POST OFFICE - Irs-Complaint

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To: The Post Master General ; Officers, Inspectors-in-Charge, all affected by an oath of Office to defend and protect the

united States of America.

UnitedStatesPostmasterGeneral of UnitedStatesPostalService
Incumbent PatrickR. Donahoe
since December 6, 2010

Residence Appointer Termlength Inaugural holder Formation Salary Website

Unknown Board of Governors Indefinite Benjamin Franklin 1775 $276,840[1]

Universal postal union Weltpoststrasse 4 3015 Berne SWITZERLAND Respondents: T: +41 (0)31 350 31 11 Partial listing only, thousands or millions of F: +41 (0)31 350 31 10 locations apply.
Internal Revenue Service All branches, all locations Complainant: Davis, Chester Evans Davis, Tracey Jean Mary L Moran - Clerk of Court USDC OREGON PORTLAND DIVISION Street Address: 16545 S ARCHER DRIVE, BOTH CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES City, State: Oregon city, Oregon republic 1000 SW Third Ave. United States of America Portland, OR 97204 Phone: c/o temporary cell phone 412-720-9850
cc; judge Ancer L Haggerty Sandi Payne Attn: US ATTY. General U.S. Department of Justice. 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20530-0001 Office of the Commissioner 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Tel: (202) 622-9511 Fax: (202) 622-5756

These facts are supported by the UNITED STATES STYLE MANUAL; and the area designations elaborated on certain maps etc. designating federal zones, which are by definition, outside of the union state geographic boundaries; and are designated and confirmed only as land ceeded to the UNITED STATES (28 USC SECTION 3002) THIS ALSO ENTAILS VIOLATIONS OF 39 USC SECTIONS 3003; carrying a 15 year potential incarceration and a million dollar fine per occurance. Given the hideous nature of the gigantic nature of the conspiracy and racketeering scheme elaborated; and the damage in terms of human suffering, and the financial impact of the fraudulant securities transfers involved, the damage to the people of this country, and the reputation of the men and women serving for both the Post Office and the USPS; your assistance and cooperation is desperatly needed and required, to eliminate these horrific schemes. The cost savings alone, for fraudulant mailings, lost mail department expenses etc, will be immense. However should these conclusions be in error in any way, please specifically state the proper way to enumerate the different political zones; the federal zone under exclusive legislative authority of congress, and the areas of the fifty states united republics, in terms of proper addressing proceedures. It is my intent to call your offices for testimony regarding these issues as federally protected witness for the public record.

Therefore; Pursuant to The Code of Federal Regulation Title 39 s/s 50.4300 Inquires and Complaints, one Davis, Chester Evans & Davis, Tracey Jean (his wife under a contract of coveture) as complainant by this sworn complaint informs and makes known to said Post Office Inspectors-in-Charge (Post-Master & Postal Inspectors) of violations of the following sections of Title 18 of United States Code by the Respondents, its principals, officer and agents. This firm is Incorporated in Delaware since 1933, and verification shows it is not licensed to do business in any of the fifty states united. It also appears all its millions of mailings are all addressed to federal zones (either Buck Act, of 1940 or zone improvement programs zip codes)

18 USC 1342: Fictitious name or address - use of all CAPITAL LETTER NAMES designates a corporation or a legal fiction, such as a trust, US vessel, government account, such as a social security account, bureau of public debt account etc. These should be addressed to the proper agency or registered agents for the corporations, or in lieu of these the Secretary of State, of oncorporation. It also serves to elaborate an inferior political status of US citizen; a term created when blacks were granted the status as freed; yet since they were not Citizens of any state of the union, they are considered by manner of legal deception(for those to which it is not appropriatly applied) as domiciled in federal areas such as Washington DC, Puerto Rico etc. 18 USC 1341: Frauds and Swindles
The addressee named on the provided evidence identified by certified mail tracking number (any and all)_________________________ is a fictitious entity, and I believe the address of the addressee is a fictitious address not authorized by the postmaster in accordance with Domestic Mail Manual.

D041 Customer Mail Receptacles, 2.3Address Identification ( B )

b. A house number if street names and house numbers have been assigned by local authorities, and the postmaster authorizes their use as a postal address. If the box is on a different street from the customers residence, the street name and house number must be inscribed on the box. It is my belif that the postmaster has not authorized the use of house number and street name as the postal address necessitating the use of certified mail by the respondent so as to require delivery to complainant in personom simulaitng the receipt of a summons as

part of a fictitious court proceeding. (It appears the initial use of post cards without a return address, helps facilitate a summary default judgment.) This fictitious court proceeding in rem uses threat, coercion and duress and conspriacy of unknown others with the Respondents utilizing false and misleading statements to swindle property and unjustly enrich others by a willfully false judgement and the perjury of witnesses to enforce an illegal contract. There is no evidence of any bi-lateral contract between complainant and the respondent, and unilateral contracts are not lawfully binding absent consideration of equal value. There is no sworn complaint by Respondent to substiantite its claims. Chester Evans: house of Davis is currently being held in a correctional facility awaiting sentencing on this very issue. He is currently unlawfully detained at the following location;

And was previously held at:

CHET DAVIS # 762816 Multnomah County Inverness Jail 11540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 (A facility owned and operated by a firm from Scotland for Profit! ) This has now been ongoing for a period of 14 months approximately. This involves the trafficking in human beings, kidnapping, extortion, etc. et al. Your assistance in ascertaining all relevant facts regarding the use of these postal irregularities etc., including the actual methodology is of paramount importance. These crimes involve in excess of 217,000 federal prisoners.
Notice the features of the mailing locations as including the Buck Act and zone improvement designations, and the capitalized use of the name.

IRS Processing Codes and Information manual (IRS 6209) for 2013, Section 2 Tax Returns and Forms identifying the Tax Class of all Tax Returns and Forms clearly states that W-2s, W-4s, 1099s, and many others are specifically for Class 5 gift and estate issues, not income. These include approximately 4.5 million of exemptions from the value of the estate, and affect very few of the people of this country. I demand an information if the form of quo warranto to investigate the corporate charter, any franchise of the respondents, oaths of its principals, officer and agents to determine the validity of authority or violations thereof. Upon violation found, a court of competent jurisdiction is to put said respondent into receivership. It was never my intention to gift or donate my property and I demand its return along with any gains now unjustly held by unknown others. It is my belief that the respondent is an enemy of the state, a nuisance to the public who daily breaches the Kings Peace, by the traitorous acts of its principals, officers and agents, and is guilty of crimes against humanity This the _________ day of May A.D. 2013. Thomas Bradford; house of Schaults, (Schaults, Thomas Bradford) acting by Power of Attorney for Davis, Chester Evans; the true complainant in the foregoing bill in Chancery, makes oath, that the statements in his foregoing bill made as of his own knowledge are true, and those made as on information and belief, he believes to be true.

_________________________________________ Schaults, Thomas Bradford, non U.S. Citizen, National of the united States of America; acting in the capacity Of a Private Attorney General, by POA for the man, being unlawfully detained against his will, by these legal schemes and artifices to defraud, utilizing the efficeiency of the USPS to commit these lawfully abhorent acts, under color of law. I realize this represents a tremendous overall undertaking, yet the destiny of this country, the world depend upon a true interpretation of the scheme and artifices described herein. The matter seems simple enough when lokked at as one case, with one firm involved. The news, at this time is now undertaking a national news frenzy about activities of the IRS as a political tool of terrorism; unwittingly aided and abbetted by Officers, agents and employees of the Post Office.

The international implications are also enormous considering the Post Office operates under the auspices of the Universal Postal Union by international treaty. As a member of the Cherokee nation of Indians, trety people of 1730, 1785 and 1791; we have sent correspondence to the UPU to obtain a country code designation. Our land mass as designated even by US court decisions covers in excess of 105,000 square miles within eight states of the union. We are recognized as a separate governing body, officially by these treaties with the Europeans and the US; yet cannot obtain recognition generally for lack of a UPU country code on Bank screens etc. I am working on these issues and willing to testify to these facts in aid of your endeavors to free the American people from the economoc and lega bondage created by these economic and legal schemes, by foreign agents within our midst. See 22 USC in support of these contentions. As a self governing man, and lawfully abiding by the organic laws of the Cherokee nation and the organic united states of America, founded upon the precepts of the Native American models of true democratic law forms as a model; I anticipate being at your disposal for any assitance I can bring to you in these endeavors. Thank you, in advance for your expeditous handling of this urgent matter. Jurat of local postmaster postal seal / time stamp / stamp at bottom of page, designating the end of this communication. Back sides of these documents are deliberatly left blank. Page 6 of 6. Attachment; 6 pages partial listing of Pittsburgh Postal Locations.

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