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Author: Luca Vecchiato (Energol)

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy: general overview

Directive 2006/32/EC

Directive 2012/27/CE White certificates UNI 11339: Energy expert

D. Lgs. 115/2008

UNI 11352: ESCo UNI 11428: Energy audit

Energy Management System certification: ISO 50001

Energy audit and energy certification

Directive 2012/27/CE Energy efficiency

Energy audit and energy certification

Share of greenhouse gas emissions in 2010

The use of energy is responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions, with the energy sector representing 31%, transport 19%, industry 13%, households 9% and others 7%.

Agriculture 10% Industry Processes 8%

Waste 3% Other 0%

Energy 79%

Energy audit and energy certification

Meeting all three 20-20-20 by 2020 goals becomes a matter of urgency

Reduce greenhouse gas levels by 20%
Current trend to 2020

Increase share of renewables to 20%

Reduce energy consumption by 20% 100%


Current trend to 2020


Current trend to 2020


Energy audit and energy certification

So far the EU is not on track to meet its 20% energy saving target by 2020
Projections from 2007

Primary energy consumption*, Mtoe

Projections from 2009 20% Energy saving objective

1842 Mtoe

1800 1750 1700 1650 1600 1550

1474 Mtoe 1678 Mtoe

business as usual

Status today

-20% objective

1500 1450 1400 2005

Energy audit and energy certification

* Gross inland consumption minus non-energy uses




Despite its crucial benefits for europe

Reduce EUs energy bill by about 200 bn annualy in 2020 Create up to 2 million new jobs by 2020 Boost R&D & markets for EU global leadership


Security of supply


Reduce CO2 emissions Limit environmental degradation

Reduce EUs energy dependence Reduce investments in energy infrastructures

Energy audit and energy certification

Improve the energy trade balance

And the comprehensive set of european policies & measures in place to address energy efficiency in all its aspects

Energy Efficiency Plan International


Programmes & networks

Financial tools Energy efficiency legislation Soft laws

Energy audit and energy certification


Fiscal tools

Combined with national intentions will not suffice

in 400 Mtoe 350

300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Existing national EE targets as of 2011

EU 20%

Energy audit and energy certification

To tap the remaining economic energy saving potentials for 2020 throughout the sectors
Savings expected to be achieved with already existing measures Remaining saving potential to be addressed with new measures

11% 2% 5% 16%


Energy audit and energy certification

A new impetus is needed: commission puts forward a new energy efficiency directive

Public sector

Sectoral measures



Energy supply


Indicative national EE targets


General measures promoting EE

Monitoring & Reporting

Energy audit and energy certification

Public sector to lead by example

19% Public sector consumption makes important share of EUs GDP Share of public buildings in building stock Low average energy performance of existing buildings stock, incl. public buildings Cost optimal renovation can bring up to 60% energy Energy audit and energy certification savings

EED proposals
Purchase of products, services & buildings with high energy efficiency standards


Annual renovation target of 3% for public buildings above 250 m

More systematic use of Energy Performance Contracting

Creating benefits for consumers through the provision of tailored energy services and information
Considerable saving potential unused in the residential and services sectors Slow uptake of market for energy efficiency services Lack of awareness & access to appropriate information on EE benefits Technological developments (e.g. smart meters/ grids) not sufficiently reflecting households interests Energy audit and energy certification

EED proposals
National energy efficiency obligation scheme for utilities Obligation for individual energy meters, reflecting actual energy consumption & information on actual time of use Ensure accuracy & frequency of billing based on actual consumption Appropriate information with the bill providing comprehensive account of current energy costs

Improving energy efficiency in transformation and distribution of energy

Fragmented regulations & Remaining incentives to address potential waste across supply chain
Achieved savings

EED proposals
10-year national heat & cooling plans: transparency, predictability & alignment of policies for investments Waste heat recovery (CHP) obligation for new and existing power & industrial plants Network tariffs design to encourage offering services for consumers allowing them to save energy & control consumption National annual inventories of generation installations to monitor efficiency levels

CHP uses 30% less fuel for the same amount of heat & power but level of use in EU low: 11% vs. 21%.

New generation installations not systematically reflecting level of Best Energy audit and energy certification Available Technologies

Increase awareness for benefits stemming from energy efficiency improvements in industry
28% Important share in overall final energy consumption

EED proposals
Member States to create incentives for SMEs to undergo energy audits

Remaining potential

Considerable progress made but potential remaining

Dissemination of best practices on benefits of energy management systems for SME businesses

Achieved savings

Energy efficient technologies and EE best practices readily available

Energy audit and energy certification

Mandatory audits for large companies & incentives for the implementation of recommended measures and the introduction of Energy Management Systems

Possible time planning after adoption

European Parliament to nominate a rapporteur First presentation & discussions in the Council Energy Working Group under Polish Presidency Continuation of discussions in the Council Energy Working Group Discussion in the EP Energy Council (November) Achieving of political agreement Finalization of the legislative text under the Cyprus Presidency Entering into for force of Energy Efficiency Directive by the end of 2012 Implementation of the new Directive in the MS

July 2011 September - December 2011 January June 2012 June December 2012 December 2013 June 2014

Energy audit and energy certification

Assessment objective






Certificates for energy savings (white certificates)

Energy audit and energy certification

Establishing long-term synergies between the energy sector liberalization and end-use energy efficiency
A possible market-based policy portfolio oriented towards enduse energy efficiency could comprise energy-savings quota for some category of operators (distributors, suppliers, consumers, etc.) coupled with a trading system for energy-efficiency measures resulting in energy savings. The savings would be verified by the regulator and certified by means of the so-called white certificates (tradable certificates for energy savings).

Energy audit and energy certification

Systems with savings obligations and tradable certificates for energy savings (TCES) in Europe
Four key elements
the creation and framing of the demand, the tradable instrument (certificate) and the rules for trading, Institutional infrastructure and processes (such as measurement and verification) to support the scheme. the cost recovery mechanism in some cases. In Europe variations of this policy mix have been introduced in Italy, Italy Great Britain, Britain and since July 2006, also in France. France The Netherlands is currently considering the implementation of a white certificate system. In Flanders (Belgium) and in Ireland there are savings obligations imposed on electricity distributors without certificate trading option; saving obligations on electricity and heat distributors in Denmark.
Energy audit and energy certification

White certificates mechanism

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Electricity and gas suppliers

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En er g
tri ci ty/

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Ga s


Regulatory Authority
sk Ri

White Certificates market

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Other participants

e En

y rg

Energy audit and energy certification

European white certificate systems: general features of the Italian system

Targets in primary energy consumption on electricity and gas grid distribution companies with more than 50,000 customers; by the end of 2006 the Government is expected to set rules for distributors under this threshold; targets set on an annual basis 2009-2014. The mechanism is planned to deliver energy savings equivalent to 5,8 millions toe in the five year target period.

Energy audit and energy certification

Review of experiences with white certificate schemes: eligible projects

Italy: all end-use sectors eligible (but 50 % constraint); an illustrative list of eligible projects; projects contribute to the achievement of targets for up to 5 years (with only some exceptions). So far: generation and distribution systems for various energy carriers (29%); households electricity consumption (28%); energy consumption for heating purposes in the households and the commercial sector (20%) and public lighting (19%). Targets achieved (mostly early action), surplus banked.

Energy audit and energy certification

Different systems in europe

UK (EEC 2, 2005-2008) Unit of target Duration current phase TWh fuel weighted energy benefits 2005-2014 toe, annual 2005-2014 Italy TWh 2006-2014 France

Residential consumers only Sectoral coverage Restrictions Obliged parties 50 % from priority group (low income consumers on social benefits). Electricity and gas suppliers above 50,000 residential customers served

All consumers

All consumers

50 % from reduction in own energy vector (electricity and gas). Electricity and gas distributors above 100,000 customers served Electricity, gas, LPG, heat, cold and heating fuel above 0.4 TWh/y


No certificates; Obligations can be traded; Savings can be traded after own obligation met; No spot market; One-way trade in national emission trading scheme;

Certificate trade; Spot market sessions; OTC trading;

only exchange


Institutional structure Energy regulator OFGEM

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy regulator AEEG + electricity market operator GME

Ministry of Industry + ADEME


No specific guidance on how penalty would be calculated; The penalty can arrive up to 10 % of the suppliers turnover.

Fixed by the Regulator according to criteria such as: the actual possibility to meet the target, the magnitude of the noncompliance, the state of affairs of the non-

0.02 Euro/kWh

Review of experiences with white certificate schemes: evaluation of savings

Baseline definition Evaluation approaches

Energy audit and energy certification

Saving objectives

Energy audit and energy certification

Baseline definition

Present regulation; Sales average and performance of the most commonly used appliance on the market average-on-the-market (appliances and equipment); Average consumption of installed stock; Building stock or equipment stock (e.g. in insulation measures in France);
Energy audit and energy certification

Measurement and verification: Italy

3 valuation (measurement and verification, M&V) approaches:
deemed savings approach with default factors for free riding, delivery mechanism and persistence: no on-field measurements required; engineering approach, with some on-field measurement, a third approach based on monitoring plans: comparison of measured or calculated consumptions before and after the project, taking into account changed framework conditions (e.g. climatic conditions, occupancy levels, production levels); all monitoring plans must be submitted for pre-approval to the AEEG and must conform with pre-determined criteria (e.g. sample size, criteria to choose the measurement technology, etc.)

Most of the projects submitted to date are of the deemed saving and engineering method variety. There is ex-post verification and certification of actual energy savings achieved (yearly)
Energy audit and energy certification

Watt-hour (Wh) meters & What Would Have Happened (WWHH) meters
What Would Have Happened Meter WWHH meter

750,000 kWh 500,000 Baseline Period 250,000 Performance Period

Watt-hour Meter

Energy audit and energy certification

Types of TEE
There are 3 different types of White Certificates I type: reduction in the final use of EE; II type: reduction in the final use of nautral gas; III type: reduction in the final use of energy for transportation.

Types of projects (definizione ) Standard projects (according to a technical schede decided by the authority) The saving are calcolated for number of devices (UFR) that are object of the intervention (es.: number of burners installed, m2 of windows replaced); Analytical projects (according to a technical schede decided by the authority) The savings are calculated with a simple algorithm and some few operating parameters. Non-standard project (according to a proposal of measurement plan (pppm) presented by the ESCO)

Minimum dimensions of a project

Every project must demonstrate a minimum account of savinf in order to obtain the TEE Tipologia di progetto Standard Analytical Non standard Soggetti obbligati Soggetti volontari

25 tep/anno 100 tep 200 tep 50 tep 100 tep

Il rispetto della dimensione minima viene verificato solo nellambito della prima richiesta di verifica e certificazione dei risparmi energetici (RVC).
Energy audit and energy certification

TEE duration

La vita utile, definita nellambito dei decreti 20.7.04 pari a: 10 years for high efficiency cogeneration, (art. 30 comma 11 della Legge 23 luglio 2009, n. 99); 8 years for saving in civil application (windows, insulation, bioclimatization, and so on); 5 years in other cases.

Energy audit and energy certification

Some example of standard schede

Scheda tecnica n. 17* Installazione di regolatori di flusso luminoso per lampade a vapori di mercurio e lampade a vapori di sodio ad alta pressione negli impianti adibiti ad illuminazione esterna;

Scheda tecnica n. 5* Sostituzione di vetri semplici con doppi vetri; Scheda tecnica n. 6* Isolamento delle pareti e delle coperture; Scheda tecnica n. 7* Impiego di impianti fotovoltaici di potenza elettrica inferiore a 20 kW; Scheda tecnica n. 8* Impiego di collettori solari per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria; Scheda tecnica n. 19* Installazione di condizionatori ad aria esterna ad alta efficienza con potenza frigorifera inferiore a 12 kWf; Scheda tecnica n. 20* Isolamento termico delle pareti e delle coperture per il raffrescamento estivo in ambito domestico e terziario; Scheda tecnica n. 23 Sostituzione di lampade semaforiche a incandescenza con lampade semaforiche a LED; Scheda tecnica n. 24 Sostituzione di lampade votive a incandescenza con lampade votive a LED;
Energy audit and energy certification

Laste standard schedes (2011)

Scheda tecnica n. 28 - Realizzazione di sistemi ad alta efficienza per lilluminazione di gallerie autostradali ed extraurbane principali; Scheda tecnica n. 29a - Realizzazione di nuovi sistemi di illuminazione ad alta efficienza per strade destinate al traffico motorizzato; Scheda tecnica n. 29b - Installazione di corpi illuminanti ad alta efficienza in sistemi di illuminazione esistente per strade destinate al traffico motorizzato.

Energy audit and energy certification

Obatained savings

From 1 january 2005 to 31 december 2010: - 8,0 milions T.e.p. saved. - 21,5 milions tonn CO2 avoided.

The authority estimates that every white certificate has obtained saviongs from 118 to 587 euro/Tep, with a cost from 89,92 to 100 euro/Tep.

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy Service Companies (ESCo)

Energy audit and energy certification

Definition of Energy saving

'energy service' means the physical benefit, utility or good derived from a combination of energy with energy-efficient technology or with action, which may include the operations, maintenance and control necessary to deliver the service, which is delivered on the basis of a contract and in normal circumstances has proven to result in verifiable and measurable or estimable energy efficiency improvement or primary energy savings;

Energy audit and energy certification

Definition of Energy performance company

'energy performance contracting' means a contractual arrangement between the beneficiary and the provider of an energy efficiency improvement measure, verified and monitored during the whole term of the contract, where investments (work, supply or service) in that measure are paid for in relation to a contractually agreed level of energy efficiency improvement or other agreed energy performance criterion, such as financial savings. 'energy service provider' means a natural or legal person who delivers energy services or other energy efficiency improvement measures in a final customer's facility or premises;
Energy audit and energy certification

FTT with financing by the client

Energy audit and energy certification

FTT with financing by the ESCO

Energy audit and energy certification

Build-Own-Operate & Transfer (BOOT) contract

Customer & Power Grid

Special Purpose Corporation
Asset Ownership & Management


Equity & Non-recourse Debt Repayment

Turnkey Plant Design/Build Performance Guarantees Fuel Procurement Plant O & M

Energy audit and energy certification

Italian requirements for ESCo

For the italian law the requirements ne3cessary to become an 'energy service provider' are very low: a company has only to have the phrase energy service on its Chamber of Commerce company registration In order to increase the professional level of the ESCo the UNI (Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione) has introduced a specifica standard: UNI CEI 11352 "Societ che forniscono servizi energetici (ESCO) Requisiti generali e lista di controllo per la verifica dei requisiti (general requirements and check list)
Energy audit and energy certification

UNI 11352:2010
At the moment there are about 20 ESCo certified according to this standards A new law of march 2012 obblige the Public administration to buy energy services only by ESCo that have the requirement specified in the UNI 11352; (if an ESCO is certified the requirements are automatically verified)

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy manager (D. Lgs. 10/1991) and Energy expert

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy Manager
From the law 10/1991 every firm with a total consuption of
More than 10.000 TOE for the industrial firm; More than 1.000 TOE for other sector;

must nominate an Energy Manager. The Energy Manager is in charge for the rational (=efficient) use of the energy and must support the high management in every decision regarding the energy production and use.

Energy audit and energy certification

Calculation of the total consuption

The conversion factors for the calculation of the total energy consuption are established by law:
Gasolio 1 t = Olio combustibile 1 t = Gas di petrolio liquefatto (GPL) 1 t= Benzine 1 t = Carbon fossile 1 t = Carbone di legna 1 t = Antracite e prodotti antracinosi 1 t = Legna da ardere 1 t = Lignite 1 t = Gas naturale 1000 Nm3 (*) = 1,08 tep 0,98 tep 1,10 tep 1,20 tep 0,74 tep 0,75 tep 0,70 tep 0,45 tep 0,25 tep 0,82 tep

Consumo in tep = 0,23 x consumo in MWh (*) se in alta o media tensione Consumo in tep = 0,25 x consumo in MWh (*) se in bassa tensione

Energy audit and energy certification

Calculation example

Energy audit and energy certification

Calculation example
Uso Consumo EE (TEP/anno) Consumo metano (TEP/anno) Consumo gasolio (TEP/anno) Consumo pellet (TEP/anno) Totale (TEP/a nno) incidenza

Produzione vapore Produzione Linea 1 Produzione Linea 2 Produzione Linea 3 Logistica Uffici

3,4 40,9 38,0 23,0




79,0 40,9 38,0 23,0 6,7 6,4 194,0

40,7% 21,1% 19,6% 11,9% 3,5% 3,3% 100%




Energy audit and energy certification


Energy Expert
Furthermore to the traditional Energy Manager (that is usually a worker of the company) the UNI has introduces also a new figure, an energy expert, a professional that has certified his knowledge with a specific exam. UNI CEI 11339:2009 "Gestione dell'energia. Esperti in gestione dell'energia. Requisiti generali per la qualificazione (Energy management expert. Requirements for the qualification)

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy expert
At the moment there are 40 energy expert certified in Italy. The professional value of the certification is little recognized from the market Nevertheless in the short future they could have a strong development: for istance the ESCo certified according to UNI 11352 must have a certified Energy Expert in their organization chart

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy expert in an ESCo

Energy audit and energy certification

Certification of the Energy Management System ISO 50001:2011

Energy audit and energy certification

The new ISO 50001 standard

In June 2011, the International Organization for Standardization released ISO 50001, a standard for energy management systems The standard aims to help organizations establish the systems and processes to improve their energy performance, including efficiency and consumption. The standard is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations. The standard has replaced the european standard EN 16001:2009.

Energy audit and energy certification

What can an Energy Management System do for your company?

Save money with improved operational efficiencies Decrease your energy intensity Provide data for fact based decisions Give support for organizational and cultural change Reduced environmental impact Visible demonstration of corporate social responsibility Positioning for future carbon accounting, regulations and taxes Positioning for future supply chain requirements

Energy audit and energy certification

Copyright (Purdue Research Foundation 2010)

Industrial Energy Efficiency Benefits

Energy efficiency has demonstrated, time and again, that
It saves industrial firms money It increase reliability of operations It has a positive effect on productivity and competitiveness It can offer attractive financial and economic returns Reduces exposure to rising energy prices Increases security of supply


Why it is not happening?

Energy audit and energy certification

Barriers to greater energy efficiency

Management focus is on production and not on energy efficiency Lack of information and understanding of financial and qualitative benefits First costs are more important than recurring costs disconnection between capital and operating budgets Lack of technical training on systems energy efficiency (energy and management) Technical knowledge exists resides with individuals rather than with the organization sustainability risk Poor monitoring system and data for overall operations
Energy audit and energy certification

Barriers to greater energy efficiency

Management focus is on production and not on energy efficiency Lack of information and understanding of financial and qualitative benefits First costs are more important than recurring costs disconnection between capital and operating budgets Lack of technical training on systems energy efficiency (energy and management) Technical knowledge exists resides with individuals rather than with the organization sustainability risk Poor monitoring system and data for overall operations
Energy audit and energy certification

Industry and Energy Management

Most energy efficiency in industry is achieved through changes in how energy is managed in an industrial facility, rather than through installation of new technologies; Actively managing energy requires an organizational change in culture Top management needs to be engaged in the management of energy on an ongoing basis. At its core, energy management requires a group of people to change their behavior and sustain the change
Scope of energy management

Energy audit and energy certification





Business Benefits
Implementation of an energy management plan assists a company to: Actively managing energy use and costs, reducing exposure to rising energy costs Reduce emissions without negative effect on operations Continual improvement of energy intensity (energy use/product) Document savings for internal and external use (e.g. emission credits) Utilize company personnel and resources wisely

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy Management Results

Companies who have used energy management to achieve major energy intensity improvements1 include:
Dow Chemical achieved 22% improvement ($4B savings) between 1994 and 2005, and is now seeking another 25% from 2005 to 2015 United Technologies Corp reduced global GHG emissions by 46% per dollar of revenue from 2001 to 2006, and is now seeking an additional 12% reduction from 2006 to 2010 Toyotas North American (NA) Energy Management Organization has reduced energy use per unit by 23% since 2002; company-wide energy-saving efforts have saved $9.2 million in NA since 1999.

Energy audit and energy certification 60

1 Btu/lb of product

Why an Energy Management Standard?

An energy management system (EnMS): Strengthens management focus on energy Creates awareness /encourages commitment across a company/organization Introduces and sustains a systematic approach to efficiency Requires management commitment of resources appropriate to the goals of the EnMS Is based on measurement Provides continuity through changes in personnel

Energy audit and energy certification

Ad hoc approach to energy management

Energy audit and energy certification

Source: UNIDO 2010

Structured Approach
Senior management commit to program

Costs +5% 0 -5% -10% -15% -20% -25% 0

Initial savings sustained

Housekeeping first then investment Becomes company culture

Investment Years 3
Source: UNIDO 2010

Energy audit and energy certification

What can an EnMS achieve?

Most industrial enterprises that have implemented EnMS achieved average annual energy intensity reductions of 2.03.0% against the 1.0% reduction of business as usual (Ireland, Netherlands, Denmark, USA) However, for companies new to energy management, savings during the first 2 years are 10-20% EnMS accelerate adoption of energy efficient best-practices and technology upgrades, enhancing productivity and competitiveness

An EnMS improves a companys bottom line

Energy audit and energy certification

Benefits of a ISO 50001 system

Interoperability - ISO 50001 is based on the plan-do-check-act approach, as used in ISO 14001 and other management systems standards. Promote Energy Management and Performance in organizations Create transparency on the management of energy resources Promote Energy Savings - Assist organizations in making better use of their existing energy-consuming assets

Energy audit and energy certification

The PDCA cycle

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy performance
Energy performance is a larger concept than the simply energy consumption

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy planning process

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy review: some examples

Evaluate existing power consumption and metrics
Utility bill analysis Benchmarking HVAC/Mechanical system audit Evaluate gas requirements (process & heating systems) Evaluate ventilation (efficiency & effectiveness) Controls (programmable thermostats, etc.)

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy review: some examples

Electrical system audit Motor efficiency / type Variable frequency drives Lighting (systems, bulb type, controls) Process system audit Process improvement Operations optimization Efficiency planning

Energy audit and energy certification

Energy audit according the UNI/TR 11428

Energy audit and energy certification

UNI 11428
Following the other standards on energy management (UNI 11339, UNI 11352, and so on) UNI has decided to introduce a specific standard on energy audit UNI CEI/TR 11428:2011 "Gestione dell'energia - Diagnosi energetiche - Requisiti generali del servizio di diagnosi energetica (Energy audit general requirements for energy audit service) In the following slides there will be a brief description of the energy audit requirements.

Energy audit and energy certification

Types of Energy Audits DEMAND vs SUPPLY

UNI 11428 and ASHRAE Energy Audits
Level I (Walk-Through Analysis) Level II (Energy Survey & Analysis) Level III (Detailed Analysis of Capital Intensive Modifications, aka Process Audit)

Renewable Energy Assessments

Simple Discussion of Alternatives Desktop Analysis Feasibility Study

Energy audit and energy certification


THE GOALS: Address both Demand & Supply

Possibly all facilities will have Level II or Level III audit
Uncover operational and equipment changes for efficiency These audits are NOT free, but have very fast paybacks

Possibly all facilities will discuss renewable energy options and have a desktop analysis of promising alternatives
Feasibility studies performed where potential exists for significant energy production

All facilities will use BOTH to develop a prioritized action list to guide their next steps

Energy audit and energy certification


Other names/types of audits

Evaluate existing power consumption and metrics
Utility bill analysis Benchmarking

HVAC/Mechanical system audit

Evaluate gas requirements (process & heating systems) Evaluate ventilation (efficiency & effectiveness) Controls (programmable thermostats, etc.)

Electrical system audit

Motor efficiency / type Variable frequency drives Lighting (systems, bulb type, controls)

Process system audit

Process improvement Operations optimization Efficiency planning
Energy audit and energy certification 75

The Auditors Toolkit

Building Loads Analysis and Systems Steam System Scoping Tool GENLYTE GENESIS II COM Check-E2 3.0 Release I Motor Master + 3.0 Pumping Assessment Tool (PSAT) AIR Master + InfoWater Scheduler
eQuest Elite CHVAC 3E Plus SKM Power Tools Cummins Power Generation Power Suite Caterpillar Electric Power Design Pro NYSERDA Checklists EPA audit tool (draft)

Energy audit and energy certification


Important Terms in Mass

Utility = The energy (electric or gas) provider. PA = Program Administrator = MA investor-owned utilities (not MLPs). Required by Green Communities Act to identify and implement efficiency projects. Identification of Energy Efficiency Opportunities = ~ Level I audits

Energy audit and energy certification

Walk Through Audit (Level I)

DURATION: Several hours in the facility PRODUCT: Usually suggestions for low cost improvements to lights/HVAC RESULTS: Quick payback projects that take advantage of utility rebates

Energy audit and energy certification


Energy Survey and Analysis (Level II)

DURATION: Several hours in facility plus additional time to review energy bills, etc. PRODUCT: Suggestions for low cost improvements to lights/HVAC and equipment upgrades in existing processes (e.g., VFDs, premium efficiency motors) RESULTS: Quick payback projects that take advantage of utility rebates

Energy audit and energy certification


Process Energy Audit (Level III)

DURATION: One or more days in the facility, time to analyze energy bills, develop pump curves, and possibly several weeks of data gathering PRODUCT: Energy use in existing processes, alternative processes Potential design modifications Optimization of processes, equipment, design modifications RESULTS: Detailed operational and process suggestions with both short and long paybacks, some capital-intensive projects may require outside funding sources. Most likely to result in significant savings
Energy audit and energy certification 80

Renewable Energy Assessments

Start small (discussion) and end large ( 100k+ feasibility studies) Some energy auditors will do some level of renewable energy assessment, usually discussion and desktop analysis with recommendations for further study Renewable energy projects usually only cost-effective AFTER all energy efficiency projects are completed.

Energy audit and energy certification

Audit Results: One Size Does Not Fit All



Level I-II, 8 pgs

Free via utility

Not calculated


Edgartown (audit 1)

Level II, 56 pgs

Free via utility



Edgartown (audit 2)

Level II, 170 pgs w/specs

Free via utility

Not calculated



Level III, 117 pgs

~$50,000 (split with utility)



Energy audit and energy certification

Name Withheld (CT Water Facility)

Level III plus Desktop Renewables



$55,000 efficiency, additional potential from 82 up to 530 KW renewables

Two types of audits

Projected Annual Savings Level II Building and Equipment Walkthrough Shut off computers, copiers nights/weekends Use Energy saver mode on Computers, copiers Lighting upgrades Upgrade Domestic HW system Install VFD on aeration blowers Redesign Aeration system, install DO controls
Energy audit and energy certification

Level III (Process) Audit $ $ $ $ . $ 50,000


$ $ $ $ $

600 250 500 2,000 20,000

600 250 500 3,000

Level II audit results

Estimates of power usage by equipment type No detailed analysis of equipment specs and performance Estimates of implementation cost and payback Simple low cost solutions but less savings

Energy audit and energy certification


Level III (Process) Audit Results

Process Energy Audit report includes:
Review of energy and rates Energy balance Pump systems evaluation Process systems evaluation Recommendations: Operational & Energy Conservation Cost benefit analysis of proposed projects Higher cost savings use

Energy audit and energy certification


Energy Balance example

WWTF Electric Energy Breakdown

Building Systems Plant Water & Disinfection 2% 8% Sludge Drying 11%

Prelim/Primary Treatment 7%

Sludge Thickening/Dewatering 12%

Biological System 37%

Digestion 14%

Secondary/RAS Pumps 9%

Energy audit and energy certification


Cost saving

Energy audit and energy certification


All facilities will benefit from an audit Audits vary in size, scope, complexity, and cost PAs will help you fund audits and projects Renewable energy assessments are important but should come after efficiency projects Audits that dont lead to completed projects dont save any energy

Energy audit and energy certification

Thank you!

Energy audit and energy certification

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