Volume 44 Easter 2009

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Vol 44


Hannah has her sights set on Morocco

Thirteen-year-old Hannah Jones of Corner Farm House, Main Street, is on a mission - to raise 1375.00 in the next 15 months. She is a pupil at Robert Pattinson School. When the school was contacted by the World Challenge team offering 22 places on next years expedition to Morocco, Hannah applied and was lucky enough to be offered one of the places. On the expedition, she will go trekking and live with Berbers, also helping out on an oasis. She has started to think of ideas to help her raise the necessary finance and has decided that one of the ways would be to do odd jobs around the village. She says My mum and my step dad will help me out, so if you have any jobs that need doing, like washing your car or walking your dog or mowing your lawn, please give me a ring on 01636 893377. Hannah is pictured sweeping up leaves under the watchful eye of one of her customers, Nick Nicholson of Main Street, South Scarle. In these days when so many youngsters say they are bored and have nothing to do but hang around making mischief it is good to see someone like Hannah who is pursuing a goal and is willing to work to achieve it. .. It will be nice to know that we Scarlians have helped her to do this.so let us
EDITORS: Roy Turner, Hall Barn, Main Street : 01636 894009 Kate Murrell, The Retreat, Amos Lane: 01636 893402 Please support THE SCARLIAN by contributing your news and views!

E MAIL: ScarlianNews@aol.com

Looking at the last report, one could say that we havent progressed much with the plans but, behind the scenes, things are happening, people are talking, ideas are being voiced. Maybe the delays in months and years can be seen as nothing in the context of the past nine hundred years, and, God willing, centuries ahead! We need to think of this re-ordering as something, not just for ourselves in the here and now, but as a facility for the generations of children, young people and families who will join the community here in South Scarle in years to come. A significant step forward was taken in February when we had a very helpful and encouraging meeting with architects, advisors and the Diocesan Care of Churches Secretary. We now have two documents to study and use as formats for two statements which we have to submit to English Heritage. One of these documents is to describe the significance of St Helenas, its special features, how it sits in the countryside, what visitors say about it and how it can be seen from afar. The second statement, Significance of Need, has to stress why we think it is important to provide the village with this space and how we can assure that it will be used. On this point, how much more convenient would it have been to hold the Barn Dance and the Quiz Night here in Scarle rather than Swinderby! And, yes.we can have a Bar! After we have submitted these reports and received the agreement, the architect can put the work out to tender and, with his estimates of cost, we can get on with applying for grants.
Weekend proceeds for church funds

To answer a question you may possibly have, the money we are raising this year at the four weekends is to boost the Fabric Fund. That is the money we need to do repairs and meet running costs. Recently we had the five-yearly inspection which is bound to highlight masonry and other essential repairs. Some of this expense may be met by English Heritage who have helped many times in the past. That is why their approval has to be sought for the space. You will probably know by now that. In the early hours of Monday Match 9 th, thieves took lead off the porch and south-aisle roofs. David Clarke was quickly on the job to protect the church from the rain and to apply something nasty to deter further thefts! Our Easter Day Service will be at 9.00am and we welcome everybody, whether you partake in the Communion or not. Let us raise our voices in defiance! Anne Ackroyd and Peter Thursby.

"Many Hands Makes Light Work at St Helenas!

The Friends of St Helenas Churchyard group is up and running! A very positive response to our request for volunteers means that we have 13 enthusiastic members and that work is now underway. Monday 30th March saw the first group gardening session in the churchyard. Armed with strimmers, clippers and wheelbarrows not to mention tea, cakes and biscuits we enjoyed clement weather and good company whilst we tackled the first tidy-up if the season. The FOSHC will be in the churchyard on the afternoon of the second Monday of each month from 2pm, and we may be there working individually from time to time. You are very welcome to join us, at any time, even if it is only to make the tea! Contact Linda on 892007 for more details

As most villagers know, Nigel and Jean Ashley have now retired but. On behalf of the village we would like to offer our thanks to them both for the fine job they did of keeping the village green, playing field and cemetery so neat and tidy. We wish them a happy retirement!

Nottinghamshire Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Ride and Stride

Every year on the second Saturday in September, the Trust gives us a chance to raise money for our churches. Each participant obtains sponsors for cycling or walking to as many churches (and chapels) as can be packed into the hours between 10.00am and 6.00pm (this year Saturday September 12th. Half of the money raised goes to the participants own church or chapel with the other half going to the Trust (from which St Helenas has benefited many times before). We know from meeting the cyclists and walkers how much they enjoy the day, being very keen to tot-up a record total! If you would like to take part this year, please contact me by APRIL 24th for more information. ANNE ACKROYD : 01636 892547

When Alan Molineaux wrote of his claim to fame in the last issue of The Scarlian, I thought perhaps I should share my own with you. It happened a long time ago - in 1958 when I was a junior reporter on the CHAD (Mansfield Chronicle Advertiser) and just heading for my 18th birthday. Every year in Mansfield in those days, the newspaper fraternity held a Press Ball at the Palais-de-Danse ballroom on Leeming Street and this particular year was expected to be no exception. In fact it was, as you will see! Early in the year, perhaps in February or March, one of the reporters contacted the agent of famous film star, Jayne Mansfield, to ask if she would come to that years Ball as the main guest, never-thinking that such a star would grace a small town like Mansfield, even if it was her namesake! It was done as a light-hearted joke. And one which was soon forgotten as the months went by. That November, the month of the Ball, was very foggy, you could hardly see a hand in front of you for days on end, but preparations went ahead as usual with tickets printed and sold and advertisements placed in local papers. The day before the Ball, there came a telephone call answered by one of the reporters in the Press Room. Hello, said the voice on the other end of the line, this is Pinewood Studios. We are calling to say that Miss Mansfield would be honoured to attend your Press Ball tomorrow if the fog lifts and the weather is ok. Bright-eyed Lad At first we thought it must be a joke, one of our colleagues trying to be funny, but this may have been wishful -thinking; the dawning reality sent everyone into a flap! The organisers were not prepared for anything like this and had to really get their skates on to get bouquets, gifts and accommodation fixed up in time for her arrival, together with husband Mickey Hargitay, Mr. Universe 1955. Arrive they did and Jayne was star of that years Ball. It is hard not to smile when I think of the disbelieving faces as Mansfield folk read the hastily prepared poster outside the Palais that night.JAYNE MANSFIELD HERE IN PERSON! Not many passers-by believed it and many thought it was just another ploy to get the punters in. Needless to say, the event was a great success. The next day I joined my fellow-reporters at the Swan Hotel in Mansfield Market Place for the photograph printed here. I am the bright-eyed lad in the centre! The fame didnt rub off, but it was a memorable experience!

Some 40 people, including visitors from Girton and Collingham, got together in early March and joined in a great evenings entertainment when they attended a SAFARI SUPPER organised by Anita Clements. The event proved very popular and tickets were sold out. The evening began with sherry at Hall Barn, Main Street , home of Roy and Anne Turner, which was followed by homemade carrot and coriander soup with croutons. The company then split up into parties of ten to enjoy the main course of winter beef casserole at the homes of David and Jane Clark, Pam and Craig Law, Georgina and Stuart Newton, and Dave and Lynn Betts. A good meal in good company With everyone nearly full to bursting, it was on to Church Farm for the grand array of Puddings, which included treacle tart, banoffee pie, trifle, and cheese and biscuits, courtesy of Stephen and Anita Clements. Coffee rounded off the evening. It is safe to say that everyone who took part went home fully satisfied having enjoyed a good meal in good company. Many were asking Anita when the next one would be! If you have never been on a Safari Supper you are missing a real treat. The evening raised over 200 for church funds.


The Parish Clerk, Mike Bossart, stopped for a chat with RICHARD WOJTYLO the Mobile Station Officer and JOANNE BROWN, Council Advisor for both the District and County Councils, when the Mobile Rural Contact Point van visited South Scarle last week. The mobile service which visits some 80 villages each month provides a helpful link between police, council and rural communities It was started 8 years ago, Richard told The Scarlian. but two years ago we got this new vehicle. In a few weeks time, the van is going to be rewired and refitted with computers and a satellite dish to enable us to use up-to-date technology. We are basically here to hear bout non-urgent problems and things that do not require immediate attention, but If people do come to us with a particular problem the new technology means that we may be able to access records more quickly and give them some answers there and then, instead of having to get back to them at a later date. Whatever the problem, whether something the police service can deal with or things more likely to be council matters, we are here to help and hope people will pop in when they see us here. Richard pointed out that, while the van is being refitted, another smaller unit may attend.


Has it ever occurred to you human Scarlians that you are outnumbered? I have been a Scarlian for about a year, and it is a good place for we beasts. Me? Im Merry Tyler named after the famous hobbit Meriadoc Brandybuck. My human is Mo and we live at Sunray. I have to share her with Dave (which is fine) and FOUR CATS (I ask you what does that do for a dogs growl cred?) I suppose you want to know about the cats. Well, Gaia and Herne have been here forever.. they were born on the 26th June 1993, exactly a year from when Mo became a Scarlian. Besides being computer kiterate, Herne is a feline thug with a CASBO (Cat ASBO) due to his habit of raiding the plates of local stable cats and mugging their rightful owners if they object! Sadly he is also a Tart and all humans love him! Cats. How do they do it? Gaia his litter sister is good we are friends. She hates most humans but makes a few exceptions. Two new Scarlians BUT now I must warn you about our two new Scarlians - Phoenix and Pan (short for Pandora or Panther depending on her mood). They are now 6 months old, and having been to the vet are about to be launched on the community. Pan should not be a problem (except to anything feathery or squeaky) but Phoenix is short on sanity. and he copies his big brother so watch out for a Ginger and White mini-tiger.

So Scarlian creatures what about you? I know those who I meet when Mo and I go walking but what about the rest of you?

Madge Turner replies: Thank you Merry for giving us the low
-down on your cosy set-up there..glad I dont have to worry about cats and competition. I am the sole beneficiary of Roy and Anne Turners affection. I know they have two daughters and two grandchildren but I like to think that these days they are lower down in the pecking order. They are grown-up enough to fend for themselves..I, on the other hand, need my daily vittels and my daily exercise in Madges Playground (Turner back lawn). Hope to see you around sometime soon!

Flight Sergeant Neal Lyon married Anna Hooley at The Elvetham Hotel Hampshire on 22nd Febuary 2009. Anna & Neal met while both serving in the R.A.F in Kinloss where they were both flying on the Nimrod's! They have both done a few tours in Iraq. Anna left the R.A.F six days before they got married and is now working as a civilian with the Army. Neal is presently working at R.A.F Northwood and they are making their home in Surrey

A huge thank you to Terry and Carole Jacklin for organising and running such a successful Quiz Night on Friday 27th March ably assisted by helpers Brian and Marcia Parkin. There was a full house and everyone had great fun, excitement, head-scratching and some tension during the evening. They also ran an excellent raffle which raised 200 to make a total for the evening of 640.00. An appreciated finger food supper was produced by a group of five - two Judies, Florence, Lyn and Linda. Thank you to them and to several other people who supplied some of the goodies. A very successful event!

QUIZ WINNERS - MAYFIELD MAIDENS were Tracey Anscombe, Lu Townsend, Judy Thorpe, Joan Baston, Jenny Gadsby and Pauline Mimmack. Marcia Parkin and Carole Jacklin are smiling but Quiz participants were not always grinning. Some of the questions were fiendishly difficult!

Notwithstanding the rather variable and, at times, even wild weather, the day proved to be very enjoyable and successful both socially and financially. The day began with a Coffee Morning at the Hall hosted by Eric and Rosemary Johnson Sabine. Seventy-eight people crossed the threshold for coffee and biscuits, not including the stall-holders and helpers. There were five attractive stalls, Eggs in the Jar game, and a raffle, all of which were well patronised. A big thank you to Eric and Rosemary for opening their home, to all the helpers and providers of stalls, and of course the supporters themselves. Lunches of home-made soups and rolls followed in the Parish Room. These were provided and run by Anne Turner, Lyn Broughton, Jackie and Mike Bossart. They proved to be so successful that not a single drop of soup was left over! A total of 86 lunches were served. Well done to the organisers. As the Lunches were launched, so too were the 14 gardens opened for viewing and perambulating in South Scarle. Some 90 folk braved the inclement weather to stroll round our gardens, many which offered something of special interest. There were plants, herbs, sculptures, pictures, tombola, a treasure hunt, guess the name of the statue, decorated horseshoes, and teas provided and served by John and Lyn Broughton. A big thank you has to go to all those who opened their gardens and, so early in the year, worked to get them looking so good and interesting. The grand total raised over the whole weekend for St.Helenas Church funds was 1,636.10 which is a tremendous result financially. But it is also the working together, the camaraderie and the socialising which made for an extremely worthwhile experience. There was a good village feeling. THANK YOU EVERYONE!

EDITOR: And a big THANK YOU to JUDY for organising the weekend with her usual attention to detail and tireless energy (where does she get it from!!)

A: Ashley Baldwin with his competition (Guess the Sweets in the Jar) B: In charge of the Raffle, Lis and Peter Thursby with Liss sister Rosemary Crutchley take to the stairs at the Hall Coffee Morning C: Lynn Broughton and Linda Dale with their popular Cake Stall D: Carol Jacklin organised a Tombola E: Colin Paris who with his wife Tina, produced a dazzling array of homemade chocolates F: John Broughton with son-in-law Ross and grandchildren Ruby and Lily. 12

G: Alan and Joan Froggatt serve customer Jean Ashley at their Bric a Brac Stall H: Kim Cook and his daughter find a bargain I: Kim and his wife Tonya welcome visitors to the Dovecote in their garden J: Sheep sculptures in Colin and Judy Muirheads garden K: Nigel Ashley shows off his Cordyline L: Roger Davis with some of his visitors to his garden M: Nigel and Louise Root with their Plant Stall in the grounds of the Hall with Eric Johnson-Sabine, their host, looking on. 13

N: Clementine Monro at her Picture Stall at Hall Cottage O: Dave and Lynn Betts enjoying soup at Parish Room lunches P: Judy Thorpe takes a moment off from showing visitors her beautiful garden Q: Elaine Leek and ????? R: Another of the delightful sculptures on display in Colin and Judy Muirheads garden S: Guess the Statues Name was the competition run by Frank and Pauline Bradbury T: Judy, Kate Hindmarsh show ??? Some of the things on the Easter Stall U: Rosemary Johnson-Sabine joins her daughter Claudia and Claudias friend ?????? during a rare free moment at their Coffee Morning. 14



On Tuesday 28th April 2009 7.15pm
Under the Chairmanship of Mr. David Clarke (Chairman of the Parish Meeting)
You are invited to take part. It will be held in the Parish Room, South Scarle. The Parish meeting may by law discuss all parish affairs & pass resolutions about them. The following matters have so far been placed on the agenda for the A.G.M. meeting:Chairmans opening remarks Apologies Minutes of the last A.G.M. held 7th April 2008 Matters arising Report on audited accounts for year ended 31st. March 2008. Presentation of accounts for year ended 31st. March 2009 Election of Chairman [ David Clarke willing to stand for reelection ] 1 Election of Clerk [ Mike Bossart willing to stand for re-election] 2 Clerks fee for 2008 / 09 3 Village hall accounts for year ended 31st. March 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mike Bossart- Parish Clerk. N.B. The A.G.M. will be followed by a General Meeting, current agenda items :1 2 3 4 5 Minutes of general meeting held 7th January 2009 Matters arising Correspondence Declaration of A.O.B. Grass cutting

Minutes of the South Scarle Parish Meeting AGM held 7.00 p.m. 7th April 2008
Present D. Clarke, Chairman & P. Rowlands, Clerk
P L Clements, J Broughton, K S Murrell, O Martlew, P Jones, M Bossart, B Leak, E D Leak, F Baldwin, E Candlish, P Thursby, J Clarke, E Sansom, P Smith, J Thorpe, M Bayne, L Molineaux, A Molineaux, A Clements, M Fretwell, M R Matthews, F Bradbury, P Bradbury, A Turner, R Turner, J Bennett. Apologies S Rowlands, A Lawton, B Clements, A Candlish, C Noble, R Wood, J Smith, I Bayne, S Clements, J Bossart. Chairmans opening remarks. He welcomed everyone to the meeting, pleased with the good turn out.. 1. Minutes The minutes of the Parish AGM held on 8th May 2007 were circulated, accepted & signed. 2. Matters Arising:None 3. Report on audited 2006/07 Accounts Clerk notified the meeting that Messrs Hacker Young had approved the accounts. 4. Report of the accounts for 2005/06 The clerk explained these accounts would be submitted for external audit. The meeting unanimously agreed & accepted to the best of their knowledge and belief that the accounts had been prepared in accordance with current requirements. 5. Election of Chairman 6. Election of Clerk 7. Clerks Fee 9. AOB David Clarke returned unopposed P. Rowlands retired, Mr. M. Bossart unanimously appointed unopposed. Tabled & approved. Meeting closed 7.16 p.m.

Agreed at 250.00

8. Village Hall Accounts

Some concern raised and discussion about Dog poo. Clerk to investigate!!

Minutes of Parish Meeting Wednesday 7th January 2009 in the parish room
Present: David Clarke; Mike Bossart; Judith Duffield; David Duffield ; Edgar Candlish; Paul.Smith; Jan.Smith; Florence Baldwin; Anne Turner; Roy Turner; Brian Leake; Alan Froggatt; Patricia Jones; Peter Thursby; Jean Ashley.Cllr Mel Shaw Apologies: Jane Clarke; Anita Clements; Jackie Bossart; Alan Molineaux; Linda Molineaux; Peter Rowland; Sue Rowland; Margaret Matthews; Elaine Leake; Ann Candlish; Roy Wood. Cllr K Rontree Minutes of last meeting accepted. Prop David Duffield; Sec Florence Baldwin 1. a) b) c) 2. 3. Any matters arising Clerk was continuing to chase road signs and highways Clerk met with Mr Catchpole about village green trees. Planning permission to be applied for removal of sycamore and laburnum and crown lifting and under-pruning of lime. Clerk to complete cleaning of bus shelter

Correspondence Mobile Rural contact point information was read. Dates to be posted on Notice board. Declaration of AOB Goal posts on playing field at 2,500.

Clerk outlined proposed budget for 2009/10. After some discussion, the precept was set Proposed Alan Froggatt. Seconded David Duffield. 5.

Redmay Industrial site After some discussion, Cllr Mel Shaw agreed to contact Environment to ask them to contact site owners ref. tidy-up. He would let us know of any progress in due course. AOB It was thought that goal posts were too close together Chairman to investigate. Chairman thanked people for their attendance. Meeting closed 7.39pm




D AV I D D O D D S , o f Boundary Farm, had a special present when he celebrated his birthday on 20th March this year. He is pictured here with the lamb that came into the world on that very day!


SUMMER WEEKEND SATURDAY 4th July 2009 DOG SHOW WITH DEMONSTRATIONS at Folly Farm Pets Hotel, South Scarle, by kind permission of Kieth and Rachel Bellaby. Starting at 11.00am.TELEPHONE: 01636 893250 BBQ WITH BAR AND FORWARD LINE BAND (for dancing, singing or listening to) at Hall Farm House South Scarle at 6.00pm.

SUNDAY 5th July 2009

SOUTH SCARLE SCURRY FUN RUN Starting on the Village Green with Best Fancy Dress Competition. CONCERT - THE COLLINGHAM SINGERS St Helenas Church at 2.30pm. Tea & Cakes. THE GRAND RAFFLE DRAW.

AUTUMN EVENT SATURDAY 3rd October 2009 BARN DANCE WITH BOTTOM OF THE BARREL BAND Bar, Pie and Peas Supper Collingham Memorial Hall at 7.30pm

CHRISTMAS WEEKEND SATURDAY 5th December 2009 EVENING ENTERTAINMENT St..Helenas Church, South Scarle at 7.00pm

FRIDAY 4th/ SAT 5th/SUNDAY 6th CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL DECEMBER In St.Helenas with Stalls and Refreshments


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