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Only a few more weeks till exams...

Greetings everyone, It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of the academic year. It seems like it was only last month that many of you arrived nervously for the first time to Massey with the hope of doing well in this part of your life journey. I hope that you have all enjoyed living in the Halls this year and have made life-long friends, learnt a lot about yourself as well as the other people around you yet all the while having fun. For those of you who have re-applied to return to the halls, try to view it as an opportunity to take a leadership role as part of our community for 2014. As for the rest of you who will be going flatting next year, I wish you all the best with that new experience.
FREE End of Year Halls BBQ Coming Up

Residents lapping up the advice at the Flatting Expo

For our final community event, the Accommodation Services Office will be hosting a free BBQ for all residents on Wednesday 16th October outside Kanuka Commons from 12-2pm. We hope to see you there. Right now should be a busy time with your studies where youll be working on your final assignments and preparing for exams. Try finding out what type of exams you have so that you can prepare for them as appropriate. Check out the library for past exams and start practicing now. If you are worried about exams, there is a useful workshop called Coping with Exam Stress Q & A Session. This can be viewed online on Thursday 10 October from 12pm 1pm at All in all, I wish you all the best for your upcoming exams and final assessments. Jason Auvaa Community Manager


Gumboot Shield Ladder Board Upcoming EventsFree BBQ Highlights from Flatting Expo Sport and Recreation CentreFeedback Survey Student Counselling ServiceMental Health Awareness Week and Keeping Happy in the Last Few Weeks Campus LivingEnd of Year Notices ChaplaincyFarewell and Events Exam Prep Workshops Residents of the MonthAugust and September Green Shirt Applications

Level 2, The Student Centre (above the MUSA shop)

Halls End of Year Farewell BBQ

Wednesday Oct 16th Outside Kanuka Commons Grill Time 12pm-2pm All Welcome FREE! FREE! FREE!
Dr Sandi Shillington, Campus Registrar, and Campus Life managers will be in attendance at the end of year Barbecue and are keen to talk to you about your experiences with services offered to students. Any ideas that you have about improving services for next year would be welcomed.


Flatting has become a lot less daunting for those who turned up to the Flatting Expo a couple of weeks ago. This year we had an increase in the number of exhibitors in attendance which goes to show how much interest there is in this event to support the students in the Palmerston North Community. There was plenty of info on hand including health and safety with electrical equipment, safety issues while out in town, and flatting contractual issues to consider. Once again a large focus was put on student insurance with the flat fire that occurred last year. With increased pressures on finances, many tips were on hand and budgeting advice. Pip from PNCC was also very passionate about educating the importance of recycling in town. A big welcome to our first time exhibitorsThe Volunteer Resource Centre and Red Cross. We hope you enjoyed the day. We would like to thank those who supported the event this year Professionals, Ray White, Property Brokers, MUSA, Tenancy Union, Housing Advice, Massey Budgeting Service, ANZ, Central Rentals, PNCC, State Insurance, Fire Service, NZ Police, ACC, Neighbourhood Support, Horizons, Brian BestElectrical Safety, Volunteer Resource Centre, and Red Cross. Congratulations also to the many winners of prizes at each of the stands. Congratulations to the Accommodation Services stand winners of the flat prizes: Morgan Laird (Colombo Hall) Courtney McCorkindale (McHardy Hall) Alister Neilson (City Court) Olivia Hobbs (Totara Hall) Ashleigh MacGibbon (City Court) If you missed out on the Expo, we have some useful resources. Come and pick up your copy of the Flatters Guide from the Accommodation Office. Its your one stop guide to all you need to know about going flatting. If you haven't organised your flatting reference yet, you can pop in to the Accommodation Services Office to sign up for one. Please remember that references will take a minimum of 7 working days to process.


Congratulations to the following residents who have been selected as residents of the month for August 2013 for their respective halls. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge the significant contribution that a resident has made within the hall during the last month. Each will receive a movie voucher for their contributions to the community. This award is given based on the following criteria:

General behaviour is exemplary Respectful of others Actively participating in hall events Actively encourages a clean and tidy environment Encourages and motivates others in the all Active involvement in resident committees Above all, is a positive role model


Niall Young MIRO HALL

Matthew Bertelsen TAWA HALL


Josh Wharton MATAI HALL


Jaime-Lee Telfer TOTARA HALL


Natalie Summerson WALTER DYER HALL



Rennie is from Craiglockhart and is studying a Bachelor of Science majoring in Animal Science. She is from Eketahuna and wants to work with cows when she finishes university. Rennie is getting the award for resident of the month because she is always willing to help out and is a valuable resident of the halls community. She is always friendly and has a smile on her face ready to tell a joke or two.



Mikaela Greig CITY COURT





Congratulations to the following residents who have been selected as residents of the month for September 2013 for their respective halls. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge the significant contribution that a resident has made within the hall during the last month. Each will receive a movie voucher for their contributions to the community. This award is given based on the following criteria:

General behaviour is exemplary Respectful of others Actively participating in hall events Actively encourages a clean and tidy environment Encourages and motivates others in the all Active involvement in resident committees Above all, is a positive role model


Ailish Neyland MIRO HALL

Jack Christianson TAWA HALL

Caroline Weachter KAIRANGA COURT

Louis Batley MATAI HALL


Philip Roach TOTARA HALL

Jonathan Langridge KIWITEA HALL

Jonathan is a proud resident of Kiwitea hall. He is studying a Bachelor of Social Policy and Economics.
Kieran Glentworth WALTER DYER HALL Fern McIlldownie MCHARDY HALL Rachel Muir ROTARY COURT




Jonathan has shown his friendliness throughout the year, and always offers to help his RA in sport events as well as hall events. Jonathan is not only a resident, but he is also a Food and Accommodation rep who is playing a major role to represent the student views on the living conditions on behalf of his fellow residents. In this role, he is always making sure that every maintenance issue is addressed and reported, and he will follow up on things that he feels needs it! He is constantly encouraging other residents to come and talk to him if they have any suggestions or concerns regarding Food & Accommodation issues. Furthermore, he is consistently giving suggestions and feedbacks to his RA on how things could have done better. His contribution has made him an asset to the Halls Community. Congratulations on being Kiwiteas Resident of the Month!

Gemma Dorotich EGMONT COURT




Most of us know it is important to keep ourselves physically well even if we dont always do what we know is good for us! We dont however always think about what is good for our mental health/wellbeing. Mental distress and illness are common we can all experience them at any time in our lives, so it is useful to find ways to look after our mental health. Each year, the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand runs a Mental Health Awareness Week to increase peoples awareness of what helps build good mental health. The graphic below promotes ways to wellbeing, which are simple and effective ways based on international research findings. The theme of this years Mental Health Week is CONNECT. To celebrate this week, there are a few activities on campus and in the community in which you can be involved. Also in your Halls newsletter, re-printed with the kind permission of those involved from the Like Minds magazine, are the stories of young people who have dealt with significant mental health challenges and have found ways to stay well. We hope you can take time to read them. For information about community events, check out: and

Fun Speed Connect Competition on Wednesday 12 noon-2pm on concourse

Join the Greenshirts and take part in a fun SPEED CONNECT quiz. Greenshirts will give out forms on concourse between 12 noon and 1pm. Entries need to be completed by 2pm. Its fun and easy and you could win a double movie pass or a stress reduction massage

All Body Balance Classes are FREE at the Rec Centre for students this week
This is a class that reinforces flexibility and strength, combining the best of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates. BODYBALANCE brings mind and body into harmony and really helps with stress management. If you havent been before to a Body Balance Class before, try the introductory class in the Rec Centre: Tuesday at 12.10pm . Other BB classes: Monday 6.25pm; Wednesday 12.05pm; Wednesday 6.25pm; Friday 4.25pm

Q and A session for students on coping with exam stress Thursday 12 noon
Go on-line:

FREE EVENTS on Campus for Mental Health Awareness Week

Members of the counselling team will answer any questions about stress management and wellbeing during exams-you can log-in using a pseudonym if you prefer and chat with the counselling team This is a chance to have a consult with a counsellor about your wellbeing. You can get tips to help with stress, sleep, study, relationships, mood - whatever you need. It is confidential and informal. You can book your consult with a male or female counsellor for Friday 11 October directly by emailing Morag on:

Movie night Thursday 10th October 7:30pm MUSA Lounge

Halls students are invited to watch Silver Linings Playbook, a 2012 American romantic comedy-drama, written and directed by David Russell starring Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper.

Book a 45 minute wellbeing consult on Friday 11th October

We hope this week that you can spend time taking care of your own mental health and connecting with others. Have a great week! Kia kaha from the Student Counselling team

As we are now coming to the really busy part of the semester, it is important that you keep valuables such as wallets, laptops and cell phones safe from theft. Losing these items is not only costly but may interrupt your study, an Inconvenience that you really don't need at this time of the year. We strongly recommend that you never leave your valuables unattended in the library, student lounge, dining hall or any other public space on campus even if it is only for a few moments. Please also ensure that you don't leave valuables in cars or near windows where they can be easily seen by others. If you are unlucky enough to lose something, having a record of any serial numbers and/or having apps on your device that blocks it from being used or that enables you to track its location, may be helpful.

GOING FLATTING? Take the stress away and dont get caught out without any insurance cover. Come and let us put protection in place for your belongings and for legal liability while flatting. Its not expensive and very easy to set up. For around $8 per week its worth it based on $10K base cover. We are here to help at the Massey ANZ branch.


We need your help. At the Rec Centre we are committed to providing you with the best possible facilities, programmes and services to help you on your fitness and wellbeing journey. So we need to know what is important to you. We've put together a short survey for your feedback - it's only 10 questions and your responses will help us make important decisions about the future of the Rec Centre programmes.

Is the stress of preparing for exams getting on top of you?

Before you blow off the gym because you need to study for a big exam you might want to keep the following advice in mind. Besides leaving you feeling energised and refreshed, exercise improves attention, speed of processing, and the ability to perform cognitive tasks. There has also been evidence between the connection of exercise and higher mental processes of memory and the ability to juggle different intellectual tasks at the same time. When you are exercising, you change your blood chemistry and make nutrients more available to the brain. This increase in blood circulation also enhances energy production and waste removal. The hormone epinephrine, stimulated by exercise, increases your awareness and therefore your ability to concentrate. So dont forget to take the time to get to the gym this month as you prepare for your exams.

WIN AN iPod Everyone who completes the survey goes into the draw to win an iPod. Winners will be drawn after the survey closes on 20 October and be notified within a week. Our response to your identified areas of improvement will follow our planning day in November and be communicated to you in subsequent newsletters. Go to this link to do the survey

Social Sport Leagues

Social League results will be available at WEB: Twitter: @MasseyRecCentre #MUsocialleagues Facebook: Massey Sport and Recreation Centre

Wow! The year nearly gone! Just the minor hurdles of exams to negotiate before cracking on into the summer break. We hope it has been a good year for you; new friends, grades OK, life generally good. If you are an overseas student here for the semester we trust you have enjoyed not just Massey, but the country as well. Here at The Centre we have enjoyed getting to know some of you either at Pancake Nites or when you have come in at other times during the week. Apart from being open 9am-5pm during the week, below is a list of other activities we will be continuing until the end of term.

New Coke Vending Machine in RSO We have a new Coke vending machine which only takes coins. End of Year Information In the next few weeks you will receive a letter explaining the end of year check out procedures for 2013. Attached to this will be a copy of your accommodation statement with weekly charges to the end of your agreement (17th November 2013), and a Bond Refund Form. Please ensure that your fees are paid and up to date. You will also need to ensure that you have completed the 2013 Bond Refund Form so that your bond can be refunded to you. Accounts must be paid to the end of semester and Bond refund forms returned to the RSO by Friday 15th November 2013. Please note that bond refunds can take up to 28 working days to process. If you have any questions, please visit the RSO and talk to our staff. Summer semester Summer Semester runs from the 17th November 2013 31st January 2014. If you are interested in accommodation, we will be using Kairanga/Rotary Courts. Please apply online through the Massey Accommodation website. Storage will also be available during the summer semester with prices ranging from $16.50 - $44.00 per week. You will also need to provide your own padlock. Please make enquiries at the Residential Service Office. Our front office staff will be available to take you to have a look at the storage facilities during our office hours of 8.30am 5.00pm Monday Friday. You will need to book quickly as spaces are limited. Mail and Parcels Please ensure that your mail/parcels are forwarded to your home address as all mail/parcels received will be returned to sender after the 31st January 2014. Good luck with your exams and enjoy your break! CLV Team


followed by lunch together


Every Wednesday 12 noon PANCAKES Every Wednesday 7pm CHRISTIAN MEDIATION Every Thursday 12:30pm Everybody welcome to all of the above.

Meanwhile, we hope your preparation for exams goes well and the exams themselves even better! Do make use of all the support facilities Massy offers in order to help you maximise your revision effectiveness and exam performance. Then, when all that is done, have a great summer break. We will look forward to seeing many of you again next year. COLIN DAY On behalf of the chaplains


Keep Happy In The Last Few Weeks
This time of the year can be a difficult one for many of us although it is warming up and there is (much) more sunlight, we can still be cooped up indoors and struggling to focus on exams which are now only a matter of a few weeks away. Have I done enough study? What will they ask me? What will I do in the holidays? What about next year? Flatting? It is quite important to find ways of keeping positive and focussed at this stage it can slip so easily and we can end up feeling out of control and overwhelmed. There are a few things we can do relatively easily which can make a significant difference at any time but are really useful to do at this time! Just as our Olympic athletes know, the skill does not develop overnight and we need to practise and rehearse the skills to become competent let alone expert, but the effort is worthwhile in the end! So try a few of these things:

Impaired Performance and Aegrotats

In the run-up to the exams, it is not uncommon for students to experience difficult times that impact on their performance in tests and even exams. Recent tragedies in the lives of many students illustrate just how sudden and how devastating such events can be and how they can affect academic performance. Those students who feel that their performance has been affected by such events can consider applying for an Impaired Performance (known as an IP) or even an Aegrotat. The differences and the criteria are spelt out below. If an Aegrotat or IP is awarded the paper co-ordinator will reassess the mark for a particular piece of work and can revise it in light of the Aegrotat or IP information. To apply for IMPAIRED PERFORMANCE you must first actually write the test or exam and then approach a doctor (if it is a medical reason) or a counsellor (if it is an emotional reason). Forms are available from the Registry, Student Counselling Service and Massey Medical Centre. The professional whom you consult will recommend that you be granted an IP on the basis of the information you provide and will assess to what extent your performance has been effected by the events in your life. The following criteria apply: 1. You must sit the test or exam 2. Your performance must have been seriously impaired 3. Your course work must be well above the minimum pass standard 4. It will be considered for illness, injury, bereavement or a sudden traumatic event (such as a car accident or a family crisis) 5. You must submit the IP within 14 days of the exam period. It will NOT be considered for 1. Things that have been a problem for a long while (such as chronic illness) 2. Normal problems such as relationship difficulties or adjusting to university life 3. Things that have happened some time ago in the past and you could be expected to have dealt with by the time of the exam (so ensure you seek assistance in good time!) 4. Two or more exams in close proximity 5. Losing your notes or texts 6. Things that have prevented you preparing for the exam or test 7. Things that are regarded as your own fault (such as drinking or staying up too late) An AEGROTAT (which is Latin for he is sick) will be considered if you cannot actually be at the exam because of the event or illness. Once again your course work must be well above minimum pass mark. Other criteria include: 1. Illness or injury when you actually have to be in bed or hospital 2. Sudden incident or an immediate bereavement But, as for an IP, not long term problems, things that have happened in the past, two or more exams in close proximity, losing notes, being unable to prepare for the exam or things that are your own fault (such as drinking or staying up too late). These might be grounds for an IP but certainly not an Aegrotat. To apply for an IP or an Aegrotat you can make an appointment at Student Counselling Service or Massey Medical Centre (on Extn 5533), bearing in mind it may take a few days before you see the doctor or counsellor. The assessment must be done after you have completed the exam.

At the end of each day take a few moments to reflect on the day, paying particular attention to the things that have gone well the cool experiences. This might be a chat to a friend, warm sunshine, the plum trees in blossom, a lecture you enjoyed, a good session in the gym or just a peaceful walk across campus looking at the blue sky. Try to jot down three things each day. Each day look for something you can do for another person! It may just be holding a door open for them, picking up something they have dropped, a compliment, a prayer, or noticing they look tired and creating an opportunity to sit with them and listen as they off-load to you. Reflect on the good or kind things other people have done for you. It could be your friends, your parents, or even an academic. If you have an opportunity, smile and thank then as they give you your coffee or hand out notes. If you dont have that opportunity, take a moment quietly to acknowledge how they have supported you, cheered you up, or helped you. Practise the art of stillness. Walk more slowly, talk more quietly, breathe more slowly. Notice your body in space, look at the colours around you, listen to the sounds, try to be in the present for just a few moments at the time without all the thoughts and worries and interruptions crowding in. Avoid being busy all the time find a moment or two in time when you can simply stop the rushing and the thinking. Learn to breathe with your diaphragm and not your chest. Spend time in nature. We are fortunate on our campus to have green spaces all around us. Utilise them regularly. If necessary seek help and support before you become overwhelmed! Talk to a friend, an RA, a chaplain, a counsellor, a lecturer, your parents or a learning consultant. The Student Counselling team can offer short term interventions to teach you some of the essential skills to manage that last minute panic. Attend the last minute workshops run by the Centre for Teaching and Learning and by Student Counselling Service. Dont wait until melt down as it will be harder to change things then. The Centre for Teaching and Learning run Study Up sessions throughout October as does Student Counselling as part of the WoW series.

You may like to look at the website where you will find a vast array of self-help materials to assist you do these things, as well as the links to the WoW workshops running and recorded sessions from last year. Make the most of the final week and look for ways of enjoying exam time. Notice how things are different and what is enjoyable about it. Think about how good it will feel at the end rather than paying too much attention to the struggles in between that journey will be very with you as you study!





Can you spare 30 minutes a week

for the next fortnight where you can go online and learn some effective exam revision skills and strategies to help you with exams? Of course you do! Simply link to the URL provided above either through your smartphone, ipad, tablet, computer or laptop. Learning from these workshops can help you reflect on your type of exam study and provide you with some strategies that can not only save you time, but give you more focus in your approach. We wish you all the best. See you online!


Miss out on getting your Green Shirt application in on time? No worries, Applications have been extended until October 6th so be in quick! Just head to -life/services-and-resources/student-leadershipprogramme/manawatu/applying-to-be-a-greenshirt.cfm and follow the link to the application form! Too long to type? Just email Kirsty Greenwell on for more information.


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