Storing Cut Flowers

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Proper Temperatures for Storing Cut Flowers

By Brenda Ingram-Christian, eHow Contributor Rapid cooling and proper temperature are key to maintaining the vitality of newly cut flowers. Most cut flowers prefer temperatures at 32 to 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit, according to, with a relative humidity of 95 to 99 percent. Pre-Cooling Flowers have high respiration rates which can cause them to dry out quickly. Getting your harvested flowers from field to storage as quickly as possible is key to their survival and longevity. Flowers that are packed quickly for shipment should be cooled prior to placing them in boxes or they should be placed in boxes with vents to allow cool air to reach them.

Tropical Flowers Tropical flowers can be sensitive to cold storage and should be stored at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If they become too chilled, you may notice leaf or petal darkening or drying out. Anthurium, bird of paradise, ginger, some orchids and a variety of foliage plants are sensitive to colder temperatures, according to

Bulb Flowers Tulips, narcissus and hyacinths store best at 33 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity of 90 percent or more, according to University of Massachusetts Amherst. They have a relatively short shelf life of three to seven days, dependent on the care that is given post harvest. Gladiolas can be stored dry for up to a week or stored in a floral preservative for up to two weeks at 36 to 40 F, according to Kansas State University.

Roses Roses need to be stored at 33 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit or the blooms may not open, or they may experience a short vase life.

Considerations Never store fruit in the same cooler with fresh cut flowers. Fruit, especially apples, produces ethylene gas which will cause cut flowers to age faster.

What is the floral fridge temperature for flowers?

Written by cassie damewood Florists rely on the quality and freshness of their flowers to build and maintain a loyal clientele. To ensure their supplies of cut flowers last as long as possible, their coolers and refrigerators must consistently be kept at precise temperatures.

Keeping flowers at the right temperature preserves their beauty. Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images Refrigerator Temperatures A floral cooler or refrigerator's ideal temperature is between 1.11 and 2.22 degrees Celsius for cut flowers in a hydrating solution, although many units hover at around 38F. Temperatures that fluctuate 5 degrees plus or minus of 38F can destroy or shorten the lives of flowers. If the flowers have been removed from the hydrating mixture and placed in a preservative emulsion, they store best at a constant 34F. Display Units Fresh flowers in a display unit also keep best between 34 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent drooping or lost blooms. The containers should be plastic as metal may alter the pH balance of the water or alter the preservative qualities of additives. Humidity Requirements Besides controlled temperatures, the humidity of floral storage areas must be carefully controlled. Storage and display units need humidity levels of 90 to 95 per cent. Flowers placed in preservatives require a minimum humidity level of 80 per cent. Flowering Potted Plants Bulbs as flowering potted plantskeys to increased longevity (1.99MB pdf) Commercial transport of flowering potted plants: keeping quality beyond the bench (30.45MB pdf) Deliver poinsettias the consumer will enjoy. (1.16MB pdf) Effect of Nitrogen and Sulfur Applications on Post Chrysanthemum Production and Postharvest Performance. II Plant Growth Responses (24.68MB pdf) Effects of exogenous sucrose on carbohydrate levels, flower respiration and longevity of potted miniature rose (Rosa hybrida) flowers during postproduction (7.33MB pdf) Effects of Production and Postproduction Factors on Longevity and Quality of Kalanchoe (3.47MB pdf) Growing Longer Lasting Bedding Plants (6.22MB pdf) High Production Temperature Increases Postproduction Flower Longevity and Reduces Bud Drop of Potted, Miniature Roses 'Meriutral' and 'Medianclar' (623KB pdf)

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Information about cut flowers Cut Flowers

Espaol AFE Special Report: Identifying Long-Lasting Cut Carnation Varieties (38KB pdf) AFE Special Report: Identifying Long-Lasting Cut Rose Varieties (65KB pdf) AFE Special Report: Improving Postharvest Performance of Alstroemeria (114KB pdf) AFE Special Report: Preventing Ethylene Injury to Fresh Cut Flowers (42KB pdf) AFE Special Report: Preventing Leaf Yellowing of Cut Oriental Hybrid Lilies (48KB pdf) AFE Special Report: Storage Temperature Effects on Cut Rose Varieties (58KB pdf) AFE Special Report: Three C's of Success with Fresh Cut Flowers - Care AFE Special Report: Three C's of Success with Fresh Cut Flowers - Cleanliness AFE Special Report: Three C's of Success with Fresh Cut Flowers - Cooling Bacteria-Free "Solutions" (703KB pdf) Can't Take the Heat (2.96MB pdf) Chill Out! (666KB pdf) Cleanliness Counts (584KB pdf) Cut Flowers: Handle with Care - Delivering Quality Flowers in a Global Marketplace (2.63MB pdf) De-myth-tifying Cut Flower Care (1.67MB pdf) Ethylene Happens (1.57MB pdf) Ethylene Protection (2.38MB pdf) Freshness Test: Will Your Flowers Pass? (2.03MB pdf)

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In What Temperature Should Fresh Flowers Be?

By Jacob J. Wright, eHow Contributor A bouquet of fresh cut flowers usually brings a smile to someone's face. Since these flowers lost their natural water source once severed from the plant, clean and fresh water maintains their beauty. Temperature also plays a central role in the longevity of cut flowers. Cooler temperatures slow bud opening or decay of stem and petal tissues. Too warm temperatures hasten flower decay and increase the need for stems to absorb adequate water. Transportation to Market

Do not refrigerate tropical cut flowers or foliage stems.

Whether grown thousands of miles away or a few feet from your front door, fresh cut flowers begin to deteriorate once cut from the mother plant. Harvest of flowers often occurs in cool, morning temperatures when plant tissues are turgid with liquid. Buds are tightly closed in anticipation of later opening. During long-distance transport, refrigeration between 33 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit prolongs shelf life of temperate-climate cut flowers like tulips, roses, lilies, pussy willows, camellias and lilacs. Tropical flowers, such as heliconias, gardenias and gingers, suffer at temperatures below 55 F, so slightly warmer reduced temperatures are needed during transport. Room Temperatures

Lilacs last longer in cooler, spring-like conditions. Once on display, cooler temperatures slow the opening and duration of petals in individual flowers. Interior spaces between 65 and 72 F supply cool temperatures to prolong fresh cut flower vase life. Avoid placing cut flowers in direct sunlight where infrared radiation heats up flower petal tissues and increase their need to absorb water to remain firm and fresh looking. Tropical flowers suffer when exposed to chilly drafts near exterior windows and doors.

Water Temperatures

Roses appreciate cool water for longer vase life. Cut flower stems need to be initially placed in clean, fresh water at 110 F, according to the University of Minnesota Extension. The very warm water facilitates rapid movement of water molecules upward into the flower stems and is referred to as hardening. Keep the flower stems in the water and allow the water to cool naturally to room temperature. Temperatezone flowers appreciate a cooler water temperature alongside cooler room temperatures. Tropical flowers need at least room temperature water or slightly warmer around 75 F, since their plant tissues don't normally receive chilly water in their growing environments.

Longevity Tips If the cut flower species is naturally from a cool habitat or flowers in a cool season, keep room and water temperatures as cool as you can to prolong the flower display. Avoid refrigeration and chilly water conditions for flowers that come from plants native to tropical regions. The use of commercial floral preservatives is better than homemade remedies, according to Mary H. Meyer of the University of Minnesota Extension.

What Is the Floral Fridge Temperature for Flowers?

By Cassie Damewood, eHow Contributor

Florists rely on the quality and freshness of their flowers to build and maintain a loyal clientele. To ensure their supplies of cut flowers last as long as possible, their coolers and refrigerators must consistently be kept at precise temperatures. Refrigerator Temperatures A floral cooler or refrigerator's ideal temperature is between 34 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit for cut flowers in a hydrating solution, although many units hover at around 38 F. Temperatures that fluctuate 5 degrees plus or minus of 38 F can destroy or shorten the lives of flowers. If the flowers have been removed from the hydrating mixture and placed in a preservative emulsion, they store best at a constant 34 F. Display Units Fresh flowers in a display unit also keep best between 34 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent drooping or lost blooms. The containers should be plastic as metal may alter the pH balance of the water or alter the preservative qualities of additives.

Humidity Requirements Besides controlled temperatures, the humidity of floral storage areas must be carefully controlled. Storage and display units need humidity levels of 90 to 95 percent. Flowers placed in preservatives require a minimum humidity level of 80 percent.

How to Store Flowers in the Refrigerator

By Cameron Easey, eHow Contributor

How to Store Flowers in the Refrigerator(Photo: Jeffrey Chen/Demand Media) Flowers or flower arrangements that are received as a gift or for a special occasion can be kept for long periods if they are properly stored. The key to storing flowers is to slow down the flowers development and water loss. One way to do this is by putting the flowers or arrangement in your refrigerator. Just make sure that there is enough room.

(Photo: Jeffrey Chen/Demand Media) Fill the flower vase about three-quarters full with water.

(Photo: Jeffrey Chen/Demand Media) Place the flowers that you want to keep in the vase.

(Photo: Jeffrey Chen/Demand Media) Check the temperature of your refrigerator and make sure that it is set at or below 40 degrees.

(Photo: Jeffrey Chen/Demand Media) Clear an area in your refrigerator to set the vase of flowers. Make sure to remove any fruit because they should not be stored with the flowers.

(Photo: Jeffrey Chen/Demand Media) Place the vase with the flowers on a shelf in the refrigerator. Keep the flowers in the refrigerator for at least six hours each night. This will allow enough time for the flowers to absorb the water and will stay fresh longer.

Optimal Temperature for Storing Flowers

By Fiona Wood, eHow Contributor Cut flowers need to be well-hydrated to last. They should be kept in a cool place, but the water in their vase right after they are cut should be warm. Right after Cutting Flowers absorb warm water better than they absorb cool water. To ensure maximum hydration, place them in a vase filled with water that is about 110 degrees Fahrenheit, about the temperature of bath water. Then place them somewhere cool for an hour or two.

Storage Temperature Storing flowers at about 35 degrees Fahrenheit will keep them fresh longest. Cool temperatures minimize water loss and slow development. Any temperature above freezing but below 40 or 50 degrees Fahrenheit will work well. If the flowers are being displayed in a

room warmer than that, putting them in the fridge or another cool place at night or whenever they are not being displayed will prolong their vase life. Other Considerations Storing flowers in a fridge full of fresh produce may decrease their vase life, as fruits and vegetables release ethylene, a ripening hormone that speeds aging in flowers.

How Long Can Fresh Flowers Live Without Water?

By Sarah Polson, eHow Contributor Fresh flower arrangements are often used to mark a special occasion, brighten someone's day or to just brighten up a room. How long those flowers will last depends on the type of flowers as well as on what you do to take care of them. Longevity by Type The first factor to consider in determining how long fresh flower arrangements will last is the type of flowers in the arrangement. According to Teleflora, some of the longest-lasting cut flowers are carnations, mini carnations, Anthurium and Star of Bethlehem. These variations can last 14 days or more. Examples of how long other flower types will last are as follows: 7-14 days: aster, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, heather, Asiatic and Oriental lilies, tuberose, wax flower 5-7 days: anemone, calla, delphinium, freesia, gerbera, rose, snapdragon, zinnia 3-5 days: cornflower, daffodil, iris, lilac, lily of the valley, peony, tulip 1-2 days: gardenia When to Cut If you are cutting the fresh flowers yourself to create an arrangement, when you cut them can make a difference in how long they will last. The best time to cut flowers from your garden is in the morning or late evening hours when it is cooler. Flowers are also most fragrant in the mornings and filled with stored food.

Maturity The stage of maturity a flower is in can affect how long it will last after being cut. It's best to cut flowers such as roses, daffodils, irises and gladiolas when they are still in the bud stage. The flowers will then open and mature while in your flower arrangement. Flowers such as marigolds and delphiniums, on the other hand, should be fully open before they are cut. How to Cut Use a sharp, unserrated knife or a pair of gardening shears, cutting the stems at a slant, and immediately place the stems in warm water. If you bought precut flowers, you'll still want to recut the stems when you get them home to give them a fresh surface with which to draw in water. For best results, cut the stems under water to keep them from forming air bubbles that prevent the stems from drawing in water.

You'll also need to cut off any excess foliage on the stem that will be submerged in the water. This will prevent them from molding in the water and creating bacteria that will shorten the life of your blooms.

Water Most flowers need to be in warm water to help them live longer. Flowers produced by bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, need cold water. Change the water every couple of days. Completely empty out the vase and replace the water in it for your flowers. This is also a good opportunity to cut another 2 centimeters off the stems to give them a fresh surface to draw water. Flower Food Most fresh-cut flowers from the store will come with a packet of floral preservatives. The preservatives contain sugar to help feed the flower, an acid compound to help the water move more easily up the stem of the flower, and a biocide to help kill bacteria in the water. You can make your own floral preservative. One simple solution is 2 ounces of Listerine mouthwash per gallon of water. Listerine has sugar plus bacteria-fighting elements and is acidic. You can also use lemon-lime soda in the water, plus a little bleach to help kill bacteria. Tips Keep fresh flowers out of direct sunlight. It's also best to keep them away from vents, radiators, drafts and TV sets so they stay cool. In the evenings, move the flowers to a cooler place or refrigerate them to help them last longer. Keep flowers away from fruit. Fruit gives off a chemical that will age flowers more quickly.

The differences between a floral cooler & a beverage cooler

Written by tatyana ivanov Commercial coolers are used for a variety of different purposes, and to cool many different products. Two common types of coolers are the floral cooler and the beverage cooler. Both of these types of coolers can be seen in supermarkets and floral shops, and many also exist in back rooms for storage. Floral and beverage coolers are used for different purposes, and so they have different cooling systems.

Florists use coolers to keep their flowers fresh Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images Purpose One of the main differences between a floral cooler and a beverage cooler is their purpose. Florists do not use coolers to make their flowers cold, but rather because the cool air prevents the flowers from wilting and keeps them fresh. Supermarkets and other stores use beverage coolers to provide a cold product to consumers. Because of these different objectives, both types of coolers have different cooling mechanisms and options to accommodate different products. Cooling Mechanisms Beverage coolers and floral coolers use cold air in different ways. Floral coolers use a regulated air system that prevents the flowers from being damaged by the influx of air, while preventing them from drying out. Similarly, floral coolers allow you to adjust the humidity to be between 80 to 95 per cent inside the cooler, which also helps prevent drying. Beverage coolers are designed to keep beverages as cool as possible without freezing, and generally try to keep the humidity as low as possible. Additionally, floral cooler thermostats are usually set lower than beverage cooler thermostats. Types of Coolers Floral and beverage coolers come in a variety of models with different features. Both types of coolers are made in walk-in and reach-in styles. The walk-in models are much larger and are meant to be used more for storage than for product display. The reach-in coolers come with different door options, including a sliding door and a door that you pull open. Either type of cooler can be custom made to accommodate a specific space. Beverage coolers, however, come in an additional model that is not available in floral coolers; the commercial beer cooler opens from a sliding door on the top. Considerations Though there are several companies that can convert a beverage cooler into a floral cooler, these conversions can be more costly than purchasing a cooler than has been manufactured for flowers. Determine how much stock you will be storing in your beverage or floral cooler before purchasing it, so that you know what size cooler to get. Additionally, both floral and beverage coolers come with different shelving options. Beverage coolers generally have more shelves placed closer together to accommodate as much product as possible, while floral coolers have more spacious shelves to prevent damage to the flowers.

Commercial Cooling of Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers Publication Number: 21567 Author: JAMES THOMPSON Inventory Type: Paperback Language: English ISBN-13: 978-1-60107-619-9 Copyright Date: Rev. 2008 Length: 61 pp.

Challenges in Postharvest Handling of Cool Season Vegetables

Marita Cantwell Dept. Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA 95616Tel: 530-752-7305;email:; Webpage:

Abstract:This paper is an overview of important postharvest challenges facing handlers and marketers of cool season vegetable crops from a California perspective. Consumers are increasingly concerned about microbial food safety. Recent outbreaks of food pathogens on leafy greens and other vegetables have focused much attention on food safety. The implementation of GAPs (good agricultural practices) and GMPs (good manufacturing practices) is necessary to ensure safe products. Many buyers require third party certification of compliance with good practices. There is increased focus on temperature management and strengthening weak links in the cold chain. The most effective way to ensure the quality and safety of vegetables is to maintain the cold chain after initial cooling and provide as close to optimum storage/transport temperatures as possible. Other environmental conditions that can significantly impact product shelf-life and quality include relative humidity, presence of ethylene gas, and the composition of the atmosphere. Increased use of modified atmospheres is another important trend in postharvest handling of vegetable products. Atmospheres may be provided in consumer packages, in pallets shrouds, in storage rooms, or in marine containers. The main benefits of modified atmospheres are to reduce rates of ripening and senescence, to slow softening, to reduce decay, and possibly to reduce compatibility problems in mixed load shipments. Ethylene contamination and its control remains another challenge. Molecular modification of ethylene synthesis and perception sites in products, and the use of chemical blockers of ethylene receptors are two strategies to reduce undesirable ethylene effects. In current commercial handling, however, low temperature, ventilation and ethylene oxidation are the most common practices to reduce ethylene concentrations. The increasing sophistication of packaging materials, sanitation procedures, and emphasis on low temperature processing and handling have all contributed to the success of fresh-cut products in the market place. Cool season fresh-cut vegetables constitute the major volume of these products. Consumers want products with better sensory quality. Although the diversity of products and presentations has increased, increased efficiency and traceability during distribution are increasingly required by supermarket chains and food service distributors.

Key words: Cool season vegetables; Postharvest handling ; Challenges Introduction In the U.S. fresh fruit and vegetable marketing system the focus is on adding value and decreasing costs by streamlining distribution and understanding customer needs. This U.S. produce marketing system has evolved toward increased direct sales from shippers to final buyers. Consumers place high value on taste/flavor, freshness, and appearance of vegetables. Product form and packaging are changing as more companies introduce value-added products like fresh-cut produce, designed to respond to the growing demand for convenience in food preparation and consumption. Fresh produce continues to be a critical element in the competitive strategy of retailers, and year-round availability is now a necessity for both food service and retail. Key drivers in produce marketing are global retail players, global retail brands, growing role of private labels, retailer-supplier contracts/partnerships and the decline of the spot market. Some of the challenges in postharvest handling of cool season vegetables to be briefly discussed include increased concern over microbial food safety, better cold chain management of perishables, role of modified atmospheres and ethylene, fresh-cut and value-added products,traceable and efficient handling during distribution.

1 Microbial Food Safety Considerations Ensuring microbial food safety is the single most important challenge confronting the fresh produce industry today, especially for cool season leafy vegetables that are eaten uncooked. Control of decay causing fungal and bacterial microorganisms has been the main focus in the past, but control of human pathogens (viral, parasitic and bacterial) now grabs the spotlight. Leafy vegetables are produced in the natural environment, and therefore should be expected to carry a wide variety of microorganisms. Most microorganisms on fresh produce are harmless, and the number of organisms itself is not an indication of quality. Total counts of bacteria on freshly harvested vegetables can vary from ten to millions of cells per gram of product, depending on environmental factors. More important to food safety is the assurance that specific human pathogenic organisms are not present. Concerns about the microbial food safety of fresh produce have been increasing among consumers. One of many such efforts around the nation, a Center for Produce Safety was founded in 2007 at UC Davis to serve as a clearinghouse for research and training on fresh produce safety ( The main strategy to ensure microbial food safety is to prevent contamination. In 1998 the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) issued a guidance document for the fresh produce industry (Table 1). The goals of these guidelines are to reduce microbial risks by preventing contamination and by improving the effectiveness of control measures when contamination exists. More recent documents have been developed to add practical checklists to these general guidelines, such as the USDA Good Agricultural Practices and Good Handling Practices Audit Verification Checklist ( Other industry-government efforts have led to the development of commodity specific guidelines ( After a major food safety incident on spinach, leafy green vegetable growers in California developed a marketing agreement which specifies metrics and verification processes to ensure microbial food safety and this is now being proposed as the basis of a national program (

An example of changing postharvest practices is the use of water. Water in dump tanks, water flumes and recycled cooling operations is particularly susceptible to cross-contamination by decaycausing organisms and/or microorganisms that cause food borne illness. Some of the organisms of current concern include bacteria (E. coli strains, Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes), protozoan parasites (Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora spp.) and viruses (Hepatitis A, Norwalk virus). The main purpose of sanitizers in water used in postharvest handling operations is to reduce microbial contamination of the water and prevent cross contamination. Disinfectants do not eliminate organisms from fresh produce. Typically, chlorinated wash water reduces microbial populations of fresh fruits and vegetables by less than 100-fold. Most of the water sanitation in California is based on the use of chlorinated disinfectants. Other alternatives are being actively evaluated including ozone, chlorine dioxide, acidified sodium chlorite, ionization, UV and other types of irradiation, hydrogen peroxide, and peroxyacetic acid. Table 1Brief summary of the main principles described in the FDA guide to minimize microbial food safety hazards for fresh fruits and vegetables and elaborated on in subsequent guidelines Postharvest step General Principle emphasized Prevention of microbial contamination of fresh produce is favored over reliance on corrective actions once contamination has occurred. Accountability at all levels of the agricultural and packing operations is important to a successful food safety program Wherever water comes into contact with fresh produce, its quality dictates the potential for pathogen contamination. Properly treated manure or biosolids can be an effective and safe fertilizer. While not possible to exclude all animal life from fresh produce production areas, many field programs include elements to protect crops from animal damage. Infected employees who work with fresh produce increase the risk of transmitting foodborne illness. Fresh produce may become contaminated during pre-harvest and harvest activities from contact with soil, fertilizers, water, workers, and harvesting equipment. Maintain packing facilities in good condition to reduce the potential for microbial contamination. Proper transport of fresh produce will help reduce the potential for contamination. The ability to identify the source of a product can serve as an important complement to good agricultural and management practices.


Manure & biosolids Animal feces

Worker health, hygiene Field sanitation

Packing facility




Once good agricultural and management practices are in place, ensure that the process is working correctly.

2. Strengthening weak links in the cold chain The most effective way to maintain the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables is to maintain the cold chain and provide as close to optimum storage temperatures as possible. Table 2 summarizes the cold chain for fresh fruits and vegetables and requirements for successful movement from field to fork. Cool the product as soon as possible after harvest. Temperature is the most important factor determining deterioration rate. Decreasing the temperature reduces the products metabolism (respiration and ethylene production), water loss, and the growth of decay-causing fungi and bacteria. Mechanical refrigeration is the basis for most cooling methods. Room cooling (placing products in a refrigerated room) is a relatively low cost, but also slow method. The cold air needs to circulate around the product to remove heat, so leave space between boxes and between pallets. Forced-air cooling pulls the cold air through the containers and greatly increases the rate of cooling. A cold room can be modified with portable and fixed forced-air handlers to increase cooling rates. Hydrocooling (by submersion or spraying cold water) products that tolerate wetting provides fast cooling and avoids water loss. It takes more time to hydrocool packed product and wood or waxed containers are needed. Sanitation of the hydrocooling water (usually by chlorination) is critical to prevent contamination. Some products tolerate contact with ice; crushed or flaked ice can be applied directly or as slurry in water. Evaporative cooling can be used in hot dry environments by pulling outside air through wet pads to provide high humidity, cooler air. Other environmental conditions affect shelf-life (relative humidity, ethylene, and atmosphere composition), but these factors are less important than temperature control and all are influenced by storage temperature. Freshness is a very important quality attribute. Freshness can be maintained by expedited marketing, but can also be achieved by storing for short periods (days) under the proper conditions. The longer the period from harvest to consumption, the greater the emphasis on good temperature management. The importance of temperature and prompt cooling are clearly shown in the case of broccoli shelf-life (Figure 1). If products are stored for long periods (weeks), they need to be kept very close to their ideal storage conditions to minimize quality loss. Once the product has been cooled, low rates of air circulation reduce water loss during storage. Cool season vegetables require high humidity during storage to prevent dehydration. All cool season vegetables (Brassicas, lettuces, celery, carrots, etc) are non-chilling sensitive products with recommended storage temperatures of 03C). Chilling-sensitive vegetables (recommended temperatures vary from 7-13C) include basil, cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers. A listing of specific temperature and storage recommendations for many fruits and vegetables can be found at Postharvest treatments and technologies other than temperature management (plastic packaging, humidity control, ethylene control, modified atmospheres, decay-control treatments) are considered supplemental to this fundamental technology. Although marketing requirements are changing for fresh produce, the implementation of basic postharvest principles remains relevant to all fresh produce (Table 3).

Figure 1. Impact of temperature (left) and cooling delays (right) on shelf-life of broccoli

Table 2. Maintaining the cold chain for perishable fruits and vegetables Postharvest operation Harvest Temperature Requirements Protect the product from the sun Transport quickly to the packinghouse Cooling Minimize delays before cooling Cool the product thoroughly as soon as possible Temporary storage Store the product at optimum temperature Practice first-in first-out rotation Ship to market as soon as possible Transport to market/distributor Use refrigerated loading area Cool truck before loading Load pallets towards the center of the truck Put insulating strips inside door or reefer if truck makes multiple stops Avoid delays during transport Monitor product temperature during transport Handling at distribution Use a refrigerated unloading area Measure product temperature More product quickly to the proper storage area Transport to retail or foodservice operations in refrigerated trucks Display at proper temperature range Handling at home or Foodservice outlet Store product at proper temperature Use the product as soon as possible

Table 3Ten important guidelines for postharvest handling of cool season vegetables

1. MATURITY. Harvest the product at the correct stage of maturity. 2. REDUCE INJURIES. Reduce the physical handling to a minimum; every time product is handled, it is damaged. 3. PROTECT PRODUCT. Protect the harvested product from the sun; bring it rapidly from the field/exposed area to the packing station and keep out of the direct sun. Transport carefully 4. CLEANLINESS & SANITATION. Keep the packing line as simple as possible and keep it clean. If water is used, use clean water or a sanitizer if the water is reused. Maintain strict worker hygiene. Comply with guidelines for GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices) and GHPs (Good Handling Practices). 5. PACK CAREFULLY. Sort, classify and pack the product carefully to achieve uniformity and to prevent damage (compression, scrapes, etc.) which causes decay and inferior quality; use an adequate box or container. Packaging can also be informative. 6. PALLETIZE. Insure that the boxes are well aligned on the pallet and that the pallet is strapped. 7. COOL. Cool the product as soon as possible after harvest; generally for every hour of delay from harvest to initiate cooling, one day of shelf-life is lost. Lowering product temperature is the most important way to reduce deterioration. 8. KNOW PRODUCT. Know the requirements of the market (size, maturity, etc) and the product handling requirements (temp., RH, shelf-life, etc.) of the product. 9. COORDINATION. Always try to coordinate the postharvest handling so that it is efficient and rapid. Postharvest handling maintains the quality of a product, it can not improve it. 10. TRAINING and COMPENSATION. Train and compensate well the workers involved in critical postharvest handling steps; make sure that workers have the necessary tools to facilitate their work

3. Modified atmospheres and ethylene Modification of the atmosphere typically involves lowering the oxygen and raising the carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere surrounding a product. Normal air is comprised of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.03% carbon dioxide and other inert gases. Sometimes removal of ethylene is also considered in modified atmospheres. The term controlled atmosphere is used when the atmosphere can be monitored and controlled, and the term modified atmosphere is used when the atmosphere is different from normal air but there is no ability to control concentrations. The latter includes the use of pallet shrouds with high carbon dioxide for decay control and plastic film packaging for fresh-cut vegetables. Controlled and modified atmospheres are a supplement to proper temperature and relative humidity and may offer several benefits: retard color and texture changes, retard senescence and compositional changes in vegetables, reduce physiological disorders such as chilling injury, retard decay growth, and control insects in stored products. Products differ in

their tolerance to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide atmosphere medication and Table 4 provides some examples. If atmospheres are outside these beneficial levels, products can be damaged. Most of the information on CA/MA has been developed empirically. There is a need to better understand the physiological effects of short-term and long-term CA. technologies may permit a more a tailored use of MA. In the future, sense and respond

Table 4Examples of the tolerance of vegetables to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels Minimum oxygen concentration tolerated % O2 0.5 Products salad-cut vegetables Maximum carbon dioxide concentration tolerated % CO2 2 Products tomato, pepper, lettuce, endive, Chinese cabbage, celery, artichoke, sweetpotato peas, chile peppers, eggplant, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, carrot cucumber, summer squash, snap bean, okra, asparagus, broccoli, parsley, leek, green onion, bulb onion, garlic, potato sweet corn, mushroom, spinach, kale, Swiss chard


mushroom, garlic, onion, most fresh-cut fruits and vegetables sweet corn, beans, celery, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower




broccoli, tomato, pepper, cucumber, artichoke green peas, asparagus, potato



Ethylene is a potent gaseous plant growth regulator that may affect many aspects of plant growth and development. It is produced by all fruits and vegetables, and may have both beneficial and detrimental impacts on fresh produce (Table 5). In climacteric fruits, ripening is regulated by ethylene (bananas, avocado, mango, papaya, apple, tomato, etc) but ethylene has no or minimal affect on the ripening process of non-climacteric fruits (strawberry, citrus, pepper). However for most leafy and root vegetables, ethylene production rates are very low and these vegetables are damaged by ethylene in the storage environment. There are 5 strategies to control ethylene: avoid, remove, inhibit production, inhibit action, and modify plant response through genetics. Avoidance includes keeping ethylene generating fruits away from sensitive vegetables, and keeping extraneous sources of ethylene such as propane forklifts away from sensitive products. Removal techniques include ventilation with fresh air, absorption of ethylene (with carbon filters for example), and oxidation of ethylene (permanganate and UV scrubbers for example). Low temperature retards ethylene production by fruit and there are specific inhibitors for enzymes of the ethylene biosynthesis pathway. Inhibition of ethylene action can be achieved with low temperature, controlled atmospheres, and use of chemical inhibitors. Finally, genetic or molecular engineering of specific enzymes has been very effective to control ethylene production and ethylene action and this is used commercially in some flowers. Currently the most important of the chemical inhibitors of ethylene action is 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropane as it binds to the ethylene receptors on cell membranes, rendering the product insensitive to ethylene.

Table 5 Examples of consequences of ethylene action in fruits and vegetables Beneficial effects 1. Stimulates ripening of climacteric fruit 2. Promotes color development in fruits 3. Promotes de-greening of citrus 4. Stimulates dehiscence in nuts 5. Alters sex expression in Cucurbits 6. Promotes flowering in pineapple Detrimental effects 1. Accelerates senescence 2. Causes excessive softening in some fruits 3. Stimulates chlorophyll loss, yellowing 4. Stimulates sprouting 5. Promotes discoloration reactions and related disorders 6. Promotes abscission of leaves and flowers

4. Increased Diversity of Value-added Products The average number of items handled in a U.S. fresh produce department is over 300 today, up from fewer than 140 twenty years ago. Yet six commodity groups still make up 42 percent of total sales, just as they did in the 1980s: bananas, apples, citrus fruits, potatoes, lettuce, and tomatoes. Part of the diversity in the U.S. supermarket is the result of diversity within basic produce categories, as illustrated with lettuce: intact crisphead and loose leaf lettuces are packed into various size carton and plastic boxes; lettuces are commonly marketed as cut salad products in different sizes for retail and food service. Also there may be special types of the conventional items. Broccoli, for example, has many relatives including gailan, rapini, purple broccoli, broccoflower, broccoli romanesco. Diversity of produce is also seen currently in the offerings of products according to production systems; conventional, organic, sustainable, or protected cultivation. Fresh-cut or minimally processed or fresh-cut products have grown rapidly during the past few years, extending from the foodservice sector to the retail shelf. Fresh-cut produce now represents about 15% of the value (12-15 billion dollars) of fresh produce in U.S. supermarkets. Packaged salads alone are valued at about 50% the total value of fresh-cut produce items. Fresh-cut products are prepared and handled to maintain their fresh state while providing convenience to the user. Producing minimally processed products involves cleaning, washing, trimming, coring, slicing, shredding, and other related operations. There are many examples of fresh-cut products among the vegetables: fresh salad mixes, cut green beans, broccoli and cauliflower florets, slaw mixes of cabbage and carrots, celery and carrot sticks, sliced mushrooms, whole peeled and diced onions, garlic, and potatoes. About 70% of the total volume of fresh-cut items is comprised of lettuce, green cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. These are typically expected to have a shelf-life of 10-14 days. The other fresh-cut vegetables usually have less shelf-life (Cantwell, 2009). The increasing sophistication of packaging materials, strict sanitation and concerns about microbial contamination, and emphasis on low temperature processing and handling have all contributed to the success of fresh-cut products in the market place (Table 6). Throughout the 1990s a major industry debate existed over whether it was preferable to process at the shipping point, where product freshness is at its maximum level, or at the destination, where product reworking can occur. Both require optimal temperature management throughout distribution

to maximize marketable product. It now appears evident that regional processing plants will dominate, due to proximity to market and the demand for just-in-time deliveries. Although the freshcut segment of the produce industry is relatively new, there has been an increase in industry consolidation as this product category has matured. Currently, two California-based companies control around 65 percent of total retail packaged salad sales. In some cases, California processors have developed joint ventures with regional processors to expand distribution of their brands into new geographic markets. Table 6 Basic requirements for preparation of minimally processed fruits and vegetables High quality raw material: Variety selection; Production practices; Harvest and storage conditions Strict hygiene and good manufacturing practices: Use of HACCP principles; Sanitation of processing line, product and workers Low temperatures during processing: Use of cold water flumes; Process room is refrigerated; Process line shut down if product temperature exceeds 4C Careful cleaning and/or washing before and after peeling: Good quality water (sensory, micro, pH) Use of mild processing aids in wash water for disinfection or prevention of browning and texture loss: Chlorine, ozone, other disinfectants; antioxidant chemicals; calcium salts to reduce firmness loss. Minimize damage during peeling, cutting, slicing and/or shredding operations; Sharp knives on cutters; elimination of defective and damaged pieces Removal of excess moisture: draining, spin or air drying; combination technologies Correct packaging materials and packaging methods: Selection of plastic films to ensure adequate oxygen levels to avoid fermentation; selection of appropriate films for piece size and product type Correct temperature during distribution and handling: Keep all fresh-cut packaged products at 0-5C

5. Packaging and traceable, efficient distribution Although the diversity of products and presentations has increased, there is a trend to simplify the excessive types of packaging in the U.S. In some distribution systems, plastic containers are being used, but most vegetables are still marketed in carton boxes. Carton manufacturers have developed a new carton with a common standard pallet footprint of 16 x 24, but of varying heights to accommodate a wide range of products, with interlocking tabs along the long side, and open retail display-ready Such a modular system for packing fresh produce was proposed many years ago by produce trade associations working groups to reduce the plethora of packaging types used (>200). This packaging is similar to the Eurobox concept of interlocking, stacking, layered, standard modular corrugated boxes designed specifically for produce. Supermarket chains are interested in reduced package types

to permit implementation of mechanized selection systems at their produce distribution centers. Changes in plastic or carton containers dimensions and volumes may affect cooling rates and require changes in vent placement, pallet stacking patterns and cooler design and management. Successful produce marketing firms will become more market-driven, identifying and meeting the specific needs of each market segment for quality, packaging, product form, merchandising and information. More produce marketing firms are adopting a supply chain management approach, emphasizing faster delivery, more accurate temperature management, and improved packaging technologies, all based on better demand information. Broader adoption of standardized PLU (Product Look Up) codes and the introduction of more packaged produce items will permit better information management through EDI (Electronic data interchange) and category management. More recently RFID (Radio frequency identification) technology allows for identification of a package from the field through the entire marketing system and allows for complete traceability. However, there are some technical challenges with RFID use on high water content perishable products and current costs for implementation are considerable high. Other approaches include the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for external traceability. Specific information exists for postharvest handling requirements of many specific products. Many produce handlers, however, do not have a good understanding of the interaction between the handling steps or are unable to integrate the entire handling system to make management decisions. Certainly, ensuring microbial food safety requires an integrated approach to the postharvest value chain. Unnecessary delays are particularly troublesome for more perishable leafy greens and for packaged fresh-cut products. An example of the increased need for integration and logistics of perishable handling is emphasized by the World Food Logistics Organization (, which developed from the previous Refrigeration Research and Education Foundation. Their focus is on perishable warehousing, transportation, distribution, information and logistics. Food miles is a recent environmental issue that concerns the costs to transport fresh produce from source of production to the consumer and is one reason for buy local, buy fresh campaigns ( And more generally, concerns over sustainability (environmental, social, and economic) have impacted all segments of the fresh produce industry.

References Cantwell, M. (editor compiler). 2009. Fresh-cut Products: Maintaining Quality and Safety. Postharvest Horticulture Series No. 10. UC Postharvest Research & Information Center, Cook, R. 2008. The dynamic U.S. fresh produce industry: an industry in transition. FDA. 2007. Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables. Gorny, J.R. (ed.). 2001. Food Safety Guidelines for the Fresh-cut Produce Industry. 4th edition. 216pp. United Fresh Produce Association. Gorny, J.R. (ed.). 2003. Packaging Design for Fresh-cut Produce. 122pp. United Fresh Produce Association. Gross, K.C., C.Y. Wang, and M. Saltveit. 2004. The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Crops. U.S. D.A. Agriculture Handbook 66. Kader, A.A. (ed.). 2002. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops. Univ. CA Div. Agr. Natl. Res. Publication #3311. 535 pp. Produce Marketing Association. 2009. PMA consumer research on food safety and sustainability. Shewfelt, R.L., B. Brckner (eds.). 2000. Fruit and Vegetable Quality. Technomic Publ. Inc., 330 pp. Suslow, T.V. 1998. Postharvest Chlorination- Basic Properties. UC Div. Agr. Natl. Resources Publication 8003. 8 pp. Suslow, T.V. 2007. Postharvest handling for organic crops. UC Div. Agr. Natl. Resources Publ. 7254. 8 pp.; The Packer. Weekly newspaper for the produce industry. Thompson, J.F., F.G. Mitchell, T.R. Rumsey, R.F. Kasmire and C.H. Crisosto. 2001. Commercial Cooling of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers. Univ. Calif. ANR Publ #21567. 61 pp. University of California Postharvest Website: University of California Good Agricultural Practices website: University of California Food Safety website: USDA. 2007. USDA Good Agricultural Practices and Good Handling Practices Audit Verification Checklist

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