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The Year of the Last

Sabbath Parallels Chart
by D. J. Love, Minister, TSN, SBC
written 2003
upgraded 10-12-2006
refined 12-02-2006

When will Messiah Y'shua return to establish His kingdom on Earth?

The Bible today is a fairly accurate record of YHVH's infallible words, and
it provides mankind in general with their only record of history relevant to
salvation. Since this website abounds with instruction as to the significance
of YHVH's Holy Sabbaths, I will not expound on them again, but I will
reiterate the one main theme behind their significance. YHVH (YHWH) has
been trying to tell mankind ever since Adam (first physically perfected man)
that He not only designs, and creates around the Sabbath, but He expects us
to do so too. Why? Because the weekly and annual Sabbaths are not only
Holy Convocations, but they are, also, memorial lessons designed to teach
YHVH's Chosen the "Complete Plan of Salvation" (The Logos). This
includes the final (Spiritual) phase of that plan (The Second Sabbath
Millennium) which begins when the (Seventh) "Last Trump" (symbolized in
Yom Kippur) announces the return of "The Second Adam" (Messiah or First
Spiritually perfected man) to the Earth to once again establish YHVH's
Kingdom (Paradise) on the Earth. Remember, the first seven millenniums
were referred to as the "Seven Days of Creation" but those were not seven
literal days, for YHVH's Days are as "A Thousand Years" each. This is a
standard symbolic day to millennium parallel. Additionally, YHVH does not
change His symbolism; to believe this would be tantamount to believing
that YHVH is unstable and undependable, which YHVH is not. YHVH has
no variableness; not even the slightest indication (shadow) of it. Therefore,
YHVH is the same and His methods are the same both today, as it was
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh
down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness,
neither shadow of turning.

The Messiah, himself, who has modeled himself after THE FATHER
(YHVH), is an obvious Spiritual mirror of that exact sameness. "Like A

Hebrews 13:8
Messiah Y'Shua, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

So how does the Seventh Day and the Annual Sabbaths explain when "The
Messiah" will return? Simple, "The Second Cycle Of Seven Millenniums"
(which began after Adam and Eve were judged for their sin) will end with a
Second "Millennial Sabbath" of Rest and a Second "Paradise On Earth"
(The Coming Kingdom). YHVH stated through the 'Book of Genesis' that He
laid the foundation (The predetermined Plan of Salvation or Logos) and created
the physical universe in six days (These were NOT 24 hour days), and YHVH
then rested (from all active creation) on the Seventh Day. However, Adam
and Eve lived in "Paradise On Earth" (the Garden of Eden) under The
Eternal's watchful eye during part of the First Sabbath of Rest until the
end of that Sabbath of Rest. It was during this period of time that Eve and
then Adam sinned (chose to become SELF-reliant) against YHVH, and it was
with this "First Sin" that darkness (unrighteousness) began to return to
The Earth; But it wasn't until after Adam and Eve's Judgement that
another six millenniums (six thousand years) of Spiritual Creation
(development) was initiated, which will, also, end with The Second
Millennial Sabbath of Rest and the return of "Paradise On Earth"
(Coming Kingdom of YHVH on Earth).

IF at this point you find yourself a little bit overwhelmed, I highly suggest
you read; "Parallels and Parables Explained", then return to this page by
closing the new page that will appear when you click on the green link

Please note that I am not prophesying.

I am interpreting prophecy.

So was the First Seven Days of Physical Creation


Maybe not!

2Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with
the (reliable) LORD YHVH as a thousand years, and a thousand
years as one day.

Total Millenniums? Fourteen, and not Seven?

Mankind was created with the sole purpose of ultimately becoming YHVH's
Children (Elohim, Family, Images of YHVH), but becoming an immortal
spiritual child of YHVH is a two phase physical cycle to Spiritual cycle
process. First, we are created physical and mortal, and then those who do
receive YHVH's Holy Spirit (Righteousness Seeking Character or Nature of
YHVH) will be "Raised Up Spiritual" (immortal) at Messiah Y'shua's
Second Coming. In other words, the physical and Spiritual development of
"Individual Man" and "Mankind" MIRROR each other as another one of
The Eternal's many "Physical to Spiritual Parallels;" which work just
exactly like a "Parable" (See: Parallels and Parables Explained).
So, how many years has it been since The First Adam (physically perfected
man) came into the world? The Exact number of years is not specifically
stated, but YHVH did provide those that Seek Him with enough information
to calculate the approximate date of when the "Second Seven Millenniums"
would begin. However, IF the "Second Seven Millenniums," which
parallel and are reflected in the Holy Days of The Sacred Calendar, are a
reliable (stable) clue, then the First Sabbath Millennium, also, had a 100
Year period near its end (relative to "The Last Great Day" of Sukkat) when
"Adam & Eve" (mankind) were (was) judged and cast out of "Paradise On
Earth." This would help explain the reason why Messiah is called "The
Second Adam." The First Adam" was physical (a worldly mindset), and "The
Second Adam" (Messiah) was Spiritual (A Righteousness Seeker).

1Corinthians 15:45
And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul
(physical); the last Adam (Messiah) was made a quickening spirit.

Another, observation is that "The First Adam" (physically perfected natural

man) was judged, while "The Second Adam" (Spiritually perfected man) will
be the judge; and both judgement periods were designed to occur at the end
of their respective Sabbath Millenniums (Paradise on Earth) after 100 years of
Satan (source of human nature or SELF) being released to influence the nations
prior to The Great White Throne Judgement(s).

Revelation 20:3
And cast it (Satan or Source of Human Nature) into the (symbolic)
bottomless pit, and shut it up, and set a seal upon it, that it should
deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years (Sabbath
Millennium or Paradise on Earth) should be fulfilled: and after that it
must be loosed a little season (a hundred years).

Isaiah 65:20 There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor

an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an
hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall
be accursed.
This means that Adam symbolically and biologically represents not just a
physically "Perfected Man" or mankind, but also, the beginning point in
time of "The Spiritually Aware Man" with the mental ability to distinguish
righteousness (Good) from unrighteousness (Evil). In other words, at some
point in time after Adam's formation is the starting point for the Spiritual
Second Millennial Phase of the Creation of Elohim (Spiritual Children of
YHVH). This is just another of many of YHVH's miraculous physical to
Spiritual parallels with the physical first 7000 year development cycle of
creation being mirrored by the Spiritual second 7000 year development
cycle of creation. So where are we now within that second 7000 year cycle
of creation, and how close are we to the second "Paradise" (Sabbath
Millennium) on Earth?

Let the reader prayerfully consider the awesome conclusion to which this
article arrives ....... that the Saviors return is near and that Time is very
short indeed.

Please Note: Red indicates the years since Adam's (mankind's)

Judgement and mankind gained the mental power to discern "Good From
Evil." It is the ability to discern "Good From Evil" that marks the beginning
of the second 7,000 years cycle and not the physical forming of Adam
(intelligent man). Therefore the timing of the 7,000 year cycles hinge on
cycles of darkness (unrighteousness) and of Light (righteousness). This has the
potential to make "Adam the Man" as much as 2000 years old at the time
that sin entered the world, but this is not a possibility as Adam is stated to
have died at the age of 930 (see chart below). Therefore, Adam could not have
been the very first manlike creature created in Genesis 1:24-31, but Adam
could easily have been the very first physically perfected "Intelligent Man"
created, and capable of being "SELF-aware" and committing Sin.

It is impossible for the generations of Adam through Messiah to have

occurred during The First Five thousand years of Creation, because mankind
in general was not created until the sixth millennium (Sixth Day) of the first
seven thousand years of Creation. Therefore there must be a "Second
Cycle" of seven millenniums. Modern man has erroneously based the Anno
Mundi Year calculations on the false belief that Adam was created at the
beginning of the our current (last) cycle of Seven millenniums, but mankind
should have realized through the understanding imparted by The Sabbath
Day (Seven Day Cycles of YHVH) that that was an impossibility; but mankind
has ignored YHVH's Sabbaths. Regardless, it was through YHVH's physical
to Spiritual "Parallel" understanding of His Sabbaths that we (TSN) became
even more sure of our findings, when they mathematically supported the
genealogies of "The Hebrew Text" (as stated) over (and above) the two
altered Septuagints, and the altered Samaritan Pentateuch. Additionally, the
accuracy of the unaltered Hebrew Text computations reinforces our
understanding of Isaiah 65:20, which is a physical (millennial) to Spiritual
(millennial) parallel (mirrored image).

Isaiah 65:20 There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor

an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an
hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall
be accursed.

What follows is a brief chronological record in A.M. (anno mundi) years;

which erroneously means 'The Year of the World' or 'The Beginning of
the World'. It is very important that we realize that none of these patriarchs,
prior to Noah, were alive at the time of "The Great Flood;" thus the "Anno
Mundi Year at Death Column" on the far right for each patriarch. Only
Noah should live beyond 1556 A.M.; The Year of "The Great Flood".
However, out of all the other Patriarchs Methuselah lived right up to the
beginning of "The Great Flood." Could it be that The Eternal Father in
His great love of Methuselah would not cause the waters to come upon
the Earth until after Methuselah's natural death? I think so! Not one
Patriarch was destroyed and Enoch was "Translated" (quote) "So that he
would not see death."
SCRIPTURE (Pre-Flood) Patriarchs Anno Mundi Anno Mundi Anno Mundi
calculations and BCE Year at
Hebrew Text YEAR of Death

Genesis 1:27 Adam formed 100 years prior to the end of

The Seventh Millennium, and at 100 is -100 A.M.
judged, and cast out of Paradise. Darkness 100 = 830 A.M.
or Sin once again enters the world. 4000 BCE
He was 930 at death.

Genesis 2:1-3 First 7,000 year cycle completed. Second 0 A.M.

7,000 year cycle begins in sin. 0= N/A
3900 BCE
Genesis 5:3 Seth was born when Adam was 130. He was 30 A.M.
912 at death. -100 + 130 = + 30 942 A.M.
3870 BCE

Genesis 5:6 Enos was born when Seth was 105. He was 135 A.M.
905 at death 30 + 105 = 1040 A.M.
3765 BCE

Genesis 5:9 Cainan was born when Enos was 90. He was 225 A.M.
910 at death. 135 + 90 = 1135 A.M.
3675 BCE

Genesis 5:12 Mahalaleel born when Cainan was 70. He 295 A.M.
was 895 at death. 225 + 70 = 1190 A.M.
3605 BCE

Genesis 5:15 Jared born when Mahalaleel was 65. He was 360 A.M.
962 at death. 295 + 65 = 1322 A.M.
3540 BCE

Genesis 5:18 Enoch born when Jared was 162. He was 522 A.M.
887 A.M.
taken by YHVH at 365 years of age. 360 + 162 =
He was taken
3378 BCE

Genesis 5:21 Methuselah born when Enoch was 65; and 587 A.M.
lived 969 yrs to the flood in 1556 A.M. 522 + 65 = 1556 A.M.
3313 BCE

Genesis 5:25 Lamech born when Methuselah was 187. He 774 A.M.
was 777 at death. 587 + 187 = 1551 A.M.
3126 BCE

Genesis 5:28 Noah born when Lamech was 182. He lived 956 A.M.
through the flood. He was 950 at death. 774 + 182 = 1906 A.M.
2944 BCE

Genesis 7:11 The Flood came when Noah was 600; 1556 A.M.
Year Of Great Flood 956 + 600 = N/A
2344 BCE

Notice: The
two Septuagints
and The
thought it was
necessary to
alter the
Hebrew Text in
order to keep
the ages of
from exceeding
the year of the
flood, but as we
have shown, the
Hebrew Text is
correct. This
our claim that
Adam was 100
years old when
he and Eve
sinned and were
judged and cast
out of Eden
(Paradise on
Earth) during
the first
(seventh 1000
year period).

Ante Deluvian Chart Summary:

Pre-flood Years (average) = 1656 yrs. since The First Adam (Physically Perfected Man) was formed.
Please take care to understand that Adam's formation was made manifest by a pre-programed
physical creation process, that was already set into motion by YHVH, during the sixth millennium.
However, (Physically Perfected) Adam's formation didn't actually occur until 100 prior to the
beginning of The Eighth Millennium. When you add this 100 years with the 1556 AM years (from the
beginning of the eighth millennium) unto The Great Flood in 1556 A.M. , you get a TOTAL OF 1656
YEARS from the formation of Adam until The Great Flood in 1556 A.M. .

More Computations: The far right chart column will now record the TOTAL Years since the
forming of "The First Adam" (First Physically Perfected Man).

SCRIPTURE (Post-Flood) Patriarchs Anno Mundi Anno Mundi Years since

"Self-aware" genealogy of the first Adam calculations and BCE Adam formed.
to Messiah (The Second Adam). Hebrew Text YEAR of A.M. +100

Genesis 11:10 Arphazad born 2 yrs after flood. He was 438 1558 A.M.
at death. 1558+100
= 1658
2342 BCE

Genesis 11:12 Salah born when Arphazad was 35. He was 1593 A.M.
433 at death. 1558+35= 1693
2307 BCE

Genesis 11:14 Eber born when Salah was 30. He was 464 at 1593+30= 1623 A.M. 1723
2277 BCE

Genesis 11:16 Peleg born when Eber was 34. He was 239 at 1657 A.M.
death. 1623+34= 1757
2243 BCE

Genesis 11:18 Reu born when Peleg was 30. He was 239 at 1687 A.M.
death. 1657+30= 1787
2213 BCE

Genesis 11:20 Serug born when Reu was 32. He was 230 at 1719 A.M.
death. 1687+32= 1819
2181 BCE

Genesis 11:22 Nahor born when Serug was 30. He was 148 1749 A.M.
at death. 1719+30= 1849
2151 BCE

Genesis 11:24 Terah born when Nahor was 29. He was 205 1778 A.M.
at death. 1749+29= 1878
2122 BCE

Genesis 11:26 Abram born when Terah was 130 See Note 1908 A.M.
1778+130= 2008
1992 BCE

Genesis 21:5 Isaac born when Abraham was 100 2008 A.M.
1998+100= 2108
1892 BCE

Genesis 25:26 Jacob (Israel the man) born when Isaac was 2068 A.M.
60 2008+60= 2168
1832 BCE

Gen. 34:27-29 Isaac dies at 180, therefore Jacob (Israel the 2188 A.M.
man) was 120. 2008+180= 2288
1712 BCE

In Genesis 11:32
(Abram) was
the youngest
son of Terah
(who died in
Haran aged
205, in year
1983 A.M.).
In Genesis 12:4
we learn that at
that time (1983
Anno Mundi)
Abraham was
75 years old. In
other words
Abraham was
born when his
father (Terah)
was 130 years
old. (205 minus
75 =130).
Abraham was
born in year
1908), which is
Terah's birth
year (1778A.M.)
plus 130

Genesis 37:1-2 Joseph was 17 when sold into slavery, 2176 A.M.
Genesis 37:28 and taken into Egypt. 13+7+2=22 years prior 2198 - 22= 2276
to Jacob (Israel) entering Egypt 2198 A.M.. 1724 BCE

Genesis 41:46 Joseph in charge over all Egypt at age 30, 2196 - 7= 2189 A.M.
Gen. 41:25-46 which was 7 yrs prior to the famine in 2196 JOSEPH is 30 2289
A.M. Probably under Pharoah Ahmoses. 1711 BCE

Genesis 45:11 The famine began 2 years prior to Jacob's 2198 - 2= 2196 A.M.
entry in 2198. Joseph meets his brothers FAMINE 2296
KEY VERSE with 5 more years of the 7 year famine to go. 1704 BCE

Genesis 47:11 The "Land of Rameses" is only a reference

to a city in Egypt, and not the Pharoah. The n/a n/a n/a
Pharoah was probably Ahmoses.

Genesis 47:9 Jacob entered Egypt at the age of 130. 2198 A.M.
Which is 10 years after Isaac's death in 2188 KEY DATE 2298
KEY VERSE A.M., and 2 years after the famine began. 1702 BCE

Genesis 45:11 Famine Ends seven years after it began in 2196+7= 2203 A.M.
2196 A.M. FAMINE ENDS n/a
1697 BCE

Gen. 47:28-29 Jacob (Israel the man) dies 147 yrs old after
Genesis 50:1-2 entering Egypt in 2198 A.M.; 2 yrs after the 2215 A.M.
famine began he stayed 17 years in Egypt. 2198+17= JACOB DIES 2315
See: Genesis 45:11 1680 BCE

Gen. 50:22-26 Joseph dies at the age of 110 yrs.

2269 A.M.
93 yrs. after being sold into slavery in 2176
2176+93= 2369
1631 BCE

The chronology
and genealogy
of Jacob (Israel
the man) was
only traced to
show the time
period of the
transition that
began seventeen
years prior to
his death in
2198 A.M. (1702
BCE) to Israel
(the Nation),
and the
Egyptian time
period. This I
felt was
necessary to
help resolve the
widely disputed
Egyptian time
frame and the
influence of the
movie "The Ten

The city of
Raamses is of
course famous
because it was
here that the
early Israelites
settled as they
sojourned in
Egypt and here
also that they
were enslaved.
Raamses was
not the original
name for the
city built by the
Israelites. The
city of Pi
Ramesse was
indeed built by
the 19th
Dynasty ruler
Ramesses II
(the Great), but
below it an
Austrian team
uncovered a
much older city
called Avaris,
which was the
actual city built
by the Israelite
slave labor long
before any
pharaoh named
(Ramses) had
ever reigned. In
other words, the
Israelites did
not build the
pyramids, but
they did build
the ancient city
of Avaris, which
was later known
by the new
name of

Thus the
transition from
Israel the man
entering Egypt
to Israel the
nation leaving
Egypt took
place in Egypt
from 2198 A.M.
to 2413 A.M. or
1702 BCE to
1487 BCE. and
the "Exodus"
appears to have
taken place
under the reign
of Egyptian

Post Deluvian Chart Summary:

The Year of "The Great Flood" was 1556 A.M. or 2344 BCE.
Abram (Abraham) born in 1908 A.M. or 1992 BCE.

SCRIPTURE Patriarchs and / or Events Anno Mundi Anno Mundi Years since
calculations and BCE Adam formed.
Hebrew Text YEAR of A.M. +100
Genesis 12:1-4 Abraham was called at the age of 75. He was 1983 A.M.
born 1908 A.M. 1908 A.M. +75 = 2083
See Abram born date in above chart. 1917 BCE

Genesis 47:9 Jacob entered Egypt at the age of 130 or 215

2198 A.M.
years after Abraham's call. Then Jacob 1983+ 2298
(Israel the Nation) remained another 215 (215 +215) = 1702 BCE

Exodus 12:40 The Exodus occurred 430 years after 2413 A.M.
Abraham's call. 1983+430 = (Exodus) 2513
1487 BCE

Exodus 7:7 Moses was 80 at the time of the Exodus. The 2413 A.M.
Pharoah at this time was probably Tutmoses. n/a (Exodus) 2513
It is easy to see where Moses got his name. 1487 BCE

Deut. 34:7 Moses died at 120 years, 40 years after the 2453 A.M.
Exodus and just before Israel entered the 2413+40 = 2553
symbolic Promised Land. 1447 BCE

1 Kings 6:1 Solomon's Temple Building operations 2893 A.M.

started 480 years after Exodus. 2413+480 = 2993
967 BCE

1 Kings 6:37 Solomon's Temple 2900 A.M.

1 Kings 6:38
Completed 2893+7 = 3000
after 7 years. 960 BCE

1 Kings 6:37 Solomon's Temple and Jerusalem destroyed

1 Kings 6:38 by King Nebuchadnezzar II for the final 3274 A.M.
time prior to Herod rebuilding his version of
2900+374 = 3374
it. 586 BCE

Note: I find it absolutely awesome that Solomon's Physical

Temple to YHVH, would be exactly halfway between the 6000
years (3000 years since First Adam formed) to The (not to distant)
Future Return of Messiah (The Second Adam) and "The
Spiritual Temple" (New Jerusalem) descending from the clouds
to Earth.

1Corinthians 3:17
If any man defile the temple of G-d, him shall G-d destroy; for the
temple of G-d is Holy, which Temple Ye Are.

Revelation 21:10
And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and
shewed me that great city, the Holy Jerusalem, descending out of
heaven (clouds) from G-d,
11 Having the glory of G-d: and her light was like unto a stone most
precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

Revelation 3:12
Him that overcometh (unrighteousness) will I make a pillar in the
temple of my G-d (YHVH), and he (a Chosen First Fruit) shall go no
more out: and I will write upon him the name of my G-d (YHVH),
and the name of the city of my G-d (YHVH), which is "New
Jerusalem," which cometh down out of heaven (clouds) from my G-d
(YHVH): and I will write upon him my new name.

Revelation 1:7 (Mark 13:26)

Behold, he (Messiah) cometh in the clouds; and every eye shall see
him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth
shall wail because of him. Even so, Awmane (Verily).

Additional Note: The probability of the final outcome of

these various computations being off by plus or minus even a
decade is extremely unlikely, because naturally occurring
random variations over a period of six or more millenniums
would effectively cancel out all but a few years at most.

* Scripture and secular sources agree that Solomon's Temple was

completed in about 960 BCE; which, as we have already shown, was in
2900 A.M. or 3,000 years since "Adam" was formed.

Note: I am not going to tell any of you that Adam was formed
by natural mans concept of "Evolution," but I will say, that
Only "During The Physical Creation Process" was mankind
genetically pre-designed by YHVH to "Quickly Adapt to and
Grow with" his environment (Like a newborn or child). As
mankind aged, mans ability to adapt and grow was rapidly
reduced in an apparent direct proportion to his dwindling life
span. Once mankind reached Abraham's generation this
physical ability to adapt and grow had nearly ceased in much
the same way as a child does when physically mature; and
just like a physically mature young adult, it is at this point that
Spiritual maturity begins. This, my friends, is just another one
of The Eternal's many physical to Spiritual parallels.

The Jerusalem Timeline.

Note: Add 100 years to the Anno Mundi years to see the total years
since The First Adam was formed.

960 BCE - (2900 A.M.) - King Solomon builds The First Temple.
586 BCE - (3274 A.M.) - King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon utterly destroys
Solomon's Temple and Jerusalem, and carries away all of their treasures.

We can now calculate that 374 years elapsed from Solomon's Temple being
built until it was completely destroyed. This means that Solomon's First
Temple was built in 960 BCE (586 BCE plus 374 years equals 960 BCE), which
now mathematically equates or associates 960 BCE with 2900 A.M. and
3000 years since Adam was formed.

Working chronologically forward from 960 BCE to 1 AD equals 960 years.

There is no zero A.D. or zero BCE.

960 years added to 3,000 years since Adam was formed equals 3,960 total
years since Adam was formed, and 1A.D. occurred.

Now all we need to do is take 6,000 years (Six Millennium total years) and
subtract 3,960 (years since Adam was formed during the First Sabbath
Millennium), and arrive at 2040AD for "The Year of The Last
Trumpet", and "The Resurrection of The Living and The
Dead in Messiah." However, because this will occur very near to
Sukkat in 2039AD, there are additional possibilities, which I will discuss
1Thessalonians 4:16
For the Master (Messiah) himself shall descend from heaven (The
Clouds) with a shout, with the voice of the Great Messenger, and
with the (Last) trump of YHVH: and the dead in Messiah shall rise
first: (then the living)

One more thought, before I elaborate on The Sukkat possibilities; IF you are
Scripturally aware, then you will remember that Messiah was reported to
have said, that he would raise up his Temple in Three Days. Since Messiah's
Temple is a Spiritual body that incorporates not only his personal flesh,
but also, The Combined Congregation of The True Assembly of YHVH
(The Bride aka New Jerusalem). Then he must have been making a dual
prophecy of not only his own resurrection, but also, "The New Temple"
of "True Believers" at his return to establish "YHVH's Kingdom On
Earth" ("Paradise"). Why? Because one day is as a thousand years does
not strictly refer to "One Day" being equal to a "Millennium" (even though
it is), but also, as in being "Parallel To" OR a "Mirror of" one another. We
can now see that Messiah was, also, referring to the replacement of The
First Temple (Solomon's Temple) with "New Jerusalem" (The Precious Stone
not cut by human hands), after 3 Millenniums (Symbolic Days).

Revelation 3:12
Him that overcometh (unrighteousness) will I make a pillar in the
temple of my G-d (YHVH), and he (a Chosen First Fruit) shall go no
more out: and I will write upon him the name of my G-d (YHVH),
and the name of the city of my G-d (YHVH), which is "New
Jerusalem," which cometh down out of heaven (clouds) from my G-d
(YHVH): and I will write upon him my new name.

Mark 14:58
We heard him say, I (Messiah) will destroy this temple (Solomon's
Temple - Being reconstructed is irrelevant) that is made with hands
(physical), and within (meaning inside of or no more than) three days
(3000 years) I (Messiah) will build another (New Jerusalem) made
without hands (Spiritual).

* SO if we are to believe that The Eternal uses parallel principles based

on cycles of seven, and phases of dark preceding light; that the two
Adam's will parallel one another; that the two seven thousand year
millenniums will parallel (mirror) one another; and that Methuselah didn't
just happen to die of natural causes in the year of The Great Flood; then we
can only come to one Logical and Spiritual conclusion: 2040 A.D. plus or
minus very little (to be discussed shortly).

Additional evidence for the accuracy of 2040 A.D. for Messiah's Return.

"The Abomination That Makes Desolate"


Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice Solomon's Temple Destroyed in
shall be taken away, and the abomination 586 + 1290 586 BCE
that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a = 705 A.D. El-Aqsa Mosque built on the
thousand two hundred and ninety days. No year zero
Temple Mount in 705 A.D.

Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the Messiah's Return
thousand three hundred and five and thirty
2040 - 1335 El-Aqsa Mosque built on the
days, because Messiah Returns. = 705 A.D. Temple Mount in 705 A.D.

So while we may not know the hour or the day, we surely

know the scheduled year is 2040 AD plus or minus very

Matthew 24:20
But pray ye that your flight be not in the Winter,
neither on the Sabbath Day:
Note: Some readers will erroneously assume that Messiah is
speaking in specifics in this passage, but in reality he is
speaking in generalities. Why? For the same reason he most
often spoke in parables; Matthew chapter 24 must be discerned,
and that discernment can only be Spiritually interpreted by
those with Spiritual "Ears To Hear, and Eyes To See."

Now I ask you, why would Messiah say, "Pray

that your flight be
not in the Winter, neither on the Sabbath Day"?
Because, Messiah was/is letting YHVH's "Chosen Few" (The First Fruits)
know by his words, when these events would occur and for whom these
events would and would not occur.
Firstly, YHVH ignores the prayers of unrepentant sinners, thus this message
is for Torah observant "Righteousness Seekers" (The Sabbath Keeping
"Chosen Few").
Secondly, there are zero annual Holy Sabbaths in the Winter. The final
Annual Sabbaths only occur during the sacred seventh month (symbolic
Sabbath Millennium) on the Hebrew Sacred Calendar (not civil calendar) in the
Fall (Autumn). Each of those sacred seventh month Holy Sabbaths
symbolically represent the final chapter of YHVH's "Plan Of Salvation";
See Holy Sabbaths of The Sacred Seventh Month.
Yom Teruah (at the beginning of Rosh Hashanah) represents the first six
trumpets mentioned in "The Book Of Revelation". Yom Kippur (at the
ending of Rosh Hashanah) represents the blowing by Messiah himself of "The
Last (Seventh) Trumpet".
Sukkat (Succoth) is an eight day feast (celebration) of which the first seven
days symbolically represent the existence of "Paradise On Earth", and are
followed by the eighth day which represents "The (100 year) Great White
Throne Judgement" period. Thirdly, YHVH is telling His "Chosen" that,
because He hears their prayers, they will not be fleeing during the Winter
or any Sabbath Day. This has great Spiritual implications for when "The
Resurrection Of The Living And The Dead In Messiah" will occur and
will not occur. And that being that it will not occur in The Winter or when
the Year changes on The Gregorian Calendar. Thus, the full symbolism
of Sukkat (Succoth) is now purely revealed; meaning YHVH's Resurrection
through His proxy (Messiah) will occur at the end of "The Sacred Seventh
Month" (Mid September to Early October).

Conclusion: Messiah's return must be either Fall 2039 AD. or Fall 2040
AD. near the end of The Sacred Seventh Month. Thus, as stated in Matthew
24:22 below, "The Elect" are the flesh that will be saved.

Matthew 24:22
And except those days should be shortened, there
should no flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake those
days shall be shortened.

Notice: The Eternal Creator's has structured all of His Days, Months,
Millenniums, and Sabbaths around a "From Darkness Into Light Theme"
that repeats itself.

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then
face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know
even as also I am known.

The Parallels Chart below is structured from Left to Right and Top to
Bottom. Notice that everything begins in darkness on the left and moves
towards the light on the right, then it repeats itself.

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