Fathers and Sons

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The Father and His Sons

By D. J. Love, Minister, TSN, SBC

revised 6-24-2001
refined 3-29-2007

What is the true relationship of The Father and The Son?

Was Messiah Y'Shua a god, is Messiah Y'Shua God or is Messiah Y'Shua the
"Image of God?" Did Messiah Y'Shua ever claim to be a god, God or the
"Image of God?" Did Yahweh refer to Messiah Y'Shua, as His equal OR His
image? What does it mean to be in "The Image of God?" We seek to
answer these questions and more in the following message.

NOTE: "God" (Theos in Greek) is an ambiguous term, just

the same as "Lord" (Kurios in Greek) is an ambiguous term.
See message "Kurios and Theos"

God "The Father" is "Yahweh," and our "LORD Yahweh" is "Elohim."

Y'Shua is the true spoken name of the first human to be appointed as a "Son
of Yahweh." Y'Shua (erroneously called Jesus) is not God, and neither is he a
god or God the son. Y'Shua is simply "Yahweh's Anointed Messenger,
Yahweh's appointed First Born Son (of many to come), the "Passover Lamb,"
and our "High Priest." Additionally, there is no such thing as "God the son."
There is a pagan "god the son," but that has nothing to do with being a True
Follower of Messiah Y'Shua (see pagan photos). Additionally, the error is
further compounded by the ambiguous phrase "Son of God." Before we go
any further, let's establish the truth of this phrase. The Messiah was not in all
reality actually born "The Son of God" from Heaven. The "First Born" is
actually an appointed position of Righteous Inheritance. He was of course
humanly born with the potential of becoming the First Human to become a
"Son of God." But Yahweh is planning a family of "Sons," of which Messiah
is the eldest or The First to be appointed this distinction. This is why the
Ancient Hebrews were taught to maintain the Sacred Tradition of the "First
Fruits," of which Messiah was the "First of The First Fruits." Terms that
refer to Messiah's future Spiritual siblings are "The Chosen Few," "The
Elect," "The First Fruits," "The Children of God," "The Bride," "The Sons of
God," and even symbolically as the city in which they will exist as "The
New Jerusalem." There are more terms, but I think you get the picture.

Genesis 1:26
26 Elohim said, "Let us make (physical) man in our (Righteous) image,
after our likeness (as an anthropomorphism):

Right away we can clearly see that man is an image or a likeness, but the
verse, also, says "Our Image." Can we just assume that the "Our" is God The
Father (Elohim) and God The Son; if you do, you will be following
Babylonian tradition and pagan Roman doctrine, which is an unholy mix of
various pagan and pagan christian tradition. But don't just take my word for
it, let's search the Holy Scripture for answers.
First of all, why don't I start with an alternate, but scriptural possibility for
the "Our" in Genesis 1:26.

Revelation 4:2-4
2 Immediately I was in the Spirit. Behold, there was a throne set in
heaven, and one sitting on the throne
3 that looked like a jasper stone and a sardius. There was a rainbow
around the throne, like an emerald to look at.
4 Around the throne were twenty-four thrones. On the thrones were
twenty-four elders sitting, dressed in white garments, with crowns of
gold on their heads.

Here we can plainly see that there are twenty-four elders, who sit on thrones,
with obvious authority given to them. Are they Gods or gods? No, regardless
of their authority, their power comes from The One True God, YHWH. This
is further witnessed in Revelation 4:10-11 by their willingness to humble
themselves before Yahweh. However, this does not rule them out as being
the "Our" in Genesis 1:26. After all, having the same Holy Spirit or Pneuma
as Yahweh means that they are all of 'One Accord' and quite capable of
acting with or 'On Behalf' of Yahweh; from whom they derive their power,
authority, and dominion. Could Messiah Y'Shua have originally been one of
these twenty-four elders? No, but he is listed among them now, because he
presently (and Symbolically) sits in the "First Born" position of Inheritance;
just like the twenty-four elders do, only he is symbolically seated on the
right hand side of Yahweh; . See Mark 16:19, Luke 22:69, Acts 2:32-35,
Acts 7:55-56, Romans 8:34, Colossians 3:1, Hebrews 1:1-14, Hebrews 8:1-
3, Revelations 5:8.

Did Messiah Y'Shua ever claim to be God OR the Son of God (a Spiritual
Image of his Spiritual parent); just the same as our physical children mirror
many of our physical traits, YHWH's Righteousness seeking Children mirror
His Spiritual (Righteous) traits?

In Matthew 11:27 Y'Shua said that all things have been delivered to him by
his Father. Which simply indicates that Messiah Y'Shua does not have any
power, authority, or dominion without God the Father (Elohim), and that
Messiah Y'Shua did not have power, authority or dominion prior to
receiving the "Promise" of the Holy Pneuma (Spirit). See Acts 2:33,
Galatians 3:14, Ephesians 1:13.

Ephesians 1:19-23
19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His (YHWH) power toward
us who believe, according to that working of the strength of His might
20 which He (YHWH) worked into Messiah Y'Shua, when He (YHWH)
raised him from among the dead, and made him to sit at His right
hand in the heavenly places,
21 far above all (Earthly) rule, and authority, and power, and
dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but
also in that (Earthly World OR Promised Land) which is to come.
22 He put all things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be
head over all things to the assembly (as His Proxy),
23 which is His body (YHWH), the fullness of Him (YHWH) who fills
all in all.
See, also, 1 Peter 4:11, and Revelation 1:5-6.

We know that Yahweh, The Source of True Love or Righteousness, is perfect

in all ways, and is therefore worthy of being called "Good." What did
Messiah Y'Shua say when he was called good (or it was implied that he was
good)? Did he reinforce the fact that he and the Father are not equal? Did he
not indicate that he was less than God and, therefore, less than the perfection
of God? Does a human being, including Messiah Y'Shua, have to be perfect
to be sinless (a legalistic point of view) or is it the "Intent of ones Heart"
(spirit or pneuma) towards Yahweh and mankind that removes their sin? I can
honestly tell you right now, that Yahweh removes the sin of all men who
believe into His Holy Spiritual Attitude of Love (Seeks YHWH's
Righteousness) and "REFLECT THAT IMAGE" of Righteous Love. This is
what is meant by believing in God and believing in Messiah Y'Shua
(Yahweh's Image)! It means that it is the desire of our hearts to become like
God, because we believe in YHWH's Righteousness! When we repent of
our natural image of Satan (Human Nature) and take on the Holy Image of
God, then and only then do we gain "Favor" in God's eyes (Grace). Only then
do we suddenly have a desire to obey God and keep His Righteous
Commandments (all of them). Neither we nor Messiah Y'Shua had to live a
sinless life through legalism in order to have our sins washed away. This is
not to say that Messiah Y'Shua didn't actually live a sinless life, but neither
does it say that he did. Regardless, Messiah Y'Shua was without sin in God's
eyes, because when God beheld His Appointed First Born Son of flesh, God
did not see sin, but a Spiritual Reflection of His Righteousness Seeking
Spirit. It is this "Image of God" that is perfect and flawless, and not anything
else! And that "Image" is an "Image of True Selfless Love." When Yahweh
sees that "Perfect Image of Love" in us, though we be sinners, He sees
Himself; and it is that "Perfect Image of Love" that we obtain through
mirroring Messiah Y'Shua, who mirrors Yahweh, that causes God to see
Himself in us. This cannot be faked! God's "Plan of Salvation" is flawless
and without legal loopholes! Human beings cannot love that which they hate
or hate that which they love; and if they try, they become rebellious; just
exactly like the ancient Israelites. See "True Perfection."

Matthew 19:16-17
16 Behold, one came to him and said, "Good teacher, what good thing
shall I do, that I may have eternal life?"
17 He said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is
good but one, that is, Yahweh. But if you want to enter into
life, keep the commandments."

Matthew 19:16-17 (NSRV)

16 Then someone came to him and said, "Teacher, what good
deed must I do to have eternal life?"
17 And he said to him, "Why do you ask me about what is
good? There is only one who is good. If you wish to enter into
life, keep the commandments."

When Messiah Y'Shua said,"I and the Father are one?" Did he mean "One
God in Two Persons" or that he was (is) the reflected "Righteous Image of

John 10:29-30
29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all. No one is
able to snatch them out of my Father's hand.
30 I and the Father are "one" (Spiritually Married or "As One" in
Righteous mentally).

Be not deceived, Messiah Y'Shua never claims to be God in any scripture,

but he does claim to be "One with God," meaning of "Like Mind or
Righteousness Seeking Spirit" (the word 'Like' indicates a reflection), having
the power and authority of God, because Yahweh gave him this power and
authority. Yahweh, gave him this power and authority, because He knows
that Messiah Y'Shua will not abuse it or use it in any way that is not
according to "The Righteous Will of The Father." It is a "Love/Love"
relationship based on faith and trust; just like a marriage should be.

So was Messiah Y'Shua ever God (YHWH) or a god? No, and he is not
God or a god even now, but he does have the Power, and Authority of God
(YHWH); and as such, he can speak for God as God's "Spokesman" or

Aren't all immortals actually gods? Actually no, the concept of having
immortality and, thus, being a god is an ancient pagan belief. In order to be a
True GOD, you have to be "Self-Existent;" and only Yahweh is "Self-
Existent." Angels, the twenty-four elders, Satan, etc. have immortality, but
they are not self-existent. In other words, they derive(d) their immortality
through Yahweh Himself. If it were possible for Yahweh, "The Self-Existent
One," to suddenly no longer exist, then all things Spiritually Immortal and
physically mortal would, also, suddenly cease to exist (Deuteronomy 32:39-
40, Exodus 3:14). The translation of YHWH has many meanings, of which
the two most common are "I Am What I Am," and "The Self-Existent

Are those who are going to be "Resurrected from among The Dead" at
"The Second Coming" going to become "Like God" in the same way that
Y'Shua is "Like God?" Yes, of course, they won't sit on a throne on the
right hand side of Yahweh, but they will have the Power and Authority of
YHWH delegated to them, according to the parable of the "Talents"
(Matthew 25:13-31). There are those among us who will be called "Great in
The Kingdom of God" (on Earth), and those who will be called "Least in
The Kingdom of God."

Matthew 5:19
19 Whoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments,
and teach others to do so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of
Heaven (on Earth); but whoever shall do and teach them (all) shall be
called great in the Kingdom of Heaven (on Earth).

As you can plainly see, we don't have to be perfect to be in the "First

Resurrection," but we do have to be sincerely trying to become "A
Righteousness Seeking Image of God" through the example of Y'Shua, His
"Appointed First Born Son."
So what is the true relationship of The Father and The Son?

The Appointed First Born Son of Man, Messiah Y'Shua, is the "Reflected
Righteous Image" of Yahweh. All of the rest of the "Children of God
(YHWH)" (yet to receive their 'APPOINTMENT') will, also, be the "Reflected
Image of The God of Love (YHWH)," once the "First Resurrection" or
"Regeneration" takes place. Additionally, those of us who are still alive,
right now, will have a "Love/Love" relationship with Yahweh through
Messiah Y'Shua, wherein, all of our decisions in life are based on our Faith
and Trust in the Righteousness of YHWH; For it is not Messiah Y'Shua who
draws us to the Father, but the Father Himself; Therefore, our Faith and
Trust is in Yahweh (Our Savior), but our Belief is in the "Righteousness
Seeking Love of YHWH" reflected to us through the Selfless example of
Y'Shua (our Elder Brother, High Priest, Passover Lamb, and First Born Son of
Man) whose example we desire to follow.

Note: Messiah Y'Shua is our Savior too, but only in the sense
the he is the "Reflected Image" of YHWH our Savior.

John 6:43-44
43 Therefore Y'Shua answered them, "Don't murmur among
44 No one can come to me unless the Father (YHWH), who sent me,
draws him, and I will raise him up in the last day.

Jude 1:25
25 to Yahweh Our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty,
dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.

Matthew 19:28-29
28 Y'Shua said to them, "Most assuredly I tell you, that you (twelve
Apostles, including Paul) who have followed me, in the
"Regeneration" (Resurrection) when the Son of Man will sit on the
throne of his glory, you also will sit on twelve thrones, judging the
twelve tribes of Israel.
29 Everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or
mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, will receive
one hundred times, and will inherit eternal life.

NOTE: Messiah Y'Shua is called "The Son of Man" more often

(87 times) than "The Son of God" (40 times). Here are just a few
of the verses in Matthew alone: Matthew 8:20; 9:6; 10:23;
11:19; 12:8,32,40; 13:41; 16:28; and 17:9 to name a few. This is
significant in light of Holy Scripture that makes an indisputable
distinction between "God" and the "Son of Man."

Numbers 23:19
19 YHWH is not a man, that he should lie, neither the "Son of
Man", that he should repent: Has He said, and will He not do
it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

Did Messiah Y'Shua repent? Yes, at his baptism by "John the Baptizer," who
only baptised "Unto Repentance." Was he God, a god or a demi-god? No,
he was one hundred percent flesh and blood, and may not even have had The
Holy Spirit until after his repentance and baptism. However, he was "Set
Apart" by YHWH to become our High Priest, Passover lamb, and Reflected
Image of Love (of YHWH). Holy Scripture states that anyone who teaches
that Messiah Y'Shua was not one hundred percent flesh and blood has the
spirit of the Anti-Messiah. The Trinitarian Universal Roman church and her
Trinitarian protestant daughter churches teach just such a doctrine.

1 John 4:1-3
Beloved, don't believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they
are of YHWH, because many false prophets have gone out into the
world (began over 2000 years ago).
2 By this you know the Spirit of YHWH: every spirit who confesses
(Strongs #3670, homologeo, enters into a marriage covenant) that (professes)
Y'Shua has come in the flesh (is only a man) is of YHWH,
3 and every spirit who doesn't confess that Y'Shua has come in the
flesh (does not profess that Messiah Y'Shua is only a man) is not of
YHWH, and this is the spirit of the Anti-Messiah, of whom you have
heard that it comes. Now it is in the world already

Note: Which was when the fledgeling Universal Roman

church began to evolve as The Fourth Beast. Look up the
word catholic in your dictionary, it means "Universal."
YHWH's true church cannot possibly be "Universal," as
YHWH Himself has made it a "Select" group of a
"Chosen" or "handpicked" FEW.

Little Children, Beware of Evil Masquerading as Good!

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