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This evening well talk about the calling of Moses.

Through this we will be able to know what God longs for when he calls. The reason for Moses calling was for him to lead Gods people out of Egypt due to the harsh treatment of the Egyptians. About 350 years before the birth of Moses, In Gen_45:17-25 Jacob and his sons migrated to Egypt. They were received with favor by the king. Joseph was the governor of Egypt at that time. As a result, in Gen_47:27 the Israelites began to multiply exceedingly. Exo_1:7 the land was filled with them. But after the death of Joseph their position was not so favorable. In process of time a king [probably Seti I.] arose who knew not Joseph (Exo_1:8). This king thought it necessary to fade his Israelite subjects by oppressing them, and by measures reducing their number. On the contrary, the more the Egyptians afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew (Exo_1:12). During this time of persecution Moses was born and was saved by the daughter of Pharaoh. Moses was transferred from the humble house of his father to the royal palace, where he was brought up as the adopted son of the princess. He grew up along with all the splendor and excitement of the Egyptian court. Moses learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians (Act_7:22). However, he probably maintained a constant fellowship with his mother, which was of the highest importance as to his religious belief and his interest in his brethren the Israelites. Exodus 2:11-15, nightmare of Moses. In Exodus 3:1-4:17, we read the records of Moses calling. Through a burning bush God told Moses about His plans to rescue His people and how God needs him to do His plans. Moses made excuses: Excuses: 1. Who am I? - A question of connection and influence. Exo 3:11 2. What if they do not believe me? A doubt of ability. Exo 4:1 3. Have never been eloquent A doubt of ability. Exo 4:10 In the midst of these excuses God revealed what He longs for when He calls. I - Not influence nor connections but commitment. Most probably Moses was thinking of the trouble he left at Egypt. That he has lost his connections with the Egyptians, in fact they would want to kill him. Perhaps, he was also thinking of his influence to Pharaoh knowing that he was an Israelite himself. Or most probably Moses would have said to God, oh Lord, I am just a shepherd, I dont have time for that. In response, God would probably said to Moses, Moses, Moses, I dont need your connections nor influence for I will be with you. All I need is for you to leave, go with me and commit to do the job. All I need I your commitment. Then Moses asked, what if the people ask me who sent me to them? God said, Tell them, I AM WHO I AM! Enough connection and influence you need. Well, sometime we feel like what Moses felt. I dont have the influence and I dont have connections, why bother to go. I will just waste my time. No way! Ok lang ang uban kay sikat man. II Not ability but Availability Moses this time would say to God, Lord I dont have the ability, and I am pretty sure that they will not believe me for I am not a good speaker. I dont have a good PR. I dont know how to sell and negotiate. Exo 4:2, Then the LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied. Exo 4:3 The LORD said, "Throw it on the ground." Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it. Exo 4:4 Then the LORD said to him "Reach out your hand and take it by the tail." So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand. The point is, whatever we have, if given to God, He can maximize it to advance His plans. All God needs is for us to become available of His calling.

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