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SHORT PROPOSAL MASTER IN SCIENCE (IT-MANAGEMENT) MCM1180/1190 Research Title: Your Chosen Project topic Student Name: Your

Name Matric card number: Proposed Supervisor: Supervisors name (if any)


Introduction Introduce the reader to the area in which you will be working. This includes basic

definitions and explanations geared towards an intelligent undergraduate computer science student who has never been exposed to your area of work. Examples of introduction: Example 1: Developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have impacted all sectors such To ensure effective working of information security, various controls and measures had been implemented .. However, lack of proper .. Undoubtedly, the most important of these controls is the Hence, this project examines. Example 2: A wireless local area network is . WLAN have gained popularity.. The emphasis is This project is concerned about security issues. However, this project will only focus on which . Example 3: An access control is . However, human authentication is the security task. However, . A more practical approach is to. This project implements . by using .

Sample Short Proposal


Background of the Problem

Proceed to describe what sort of work has already been done and exactly what you propose to do, going into as much detail as possible. Indicate the technical importance and/ or interest of your proposed work. In discussing previous work you should cite references gathered in a literature search including critiques and summaries of the references read and cited. 1.2 Problem Statement

Examples of problem statement: Example 1: A review on the list of journal listed in .. This shown that there is no research had been conducted for other aspect of .. As the is responsible for preparing the This will provide some assurance that the universitys resources will be taken care and effectively protected. Hence, a study on the . with regards to .. is needed due to lack of empirical study on this area. Example 2: Wireless environment is not restricted to. Many researches carried out to. However, not all of them are effective In contrast, the proposed project is a . Example 3: Statistics showed that there is an urgent need to protect multimedia content. The estimated trade loss was. Thus to reduce the impact of threats security awareness is extremely important in 1.3 Research Questions What Why How Who Why

Sample Short Proposal


Research Objectives (must be tallied to the RQ) Examples To investigate the To determine the . To examine the . To identify . To design.. To compare To enhance. To integrate. To automate To measure To evaluate To estimate To verify To analyse


Research Scope

What the research will/will not cover. The boundaries of the study Examples The scope for this study focuses on.. Will address investigation steps on major phases of digital evidences. Interview To understand and to have richer explanation on .. Develop Questionnaires and conduct a survey To obtain feedback from IT management and operational employee. Conducting interviews with selected respondents (students/organizations.) Use quantitative/qualitative software To perform data analysis Eg SPSS ver or Amos ver. Or Nvivo ver 1.6 Significance of the Study

Sample Short Proposal What are the main contributions of your study, to theory? To method? To practice?.

1.7 Methodology How the research is going to be executed? Qualitative/Quantitative? Example of Operational Framework Phase 1
Project Initiation & Planning
Literature Review

Phase 2

Data collection Questionnaires

Interview & observation

Analyze Data, SPSS

Phase 3

Design impact of Social networking model for UTM

No Evaluate Model

Phase 4
Report Writing


1.8 Gantt Chart & Milestones References ( refer to Theses Manual-July, 2007 from

Sample Short Proposal Either use Harvard System (Author and Year system) highly recommended Examples of Harvard System referencing

(1980b). Resolved-Acceleration Control of Mechanical Manipulators. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. 25(3): 468-474. Soderstrom, T., and Stoica, P. (1989). System Identification. United Kingdom: Prentice Hall International Ltd.

Alternatively Examples of Number System referencing

[1] Soderstrom, T., and Stoica, P. (1989). System Identification. United Kingdom: Prentice Hall International Ltd. [2] Luh, J. Y. S., Walker, M. W., and Paul, R. P. (1980b). Resolved-Acceleration Control of Mechanical Manipulators. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. 25(3): 468-474.

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