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The Life Of The Virtues


In a morning of wonderful sightseeing, a school called Virtue High in the United State. The school was bound to yet have a new student who was from Britain. And that British child was gone by the name of Edwin Connell. A little infos about his family members were his younger sister, Edeline, and his personal butler, Alstan Garson. They lived in the US for a long time so he will be staying with them from now onwards. On the other hand, his parents were still in Britain to deal something what they would call business.

The story began as Edwin was arriving at the main school gate along with his younger sister. He was really eager to get to know his new school.

Do you want me to show you your class, dear brother? offered Edeline. Its okay. I think I can take it from here. replied Edwin. Okay then. See you, brother.

As Edeline headed to her class, he would do the same way as well.

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The Life Of The Virtues

With beautiful landscapes and scenic views of the school facilities from different angles, Edwin was astonished and amazed by the overwhelming sightseeing. Soon he realized one crucial thing he missed he was lost!

How can it turned out like this!? I was too busy with the sceneries that I got lost! exclaimed Edwin.

As he was feeling frustrated, then came by a two pony-tailed girl student who he would believe was a prefect judging by the attire which was totally different from him.

Hey you there! Why are you not in class? Do you know what time it is? asked the prefect girl strictly. Oh, about that. I was lost actually. I seem to cant find my class- Oh please Everyone is giving me the same lame excuse every time. Well not this time. Youre coming with me! she commanded. What did I do? asked Edwin looking confused.

So the prefect forcefully took Edwin who was reluctantly obviously didnt do anything to bring himself to the discipline office. Edwin who was looking confused explained to the teachers about himself that he was a new student. However, they didnt believe him since the excuse about telling students were lost was quite common in
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that school. Soon, a particular female teacher who was a little klutz and careless during her work was heading to her class until she noticed Edwin.

Excuse me? May I know you name, young man? asked the teacher. Edwin, maam Edwin? Edwin Hmm Where Ive heard that name before Oh yeah! You are one of my classes. Youre the new transfer student. Finally. Someone that listens to me said Edwin in relieved. What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be in class right now? Yeah, I should but I got lost then this prefect shown up. He explained. Not being thoughtful again, Liang? asked the teacher. I didnt know. Yeah, right. Say what? Okay, lets cool down the atmosphere here. Ill take things care from here. You may go to your class. said the teacher trying to ease down the negative aura.

From being lost, Edwin managed to eventually discover his homeroom teacher. She took him to his class which was located on the third floor of the building beside a monumental fountain.

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The Life Of The Virtues

After walking on the stairs, they finally arrived to the third floor feeling rather fatigue. He saw his class which was 5 Backlash. She would go inside while he waited outside to be called out. Then she announced that a new student will be joining them. She called him and was asked to introduce himself to the whole class.

The names Edwin Connell. Im from Britain. Its nice to meet you all. he introduced himself to the class as he bowed. Alright then. Edwin, you can take the seat at the back beside Kennard. Okay class for those who dont know, Im Miss Kayleigh and I will be your homeroom teacher for this year. Hope you can give full cooperation. Yes, Miss Kayleigh. obeyed the whole class.

During recess in class, Edwin would take out his lunch box opened it having rice balls inside. Though it would be unusual for a British boy to have rice balls for lunch. As he enjoyed his delicious, sticky, round and tasteful rice balls, a boy appeared carrying his garlic bread. It was Kennard. He asked if he could join him.

Hi, there. Can I join you? asked Kennard. Sure, no problem. Im Kennard. Welcome to our school. he greeted joyfully.
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Im Edwin. Thanks. thanked Edwin as both of them shook hands What are you eating there? Rice balls. Hey, Ive got an idea. Let me have one of those. requested Kennard. Okay Here.

Kennard took one of his rice balls and mixed it with his garlic bread together. As a result, the mixture tasted really delicious and not to mention sweet. He enjoyed the food very much. Both of them ate the food in such delight. Afterwards, a girl came towards them who Edwin believed was the girl with long hair tied back looking rather fit looking sat in front of Kennard.

Kennard. Have you passed up your exercise book to the teacher yet? she asked. Oh, no! I totally forgot. Give me a minute to send this. Ill be right back. said Kennard as he rushed to the teachers office. Oh, hi Edwin. Hi err Whats the name again? Charlotta. My friends call me Char for short. How are you? Sucks to be a new student, huh? What do you think of our school? asked Charlotta while putting her text book in her bag.

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Fine. The school is very beautiful and scenic. It just makes me want to do nothing at all and enjoy the glorious views. replied Edwin. Glad you like it. Oops, sorry. Got to go. Ive a club meeting at the school gym. See you in the next period. said Charlotta as she waved at him and rushed to the school gym. Okay. See ya.

Later in class, they were having math period. Some of the students cant solve the problems that were given by the teacher. Thus, they were given permission to do them in groups not more than four people. Edwin, Kennard and Charlotta were in one group. However, they needed one more member to even up the number. A girl prefect with spike-like hair tied behind being quiet who sat in front of him seemed to be rather lonely. Therefore, Edwin invited her in their group.

Glad you can join us, Gita. said Charlotta. Thanks for the invite. thanked Gita as she pull in her chair. Hi. Im Edwin. Gita. Alright. Enough with the chit-chats. Lets get on with this thing already. My brains gonna explode! said Kennard in frustration.

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In the meantime, Liang, the prefect who Edwin had encountered before earlier entered their class to call out Gitas name. Gita looked troubled and gloomy suddenly as though as something serious was going on between the two prefects.

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