Running Promax 8-Bit Display Tools Using A "VNC Server" For An 8-Bit Desktop

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Running ProMAX 8-bit Display Tools Using a VNC Server for an 8-bit Desktop

Most new workstations are configured to utilize 24-bit color for display. A number of old ProMAX display tools will execute only in an 8-bit display mode. This document explains how to start a VNC server on your workstation and VNC client so you have an 8-bit color desktop. This allows you to keep your normal 24-bit desktop open, and have another desktop where you can run ProMAX using the 8-bit display modules. Start at the command line in an X-terminal on a 24-bit desktop (such as KDE or Gnome). Below is a snapshot of what you enter in bold, plus all of the prompts and messages you will see. In this example, the hostname is bblinux, the username is reb and the users home directory is /lair/reb.


vncserver -cc 3 -depth 8 -geometry 1200x1000

You will require a password to access your desktops. Password: Verify: New 'X' desktop is bblinux:1 Creating default startup script /lair/reb/.vnc/xstartup Starting applications specified in /lair/reb/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /lair/reb/.vnc/bblinux:1.log bblinux://lair/reb> vncviewer bblinux:1 VNC server supports protocol version 3.3 (viewer 3.3) Password: <<<<< enter your password again >>>>> VNC authentication succeeded Desktop name "reb's X desktop (bblinux:1)" Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.3 VNC server default format: 8 bits per pixel. Colour map (not true colour). Using default colormap which is TrueColor. Pixel format: 32 bits per pixel. Least significant byte first in each pixel. True colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue 0 Using shared memory PutImage Same machine: preferring raw encoding Cntl-z (pause job and put it in background so you regain control of the X-terminal) [1]+ Stopped vncviewer:1 bblinux://lair/reb> bg [1]+ vncviewer bblinux:1 bblinux://lair/reb> <<< enter a password; 111111 is easy to remember >>> <<< enter your password again >>>

The first time you run vncviewer, the following directory information will be created in your home directory: $HOME/.vnc/ $HOME/.vnc/xstartup Content of xstartup is this: #!/bin/sh # Red Hat Linux VNC session startup script exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

This startup script starts the vnc session to use the same desktop that you have configured when you logon to a machine. This might be KDE or Gnome or some other desktop. I have found it is nicer to run this 8-bit desktop using twm desktop, which is a very simple desktop. The color flashing and general appearance is nicer with this desktop than with KDE or Gnome in 8-bit color. Before you change to this desktop, be sure to confirm that you have twm installed in /usr/X11R6/bin.

In order to use twm, I modified my $HOME/.vnc/xstartup file to look like this: #!/bin/sh xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & twm &


Some basic things to understand You start the vncserver You start the vncviewer to connect to the server If you have only one ProMAX license, you will have to exit (or kill) the ProMAX user interface on the 24-bit desktop before you can open ProMAX on the 8-bit desktop. When you are finished with the vncviewer window, you should close it using the X in the far upper left or right of the window frame. If you leave the vncserver process running, you can open the vncviewer again without restarting the vncserver. You will be asked for the password every time you open the vncviewer Read the man pages for vncserver and vncviewer for more information. If you use the twm desktop, be aware that the desktop will come up empty the first time you start it. Press and hold MB1 to get a pop-up menu of options, then slide the cursor down to Xterm and release MB1. Click once to get the window to appear. The man pages for twm might be helpful.

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