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Galuh Satrio W 2215110865

Organizing the Main Body

2. The sections below comprise the main body of an essay titled Studying abroad: an analysis of costs and benets. Decide on the heading of each section and the best order for them. Answer a) Comparisons of the advantages and disadvantages that students m e n t i o n e d a b o u t study abroad and an attempt to decide if most students beneted from the experience. (Discussion) b) Detailed description of the survey carried out by the researcher. (Methods) c) An extensive study of two students (from different cultures) studying in Britain whowere interviewed by the researcher. (Case Study) d) A report of what the survey found, with statistical analysis. (Findings) *** The order should be B, D, C, A

3. Match the examples of plans for main bodies below to the structures above. Answer a) Prisons make criminals worse, and should be abolished Discuss. i) benet of prisons deterrence ii) benet of prisons removes dangerous people from society iii) drawback of prisons prisoners lose contact with non-criminal society iv) drawback of prisons prisoners become bitter and learn criminal techniques *** For and against the first type 1 Because the the organization of the body is stating the two benefits of prisons and the next ideas are stating the drawbacks of prisons. b) In the UK, radio is gaining audience while TV is losing viewers. Consider possible reasons. i) radio can be listened to in many situations

Galuh Satrio W 2215110865 ii) radio offers a wide variety of programme types iii) radio does not demand full attention, e.g. background music iv) TV lacks exibility , needs full attention v) economic factors: TV more expensive to buy/programmes more expensive to make vi) high production costs may result in poor quality of programme *** Comparison Because it is comparing the radio and tv by explaining about the radio firstly and then the second part is explaining about the TV

4. Inside the main body, ideas need to be presented in the most logical fashion, linked together to form a coherent argument. Re-organise the notes below to achieve the best structure. Answer: a) Trace the development of the factory system and evaluate its social impact. 1.Factories originally sited to make use of water power (in 18th C.) 2. In nineteenth century factories built near canals/railways for access to markets 3. First factories employed unskilled workers; often women and children 4. Early employers enforced strict codes of discipline 5. Workers forced to adopt a regular timetable to maintain production 6. Later some employers offered social benets, e.g. housing/education b) Lowering the minimum school leaving age to 14 would allow teachers to focus on teachingthe students who wanted to be in school Discuss 1. Many older students have lost interest in learning and disrupt classes 2. Problem students waste everybodys time, including their own 3. Some students more suited to work that doesnt require qualifications 4. In future, almost all jobs will demand academic skills 5. If they left at 14, students would be unlikely to nd proper jobs 6. Effort should be made in primary schools to prevent pupils falling behind

Galuh Satrio W 2215110865 6. Complete with suitable phrases the following extract from an essay onBritish weather

The British are famous all over the world for their obsession with the weather, but in fact the reality is more complex than people often believe. This essay sets out to examine some of the principal inuences on the weather of the British Isles. ______The reasons______ is the geographical position of Britain, situated on the extreme western edge of the European continent. This means that a variety of weather types can dominate the country ______from the beginning_______. The Atlantic Ocean can produce warm wet winds, especially in winter. ____Next____ the land mass of Europe can create anti cyclonic weather, hot in summer and cold in winter. ___Finally____ the polar region to the north can generate cold winds at most seasons of the year. __ In a matters regarding__ variations within Britain, there are signicant differences between regions. ___First,___ the south of England can be much warmer than the north of Scotland, especially in winter. __Second__ the west of Britain is usually much wetter than the east. ___And the last,___ even in the same district, hilly areas will be cooler and wetter than the lowlands ____Another thing__ is seasonal change, which in Britain is less distinct than in many countries. __First,__ the Atlantic moderates extreme types of weather, and __then__ the weather pattern can change radically from year to year. As a result warm days in winter and chilly summer winds frequently surprise visitors to this country.

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