Extra High Voltage Transmission

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Seminar Report on

extra High voltage transmission

Dept. of Electrical &Electronics Engineering

Submitted By: -

Under the guidance of: -

Name:Sonalika mishra Regd. No: 1001337053 Semester: 7th session-2010-2014

Dr.Manohar panda Professor in EEE

Vikash College Of Engineering For Women,Bargarh


I, SONALIKA MISHRA bearing Regd. No.1001337043 hereby declare that the seminar topic entitled EXTRA HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION presented by me is original and this has not been submitted to anywhere else for the award of any other degree.

Student name-Sonalika Mishra Regd. No: 1001337043 Semester:7th Branch:EEE Session: 2013-14


I am extremely gratified to Dr Manohar panda , Prof. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Vikash college of engineering for women, Bargarh for his constant supervision, inspiration & encouragement right from beginning to the completion of my seminar. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all my classmates and the entire faculty members and other staff who have rendered their valuable help directly or indirectly for completion of my seminar. Student name-Sonalika mishra Bargarh Date: 20.09.13 Regd. No.-1001337043 7thSem, EEE

This is to certify that Sonalika Mishra, student of 7th semester, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department of Vikash College of engineering for women, Bargarh bearing Regd.No.1001337043 has presented a seminar on the topic entitled EHV for the partial fulfillment of Bachelors of Technology degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering under Biju Patnaik University Of Technology (BPUT). Further it is certified that the matter presented here has not been submitted anywhere else for the award of any other degree.

Seminar guide

Head of the Department

Er Subas kabat Asst. prof


Transmission of voltage above 300kv are known as extra high voltage transmission and that above 745kv are known as ultra high voltage transmission.Generally bundled conductors are used for this transmission design of T.L for ehv corona loss,ferranti effect,travelling waves are important points about this topic.It is economicaly feasible to transmit high voltage in long T.L.This ehv & uhv transmission has several advantages and some disadvantages



INTRODUCTIONThe generation & consumption of electrical energy has been increasing in a tremendous rate throughout the world during past many decades.the increasing need of transmitting greater & greater amount of power has led to a contineous increase in the transmission voltage.On the basis of length transmission line is divided into 3 categories that are small T.L,medium T.L & large T.L.In this large T.L high voltages are transmitted.the line length is above 240km it is called long transmission line,when it is betweeb 80 to 240 km it is called medium transmission line and when it is below 80km it is called small transmission line.

STANDARD TRANSMISSION VOLTAGEVoltages adopted for transmission of bulk power have to conform to standard specifications formulated in all countries and internationally. They are necessary in view of import, export, and domestic manufacture and use. The following voltage levels are recognized in India as per IS-2026 . Nominal System Voltage,kv 132 220 275 345 400 500 750

Maximum operating voltage,kv








For narmal operating voltage 132kv the maximum operating voltage is 145kv.it should not be exceeded.Similarly for 220kv it is 245kv.There exist two further voltage classes which have found use in the world but have not been accepted as standard. They are: 1000 kV (1050 kV maximum) and 1150 kV (1200 kV maximum). The maximum operating voltages specified above should not be exceeded in any case in any part of the system, since insulation levels of all equipment are based upon them. But if in some case the voltage level differs highly from specified limit, It is the primary responsibility of a design engineer to provide sufficient and proper type of reactive power at suitable places in the system. For voltage rises, inductive compensation and for voltage drops, capacitive compensation must usually be provided.

POWER HANDLING CAPACITY OF EHV T.LThere are some points on power handling capacity as follows One 750-kV line can normally carry as much power as four 400-kV circuits for equal Distance. One 1200-kV circuit can carry the power of three 750-kV circuits and twelve 400-kV circuits for the same transmission distance. The power-handling capacity of line at a given voltage level decreases with line length,being inversely proportional to line length L. if the conductor size is based on current rating, as line length increases, smaller sizes of conductor will be necessary. This will increase the danger of high voltage effects caused by smaller diameter of conductor giving rise to corona on the conductors and intensifying radio interference levels and audible noise as well as corona loss.

MECHANICAL CONSIDIRATION-to design the ehv line this factors are considered. Aeolian vibration-this vibration occurs when wind blows in velocity of about 2025km p hr.frequency is about 20hz and its amplitude is very low.it causes fatigue to the conductor and damaging strands.it causes wave effects.this vibration moves like waves inside the conductor and get reflevted.due to this error comes out.to reduce thid damoer & spacers are used.

GALLOPING Galloping of a conductor is a very high amplitude, low-frequency type of conductor motion. When a conductor is iced, it presents an unsymmetrical cross-section with the windward side having less ice accumulation than the leeward side of the conductor and the wind blows across such a surface, there is an aerodynamic lift as well as a drag force due to the direct pressure of the wind. the two forces give rise to oscillation and they combine to oscillate the conductor with very large amplitudes sufficient to cause contact of two adjacent phases. Galloping is controlled by using " pendulums" which take the form of weights applied at different locations on the span. Here the wind speed is about 10-15km/hr.its frequency is very low and amplitude is very high. Its frequency is about 0.1-1khz.

DAMPER & SPACERS A simpler form of damper which is a set of wires twisted around the line conductor at the insulator supporting conductor. A damper provides weight in the conductor. For lower conductor small size of conductors are used for heavier conductor heavier dampers are used.for 2.5cm diameter of conductoe 5kgs of dampers are used.for 5cm diameter of conductor 14kgs of dampers are used. This is used to provide a change in mechanical impedance. But for heavier conductors, weights of the damper is more. Most modern spacers have some flexibility built into them that they can maintain space between two conductors. Some spacers are specially designed to act as dampers and may also take the form of heavy springs. The selection of the spacers is also determined by the wind speed in the locality.

ENVIRONMENTAL ACPECTS ROUTE CLEARANCEEHV lines are generally constructed over different terrain including hilly areas,Dense forests & farm land and it is important that the minimum r.o.w is cleared. A dead tree with out sap offers high resistance to flow of current.But a conductive surface due to rain and dew may be formed on the dead trees and in the process of current discharge high voltage conc. Resulting in arcing and fire may occur.So Dry tree should be cleared from the way of transmission line The potential can exist with in 6m radius from 765kv line condition.So 6m top tree clearance should be done.

AUDIBLE NOISE Transmission line audible noise have a characteristic components i.e BROAD Band noise. The noise can be expanded into very large range.it can be expanded to 20khz from lower range of value. The pure tones are superimposed on broad band noise.The broad band noise are produced by random sequence of pulses due to partial discharge(corona) in air at the conductor surface. In wet condition water drops on the conductors surface produce corona discharge each of them creating burst of noise. For 500kv line noise are of little consequences,but above this lines should be designed for a satisfactory audible noise level. This noise violates the noise standard.so this should be eradicated. By reducing corona loss this can be reduced.

RADIO NOISE radio noise is associated with corona loss. Radio noise in the 750kv line is about 40-45dB in fair weather . The radio noise in the bad wheather is about 10-25dB higher then the radio noise during fair weather For good radio reception the desired signal should be 20-25dB.the noise due to corona in EHV line is not a serious problem for frequency modulated radio recievers or TV recievers. When corona sparks occur it generates radio interferrance signal. It can cause interfarrance in TV & radio signaling in a range of about 30km. This can also be reduced by reducing corona loss. It is generated at a frequency of about 1-1.6 mhz.

TRAVELLING WAVES In T.L the voltage and current moves as travelling waves from load to source in a very short interval. If the load impedance is not matched with the line impedance then this waves get reflected back to source. Reflection occurs always because the load always varies from no load to rated load value. This can be studied by Bewley lattice diagram. In the figure in next page it is given that 120v dc supply is connected to resistance of 90ohm.and here the characteristic impedance is 30ohm. Fig b is the Bewlley lattice diagram of the fig a. In the lattice diagram 120v is transmitted first then 60v get reflected i.e 120*1/2=60 then again -60v is get reflected to maintain the sending end voltage constant i.e 120v.similarly for 30 & 15v.

Corona loss in EHV lines are more as compared to other transmission lines.corona loss represents the loss in ehv t.l. For fair weather condition(due to presence of humidity) the corona loss is very small. Corona for bad weather condition is 100 times higher then the fair weather condition loss.this occurs in rainy season.when water drops on the conductor surface sparking occurs. Due to presence of humidity it braeks the air medium and due to this sparking occurs. Corona pulse-corona pulse is generated by avelenche breakdown of electrons in space.that is the free electron present in the atm gets accelerated due to the high voltage effect and they collide with each other.this is called anelenche break down due to this more electrons are generated which results in corona spark. Two types of pulse is generated i.e positive pulse & negative pulse.in positive half cycle of voltage positive pulse and in negative half cycle negative pulse is ganarated.both this pulse combinely forms the spark.


FERRANTI EFFECT Generaly in transmission line sending end voltage is higher then receiving end voltage.so corrent flows from sending end to receiving end. Due to distributed parameter of the EHV lines in light load condition the receiving end voltage becomes greater then the sending end voltage.this is called Ferranti effect. In light load condition the voltage drop across the series inductor is more which is in phase with the sending end voltage. So sending end voltage becomes more then receiving end voltage. In light loaded condition the shunt capacitor draws leading current and when this current flows through the series inductor more voltage drops occur which is in phase with the sending end voltage.so it becomes less then the receiving end voltage. To reduce this effect series capacitor & shunt reactors are used.

Generally for 300km of line due to ferranti effect the sending end voltage is 5% more
then the receiving end voltage.

here Ic =capacitor current,Vs=sending end voltage,Vr=receiving end voltage n the above phasor diagram Vr=Vs+IcZ. So Vr is greater then Vs.

GAS INSULATED EHV E.H.V. lines insulated with SF6 gas are being used extensively all over the world for voltages upto 1200 kV and for lengths upto 5 km. Gas insulated lines (GIL) also known as Bus Ducts, are not flexible but they can be installed in tunnels or above ground, in horizontal, vertical or inclined positions.

They carry currents in the range 2,000 to 10,000 Amperes.

ADVANTAGE Surge impedance loading.-to make the line impedence equal to surge impedence high voltage is required. Increases transmission efficiency-more power is transferred in ehv so efficiency is increased.by increasing current loss ic more so instead of increasing current we should increase voltage. Voltage can be stepped up & stepped down easily for ehv A.C No converters are required for ehv A.C. Line can be easily extended. DIS ADVANTAGES Corona loss Erection difficulties-due to high voltage effect building of ehv line is not easy. Insulation needs is more-more voltage so more insulation required Cost of line equipments are more

CONCLUSION Now a days EHV transmission are used every where.It is economicaly feasible. It has
some disadvantage which can be eradicated.

EHV Text Book By Rakosh Das Begamudre IEEE.COM Power System Analysis by B.R GUPTA Power System analysis by SAFARI


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