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Emmanuel Geneblaza Individual output Never Give Up

When I was a child, my fathers always tell me about basketball. He tells me about everything he does when he was still playing for his school. He teaches me different things that I need to learn to be a successful basketball player. My father was the one to introduce me into basketball; he disciplined me well and makes my mind concentrated on the game. My father is my inspiration; he is one of the reasons why I chose basketball as my sports and I really want him to be proud of me. When I was in college, I try to be a member of the team but unfortunately, there are many people who are born with great talent and skill. My father always tells me to do my best because it is not important to win because the most important thing is to do your best in any way and learn from your mistakes. I am in disbelief and very disappointed that I didnt make it in the team but my father is always there to cheer me up and tells me that it is okay. James Yap is one of my favorite player because I am amazed in every move or strategies he does. He also inspired me to work hard and to have determination to finish what I have started. He is also one of the reasons why I practice myself to be a good player in basketball. As time passes by, I graduated in one of the beautiful universities in the Philippines; still, I didnt make it in the team. I was walking in the hallway in our school to get my diploma when I noticed a paper stick against the wall. As I came closer to check what is written people are also looking at the paper. And guess what? It is said that theres an audition for the basketball and whoever win, that player will play not in the school but in the NBA! This was it! I will join and give my best. After the audition, I am nervously tapping my hands at the table. My mind cant focus and sweats are flowing. At last, a man called me and just stared at me and I just stared at him too. This time, I thought I lose again, so my eyes are getting blurred because of the tears but the man tapped my shoulder, he smiled and said Congratulations! Tomorrow you can start training with the others. My head lifted up and hug the man and said Thank you so much! Ive been waiting this for a long time! The man laughed and left. And I am left with tears, tears of joy! I went home to tell my dad the good news. Because of his overflowing happiness, my father decided to have a celebration of my success!

And now, I am one of the Most Valuable Player and won many games. I want to thank all the people who supported me and believes in me especially my father because of them I am not who I am today. I wrote this article to inspired all people and prove to them that skill and talent is not the most important thing, it is Bravery, Determination and Hard work, this things are simple words but very meaningful.

Nino Aeron C. Jadormeo Individual output From an Artist to a Journalist

I was about five years old when I started my career. My discovery was very unique. I was just asking my mother to come with me to watch the basketball in the arena. I was an avid fan of basketball. The arena was very hot and my mother wasnt feeling well. After the game, while we are on our way home, my mother fainted and loses balance so she fell to the ground. I panicked and dramatically cried for help. This was my first time to encounter things like these. Nearby there was some talent or event happening and I noticed that the director was looking at me curiously. When the director heard my voice, he went outside and looks at the situation even though we are already surrounded by many people; he still tried to see me. After my mother had recovered, the director talked to my mother that I have good skills in acting and he would be very glad if I join in. My mother agreed and we went home. After my wonderful and unique discovery, I was asked to have a special participation in a movie. Even though Im only seen in few scenes, everyone already became my fan and the movie was a big hit! It was the start of my successful career. It was also the start of my many projects, commercials, shows and movies. After eight years, still, I was an artist and my fans are increasing in numbers and Im very thankful to that. But I realized that I should have done something to make people remember the things I do or I have when I am still a star and thats when I realized that I want to be a journalist. I glanced at my bag and saw my best friend, my everyday diary. I wrote everything on what was happening to me everyday in my diary, its either the happiest or the most embarrassing things. One day, when our crew was preparing for my taping, my director saw my diary, due to curiosity; she picked my diary and ran at the back to read it. After my taping, I noticed that my diary was gone. I panicked like a kid. I searched everywhere but after a few minutes, my director tapped my shoulder, handed me my diary and said that he was amazed by the way I write. But then, I thought my director was the only one who read it but I was wrong, everyone in the dressing room had already read my diary and I didnt even noticed it! Everyone told me that I can be an author and be famous one day. Because of that, I quit acting and start another journey of my life. I joined some seminars about journalism and I enjoy a lot. I started to write books. First, I thought that no one would like my very first book but I was wrong, everyone bought the book! So I continue publishing books to keep my readers alive and active.

But after some time, I got tired on writing books but not really tired. I just wrote books frequently unlike before. It was about when I was in the age of 32 when I really stopped writing and concentrate more on my health and my family. I wrote this article to inspire other person who has the potential to write and act. I am cordially inviting you to enroll in my school known as AWA Academy. My objective is to make artist and journalist around the globe.

Mia Shannon Abayon Individual output (Headline) Key to a Meaningful Success

Hello to my readers! I thank each and every one of you for the continuous support you are giving to my daily editorial articles. For my article today, I will tell you my life before and today as a successful journalist. I am sharing my own story to the world in able to inspire the aspiring journalists for the future. So what do we mean by the word success? So far, the best definition I have come across is: "Success is the completion of anything intended." In other words success is finishing what you planned to do.

My Childhood is not perfect. I grew up with my Grandmother, Grandfather with my 2 aunts and my mother. I did not anymore meet my dad because he already left me and my mom. I didnt felt that my life is incomplete instead I felt happiness and contentment because they raised me as a good and responsible kid throughout my entire childhood. I encounter problems but I always stay strong. As a teenager I experienced a lot of trials but I strived hard for my study in able to become successful in the future. I sometimes receive insults from my schoolmates because of my family. My father left me since I was a kid and many people are very judgemental for the situation of my family. At a time of my life, I somehow feltjealousy for the families who are complete and I wish that I have one too. It also came to the point that I asked God, Why do I belong to an incomplete family? Why me? And I realized that Everything happens for a Reason. As I grew older, I continued my study and I gave my 100% in everything that I do. I also discipline myself when it comes to school works because I believe that someday my father who left me will be proud of what I achieved.I graduated Cum laude for Journalism in the Philippine University of Asia and the Pacific. At first, my career did not bloom because the job opportunity is very elusive for the fresh graduates. Therefore, I work hard to pass may resumes and bio data to employers whom I trust. I am determinate to find a job in able to help my family and to contribute to our necessities needed for our daily living. Its a Saturday afternoon when someone called me up through my cell phone. I picked up my phone and an old lady is speaking, We need an urgent journalist for an editorial article in Manila Times Today Publishing Company, Can you take this job now?, As soon as possible Ms Abayon? I was shocked that time as if my world stopped for a minute in able to digest what the old lady is saying. Then I immediately said Yes Madam. Then she told me to start writing editorial news about the common problems of society today. In writing my article, I gave my best shot and I

used the knowledge I learned academically and emotionally through my life experiences. I submitted my article at the Manila Times Today Publishing Company at exactly 7:30 pm through E-Mail. Before going to bed, I prayed for guidance, enlightenment and for my articles success to our Almighty God. The next morning, I woke up because of an early morning phone call Ms Abayon, Congratulations! Your Editorial Article received a lot of good feedbacks from our loyal readers! Congratulations! We are now hiring you as a Head Editorial Officer! I cried for joy, as I felt the tears running through my face as I thanked the Old Lady for that answered prayer and good news I was longing for. Today, I am still experiencing the success of a Journalist; I still keep my feet on the ground. I am thankful for the people who believed in my skills,to God, and for the people who stayed by my side when I am down. I believe in the saying Work Hard, Stay Humble and I will keep on Inspiring the youths that no one is an obstacle for being successful no matter what family you came from, no matter what you experienced in the past, just do your best as well work hard in everything that you do put your heart on it. Having a personal definition of what success means to you, and then setting goals accordingly, is the only way to achieve meaningful success.

Heidi Mae E. Balacanao Individual output Write a Book

When in the elementary and grade school levels, students get used to the routine of attending school because of social norms. It is whats normal and what everybody does. However, a number of those students barely realize the primary purpose of being in school or its very essence. In fact, even some of those about to graduate high school would still find the question What would you want to be? difficult. Im glad I did not. The moment I flipped through and finished world-famous novel, Harry Potter by British author J.K. Rowling, I knew I wanted to be a journalista feature writer to be precise. To know what you want in life is plotting a map for your journey and taking control of the wheel that drives your life. Having people to look up to and inspire are primary motivators. I owe my deep interest and enthusiasm in becoming a creative writera novelist, poet, etc. to those (like Rowling) who have written stories that are compelling, whether in fiction or creative non-fiction forms (magazine articles and other publication feature sections). Journalism has been stereotyped as news or sports writing alone. Although news and sports are significant forms of journalism that I respect, my greater interest lies in feature or creative writing. Writing, in any form, is no chicken of a game. Just as speaking, good writing is learned if it is made a habit. On the advent of technology, where most of the youth enjoy posting status updates in social networking websites, I prefer blogging. Micro blogging, like in Facebook or Twitter, does not hone as much as writing articles such as syntheses and recollections in blog-specific websites. Done regularly, one is sure to improve. To succeed in writing, just as in any other field, is not an overnight thing. No successful expert is in his/her position without trying to figuratively defy gravity. Nothing is as rewarding as hard work. People who never give up and push forward move forward. If this is not true, then rags to riches stories would not be popular. Just as J.K. Rowling, whose Harry Potter book 1 have been rejected by 12 different publications prior to all the fortune her novels have brought her, never gave up.

Knowing what you want to be and do in life out of high schoolor even college, for the matteris as important as defining who you are. It is said that there are three ways upon which you can immortalize yourself: plant a tree, bear a child or write a book.

Gillian N. Bernardino Individual Output (Editorial)

In this topic I will surely and gladly introduce myself, my name is Gillian N. Bernardino. I'm a successful journalist today, but before I became what I am now, I've been through tough times in my past life. When I was a kid, I like to read books in the library of our school. Sometimes time passes by fast I forgot the time of the curfew of our father. So every time I came home late my father always scolded me, but that didn't stop me from my habit. In school I have high grades but only few friends. Because i like to read and write the whole time I don't have any time to socialize too much. I liked to read newspaper and sometimes watch television. I started to create some little story of my opinions on news articles on my own, based from what I have read and watched. The time came that my teacher assigned us with an essay homework regarding about the common news that day. And so we did, the next day I can't believe what our teacher told me that I was the only one who got the highest grade. Of course I was proud of myself, but I didn't boast about it. Days passes so quickly I graduated from elementary and now on high school, one of my new teacher was impressed by what I'm showing to them, based on my grades especially in English where there was needed for our homeworks. She told me that I should join their club, the bookworm club, and that I should socialize a little bit more to the members of her club. I immediately said yes, it was fun I had plenty of friends just like me. For the first time I didn't felt left out, I had a colorful life. One day I started to post my writings to the internet, after that many people commented that may work was great, and so I posted more. All my stories were about the something, because I wanted to be a journalist I must write something about some matter, like an opinion. Many months and years had passed and I've graduated a summa cum laude of our class. After one month, one of my fan reader's offered me a job in the newspaper industry, because he was one of an owner of a publishing group. I accepted the job and continued what I'm doing until today that I'm already known. People asked me is it hard to write something about any matter of happening? Yes or No? The answer for me is no, writing my own opinions about some matter is easy, but for the others it's just maybe. Because in life difficulties are present all the times, some people find it easy, others hard, and for the rest both. Many people also asked me how I became a successful journalist. I think through myself, and I had found my answer. The key is that you should really know how to speak what's on your mind about some matter, and write it properly so that some people could develop interest in it. Others find it hard to do but once youre into it you could do what I can do. In my opinion everyone could have their own thinking about something, and others will surely listen to it. But still in the end everybody has their different thoughts and that we should respect them for it.

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