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Nation al Defence

Joint Personnel Support Unit Eastern Onta rio Regional Head,qu;"'! :tors PO Box 9999 Station Main Petawawo. ON K8H 2X3

Commanding Officer Joint Personnel Support Unit 4210 Labelle, 1 C125 Ottawa , Ontario, K1 A OK2

/.5> February, 2013

Distribution List RESIGNATION FROM CANADIAN ARMED FORCES: MASTER WARRANT OFFICER BARRY L. WESTHOLM , CD References: A. Email, B. Email, Westholm > C. Email, Westholm > D. Email, Westholm > Westholm > CO, June 13, 2011 CO, June 17, 2011 OC , December 8, 2009 OC , RSM, January 9, 2013

It is with regret that I submit my resignation from the Canadian Armed Forces as the Regional Master Warrant Officer and Sergeant Major of the Joint Personnel Support Unit, Eastern Ontario Region. This act should be not taken as routine as I have taken this step solely to express my ethical opposition over the management of the JPSU. I submit it with the hope that it will influence senior leaders towards providing a more logicat, sustainable and honourable path for this very important Unit. The JPSU made a contract with CF Units that it would supply an environment of support, rehabilitation and leadership for their injured and ill troops through the Support Platoon (Sp PI). The Sp PI was a critical component that was lacking with the former SPHL system. This absence made Commanders and Privates alike very sceptical of the SPHL, so the inclusion of a Sp PI in the IPSC was well re ceived. The units in our Region have been very receptive to the JPSU Mission and have entrusled us with their injured and ill members. In normal circumstances this would be cause for some satisfaction but instead , given the direction the JPSU has taken to meet this achievement, it is more a cause for alarm . Our HHQ's long-standing opposition to staffing this Region appropriately, even while the supported personnel continue to increase past 100%, defies all logic and is by any measure a formula for tragedy . This policy makes our solicitations to Units and our claim to assist the ill and injured a fraudulent one. Command Teams, most notably at CFB Petawawa, are aware that a ratio of 45-60 posted-in personnel to one Section Commander is un-workable. Indeed, this siluation in many ways reflects an organizational shortfall that made the SPHL an unmitigated disaster. While this is not the only naw with the JPSU 's management it is a fatal one, and remains something that can be easily corrected simply by increasing the strength of military staff and applying some common-sense structure to the IPSC's. The Command Teams of 2 CMBG and CFB Petawawa know this and have offered us support from their units on several occasions. However, the JPSU HHQ consistently prevents us fro'll accepting, or even requesting, this much needed relief. The reasoning I've been told is that JPSU/CMP brass believed this could be perceived as "Mission Failure" and therefore was unacceptable. Ironically, this face-saving attitude is pushing the JPSU towards actual Mission Failure.



Defining Mission Failure of the JPSU was a rather bizarre topic broached at the last OC 's conference in Ottawa (minutes not yet circulated). After discussion of th e staff shortfalls, and the pressures being placed on the Regions, the conversation turned to how best to define "Mission Failure". Two of the more memorable responses were that Mission Failure would not be declared as long as a solitary civilian employee remained within the Unit. The second was a suggeslion from JPSU Ops to curtail our Out Reach ini tiatives which in-turn would reduce the intake of the ill and injured thus providing some relief. At that point I de clared to the room that Eastern Ontario Region was at Mission Failure . I further stated that Mission Failure (to me) was the inability to effectively carry out the JPSU Mission. I underscored that the ratio of Posted-In to Section Commander allowed for very poor Situational Awareness (SA), and without SA we could lose track of our members - perhaps with mortal results . While the staffing philosophy for the JPSU is cause for significant concern, it is not a solitary one . Another related issue is how JPSU senior leadership views the military staff at the Regional Level. During a recent discussion in Parliament, JPSU 'eadership stated that the role of the uniformed component in the JPSU "was strictly responsible for the personal administration" It was further stated that given this, the high ratio of personnel to staff was "workable" . Regrettably, this is not the case as our front-line military staff requires an enormous amount of leadership interaction and administrative skills and communi cation skills and compassion and commitment and resiliency. In short , they must employ the attributes of Section Commanders in the classical sense of the term, and then some . As the Regional Master Warrant Officer and Sergeant Major I ho'd the most senior Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) position in the Region, and with this position comes a responsibility to my subordinate NCM's (Posted-In and Staff). However, despite my best efforts to support them by sustained appeals to my superiors (as did my former OC who was "re-assigned") they were to no avail (References A thru C cited as examples) . My inability to persuade my superiors in accepting my recommendations directly impact my NCM's who must bear the consequences. At this juncture, many of the Sp PI staff have regressed to the point of lOSing SA on their troops and are incurring considerable stress at duty and at home many are approaching, or are at, burn-out levels. Given my inability to influence my superiors to correct these Critical issues, I am no longer comfortable holding the position of Regional Sergeant Major as it conflicts with the ethical values instilled in me by my Branch, my Regiment and the Canadian Armed Forces . I informed my immediate superiors on of my potential departure some time ago (Reference D.) and have since discussed the reasons why. Given this, I request an expedited release date of February 28 , 2013. As the contents of my letter may be of interest to those who ha ve personnel posted to Eastern Ontario Region , or in the success of the JPSU itself, I have included them on the distribution tist for information. Respectfully

.L. Westholm Master Warrant Officer Regional Sergeant Major Joint Personnel Support Unit Eastern Ontario Region

Distribution List: Page 3


Distribution List Action CO JPSU Information Governor General of Canada Chair: Senate Committee of National Security and Defence Prime Minister of Canada Minister of National Defence Canadian Forces Ombudsman Chief of Defence Staff Chief of Military Personnel Canadian Forces Surgeon General Minister of Veterans Affairs Member of Parliament, Renfrew, Nippising, Pembroke Commander Royal Canadian Navy Commander: Canadian Army Commander: Royal Canadian Air Force Commander: LFCA Command Team : 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Command Team: 33 Brigade Group Command Team : CFB Petawawa Command Team : 22 Wing, CFB North Bay Command Team : 8 Wing, CFB Trenton Command Team : CFSU Ottawa Command Team : CFB Kingston Command Team: 2 Service Battalion Colonel Commandant: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch Regional Sergeants Major: Joint Personnel Support Unit Support Platoon Leadership JPSU, Eastern Ontario Region


Fro m: Westholrn BL@DCSt,j Regional Dct PetawJ','"a wP,-,lil'.'i,,'/;a Sent: on day, 13, Jun e, 20 11 11: 1'1 AM To: Blais Col GJ@CMP Subject: r- W: Thoughts on Staffing/Expansion Sir
I, All CI11:lil (1I1 slafiin g frill Feb II - it provcd a popular subj ec i at our OC' MWO 's Conference .. ,

O,L. Westholm Mastcr Warrant OCficer / Adjurlantivlaitrc Regional Sergeant Major .l Sergenl Major Regional Joint Personnel Support UnitJUnii6 Inlcrarmec de Soutien au Personnel Eastern Ontario Region/Region lst de l'Onlmio Direc tor Casualty Support Management/Dirc ctelll' - Gestion rlu soutien aux blesses National Defence I defense nationale Petawawa, ON, Canada, K8H 2XJ F-ll1ail l Couni cl Telephon ! 'T'6Iephone: (613) ex t / posle 27(i6 CSN: 677-1766 Tl:iecopieur I Facsimile: 613-5 88-2650 Government of Canada I Gouvcrnement rlu Canarla


To: Subject:

Westholm Bl@DCSH Regional Det Petawawa@PetawJwa Thursday, 17, February, 201112:57 PI") leblanc CWO RJ@CMP

Thoughts on Staffing/ Expansion

RSM Ref: Telcon: HQ Sp to Region

I. Backgro und, At my very (irst co nference with the JPSU , MGen Scmianiw described th e rapid devclopment of thc JPSU and underscored the urgency that drove tile process, or as you put it "with speed and violence", In hi s brief, he stated that because the unit and territory was so new, that it was a certaint y that there would be conflicts where current policy would conflict with the situati on on the ground, He further advised that should we ever run into such a contlict that we were to employ th e best altemative over outdated policy and to "J1I5t do tli e right thing", I've composcd this brief with this phil osophy in mind - as one o f tile fir st generation mbrs o f the JPSU at the Regi onal level J feel I have gained enough corporate knowledge of how we've progressed from a tllOught, to a design, through some significant modification, to initi al stand-up and now to the soon-to-be initiated Phase rrl.


In looK ing at th e progrc" ol'the .II'SU (Inc can be nothing but imp,.c" cd
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:lIlll the trcIllCI1d()us positi )'c iml'<lLlthe unit h,,, h,1[1 inth:lt short tin 1<:. I-! o\\'ew,., I lind mysclf abn sU lllcwhal apprChCn::i l\'L' that al Ol\r PI\,:scnl junctu re. tlw cPlllplcli ol l {d' [)Il ;\ :-' '': III. th at m; mill' be being consider in g this point as an end- state, 3nd tlwtthe JPSU's as it \\'as origina ll y designed is ,':11 cffi cient. \\'elilkyi sed and pract ica l form, My apprehensiveness is fuelleel chiefl y from a reccnt trendto\\'<1rd s the rationin g ()i'resources, manning freezes etc, when in Inct doi ng the opposite may be more scnsibk. Th e "rohbing Peler to pa y Paul" Ca n onl y go on for so long, at whi ch point we m<1) he dire stm ight s in supporting our missioll clue to l<1ck 01' staff.
3. Tn rC l'iew ing the inten t of the rap id developmen t. des ign and im plemcnt ation of the JP SU , I feci that perhaps Ph ase ill should bc morc of a tim e for self-cxamina tion and than to be con sidered an cnd- sta k per say, andlhe roll -out of the .IPSU should be considered more ot' a RECCr in force than the main advance.

4, Noll' that we arc at thi s stage J would like to take a moment to reviell'. ana lyze and make regarding our starting si tuation : Sin fti ng [qua tion (S taW in fra slnlctu re-to -Supportcd Personne I) . a. Disc uss ion. As the JPSU matmcs, it wil l most certainly altract more personnel - , J believe we can tak e this as a given. Si nce this lVillmost surely happen, r suggest that it 's equally important to be proactive in ensuring there is a maIming and infrastructure expansion plan in-plac e to allow for grow th as it is required. Thi s is not to sny that we require more personnel/space right Ht this moment, bu t that the re arc position s built in to our org (either as a pool at the strategic HQ lev el, or at the Regi ona l level (preferred)) that can be acccssed and fill ed rapid ly and that prov isions are made \'01' inrrastrucime expansion from the outset. To do this with effectiv ely requires an equation of so me sort- in my fonn er trade (the EME Branch) we had a progm m that ass igned the num ber of technicians to a workshop based on the amount/type of equipments support ed. Alt hough the JP SU supports people, there are many parallels to supporting equipment (Type, Complexity, Qty, Location etc) that innuenee the st rength of the Unit (Training, Jnfl'Hstructmc, Staff, Tran sport) so sueh an equation would prove very helpful as a staffi ng/plann ing guicleline for expansion. Note. I understand the Quebec Region has such a program and if viable, should be appli ed to th e .IPS U to plan fo r expansion; Co nsequ ences ofln-Action. At thisjunctme, the co nsequences of inaction will be felt, or in some cases are being felt, primarily at the IPSC level. For examp lc, if expa nsion is not fac tored in it will effeet:



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SI:rlfB uril Olll - Irlhc ralio ol' "la lllo supporled pe rso nn el become ullsupporlable , Ihe IPse siatllh cmseh' cs \\'ill bccome prime call cli ci:l les lor Ihe .IPSU: Supporl eci Pcrsonnel -- If lllir 51,ill is siretch ed I(lO Illin, this \V ii i be rell al the slIppnrtcd persons Icvclthrollgh a reduction of sup port scrv iccsllcacbship 10 mbrs pl)S lecito the J PS lJ: Supported Pcrso nnel's Unit -- One a t- Ihe more cI i mc lIll goals of th e .1PSLJ is to (ll'crcomc Ihe st igma of" poorly organi sed SPHL <mci gai n the contidenee of th" incoming person's llnitleadcrship, To accomp lish this il is essenli al tlwt Ihe .1PS LJ mainlain a lI'eli organized, milit<l IY centric and ca pabl e unit - if these units feci thai Ihis is not th e case, then we arc r"peating Ihc SPIll. modcl and with il , its cOll st!qucnces: Acimi n Efrorl - ha ving 10 justi fy pos itions on an one-bY-(lnc bas is a!'t el' th ey 're take,; great deal oftimc/cfi ort ; Bldg Design /Si ze _. building design s on the drawing hO:lJ'(1 may not <l1 1 (lw for (lr be difficult to mociify mak ing it labour to ch<lngc ancr the bldg is const ructed ; an cI C(lmpulerlSuPPori Equipm ent All ocation - As with Ihe bldg itse lf, hav ing to justify, then budget for, the growth of' " co mpuler nelwork on the fl y is far morc labour int ens ivc than prepiH'ing f(lr il initi ally,







Recommenda tion s. As follow: (I ) Revie\V QC Regions staffing model and ifapprol'ed, use it as a too l to pmperl y sta ff the lPS C's; (2) Crea tc a paoloI' re<ldily access ibl c positio ns to onset expans ion from pel's in take; (3) Use som e of Ol\l' MMO positions to aClively recruit suil<lblc personnel frm across the CF who arc ,;oon 10 be released and offer them three-year co ntracts: <lnd Ensure that <lny IlCW strllctures built have an ex pan sion capacil y rrom the oLltset.



FYS !\

B.L. We, th olm Ortieer Acljllclilnt ivlaitre

Rcgill!l i:11 Sergl:a nt ivlnjor I SL'rgcnt r-daj or

Joint Personncl SlIflPort Unit Uni te Interarm ec de Soulien all Per.,o nn cl Eastern Onlario RegionlReg ion Est de l' Ontario Director (' nslInlty SlIflPort Mnnngell1cntlDircctelir - Gcstion dll sO llticn nll x bksscs Nati onal Defen ce I dCl'cnse nationnie Pctnwawa, ON, KSH 2X3 [-mail / COllnicl Telephone I TcICphonc: (613) 6X 7-SSII cx t I poste 27 66 CSN : 677-2766 Tckcopicur I Ie : 613-5 88-2650 Government of Canaeln .' GOlll'erncmcnt dll Ca nnel,l

From: Blais Col GJ@CMP DCSM@Oltawa-Hu li Sent: Friday, 17, June, 201 J 13: 18 PM To: Westhol m I<1WO Regional Del Petaw<lwa0 Pdawa'.'/2 Subject: RE: OS! Related Training/Follow lip Sg( 1.1" .Iwould r,tl SUpport Ihls our would ce too giant Wa oro

nat quahfiod prol ssicnals In Ihis nod 10 OPpl11hoir principles following n short session would us In (1 vary vulr,orDble posilion 0 wero 1 0 h8rm
lollowln, our Inlorvontlor,.

or l!kO Innpproprlnlo

G.J. Blais
DCSM I 0 Gosl S8 995-0972



Subject :

WcsltlOlm MWO 8l@DCSf<1 Regional Oet Friday, 17, June, 201112:52 PM Blais Col GJ CI'-lP DCSM@Oltilwa Hull FW: OSI Trili n:ngjFoliow up

Sir I. This cillail datcs back 10 Oct 20 I(I when we had a mbr discharged frOIll Homewood Heallh Centre who w" s ha ving n very rough go of it ond had to be rcatimiHcd . Following this evcnt I contacted HomclVoocJto discuss Ihere org to Icam about Iheir My discussions with were vcry cnlightcning - of particular interest I found tlwt there was little knowll about militmy society and how we think, or beller said. have been trained to think . 2. For instance, 1 covered the credo of Mission-Soldiers-Self, one universally used in the CF and one by which man y orthe soldiers that come to Homewood lived-by, or perhaps was even the credo they were injured supporting. The Homewood rep was very and the so ldiers surprised at hearing this as it did not pertain to their civilian received the same regim e as their ci vilian counlerparts. It was a long and productive discussion which resulted in the foJ\owing cmail. The intcnt of the below cmoil was to get some cross/transitionaltrnining between the Homewood and IPSC staffs, however there was no available funding this initiative so J shelved Ihe emai l. IronicaJ\y, a stay at Homewood can cost Ihe taxpayer upwards of $ 1000.00 per-day, but the total cost for training for the entire Regional staff was around 2500.00 ; I thought it was a good inveslment if it could stop only one (which can go for a month, or $30 ,000, plus)

B.L. Westhohn Master Wanant Officer / Adjudant Maitre Regi onal Sergeant Major / Sergent MajorRegional Joint Personnel SuppOIi UnitlUnite Interarmee de Soutien



0 1lt<lrio Rc!;il)!l Region

dc j' 01l1;\rill
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('a:-;u;J!ly Suppor(


N:l tion<ll Ddcn ce . nati onaic ON. Ca nnela, 2X3 L-rnail Courri el fl.Cl'TV.\Vcsthollll'lI li'r,cs.e".c <l Telephone' i Tckphone: (613) (,l(7 -55 I I esl . poste 27(,G CSN: 677 -27 (,(, Tel0cup ieu r ! I'aesimik: Government of Canada / dll Canalia

Subject :

051 Related Tr,1ining/r-ollow up

RSM Ret': Tdcon: HQ Sp to Region


Foll ow- Up Supporl: Post l!ca lth



Discussion. SOlll e' or our personn el haw a requirement l'or intensi ve psychological suppo rt in spcc iali sed trC<ltment centres. In our Region II'C have had personnel inn red or-such intcns ive psychologica l Sllpport use thc services of HomclI'ood He;1ith Cen tre (link attach ed). Homewood prov ides in-situ supporlwhcre thc pcrsu n stays in reside nce, usuall y ['or a fcw wecks - once they me dischargcd it is back to tile JPSU or their home unit. At thi s point in time there is no transition supp ort save for a vo lunlary online peer clwt grollp similar to the OSISS model (they also had littl e know ledge or military life and training and thought they could use a brief to nss ist in supporting Iniliwry mbrs). In talking to pel's wh o have left Homewood they state that they leav e the facility buoyed with a feeling of great confidence, however when the support of Homewood cea ses Ihi s fee lin g can be replaced by one of abandonment. For some this causes additi onal distres, whi ch has lead to si gni fi ca nt relapscs. Consegnences of In-Acti on. It cou ld be wc've witn essed th e result s of inaction alreody - in IPSC PctawRwa there have been iustanees where persons ha vc had severe relapses after recently returning from Homewood, ca using them great distress and at times re-admi ssion. Sug gestion. Org,1I1i zations like Hom ewood all ow an environment for hea ling onesel f, which compliments the mili ta lY maxim of "Mission , Soldiers, Self' - which when taken in the context of military personnel is very appropriate. I su ggest that fo r personnel going to Homewood, or simil ar organi zations, that post -release fo llow-up or trans itional services are provided to th ese pers to obscrve, maintain and co nfirm th era py.



('{l!nmll!lica !iull


Di scussi Qn. Fur uu r frontl ine tr(' up, (IP SC') interaetic,ns with .I I' SU pL Ts()nncll L 1mil ies that IHlIl' OS!'s , VS I' ,. dea th s bri ng with them to the JP SU stall. /\mongstthese consi derable en\llti olHiI chCl llcn gc:; arc (lying to with pl..'l"sonllcl who luve OSI', and to steel oneself to the emotional intlucnec that regular members nnd their familie s ma y brin g. int l'rill'ti on with dist raught In thi s issue with th ,' Homcwood. I"c corne to leal'll that they provide a specific lyre of iltmos pill'rc and usc key words ilild III promote we llbeing. Consequl'nc es of In- Ac tion. There is risk to our frOiltiine sta tT from the intl uencc o r constant interaction including stress. bum out ant! not hav in g \\'ho arc in di strcss. the requircd skill s to errectively (icill wil l! _s.u2gesti on. Si nce Hom e\Vood is the closest and mostuscd hea lth facilit y in our Regi on, I suggest that our frontline IPSe swff participate in a trai ning prog ra m to beltcr ulllkrstnn cithe Homewooci enviro nmcnt, hoI\' to carry on the IIomcwood style coaching back in mili ta ry environment and to lea rn copin g ski ll s for thi s type of interaction (link s ilttached). i tJP,.! &1ID



nr: 127


D.L. West holm Master Warran t Orticer / Adjudan t Maitre Regional Sergean t Major / Sergent MiljorRegionill Joi nt Personnel Support UnitlUnite Interarmee de Souti en il U Perso nnel Eastern Ontario Regi on/Region Est de l' Ontario Managemen tlDircctem - Gestion dll sout ien aux blesses Director Casualty Na tiona l Defence / cJefense nati onale Petnwawa , ON, Canada, K8H 2X3 E-mail / ComrieIBatTY.Westholm Telephone / Te lephone: (613) 687-5511 ext / poste 27 66 CSN: 677-2766 Telee opieur / Facs imil e: 6 13 -58 8- 2650 GoverlUl1ent of CatHlcia / Gouvernem ent dll Ca nada

From: Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@Ottawa-Hull Sent: Friday, 17, June, 201113:29 PM To: Westh olm MWO BL@DCSM Regional Det Petawawa@Petawawa Subject: RE: Leaving Us? Thanks for the kind words Barry, they're both welcome and reciprocall I thought long and hard believe me It was not a simple decision to make!. I was offered a positiol1 in an other agel1cy just before Christmas and decided to stick this one out. There are a number of reasons that I chose this path , some personal and some syslemic, In the end, I'm not sure I can bring about the change needed here to keep the unit Irom hitting the rocks and the position I've accepted allows me laleral manoeuvring room to reach my retirement goals (some plans still In flux, severa l options .. ,lile is gocd!!), It sounds like HQ has the capacity to cover me off and WO Potter as you know has some capacity as well. This poSition Is a Captain's and I know that In tess than 18 months my pos ition will be re-posted and I'm thinking there will be one out there that suits the bill. The new position Is only 12 months, but is very likely to be ex ended (the Air Force is slow to learn LOL), I'm not certain I'd stay lor an extension , I I purchase one 01 the two B&B we've been evaluating (I'm negotlallng for one all week) I may move this lall , but can continue my contract In spite 01 moving T hanks again for your support Barry, the past year and a half has been made much more palatable with your support and pallencel I've received some kind words Irom the VAC and CF H Svc staffs as well, I'll be sending out an email next week when things are finali sed to say my good-byes ,

"If you can't ch ang e your circumstance, change your perspective "
Patrick A. Monsigneur CD Master Warrant Officer / Adjudant-maitre Platoon Commander / Commandant de peloton IPSC Ottawa / CtSP Ottawa Joint Personnel Support Unit I Unite interamee de soutien au personnel Eastern Ontario Region / Region Est de I'Ontario Director Casualty Support Management / Directeur - Gestion du soutien aux blesses National Defence / Defense nationale Ottawa ON K1 A OK2 Canada patrick.monsigneur@lorces , Telephone I Telephone 613-945-6760 Blackberry 613-898-5837 Facsimile I Telecopieur: 613-945-6985 WVWI.lorces , Government of Canada I Gouvernement du Canada

From : Sent: To:


westholm MWO BL@DCSM Regional Det petawawa @Petawawa Friday, 17, June, 2011 12 :23 PM Mon signeur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPse Otlawa@Ottawa-Hull Leaving Us?


1. You're do ing a hel l of a job dow n there and we all appreciate (and we lcome) your c1etenn in ation at maki ng the IP SC (0) successfu l - to make a long email short, I was hopi ng you'd reco nsider your decision. Barry B.L. Westholm Master Warrant Officer I Adjudant Maitre Regional Sergea nt Major I Sergent Majo r Regional Joi nt Personnel Support UnitfU nite lnterannee de Soutien au PersorU1el Eastern Ontari o Regi on/Region Est de I'Ontari o Director Casualty Support Management/Directeur - Gesti on du so utien aux bl esses National Defence I defense nati onale Petawaw a, ON , Canada, K8H 2X3 E-mail I Courri eIBarry.Westholm@fo Telephone I Tel ephone: (6 13) 687-5511 ext / poste 2766 CSN: 677 -2766 Tel ecopi eur I Facsimile: 613- 588-2650 Government of Canad a / Gouvemement du Canada

From: Westholm MWO BL@DCSM Regional Det Petawawa@Petawawa Sent: Wednesday, 1, June, 2011 13:14 PM To: Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@Ottawa-Hull Subject: Re : Thoughts on Staffing/ Expansion Oh I gal a response all righl "no" and "hire frm wIthin" meaning the \'IoJnded some other equally inspiring thoughts :) Sent from my wireless handheld device I Transmis de mon apparell portable

From: Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@OttawaHull To: Westholm MWO BL@DCSM Regional Det Petawawa@Petawawa Sent: Wed Jun 01 09:07:21 2011 Subject: RE: Thoughts on Staffing/ Expansion Well saldlwritten Barryl Did you get any response? There are a few things on the boll right now that may cause this IPse to become Ineffective this summer, in fact complelely broken , I am going 10 try and quantify It and let you and Captain B know by COB todayltomorrow, Good luck In NB,

"If you can't change your circumstance, change your perspective"

Patrick A. Monsigneur CD Master Warrant Officer I Adjudantmaitre Platoon Commander I Commandant de peloton IPSC Ollawa I CISP Ollawa Joint Personnel Supporl Unit I Unite interamee de soutien au personnel Easlern Ontario Region I Region Est de I'Ontario Director Casually Support Management I Directeur Gestion du soutien aux blesses Nationa l Defence I Defense nationale Ollawa ON K1 A OK2 Canada patrick.monsigneur@forces.gc,ca Telephone I Telephone 613 9456760 Black berry: 613-8985837 Facsimile I Telecopieur 6139456985 www.forces .gc.caicentre Government of Canada I Gouvernemenl du Canada

From: Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa -Hull Sent: Tuesday, 7, June, 2011 12:02 PM To: Westholm MWO BL@DeSM Regional Det Petawawa@Petawawa Cc: Potter WO RK@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: MANNING ISSUES - IPSe onAWA Barry, Capt Boutilier Is In the loop Looks if e great minds think alike , Vie are keeping our HO informed: ) We have our feelers out for 89 day contracts no takers ." One possible (posted In with hubby from Quebec) looking for work, was Secl lon Commander at IPSC Valcartier. . That's It.

"If you can't change your circumstance, change your perspective"

Patrick A. Monsigneur CD Master Warranl Officer / Adjudant-maitre Platoon Commander / Commandant de peloton IPSC Ottawa / CISP Ottawa Joint Personnel Support Unit I Unite interamee de soutien au personnel Eastern Ontario Region I Region Est de l'Ontario Director Casualty Support Management I Directeur - Gestion du soutien aux blesses National Defence I Defense nationale Ottawa ON KiA OK2 Canada palrick.monsigneur@forces ,gc ca Telephone I Telephone 613-945-67 60 Blackberry: 613-898-5837 Facsimile I Telecopieu r: 613-945-6985 rces,gc,calcentre Government of Canada I Gouvernement du Canada




Potler 1'10 RK@JPSU EOnt IPse Otlawa@Otlawa-Hull Tuesday, 7, June, 2011 11:41 AM Westh<>m MWO BL@DeSM Regional Det Petawawa@Petawawa Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSe Otlawa@Ottawa-Hull MANNING ISSUES - IPse onAWA

Sir, as we briefly discussed on the telephone, we are experiencing some severe manning issues which most likely will only worsen in the near future. Sgt Makins, our loaner section commander from DCSM, has been placed on S/L pending surgery in early July. Indications are that she will not return prior to her surgery and that her reco very time-lines from her surgery may be extended . In addition to that, she has her remaining annual leave and annuitant break to schedule . Her contract end-date is Oct 11 . I do not expect to see her back in unit lines for any extended period of time. Sgt Mandy, our newest hire, is out for scheduled surgery effective today. Prognosis for RTW is not confirmed but is expected to be anywhere from 10 days to 12 weeks depending on surgery. Early RTW may be limited in duration and she is expected to be wheel -chair bound for a period of time. Sgt Caron has requested PAT A leave for 22 Aug 2011 to 25 Sep 2011 .

From: Westholm MWO BL@DCSfvl Regionill Dc: Sent: Tuesday, 8, December, 2009 11:30 To: Chute r1aj FD@lJPSU Peta\'l aWil . 'PetaWJ'ii il Cc: Boutilier Capt SDJ@DCSM Regional Det Petawawa@ Petawawa Subject: RE: MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP IN TH E IPSC - GESTION ET LEWERS HIP AU SEIN DU C1SP

OC I, Ack the complications WRT cfrceli ng changes, Ihoughls/coll\menlnry as 1'011 (for No Warne Answer (NWA) Para 2):

Rt.:f: "T/:..' ClInvnl flrgoni=ntion 1 1U) (w' ,he Hlljl,h,' Sal'ic," Mmmg.'1' (IIlri ,Ill.' Supporl f'1 CO/llrl. This "alll;lIl \, 1I0! Iii,' id,'a/ oplioll, fII:d tlu' <,,'hl,'I1,, r{lof) /IItmy f'<lill/5 "frtllllacl/"lUling '" "vIljilsion nlld 111 /;111,'( clllljliflill.!: ar/I'I'.'" Ittl\' b,','1/ I li",tI 1 0 m e P"l'sollalll' /IS n poilll of cOll cem 1>,1' ill <llId ;/y'lII('t! Ih emsell''" (IS lI'iJlI (IS Iildl'/ nlllilid ', The importance of 11
united front is key in ovcrcol1\ing UIC stignw as>ociatcclwith Ihe SPI-IL. The SPIIL, IVas doggcd by inconsistcncy across orgs, weak central control and an administraliv , 'managcrial npproac h towards perso nnel (i.e. a"List"). The .IPSU ha s thc lask of' ovcrcoming this sligl1\a and its success depends on gaining the confidence of injured personnel, bmilics and senior leadership . Th ai some injured personnel/families have had their voices heard ilt our Command Levci should be given close attention but despite Ihis, time and again I have heard from Senior Leadership and wounded cr personnel th at il is Ihe slrong military component that is the feall.lre of the J PSU that appeals to them most. [ feellhe way 10 completely win over thc confidence of injured personncl nnd Senior Lcn elcrship is through a high-profile, robust and clearly elefined military componenlleading, wilh a strong anel competent civilian component following. To support this I suggesl that Ihe PI Comel sh ould be Ihe default IPSC POC when feasible and he/shc ennliaise with higher CoC, direct enquiries to th e propel' IPSC/JPSU channels and represent the IPSCIJPSU in the applicable AOR . Ref: Tlu'IPSe SII'llCIIII'<' mlls/mainlainl/'I! desil'ed /(,I'e! o/c" per/is/! H 'ilhillih e Scrl'ices S rcliQlI, " I>IIISI (llso ensllrc ,"('/'(' I's (lllJilil(IJ}' elwill O/COIIIIll(lIll/ Ihn/ isfllllc/;oJ)n/jrom l op 10 bOl/olll (111// I'1'O" idcs c/fcc(i" e l efl</cr;'hip IIlId slIpporl'o nil illjured nlld iIIl'cl'solllll'l pos/er/lo II,, JPSu. The MilitalY CoC is unbroken frm CO to OC - in this chain there is no question of who is ill chiU'ge of what, however Ihe CoC becomes convoluted when il reaches the lPSC level (see excerpt frol11 Ule CP02 Lamorie' s cmail). tvly suggestion is to allow the mililalY CoC to remain and in Ihe leadership role, from Strategic to (CO to Secl Commander) with Services Section being subordinated 10 the PI COl11d in each IPSC (when pos sible). This would in no way effect the role of the Services Section, or ils operation, and would allow for one CoC frm top to bollom.


Ref: Thl! iPSe Sll'Ilclr ll'f! 111m 1 1101 he 011 pcrsollali(I' OIl(/lIIl1sl be Slts/aillaMI! in /he IIIWl'c - lI'''m IIIlry lI'ork 11011' with Ihe CIlI'I'f'Il/ iIl Cl/lllbclI/, 111/1)'

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Ref: Thl! II,','''})/, (: I'l)ill/ a/ello/nc/ i r n IIINSII':IC Ihell lwl',' re dl',' d loud d"tII' This slw il/rl 1101 b,'I,II,,'!1 nr ' \'llcc liOlI ou <llII 'lJIlI" , oili/il,I', /Ill ,. sllO ultl
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believe their should b,' a singlc POC al the 1[> S(, anu it be the PI Come\. Personaliti es aside, the PI Comel is a military Icadership posilion vicc n civili an managerial (or serviecs) posilion which 1 fee l should be the fa ce 0[' thc JPSUIIPSC to supportcdun ils/pers/partners.

Rd: OC & RSM Conference. During thc RSM's roundtabl e, il was mentioned fro m olher Regional Scrgeanls Major Ihat the civilian component ot' IPS e ' s ha ve show n a propensity for exclu sion or excep ti on of the mililary component and have bcen kn own to circu mvent Regional CoC, [ believe that this is due to the orig inal slanc!,up org structure (with a civilian com pon enlleading) being allowed to rcmain somewhat in-pla ce, or their pos ilions in the new org not claritiecl. Alth oug h I lOfin' t spcak to circum vent ing th e CoC I do see the ex clu sion/excep tion model taking place in the Petilwawa IPSC as well as the beginnings ofMissioll Creep.
2. NWA. r recom mend, wilh your concurrencc and \\'hen staffing/circumstances all ow for it, chan gin g the PI Comd pos n lill e to orc IPSe. Cheers ... B.L. Westholm Master Wamnl Officer / Adjud8nt Maitre Regional Sergeant Major I Sergent Maj or Regional Joint Personnel Support Unil/Unite Interannee de SOll lien au Personn el Eastern Ontari o RegioniRegion Est de l' Ontari o Director Ca su alty Support MiinagementiDirccteur - Gcslion du sOllti en au" bl esses National Defence / defense nali onale

[>Clamllla. ON. Ca nada. KRll " :\.1 E-m ilil / Courrie l Garn .\Vc' lh oll1l{ (l' Telephone'Td cplwn c (01 31 (,::n -55 11 ext .I P(l;ic 276 6 CSN: 677-2766 Tciecopi eur i lil(Si mil e: Ii 13-58R-2(,50 GOVC1l\111eni o lTa nada , C iou vcnl cll1cnt du Canacia

From: Chute Maj FD@JPSU Petawawa@Petawawa Sent: Monday, 7, December, 2009 14:38 PM To: Boutilier Capt SDJ@DCSM Regional Det Petawa wa@Petawawa; Westholm Regional Det Peta wawa@Petawawa Subject: FW: AND LEADERSHIP IN THE IPSC - GESTION ET LEADERSHIP AU SEIN DU C1SP Importance: High Please have a read of Ihis, th en we shou ld talk, tk s. F.D . Chule. MMM. CD Major Officer Commanding/Commandanl Joint Personnel Support Unit/U nite Interannee de Soutien au Personnel Easlern Ontario Region/Region Est cle I' Onlario Director Casualty Support ManagemenVDirecteur - Gestion du soutien aux blesses National Defence / defense natlonale Petawawa, ON, Canada, t<8H 2X3 E-mail JCourrieI Freemgo .Chute@/orces Telephone / Telephone: (613) 687-5511 ext I posle 2765 CSN : 677-2765 Telecopieur I Facsim ile: (613) 588-2650 Government of Canada I Gouvernemenl du Canada

From: Sent:

Blais Col GJ@Ct-1P DCSM@Ottaw3-Hulr

Monday, 7, December, 2009 14:25 PM

Barette tyl@Administration@ 8agotvnle; Doucette Dubreuil BL@CI'-IP


DufOUr 11@UISP-QC@St-lean; Emond F@IPSC@Winnipeg; Gauvin lFT@UISPQC@Valcartier; Greig CC@IPSC Shllo@Shllo; Hill llW@DCSM Trenton@Trenton; Lewi s Mcleod NL@IPSC@Esqulmalt; Nodorlt KW@IPSC Edmonton@Edmonton; Quinn WAl@CMP Ross ignol L@CMP Shirley RegioNI Oet P elawawa@Petawawa LANGLOiS Cdr ML@CMP DCSM@Otlaw.-Hull; Quinn WAl@C,tP DCSM@Ottaw.HulI; Bradley CWO DR@Cr.'lPDCSt-'I @Ottawa-Hull; ("memn Mal NW@JPSU Pralrie@Winnipeg; Carter Cdr ,IB@lTFP@Esqulmalt; Chute '1aj FD@lPSU Pet.w.lVa@Pelawawa; Hand LCoI CM@lPSU NBPEI@Gagetow n; Lasalle l'laj llM@UISP-QC@Valcartier; Legacy Maj GlD@DCSM-1PSU
S/ON@Toronto; Pollock lCol JR@JPSU A8/N CDA@Edmonton; Rasmussen lCdr FG@DCSt-l @Hal!fax



A training session for JPSU OCs and Regional MWOs, given by DCSM staff, was held on 2/3 Dec. One of the points discussed was the structure of the tPSCs. The current organiza tion has two distinct lead represen talives for the unit- the Services Manager and the Support PI Cornel. This is certainty not the ideal option , and the existence of too many points of contact laading to confusion and

fit tinlOS

).35 I,een tJ rnt> f'er50n:11l1 hi the iii .md injured thr!11SE:t'Jes, \'Ietl as their familiDs

a po;nt of co:)ce:rn

The IPSC struclure mL lsl 1113inlain the: desired t<::/21of e.<pertise within the: Services Section. Ii must also ensure thallhere is a military chain of comm,md Ihal is fLJrlctionat from top to bottom and provides effective leadership and support to all injured and ill personnel posted to Ihe JPSU. The IPSC st'ucturEl mList no be based on personalily and must be sustainable in the fll ure - wh at may \'Iork now with the CLlfrO nt Incumbents may not be sustain8ble as lime passes and difiorenl personnel fill tho positions It is clear to mo that Ihere is not currenlly a specific oplion that wi ll work 01 each of the 19 IPSCs, What Is clesr Is Ihal a single poe for each IPSC is the prefe rence of our clients. Therefore. OCs have been authorized 10 select either Ihe Support Platoon Commander or Service Manager as Ihe leod for each tPSC. They are to make their seleclion based on whal is in the best interest of the uni . in th e evenI Ihat the PI Comd is identified as Ihe IPSC lead, th on it must be clear Ihal Ihe Service Manager remains responsible for all of Ihe coro service functions of thai iPSC. Is th o POC for Ihe service partners located in the IPSC, and is responsible for sorvico fL lnclions sLich as chairing casually managemenl coord meetings, management of AS04's, and IPse office conduct Conversely, if Ihe Service Manager is appoin ted as the point of conlact for the tPSC. II must be clear Ihat the Supporl Platoon Commancier will continue to report directly to the Regional OC for all chain 01 command issues and Ihallhe Service Manager will not be pari of Iho military chain of command . The quesllon of the Chief Clerk's reporting relalionship was also raised . Because the cle rical staff are responsible to provide clerical support to both sections. Ihe reporting chain for Ihe clerical slafl Is atso left 10 Ihe discretion of the Regional OC. I acknowledge that Ihis change in approach may raise doubts aboul civilian job 0 believe Ihat Iheir classifications in some cases or perhaps lead some 1 performance has been deemed 10 be unsatisfaclory. The feelings are common in an environment of change . For all staff, resl assured Ihat my decision was made with a single goal in mind. to ensure Ihat Ihe unit is responsive 1 0 the needs of the local chain of command and those who require our services. The need for a single point 01 contac l is a message thai I have received loud and clear. This sl10uld nol be laken as a refleclion on anyone's abillly, nor should Ihere be any concern for job securily as a result of Ihis decision. II you wish to provide feedback on the way ahead, I encourage you to do so. You r comments should be passed 10 me through your OC. VERSION FRAN<;AISE

Los 2 E:t 3 d&cE:mbr(; L 0 Gss l S8 procede a Line sea'lce de formatl01 a lintcntion des offieier:; cmelts rogionaux (Ie r UlsP e de leurs adJum5. L'u'] des points c!iscutes fut 1::1 structure des CISP D,ms 511 forme actuelie, I'organisation compte doux repres(;ntants distincts au seln de runlte -Ie gestionnaire des services et le cmdt du pelo on de sOll ti en. Ce n'est certainemenl pas I opti on ideaIe; I'c:<iste ncc (rUn trop grand nombre des points de contac t menc la confusion ct, p3rfois, [I des avis confiic tllels; les malades at bl esses eux-memes, e:t leu' famllle , m'ont (ait part de leur inquietllcie it cet egard,

La structure du CISP dolt malntenlr Ie deg re recherche de savoir-faire au seln de 1 <1 Sectio n des services. Elle doll aussl veiller all caraclere fonctlonnel de la chaine cie commandement, el (ournir une direction 01 un eppu efficaces it lous los mliilairos bless6s ot malades affoctes 3 I'UIS P. La structure du CISP ne dolt fondeo sur des questions de personnalite; aile dolt conserver un caractoro durable pour I'avonlr - co qui (onctionne malntenanl avec les tllul alres octuels peut ne pas s'cweror durable avec Ie lemps et lorsque d'Butres occuperont cos pastes. Je constate pou r I'insten , I'absence d'optlon Llrllverselle qui (oetionneralt a chaeun des 19 CISP. Ce qui ressort clelrement , e'esl que nos clients ont Qxprime leur prefere nce pour un point de can act unique. Par consequent, les offieiers cmdts ont ote 8lltorises s61eclionner comme chef solt 10 commandant du peloton de soutlen , soit Ie gestionnalre de service, dans cheque CISP. lis doivent exercer leur se lection en fonclion de 1 'l nter&1 de I'unlte, Dans I'evenlualite ou c'est Ie commandan t du peloton qui est Identifie comme char du C ISP, II dolt alors demaurer clair que Ie gestionnalre des services demeure responsable de toutes les fonclions de service de base du CISP en question, en plus responsable des fonctions de service comme la presldence des reunions de coordination do la gestion des pertes, la gesllon des AS-04, et de la conduite des activites de burea du CISP. SI c'est Ie gestionnaire des services qui est nomme point de contacl du CISP, it doH etre clair que Ie commandant du peloton de soutlen demel/rera directement responsable, devant I'officer cmd t regional, de loute question relallve Ii la chaine de commandement et que Ie gestionnalre des services ne fera pas partie de la chaine de commandement militaire .

La chaine de commandement dLi commis-chef a Bussl fait 1'0bJel de discussion, Elant donne quo Ie personnel cle bureau o(fre ses services aux deux seclions, la chaine de commandemenl relative au personnel de bureau relevara aussi de la sele ction dlscretionnaire de I'officior cmdt regional. Je reconnals que co changemenl de demarche pulsse soulever des doules quanl aux classifications des postes civils dans certains cas , all encore mener certains a croire que leur rendement a ete Jug e insalisfalsanl. Dans lin milieu en plein changemenl, ces sentiments sonl chose commune . En ce qui touche lout Ie personnel, soyez assu res que ma decision n' avait qu'un seul bul, de veilier it ce que I'unlle soil sensible aux besoins de la chaine de commandementlocalo et de

C J'. et celle5 qui on! bose n cle nos services. LE: q"l 5'03 : fortemenl o:<pnme COIlGOr; ,2 I" l)csoin tlun oint de conl llclunique. Ce'" ne de'lrait pas

et'o cJn1pris co;nme une rMlcxion sur la cap3cite de quiconque, ni censtituer une: base d Inquictucl2 pour 1::1 securit s 6emploi p::lr suite de cett e decision.

SI vaLIs voulez ofiri r Lifle relroaction suite a ce chagcment ,

Je vous invi:e a me

faire pari de vas commentaires par I'entrcmise de votre cmd l.

G.J. Blais Col DCSM I 0 Ges\ SB 995-0972


Page 1 of2

Westholm MWO BL@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa

From: Rossignol L@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@Ottawa-Huli Wednesday, 8, August, 2012 09:59 Chubbs Maj LA@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa Potter WO RK@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@Ottawa-Hull; Westholm MWO BL@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa



Subject: RE: Manning Issues - IPSC Ottawa

From: Rossignol L@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa-Hull

Sent: Wednesday, 8, August, 2012 09:23 AM To: ehubbs Maj LA@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa
Cc: Potter WO RK@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa-Hull Subject: Manning Issues - IPSe Ottawa
Major Chubbs I just wanted to let you know that we are facing increasing challenges with staffing at the IPSC in all departments and it is getting to the point of a critical shortage. I fear that we are soon going to be unable to meet core services. We are going to have to look for some creative ideas for surge manning within the Orderly Room and Platoon in the very near future. This is a brief sit rep of the situation as of today. IPSC Orderly Room We are down to 1 clerk with minimal training in Military administration. Despite the efforts to create a fully functioning Orderly Room, it hasn't had enough time to reach full capacity and have everyone cross trained. Add to that personality issues amongst the 3 staff which has resulted in a very negative working environment. As a result we are down to 1 staff member with minimal experience. JUlian Poirier - sent an email this morning saying that she will be off on sick leave until 5 Sept 12. She sites the primary source of her medical issues as the ongoing stress in the Orderly Room. MCpl Hardy - is on leave until Thursday this week. She then starts 2 weeks leave on Friday. She returns for one week and then hopes to start a full time education program in September.Assuming her education is approved by CoC, then I have her for one more week before she leaves. While I hate to lose her experience, at the same time, it is probably in the best interest of the Orderly Room. Michelle is the last one standing at this point. Unfortunately, her learning curve is still steep. IPSC Platoon Sgt Fleury - received a medical recommendation for accomodation to another workplace, to be effective 13 Aug 12. From my understanding this is permanent. Sgt Mandy's grandmother passed away this week. She is at work today but it remains to be determined if she will take time off to go to New Brunswick for the funeral. Sgt Simard - last one left - 151 members. Capt Jobin - still on 35 day break until early September. IPSC Services.



Page 2 of2

So far so good with the 3 Svcs Coords but still waiting for the paperwork to be completed for the Casual. We had hoped to for a start date of 17 June 12 but there is minimal progress. Hopefully we can discuss these issues further tomorrow. Lucienne Rossignol, MHSc HA, CHE Services Manager, Gestionnaire des Services IPSC Ottawa/CISP Ottawa Director Casualty Support ManagementlDirecteur-Gestion du soutien aux blesses Chief Military Personnel/Chef du personnel militaire National Defence/Defense Nationale Ottawa, Canada Telephone/telephone 613-945-6765 CSN 422-6765 Cell/ cellulaire 613-898-0653


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