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Week 28, Day 1: Monday, 13 July 2009

2 Chronicles 13, 14

What was Abijah’s claim to legitimacy based upon? (13:5-12)

How do you know who is aligned with God’s Will and who isn’t? (13:8, 9)

Why was the country at peace under Asa? (14:1, 2, 6)

Where did Asa go for help? (14:11)

Proverbs 13

What character traits are most prevalent among the foolish? (13:1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11,
13, 15, 18, 19, 20)

Who suffers from the sins of the unfaithful? (13:23)

Colossians 3

What should your heart and mind be set on? (3:1-3)

What must we rid ourselves of? (3:5-10)

Can racism exist in a Christian community? (3:11)

What should be the character traits of a Christian? (3:12-14)

How should Christianity change all your relationships? (3:18-22)

How do Christians work? (3:23, 24)

Is everyone held accountable for their actions? (3:25)

Week 28, Day 2: Tuesday, 14 July 2009

2 Chronicles 15, 16

What did the Spirit of the Lord want Azariah to tell Asa, and why do you think God
elected to speak through Azariah vice directly to Asa? (15:1, 2)

What was life like in a land that did not fear the Lord? 15:3-6)

What impact did God’s Word have on Asa? (15:8)

What sort of commitment did Judah make before the Lord, and how did it affect the
morale of the nation? (15:12-15)

Despite his conviction, what mistake did Asa make that would haunt Judah later?

What mistake did Asa make while fighting against Baasha? (16:7, 8; compare this
with Asa’s actions in 14:11)

Who does the Lord strengthen? (16:9)

What sort of response might you get from others as you share God’s Word? (16:10)

Why did Asa’s affliction overcome him? (16:12)

Proverbs 14

Is it wise to make amends for sin? (14:9)

Do people often use laughter to disguise pain? (14:13)

Colossians 4

Who is the model for our behavior? (4:1)

How often should we pray? (4:2)

What guidance does Paul give for our conversations with unbelievers? (4:4-6)

Week 28, Day 3: Wednesday, 15 July 2009

2 Chronicles 17, 18

Why was the Lord with Jehoshaphat? (17:3, 6)

What was Jehoshaphat’s focus for national education? (17:9)

How did God bless Jehoshaphat and Judah? (17:10)

How did Ahab’s decision making process differ from Jehoshaphat’s? (18:4)

Why didn’t Jehoshaphat accept the prophecies of Israel’s prophets? (18:5, 6; see


Why did Ahab hate Micaiah?

Does God entice lying and cause people to sin? (18:21)

Who are God’s prophets treated when they prophesy the truth to sinners? (18:23-

Can we thwart God’s will? (18:29)

Can an understanding of God’s will bring understanding to seemingly random

events? (18:33)

Proverbs 15

Are you words a “tree of life?” (15:4)

How do fools respond to God? (15:5)

Compare 15:10 with 15:5.

How does your attitude and perspective change your quality of life? (15:13, 15, 16,

Compare 15:24 with Philippians 1:6, Philippians 1:9-11, Philippians 3:12-14. How
long does it take to become spiritually mature? (15:24)

Who suffers for a person’s greed? (15:27)

Does God honor all prayers? (15:26, 29)

1 Thessalonians 1

What inspires endurance in discipleship? (1:3)

What convicts others, the power of your words or the power of the Holy Spirit? (1:4,

What power is required to maintain joy in suffering? (1:6)

Week 28, Day 4: Thursday, 16 July 2009

2 Chronicles 19, 20

Why did the wrath of the Lord fall upon Jehoshaphat? (19:1, 2)

What is required for judges to decide justly? (19:7, 9)

Who suffers for the sins of an individual? (19:10)

To whom did Jehoshaphat turn in times of trouble? (20:2-5)

Where do you turn when you are powerless to handle your circumstances? (20:12)

What determines the outcome of any situation? (20:15)

Why would God place you in situations where you have to rely completely on God’s
deliverance or provision? (20:17-19, 29)

Compare 20:35-37 with 2 Corinthians 6:14. How did God deal with Jehoshaphat’s

Proverbs 16

Take a moment and contemplate how Proverbs 16 applies to what you read in 2
Chronicles 17-20. What key points does God want you to understand?

1 Thessalonians 2

What must be the Christian’s motivation? (2:4, 6)

Does God expect us to “go the extra mile” for sake of the Gospel? (2:9)

What is one likely indicator that you are having an impact on your environment?
(2:14, 15)

Week 28, Day 5: Friday, 17 July 2009

2 Chronicles 21, 22

What contributed to Jehoram’s turn away from God? (21:6, 18:1, and 20:33-37)

Why did Lignah revolt against Jehoram? (21:10, 11)

How does the Bible describe those who devote themselves to something other than
God? (21:11, 13)

Does the best man always win on earth? (21:13)

What end comes to a self-centered life? (21:20)

Who enticed Ahaziah to sin and why? (22:4)

What is the fruit of the ungodly life? (22:10)

Proverbs 17

How does 17:2 describe the story of the Jews and Gentiles?

What is one reason why God allows you to endure trials? (17:3)

What did God intend a family to look like? (17:6)

What is one of the most noted character trait differences between a wise person
and a fool? (17:10)

Are quarrels beneficial? (17:14)

Are riches a substitute for wisdom? (17:16)

Compare 17:19 with 17:14.

1 Thessalonians 3

Are trials inevitable for the faithful Christian? (3:3)

What is the natural fruit of increased spiritual development? (3:12, 13)

Week 28, Day 6: Saturday, 18 July 2009

2 Chronicles 23, 24

What vital item was the king given when he took the throne? (23:11)

Who was the godly influence during the time of Joash and what happened when his
influence was removed? (24:17-19)

What happens when a people turn away from God? (23:20)

What is often the response to God’s messengers? (23:21)


How quickly can character be corrupted? (23:22)

Does God repay evil? (24:25)

Proverbs 18

If you are unfriendly, what are you doing? (18:1)

What do fools like to do? (18:2)

How much talk is actually worth anything? (18:4)

Does gossip affect your heart? (18:8)

Where do the wise place their faith as opposed to the unwise? (18:10, 11)

Do you ever answer before listening? (18:13)

How does 18:18 relate to how the Israelites divided the Promised Land in the Book
of Joshua?

Do we reap what we sow? (18:20)

Compare 18:23 with 18:10, 11.

Psalm 79

Is the character of God revealed both while He blesses and disciplines His people?

Is verse 79:13 what is observed in the Old Testament?

Week 28, Day 7: Sunday, 19 July 2009

2 Chronicles 25, 26

What critical character trait did Amaziah lack? (25:2)

Does God accept compromise? (25:7) Is there ever a practical reason to

compromise? (25:9)

Do sinners want to hear God’s Word for them? (26:16)

Does God cause men to sin, or allow them to sin to fulfill His purposes? (25:20)

What determined Uzziah’s success? (26:5)

What ultimately led to Uzziah’s downfall? (26:16)

Proverbs 19

Are good intentions and eagerness enough? (19:2)

Who do people blame for the self-induced pain in their lives (19:3)

Will you always be held accountable for deceitfulness? (19:5, 9)

A wise man is known for his _____ (19:11)

What is the answer to peace and contentment? (19:23)

Psalms 80, 81

What was the Jew’s request from the Lord to maintain a godly nation? (80:17-19)

What was the problem between God and His people? (81:8-14)

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