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Famous people

William the Conqueror he ordered a survey to be made1 of all things in his kingdom: this was to be the famous Domesday Book

Oliver Cromwell -

took power away from the monarchy and gave it to the people in the form of a stronger parliament introduced a fashion of clothing that was plain2 is considered as a cruel dictator who massacred many Catholics in Ireland became Lord Protector after the king was defeated and executed

Admiral Horatio lord Nelson


was known to ignore the orders of seniors3 successfully destroyed Napoleons fleet and cut off the direct trade route to India his most famous victory was at Cape Trafalgar when he saved Britain from invasion by Napoleon

Queen Victoria -

becoming Queen at the age of 18 was the longest reining English monarch after death of her husband she dressed in black for the rest of her life was strongly in favour of an imperial Britain she became Empress4 of India and her empire extended 5 to include Canada, Australia, India, New Zealand and large parts of Africa

Winston Churchill
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become Prime minister and refused to surrender6 to the Nazis

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he was voted out of office7 - he continued to campaign in opposite and focused on the problems of the Cold War coined the term The Iron Curtain8

Margaret Thatcher -

was Britains first female Prime Minister served three consecutive terms was an advocate of privatisation9 was a close friend of US President Regan reformed the trade unions10, lowered taxes and reduced inflation - on the negative side, unemployment rose rapidly and there were strikes and civil conflicts

Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States founded the University of Virginia was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence in 1776 - the central ideas of the Declaration of Independence, that all men are equal and have the right to life and liberty, continue to influence political thinking to this day established a nation that brought together many people with varied political opinions

Abraham Lincoln the 16th president of the US was known for his anti-slavery and anti-war views candidate as the Republican presidential soon after his election the southern states left the Union to form the Confederate States of America - in 1861 the Civil War began the war was not only over the abolition of slavery but also the rights of individual states to make their own decisions on other issues issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 - it declared all of the slaves free was assassinated11 on April 15. 1865 by a confederate sympathiser

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the only President elected to four terms in office12 had had polio13 and was not able to walk - he was careful never to be seen in a wheelchair14 in public took office in early 1933 when the US was in the middle of the Great Depression15 introduced a program he called the New Deal 16 - in this program many people got jobs with government during the war worked closely17 with Winston Churchill to create strategy and to plan the post-war world

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a great believer in space program the most important event during his term was the Cuban Missile Crisis ordered a naval blockade18 around Cuba - it appeared the US and USSR would go to war was assassinated in Dallas

Ronald Regan though his economic policies were mostly ineffective was very anti-communist was very successful in bringing about an end to the Cold War during his terms in office, he dramatically increased government spending on defense19

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