Shocks





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The Microfinance institution (Development and Regulation) bill has been approved by the Govt. As per this bill Micro Finance institution are required to be registered with which organization: RBI In order to increase the availability of funds for exporters , RBI has decided to allow banks to determine their interest rates on export credit in foreign currency with effect from which date: May 5, 2012 The Reserve Bank has revised the interest rate ceiling on NRI deposits in foreign currencies upto what percent above LIBOR: 3% Interest rate ceiling on which deposits of banks have been raised from 125 basis points above the corresponding LIBOR: Foreign Currency Non Resident (FCNR) The RBI has allowed Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to transfer funds from Non Resident ordinary (NRO) account to which account: Non Resident External Account In case of Non Resident External Account (NRE) only NRIs can become joint account holders but for non resident ordinary (NRO) account who can become the joint account holders: both resident and non resident NRI inflows jump 3 times in 2011-12. It has been trebled to what amount: $ 11 billion. The RBI has issued the final guidelines for implementation of Basel III norms. It would be effective from January 1,2013 and are to be fully implemented by what time: March 31,2018 What is the new name for Rangoon, the commercial capital of Myanmar: Yangon Name the capital of Myanmar: Naypyidaw Where is the headquarter of the Bank for International Settlements located: Basel, Switzerland In which year Basel III guidelines were issued 2010 Defence Ministry has cleared a Rs. 3000 crore proposal to buy 145 Ultra Light Howitzer (ULH) M777 BAE systems guns from which country: USA Name the medium range surface to air Missile which has been successfully test fired by India at Chandipur, Odisha: Akash Which naval base has been commissioned by the Navy at Kavarati on April 30 INS Dweeprakshak The missile defence shield developed by DRDO can destroy an incoming ballistic missile with the range of up to what distance: - 2000 kms 3rd May is celebrated as ____ day: World Press Freedom. Which airline has been slapped a fine of $ 80000 by US authorities for failing to post customer service and tarmac delay contingency plans on its website and adequately inform passengers about its optional fees.: Air India The three day meeting of the World Economic Forum on Africa was held at which place: Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia What was the theme of the meeting of the World Economic Forum on Africa: Shaping Africas Transformation


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Which bank has become the largest provider of housing loans, crossing a record of Rs. 1 lac crore and has covered more than 20 lacs families: State Bank of India In which city, South Korea based Woori Bank has launched its first branch in India : Chennai SBI has planned to merge which two subsidiaries with itself by the end of this year.: State Bank of Hyderabad and State Bank of Patiala Name the Japanese deep-sea drilling probe which has set a world record for digging the sea bed to reach 25400 feet below the sea surface: Chikyu Japans _______shut down the countries 50th and last active nuclear reactor at: Tomari Hukkaido Electric Power. The host city of Nuclear Security Summit in 2014 will be: The Netherlands Name the international university which has opened a centre in the honour of Rabindranath Tagore to mark his 150th Birth anniversary: Napier University, Edingburgh, Scotland. Where was the G- 8 Nations Summit held in May 2012: Camp David, USA Who is the writer of the famous short story Toba Tek Singh Saadat Hasan Manto. Name the veteran writer and Gandhian who has returned his Padma Shri award to protest against the auction of items belonging to Gandhi ji Giriraj Kishore Who is the Advisor to Prime Minister of India on Public Information Infrastructure And Innovations Sam Pitroda Sam Pitroda has been conferred with an honorary degree by which international institute: New York Universitys Polytechnic Institute Who is the President of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge Microsoft has launched a beta version of its ____ upcoming operating system for consumers to install and try out: Windows 8 What is the full form of NCTC: National Counter Terrorism Centre The Bhimashankar wildlife sanctuary is situated in Maharashtra At which place will the LPG Terminal Project of Indian Oil Petronas Pvt. Ltd be set up Ennore (Chennai) Bonda tribe belongs to which state Odisha Where is Namdapha National Park? Distt. Changlang (Arunachal Pradesh) The first ever direct translation from Chinese to Tamil, named Even if I Adorn, Theres None To Behold is written by Indian diplomat Sridharan Madhusudhanan Who is the Editor in Chief of the Guinness Book of World records Craig Glanday What is the full form of NMEICT: National Mission on Education Through Information And Technology Which country has launched Baby Beans,the worlds smallest wireless laser mouse that uses 2.4 GHZ wireless communication technology Japan Wadi Project is being sponsored by which institution



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NABARD Which state has been selected for the national award for e-governance instituted by Union Govt. for 201112: Rajasthan Name the currency of Myanmar: Myanma kyat Hillary Clinton has recently been declared as _______: Worlds Most Powerful Mom. Hillary Clinton recently visited India. She is ___ of USA : Secretary of State (equivalent to Foreign Minister) Mr ________ has been appointed as new chairman of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) : Mr Rahul Khullar Who has been appointed chairman of Atomic Energy Commission: Mr Ratan Kumar Sinha Mr. Goolam E. Vahanvati has been reappointed for two years as: Attorney General of India Govt. of India has appointed _____ as Ambassador of Total Sanitation Campaign: Miss Vidya Balan Who has been elected as new of President in France: Mr. Francois Hollande of Socialist party (He defeated Mr.Nicolas Sarkozy) The new Chief Executive Officer of International Cricket Council is _____ : Mr. David Richardson Who has been elected as new President of Serbia: Tomislav Nikolic Mr Tomislav Nikolic defeated : Boris Tadick (Former President of Serbia) Ms. Suchitra Sen an eminent actress has been awarded: Highest award of West Bengal, Banga Bhushan The Grand Cordon of the order of the Rising Sun a Title by Japanese Govt. for contribution in strengthening economic relations between Japan and India has been awarded to: Mr. Ratan Tata The Book The Chemistry Of Tears has been written by: Mr. Peter Carey. The Best Thing About You Is You is a book written by : Anupam Kher The Bridge: The rise and life of Barack Obama is a book written by: David Remnick A Hydel project across Pranahita river named Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Pranahita Chevella Sujala Sarvanthi is being established jointly by: Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra Name the village which has Wi-Fi and optical fibre broadband network, air conditioned class rooms with CCTV cameras and Mini bus transport system: Punsari Distt. Himmatnagar Gujarat Name the women discus thrower who won silver medal at Altius Track Crew Meet in Hawaii: Krishna Punia Name the player who won Asian Continental Chess Championship: Parimarjan Negi Asian Continental chess championship was held at: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. What is the official slogan of London Olympics: Inspire a Generation The official motto of Olympics is: Citius, Altius, Fortius The meaning of Citius, Altius, Fortius is : Faster, Higher, Stronger

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The new World Snooker Champion is : Rony OSullivan, (He defeated Alister Carter) World Snooker championship was held at : Sheffield, England Name the English club which won the Football English Premier League Championship for the first time in forty four years : Manchester city Name the famous film star and owner of Kolkata Knight Riders, who has been banned from entering Wankhede Stadium : Shah Rukh Khan Italian Open lawn Tennis Tournament 2012 has been won by : Rafael Nadal defeating Novak Djokovik World Earth day is celebrated on : April 22 Press Freedom day is celebrated on : May 3rd World Hand Hygiene Day is celebrated on : May 5 Anti Tobacco day is celebrated on : May 31st Opening ceremony of XXX Olympics Games 2012 was held on : 27th July 2012 Olympic Games were held for the first time in the year : 1896, Athens Olympics 2008 were held at : Beijing Winter Olympics 2014 will be held at : Sochi, Russia Winter Olympics championship 2014 will be held from : Feb 7 to Feb 23, 2014 Name the lady, who is the oldest women (73 years old)to scale Mount Everest : Ms.Tamae Watanabe of Japan The worlds tallest residential building is named: Princess Tower (Dubai) Name the person who has won the first place in International Song Writing Competition: Dilpreet Bhatia ( Tere Bin Dil) Name the painting which was sold for more than Rupees 600 crores: The Scream by Edvard Munch

APRIL 2012
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________ has been named chairman of the advisory board set up to investigate fraud cases of financial institutions: Ms. Shyamala Gopinath 13th session of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was recently held at ________: Doha, Qatar A commemorative stamp has been released to celebrate the birth centenary of which Indian ex President: R. Venkataraman Against which country UNO has imposed sanctions for not following its peace plans: Syria An earthquake of the magnitude 8.6 on Richter scale hit recently which part of the world: Near Sumatra Island, Indonesia As per a recent report from WTO, which three countries are the fastest growing markets for exports from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs): India, China & Thailand As per latest available data UIDAI has completed enrolment for _____ million residents: 200 As per recent survey to rank nations in terms of their capacity to leverage Information And Communication Technologies (ICT) for progress, India has been

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placed at _____ rank: 69th As per SEBI guidelines, promoters cannot have more than ____% of the share holding in the public ltd companies. 75 As per World Health Organization data, which country accounts for highest number of deaths by measles disease: India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre is going to setup worlds largest telescope at the highest altitude at which place in India: Hanle, Ladakh Countrys first Radio frequency identification, RFID, Technology Based Electronic Toll Plaza has been started at_____ Haryana, on Zirakpur Parwanoo Highway: Panchkula Dr. K. Radha Krishnan is being credited for the successful launch of RISAT 1. Who is he: Chairman of ISRO Dr. V. K. Saraswat was in news recently for what reasons: For success of Agni-V Missile Extremist group East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is related to which country? China Falun Gong or Falun Dafa is the religious group of which country: China Finance ministry has advised banks to popularized EFT to reduce usage of cheques and bank drafts to minimize possibilities of fraud. What is EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer For which international organization India has decided to increase its share of contribution to dollar 11 billion: IMF Foreign Ministers of G-8 Nations recently held at meeting in ________: Washington From April 1, 2012, Validity of cheques / pay orders has been reduced to what period: Three months From which country India has obtained INS Chakra on a 10 years lease: Russia General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) are related to which government department: Income Tax Authorities Government as introduced a new column in the income tax return where in assesses are required to furnish details of their _____ assets: Foreign Government has approved to raise voting rights of shareholders of private banks from 10% at present to _______ percent: 26 Government has made it mandatory for individuals with income of over Rs ______ lakhs to file their tax returns for 2011-12 electronically. 10 Government has setup a committee headed by _______ to revise the WPI to take into account structural changes in the economy since 2004-05. Saumitra Chaudhuri Government is duty bound to provide free and compulsory education under Right to Education Act 2009 for the children of which age group: 6 to 14 Government of India recently filled a Presidential Reference before the Supreme Court on which issue: 2G Spectrum Scam Government plans to replace Income Tax Act with which new law: Direct Tax Code Government plans to set up 10 Spice Parks by the end of this year for what purpose: To promote

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export of spices Government proposes to declare ____ as the National drink of India: Tea Government proposes to implement new tax law DTC by what date: 01-04-2013 How many members can be nominated president of India in Lok Sabha: 02 (Anglo Indians) IIM Bangalore has launched a special programme to prepare ________for political leadership. Women In which state public is protesting strongly against the construction of mega dams in Siang Valley: Arunachal Pradesh India has extended for 6 months the anti-dumping duty levied on imports of non-radial tyres from which countries: China & Thailand India launched its first indigenously manufactured anti-malaria new age drug named_______: Synriam India recently conducted Bilateral Naval exercise with USA at which place: Bay of Bengal India recently launched its heaviest ever satellite RISAT 1. What is the full form of RISAT: Radar Imaging Satellite India recently launched its heaviest ever satellite RISAT 1. What is the main purpose of this satellite: Collecting imagery for agriculture and disaster management even in full cloud conditions India recently test fired Agni-V missile. What is the type of this missile: ICBM (Inter Continental Ballistic Missile) India recorded a highest ever trade deficit of $ _____ billion in the year ending 31st March, 2012: 185 Indian Navy recently inducted INS Teg to boost its naval warfare capability. What is INS Teg: Stealth frigate with guided missiles India's merchandise exports increased 21 per cent year-on-year to reach ________billion in 2011-12. $303.7 ISRO Plans to launch its biggest ever space craft, 5000 kg GSAT-11 by 2014. What kind of satellite it is: Advanced Communication Satellite IT exports from India totaled about $ 70 billion during 2011-12 constituting roughly ______ percentage of total exports: 23 Kaziranga National Park in Assam is habitat of which animal: Rhino Metrological Department has predicted a normal monsoon this year. On average India receives _____ cms of annual rain fall : 89 Name of which state of India means Land of Rising Sun: Arunachal Pradesh Name the author of the book Breakout Nations: Ruchir Sharma Name the chairmen of UIDAI: Nandan Nilekani Name the city where International Court of Justice is located: The Hague, Netherlands Name the country that awards Templeton prize for honouring the individual contribution for spread of spirituality: USA Name the fish which plays a major role in growth of GDP of Bangladesh: Hilsa Name the organization which formulates and implements the monetary policy in India: RBI



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Name the place where the controversial Posco steel project is located: Jagatsinghpur, Odisha Name the policy which controls and regulates the level of money supply in the country: Monetary Policy Name the Project Director responsible for successful launch of RISAT 1: N Valarmathi Name the winner of Templeton prize for the year 2012: Dalai Lama Name the winner of the 11th Asian Billiards Championship held at Panaji, Goa: Pankaj Advani National Green Tribunal recently suspended clearance for which mega project: Posco steel project in Odisha On which date world environment day is observed: June 5 Pakistan recently test fired its HATF-4 IRBM successfully. What is the full form of IRBM: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile Parliament of India will be completing ____ years on May 13, 2012: 60 Partha Das Gupta Committee has been formed for development of which system: Green National Accounting System Posco steel project the largest FDI venture in India is being setup by Pohang Steel Company of which country: South Korea President has powers to nominate _____ members of Parliament in Rajya Sabha: 12 Prime Minister of Pakistan was sentence to imprisonment till the rising of the Bench of the Supreme Court for what offence: Contempt of Court RBI has asked banks not to levy any foreclosure charges or pre-payment penalties on what type of loan accounts: Home Loans RBI has asked banks to allot a UCIC to all existing individual customers. What is UCIC: Unique Customer Identification Code RBI has made it mandatory for all bank to print the MICR and IFSC code on the pass book and account statement of customers. Use of MICR and IFSC is mandatory for which transactions: MICR for ECS and IFSC for RTGS / NEFT Recently global rating agency Standard & Poors (S & P) has scaled down Indias credit rating outlook from stable to _______:Negative Recently INS chakra joined Indian Navy. It is what kind of Vessel: Akula-II class K-152 Nerpa sub marine. Recently Sachin, Rekha and Anu Aga have been nominated to Rajya Sabha by the President of India under provisions of which article of the Indian Constitution: Article 80 Recently Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani visited India. He is head of which nation: Emir of Qatar Recently Supreme Court imposed a ban on which accessory in cars: Tinted Glasses Recently, a two day World IT Forum meet was held in India at which place: New Delhi Recently, President of India nominated Anu Aga to Rajya Sabha. She is from which field: Industrialist

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& Social worker Residents of which state exercised their franchise in the first round of the French Presidential elections: Puducherry Scoring 143 points in the Global Business Confidence Index, India has secured ______ rank: 2nd SEBI has recently issued what new guideline in context of listing of stock exchanges: Now they can be listed Security forces are making use of Netra for combating Naxalites in areas of Jharkhand and Chattisgarh. What is Netra: UAV mounted aerial camera Shiv Thapa 17 years old, is the youngest participant selected for ________ game in the Olympics: Boxing The Asias first Dolphin Research Centre will be set up in which place: Patna The book titled Cant Is Not An Option: My American Story has been written by: Nikki Haley The Centre has announced a Rs 138 crore security package for strengthening of police forces to counter insurgent activities that have been plaguing the border districts of Tirap and Changlang of which state: Arunachal Pradesh The CRISIL has released a new monthly inflation index the Crisil Core Inflation Indicator (CCII) based on which index: WPI The DRDO recently tested successfully Pinaka for Army. What is Pinaka: Multi barrel rocket launcher The empowered committee of state Finance Ministers headed by Sushil Modi is meant for what purpose: Implementation of GST The European city of Devon, has decided to host an annual festival in the honour of Rabindranath Tagore. It is in which country: Britain The finance ministry has allowed what new facility to the Banks on their ATMs: Advertising of their products The first parliament in 1952 was addressed on May 13 by _________: Rajinder Prasad The Fiscal Policy of a country is related to ______: Government Expenditure The General Anti-Avoidance Rules are part of which proposed law: Direct Taxes Code The Hindi novel Teesri Tali by Pradeep Saurabh has recently been awarded which prize: Indu Sharma Katha Samman 2012 The indigenously built LCA Tejas NP1 was recently tested for use of Indian Navy. What is the full form of LCA: Light Combat Aircraft The international Arab League Summit was recently held at _______: Bagdad The International Nuclear Security Summit was recently held at which place: Seoul, South Korea The Korean-American physician- Jim Yong Kim has been recently appointed to head which international organization: World Bank The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) aims at raising the number of women cover under selfhelp groups (SHGs) from three crore at present to



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______crore in next five years: 7 The Power Ministry has set a target of generating____ billion units of electricity in 2012-13: 920 The Public Procurement Bill recently a passed by the government proposes to regulate the public procurement of amount more than Rs. ____ lakhs to provide fair treatment to the bidders: 50 The Reserve Bank has pegged the quantum of intervention through Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS) at Rs.__________crore to help manage excess liquidity during the course of the year.: 50,000 The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutional validity of the Right to Education Act, 2009, which mandates_____ per cent free seats to the poor in government and private unaided schools uniformly across the country: 25 The term forward trading is from which field: Capital Markets The term H1N1 virus is related to which disease: Swine Flue The term P Note refers to what item and it is from which sector: Participatory Note, Capital Market Under new guidelines from TRAI Mobile companies are required to complete banking transactions within _____ seconds: 10 What is the approximate strike range of Agni V missile: Over 5000 km What is the full form of abbreviations GSLV: Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle What is the full form of term MSS and which organization is linked with it: Market Stabilisation Scheme, RBI What is the main objective of recently launched National Dairy Plan: To increase productivity of Milch animals What is the meaning of letter D in the acronym UIDAI: No meaning, ID stands for Identity What is the meaning of the term stealth in context of defence forces: It refers to radar avoidance technology for aircrafts / naval ships What was the name of the biggest ever war game of the Indian Army to be conducted in the Thar Desert in first week of May: Shoorveer What is the rank of India in world in production of fruits & vegetables: Second (China 1st) What is the recent RBI guidelines in context of facilitating account transferability: Banks need not insist for fresh KYC norms Whenever there is a difference in cash received from an ATM and amount debited to the account, the transaction is called ______: ATM fail transaction Which animal has been declared as Indias National Aquatic Animal: Gangetic Dolphin Which are the two main sectors covered under priority sector lending: Agriculture and Small business / Industry Which citys driver less metro network recently entered the Guinness Book of world records for being longest such system in world: Dubai Metro Which country had decided to quit membership of UN Human Right Council in retaliation to councils

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decision to investigate its illegal occupations in neighbouring country: Israel Which country has banned import of sea food from India on quality grounds: China Which country has decided to scrap around 800 ancient obsolete laws, enacted hundreds of years ago to manage and control railways in India and other countries? United Kingdom Which country has protested against Indias decision to ban FDI in tobacco manufacturing sector? USA Which country has recently allowed import of Basmati Rice from India: China Which country is the largest importer of rice from India: Iran Which country recently deported around 10,000 Indian illegal immigrants: Malaysia Which country recently has been named as obese capital of the world as half of its population is considered fat: Qatar Which country recently offered to waive off about $3.7 billion loan to Myanmars to support countries democratic and economic reforms: Japan Which country recently test fired its long range missile Shaheen 1A: Pakistan Which financial institution of India has launched the new card payment gateway RuPay Card: National Payment Corpration of India Which govt department has plans to set up 1000 ATMs across the country: India Post Which group of nations recently passed a resolution to setup a development bank of their own: BRICS Which Indian corporate has received loan of $ 103 million from ADB for setting up a 100 MW solar power plant in Rajasthan: Reliance Power Which Indian state is celebrating 50 years of its independence: Goa Which international dignitary has been honoured with a Doctorate degree by the Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi: Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General Which international group of countries has called upon all nations to sign the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for comprehensive exchange of information to combat money laundering: G20 Which international university recently honoured Shah Rukh Khan with its prestigious Chubb Fellowship: Yale University, USA Which is the most popular loan product under the retail banking segment: Home Loans Which law has been recently amended by Rajya Sabha to provide for education at home to disabled children: Right of Children for Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill Which multinational has agreed to acquire Pfizers infant nutrition business for $ 11.85 billion: Nestle Which neighbouring country has agreed to allow opening of bank branches in each other area, after a gap of almost 47 years: Pakistan Which North Eastern state has been selected as Model State for development of coconut cultivation: Assam



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Which sector of transport has been recently allowed external commercial borrowings to the tune of $ 1 billion: Domestic Airlines Which state has decided to set up a special Calamity Emergency Force for relief and rescue works during various kinds of calamities: Madhay Pradesh Which state has introduced entry tax on the goods passing through its area: West Bengal Which state has launched Operation Green Hunt to combat Naxalites: Chhattisgarh Which state has launched Operation Hakka, first coordinated, multi-State push into Abujmard area as a new phase in the attritional battle between security forces and the Maoists. Chattisgarh Which state has passed the Right to Hearing Bill aimed at providing citizens an opportunity of hearing on their complaint related to governance: Rajasthan Which state is celebrating Platinum Jubilee (75 years) of its Legislative Assembly: Assam Which state of India boasts of Asias largest Tulip garden: J & K (Srinagar) Which state of India is the highest producer of Tea: Assam Which state recently passed an official regulation to ban the use of word Handicapped: Haryana Which two items are responsible for causing steep increase in trade deficit of India: Petroleum and Gold Which two states have recently announced to start their own TV News Channel for presenting the official side of development: West Bengal & Assam Which union ministry has agreed to share one percent of its Rs one lakh crore budget with the Panchayati Raj Ministry for strengthening the institution of Panchayati Raj in the country: Rural Development Ministry Who has been appointed as High Commissioner of Pakistan to India: Salman Bashir Who is Sushil Modi, heading the empowered committee of state Finance Ministers form for implementation of GST: Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Who is Tessy Thomas: Project director for Agni 5 missile With effect from April 1, 2012 all government payments above Rs. _______will be credited directly to the bank account of the payee to ensure transparency and accountability in public dealings: 25000 With which country India has signed a joint declaration in the field of sustainable urban development: Germany With which country India recently conducted naval exercise Malabar: USA With which country India recently signed agreements to amend the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement: UAE World Bank has agreed to provide a $ 200 million loan to which state for making it Indias first carbon neutral state by 2020: Himachal Pradesh World Malaria day is celebrated on: 25th April Write the full form of the abbreviation RFID: Radio

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Frequency Identification Zohra Sehgal recently celebrated her 100th birthday. She is from which field: Theater and Film Actress Marrgaret Alva has been appointed Governor of which state: Rajasthan

MARCH 2012
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What is the proper name of the proposed act which assures a minimum supply of food grains to the poor people: National Food Security Bill 2011 What is the quantity of food grains that has to be given every month to the poor senior citizens under the Annapurna Scheme: 10 kg Name the scheme that provides for free of cost distribution of 10 kgs of food grains, every month to the senior citizens: Annapurna Scheme Name the government scheme that aims at providing 35 kg of food grains per month / per family at subsidised rates: Antyodaya Anna Yojana The proposed food security bill aims at covering what percentage of rural population: 75% The proposed food security bill aims at covering what percentage of urban population: 50% As per Global Hunger Index 2010, what is the rank of India: 67th As per latest data released for census 2011, what percentage of countrys households do not have toilet facilities: 47% As per latest estimates released by the Planning Commission, what is the cut off point for per day expenditure for deciding poverty line in rural areas: Rs. 22.43 As per latest estimates released by the Planning Commission, what is the cut off point for per day expenditure for deciding poverty line in urban areas: Rs. 28.65 As per latest estimates released by the Planning Commission, what is the percentage of population living below poverty line in India in 2009-10: 29.8% Name the two water grids suggested by Supreme Court for implementation of project aimed at interlinking of major rivers of India: Peninsular component and the Himalayan component As per a recent international survey done for assessment of nation wise bird wealth, India has been placed at which rank? 9th Name the Comptroller and Auditor General of India: Vinod Rai Recently, CAG of India has been appointed Chairman of which International Forum: Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions Prime Minister of India recently visited which country to attend Nuclear Security Summit: South Korea Kutchi Shawls were in news recently for what reasons: Grant of GI Who grants GI in India: The GI Registry of India, Chennai What is the implication of granting Geographical Indication (GI) to a particular product: It is a kind of trade mark which ensures that a GI given product should not be produced by persons other than to whom GI has been granted Shawls produced by which area have been recently


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granted a GI: Kutch, Gujarat Which Indian State is celebrating 100 years of its existence? Bihar Name the old state of India from which the present state of Bihar was carved out. Bengal Presidency Name the IMF Chief who visited India recently. Christine Lagarde As per e-government survey of over 190 countries conducted by The UNO to assess the e governance level of various countries, India has been placed at which rank: 124th On average, India will spend around _____ percent of its GDP on subsidies towards food, oil and fertilizers during 2012-13: 2% Government has approved establishment of Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust with an initial corpus of Rs. 1200 crore for what purpose: for promoting low income housing Write the full form of CRGFT: Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust For which industry government has approved establishment of Rs. 600 crore cluster development scheme: Leather goods Name the new company that has been formed to take over the assets of Special Undertaking of UTI: National Asset Management Company What is the purpose of Pardhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana: Integrated Development of SC majority villages The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, NCPCR recently unveiled which guidelines for school children: to eliminate physical punishment of children Write the full form of NMIZ: National Manufacturing Investment Zone What are the biometric features approved by the Govt of India for the purpose of Aadhaar Cards: 10 finger prints and iris scan With which country India has decided to make payments for imports through Indian Rupee: Iran Name the government scheme launched for increasing the production of food grains in eastern regions of India: Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India (BGREI) Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India (BGREI) scheme is the sub scheme of which larger agricultural project of India: Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) Government decided to increase the target of farm loans for the banks from Rs. 4,75,000 crore in previous year to Rs. _____ for the year 2012-13: Rs. 5,75,000 crore Which Australian mining giant has proposed to invest dollar 2 billion in an iron ore project in Odisha: Rio Tinto Name the foreign bank that has participated in setting up first Infrastructure Development Fund of India for about dollar 2 billion: Citi Bank Which is the most common criteria used by banks to classify a loan account as NPA. If the payment of interest /installment is delayed beyond 90 days

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For which part of India, RBI has decided to compensate the banks for their losses incurred in opening new branches. North Eastern India Name the Act that empowers RBI to inspect any of the bank branches. Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Section 35 Banks are required to observe a CRR of 4.75% of what item/head. Of their total deposits In banking parlance, how do the banks term their total deposits? Total Demand and Time Liabilities In what form and where banks can keep their funds blocked under CRR. Only in cash, with RBI RBI has established which office to handle the customer complaints against banks. Banking Ombudsman What is the full form of IBPS: Institute for Banking Personnel Selection Who is Business Correspondent and what is his function? Agent of a Bank, providing banking services As per RBI directives, at least _____per cent of all the branches opened by a bank in a given year should be opened in unbanked areas with population of less than 10,000: 25 India operationalised its second regiment of BrahMos. What is Brahmos: Super Sonic Cruise Missile The BrahMos missiles are being manufactured in India with the technical collaboration which country: Russia What is the meaning of supersonic in context of missiles: Missile with speed higher than that of sound Which UN agency recently passed a resolution against Sri Lanka holding it guilty of war crime against Tamils? UNHRC Name the newly appointed Chief of Indian Army Staff: Gen. Bikram Singh Who has been elected as president of Germany: Joachim Gauck Name the Hindi Film which have been given the award National award for best film in Hindi: I am Films of which two regional languages have been given national award best feature film: Marathi and Byari Film Byari made in Byari language has been selected for national award for best feature film. Byari language is spoken in which part of India: Coastal Kannada Name the director who has won national award for best director: Gurvinder Singh Who has won the national film award for best actor: Girish Kulkarni Veteran Bengali actor Soumitra Chatterjee has been given which national award for his life time contribution to Indian Cinema: Dadasaheb Phalke Award What was the full name of Dadasaheb Phalke: Dhundiraj Govind Phalke Name the first Indian film made in 1913 by Dadasaheb Phalke: Raja Harishchandra



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Name the first Indian film with sound: Alam Ara (1931) Tamil writer A.A. Manavalan has been recently honoured with which award for his book on Ramayana: Saraswati Samman Who is the author of the book Revolution 2020: Chetan Bhagat Sachin Tendulkar achieved his historical 100th century playing against Bangladesh. Name the bowler who dismissed him: Abdut Razzak Vijay Hazare trophy was lifted by which team: Bengal First women world cup Kabaddi (International) was recently held at________: Patna Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos Slim was in news recently for what reasons: For topping Forbes magazines list of Richest persons of world As per Forbes magazines list of richest persons of world for 2012, who has been listed as richest Indian: Mukesh Ambani National Science day is celebrated on 28th February to commemorate the achievement of which great Indian scientist: Sir C.V. Raman As per budget announcement for 2012-13, what is the target of growth rate for GDP: 7.6% Government of India has decided that fiscal deficit for the year 2012-13 should not exceed ____ percentage of GDP: 5.1 As per budget estimates for 2012-13, GDP of India is estimated to be around Rs. ______ : 101.60 trillion


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Incredible India a multi media campaign of govt of India is for which purpose? For promotion of tourism 3% interest subvention is available on timey repayment of farm loans of upto which amount: Rs. 3 lacs 44th Indian Labour Conference was recently held in which city: New Delhi Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has been elected as President of which country: Yemen As per survey conducted by ASSOCHAM which state has been placed at top in terms of its capacity to attract investment: Gujarat As per a survey conducted by Economic Intelligence Unit, which Indian city has been ranked second least expensive city in the world: Mumbai As per Bharat Nirman, the target for Teledensity in rural areas has been fixed at 40% As per government guidelines, banks must allocate _______percent of their total loans to minority sector beneficiaries.: 15 As per law which accounts are classified as unclaimed accounts: In which there is no transaction for over 10 years As per RBI norms, details of cash receipts / payments of Rs. ____ lakhs and above have to be reported to Financial Intelligence Unit by all the banks: 10 As per recent data from TRAI, Teledensity of India is: 76.86% As per recent government data the per capita income in India in 2010-11 was estimated at Rs. 53,331

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As per recent Supreme Court Ruling, the government should not take more than _____ months time to decide whether to grant or not to sanction prosecution of government officials for corruption cases : 3 As per the latest Environmental Performance Index 2012, India is ranked at ____ place: 125th Asunta Lakra has been named captain of which national team for the Olympics: Womens Hockey Ban on which student organization has been extended for two more years: Students Islamic Movement of India Bank rate also acts as the penalty rate for short fall by the banks in observing ______: SLR and CRR Banks are allowed to pay extra interest of upto 0.5 percent on deposits of which category of customers: Senior Citizens Indian Banks are required to give ______ percent of their total loans to the priority sector: 40 Banks are required to give ________ percent of their total loans to the agriculture sector: 18 Central government has turned down proposal of which state for change of the name of its capital: Madhya Pradesh Dudh Kumar, Manu, Khowai, Gomti and Muhuri names of _:Minor rivers flowing into Bangladesh Duleep trophy of cricket for the year 2012 was won by: East Zone Economy of any country comprises 3 major sectors viz Primary Secondary and Tertiary. These three terms refer to which sectors in simple language: Agriculture, Manufacturing and Services For what purpose government has developed a new index called CRIS: To measure a country economic performance vis--vis other nations G Madhvan Nair, the noted scientist recently black listed by the government, is from which field: Space Scientist G. Madhvan Nair, noted scientist and former Chairman of ISRO was in news recently for what reasons: Due to his black listing by government for his alleged involvement in the controversial Antrix-Devas deal. Golden Bear Award is associated with which field: Best Film at Berlin Film Festival Government had decided to provide special training to Armed forces and paramilitary personnel in CBRN warfare. What does CBRN stands for: Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Government has appointed Mihir Shah Committee for what purpose: To review MNREGA Scheme Government has launched a multimedia campaign named Swabhiman for what purpose: To promote financial inclusion Government of India has changed the frequency of release of WPI and CPI from weekly to ___: Monthly Government of India has decided to set up a national council for efficient handling of issues related to welfare of which category of people: Senior Citizens



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Government offers 3% interest subvention on farm loans for what purpose: Timely repayment of loan Government proposes to promote Ayush system to improve availability of Health Services in the Country. What is Ayush: Ayurved, Yoga, Yunani, Siddha and Homeopathy Head quarters of International Court of Justice are located in which city: Hague, Netherlands How do we define infant mortality rate: Number of infant deaths per 1000 live births How many Millennium Development Goals have been set up by UNO: 8 If a country is having trade deficit it means its exports are _______ than imports: Less In the new CPI series which item have largest representation with 49.71% weightage: Food Items In which area recently Japan and India conducted a Joint exercise of their cost guard forces: Bay of Bengal In which city Senior National Table Tennis championship was held: Lucknow In which country Indian banks have opened largest number of branches: UK India and Bangladesh held a joint meeting to discuss the sharing of waters of which river: Teesta India has tied up with which country for supply of Rafale air crafts France India made a grant of dollar 1.5 million to University of Chicago for what purpose : Establishment of Vivekanand Chair for Indian Studies India test fires all its missiles from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) located at _______ : Chandipur Near Balasore, Odisha India tested Lakshya I successfully at which place: Chandipur Near Balasore, Odisha Joseph Kabila has been elected President of which country: Congo Justice Mukul Mudgal committee has been constituted for review of which problem: Doping in sports M1, M2, M3 are the measures of which item in the country: Money Supply Mallikarjun Kharge Union Minister for Labour and Employment was awarded Pride of India Award in which field: Public Service Members of Jarawa tribe were in news recently due to their alleged videography by some unknown foreign journalist, leaking out their primitive way of life. This tribals are found in which part of India: Andaman Nicobar My name is Gauhar Jaan the book which won Sahitya Akademy Yuva Puraskar 2011, has been written by : Vikram Sampath Name the advanced attack Helicopters inducted in Indian Air force recently: MI-17 V5. Name the author of the book A Better India, A Better World: N. R. Narayana Murthy Name the country in which over 355 prisoners were burnt alive due to a massive fire in the prison: Honduras Name the country which is associated with BAFTA Awards: UK

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Name the eminent economist who has been honoured with National medal of Arts and Humanities award in USA: Prof. Amartya Sen Name the famous singer who lapped up 6 Grammy award for her performance: Adele Adkins Name the Germen President who resigned recently: Christian Wulff Name the index which measures the output of mining and manufacturing sectors: Index of Industrial Production (IIP) Name the India born jazz music conductor who has been honourd by Israel: Zubin Mehta Name the initiative taken by India, China and Japan to coordinate activities of their Naval forces in Indian Ocean Region: Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE) Name the International ship passage way that Iran has threatened to block: Strait of Hormuz Name the missile recently test fired successfully by India which is capable of blowing up enemys incoming missile up in the air: Interceptor Missile Name the noted cricketer of India who has recently been inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame: Sunil Gavaskar Name the noted Urdu Poet and Gyanpith award winner who passed away recently: Akhlaq Shaharyar Name the organization which proposes Minimum Support Price every year for various agriculture commodities: Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices Name the politician who has authored the book Poriborton (The Change):Mamta Benerjee Name the popular English novelist whose 200th birth anniversary is being celebrated in UK: Charles Dickens Name the President of Maldives who was dethroned in a coup by security forces: Mohammad Nasheed Name the scheme which aims at creating a slum free India by 2014: Rajiv Awas Yojana Name the state which won Federation Cup womens football championship at Vishakhapatnam: Jharkhand Name the Supreme Court Judge who has been nominated to represent India in International Court of Justice: Dalveer Bhandari Name the winner of 55th National Shotgun championship held at Delhi: Ajay Mittal National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) is helping which country to build a 1320 Megawatt coal fired power plant: Bangladesh Nirmal Gram Puruskar is awarded for what purpose: For constructing indoor toilets in all houses of a village Noted Hindi writer Ramdarash Mishra has been conferred which award for his poetry book Aam Ke Patte: Vyas Samman On an average what is the contribution of services sector to the Indias GDP: 59% President of which country recently has to resign due to his alleged involvement in home loan scandal: Germany



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Rafale air crafts being acquired by Indian Air Force are manufactured by French firm Dassault What is the number of Deputy Governors in the Management of RBI: 4 RBI has setup MV Nair Committee for what purpose: For review of Priority sector lending RBI panel proposes to raise priority sector lending targets for foreign banks from 32% at present to _____%: 40 RBI recently allowed setting up of white label ATMs. What does it implies: Now even non bank companies can set up ATMs Recently a number of states have opposed Centres proposal to set up NCTC. What is the full form of NCTC: National Counter Terrorism Centre Recently collection of data under AADHAAR Scheme was suspended as it was found that work was duplication of data being collected by another govt. organization. Name this other government organization: National Population Register Recently India exempted which country from a ban on export of essential commodities: Bhutan Sauli Ninisto has been elected as president of which country: Finland Shamim Ahmed Khan who passed away recently was a noted player of ___________: Sitar Sharda Dwivedi who passed away recently was a famous ______: Historian The campaign Life Se Panga Mat Le Yar has been launched by government for what purpose: To educate people about harms of tobacco The controversial Antrix-Devas deal relates to which field: Allocation of S-band spectrum to Devas multimedia at a low rate The controversial author Taslima Nasreen is from which country: Bangladesh The controversial book Nirbasan (Exile) has been written by : Taslima Nasreen The famous Statue of Liberty is located at which place: New York, USA The government has asked banks to provide post harvest loans to the farmers at a subsidized rate of ________ : 7% The Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) is located at which place: New Delhi The Indian Government and the industry have joined hands to put up a massive India Show' at_________: Lahore The mega project named Bharat Nirman is aimed at which activity Development of Rural Infrastructure The national infant mortality rate for urban area has come down from 34 to ______:31 The national infant mortality rate has reduced from 50 to ______:47 The Telecom Ministry has asked all the telecom service providers to maintain a record of software changes made in their networks for a period of_______: 10 years The term Doha Round refers to important meeting of which international organization: WTO (World

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Trade Organization) The term Dassault Rafale refers to what item Advanced fighter Jet Aircraft The varieties named Pusa Lalima, Pusa Pratibha, Pusa Peetamber etc. relate to which item: Mango The weekly bus service between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad, Capital of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) is named as: Karvan-e-Aman (Peace Caravan) To check money laundering, which norms are implemented by banks : KYC norms UN Agencies have asked countries to expedite achievement of MDGs by 2015. What is the full form of MDGs: Millennium Development Goals What is Antrix Corporation: It is the commercial wing of ISRO As per the economic survey, what is the average contribution of agriculture sector in the GDP of India: 13percent As per the economic survey, Finance Minister presented a report in the parliament that the contribution of manufacturing sector in the GDP of India is: 28 percent What is the base year of the revised consumer price index: 2010 What is the full form of BAFTA: British Academy of Film and Television Arts What is the full form of CRIS :Comparative Rating Index for Sovereigns What is the incentive offered under Swavalamban Scheme: Government will contribute Rs. 1000 to every account opened under New Pension Scheme with annual contribution of Rs. 1000 or more, maximum 12,000. What is the purpose of Swavalamban Scheme launched by government of India: To encourage opening of pension accounts under New Pension Scheme (NPS) What is the minimum percentage of equity that government must hold in a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU): 51% What is the range of indigenously developed microlight and pilot-less target aircraft Lakshya-I : 180 kms What is the rate of interest offered by RBI on cash kept with it by banks: Nil As per the economic survey, Finance Mminister presented a report in the parliament that the contribution of service sector in the GDP of India is: 59% What kind of vehicle is LakshyaI: Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) Which act defines an Unclaimed Account in a Bank : Banking Regulation Act Which Bank has launched a Mobile Banking Van Project-Bank on Wheel in Nagaland: SBI Which card is being issued by National Population Register: Resident Identity Card Which category of units are eligible for financing under priority sector: Micro and Small units (As defined under MSMED Act)



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Which city in India has recorded highest per capita income: Delhi Which city is the capital of USA: Washington DC Which country has become number one consumer of Gold, replacing India to 2nd place: China Which country has decided to print image of Nelson Mandela on its currency notes: South Africa Which country has honoured Amartya Sen, Indiaborn Nobel laureate, for his efforts to increase the understanding of fighting hunger and poverty: USA Which country has proposed to set up 3 centres of excellence in Maharashtra to focus on production of fruits: Israel Which country has recently launched a low altitude observation satellite named Navid: Iran Which country has supplied MI-17 V5 helicopters to India: Russia Which country is the best performer in the Environmental Performance Index 2012: Switzerland Which country is the worst performer in the Environmental Performance Index 2012: Iraq Which country recently announced to adopt selectivity in its migration policy: UK Which film was selected for best film BAFTA award: The Artist Which government scheme helps various cities to upgrade their civil amenities like transportation, sewerage, roads etc. : Jawahar Lal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission Which state has appointed Shahrukh Khan as its Brand Ambassador : West Bengal Which state of India has launched for the first time a Weavers Credit Card: Arunachal Pradesh Which state proposes to conduct a Gross State Happiness Index survey in collaboration with IIT Guwahati: Assam Which state will receive financial assistance of Rs. 1250 crore from world bank for developing its minor irrigation scheme: West Bengal Which three countries have joined hands to coordinate activities of their Naval forces in Indian Ocean Region: India, China and Japan Who has been awarded V. Shantaram Life Time Achievement Award at the Mumbai International Film Festival 2012.: Mike Pandey Who has been named as Laureus Sportsman of the year 2012: Novak Djokovic of Serbia Who has been named as Laureus Sportswoman of the year 2012: Vivian Cheruiyot, Kenya Who was named captain of mens hockey team for Olympics: Bharat Chetri Who has won the Senior National Table Tennis title for man: Amalraj Who is the chairman of the National Innovation Council of India: Sam Pitroda Why a number of states are expressing their resentment for setting up of NCTC: They fill that it infringes upon the powers and rights of State governments

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As per recent guidelines from Ministry of Finance, persons with total income of up to Rs. ____ need not file income tax return: 5 Lacs What is the name of joint friendly exercise that India is conducting in Rajasthan with USA: Yudh Abhyas Which country has promised a support of USD 100,000 for the project of reviving the reputed historical Nalanda University in Bihar: Thailand What is the denomination of the coin to be issued by Reserve Bank of India to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of Shahid Bhagat Singh: Rs. 5 Which international organization has officially declared India as a country free from polio: WHO

Name the five groups included in the minority category? Muslim, Sikh, Christen, Buddhist and Parsis (Zoroastrian) Who is the Secretary General of the UNO: Ban Ki Moon Mr. Moon has been re-elected as Secretary General of UNO for a consecutive second term for _____ years? 5 Years Second Term of UNO General Secretary starts from _________. 1st January 2012 Name the new category of investors which have been allowed to invest directly in the Indian equity market? Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs) Recently RBI notified Basel _______ norms? III As per Basel III capital regulation norms, banks have to build up capital buffers named ______? Capital Conservation Buffer In capital conservation buffer banks will be required to hold funds equal to _____ % of their Risk Weighted Assets? 2.5% As per RBI guidelines, implementation of Basel III norms will begin from ______? January 1, 2013 Implementation of Basel III norms has to be completed by ________? 31st March 2018 Bank account portability refers to what kind of facility? Changing your bank without changing your account number Recently Government of India made hallmarking of which products mandatory? Gold Jewellary What is the number of nationwide security helpline proposed by Railways? 135 Which country plans to establish a memorial in the honour of Mahatma Gandhi in its capital: Israel in Jeruslam. 15th World Sanskrit Conference was held on 5th January in which city? New Delhi Kalinga Chair Award is given in which field? Science Name the International body associated with Kalinga Chair Award? UNESCO

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Intranet Prahari Project has been started by which security force? BSF After United States, which countries have agreed to stop import of crude oil from Iran? European Union Name the chief guest of 10th Parvasi Bhartiya Diwas? Ms. Kamla Persad Bissessar Ms. Kamla Persad Bissesar is Prime Minister of which country? Trinidad and Tobago Latest Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas celebrations were held in which city? Jaipur Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas is celebrated on which date? 9th January Why Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas is celebrated on 9th January? On this day in 1915 Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa Indian companies have now been allowed to raise foreign currency loans in the form of FCCB upto a annual limit of _______? $750 million What is the full form of abbreviation FCCB? Foreign Currency Convertible Bond Which state has made it mandatory for all builders to reserve 20% of the property above 2000 sq mts. developed by them, for the poor? Maharashtra Which state has recently raised age limit for government jobs upto 40 years? West Bengal Which organization has been named as regulator of factors? RBI Banks are required to pay panel interest at the rate of ______for delay on NEFT transactions? Repo rate + 2% Name the Act under which coins are issued in India? Indian Coinage Act, 1906 Name the two facilities offered by RBI under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)? Repo and Reverse Repo Name the organization which runs NEFT services? RBI Upto what amount funds can be sent through NEFT? No limit Out of Draft, RTGS and NEFT, which one is fastest mode of remittance? RTGS What is the meaning of first letter A in the acronym NABARD? Nothing (Its part of National) As per recent government guidelines, how many directors will be there on RBI board from the government side? Two What is the total number of directors on the board of RBI? 17 Government is considering to introduce interbank portability for which type of account? Savings Bank Name the bank which has announced its presence on Facebook? ICICI Bank

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What is the name of first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier of the Indian Navy? INS Vikrant Who is known as Metro Man of the India? E. Sreedharan International Odissi Dance Festival was held at which place? Bhubaneswar, Odisha Which country has done away with advance visa requirement for Indians? Sri Lanka Name the Indo American Scientist who has been awarded knighthood by the British government? Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Which neighbouring country of India was recently been admitted as non permanent member of UN Security Council w.e.f. 01.01.2012: Pakistan What is the tenure of a non permanent member of UN Security Council? Two years Name the largest Hydropower Station of India? Nathpa Jhakri Nathpa Jhakri hydropower project is located in which state? Himachal Pradesh Strait of Hormuz is located in which part of the world? West Asia, it connects Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf Why Strait of Hormuz was in news in recent times? Due to Irans threat to close it down Govt plans to purchase MICA missiles for which of its fighter aircrafts? Mirage What is the popular name for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza? Bird Flu What is the full form of the scheme RKVY? Rashtriya Krishi Vikaas Yojana The Hopman cup belongs to which sports? Lawn Tennis Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh was recently awarded honorary doctorate by which university? Tripura University World Hindi Day is celebrated on which date? 10th January Jarawas are the aboriginal tribes of which part of our country? Andaman Nicobar Write the full form of the abbreviation TDSAT? Telecom Disputes Settlements and Appellate Tribunal Name the third special exhibition train started recently for spreading awareness about HIV? Red Ribbon Express Tipaimukh project is in which state: Manipur

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Edited, Printed and Published by VMS Grover for Gyanm Education and Training Institute Pvt. Ltd., SCO 13-14-15, 2nd Floor, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh 160022 and Printed by him at All tech Print Pack, 182/4, Industrial Area I, Chandigarh



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