GOD, Cancer, and I - Final Draft Pages 1-15

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GOD, Cancer, and I - Part One (My Truth Revealed) By

Albert Ivor Morin


Does GOD really exist? There are some in the world that think not. As mortals here on this earth most of us are blessed with the ability to think and act for ourselves. And, most of us have contemplated at one time or another our purpose and existence. Because of our ability to think, act, and in most cases choose for ourselves, there are many religions and beliefs that exist on the earth today including those that choose to believe that there is no GOD. Regardless of were we stand on this continuum of believers and non-believers, we look to continued existence here on earth. Some espouse peaceful coexistence amongst all regardless of race, creed, or color. Others espouse war and extinction on all that are not likened unto themselves. Believers ....... Non-believers Peaceful Coexistence War Notice that these are two separate continuums. Regardless of where one chooses to fall on the first continuum one may choose to fall anywhere on the second. As for myself I choose to believe in the existence of GOD and in peaceful coexistence. In those cases where peace cannot be maintained, for whatever reason, it needs be for the necessity that order be maintained, that the two parties be separated.

Regardless of who you are or what your beliefs, I hope you find my life story of interest.

From the top of the world!

Hi, my name is Albert I. Morin born December 1st, 1961 in Anchorage, Alaska You know what they say, "All babes are cute", well, I'm sure I was cute when I was young. However, not so cute and adorable as Samuel my youngest son, who is so charismatic that he captures the love and attention of

all he comes into contact with. At 18 months he has yet to master the art of communication. If it was just about my happiness, I would freeze time, keeping him at this age, just as he is! As they say, when GOD wants to change the world, a child is born. GOD changed my world when Samuel was born! It amazes me just how much potential is in a new born babe! Any healthy baby has the ability over a short period of time to learn any language known to man and to develop a very wide range of skills. Dependant on ones environment the sky is the limit! You know, life truly amazes me. Through it all there have been a lot of ups, several downs, and yes, a couple of turnarounds. I can't believe how much GOD has blessed my life, and he continues to teach me new things. Through the graces of GOD and his son Jesus Christ, I come to you this day and present to you this book. This book is written by my own hand and gives a true account of real life experiences and challenges that I have undergone. When one looks at the prevalence of cancer, this story could take place with anyone anywhere. I was the first born of, what would later tally up to, five children. All my four younger siblings would turn out to be girls. According to my parents, they wanted another boy but five was as much if not more than what they could handle. So being the only son, I'm sure I was afforded extra special privileges. However, I'm not exactly sure what those were. As a baby and young boy I was cute. As I grew older, who knows what happened, I'm sure most if not all of that cuteness wore off

as the years wore on. I also became somewhat of a tease and royal pain in the posterior although overall I was a good kid and stayed out of trouble. The next child to join the family was my sister Karen. Just two years younger than I, we managed to build a special bond by the time the next sibling was born. It seemed that all my sisters started out cute and adorable and tended to age so much more gracefully than I. Often, keeping their good looks well past middle age! I remember even early on Karen didn't like where her birthday fell on the calendar as it was too close to Christmas. She felt short changed thinking that our parents would just hold back a few Christmas presents to make due for her birthday. She later in life would give birth to a son on her birthday that would make this date so much more enjoyable as they would celebrate this special day together! Karen was also born in Anchorage, Alaska. My father during the times of both of our births was serving in the United States Army and was stationed in Anchorage. Our family was fortunate to move a month or two shy of the Alaskan/San Francisco earthquake of 1964. Living in a trailer court we did experience some tremors on occasion. Mother tells me that dishes would fall off the cabinets and shelves but from what I have been told, the actual main quake just tore that trailer park apart. We were very blessed to have escaped such a harrowing experience!

California dreaming .
Nancy the third child to join our family was born in Sacramento, California. The whole family, as it existed back then, Im sure was happy to have the warmer weather of California as compared to Alaska. Karen and I, mom and dad had spent a year or two in Greece as my father was stationed over there before heading to California so I assume it was also good to be back in the United States. Nancy would assume the dreaded role of "middle child". The four year gap between Karen and six year gap between Nancy and I, was definitely noticeable. Karen and I would play together. But Nancy often seemed, too young to play the types of games that Karen and I would. Fortunate for Nancy the next two family members would be close in age. Janell and Pamela both born in Baker City, Oregon. In February 1970, I would become baptized in The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints otherwise known as The Mormon Church. My mother and I both joined the Church at

about the same time. I recalled hearing the missionary discussions and both my mom and I receiving answers to prayer concerning the true fullness of the gospel.

In reference to my pre-teen years, I had a carefree childhood. Traditionally, Mom stayed at home. She was the one who cooked and cleaned and Dad brought home the bacon. Us kids never had to worry about food, clothing, or shelter and we were well taken care of. During my growing up years, I dont recall my parents telling us kids on a regular basis that they loved us. However, I knew by all their hard work and sacrifices that they did. Their example spoke the volumes that words never could! As a child my two favorite things to do were to ride my bike and go fishing. My father would go on to serve 9 years in the US Army and 12 years in the US Air Force retiring from military service after serving a total of 21 years. During the time my father served in the US Military our family would move on average every two to three years. On occasion my father would have an overseas assignment in which the family would be left behind in the states. But, we were able to accompany my father to overseas duty assignments such as Greece, England, and West Germany.

West Germany was my fathers last assignment before retirement. While there I worked two of the three years in a military summer work program for teenagers. During this time I was able to work, earn, and save money. After which, utilizing the money I had saved, I was able to purchase a student Eurail pass that allowed me to catch any train in Europe for 3 months. Therefore, with my pass, I would travel to Spain, France, Holland, Austria, England, etc. freely utilizing their awesome train system and taking a once in a lifetime opportunity to see and experience Europe. How my parents were able to let me out the door to travel alone at such an early age, I would never know. Nevertheless, I would always make it back home.

It was in West Germany that I truly discovered that yes, GOD lives, more importantly that he knew me, and loved me. As the story goes and this book has nothing but true stories. My Sunday school teacher invited our entire Sunday school class over to her house for a social hour or two. During this time, our class played a board game called "Sorry". Sorry is still a game widely available in stores today. I had such a great time that evening and went back home thinking that I sure wish I had it. I had several other games, but not that one. Although, the local base exchange sold the game for around twelve dollars, I only had one dollar to my name. Several weeks passed maybe even a month or two. Then one Saturday morning Heavenly Father told me, he had a Sorry game available for me. All I had to do was to take my one dollar down to the local flea market and pick it up! I can remember I was so happy and excited! I could barely contain myself! Moreover, although the communication from GOD was a mere impression made on my mind, I knew the communication was true. There was not a doubt in my mind the game was there just waiting for me to pick up. I quickly got my one-dollar bill and commenced skipping and jumping my way to the flea market overjoyed that Heavenly Father knew and loved me and that he had given me this gift. Sure enough after a little searching, I found the game with the price of $1.00 clearly marked. I had never seen a Sorry game at the market previously nor following that experience. Nevertheless, truly this was an experience that changed my life and an experience that I will never forget. From this moment on as a teenager, I knew that GOD existed! I

would go on to experience several more such experiences as life unfolded. On my 16th birthday, December 1, 1977, my mother threw me a big party inviting all the kids from the neighborhood and from church. My mother made plenty of food and she had games, etc. Unfortunately, after all the excitement and the kids left for home, I experienced a seizure while staring at a silver pen that I had received. I awoke not knowing what happened. The next morning my mother took me to the hospital where I had a second seizure in the doctors office. They admitted me into the hospital for a few days. They gave me a special diet, took some tests, and observed me for a day or two in addition to prescribing Dilantin. I was told, I would have to take Dilantin for the rest of my life. I was also told that I would never be able to become an airplane pilot, an ambition that sounds intriguing at least on the surface. Three to four years later, I was able to get off Dilantin, my seizure medication, and have been seizure free since December 2, 1977. My father retired from the military in late spring of 1978. Our family would move back to the states and settle down 8 miles outside of a small town called, "Myrtle Point, Oregon". It was here in Myrtle Point that I would graduate high school in the summer of 1980.

The Family Unit

I cant thank my parents enough for the love and support they have given me over the years. I love and appreciate my sisters and the family unit for which I was raised in. I am thankful for

a loving Heavenly Father for allowing me the blessings to be raised in such a family. After several years of life experience, I have come to more fully appreciate the importance of the family. I cannot fully explain the benefits and blessings that come from family. But, I also cannot think of anything more beautiful than family love, unity, and security. For me, I have found no greater JOY than to know, I am well loved by my Heavenly Father. That the world is filled with brothers and sisters and that we are one big family. I am thankful for the blessings of being a father here on earth. Although, I realize that, I am far from perfect and often show and reflect my imperfections, I love my children dearly! The Spouse always seems to comprise the better half and that goes without saying. Although, my personal relationships and the development of such whether it be friends or spouse has always been particularly of great challenge. As they say, all good things worth having take work and sacrifice. As such, I find great rewards and pleasures in learning how to lose myself in service and sacrifice for those I love. For all those wonderful individuals who have blessed and enriched my life for which I have had the privilege of getting to know, from friends on up, I thank you! At 50 years old, I have already lived a very blessed life. As a final note of appreciation, I just wanted to say, that I stand all amazed at the love and tremendous trust and responsibility our Heavenly Father extends in allowing us imperfect and

flawed individuals to become fathers and mothers to raise his precious little ones. I hope and pray we all come to realize just how precious and wonderful these babies and little ones are, and just how much we truly are, loved from on high!

The next 30 years (1980 - 2010)

The next 30 years of my life story I will give in my next book that I intend to have published so that I might spare you from total boredom realizing that most readers are interested mainly in the topics of GOD and Cancer as well as any relations between the two. Yes, I believe in GOD. Furthermore, there is a reason and purpose for all things. GOD has a reason and purpose for me being diagnosed with cancer. As, I do not have a perfect knowledge, I do not know all the reasons and all the purposes

but I do know that they are there. Cancer and many diseases have become widely epidemic yet many of these diseases are not spread through viruses or bacterial infections. No, many of these modern day diseases are the direct result of our environment and lifestyles. What we breath, what we eat, chemicals we are exposed to, as well as the quite often sedentary lifestyles many of us often live. Modern day industrialism has manufactured all kinds of various products. In the process we have polluted our air, our water, as well as our food sources. We have manufactured various chemicals, elements and compounds that we utilize in a wide variety of ways. In short, we have wrecked havoc in both our external and internal environments. We have created waste products in our external and internal environments that we can not effectively manage, control, or get rid of. Such products create disease and death conditions in living cells and organisms. It is quite ironic yet understandable that since I have been diagnosed with cancer, my understanding, awareness, and sensitivity to the subject has increased. Heightened my a new sense of my own mortality cancer can be and often is a very scary diagnoses. Im amazed at how much money is poured into research and development. In supposed search for cures, millions and millions of dollars are raised and donated by average individuals. Prayers go out every day that cures can be found. However, rather than solving problems being the greedy self serving individuals we are, we find ways and means to further capitalize on the situation.

I am fully convinced, with 100% confidence and 0% doubt, that we already have solutions to all of our problems that we face on earth. However, as long as we have individuals that kill, plunder, and manipulate for money and control (your money, their control) long term sustainable answers will not be had from any business sector healthcare or otherwise. In my opinion we dont have a healthcare system but instead, sick care management. We are not placing focus on having a healthy society! Healthy organisms can not survive in polluted (toxic) environments, unless these environments are cleaned up, said organisms will become diseased and die.

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