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Polytechnic State of Malang Multimedia Communication System II by Hadiwiyatno ______________________________________________________________________________ Homework 1 (Analog Monochrome TV Systems) Reading Assignment : 1 Lecture

slides 2 Y. Wang, et al. Video processing and communications, Chapter 1 (mainly Sec.1.3,1.4) 3 B. P. Lathi, Modern digital and analog communication systems, Chapter 4 (you can skip pp.155-161,166-170,174-178, Sec.4.7,4.8.) Written Assignment : 1. Describe the difference between progressive and interlaced scan. What is the advantage and disadvantage of interlaced scan compared with progressive scan, when the line rate per second (lines/s) is the same? 2. What are some of the factors that determine the minimal required frame rate (frames/s) and line number (lines/frame) for the eye not to see separate frames or lines? 3. Consider a raster video converted from a 3D video signal with 10 frames/second, 100 x 100 pixels/frame. What is the maximum possible temporal frequency (Hz or cycles/s)? 4. What is the bandwidth of the NTSC video? 5. How is audio multiplexed with video into a single signal? What is the carrier frequency used for audio? 6. Which modulation technique is used for modulating a TV signal to a carrier frequency? What is the total bandwidth allocated for a TV channel? Illustrate with a figure the spectrum of a modulated TV channel. 7. Describe the difference between DSB, SSB, and VSB. Illustrate with spectrum plots in the frequency domain. 8. Draw block diagrams for modulation and demodulation using VSB-SC. And explain briefly the function of each block in the diagrams. 9. With amplitude modulation (e.g. DSB), one can either suppress the carrier or transmit the carrier (leading to DSB-SC and DSB-C), discuss the difference in demodulation for DSB-SC and DSB-C. What are the major advantage and disadvantages of each?

Homework 2 (Analog Color TV Systems)

Reading Assignment : Lecture slides Y. Wang, et al. Video processing and communications, Chapter 1 (mainly Sec.1.1,1.2,1.4) B. P. Lathi, Modern digital and analog communication systems, Chapter 4 (mainly QAQ and Sec. 4.6, beyond what you have read last time)

Written Assignment : 10. Suppose a color is represented by a RGB triplet of (100, 100, 100). What are the YIQ values? Explain your result. 11. Suppose a color is represented by a YIQ triplet of (70,-32,-32). What are the RGB values? 12. What is the benefit of converting RGB values to YIQ (or any luminance+chrominance representation) when transmitting a color signal? 13. Describe the QAM method used to multiplex the I and Q components together onto a color sub-carrier frequency. Draw the modulation and demodulation block diagram. 14. What are the factors that one must consider when choosing the color sub-carrier frequency? What is the sub-carrier frequency used in NTSC color standard? 15. Draw a block diagram for demultiplexing YIQ components from the composite video signal (containing the baseband luminance signal and the QAM modulated I and Q). Explain each component. 16. Why are comb filters desired in separating luminance from chrominance than conventional low-pass/bandpass filter? 17. Draw the overall spectrum of a color TV signal (including Y, I, Q and audio) when modulated over a carrier frequency. 18. How can a monochrome TV set automatically extract the luminance signal from a broadcasted color TV signal? 19. Draw the block diagram of the NTSC color TV transmitter and receiver, and explain functions of each component. 20. Describe why backward compatibility is important in technology development.

Homework 3 (Video digitization, format conversion)

Reading Assignment: Lecture slides Y. Wang, et al. Video processing and communications (mainly Sec.1.5; Optional: Chapters 3,4)

Written Assignent 21. What are the factors considered when choosing the sampling rate for digitizing a raster video? 22. Why is that we can and want to sample chrominance components at a lower sampling rate than luminance? What are the differences between the color formats 4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:1:1, 4:2:0? 23. The figure below show two interlaced video frames. 1. Generate the field data associated with each frame. 2. Deinterlace field 1 of frame 2 using field averaging. Write down the deinterlaced field. 3. Now try line averaging. Write down the deinterlaced field. 4. Now try field and line averaging. Write down the deinterlaced field. 5. For this simple example, which method is better? 6. In general, what are the pros and cons of different methods?
100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 200 100

Frame 1

Frame 2

2. The course website provides a sample matlab script that implements different deinterlacing methods. Go through the code to try to understand the operations involved. 3. Optional: use the sample deinterlacing matlab code on some test sequences and observe differences of different deinterlacing method.

Homework 4 (video coding)

Reading Assignment: Lecture slides Excerpts from EL514-Multimedia Lab Manual on video coding

Written Assignment 4. What is the main difference between image coding and video coding? Why is it not efficient to simply apply an image coder (say JPEG) to individual video frames? (This is what motion-JPEG does). 5. What is motion-compensated temporal prediction? How is it used in video coding? 6. What are the major steps in block-based hybrid video coding? Draw the block diagram of a typical block-based hybrid video encoder and corresponding decoder, and explain the functions of each component. 7. What are the major steps in DCT-based coding for each block? What are the differences in coefficient quantization and run-length coding for I-blocks and P/B-blocks? 8. What are the different modes in a block-based hybrid video coder? How do they each operate on a macroblock? 9. Which mode is most efficient for a block that is part of a moving object that has appeared in the previous frame? Which mode is most efficient for a block that corresponds to part of an object that first appeared in this frame, and continues in the next frame? Why dont we use P or B modes all the time? Why is I-mode needed? 10. Why are compressed video streams sensitive to transmission errors? What are some simple ways to make the bit streams more resilient to transmission errors? What are we trading-off when increasing the error resilience? 11. What does scalability mean in video coding? Why is scalability desirable in practical applications?

Homework 5 (Video Coding Standards)

Reading Assignment : Lecture slides K. R. Rao, Z. S. Bojkovic, D. A. Milovanovic, Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques, Standards, and Networks, Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. (Chap.5) Excerpts from EL514-Multimedia Lab Manual on video coding

Written Assignment : 12. What is the target application of the H.320 standard? What is the video coding standard used in H.320? 13. What is the target application of the H.323 standard? What is the video coding standard used in H.323? 14. What is the target application of the H.324 standard? What is the video coding standard used in H.324? 15. What are the main differences between H.320, H.323 and H.324 applications in terms of available bandwidth and delay variation? 16. H.261 and H.263 video coding standards differ mainly in how motion estimation is performed. Describe some of the techniques adopted in H.263 that helped improve its coding efficiency over H.261. 17. What is the target application of MPEG-1? What are the different parts of MPEG-1 standard? 18. Describe some of the differences between MPEG-1 and H.261/H.263 video coding standards? 19. What is the target application of MPEG-2? What are the different parts of MPEG-2 standard? When the MPEG-2 standard was first developed, the major target application is to store a 2hr video in the BT.601 resolution (704x480) on a DVD with quality comparable or better than broadcast TV. Later on, the scope of the standard was expanded to consider broadcasting of video (SD and HD) over the air or cable and other types of networks. The MPEG-2 standards includes a system part, a video coding part, an audio coding part, and several parts dealing with the transmission aspect. 20. Describe some of the differences between MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video coding standard? 21. What are the different ways that MPEG-2 uses to generate two layer video? Explain each briefly. 22. MPEG-4 video coding standard uses the so-called object-based coding. Describe what it is and how a receiving user may make use of it? What are the three types of information contained in each object? 23. Describe some techniques incorporated in H.264 that helped improving its coding efficiency over H.263/MPEG-4. Homework 6 (Digital Television)

Reading Assignment :

Lecture slides D. Sparano, What is exactly 8-VSB anyway?, (hardcopy distributed at class) J. H. Stott, The how and why of COFDM, (hardcopy distributed at class)

Review questions : 24. Describe the two possible alternatives (compatible vs. simulcast) for migrating from analog TV system to an advanced television system. What are the pros and cons of each? What make the non-compatible all-digital approach win over other options? 25. Describe the major components in the US DTV system. What are the audio and video formats supported? What are the audio and video coding standards used? What channel coding and modulation techniques are used? 26. Repeat 2 for the Europe DVB system. 27. How does the GOP structure in MPEG2 video codec support channel switching in addition to random access (after recording). What decides the maximum delay after a person switch to a different channel? What is the maximum delay considered acceptable? For fast forward, what determines the slowest forward speed? For rewind, what determines the slowest rewind speed? 28. Describe the major components in a perceptual audio coding system. Draw the block diagram and explain the function of each block. 29. What is the purpose of channel coding? How is this achieved in principle? 30. What is the purpose of data interleaving? What are some of the disadvantage of interleaving? 31. What is concatenated channel coding? And what is its benefit compared to a single channel code? 32. Describe the channel coding scheme used in the ATSC DTV system and the DVB system respectively. 33. Describe how to map digital signal to analog waveform using 4-ASK. Illustrate the waveform corresponding to each 2-bit symbol. For the following sequence of bits, 01001011, sketch the resulting analog signal. (you can assume an arbitrary carrier frequency for this exercise. For example, each symbol contains only one or two cycles of a sinusoid). 34. Describe how to map digital signal to analog waveform using 4-QAM. Illustrate the waveform corresponding to each 2-bit symbol. For the following sequence of bits, 01001011, sketch the resulting analog signal. 35. Describe the principle of 8-VSB modulation scheme used for US DTV. 36. Describe the principle of the COFDM modulation scheme used for the DVB system. 37. What are the pros and cons of 8-VSB vs. COFDM?

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