Key To A Meaningful Success

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Mia Shannon Abayon - Headline Key to a Meaningful Success

Hello to my readers! I thank each and every one of you for the continuous support you are giving to my daily editorial articles. For my article today, I will tell you my life before and today as a successful journalist. I am sharing my own story to the world in able to inspire the aspiring journalists for the future. So what do we mean by the word success? So far, the best definition I have come across is: "Success is the completion of anything intended." In other words success is finishing what you planned to do. My Childhood is not perfect. I grew up with my Grandmother, Grandfather with my 2 aunts and my mother. I did not anymore meet my dad because he already left me and my mom. I didnt felt that my life is incomplete instead I felt happiness and contentment because they raised me as a good and responsible kid throughout my entire childhood. I encounter problems but I always stay strong. As a teenager I experienced a lot of trials but I strived hard for my study in able to become successful in the future. I sometimes receive insults from my schoolmates because of my family. My father left me since I was a kid and many people are very judgemental for the situation of my family. At a time of my life, I somehow felt jealousy for the families who are complete and I wish that I have one too. It also came to the point that I asked God, Why do I belong to an incomplete family? Why me? And I realized that Everything happens for a Reason. As I grew older, I continued my study and I gave my 100% in everything that I do. I also discipline myself when it comes to school works because I believe that someday my father who left me will be proud of what I achieved. I graduated Cum laude for Journalism in the Philippine University of Asia and the Pacific. At first, my career did not bloom because the job opportunity is very elusive for the fresh graduates. Therefore, I work hard to pass may resumes and bio data to employers whom I trust. I am determinate to find a job in able to help my family and to contribute to our necessities needed for our daily living. Its a Saturday afternoon when someone called me up through my cell phone. I picked up my phone and an old lady is speaking, We need an urgent journalist

for an editorial article in Manila Times Today Publishing Company, Can you take this job now?, As soon as possible Ms Abayon? I was shocked that time as if my world stopped for a minute in able to digest what the old lady is saying. Then I immediately said Yes Madam. Then she told me to start writing editorial news about the common problems of society today. In writing my article, I gave my best shot and I used the knowledge I learned academically and emotionally through my life experiences. I submitted my article at the Manila Times Today Publishing Company at exactly 7:30 pm through E-Mail. Before going to bed, I prayed for guidance, enlightenment and for my articles success to our Almighty God. The next morning, I woke up because of an early morning phone call Ms Abayon, Congratulations! Your Editorial Article received a lot of good feedbacks from our loyal readers! Congratulations! We are now hiring you as a Head Editorial Officer! I cried for joy, as I felt the tears running through my face as I thanked the Old Lady for that answered prayer and good news I was longing for. Today, I am still experiencing the success of a Journalist; I still keep my feet on the ground. I am thankful for the people who believed in my skills, to God, and for the people who stayed by my side when I am down. I believe in the saying Work Hard, Stay Humble and I will keep on Inspiring the youths that no one is an obstacle for being successful no matter what family you came from, no matter what you experienced in the past, just do your best as well work hard in everything that you do put your heart on it. Having a personal definition of what success means to you, and then setting goals accordingly, is the only way to achieve meaningful success.

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