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Present simple Usos o Para hablar de hbitos y rutinas o Para hablar de hechos y verdades generales o Para describir situaciones

s permanentes Verbo TO BE

I am You are He/she/it is We are You are They are

I am not/ Im not You are not/ arent He/she/it is not/ isnt We are not/ arent You are not/ arent They are not/ arent

Am I? Are you? Is he/she/it? Are we? Are you? Are they?


I have You have He/she/it has We have You have They have

I have not/ havent He/she/it has not/hasnt

Have I? Has she/he/it?

Otros verbos

I learn He/she/it learns

I do not/ dont learn You He/she/it does not/ doesnt learn

Do I learn? Does he/she/it learn?

Hay verbos que tienen unas terminaciones diferentes (-o, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z). Estos verbos, en lugar de aadir solo una s en la tercera persona de singular (he/she/it), aaden una es. Otros verbos terminan en y. Segn si le precede vocal o consonante, se deber cambiar por:
o o

Precedido por vocal -s (play plays) Precedido por consonante -ies (study studies)

Normalmente, el tiempo presente singular va seguido de unos adverbios como: Always (siempre) Frequently (frecuentemente) Usually (normalmente) Often (a menudo) Sometimes (a veces) Hardly ever (casi nunca) Never (nunca) Once a week/once a month/once a year (una vez a la semana, etc.) Every day (todos los das)


1. Completa con el presente simple - I (travel) . to London every week. - They (run) . in the park every Saturdays. - My mother (clean) . the house. - You (be) . a good student.

- Mary (work) . in a bank. - John (walk). to his office. - You (study) . English at school. - The dog (break) . the fence. - The car (be) . in the garage. - My father (have) . a nice coat. - We (live) . in Paris. - George (sell) . peaches and apples. - I always (visit) . my grandmother. - Alice (go) . to the church. - They (be) . my best friends. - You always (pay) . the tickets. - London (be) . a big and nice city. - My cousin (paint) . the house. - I (study) . and (work) . in Madrid. - Mike never (do) . the homework.

2. Pon los verbos entre parantesis en la forma correcta del Present Simple, segn sean afirmativos, interrogativos o negativos. A: .. you (live) in Barcelona? B: No, I (not live) in Barcelona. I .. (live) in Cerdanyola.But my sister (live) there. A: And she . (like) it? B: Yes, she . (love) Barcelona. She (work) in a bank in the mornings. In the afternoons, she .. (play) tennis with her boyfriend or she (watch) TV at home. In the evenings, she usually . (go) for a walk on the beach or she .. (do) her English homework. She . (study) English on Saturdays. A: she .. (visit) you in Cerdanyola?

B: She . (not come) to Cerdanyola very often. I usually . (visit) her in Barcelona.

3. Completa el texto con uno de los siguientes verbos en la forma afirmativa de Present Simple. Algunos verbos necesitas utilizarlos ms de una vez: eat, drink, finish, get (x2), go(x2), have(x3), leave, listen, play, read, start, watch. On Mondays, Terry . up at 7.30 and a shower. He . dressed and breakfast. He . a piece of toast and a cup of black coffee. He .. home at 8.30 and to work by bus. He . work at 9.00. He lunch in a little restaurant near the office. He .. work at 17 o'clock in the afternoon. After work, he . football with his friends. In the evenings, he .TV, . the newspaper and to classical music. He .. to bed at midnight.

4. Corrige las siguientes oraciones con errores en los verbos. - Henry it's a shop assistant. - He work in a shop at the station. - He haves breakfast at 7.30. - He don't drive to work, he cycles. - He starts work at 8 o'clock and finishs at 3 o'clock. - He hasn't lunch at work. - He normally gos home and eats with his family. - In the evenings, Henry studys French. - He sometimes plaies football with his friends. - He watchs his favourite TV show with his children. - They is a happy family!

5. Completa el siguiente texto con la forma correcta del verbo entre parntesis. What you . (think) is the best way to spend the Christmas holiday? I .. (not be) sure I know. For some, travelling somewhere where

it .. (snow) is the best option. In my case, I . (always/be) too lazy to organise anything and plane tickets . (be) so expensive at this time of the year. I think Christmas .. (be) best spent at home. There are so many things to do at Christmas that you (not need) to worry about travel arrangements as well. We .. (usually/have) lunch in the family and . (spend) the afternoon reading books or watching films. Christmas at home .. (smell) of spiced wine, roast chicken and apple pie. The children .. (always/help) us prepare the Christmas tree but we .. (not turn) on the lights until the 24th. It .. (often/not snow) where I live but it (get) quite cold in winter. People from other countries (usually/come) here for the mild weather in winter.

6. Convierte las siguientes frases afirmativas en negativas. - People from China speak Russian - My boyfriend dances very well - My cat sleeps 12 hours a day - Teachers work hard - Luis likes pop music - My neighbours buy a new car every year - I run more than 500 metres in a minute - We fry eggs in the microwave - I go to the school in the evening - My mum watches TV every day

7. Completa las siguientes oraciones con el presente simple afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo. - I . (be) in a caf now. - she .. (play) tennis every week? - They (go) to the cinema every Wednesday.

- she . (be) a singer? - You (find) the weather here cold. - .. they .. (be) on the bus? - Lucy . (ride) her bicycle to work. - Why .. she (be) in France? - I . (not play) the piano often. - It .. (not be) cold today. - We .. (be) from Portugal. - . we .. (make) too much noise at night? - Where .. Harry .. (study)? - .. it (be) foggy today? - We .. (not be) late. - They (not like) animals. - Where . you (be)? - He (not be) an accountant. - the dog . (eat) chicken? - She .. (is) my sister.

8. Completa con la forma correcta del Present simple. - Yesterday my father (go) to work by car.

- This morning I..(have) a shower.

- My sister .. (not clean) her room on Saturday.

- The birds .. (fly) over our heads.

- Last week my family (not buy) a new table for the dining room.

- The other day, I .. (lose) my math's book.

- I .. (tell) my mother a lie.

- We . (hear) a terrible sound outside last night.

- .. (you see) football match Tuesday night?

- Pau . (drink) a litre of Coke for lunch yesterday.

9. Escribe un texto sobre un amigo o amiga (escribe mximo 40 palabras). Utiliza el siguiente texto como modelo: Annie is my best friend. She lives in New York City. She likes hamburgers and pizza. Her best friend is Charles. They do not live in the same city because Charles lives in Brazil. They talk on the phone almost every day.

10. Elige la opcin correcta. a) b) c) Does she listen to music? Do she listen to music? Does she listens to music? They plays soccer every day. They play soccer every day. They to play soccer every day.

d) e) f)

We do not runs in the park. We does not run in the park. We do not run in the park.

It to rain in the afternoon. It rain in the afternoon. It rains in the afternoon.

He doesn't speak German. Do he speak German? He does speaks German.

I go to the stadium? I do not go to the stadium. Do go I to the stadium?

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