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The Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Inc D9710

Volume 17 No 13

Fellowship - The Kitchen

Meeting 762 26 Sep 13

I Really Am Ba'ack.
So our last meeting was another Fellowship Meeting at the Kitchen and I was yet again an apology. It certainly has taken me some time to get back on my feet, but hopefully this is it! I would have sent the Jerraganda out earlier, but we really do have some tardy people in our Club. This edition will also include some photos of the Ball and hopefully I can get some anecdotes from some of the party goers in the coming week, however some photos tell their own story!!!

The Club had its Fellowship meeting at The Kitchen. I understand the night went well, however I do know there was the Book launch which conflicted with the night. Pres Paul sent his report for meeting number 762 via email, which I will reproduce for the Pres each Fellowship meeting, because we have the bestest Club President in the District, and maybe Australia, or even the world!!! (was that nice Mr Pres?) Hi all, I hope everyone who attended the social meeting at the Jerra Kitchen had an enjoyable evening. Sue and I, together with the Spencers, Jarviss and Chris Hunter enjoyed attending the launch of Nichole Overalls book City of Champions, and rubbing shoulders with many of Queanbeyans celebrities, including Mark Webber and Jackie Stuart. The book is beautiful, and I encourage those of you who have not yet taken steps to acquire one, to do so. As a written Presidents report for the week, I can report that my time has been pretty much divided between the final arrangements for the Anniversary Ball and the Car Raffle. The Ball is on track for a great night with over 260 people attending, which includes all club members who are not interstate or overseas. A great turn out guys well done. We will be doing Hall decorating on Friday 27th from 10.30 am if anyone is free and wishes to drop buy and help. Also a follow up last touches will occur on Saturday morning from 10am. Then the big night

commences from 7pm for guests. Bring along some spare money or your credit cards as there are some pretty good silent auction items that may attract you to make a bid and get a bargain. With the Raffle, the combined efforts of members to sell tickets at the Riverside Plaza, the Jerra Shops and the EPIC markets saw us have a very good Saturday of sales with another $1300 in ticket sales coming in. Thank you also to members who individually sold tickets. The final sales will be on the night of the Ball and by the end of the night someone will be the lucky owner of a new car, and I will be very happy to never see another raffle. Quick reminder to the Farmers Market people on Saturday ( check to see if youre on) could you touch base with me tomorrow to grab a book of raffle tickets, just in case we have any last minute interest at the markets. Anyone who has not returned their raffle ticket stubs and money, please make sure you do so by Saturday. Cheers Paul

Apart from yours truly, who knows? Our attendance officer is extremely quiet.

Attendance was in David Steven's words actually there were no words.

Farmers Market Corner:

From the Pen of Jan Pettigrew It was an enjoyable morning as usual. Kerry managed all the parking which was chaotic as no provision had been made to cover the closed off disabled parking area. The area is expected to be closed for the next 2 weeks. I was told by Tamara that she will get temporary signs put up in the first 2 normal parking bays for the next two weeks. The rest of the morning passes uneventfully. The figures are: Tables $80, Water $26, Bags $122 FYI Anne: There are only 2 half boxes of bags left ( I think that was the info from Kerry who checked for me) Cheers,

Thanks Jan .
Market Takings for this week:

31 Aug 13

Jan Pettigrew, Kerry McPherson, Lynne McPherson

Tables $80.00

Bags $122.00

Water $26.00

Total $201.00

Comments: Jan, the serial marketeer!

What an absolutely fantastic night. I am going to use my power as the Jerraganda author to pay homage to our Club committee members for an extremely well run night. The decorations were absolutely spectacular, Sue Jarvis had a plan in mind and it came to fruition beautifully. The silent auction was set up and organised by a very professional Chris Hunter and ran like clockwork. The worker bees got on with the job of being worker bees and did it exceptionally well. In the words of Jan Pettigrew, I was told what to do and got on and did it!! And lets not forget Sue Roger, who by association with the club Pres, does lots more than I think even she realises. And of course there is Pres Paul Roger, who without his professionalism and stoic attitude, I have been told on more than one occasion, the night would not have gone ahead. Outstanding effort, Pres, take a bow.. And now for some of the photo highlights .

Wow Bruce, who is that hot chick?

Are you poking your tongue out David?

Well hello strangers!

What a great night.

Couple of good looking Punters!!

Smile Terry, its going to to be a great night!!

Check out my hot date. Thanks Mez!! Thanks Jan!!

Pretty suave there and you too Chilly

I wonder what Kerry is wearing under that kilt?

Thank you!!!

Photos just dont do the decorations justice, but believe me, fantastic .

Looking pretty gorgeous. and you too Anne!

And the winner of the best Costume? Our own AG!

Oh dear Pres photo bombing a ball photo? tsk tsk

Check out my moves

and this

ooh baby

Why is Sue looking away, and again mmm doesnt she like my moves?

The Melbourne Cup

Finally the camera is mine!

But the cup is mine!!!

and of course the photo we were all waiting for, the winner of the car!! Post from Paul..

Having quiet refreshment after presenting a car to the lovely raffle winner - Tina from Queanbeyan. In picture are from left to right - President of Jerrabomberra Rotary (me), the winner Tina, Bill Lilley of Bill Lilley Mitsubishi, and Sue Jarvis the Chair of the Friends of the Queanbeyan Show-ground who are the city benefit recipients of the raffle proceeds. at Royal Hotel Queanbeyan

Congrats Tina vroom, vroom!!

Markets this week David Bailey, David Stevens and Ian Wholohan Markets next week Kerry McPherson, Chilly Chilman and Paul Robey

Twitter: Go to @jerrarotary.

Invite your friends to like our FB Page.

17 Oct 13 31 Oct 13 14 Nov 13 16 Nov 13 21 Nov 13 Katherine Meacham Supporting Our Sisters Felix from St Judes Presentation AGM Jerra Rotary Club 15th Anniversary Celebration MS Mega Swim Celebration and Presentation (tentative)

Social & Special Events

11-13 Oct 13 1-4 Jun 14 D9710 Conference - Merimbula RI Conference - Sydney

Farmers Market
05 Oct 13 12 Oct 13 19 Oct 13 26 Oct 13 David Bailey, David Stevens, Ian Wholohan Chilly Chilman, Kerry McPherson, Paul Robey Peter and Sue Jarvis, George McIver Kerry and Lynne McPherson, Jon Wells

St Benedict's Roster
28 Oct 13 25 Nov 13 December 27 Jan 13 24 Feb 13 24 Mar 13 28 Apr 13 Peter and Sue Jarvis David Stevens and Bruce Miller NO BBQ Paul Robey and Kerry McPherson Robert Cooke and Jan Pettigrew Peter and Sue Jarvis David Stevens and Jan Pettigrew

Club Officers 2012-2013 President President Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Club Service Director Community Service Director International and Foundation Director Youth and New Generations Director Paul Roger Paul Robey Chris Hunter Glenn Wahlert David Bailey Paul Robey Sue Jarvis Terry Spencer Lynne McPherson

Club Service Members Director Sergeant Welfare Program & Fellowship Attendance & Meals Officer Communications and PR Welfare & Historian Jerraganda Editor Club Service Projects Paul Robey Mez Mulvaney Sue Roger Ian Wholohan David Stevens Chris Hunter Sue Roger Mez Mulvaney Colin Hobbs

Community Service Members Director BBQs Epic Markets Fairs Ball Bowel Care Projects Sue Jarvis Jan Pettigrew Anne Davis TBA Sue Jarvis & Jon Wells Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller

International Members Director Polio Plus RAWCS Foundation GSE/Friendship Exchange Terry Spencer Pam Spencer David Bailey George McIver Robert Chilman

Youth Service Members Director Local Programs District Programs National Programs International Programs Vocational Service Lynne McPherson Glenda Wahlert Robert Cooke Lynne McPherson TBA Peter Jarvis

Chartered Meets Apologies

Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra PO Box 8 Jerrabomberra NSW 2619 Email: 18 Nov 1998 Thursday 6.30 8.30 Jerrabomberra Public School David Stevens by 12 Noon Tue T: 0413519894 E: Mez Mulvaney 0419121128

Bulletin Contributions

Jerrabomberra Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellows 1998/99 2003/04 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2011/12 2012/13 Peter Jarvis, PP Gerry McNamara, PP Sue Jarvis, Keith Edmonds, PP, Jan Pettigrew, PP Pam Spencer, PP Terry Spencer, PP David Stevens, PP, Lydia Stevens, CSM, PP Mez Mulvaney, OAM, Liz Mulvaney David Bailey, Paul Roger

Rotarians of the Year 2000/01 2003/04 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Peter Jarvis, PHF, PP Garry Bradstreet Cathy Hobbs, Colin Hobbs Keith Edmonds, PHF, PP, Paul Hone Mez Mulvaney OAM, PHF, Liz Mulvaney, PHF Sue Roger Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Julia Worboys Robert Cooke Mez Mulvaney OAM, PHF


Alex Alexander David Bailey, PP Robert Chilman Robert Cooke Anne Davis, PP Cathy Hobbs Colin Hobbs, PP Chris Hunter, President, OAM Peter Jarvis, PHF,PP Sue Jarvis, PHF George McIvor Lynne McPherson Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Paul Robey Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Paul Roger Sue Roger Pam Spencer, PHF, PP Terry Spencer, PHF, PP David Stevens, PHF, PP Glenda Wahlert, PP Glenn Wahlert Jon Wells Ian Wholohan

Vera Alexander Vickie Still Phil Sixsmith

In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentor (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President). Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 20 members. We are an unusual club as we have a very high proportion of female Members. Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Storethe venue was very good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years. We now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm). As at 11 Jun 2013 the Club has 27 members 11 female and 16 male. Included in this are seven married couples. We also have 4 supporters of the Rotary Club. (Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club bulletin and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and (very) bad suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name; Jerraganda. The banner design by David Stevens was eventually selected. The design incorporates a goose and the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate.

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.

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