Magnetic Guide Field Generation in Collisionless Current Sheets

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Ann. Geophys.

, 28, 789–793, 2010 Annales
© Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed under Geophysicae
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Magnetic guide field generation in collisionless current sheets

W. Baumjohann1 , R. Nakamura1 , and R. A. Treumann2,*
1 Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, Austria
2 Department of Geophysics and Environmental Sciences, Munich University, Munich, Germany
* present address: International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland

Received: 30 December 2009 – Revised: 19 February 2010 – Accepted: 9 March 2010 – Published: 16 March 2010

Abstract. In thin (! < few λi ) collisionless current sheets in – that the centre of the current sheet is not free of mag-
a space plasma like the magnetospheric tail or magnetopause netic fields, and
current layer, magnetic fields can grow from thermal fluctua-
tion level by the action of the non-magnetic Weibel instabil- – that the sheet current J attains a guide-field-aligned
ity (Weibel, 1959). The instability is driven by the counter- component J" which becomes important in reconnec-
streaming electron inflow from the “ion diffusion” (ion iner- tion scenarios.
tial Hall) region into the inner current (electron inertial) re-
gion after thermalisation by the two-stream instability. Under
magnetospheric tail conditions it takes ∼50 e-folding times 2 Weibel scenario
(∼100 s) for the Weibel field to reach observable amplitudes
|bW | ∼ 1 nT. In counter-streaming inflows these fields are of The Weibel instability (Weibel, 1959) produces stationary
guide field type. magnetic fields under conditions when the plasma exhibits
Keywords. Space plasma physics (Magnetic reconnection) certain anisotropies in flow and/or temperature. It is driven
either by electrons or ions with the ion instability being much
weaker than the electron instability.
The original proposal by Weibel (1959) referred to a tem-
1 Introduction
perature anisotropy in the unmagnetised electron distribution
In this communication we investigate the self-consistent gen- providing the free energy for a stationary (very low frequency
eration of a so-called magnetic guide field in a thin collision- ω ∼ 0) magnetic instability. Anisotropies in flow refer to
less current layer that initially lacks the presence of any guide streaming or beams. So far application was mostly intended
field. Guide fields are believed – and have been shown by in either laser (inertial) plasma fusion or violent conditions
numerical simulations (see e.g. Drake et al., 2006; Pritchett, present in astrophysical systems.
2005; Cassak et al., 2007, and others) – to be of prime im- Figure 1 sketches the “ion-diffusion region” (convention-
portance in collisionless reconnection. The reason for their ally called so even though there is no diffusion) of a thin
presence in a thin collisionless current sheet is not evident. collisionless plane current sheet. The ions become non-
For this we render responsible the Weibel (“current filamen- magnetic here. The electrons continue their inward E × B-
tation”) instability (Weibel, 1959). It may be capable of gen- drift motion transporting the magnetic field to the centre
erating a guide field that could become a non-negligible frac- of the thin current sheet. Close to the centre in a region
tion of the undisturbed external field B0 being of strength of size of few λe the electrons become demagnetised while
Bg /B0 < 1 and directed along the current layer. maintaining their inward velocity V = ±Vb ẑ (with Vb ! Vn )
Magnetic guide fields have two implications which, in a on both sides of the current sheet. The two flows pass
thin current sheet with unmagnetised ions, affect basically across each other without (direct) interaction thereby realis-
only the electrons: ing a counter-streaming electron-beam configuration which
according to Weibel (1959) and Fried (1959) may become
Correspondence to: R. A. Treumann electromagnetically unstable.
(rudolf.treumann@geophysik.uni- The Weibel instability generates a non-oscillating (ω ∼ 0) transverse magnetic field b with k-vector about

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

790 W. Baumjohann et al.: Guide field generation

Plasma inflow
-B Harris field
+Vn Harris profile
with pile-ups

magnetic pile-ups
Δ ~ 4 λi

~ 4 λe
+Vb +Vb field-free
Jù -Vb -Vb ùJ region z

Harris field +B B
Plasma inflow

Fig. 1. Sketch of a homogeneous collisionless current sheet with plasma inflow from both sides and central electron inertial region. The
central sheet current J is crossed by two (symmetric counter-streaming) electron flows which are unstable against the termal-anisotropic
Weibel mode. On the right the magnetically deformed Harris profile is shown.

perpendicular to the electron beams (k⊥ % k" , subscripts re- symmetric beam density N± = Nb /2, and in the last term
fer to the direction of V) or temperature anisotropy A = the (negligibly small) neutralising background-ion contri-
T" /T⊥ − 1 > 0. In space plasma this instability is non- bution to the plasma frequency is taken into account for
relativistic and weak. Under certain conditions its effect correctness in the electron-to-ion mass ratio term me /mi .
may be not negligible. Investigating beam instability we When the background plasma is at rest, the “wave” becomes
work in the fluid approximation of cold (Tb < Te ) symmet- non-oscillating with ω = ±iγ W (otherwise when the plasma
ric beams of density Nb /2 (the cold beam approximation moves at velocity V0 the wave frequency will be Doppler
being justified because the lobe electron inflow is indeed shifted by the amount k · V0 , a case that may be realised un-
substantially colder than the background plasma), also for der magnetopause conditions, there with V0 being the mag-
simplicity assuming that the plasma is cold as well, even netosheath flow velocity tangential to the magnetopause).
though the centre of the reconnecting current layer contains Solving for γ W > 0 yields the non-evanescent growth rate
a denser N > Nb thermal plasma of temperature T = Te + Ti $ % " # &'− 12
(to which we will return when estimating the thermal fluctua- γ W Vb ωb2 2N me −1
tion level of the instability). At very low frequencies the elec- = 1+ 2 2 1+ 1+ (4)
ωb c k c Nb mi
tromagnetic dispersion relation factorises (Yoon and David-
son, 1987; Achterberg and Wiersma, 2007, and others). It maximises when the second term in the braced expression
In the slab geometry of Fig. 1, the factor describing plane becomes small
electromagnetic fluctuations of frequency ω ≈ 0 becomes 1
kλeb % [1 + (2N/Nb )] 2 > 1 (5)
Dxx Dzz − |Dxz | = 0 (1)
which is the case at relatively short wavelengths and yields
where Dij are the components of the dispersion tensor
D(ω,k) = k 2 c2 I − $(ω,k), with plasma dielectric tensor γ W,max ≈ ω b Vb /c ∼ 0.6 s−1 (6)
function $(ω,k). Under the assumed symmetric conditions
Dxz ≡ 0, and the dispersion relation simplifies to when we use Vb ∼ 10 km/s, and Nb ∼ 0.1N ∼ 105 m−3 .
! The Weibel instability thus leads to comparably small-
Dzz = n2 − 1 + s
χ zz = 0, n2 = k 2 c2 /ω2 (2) scale magnetic structures populating the beam-electron in-
ertial range of size λ ∼ 2πλeb = 2π c/ωb . Since the beam
where n is the refraction index, k wave number, ω wave density is substantially less than the density of the ambient
frequency, and s χij the susceptibility tensor of species plasma in the centre of the current sheet, one has λeb > λe ,
s the only surviving component which, in a symmetric the condition that k −1 ! λe is thus not in contradiction with
electron/electron-beam plasma configuration, is given by the condition of maximum growth.
" # Because kc/ω > 1, the unstably generated magnetic struc-
k 2 Vb2 ωb2 ωe2 me −1
χ zz = 2 2 + 2 1 + (3) tures are of mixed polarisation, with longitudinal electric
ω ω ω mi “wave” field component e( ||k which in the symmetric beam
Subscripts e and b indicate background and beam param- case is small. The transverse electric field component e T
eters, respectively, ωb is the beam plasma frequency for is along the electron beam direction. Since the “wave”

Ann. Geophys., 28, 789–793, 2010

W. Baumjohann et al.: Guide field generation 791
" #1
γts √ Nb 3
x ) 3 ≈ 0.6 (7)
ion inertial electron inertial ωe 2N
“diffusion” slow region
-B inflow
region under conditions of Nb ∼ 0.1N with k ∼ ωe /Vb ∼ 6 % kW ∼
ωe /c. This growth rate is much faster than the above es-
timated Weibel growth rate γW,max . Hence within one e-
folding time of the Weibel field it smears out the beams into
k k a flat-top distribution equivalent to heating the electrons and
J ù Bwù Bw⊗ ùBw ù J producing a weak temperature anisotropy T" > T⊥ .
After this happens, the original thermal-anisotropic
Weibel √ mode (Weibel, 1959) takes over. It grows for kλe <
k0 λe = Ae at maximum growth rate
electron Weibel +B (
‘beams’ guide field γw 5 8 Te⊥
) Ae2 ≈ 4 × 10−6 (8)
z ωe 27π me c2

y which holds for a weak anisotropy Ae ∼ 0.1 and Te⊥ ∼ 10 eV.

ion inertial electron inertial With plasma density of N ∼ 1 cm−3 this yields slow growth
“diffusion” slow region
inflow γw ∼ 0.2 s−1 of the√Weibel field at maximum growing wave
-B ⊗ region
⊗ number km = λ−1 e Ae /3 ∼ 3.5 × 10−5 m−1 which corre-
⊗ ⊗
⊗ ⊗ ⊗ sponds to wavelengths λw ∼ 200 km.
⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ The Weibel magnetic field is directed either parallel or
⊗ ⊗ ⊗
anti-parallel to the sheet current J = J ŷ while being con-
k k J
Bwù Bw⊗ ùBw fined to the electron inertial zone. Such a field has the re-
J quired properties of a guide field. Since it cannot be stronger
ù ù ù than the magnetic field B0 in the external inflow region, the
ù ù ù ù
ù ù ù ù Weibel instability generates weak guide fields only satisfying
ù bW /B0 < 1.
ù ù +B
electron Weibel The above smallness condition on its wavelength implies
‘beams’ guide field that the Weibel guide field forms a comparably short-scale
z wavy magnetic structure along the sheet current, thereby
structuring the current sheet magnetically in the direction
Fig. 2. Conditions inside a local electron inertial region. Inside of the current flow. Its transverse electric field eT ||Vb com-
the inertial region the electron components form two oblique beams ponent along the electron beam inflow direction is confined
which become smeared out by the two-stream instability. The re- to the electron inertial region, while the longitudinal electric
sulting thermal-anisotropic Weibel instability generates a magnetic field is in the direction e( ⊥ Vb .
vortex of field b W with wavenumber k ⊥ Vb perpendicular to the
The condition that the magnetic field be free of divergence
beam configuration. These vortices close in the current plane (x,y).
The sense of the magnetic vortices alternates along the current di-
forces the Weibel magnetic field to form closed magnetic
rection. Shown is the part of the lowest order vortex where the field vortices in the (x,y)-plane. Along the sheet current they pe-
is along the sheet current J. At a phase of π/2 along the current riodically amplify and weaken the external magnetic field on
the Weibel fields point along the ambient magnetic field causing one side of (above or below) the current layer producing a
wobbling of the current layer. spatial oscillation around the symmetry plane of the current
layer of wavelength of the Weibel magnetic vortices.

magnetic field b satisfies the solenoidal condition b · k = 0,

k ⊥ Vb , and ωb = k × e T , the Weibel magnetic field lies in
3 Thermal Weibel level
the plane perpendicular to the inflow into the current sheet
(cf. Fig. 2).
The beam-excited Weibel-mode model might not be real- So far we have been dealing with linear growth of the Weibel
istic. The two counter-streaming electron flows should read- instability. In order to obtain its saturation level one needs to
ily thermalise due to the action of the high-frequency elec- investigate the nonlinear evolution of the Weibel instability.
trostatic two-stream instability which has large maximum Here we ask for how long it takes the Weibel instability to
growth rate grow from thermal fluctuation level until reaching any mea-
surable magnetic field strength. Ann. Geophys., 28, 789–793, 2010

792 W. Baumjohann et al.: Guide field generation

The magnetic spectral energy density +bi bj ,kω of ther- Instability growth implies for the time evolution of the spec-
mal fluctuations in an isothermal plasma is determined from tral energy density of the magnetic field
Eq. (2.52) in Sitenko (1967) as . /
" # +|b(t,k,0)|2 , ≈ |b2 (k,0)| exp(2γW t) (15)
µ0 T n2 ki kj Im$⊥ (ω,k) W,th
+bi bj ,kω = δij − 2 (9)
ω k |$⊥ − n2 |2 where on the left is the linearly growing spectral density at
In a thermally anisotropic plasma the temperature T is time t, and on the right the thermal level from where the
replaced by the effective temperature T⊥ T" /(T⊥ + T" ) in instability starts growing. (No nonlinear saturation effects
this expression.The transverse dielectric response function are included at this time.) An observable magnetic field in
$⊥ (ω,k) in the anisotropic case reads the magnetotail should be roughly of order b ∼ 1 nT, a value
) +, ω 2 which one may use to find the growth time τW required to
ω2 T" * 1 2
$⊥ = 1 − e2 1 − 1 − *(z) + iπ 2 ze−z − i2 (10) reach this field strength
ω T⊥ ω
√ 1 +|b2 (k,τw )|,
Here z = ω/ 2kve⊥ is a variable that vanishes with ω → τW ≈ ln 2 (16)
2γw +|b (k,0)|,W,th
0, n2 ≡ (kc/ω)2 = $⊥ is the refraction index of transverse
fluctuations, and the real function *(z) ≈ 2z2 for z . 1. 0 1
Inserting for the thermal energy density |b2 (k,0)| W,th from
With the help of these expressions the spectral energy den-
+|b|2 ,km 0 and using the spectral energy density of a b ∼ 1 nT
sity +|b|2 ,kω can be brought into the form 2 , ≈ 4.3 × 10−12 V2 s3 /m, the typical
√ magnetic field, +b1nT k0
µ0 2π (c/ve" )T⊥ [θ/(1 + 1/θ )]κe−z growth time to reach this magnetic field level at a weak
+|b|2 ,kω = (11) anisotropy of just Ae ∼ 0.1 becomes
ωe [κ 2 − ω̃2 + 1 − θ(1 − *)]2 + π θ 2 z2 e−2z2
where κ ≡ kλe , ω̃ ≡ ω/ωe ,θ ≡ T" /T⊥ = Ae + 1, and λe = τW,max ∼ 92 s (17)
c/ωe is the background plasma electron inertial scale. This
holds for ω ) 0. corresponding to ∼ 50 e-folding times. This time of roughly
The spectral energy density of the Weibel field is obtained τ ∼ 1.5 min is not unreasonable for the processes in the mag-
in the limit z = ω = 0, which yields netotail current sheet.
2 µ0 πT⊥ me c2 (Ae + 1)2 κ
+|b| ,k0 = (12) 5 Conclusions
ωe me c2 (Ae + 2)[κ 2 − Ae − µ]2
Here the ion contribution has been retained in the term µ ≡ The result of this investigation is that inside the electron iner-
me /mi . It prevents the fluctuations to diverge at κ → 0 in tial region (of transverse size of a few λe ) in the current sheet,
the isotropic case θ = 1 which scales as k −3 . (The pole at the inflow of electrons into the sheet from its two sides (in
κ 2 = Ae + µ disappears if full ion dynamics is included.) the geomagnetic tail from the lobes) may well be capable of
In a current sheet of density N ∼ 106 m−3 , tempera- self-consistently generating a weak magnetic guide field via
ture T ∼ 0.1 keV which implies electron inertial and Debye the thermal-anisotropic Weibel instability. Given sufficient
lengths λe ≈ 6 km and λD ≈ 7.5 m, respectively, presumably time of, say, 50 e-foldings weak guide fields will evolve on
corresponding to conditions in the near-Earth magnetotail wavelengths the order of a few 100 km.
current sheet, the Weibel spectral energy density at maximum The Weibel-guide field Bg is limited to be weaker than
growing wave number km becomes the ambient external magnetic field B0 . In the symmetric
magnetospheric tail current sheet it may reach up to ! 10%
3 (Ae + 1)2 - V 2 s3
+|b|2 ,km 0 ≈ 1.6 × 10−27 Ae2 T[eV] (13) of the ambient field unless nonlinear effects set on earlier to
Ae + 2 m saturate the field on a lower level. Such nonlinear processes
where T[eV] is the background plasma electron temperature have not been investigated here. They can in principle be
in eV. treated by assuming a stationary final state and calculating
the thermal saturation level of the Weibel instability.
Guide fields are important in the dynamics of the current
4 Growth time in the magnetotail current layer sheet and in particular for reconnection. They have been
observed in the geomagnetic tail in various cases (see e.g.,
We are interested in the time required for the Weibel instabil-
Runov et al., 2003; Nakamura et al., 2006, 2008). They re-
ity to grow to measurable guide magnetic field values under
magnetise the electron plasma in the central current region.
conditions in the magnetotail reconnection region. The max-
Pointing along the electric field that drives the current, they
imum growth rate of the thermal-anisotropic Weibel instabil-
cause particle acceleration, which amplifies the current, gen-
ity was found to
erates energetic particles, and cause a number of secondary
γW,max ∼ 0.2 s−1 (14) effects that affect the stability of the plasma in the current

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W. Baumjohann et al.: Guide field generation 793

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