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ElectrodeWorks 2009 SP0 User Guide and Tutorial June 2009

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS NOTICE: All rights reserved. No part of this material may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and recording or in connection with any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from R&B. The information in this document is subject change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by R&B. R&B assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such a license. Copyright 2007-2009 by R&B All rights reserved R&B LTD. 32 Shaham Str. Petah Tikva 49170 Israel

Chapter 1

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

1.1 System Requirements ............................................................................1-3 1.2 Installing ElectrodeWorks.......................................................................1-4 1.3 Licensing ElectrodeWorks......................................................................1-5

Chapter 2

2 User Guide


2.1 ElectrodeWorks Property Page .....................................................2-2 2.1.1 Top Level .........................................................................................2-2 2.1.2 Electrode Level ................................................................................2-3 2.1.3 Clearance Level ...............................................................................2-5 2.1.4 Spark Gap Level ..............................................................................2-6 2.1.5 Copy Level .......................................................................................2-7 2.2 Project Settings 2.3 Project Report 2.4 Options ...............................................................................2-8 .................................................................................2-9


2.5 Add Electrode .................................................................................2-13 2.5.1 Positions ........................................................................................2-14 2.5.2 Settings...........................................................................................2-17 2.5.3 Holder Library Blanks ...................................................................2-19

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2.6 Add Clearance 2.7 Spark Gap 2.8 Copy Electrode

................................................................................2-20 .......................................................................................2-22 ................................................................................2-24

2.9 Edit Electrode ..................................................................................2-25 2.10 Edit Clearance ........................................................................................2-26 2.11 Edit Spark Gap .......................................................................................2-27 2.12 Edit Copy ................................................................................................2-28 2.13 Electrode Data ................................................................................2-29 2.13.1 Data ...............................................................................................2-30 2.13.2 Properties ......................................................................................2-31 2.14 Electrode Drawings .........................................................................2-32

2.15 Multi Drawings .................................................................................2-33 2.16 Creating User Electrode Blanks .............................................................2-34 2.16.1 SolidWorks Part.............................................................................2-34 2.16.2 Initial text file.................................................................................2-35 2.16.3 BMP file.........................................................................................2-36

Chapter 3
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

3 Tutorial


Create an electrode on the air holes ......................................................3-2 Create an electrode on a boss ...............................................................3-7 Creating an electrode for the slot ...........................................................3-12 Settings/ Options/ Report/Technology ...................................................3-19 Drawings.................................................................................................3-21 Exact Face(s) and Multi-Electrodes .......................................................3-22 Copy Electrode .......................................................................................3-26

ElectrodeWorks 2009


1 Introduction
ElectrodeWorks automates all aspects of the extraction, design, management, documentation and manufacturing of EDM electrodes. Fully integrated into the SolidWorks environment ElectrodeWorks guides you through the electrode design and production process. You design the electrode through a comprehensive yet easy to use user interface; the electrode manufacturing and EDM positioning drawings, and the machining files are created automatically. Choose the holder and electrode blank shape from the standard, user extendable parametric shape library through the Add Electrode environment and select the burn faces. The electrode is automatically placed and sized according to customizable factory setup parameters. Parameter and Position dialogues allow you to fine tune the electrode positioning and orientation. On validation the electrode is then cut, showing clearly the burn faces. Add Clearance enables you to create tangent, normal and draft offsets at the electrode/part interface through integrated solid trim functionality, powered by our ease of use dialogue system. Spark Gap creates a geometric spark gap on the burn faces according to a given gap. The system creates a separate spark gap configuration of the electrode. Copy Electrode automatically looks for other areas on the part which are similar to the current burn area and copies the electrode to these areas. Modification of the position and definition of the electrode and clearance is accessed through the dedicated ElectrodeWorks Property Page. Drawings are instantaneous and complete including sheets for electrode manufacturing and EDM burn process. Technology is defined through a dedicated dialogue which defines material and allows you to key-in the surface finish standards.


Introduction Process setup of the rough to finish spark gaps and the pattern method and definition are defined through the same dialogue, as well as safety z-level penetration. Manufacturing information including the zero point for machine positioning and orientation as well as the previously defined technology is managed and stored within the electrode as an EXCEL report under the Design Binder folder. ElectrodeWorks Property Page ElectrodeWorks has its own Property Page through which the menus and data for the application are available (this is in addition to the menu system or the icons on the toolbar). The property page is available when the product is loaded and is populated with ElectrodeWorks specific data when running the product. The data includes Electrodes and Clearances per electrode. Accessing the menus through the Property Page is advantageous since this automatically populates the dialogue with the selected entity thereby saving a mouse click. ElectrodeWorks runs in assembly mode only.

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1.1 System Requirements

ElectrodeWorks is fully integrated under the SolidWorks environment thus system requirements are similar to those of SolidWorks. Hardware Since ElectrodeWorks creates relatively large assemblies we recommend using the optimum hardware recommendations from SolidWorks. Operating System Windows XP /Vista(r) 32 or 64bit. Networks Windows XP /Vista(r) 32 or 64bit. Required Software ElectrodeWorks current version is ElectrodeWorks 2009. SolidWorks current version is SolidWorks 2009. Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher. Licensing ElectrodeWorks is protected using a software license system FLEXlm (FLEXnet Publisher Licensing Module), which allows both an individual standalone license (locked to a workstation) and floating licensing (across a network) without the need for a dongle.

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1.2 Installing ElectrodeWorks

A user must have administrator privileges to install ElectrodeWorks. Make sure that SolidWorks is not running during the installation. The ElectrodeWorks installation can be initiated from a CD or from an executable file downloaded from the R&B web site ( Once the installation is completed, logon as the user and activate SolidWorks. You may have to add ElectrodeWorks to the SolidWorks add-ins using the SolidWorks > Tools > Add-ins menu.

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1.3 Licensing ElectrodeWorks

R&B uses the FLEXlm (FLEXnet Publisher Licensing Module) license manager for all of its licensed products. This is a separate module allowing licensing on a node locked or floating (server/client) basis. If this is an initial installation (i.e. the current ElectrodeWorks products have never been installed on this workstation) a message box will pop up which allows you to make a license request by clicking on the Register button. A license request can also be made at any time through the ElectrodeWorks > License Registration menu or from the Start > R&B > License> R&B License Manager. Refer to the R&B License Guide for details on how to fill out and send the license request. If you have no license or the license has less then 30 days left then a similar message box will appear as follows:

ElectrodeWorks 2009


2 User Guide


User Guide

2.1 ElectrodeWorks Property Page

The ElectrodeWorks Property Page is available as soon as ElectrodeWorks is checked in the SolidWorks add-ins dialogue, and an assembly document is open. This Property Page includes all the menus needed to run ElectrodeWorks without ever having to use the menu or icon system. In fact certain commands exist ONLY under the Property Page.

2.1.1 Top Level

On the top level we have the assembly name. The RHM button on this level opens the following set of menus: - Project Settings Initial settings - Add Electrode Create Electrode - Project Report Create Excel data sheet(s) - Multi Drawings Automatic drawing - Options Default dialogue options

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User Guide

2.1.2 Electrode Level

Each electrode will have its own appearance according to its name as a folder in the ElectrodeWorks Property Page. The RHM button on an electrode opens the following set of menus: Add Clearance Create clearances for the non-burn faces. Spark Gap Create geometric spark gap. Edit Electrode Modify initial electrode data. Copy Electrode Copy the electrode to similar burn areas. Delete (only from the property page) Delete this electrode. Electrode Data Add technological data to this electrode. Show/Hide Electrode (only from the property page) Toggle to display the complete electrode. Show/Hide Holder (only from the property page) Toggle to display the electrode holder. Isolate (only from the property page) Display only this electrode.
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User Guide Open Part (only from the property page) Open this electrode. Electrode Drawing Draw EDM and/or manufacturing data of this electrode.

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User Guide

2.1.3 Clearance Level

After adding a clearance to an electrode it will appear in the electrode folder. These menus are available only through the RHM button. The RHM button on any clearance feature opens the following set of menus: Edit Clearance (only from the property page) Edit the specific clearance. Delete (only from the property page) Delete the clearance (might create errors in the SolidWorks FeatureManager if faces referred to by clearances, created after this clearance, are deleted as a result of this action). Suppress/Unsuppress (only from the property page) Might also affect later created clearances as described for the Delete menu. Rollback (only from the property page) Might also affect later created clearances as described for the Delete menu.

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User Guide

2.1.4 Spark Gap Level

After adding a spark gap to an electrode it will appear in the electrode folder. These menus are available only through the RHM button. The RHM button on any spark gap feature opens the following set of menus: Deactivate/Activate (only from the property page) Deactivate the spark gap (i.e. return to the default electrode configuration without gap). Edit (only from the property page) Edit the spark gap Delete (only from the property page) Delete the spark gap

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User Guide

2.1.5 Copy Level

After copying an electrode it will appear in the electrode folder. These menus are available only through the RHM button. The RHM button on the Copy feature opens the following set of menus: Edit (only from the property page) Edit the spark gap Delete (only from the property page) Delete the spark gap Hide/Show (only from the property page) Toggle to hide or show the copied electrodes.

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User Guide

2.2 Project Settings

This dialogue includes general data for the electrodes created in this project, which will be used in subsequent dialogues and output files. It can be modified at any time during the process. The ElectrodeWorks > Project Settings menu or relevant icon accesses the initial electrode creation dialogue. This dialogue is also available by clicking the RHM button on the top level of the ElectrodeWorks Property Page. The dialogue consists of a single section: General - Project name: key-in the specific project name. - Designed by: key-in the specific designer name. - Date: defaults to todays date, can be modified. - Description This information is then transferred to the Project Report. It needs to be created only once at any time during the project and the information is transferred to the property information for every electrode created. The data for specific electrodes can be modified through a different menu.

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User Guide

2.3 Project Report

This menu provides an Excel file report of the electrode(s) selected. The report is stored under the Design Binder of the assembly in the SolidWorks FeatureManager tree according to the Project Name. Each electrode will have a separate sheet with the electrode name and its technological data. The ElectrodeWorks > Project Report menu or relevant icon accesses the initial electrode creation dialogue. This dialogue is also available by clicking the RHM button on the top level of the ElectrodeWorks Property Page. The dialogue has 2 sections: General includes the information from the Project Settings dialogue and can be modified at this time (refer to Project Settings for the explanation of the parameters) Electrodes section is to select the electrodes to appear in the report. - Reference part: select all the electrodes on this part. - Electrode(s): select individual electrodes.

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User Guide

2.4 Options
The Options dialogue allows you to define the default options for the naming, display, technology and drawings. The ElectrodeWorks > Options menu or relevant icon accesses the initial

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User Guide electrode creation dialogue. This dialogue is also available from the RHM button on the top level of the Electrode Property Page. The dialogue is composed of 3 sections: Electrode for default naming and coloring - Name which will become the default name for all electrodes. (Or use the default name which is dependent on the electrode holder name selected). The Electrode name will be suffixed with _nn where nn is the index. - Prefix. Key-in a new Prefix. - Suffix. Key-in a new Suffix. Burn faces color. Click on to change the color. to change the color.

Clearance faces color. Click on

Blank Defaults is to set up the precision for the blank dimensions. - Metric Round Value (Defaults to .1 mm) - English Round Value (Defaults to .004inch) Technology is to set up the default for the Electrode Data dialogue. - Pattern Gap. - Spark Gap. - Total Gap (read-only). - Surface finish - EDM Z position safety distance for the Start Position calculation in Electrode Data. Drawing dialogue defaults - Name which will become the default name for all electrode drawings. (Or use the electrode name) - Prefix. Key-in a new Prefix. - Suffix. Key-in a new Suffix.
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User Guide Manufacture drawing (default of the check). EDM drawing (default of the check mark). Multi Drawing Drawing per electrode/All electrodes in one drawing. Sheet size Display sheet format (default of the check mark).

Electrode Machine - Machine Name to enter the name of the machine for which the output must be written.

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User Guide

2.5 Add Electrode

This is the principle dialogue for creating an electrode. The electrode blank is selected from a menu and placed on the part either by picking a point on the screen or through the selection of burn faces. When using the latter method the electrode blank is estimated by the bounding box surrounding the selected burn faces including user modifiable margins. The ElectrodeWorks > Add Electrode menu or relevant icon accesses the initial electrode creation dialogue. This dialogue is also available from the RHM button on the top level of the ElectrodeWorks Property Page. Two tabs appear: Positions (default). Define the Electrode, the Burn Area, the electrode Position and the Holder and Base parameters. (The system brings up the default holder library allowing you to select an electrode holder). Settings. Modify and save the automatic sizing and positioning parameters of the electrode and optionally add a reference corner. After creation of the electrode it will appear in the ElectrodeWorks Property Page under the name given. Clicking on the RHM button when selecting an electrode will allow you access to the full range of menus which can be activated on an electrode. These are: - Add Clearance - Edit Electrode - Delete - Electrode Data - Show/Hide Base (Toggle) - Show/Hide Holder (Toggle) - Isolate - Open Part - Drawings

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User Guide

2.5.1 Positions
This dialogue includes 4 sections: Electrode In this section we define the electrode data including the blank, Electrode name, and the part on which the electrode is to be created. - Selected blank accesses the Holder Library Blanks of standard as well as user defined blanks (if exist), allowing you to choose an electrode holder. This is automatically opened to the default holder for the specific document unit. - Electrode name defaults to the system default name for the specific electrode or the name given in the Options menu. - Part. Select the geometry on which the electrode will be created. - Coordinate System. Select a coordinate system, defaults to the part origin. All the Coordinate Systems (if any) in the part are selectable under this drop down parameter box. This is used as the reference from which the electrodes are measured. Burn Area In this section we define the electrode direction and the burn area either by selecting faces or picking a point to place the electrode. - Electrode work direction defines the direction of the electrode on the part. Select an edge and optionally toggle the direction to define the z direction of the electrode. Type can be Face(s), Exact Face(s) or Point. It defines the way we calculate and/or position the electrode. o For Face(s) we position the electrode around the selected faces according to a min max box enclosing them taking into account x, y and z margins and a z depth as defined in the Settings tab. o For Exact Face(s) the system creates the electrode by projecting exactly the faces selected up to a plane of distance Bottom clearance (refer to the Setting dialogue) from the highest point of the selected faces. The system separates the different groups of faces into multi electrodes (with one holder). If there are holes in any group then the system displays a
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User Guide warning. The user can either modify his selection to make sure that the group(s) are without holes or mark the Allow gaps check box. The preview will update accordingly. o For Point the system waits for a screen position to place the electrode. - Face(s)/Exact Face(s) or Pick Point depends on the Type chosen. o Face(s)/Exact Face(s) then the Faces selection box opens with a Calculate Electrode button underneath. Faces can be selected by identification or box select. o Pick Point then a point selection box is displayed. Picking a point displays the electrode at the specific point. - Calculate Electrode (for Face(s) and Exact Face(s) only) will display the electrode in the position as calculated once the faces have been selected. Changes can be made to the selected faces or under the Settings tab and clicking on this button will recalculate the electrode size and position according to the new parameters. If the Face(s) or Exact Face(s) type is used then Calculate Electrode must be pressed for an electrode to be created, although only clicking on will actually create the electrode. Position Modify the Electrode Coordinate System or position and rotation of the electrode. - There are 3 default Coordinate Systems created for the standard electrode holders that come with the installation. For User Electrode Holders you can define as many as you need. The chosen Coordinate System will be used in the automatic EDM and Manufacturing drawings as the reference coordinate system of the electrode relative to the dimensions and to the part. - x/y/z/A parameters will dynamically move the electrode according to the burned part coordinate system. If the burned part coordinate system is not defined it will moved relative to SolidWorks coordinate system Parameters Modify the parameters of the Electrode Holder or the Base. If a User Holder has been defined then the parameter are taken from the special .ini file defined along with the electrode. These depend on the parameters and there names.
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User Guide The Show Scheme button shows the meaning of the parameters. For User Electrodes, this can also be created.

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2.5.2 Settings
This dialogue has 2 sections: Estimation In this section we define the margins of the electrode base pertaining to the automatic electrode calculation when the Face(s) or Exact Face(s) type is selected under the Position tab in the Burn Area section. - Min. clearance (Face(s) type only) o +X, -X, +Y, -Y and +Z are the dimensions of the margins in the relative directions (in the case of rectangular base) o D and +Z are the margin dimensions for a cylindrical base. - Bottom clearance o For Face(s) is the amount that the blank penetrates into the material, relative to the lowest point (i.e. the lowest z value) of the selected faces on the Position tab. o For Exact Face(s) it is the distance from the highest point of the selected groups of faces to the plane up to which the exact faces will be projected. - Save updates the default values to the current values. - Show Scheme button will show the meaning of the parameters. After these parameters have been modified the Calculate Electrode button on the Burn Area section of the Position tab must be activated in order to take into account the new values, and update the electrode display. Ref Corner In this section we define the reference corner of the electrode and its type. This can only be done once the electrode is displayed. The different types are: - None. No reference corner is created. - Fillet. Create a fillet on the selected edge o Radius of the fillet. - Chamfer. Create a chamfer on the selected edge. o Chamfer size. o Chamfer angle. In order to create a permanent chamfer or fillet, use the User Holder Library
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User Guide mechanism to create the electrode with the fillet (or chamfer).

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User Guide

2.5.3 Holder Library Blanks

The Holder Library Blanks contains both standard blank libraries (3R and Erowa) which cannot be deleted or modified and User Defined Blank Libraries (refer to section 2.12 to learn how to create your own Electrode Blank). Clicking on the 3R (_mm or _inch) or Erowa (_mm or _inch) folders opens the libraries (folders) under which these standards are stored and you now have access to the different parts. Select the electrode you want and either double click or click OK. Creating a User Holder Library A User Holder Library is in fact a folder containing user electrodes. Click on the Add folder icon in order to create a link to the folder,

The Pick A Folder dialogue opens. Click on to start browsing (upwards at first) through the file structure until you reach the folder containing the user electrode holders. Click to accept this folder which will then become part of your system. You can add as many libraries as you need and each library or folder can hold as many electrode holders as is necessary.

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2.6 Add Clearance

This menu becomes available once an electrode exists and its purpose is to clear different areas of the electrode either to prevent electrode faces which are not working from touching the surface or to clear away unwanted areas. Activating it from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page will automatically select the electrode, while activating the menu from ElectrodeWorks > Add Clearance or the relevant icon will request a selection of the specific electrode. This dialogue has 3 sections: Electrode - Select electrode necessary when the dialogue is opened from the menu or relevant icon. Clearance Area - Clearance direction is the direction that the clearance will be made. This can be an edge or a face. If its a face it cannot be a face which is to be moved (cleared). - Face(s) are the faces to clear. The faces to clear can be any group of (disjointed) faces (usually normal or nearly normal to the clearance direction) - Preview plane is a check box to display the plane up to which the clearance will be made. This plane will be first created at the lowest point of the selected faces, and the distance entered in the Clearance parameters will be from that point.

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User Guide Clearance Parameters - Type of clearance. o Tangent. The connecting faces will remain tangent. o Normal. The connecting faces will be normal in the direction of the clearance. o Draft. The connecting faces will be drafted in the direction of the clearance. In this case 2 extra parameters are displayed: Angle of the draft. Draft outward. Check box controlling the direction of the draft. - Length o Blind enter a distance. o Through o Up To Vertex select a point. o Up To Surface select a face. On validation ElectrodeWorks creates the clearances. Sometimes not all the clearances can be created and a message will notify the user of certain clearances which were not performed. You can try to clear the material using different directions or parameters. Once the clearance has been created it will appear in the ElectrodeWorks Property Page under the name Clearance. Clicking on the RHM button when selecting the clearance will allow you access the following menus relevant to the clearance in question: - Edit - Delete - Suppress/Unsuppress (Toggle) - Rollback

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2.7 Spark Gap

This menu becomes available once an electrode exists and its purpose is to create a geometric offset on the electrode simulating the gap as a result of the spark and pattern gap. More then one spark gap can be created for any electrode. Each spark gap is represented by a new configuration in the electrode part. Activating it from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page will automatically select the electrode, while activating the menu from ElectrodeWorks > Spark Gap or the relevant icon will request a selection of the specific electrode. This dialogue has 2 sections. Total Gap - Electrode selects the electrode on which to create the gap (default to the current one when menu is activated through the RHM button). - Gap defines the offset value (defaults according to the Technology section of the Options dialogue). Gap Face(s) - Face(s) The system automatically selects all the burn faces which have not been cleared through the clearance dialogue. You can delete or add faces to this dialogue box. On validation ElectrodeWorks creates the spark gap. A new configuration under the electrode is created with the actual spark gap as its name. Once the gap has been created it will appear in the ElectrodeWorks Property Page under the name Spark GapNN X.XXX where NN is the number and X.XXX is the actual gap. Clicking on the RHM button when selecting the spark gap will allow you access the following menus relevant to the clearance in question: - Deactivate - Edit - Delete

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2.8 Copy Electrode

This menu becomes available once an electrode exists and its purpose is to find all the similar burn areas and preview an instance of the electrode on each recognized area. Each electrode is created as an instance and the electrode output file will create the different positions for each instance. On the Electrode tree a new feature called Copy is created. Activating it from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page will automatically select the electrode, while activating the menu from ElectrodeWorks > Copy Electrode or the relevant icon will request a selection of the specific electrode. This dialogue has 2 sections. Electrode - Electrode Name selects the electrode whose burn faces we analyze in order to find similar faces in the part. Instance(s) - New Positions The system displays a reference face for every similar area and previews the electrode. You can delete instances by deleting the reference face in this dialogue On validation ElectrodeWorks creates an instance for each copied electrode in the SolidWorks FeatureManager tree and a Copy feature in the ElectrodeWorks feature tree. Clicking on the RHM button when selecting the Copy feature will allow you access the following menus relevant to the clearance in question: - Edit - Delete - Hide

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2.9 Edit Electrode

This menu allows you to modify the initial data from which the electrode was created. The Selected blank, Electrode name and Part on which the electrode was created CANNOT be modified. Clearances which have been added to the electrode will not be modified and therefore may become incomplete or irrelevant, which might create errors in the SolidWorks FeatureManager. Access this menu by selecting the electrode from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page and clicking on the RHM button or the ElectrodeWorks > Edit > Edit Electrode menu or relevant icon. You can also select the electrode from the screen and click on the menu or icon. The dialogue which appears reflects the same information as was initially used to create the electrode including the Burn Area, Position and Parameters sections, filled in with the relevant parameters and data. The Settings tab including the Estimation and Ref. Corner sections will also be updated according to the electrode being edited. For further information regarding the parameters please check the Add Electrode menu.

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2.10 Edit Clearance

This menu allows you to edit the clearance data for a specific clearance on an electrode. Clearances which have been added to the electrode appearing before this clearance will not be modified and therefore may become incomplete or irrelevant, which might create errors in the SolidWorks FeatureManager. This menu can be accessed ONLY by selecting a clearance under an electrode from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page and clicking on the RHM button. The dialogue which appears reflects the same information as was initially used to create the clearance including the Clearance Direction, Face(s) and Clearance Parameters filled in with the relevant parameters and data. For further information regarding the parameters please check the Add Clearance menu.

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2.11 Edit Spark Gap

This menu allows you to edit the specific spark gap on an electrode. This menu can be accessed ONLY by selecting a spark gap under an electrode from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page and clicking on the RHM button. The dialogue which appears reflects the same information as was initially used to create the spark gap including the Face(s) and Gap Parameters filled in with the relevant parameters and data. For further information regarding the parameters please check the Spark Gap menu.

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2.12 Edit Copy

This menu allows you to edit the copy feature of an electrode. This menu can be accessed ONLY by selecting the copy feature under an electrode from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page and clicking on the RHM button. The dialogue which appears reflects the same information as was initially used to create the copy feature including the Instance(s) section filled in with the relevant reference faces of the copies electrodes. For further information regarding the parameters please check the Copy Electrode menu.

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2.13 Electrode Data

Here we allow you to add metadata pertaining to the method in which the electrode burns the part. This data will be saved with the electrode in the Summary Information dialogue under the Custom tab and outputted to an Excel file in the current folder. The Summary Information dialogue can be accessed it through the standard SolidWorks File > Properties menu in the Part Document. The data is also outputted through the Project Report menu. Access this menu by selecting the electrode from the ElectrodeWorks Property Page and clicking on the RHM button or the ElectrodeWorks > Edit Electrode menu or relevant icon. You can also select the electrode from the screen and click on the menu or icon. This dialogue contains 2 tabs: Data Properties

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2.13.1 Data
Under this tab there are 2 sections, Position and Technology. - Position of the electrode during the burn phase includes o Start Position calculated as the End position Max depth EDM Z position safety distance (from the Options dialogue). This parameter may be modified. o End position (read-only) of the electrode o Max depth (read-only), calculated from the highest point of the burn faces to the bottom of the electrode. o When an electrode has been copied these arrows appear in order to page through the different instances.

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User Guide Technology describing the method used to burn the pockets. o Electrode Configuration per spark gap (for each spark gap or default if none) o Electrode Technology for default we include 3 technologies; Rough Pre-Finish and Finish. For a Spark Gap we include only the Rough technology. You can add technologies by using the , delete using the and change the order in which they appear by using the and arrows. Each technology has a set of parameters which can be defined. Electrode Burn Method (Simple/Cylindrical/Spherical) Pattern Gap Spark Gap Total Gap (by default = the actual Spark Gap). This value is constant (can be modified); changing the Pattern gap changes the Spark gap and visa versa. Surface finish Quantity of electrodes to be created. Material (graphite/Copper/Infiltrated Graphite/Copper Tungsten/Tungsten)

o o o o

o o o

2.13.2 Properties
This tab contains general information (Electrode name, Electrode folder, Source part and Source part folder) about the electrode and the part on which it has been created. The information contained here is read-only. .
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2.14 Electrode Drawings

This menu automatically creates an EDM and/or manufacturing drawing of the selected electrode. The ElectrodeWorks > Drawings > Single Drawing menu or relevant icon accesses the electrode drawing dialogue. This dialogue is also available from the RHM button on the top level of the Electrode Property Page. The dialogue is composed of 2 sections: Electrode section defines the information and drawing types. - Electrode: select the electrode. - Drawing filename: defaults to the electrode name unless modified through the 2.1 dialogue. - EDM drawing check box to create EDM drawing. - Manufacturing drawing check box to create manufacturing drawing. Sheet Format/Size section is similar to the dialogue when creating a new SolidWorks drawing.

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2.15 Multi Drawings

This menu automatically creates EDM and/or manufacturing drawings of the selected electrode(s). The ElectrodeWorks > Drawings > Multi Drawing menu or relevant icon accesses the multi drawing dialogue. This dialogue is also available from the RHM button on the top level of the Electrode Property Page. The dialogue is composed of 2 sections: Electrode/Part section defines the information and drawing types. - Reference part: select all the electrodes on this part. - Electrode(s): select individual electrodes. - Drawing filename: defaults to the electrode name unless modified through the 2.1 dialogue. - EDM drawing check box to create EDM drawing. o Separate drawing/One drawing. Either a separate drawing for each electrode including the part is created or one drawing with all the electrodes and the part. In the latter each electrode (with reference dimensions) will be colored differently. - Manufacturing drawing check box to create manufacturing drawing. Sheet Format/Size section is similar to the dialogue when creating a new SolidWorks drawing.

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User Guide

2.16 Creating User Electrode Blanks

In order to create a user electrode blanks we suggest that you look at one of the standard electrodes in the Blanks folder under the ElectrodeWorks installation path. There are 3 files needed to define a User Electrode Blank. 1. SolidWorks Part file that contains two solid bodies called Holder and Electrode (the base of the electrode) 2. An initial text file with .ini suffix that define the blank parameters. 3. BMP file (optional) which is a bitmap with a drawing of the holder and parameters. These 3 file must have the same name, and must be saved in the same folder i.e.

2.16.1 SolidWorks Part

This part contains: Holder as drawn from the catalog you are working with. Use standard SolidWorks dimensions, relations and equations as needed. Electrode is a rectangular or cylindrical body: The rectangular body should have the following dimensions: length, width, thickness and centering dimensions in the length and width directions. The cylindrical body needs only the diameter and thickness dimensions.

The electrode coordinate system is defined using the SolidWorks coordinate system feature. More then one coordinate system can be defined.

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User Guide

2.16.2 Initial text file

This text file contains the parameters of the blank as they are to appear in the parameter menu. It contains 4 sections; each section has a section header name in square parentheses: 1. Electrode Parameters - this section defines the Electrode base parameters. On the left side of the equation are the parameter names referring to the length A the length center dimension A2 the width B the width center dimension B2 and the thickness dimension Thickness for the rectangular base; and S_Dia and Thickness for the cylindrical base. The parameter names must appear as written. On the right side of the equation are the actual SolidWorks dimension names as they appear in the part document and they will be the names which will appear in the Parameter section under Electrode Base of the Add Electrode dialog. For example a typical 1st section will look like this: [Electrode Parameters] A=Q1 A2=Q2 B=T1 B2=T2 Thickness=R

Q1, Q2, T1, T2 and R are the parameter names from the SolidWorks document. In the case where the electrode base has 2 steps, then use the names DX, DY and S_Thickness for the larger step where DX and DY are the relative width and lengths of the step and S_Thickness is the thickness. Check the EDM_Holder_1 Step.SLDPRT under the 3R folder. 2. Holder Parameters - this section defines the Holder parameters. On the left side of the equation are the parameter names and on the right side the names of the relevant dimension in the SolidWorks part (same as before). You can add as many parameters as needed (Param1Param4, Param5 etc) The names will be used in the Parameters section under Electrode Holder of the Add Electrode dialog.
ElectrodeWorks 2009

User Guide For example a typical 2nd section will look like this: [Holder Parameters] Param1=X Param2=Y Param3=Z Param4=.. ... Here X, Y and Z would be the relevant SolidWorks dimension names and also appear in the menu. 3. Electrode Type - this section defines the Electrode type to be Box or Cylinder. A typical 3rd section for a rectangular electrode base looks like this: [Type] Type=Box

4. Coordinate Systems - this section defines the number of coordinate systems in the blank and their names in the SolidWorks part, you can have as many coordinate systems as you need. These names are used in the Position section of the Add Electrode dialog. A typical 4th section looks like this: [Coordinate Systems] CoordinateSys1=Default origin CoordinateSys2=option 2 CoordinateSys3=option 3 Here again the names Default origin, option 2 will appear in the Position section (under Electrode Coordinate) of the Add Electrode dialog.

2.16.3 BMP file

Bitmap with a drawing of the blank and its parameters (not mandatory) This BMP will be displayed when the Show Scheme button is pressed under the Parameters section of the Add Electrode dialog.
ElectrodeWorks 2009


3 Tutorial
The files here can be found in the Car Handle folder under the ElectrodeWorks\Example Files directory.



3.1 Create an electrode on the air holes

Open HandleHousing.SLDASM from the Example Files\Car Handle folder. Select HandleHousing from the top level of the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click on the RHM button and select Add Electrode (Or Select the ElectrodeWorks > Add Electrode menu or relevant icon ( ). The electrode library automatically opens.

At this stage you should see the standard ElectrodeWorks blanks library (with the locks on them), and perhaps some user defined ones as well. Choose EDM_Holder_1 Step from the 3R_mm library. Select the core as the Part. The Burn Area section of the dialogue expands to allow you to select the Electrode work direction. Select an edge on the core as shown below

ElectrodeWorks 2009



Notice that the arrow must be in the z direction and that the coordinate system points that way as well. Select the burn faces by selecting a rectangle encompassing the bosses on the top. (If this doesnt work - depending on which SolidWorks version then select each boss top face individually and skip to Calculate Electrode)

ElectrodeWorks 2009


Tutorial This selection automatically selects/unselects faces, which are picked or rectangle selected. Obviously we dont want to include the big top face. Select the top face again to unselect it from the Face(s) select box.

Click on the Calculate Electrode button. The Electrode will be placed around the faces, with a certain margin and depth as dictated in the Settings tab. Click on the Settings tab and open the Estimation section.

Key-in the values as shown above.

ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial Click Show Scheme to see the meaning of the parameters. Click again to hide the scheme, Click Save to save these values permanently. Click Calculate Electrode from the Position tab to update the electrode.

to create the electrode. Click A feature called EDM-Holder_1 Step1-n will be created under the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree. Select the feature and click on the RHM button to see the following menu.

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These are all the commands which relate to a single electrode. Click on Isolate. We have added the Isolate command from the standard SolidWorks menu, since it is useful especially when creating clearances.

ElectrodeWorks 2009



3.2 Create an electrode on a boss

Here we will demonstrate adding clearances Select HandleHousing from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click Add Electrode from the RHM button. Choose EDM_Holder_2 Step from the 3R_mm library. Select the core. Select an edge on the core as before. Select the faces as shown below.

You can alter the selection colors through the standard SolidWorks > Tools > Options dialogue, we use the Selected Item 2 and Selected Item 3 colors. Click on the Calculate Electrode button. The holder is too short. Open the Parameters section and click on Show Scheme to get help on the parameters which are divided into Electrode Base and Electrode Holder. Scroll the thickness parameter to 47mm. Click to create the electrode. The new electrode appears in the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree.
ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial Select this electrode and click on Isolate.

Next we are going to add some clearance. Select this electrode and click on Add Clearance The following dialogue appears:

Select a face in the clearance direction BUT NOT a face which is to be

ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial cleared. Check the direction of the clearance arrow and make sure that it points upward, if not click on the .

Select the clearance faces as shown below. (pay attention to the small face)

Open the Clearance Parameters section. Notice that a plane is displayed

ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial at the point (on the selected surfaces) of maximum distance in the direction of the clearance. Scroll the D parameter to 5mm.

. Click Exit the Isolate. Now you can see the clearance in relation to the core. The Clearance also appears as a sort of feature under the electrode in the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree.

Select the Clearance and click on the RHM button to see the menus
ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial related to the clearances.

ElectrodeWorks 2009



3.3 Creating an electrode for the slot

Here we will show adding clearances, editing of the electrode and adding a spark gap. Select HandleHousing from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click Add Electrode from the RHM button. Choose ER-010063 from the Erowa_mm library. Select the core. Select an edge on the core as before to indicate the electrode direction. Select the faces as shown below.

Click on the Calculate Electrode button. Click .

ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial Select this electrode and click on Isolate.

Select this electrode and click on Add Clearance Define the clearance parameters as shown below. (Length is Through)

ElectrodeWorks 2009


Tutorial Add clearance to the other side in the same manner. You can pin this dialogue so that it becomes modal. Now we need to do some clearance work on the top, the problem is that we have not left enough space. In order to solve this we will edit the electrode. Select the electrode from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree, click on the RHM button and select Edit Electrode Scroll the thickness parameter in the Parameters section to 54.00mm. Click .

Now we can add more clearances. Select the electrode and click on Add Clearance Define the clearance parameters as shown below.
ElectrodeWorks 2009


Now we will add to the electrode a normal clearance. Select the electrode and click on Add Clearance Define the clearance parameters as shown below.

ElectrodeWorks 2009




Notice the difference between a tangent clearance and the normal clearance. Also notice the different Clearance icon.

ElectrodeWorks 2009


Tutorial Now well add a spark gap. Select the electrode and click on Spark Gap The following dialogue box appears.

Notice that only the burnt faces are selected. Scroll the Gap to .2. Click . Zoom to bottom of the electrode to see the gap.

Select ER010063_2-1 from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree,

ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial click on the RHM button and select Open Part

ElectrodeWorks has created a new configuration called Spark Gap 0.2000 in the electrode part. Close the Part.

ElectrodeWorks 2009



3.4 Settings/ Options/ Report/Technology

Project setup should be done before creating the electrodes; however, you can do it anytime afterwards as well. If you want to change the electrode names and prefixes this must be done before creating the electrodes (or the drawings) in the Options dialogue. We set up a project: Select HandleHousing from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click Project Settings from the RHM button. The date is automatically defined (according to the locale on your OS). Key-in Tutorial for Project name: Key-in your name for Designed by: Key-in Creating electrodes on Car Handle for Description:

Next we add Electrode Data to one of the electrodes. Select ER010063 Step_2-1 from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click Electrode Data from the RHM button. Notice that there is only a Rough gap according to the spark gap that we created (i.e. .2). (Total gap is ,2 as well). Key-in .1 for the Pattern gap automatically the Spark gap becomes .1.
ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial The Total gap stays the same. In fact what we call the Spark gap in the geometric dialogue is actually the Total gap. Select Cylindrical from the drop down box for the Electrode burn method. Key-in Polish and then click on to add it to the list. Select the Polish and key-in .19 for the Pattern gap and .01 for the Spark gap. Select Cylindrical from the drop down box for the Electrode burn method. Click . Now we will create the Project Report. Select HandleHousing from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click Project Report from the RHM button. Select the core as the Reference part to get a report on all the electrodes defined on it. Click . An excel file report has been created by the name of Tutorial.xls and can be found in the SolidWorks FeatureManager tree under the Design Binder as well as in the current active folder. Each electrode has its own work sheet.

ElectrodeWorks 2009



3.5 Drawings
ElectrodeWorks outputs two types of drawings (EDM and Manufacturing). The EDM includes the part and shows the positioning of the electrode and can be outputted separately for each electrode or all on one sheet. Any group of electrodes may be selected to be drafted together. Select HandleHousing from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click Multi Drawings from the RHM button. Select the CoreInsert_1 as the Reference part and check the Manufacturing Drawing and EDM Drawing. Check One drawing. Select C-Landscape for the Sheet Format/Size.

Click . Below is an example of the EDM drawing on one

ElectrodeWorks 2009


3.6 Exact Face(s) and Multi-Electrodes

In this section we will demonstrate the capability of creating electrodes exactly on the faces selected (which partly eliminates the need for clearances) and includes the ability to create groups of electrodes with a single holder. Open AbdeckForElectrodes.SLDASM from the Example Files\AbdeckFinal folder. Hide everything except CoreInsert part. Select AbdeckForElectrodes from the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and Click Add Electrode from the RHM button menu. Choose ER-010063 Step from the Erowa_mm library. Select CoreInsert. Select an edge on the core (-z direction). Select Exact face(s) from the Type drop down list. Select the faces as shown below.

Click on Calculate Electrode.

ElectrodeWorks 2009



The height of the plane above the highest face selected is according to the Bottom clearance parameter on the Settings page. Modify this parameter to 15mm. Click on Calculate Electrode from the Position page again.

. Click The electrode is created with a single holder above a group of disjointed faces. In the next electrode we will show what happens when a group of faces have
ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial hole(s). Click Add Electrode from the RHM button at the top of the ElectrodeWorks feature manager. Choose ER-010063 from the Erowa_mm library. Select CoreInsert. Select an edge on the core (-z direction). Select Exact face(s) from the Type drop down list. Select the faces as shown below. (Leaving the gap around the boss).

Click on Calculate Electrode. The following dialogue appears.

ElectrodeWorks 2009


Tutorial Click OK. Mark the Allow gaps check box. The system shows the following preview (including gaps).


ElectrodeWorks 2009



3.7 Copy Electrode

Open HandleHousing.SLDASM from the Example Files\Car Handle folder (again) Select HandleHousing from the top level of the ElectrodeWorks FeatureManager tree and click on the RHM button and select Add Electrode (Or Select the ElectrodeWorks > Add Electrode menu or relevant icon ( ). The electrode library automatically opens.

At this stage you should see the standard ElectrodeWorks blanks library (with the locks on them), and perhaps some user defined ones as well. Choose EDM_Holder_2 Step from the 3R_mm library. Select the core as the Part. The Burn Area section of the dialogue expands to allow you to select the Electrode work direction. Select an edge in the z direction as before. Select the four faces as shown below and change the Type to Exact face(s).

ElectrodeWorks 2009



Click . Click with RHM button on this newly created electrode from the ElectrodeWorks feature tree and select Copy Electrode The system analyzes the part and previews copies of the electrode (one copy in this case) allowing you to delete some of them if you wish. Click the system creates an instance of the electrode in the SolidWorks FeatureManager tree as well as a new feature in the ElectrodeWorks feature tree called Copy. If you click on the RHM button on this new feature you can Edit, Delete or
ElectrodeWorks 2009

Tutorial Hide/Show the copies of the electrode.

ElectrodeWorks 2009


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