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Valentina Figueroa 3A I.


Behaviour problems
The following paper is a short summary of the main parts of the research implemented during the didactics practice at a ciclo bsico state school in Montevideo. The aim of the present research was to discover the reasons behind students excessive conversation in Spanish during the English lesson. Along with the mentioned aim, there were some objectives to be achieved. For instance, to understand students own perception about their conversation as well as their interests in the English lesson. Consequently, two hypotheses were designed. On the one hand, students talked because they found the subject difficult. On the other hand, they talked because they did not find the English lessons attractive.

Conversation plays an imperative role in society; through it children are socialised and learn about the surrounding world. However, when it becomes a constant feature of the lessons it is transformed into a problem. Therefore, the ability to manage students behaviour is fundamental for any teacher since behaviour problems hinder learning. Besides, it generates stress on teachers who often feel desmotivated about their professional career. As a result, understanding the causes behind students excessive conversation would improve both teachers practices and students learning process. There are different reasons for students conversation. On the one hand, the level of instructions might be above students level of understanding so they might feel frustrated and involve themselves

in some other activity. On the other hand, students might not feel interested either in the topics or tasks presented in the classroom.

Feel work
Students answered to a questionnaire containing about 20 questions regarding, among other things, their interests and difficulties in the language.

Most of students answered that they felt neither attracted nor the opposite in the English lessons while an important percentage said the lessons were attractive. Additionally, when consulted about what they liked the most, they answered that it was group work. This type of activity is performed in almost seventy-five percent of the English lessons. As a consequence, the hypothesis about students interests was dismissed. Finally, regarding the first hypothesis concerning the difficulty found by students, it was partially rejected since those students whose level of understanding was above the level of instruction were those who talked the most.

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