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Lupe Fiasco Streets on Fire is arguably one of the most lyrically prophetic songs of our time.

Although many listeners believe that Lupe is simply speaking about a woman. Namely, some reviewers believe that the woman is the one that is found in the book of Proverbs Ch. 7. She essentially is a whore who kills off the soul, life, and what a wise man should stray away from. However, I dissent this notion and I believe that the issue at hand is more closely linked to George Orwells 1984, a society that is t yrannized by the party and a totalitarian ideology. However, I believe that a myopic view held to the United States must be refuted. Instead, the song should be looked upon from a global context that integrates political, religious, apocalyptic, and philosophical themes throughout the lyrics. I believe that in essence Lupe Fiasco is describing a society that is secular humanistic in nature, sinful, and corrupt. I believe that he is discussing a society where the government has complete control over the society and wishes to destroy the world population. We know this as a new world order, a world government. I believe that Lupe Fiasco describes this type of society in Streets On Fire. Throughout this essay the reader will not see many direct refrenes to any other scholarly work which looks at this song. This title was not a single, therefore did not receive acclaimed media attention and radio play. It can be found on the artists second album entitled: The Cool. Before diving into the song lyrics, I believe that we must fire denote and describe what the new world order is. Some ay believe that it is a conspiracy theory, but essentially it is a totalitarian one-world government. The New World Order is essentially an order made by the; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

ruling elite of the world. The wealthy top 1% who own the worlds largest resources, companies, and entertainment outlets. Essentially the new world order has a type of illuminist philosophy which mirrors the teachings of Allieser Crowley and the house of Rothschild. This new world government will be made under the mask of socialism and under the umbrella of the United nations. The New World Order is arranged in four different arenas. The first of which is the political arena where the council of foreign relations, the Bilderbergers, the Club or Rome, and the Royal institute of International Affairs. The second branch of the New world is economics. Organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Bank of International Settle. In fact the United Nations in 2009 proposed a new Global Currency. This speaks to the control of a one world government. This year, fears of mandatory rfid chips loomed to the surface of politics as Verichip introduces how people are tracked, and made out of currency through a chip. This alone makes reference to a one world government in which the bible deems the mark of the beast. The bible depicts what will happen back in the first century when it says, It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, The Verichip that we are discussing seeks to plant this chip on the right arm and hand of its recipents. The Third branch of the New world order is religion. The World Council of Churches and the Parliament of World religions were established to introduce a new world religion. This; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

religion is based of a humanist philosophy. This makes a statement point because we see that the world government will be secular humanistic in essence. The last branch of the New World Order is entertainment. Jarred Ball in his book I Mix What I like discusses how the colonizer (in our case the New World Order or the ruling elite) attempt to brainwash and influence culture through media streams. Essentially what the colonizer attempts for us to do is stray away from spiritual connectivity with the divine, make humans more humanistic, make us more barbaric, and separate us from the presence of God by making a secular society. A secular humanistic society believes essentially in the core tenets of Anglo Saxonism and individuality. They believe in manifest destiny, individualism, providence, and suffering to be a personal problem. Essentially the song by Lupe Fiasco, Streets on Fire, depicts a nation of people who do not have a clue of whats going on or whats happening. He shows how the people are becoming more inflicted by humanistic society which attempts to control the thing of members inside of this society. Below we will analyze the lyrics of the song. The firs analysis of the song is the chorus in which lupe says, Death is n the tip of her tonue/and dangers a the tip of her fingers I believe that the death lupe fiasco describes throughout the song is both a physical death and a spiritual death. In regards to a physical death, the New World Order, specifically in the United States will be seen by FEMA concentration camps. Currently there are over 600 concentration camps within the United States and they will; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

seek to detain citizens within these camps if there are any State of Emergencies. The interesting thing is that it only stakes a few strokes of a pen by the Commander-in-chief for this to happen. The Other way that Lupe Fiasco describes death in Streets on Fire is by way of spiritual death. Spiritual death can happen institutionally and by the lack of spiritual digestion and prioritization. In the Philosopher Michel foucaults book, Discipline 7 Punish: The Birth of the Prison, he describes the new process of building prisons in the united states He describes how modern prisons are not built for punishment of the body, rather they are built for punishment of the soul. When we put this in context of spiritual death, when placed in what Robert Kiyosaki describes as, The Rat Race, many Americans feel like they are always stressed going paycheck to paycheck with menial, unfilling work, or in school always turning in assingments, thus creating a system of indoctrination and robotics. I believe that a society that places pressure on its citizens to set the priority of state at the top of ones priority list, leaves spiritual vocation and dedication a lagging priority. I believe that when Lupe describes the streets being on fire tonight he is discussing how the people are coming into consciousness and awareness to the mass scheme that is going on. Within the uprise of whats going on, the citizens begin to make noise by setting a street on fire in revolt. Following the chorus, Lupe dives ore into what is going on within the nation with streets on fire.; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

The first verse of Streets On Fire opens up with the line, Disease the virus is spreading in all directions/ No safe zone no cure and no protection. I believe when imagining the picture of what lupe is describing is a people who are not in control of their future nor destiny because of the ruling elite. There are many philosophies and political ideologies that support this claim, but a simple one is totalitarianism by a ruling elite. Essentially this disease that is afflicting people is the kool-aid of secular humanism and indoctrination. People are inflicted by the virus culturally. Most americans today are profit-centered than service-centered individuals. We have essentially placed as a priority the ever-increasing idoltry of money. The disease that we have is killing off our human goodness and making us spiritually indifferent. The disease and virus is also within our cultural practices. More and more individuals find satisfaction with the attainment of material goods to the point of worshipping it. We are plagued daily by media messages that we need ore than what we have which sends a message of not being content with what we have. The disease also is turning people against people as hate, crime, and homicide is plaguing the nations throughout the world. What is sad however, is Lupes depiction that there is no way out of this however. However I must state my personal bias that through Jesus Christ, Christians around the world await a day of his return in which justice throughout the world will be proclaimed. Although I have love for people of all religious and spiritual beliefs of unbelief in a God ( Which not believing in a God is a belief system) Christianity provides the most optimistic view because of their figure of a savior whereas many other religions have prophets, but no savior figures.; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

The next lines of the song are No symptoms to find the signs of an infection/ No vaccines remedies and no corrections. When we think about there are no symptoms to find, immediately I think of a conditions that could not be identified through the body. How can one be infected with someone if it is not directly through the body? I believe two ways, either through the soul or the ears. When examining the effects that music has on the mind, there are positive and negative effects it can have on the brain and mental. Positively music can fight depression, relieve anxiety, improve learning ability, and boost confidence. The mentioned effects directly target the mental state of mind. When looking at the effects that music has on the brain, one can see that there are increased concentration levels, improvement in memory, creativity, problem-solving, and healing. There are all beneficial effects of music which most people believe is through vocalless tunes such as classical & jazz music. In addition, there are studies that report that Christian worship music feeds the spirit, places a feeling of joy in the spirit, and shapes character. What an amazing effect of music. The following lines of the song is Quarantines the dreams and cut off our connection/ Dont let em in not a friend not a reflection. When we think of something that Quarantines the dream, I believe that he is talking about some force that will place its people in a cynical state of mind. Essentially, what quarantining ones dream is isolating it and not allowing it to surface. The government essentially does not one to reveal the master plan that they have so they will silence an quarantine anyone who does speak out.; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

In recent media today, comedians such as Dave Chappelle has been deemed crazy ever since he refuse a $50 million contract. Dave Chappelle has openly spoken about the Illuminati and because of it he has been quarantined from mainstream society. There are also accounts of the government quarantining people and silencing people when the truth is placed into the public sphere. In his famous book, Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper, he reveals top secret information by the U.S. government. It is not limited to the scope of the past few years of rebels who spoke out against the government. Even in the biblical gospel of John, Jesus tells his followers that they will receive persecution for their participation in truth telling. John: 15:20 illustrates this point when jesus says, Remember what I told you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. Jesus is talking about the persecution one is to receive for the sake of justice an truth. Jesus preached a gospel which called the people of his day to serve the poor, reconcile debt, do not love greed, and the religious leaders of the day was upset by this. In the end, Jesus was made a public spectacle( just like Dave Chappelle has been made), and eventually crucified for blasphemy. When Lupe says cut off our connections I believe what he is talking about is a disconnection in the spiritual realm. People are cut off from spirituality because they are concerned with the rat race of work and school, meaning ones spiritual life is the last priority in life. When this happens secular and cynical news, events, an odd occurences to you becomes scary. When you are spiritually a skeleton, you are pulle into the secular society and believe this is all that there is. Firgures throughout history such as St. Paul, Dietrich Bonheffer, and Jesus; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

Christ, withheld their suffering in a belief system that their body was in the physical realm but their spirit was from up above. Their belief became their sword of strength and endurance throughout their life. With the secularization of prosperity gospels and contradictory Christian doctrine and ethics, more people are straying away from Christianity. The 2012 census reports that there has been a doubling in citizens with no religion since 1990. This report shows how people are in despearate search for a spiritual light in their lives. Leading new age spiritual centers are ones such as Agape Spiritual Center in Culver City, California which has just eclipsed the 10,000 member mark. One of the reasons why Agape is such a spiritual resource for people is that it intertwines many religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism without making anyone offended. The goal, essentially in Agape is for members to be filled spiritually with love so that members may exalt love into the world. When Lupe is talking about dont let em in not a friend, not a reflection I believe he talking about people persuading you to believe in the system that the ruling elite wants people to be a part of. When, If you conform to the system, you will lose your freedom and become indoctrinated. For instance, when one looks at the education system in America which is built on the foundation of indoctrination, people are afraid of not being able to thrive in society it if they do not possess a certain level of education.; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

Some reasons why people believe that they may not be able to make it is because of the state of our current economy in market. Some other reasons are reasons come from the American ideology that in order to become happy in our society than one must possess material abundance. So the lack of happiness in life may push one to enroll for more schooling, technical skills, and employment. However, the commodification of technical schools and distance learning schools such as the university of Phoenix push people into careers to perform proper social roles instead of training people to think. The documentary, College Inc, shows how people are becoming incredibaly rich with for profit educational institutions. Teaching somebody how to perform a role is indoctrination, in which one will become part of the rat race. And although we are a land of liberty I believe that there is a difference between liberty and freedom. Freedom is different than liberty because of the very essence of the word liberty. Essentially, a liberty is defined as, the right or privilege of access to a particular place. The term liberty as mentioned, is a constittional and legislative right. Freedom however is different. Freedom is defined as the absence of or release from ties, obligations. Freedom then, only comes from a change within. However, without a vertical spiritual relationship then freedom could never come for an individual in this society. Combine these facts with those who are indoctrinated and enslaved, then those around you will try and get you to do what everybody else is doing. The themes that Lupe Fiasco presents in the song, Streets On Fire, are very risky, yet prophetic in nature. He warns his listeners to be careful, keep your eyes open to what is; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

happening around you, and to establish a spiritual relationship so that you can set yourself free. In America and the global community as a whole, we see that our world is becoming darker by the day. Governmental control is peaking, nuclear threats multiplying, and spiritual separation is becoming prevalent throughout the states. One must keep optimism in the face of this global depression because of the hope in global justice one day. A day in which, the government is more people-centered than profit-centered, a day in which our teachers are compensated competitively and our schools seek to educate rather than train its young, a day in which, peace, tranquility and love reigns throughout the world. Until this day arrives, the struggle remains, the people must engage in the fight, for a new world.; ;;;;;; es_fear_in_its_own_citizens_and_people_around_the_world;;

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