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What is Sin?

The Two Realities

Shamar Briyth Believer's Doctrine

Upgraded 10-2-2004

The following definitions are just a prelude to the message herein.

Chata (Strong's H2398) ; a verb : to forfeit, to lack, to expiate, to lead astray,

and to condemn.

Chatiy (Strong's H2408) ; noun : an offense

Sin is the "Self-centered" act or offense of lawlessness. A state of rebellion

against YHVH through disobedience to YHVH's Will (YHVH's Holy Nature)

Sin is the act of or offense of being Selfish or Self-Centered, and putting

"Self" ahead of YHVH. This is a form of "Idolatry" known as "Vanity" or
"Self Worship".

Sin is the exact opposite of "Love", and "Love" is the True Spiritual Nature
of YHVH.

Sin entered the world through the "Self-centered" act of disobedience

(without repentance) against YHVH's Commandment (Thou shalt not eat freely
of the [symbolic] Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil) with the First
Symbolic and Real Human Beings, Adam and his wife Eve.

Note: If Adam and Eve had repented of their Sin, YHVH would
have forgiven them, but Eve blamed the serpent, and Adam blamed
Note: The payment for Sin is Eternal Destruction in Gehenna Hell,
"The Lake of Fire", but the Gift of YHVH through Grace (Favor) is
Eternal Life for All who Truly Believe in Messiah Y'Shua, through
Love, as their Perfect Sacrificial Passover Lamb of G-d, their High
Priest, elder brother, and their Role Model. See "Sacrifice of

The Two Realities of Sin Refined 3-22-2007

Much confusion exist concerning sin, and most people are completely
unaware that they are confused on this topic; however, Messiah ministry
attempted to make people aware of what Sin and True Sin are and how they
are actually different. Scripture and Epistles are full of examples of Sin, and
also True Sin, but Messiah summed it up very well when he said:

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a

woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in
his heart.

Messiah was attempting to teach mankind that, while the breaking of "The
Law" (Torah) was "Sin," "TRUE SIN" was and is "Mental Attitude Sin,"
whether the attitude sin actually resulted in the breaking of Torah
(Commandments, ordinances, precepts, traditions of YHVH) or not. Not just any
mental attitude, but the attitude of "SELF" (Self-ishness, Self-centeredness,
Self-satisfaction, Self-fullment, Self-confidence, Self-content, Self-
controlled, Self-deceived, Self-determination, Self-esteem, Self-fulfillment,
Self-importance, Self-indulgence, Self-love, Self-pity, Self-reliance, Self-
respect, Self-righteousness, and Self-seeking are just some of the aspects of
"True Sin" IF "Self" is chosen over "The Loving Guidance and Standards of
YHVH." Why? Simple, "SELF" is "Self-worship," and "Self-worship" is
idolatry, and the breaking of "The Intent of Torah Law" (Thou shalt have no
other gods before me).
Whenever, we read in Scripture or any Inspired Word of YHVH, that
someone was "TEMPTED" (YHVH cannot be tempted), that is an indication
that the "Tempted Person" was guilty of considering the temptation. Even
The Messiah could be and was "Tempted."

Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be

touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points
tempted like as [we are, yet] without sin (The Breaking of The Intent of

1John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth, also, the law

(Jewish Law or Torah) for sin is the transgression of the law (Torah).

Hebrews 2:9
But we see Y'Shua (Messiah), who was made a little lower than the
angels (physical) for the suffering of (physical) death, crowned with
glory and honor; that he by the grace of YHVH should taste death for
every man.
10 For it befitting him, for whom [are] all things (created by YHVH),
and on behalf of whom (First Fruits) [are] all things, in bringing many
sons (First Fruits) unto glory, to make the captain (Messiah) of their
salvation perfect through sufferings.

So here we have it, Messiah was without blemish according to "The Intent"
of Torah (Law), but still not perfect, as indicated by his being able to be
tempted, until he suffered, and freely gave him-SELF, as the ultimate
example of sacrifice for the True sin of "SELF."

Other References:

1 John 3:4 ; 5:17 ; Romans 1:20-21 ; 3:23-24 ; 5:12 ; 6:23 ; 7:24-25 ; Mark
7:21-23 ; Galatians 5:17-21
Read "The True Sacrifice of Messiah"

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