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56 Things I Wished Id Known When I was Younger

1. I wish Id known that failure was an option. 2. I wish Id known theres a difference between friends and drinking buddies. 3. I wish Id known honesty, in all situations, is always, always, always the best policy. 4. I wish Id known how to grow a pair and be more assertive. 5. I wish Id known how to feel comfortably weird about being a little weird. 6. I wish Id known how much my mum and dad really loved me, and all the warnings I got came from a place of love. 7. I wish Id known that my thoughts dont have to dictate my life. 8. I wish Id known that home really is where the heart is. 9. I wish Id known that intelligence is not something youre born with, its something that can be worked on. 10. I wish Id known that being positive can really change your thoughts which can indeed change your life. 11. I wish Id known how to be myself more and not tried to imitate Tom Cruise (Top Gun) confidence (Although singing, Youve lost that Loving Feeling to girls sometimes did work )

12. I wish Id known that the jacket of life could be altered to suit me. 13. I wish Id known how to say No! 14. I wish Id known that the phrase just try it should apply to everything we do in life. 15. I wish Id known that not being perfect is okay, and, in fact, striving for perfection is an impossible task. 16. I wish Id known that not being well off didnt mean I didnt have a rich life. 17. I wish Id known that losing myself in a book wasnt a substitute for living. 18. I wish Id known that my thoughts actually control how I feel, and how I feel affects the way I see the world. 19. I wish Id known that sex is a physical act and that love is something different altogether. 20. I wish Id known that having two strong sisters was a blessing. 21. I wish Id known that formal education was only one option in life and not the only, or best, option. 22. I wish Id known that starting a business didnt require as much planning or money as Id thought. 23. I wish Id known never to settle for second best, whether it be in relationships, product choice, or employment. 24. I wish Id known that loving yourself was a prerequisite to truly loving others. 25. I wish Id known how to plan my finances better. 26. I wish Id known that everything I ever stressed out about would not matter one year later. 27. I wish Id known that TV numbs the mind.

28. I wish Id known that my mistakes would define me as the person I am today. 29. I wish Id known that perfection is never going to happen. 30. I wish Id known never to actively participate in gossip, its the black death of the soul. 31. I wish Id known that nobody can be changed, no matter how hard you try to change them. People change because the pain of changing is less than the pain of not changing. 32. I wish Id known how to express my love more. 33. I wish Id known that my regrets in life stopped me from moving on. When its done, forget it and move on. 34. I wish Id known that helping others was the real path to helping every area of my own life, business, and personal. 35. I wish Id known that change is inevitable, and rather than fighting it, I should have befriended it. 36. I wish Id known not to waste my time and mental energy on people who didnt matter in my life. 37. I wish Id known that life is a balance and I dictate the ratios. 38. I wish Id known that its okay not to know everything. 39. I wish Id known to live in the moment, and not in the future or the past. 40. I wish Id known that trusting myself would allow great things to happen. 41. I wish Id known that not all people are bad, but not all people are good either.

42. I wish Id known that whats right for me is not necessarily right for others. 43. I wish Id known that although responsibility can seem scary, when embraced it gives understanding acceptance and choice. 44. I wish Id known that one of lifes skills is to be able to spot genuine people. 45. I wish Id known that things have to come to an end to be able to experience new, exciting things in the future. 46. I wish Id known that learning doesnt finish when you leave school. 47. I wish Id known how to trust my instincts more. 48. I wish Id known that the world is as big as you allow it to be. 49. I wish Id known that I had choices, and my route may need to change but perseverance always got me through. 50. I wish Id known that the world does not owe you any favours, you have to step up to the plate and be counted. 51. I wish Id known that happiness is not defined by financial wealth. 52. I wish Id known the importance of working out what was right for me. 53. I wish Id known that all actions, always have a consequence. 54. I wish Id known that my needs and desires would change over time. 55. I wish Id known that doing what I wanted to do was not necessarily me being selfish.

56. I wish Id known that where you are born does not dictate where you will end up in life.

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