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PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, -versus CARL JOSHUA S. TAYTAYON, Accused, X ----------------------------------------------- X INFORMATION The undersigned accuses CARL JOSHUA S. TAYTAYON of the crime of the MURDER, committed as follows: That on or about September 21, 2013, at L.J. Ledesma II Subdivision, Brgy. Buhang Jaro, within the jurisdiction of this court, the accused did, then and there, with malice aforethought and with deliberate intent to take the life of CHARMAINE C. DECENA, willfully, unlawfully, feloniously, suddenly, unexpectedly, and treacherously attack the latter with a knife, first wounding him in the chest, and afterwards, when enfeebled and unable to defend himself, again in the stomach, both wounds being necessarily mortal, thereby causing the direct and immediate death of said CHARMAINE C. DECENA. CONTRARY TO LAW. Iloilo City, Philippines, this 22nd day of September 2013. CRIMINAL CASE NO. 13-1526 For: MURDER

MARVIN H. TALEON II Assistant City Prosecutor Witnesses: Edleen D. Plagata L.J. Ledesma II Subdivision, Brgy. Buhang Jaro

Jasper H. Hiyong, Exhibit Custodian Jaro Police Station Bill Bello B. Villanueva, Police Investigator do SPO 2 Dexter P. Escuba - do -

CERTFIFICATION OF PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION I hereby certify that a preliminary investigation in this case was conducted by me in accordance with law; that I examined the Complainant and her witnesses; that there is reasonable ground to believe that the offense charged had been committed and that the accused is probably guilty thereof; that the accused was informed of the Complaint and of the evidence submitted against him and was given the opportunity to submit

controverting evidence; and that the filing of this Information is with the prior authority and approval of the City prosecutor.

MARVIN H. TALEON II Assistant City Prosecutor SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this 22nd day of September 2013 in Iloilo City.

JOMMEL Q.ALERTA City Prosecutor

No Bail recommended

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