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1. Please explain why you are interested in this position.

Describe the cross-cultural experiences and personal and professional qualifications that will help you if hired. (Please limit your response to 500 words.)

I firmly believe that I possess the requisite experience, skills and attributes that are necessary to be successful within this post. I have acquired a wide and diverse range of skills and expertise in a multitude of challenging educational and industrial settings; within which I have successfully inspired individuals to maximise their learning potentials and attainment. This has been manifested via a number of unprecedented milestone achievements; which are particularly and profoundly evident within my education, training and my teaching. My confidence, communication skills and being a meticulous planner and organiser has enabled me to acclimatise as a professional EFL teacher. I have attained a commendable track record in enabling pupils that have consistently underachieved, due to a number of factors such as: disaffection, disengagement, laziness, poor self confidence and self esteem, to realise and fulfil their maximum learning potentials. This has been achieved by virtue of developing and nurturing positive and productive relationships with pupils, within a friendly and harmonious classroom environment and also by actively promoting and nurturing a can-do work ethic. I have motivated, inspired, engaged and cajoled pupils to consistently strive to work to the best of their ability and take risks without the fear of failure. Furthermore, I have celebrated the success of pupils and lauded them for their endeavour and attainment. I am of the firm conviction that this post will provide me with an ideal opportunity to further enhance and develop my expertise as a dedicated and committed EFL teacher, and also permit me to develop in a personal capacity. I am actively seeking an exciting challenge that will inspire and stimulate me to expand my professional horizons, and I feel that this would be realised within your organization. In summary, I would contend that I have the professional attributes, and positive personality traits, that would be commensurate to being successful within this role. I am extremely conscientious and this is allied to a determined work ethic, and a desire to always work to the best of my ability at all times. Moreover, I fully understand the importance of being dedicated which allows the students to fulfil their potential. Finally, I would hope to demonstrate that I am an inspirational role model, to both my colleagues and particularly the students whose educational provision and entitlement I would diligently and wholeheartedly aim to serve.

Our curriculum is based on the premise that the teachers role is not so much to teach language as to create situations in which students can learn. Please describe how you would adapt to this instructional model and explain how your TESOL training and previous teaching experience have prepared you for this teaching challenge. ()Please limit your response to 500 words.)

My TESOL training has given me the confidence, knowledge and the expertise to be able to maximise the learning potential of my students and to increase their ability and proficiency in the English language. A technique that is commonly applied by me is engaging students in lessons and encouraging them to draw on life experiences and to communicate confidently regardless of the audience. Friendly, honesty and motivation are tools that can be constantly viewed in my classroom and these enable my students to be able to learn in a relaxed yet informative environment. I feel for students to maximise their learning experience as it is very important for them to feel comfortable in their surroundings as well as being comfortable with the teacher. My teaching experience has produced situations where my classroom has been occupied by students of different nationalities and of different abilities, and this plays a paramount role in the effectiveness of my planning and the utilisation of the resources that are available to me and are used. My initial strategy in the classroom is to build rapport with my learners and to determine a healthy and professional relationship with my learners who will strive to learn individually and collectively as a group. The questioning of students (open & close questions) allows me to initially assess the ability of the students and also allows me to assess if the content of the lesson is being comprehended by the students or not. Assessment by various techniques further enhances the learners learning and shows me if there are any knowledge gaps which need to be addressed by me. Feedback, verbally and written, is crucial for the learners as it can be used both as a tool for praise and as a model for improvement. All of the above demonstrates my approach to teaching English efficiently and enabling my learners to be able to learn and achieve in a safe welcoming environment, whilst maximising their learning potential and gaining an invaluable classroom experience.

3. Describe a recent lesson you have taught. What would a visitor to your class observe?

On entry to the classroom I initially greet the students and I begin by taking the register and make a note of any absentees. Taking of the register allows me to interact with the students and build rapport which helps the build up of a friendly atmosphere which is vital Before the students arrive, I generally put up the topic of the subject on the whiteboard with the intention of arousing interest of the students as soon as they enter the class and this automatically engages their brain into thinking about the content of the lesson. I continue by presenting the learning outcomes of the lesson and give the students a general feel of how the lesson will be conducted. The main portion of the lesson is spent by the students speaking English to myself and to their class peers regarding the task I set out, whenever I set a task up, I make sure that the task is set up properly with a demonstration and then I concept check which the students to make sure that the students understand on what they are suppose to do. Depending on the topic of the lesson and the way the lesson has been planned the student may be split into pairs or groups to be able to assist each other when learning, so I will make sure that room and table arrangements are made to facilitate either pair or group work. Constructive feedback will evidently feature throughout the lesson and this will be used as a tool to for motivation of the students and to assist the learners in improving their use of the English language. The lesson will ultimately finish with a recap of the topics/subjects covered and a revisit of the learning outcomes to ensure that they have been fully achieved. A visitor to my class would clearly observe a well planned and organised lesson with plenty of interaction and engagement from the students. They would also acknowledge the students are having an enjoyable experience learning and are actively participating in the success of the lesson for their benefit as well as the benefit of their peers. Finally, they would also realise that the Teacher Talk time is bare minimum.

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