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Critical Period Hypothesis Introduction The Critical Period Hypothesis or CPH is the hypothesis that states there is a period

of growth in which near-native competence is possible when acquiring a language. This period happens before puberty or before the age of five. The acquisition of a language accent is much better and smoothly acquired by younger learners compared to adult learners. The critical period hypothesis has implications for teachers and learning programmes, but it is not universally accepted. Acquisition theories say that adults do not acquire languages as well as children because of external and internal factors, not because of a lack of ability. Classroom Setting Form Proficiency Level Mode Teaching Aids : Form 3 : Average : Whole Class/Group work : 1. Laptop 2. LCD Projector 3. Video (a short clip from an English movie) 4. Audio (a recording of random questions put together from authentic materials *movie/songs/TV show/etc*) 5. Scripts (short scripts from dramas for the students to dramatize).

Conduct: 1. Sets up laptop and LCD projector and plays the video (5 minutes). 2. Prompts the students to share their opinions verbally on what they think the video was about, what the characters were saying, what were the issues they can see, etc. (this is to introduce the students on native competence and accent to correlate with the main goal of this lesson). 3. Explains why certain people have native language competence while others can use the same language but of lower competence, especially the accent, due to early exposure during childhood as opposed to when they are older (explaining CPH indirectly). 4. Reaffirms the students on the topic and clears any doubts before moving on. 5. Introduces the next activity; students have to verbally answer random questions played from the audio file the teacher had already prepared, one question per student. The students will be called out randomly without notice

as to keep them alert (this activity is to let the students to not only listen to authentic material that has native language competence and accent but also to respond and produce appropriate feedback using their own language competence and accent. Also this functions as a way to lower their affective filter as the unpremeditated nature of the activity is fun). 6. Once the previous activity is done, proceeds to the next task which is a script dramatization. The teacher hands out scripts to the students in groups of four. They will have to dramatize the script with proper attitude, voice projection and intonation (this activity is to gauge how well the students can produce the language as well as giving them a chance to practice, identify and polish their language competence). 7. Summarizes the lesson and ends the class.

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