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Minor Project Proposal Paul Lavey CG Art and Animation Year3 Never Meet Your Hero The Premise

e Create an animated short in the style of an internet celebrity gossip news report. It will chart the rise and fall and supposed rise of action hero Walter Francis as he his promoting his latest film Final Warning 6. Step Outline Opens with a typical celebrity gossip title sequence narrated by a female with an American accent welcoming us to the show. She moves swiftly on to the topic of the imminent release of Final Warning 6 and then charts the career of Walter. Presented in animated slide show, consisting of his portfolio images, screen shots of early roles as a soap actor. Progresses on to his big screen debut in a Western to his biggest success playing Jack Phoenix in the popular Final Warning action films. It will also chart his turbulent social life from celebrity weddings, prison sentences and that fight with American football mascot Billy the Bear. Throughout it will be interspersed with his latest promotion interview for Final Warning 6 where it appears all is not well with the actor. Name: Walter Francis D.O.B. / Age: March 18th 1958 (55) Nationality: American Height: 5 feet 10 inches Hair Colour: Black possibly a wig Eye Colour: Blue Profession: Film and television actor Biography Walter Francis was a big time Hollywood actor in the eighties and nineties. His first acting role was on the television program (Title) playing a private detective called Donnie Stalwart. His big screen debut was in the spaghetti western Dames and Dirty Dollars playing the bounty hunter Roy Blanco. This led to his most famous role of Jack Phoenix in the Final Warning series, which made him an icon of a certain type of masculinity. Francis failed to capitalize on the momentum of his career, noticeably gaining weight and drinking heavily. Whilst filming Final Warning 4, Francis was reportedly dissatisfied with the one-dimensional role expressing a wish to quit and further his career. After the release of Final Warning 5 in the mid-nineties, Francis took a hiatus from acting to establish his own Production Company which went out of business within a year. Soon after his marriage broke down with Hollywood actress Ellanore Vain, who won custody of their children due to Francis excessive drinking. Many believe this was the cause of his many run-ins with the law, notably the bizarre brawl with San Francisco football mascot Billy the bear. Despite this, the actor has recently tried to rejuvenate his career and appeal to younger audiences by logging on to social networking sites, often with disastrous results. However he is set to reprise his role of Jack Phoenix in the upcoming Final Warning 6. Many critics have condemned this move, suggesting the actor is cashing in on nostalgic fans.

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