Subram: 1.from The Founder's Desk

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E Newsletter from Sukuki Exnora Leelanagar SUBHEAD7-1-29/B/4, HERE Begumpet, Hyderabad-500016, INDIA October, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1

1.From the Founder's Desk

SUBRAM Meaning Clean is now in your hands. For us at Sukuki Exnora it was a dream to start a news letter. This becomes a reality. Thanks to the perseverance of Smt. Padma Nandyal, author of several books on Environment and activities for School children, SUBRAM is seeing the light of the day. We sincerely hope that we will be able to share and propagate Environment information and work through SUBRAM.

2. Think Eat Save-Reduce Your Foodprint

We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to About one third of all food production world-wide gets lost or wasted in the food production and consumption systems, amounting to 1.3 billion tonnes. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted annually; while 1 in every 7 persons in the world go to bed hungry. Environmental protection is not a single-day campaign. This is a life-long cause of day-to-day efforts of every citizen of the world. To draw the global public attention to food security, supply and conservation this year the World Environment Day theme is Think.Eat.Save - a campaign to reduce the global food print.Think. Eat. Save aims to help people make informed decisions about food as well as make them realize the impact food has on the world resources. How can we reduce the impact and amount of food wastage? Shop smartly Dont become a victim of marketing gimmicks that fools you into buying more than you need. Plan your meals weekly and shop accordingly to avoid impulsive purchases. Recycle your leftovers Rice, vegetables & lentils can be recycled to create some delicious meals and save your cooking time. Order less Its easy to be tempted by the menu at your favourite restaurant when eating out or ordering-in and order more than you can eat. While ordering, request for smaller portions to avoid wastage.

Buy local and seasonal Reduce your footprint by buying from your local market and supporting local farmers. Seasonal vegetables taste better and are more economical. They also last longer and thus reduce your daily food wastage. Donate At the end of every month, check your store/fridge for any unspoiled non-perishable and perishable food items. Try to consume them before their expiration date, and donate the remaining items to the needy. Did you know ? It takes 1,000 litres of water to produce 1 litre of milk? 1 in every 7 people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of 5 die daily from hunger. Approximately 98% of the worlds hungry live in developing nations. Uneaten food ends up rotting in landfills as the single largest component of US solid waste In India, 23 million tonnes of food cereals, 12 million tonnes of fruits and 21 million tonnes of vegetables are lost each year, with a total estimated value of 240 billion Rupees The impact of food waste is not just financial. Environmentally, food waste leads to: - Wasteful use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides - More fuel used for transportation - More rotting food, creating more methane one of the most harmful greenhouse gases that contributes to climate change. Methane is 23 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. - The vast amount of food going to landfills makes a significant contribution to global warming Our actions: Now what we can do in a small way? Let us take oaths: 1) We will take maximum numbers of vegetarian meals (at least twice a week) 2) We will go for locally produced food as far as possible. 3) We will purchase the minimum amount of food which can be consumed within couple of days (before they perish) 4) We should cook minimum amount of food and store the excess food in refrigerator for future use. 5) We will consume fresh foods/vegetables as far as possible and avoid frozen food/processed food. 6) Each one of us will educate at least 100 people/year on the issues related to food crisis and its environmental impact.

At least a third of everything we grow on this planet is lost between the field and the consumer. It is an ethical, economic and environmental issue given the enormous waste of energy, water, fertilizers and other inputs as a result of food that is produced but never eaten. By reducing food waste, we can save money and resources, minimize environmental impacts and, most importantly, move towards a world where everyone has enough to eat. The idea is to help everyone become more conscious of the amount of food theyre trashing So lets take a vow today To take in our plate only that much which we can eat , so that even a single grain may not go waste

3. Orentatation Programme on Environment Education as part of Envi Quiz 2013 for School Teachers

Students e are the key ambassadors of this planet and they have proven to be an important group for taking actions to address environmental issues in the past. They are an important source of creativity, enthusiasm, and drive for any action to address environmental change. As teachers are the change makers and motivators, Sukuki Exnora has organized the annual orientation programme on Environment Education for school teachers as part of Envi Quiz for students on 24th august at centre for Economic & Social studies (CESS) Ameerpet . Maj.Shiva Kiran welcomed the teachers and updated the details about the quiz. Dr.RP Khajuria, member environment,HMDA spoke about the activities going in HMDA and the role of teachers in changing the mind set of students.Dr.WG Prasanna Kumar Director,APNGC, Social Scientist APPCB emphasized the need of environment education in schools from the grassroots. Kadar Saheb, Joint Director,DMA spoke about the importance of solid waste management and segregation of waste at the source.There were few presentations on how hazardous are the polybags .As this year the World Environment Day theme is of Think.Eat.Save - a campaign to reduce the global foodprint, teachers were involved in interactive session how to minimize the wastage of food and realize the impact food has on the world resources

4. Lets bring back this into practice-Use of clay Ganesha

The awareness amongst people for eco-friendly Ganesha idols is increasing every year. If we all have the will to do a bit to make difference and preserve our environment, then use clay ganesha. Clay Ganesha idols are made out of natural clay which is kneaded and made into dough and then moulded into form. These idols are then painted with natural environment friendly colours. Such clay idols are especially useful as they dissolves faster in water and does not create any harm to marine life. We can even immerse them in a bucket of water or in local ponds or tanks.Festivals are to be celebrated in keeping with spirit of ecological sustainment. It is high time we all bring this back into practice. ECO-FRIENDLY GANESHA Amrit apartments residents over the past many years have been celebrating Ganesh festival with great enthusiasm . Recognising the present environmental demands this year eco friendly Ganesha was installed. I would like to appreciate the fact that most of the residents have adopted the use of eco Ganesha. On behalf of Amrit Apartment residents, I would like to thank NGO Organization for their initative in promoting the eco-Friendly Ganesha which was more aesthetic , uncoloured, large in size. All residents were cooperative in making contribution towards conducting the event. Cultural program consisting of Bhajans, Kids dance program and anthakshari was held followed by dinner. Steps was also taken for proper disposal of Pooja Materials and Ganesha Visarjan in eco friendly manner..

5. Green Initiative
Under Green initiative Column we have taken All Saints High School ,Abids as the role model for the wonders they have taken. The Eco-club members made a Terrace Garden with variety of plants. First they created interest in children by giving them some seeds of Maize, Sunflower and saplings of Marie-gold which are short duration plants. Children enjoyed watering them and their growth as each pot had their name and class written. They used to take care of them.

Next stage came in the original terrace garden, 35 to 40 cement pots for fruits like Guava, Mango, Pomegranate, Papaya, Mulberry, Almond, Gooseberry, Star fruit, Banana etc were planted by the children. Their management took special interest and Principal Rev. Bro. Shajan Antony has provided all the infrastructural facilities and encouragement for our students in doing these. Around 20 to 30 fruit plants were planted with their botanical names. Among those plants, there was a Desert zone where 15 different types of cactuses were planted, a Medicinal plant zone where medicinal plants like 2 varieties of Tulsi, Aloevera, Betel leaves, Insulin plant, Stevia, Polyvitaminosis etc. 15 different medicinal plants were reared. There was also a vegetable zone where Beans, Peas, Brinjals, Ladys fingers, Pudina, Coccina, Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Ridge gourd, Snake gourd, Coriander etc were grown. In the flower zone we could find 30 varieties of Roses, 30 varieties of Chrysanthemums , different crotons ornamental plants etc. This Terrace garden facilitates both teaching and learning , helps as teaching aids, desert adaptations as lessons of agricultural practices. More than these, a sense of belonging towards nature is created among the students.


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Reason to recycle
Helps to preserve forests. Reduces litter, waste, and pollution Conserves valuable natural resources Encourages creativity Reduces the need for land fills. Creates jobs and promotes economic development.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one single step Lao Tse

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