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Grace Notes

Grace Notes


October 2013 Dear Members and Friends, Now that our fall program is underway we are already in the process of preparing for 2014. At the Congregational Meeting on October 27th, we will be adopting a budget for the coming year. Any budget is of course, a leap of faith. We try to be accurate and responsible in preparing a spending plan. We also try not to spend what we do not have. At some point everyone will receive a letter giving us an opportunity to respond to the Grace of God with a pledge of our estimated giving for the coming year. These are important to us as they give us an idea of what we can and cannot do in the year ahead. Please consider your response prayerfully. We will hold the line on what we can. Some costs will increase due to projected increases in insurance rates and natural gas for example. We can be proud that our congregation exercises good stewardship of the resources it has. Our offerings are our opportunity as individuals to be good stewards of the resources God has given each of us.

Thank you for your faithful support.


Pastor David Almleaf

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Altar Flowers October & November

Oct 6 - The Clo Family Oct 13 - Nancy Blanchard Oct 20 - David & Sarah Slingerland Oct 27 - Greta Davis Nov 3 - Dave & Christine Petersen Nov 10 - OPEN Nov 17 - OPEN Nov 24 - Nancy Blanchard

Bread Bakers October & November

Oct 6 - Audrey Rulison Oct 27 - Cindy Walsh Nov 3 - Linda Morley Nov 24 - Carol Hennessey

Please find someone to replace you if you cannot bake bread the Sunday you are scheduled and whenever possible, tell the church Altar flowers are $33.00 unless you share a Sunday then they secretary so the bulletin can reflect the change. Thank you, Peggy Niforos would be $16.50 each vase. If you wish to place a special arrangement in the Sanctuary the cost would be whatever you would like to spend. Nancy Blanchard (762-4234) and Linda Bumpus (725-1927) are the Altar Flower coordinators.

Counters for October & November

10/06 - Darleen Gaugler, Charlotte Peterson, Bonnie 10/13 - Bonnie Olendorf, Ron & Jackie Hollenbeck 10/20 - Bonnie Olendorf, Ron & Jackie Hollenbeck 10/27 - Nancy Blanchard, Greta Davis, Bonnie 11/03 - Nancy Blanchard, Greta Davis, Bonnie 11/10 - Darlene Gaugler, Charlotte Petersen, Bonnie 11/17 - Darlene Gaugler, Charlotte Petersen, Bonnie 11/24 - Bonnie Olendorf, Ron & Jackie Hollenbeck (I) - Intinction Sunday (R) - Rail Sunday Oct 6 (R) - Peggy Niforos Oct 13 (I) - Marion Pellegrino Oct 20 (I) - Darleen Gaugler Oct 27 (R) - Carol Hennessey Nov 3 (R) - Don Phelps Nov 10 (I) - Nancy Demarest Nov 17 (I) - Joan Longfritz Nov 24 (R) - Kathy VanValkenburgh Please find someone to replace you if you cannot make the Sunday you are scheduled and whenever possible, tell Bonnie so that the bulletin can reflect the change. Peg Niforos, Altar Guild Coordinator

Prayer Chain Ministry Prayers of the Church

Please notify the church office when your prayers have been answered so your prayer concern can be removed from the list that Pastor raises up to God on Sunday morning. Thank you. If you know of anyone in need of daily prayers for the healing of body, mind or soul, please call Bobbi Nigro (725-6781) or Nancy Demarest (725-8704). If requesting in person, please submit the name(s) in writing and add your name at the bottom. To further assist, please reconnect with that member of the Prayer Chain within 2 weeks to verify the condition of the person(s) receiving prayer. All requests are held in confidence unless otherwise designated. Thank you.

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We welcomed into the Lords Family on September 15th through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism Daniel Martin Wasson. Daniel is the son of Erin & Jason Wasson, little brother to Patrick and GreatGrandson of Ed & Ella Congdon. Daniels sponsors were Jennifer Rhinehart and Aaron Wasson.

As you may have noticed, our new steeple is in place. Contractor Scott Shipley built it for us using materials that hopefully will last a long time.

The Prayer Vigil will be held on November 2nd 2013 from 8:00am-6:00pm.

The Secret Prayer Pal dish to pass luncheon will be held immediately after worship on Sunday October 20th.

The Annual Harvest Dinner will be held on Saturday October 26th at 5:00pm. Watch for Sign-Up Sheets.

Our congregational meeting will be held on Sunday October 27th, 2013 immediately after worship. Please plan to attend as this is the meeting where we will adopt the 2014 budget.

I would just like to thank each and every one of you for the card and all you do for me! Sincerely, Matthew C.H. VanValkenburgh

Thanksgiving is not that far away and neither is the Annual Pie Overnight Youth Pie Baking Event! As always they will be baking apple and pumpkin pies at $8.00 each. Watch for signup sheets in the narthex and fellowship hall soon. If you are unable to get to church and would like to order a pie please fill out and return the following order blank. Name:___________________________________ Apple: ___________ How Many? _____________ Pumpkin:_________ How Many?_____________

A Personal Note... Nancy & Gordie Demarest

would like to thank all of you for your cards, food, visits, and prayers. Due to the seriousness of his illness, and the fact that Gordie has both good and bad days; Nancy is requesting that you call before visiting in case its not a good day. Please continue to keep both Nancy and Gordie in your prayers.

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Council Meeting Highlights for September 12, 2013

Old Business:

The steeple project is completed August 1st Grace hosted a bicycle group of about 25 youth and adults from St. Stephens in Marathan, NY and St. Patricks in Whitney Point, NY August 6th Grace hosted a bicycle group of about 20 adults riding from St. Paul MN to Boston. Approved by the Council during the summer: Money from the Youth Fund to aid in a trip to Niagara Falls where they were meeting with other youth they met while attending the Youth Event in New Orleans. To hold a chicken barbecue here at Grace the day of the rummage/bake sale (October 4th) from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Chicken to be prepared by the Masonic Lodge in Broadalbin. Proceeds to benefit the lodge and the air conditioning project.

New Business:

The Congregational Meeting will be held on October 27, 2013 Approved paid ad for chicken barbecue and rummage sale. Also will be using free media advertising that is available. Girl Scouts will no longer be using our building due to decrease in numbers. New council members for next three years were discussed. A slate of names will be presented at the congregational meeting. A formal Mutual Ministry Committee will be formed for the purpose of meeting with the paid employees. It will be appointed by Pastor and the president of the council. Since we became Grace, a liaison committee was used to address any concerns.

Inreach Committee - The council regretfully received the resignation of Nancy Demarest as the chair
person of this committee. As a member of the Worship and Music Committee she will continue to schedule Assisting Ministers, Communion Assistants, readers and crucifers.

Committees reviewed upcoming events and dates.

Due to the election of a new bishop at the June assembly, Synod is requesting that congregations elect their representatives for the assembly at their fall congregational meetings. November committee night has been changed to Tuesday November 12th 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. due to voting being held here. Respectfully submitted, Kathy VanValkenburgh, Council President Message on a sign outside a Protestant church:


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Remember Our Shut-Ins

At Home:
Eleanor Achzet Eileen Spawn Florence Sandner Ruth Seiler Helene Keach

Nathan Littauer Nursing Home:

Donna Mae Batty Ruth Brownell

Wells House:
Geraldine Moldt

Pineview Commons:
Shirley Snyder

Willing Helpers:
Lorraine Muller Dona Frey

Prayer Concerns
Marianne Jones Sue McGrattan Rick Hennessey Anna & Ron Butez Grandstaff Family The Marshall Family Phyllis Lane The Gleeman Family Pricilla Mitchell Raymond Spawn Sean Armstrong Lou Ann VanNostrand David Fisher Pastor Rees-Rhorbacher Hunter Lindsay Donald Wright Gordon Demarest Bob Kane Ella Congdon Kyle Fonda Michael Nigro

All those who have served and for all those who are now serving in the armed forces, especially:
Scott Bumpus Brandon Caldwell Tony Clemente Brad Coody John Ferrara Kevin Funk Zachary Goot Jordan Keeling Lance Corporal Corey Lincoln Denise & Jacob Lockwood Thomas Szumowski And for our enemies

Please pray for NOAH, the food pantries of Johnstown & Gloversville and for those in need of them.

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Dear Friends at Grace Lutheran Church

September 23, 2013

Hoping this newsletter finds you all well and richly blessed. Things are going good for us here in south central KY. The heavy rains and hot spells that we experienced on and off throughout the summer has now led to more temperate days with lots of sunshine and cool nights. Our harvest includes an abundance of tomatoes, okra, greens, cabbage, squash, peppers, potatoes, herbs, apples from 2 trees, a good size field of feed corn and hay for the sheep (there are 13 now as the flock has increased), and the 2 of the 3 pigs will be butchered in the colder weather. The garden was more difficult to maintain because of the rain this year and weeds got ahead of us, but we've still had alot of food and I have put up tomatoes, cauliflower and apple sauce into jars. We also have dried seeds to use next season. A fungus got to our beans and cucumbers. Better luck next year-God willing. Some plants surprise us by re-seeding themselves. William and Leah have been attending school fairly regularly. They've adjusted well to their new environment and enjoy getting together with friends and participating in mild activities. When they are not feeling well or have doctors appointments, a tutor comes to the house to help catch them up with missed assignments. I am proud of their accomplishments as they have alot to contend with as they deal with their treatments every day and symptoms from CF (cystic fibrosis). Check out cysticfibrosis.html for an interactive video on the disease. Our next appointment at Cincinnati Childrens is Wednesday the 25th. We are going to leave home on the afternoon of the 24th so Steve and William could enjoy a baseball game that night (the Mets vs. the Reds). Leah and I will stay close by at a local motel during that time (the Ronald McDonald House was booked up), then we'll all go to the Children's Hospital early the morning for the kid's appointments and head home after that. This weekend our town of Liberty will have their annual Apple Festival and the kids are looking forward to the events during this coming week which include music, concessions, rides, a parade, pageants. . . .It's been rated one of the best festivals in Kentucky and it's such a big deal that they close school on the 26th and 27th so people involved can freely participate. Church has been wonderful for us, with Brother Hershel Lawhorn teaching us and satisfying our hunger and thirst for the word of God along with revivals and gospel music lifting us up and keeping me busy learning new songs and organizing programs. Along with the church services, I've been accompanying some gospel singers every Friday morning at a local nursing home. We are so thankful to have found a church family here that has welcomed our family with loving, open arms. It helps us to adjust to this new life in a new place. We always miss our family and friends up north, but are very blessed to have such a vibrant spiritual community here. We wish y'all the very best and hope you enjoy the lovely autumn weather. God bless. With Jesus' love in our heart, Susan and family1825 Riffe Creek Road, Dunnville, KY 42528, 606-787-6045,

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Dear Parents with Young Children in Church, You are doing something really, really important. I know it's not easy. I see you with your arms overflowing, and I know you came to church already tired. Parenting is tiring. Really tiring. I watch you bounce and sway trying to keep the baby quiet, juggling the infant car seat and the diaper bag as you find a seat. I see you wince as your child cries. I see you anxiously pull things out of your bag of tricks to try to quiet them. And I see you with your toddler and your preschooler. I watch you cringe when your little girl asks an innocent question in a voice that might not be an inside voice let alone a church whisper. I hear the exasperation in your voice as you beg your child to just sit, to be quiet as you feel everyone's eyes on you. Not everyone is looking, but I know it feels that way. I know you're wondering, is this worth it? Why do I bother? I know you often leave church more exhausted than fulfilled. But what you are doing is so important. When you are here, the church is filled with a joyful noise. When you are here, the Body of Christ is more fully present. When you are here, we are reminded that this worship thing we do isn't about bible study or personal, quiet contemplation but coming together to worship as a community where all are welcome, where we share in the Word and Sacrament together. When you are here, I have hope that these pews won't be empty in 10 years when your kids are old enough to sit quietly and behave in worship. I know that they are learning how and why we worship now, before it's too late. They are learning that worship is important. I see them learning. In the midst of the cries, whines, and giggles, in the midst of the crinkling of pretzel bags and the growing pile of crumbs, I see a little girl who insists on going two pews up to share peace with someone she's never met. I hear a little boy slurping (quite loudly) every last drop of his communion wine out of the cup, determined not to miss a drop of Jesus. I watch a child excitedly color a cross and point to the one in the front of the sanctuary. I hear the echoes of "Amens" just a few seconds after the rest of the community says it together. I watch a boy just learning to read try to sound out the words in the worship book or count his way to Hymn 672. Even on weeks when I can't see my own children learning because, well, it's one of those mornings; I can see your children learning. I know how hard it is to do what you're doing, but I want you to know it matters. It matters to me. It matters to my children to not be alone in the pew. It matters to the congregation to know that families care about faith, to see young people... and even on those weeks when you can't see the little moments, it matters to your children. It matters that they learn that worship is what we do as a community of faith, that everyone is welcome, that their worship matters. When we teach children that their worship matters, we teach them that they are enough right here and right now as members of the church community. They don't need to wait until they can believe, pray or worship a certain way to be welcome here, and I know adults who are still looking to be shown that. It matters that children learn that they are an integral part of this church, that their prayers, their songs, and even their badly (or perfectly-timed, depending on who you ask) cries and whines are a joyful noise because it means they are present. I know it's hard, but thank you for what you do when you bring your children to church. Please know that your family -- with all of its noise, struggle, commotion, and joy -- are not simply tolerated, you are a vital part of the community gathered in worship. This post originally appeared on I Am Totally *That* Mom Jamie Bruesehoff is a mom, Lutheran pastor's wife, runner, camp director and writer. She strives to live and parent with love, grace, and courage. Jamie writes honestly about parenting her spirited children, faith, her struggle with depression and anxiety, running, and of course, those *that* mom moments when motherhood leaves her doing things she never imagined or even swore she'd never do at I am totally *that* mom.

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October Birthdays
12Elizabeth Brown Judi Bryan James Bornt Nancy Blanchard Ethan Bradt Brian Subik Frank Longfritz Ryan Robbins Ronald Johnson III Shirley Donovan Robert Seiler Patricia Morrison Linda Hemmerich Ashleigh Morrison Noreen Frank Heather Pellegrino Ryan Peck Michael Shafer Noah J Clo Toni Frederick Sharon Unislawski John Johnson Roger Seward Carol Cramer Bonnie Olendorf Rebecca Grandstaff Dave Gaugler Penny Pettit Donna Sandner Rulison Lauren Hathaway Frank Young Michelle Bills Victoria Clo Heather Hansen Allen Spinks Debbie Seward Robert Morley Esley Miller 17 Betty Harrington Alena Taylor Scott Smith Madison Neri Helen Wicksell Vicki James Richard Feinour Jr. Gale Dence Beth Jackson Flanger Stacy Keach Jennifer Ligon Terry Shults Cindy Walsh Ralph Bradt Mary Berecka Roger Eckert Ronald Johnson Jay Putman Bobetta Sparks John Olendorf Ethan Ernst Lee Mitchell Reformation Sunday Richard Goebel Frank Warner Nancy Almleaf Andrew Darling Peyton Petersen Roxanne Baird Martin Carlson Claudia Darling Michael Hopkins Sarah Hopkins Jones Shawna Hynd Richard Darling Ashley Flanger Kristopher Smith

18 19 20 -





21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -

10 11 12 13 -


15 -

29 -

16 -

31 -

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November Birthdays
1John Clo Richard Goebel Jr. Frank Goebel Thomas Wendle Bradt Eric Sandy All Saints Sunday
Daylight Savings Time Ends turn your clocks back one hour


15 16 -



10 11 12 13 -

14 -

Kara Gargiulo Melissa Cline Grayson Isabella Morgan Mraz Lorraine Muller Jeffrey Petersen Randy Schrader Heather Brown Stacy (Antis) Proietti Amber Marie Caldwell Steven Peterson Jim Walsh Kristi Ruggiero Veterans Day Kaela Lyn Webb Matthew Jones Richard Elmendorf James Hathaway Mary Lou Zambella Joyce Haldeman

17 -

19 -

20 23 24 -

26 27 28 29

Jayne Plantz Robert Darling Leanne Marie Keller Jeffrey Miller Brett Preston Matthew Rhodes India Carolyn Snell Dale Young Mark Feinour James Hynd, Jr. Alisondra Smith Erica Marie Snell Steven P. Borchers Laura Lakata Ricky Wert Harry Hing Edward Smith Helen Schreivogl Christ the King Sunday Thomas Ermie Marcus Ralbovsky Bethany Smith Alice Young David Alexander Almleaf Carol Miller Sandra Miller Thanksgiving Day David Baird

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