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The Life Of The Virtues


BREAKING NEWS- A mattress shop owner was killed last night. Identified as male. Judging by the deformed figure, the investigators say that he was beaten senselessly with something heavy and easily to execute to the victim. It appeared to be more than one person. As they investigate more, they noticed some bill receipts were lying on the ground merely everywhere. Thus, this would be concluded that the victim had financial issues and was paying his life for it. This is the third time this week. Whats wrong with them? complaint Kennard. Yeah, whats up with them actually? agreed Charlotta. Guys, we really should finish up these questions. Otherwise, Miss Kayleigh would be angry with us. begged Gita. Speaking of Miss Kayleigh, I literally cant forget her angry face when she scolded me the other day. I was completely silent. Irish people can be really scary cried Kennard. Thats what you get for disobeying her orders. teased Charlotta. Leave me alone, Char. said Kennard feeling kind of down in the bum. Okay, I brought some snacks for us to enjoy while we rest for awhile. said Edwin while bringing the snacks to them.
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The Life Of The Virtues

Chips! exclaimed Kennard while running towards Edwin to grab the chips.

As they having a great time at Edwins house with snacks and the things they do for fun while listening to the news, a police car passed by his house. It turned out there was a murder case at the laundry shop just around that corner. That time it was two victims. One male and another female. The chief officer, Gavyn Wynter was at the scene examine the body. Accordingly, the victim was impaled at the chest by a hard object judging from the drastic wound.

Who could have done such things?

Later, he noticed there was a bill receipt on the floor. He believed it was the same people who murdered the owner of the mattress shop. As the police kept examine and investigate the place, they didnt realize that those people were still at the crime scene hiding inside a building from afar. It was reveal there were two individuals- One with white hair wearing trench coat and the other wearing a red mask concealing his face.

Seems like we got out of hand. said the masked one. I already told you to not leave any traces. Well, it cant be done then. sighed the white-haired one.

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The Life Of The Virtues

Its his fault for not paying. Dont lay it on me! explained the red mask trying to defend himself. Alright, it doesnt matter either way. Lets head back to boss to see if he has got any task for us. suggested the white-hair while both of them walked away from the scene.

After a few days at night, Edwin was heading to the convenient store to buy himself some rice balls which displayed outside. He was attracted by the shape differences and various sauces. Then, he instantly went inside and walked towards the rice ball displays.

Come again for more rice balls I see. You bet! Where do you get all these, Caitlyn? asked Edwin. That I cant tell you. Its a secret. Aww Cmon

Both of them knew each other since the Edwins first day of school where he didnt have the chance to prepare breakfast so he bought rice balls from her store. While he ate the grape flavoured rice ball which he just bought, he told Caitlyn about Nikitas issue hoping she would give him some pointers. Who knows? Maybe he would do the same thing as well. He thanked her for the wonderful advice. Later, Edwin walked home after adding more rice balls in his bag.

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The Life Of The Virtues

Meanwhile on that same night, Nikita told his young sisters that he wanted to go to one of his friends house to help with his father in heavy lifting and stuffs. In fact, he lied! He did it because he had to. Before he departed, he made sure that nobody followed him. To be safer, he lurked within the darker area of the streets while cautiously watching his back.

Eventually, he arrived to an old wood factor establishment which it seemed to be abandoned for a long time. As he stood outside, two guys came out to invite him inside. He went inside and saw a huge group of gangsters holding bats and brass knuckles. Among them, there was one shark loan in the centre of the group.

So you finally came to me after all. said the shark loan. Having enough fun already? asked Nikita in frustration. Owh, I dont know? Since your parents are not here to pay us the debts they suppose to, I dont see the problem in you doing my dirty works. What do you want me to do? asked Nikita reluctantly.

Nikita was given a task to rob a convenient store not far from there. The shark loan reminded him to not cause any trouble for example bringing the police into the mess. Otherwise, he would do something horrible to his young sisters while showing their picture. At this point, he realized his sisters were stalked by them. So, he went to the convenient store to rob it.

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You sure about this, boss? asked one of his subordinates. I doubt it. After all hes been through, Im sure hes going to break. Thats why I hired these two bad boys. Soren! Dominique! Come out here! This is so troublesome. complaint Soren, the white-haired mercenary. Dont be like that, man. Maybe we can finally kill this boy. said Dominique, the red-masked assassin in excitement. I want you two to keep an eye out on him to not let him do anything that wasnt in the plan. If he screws this up, you guys know what to do. Sure thing boss! replied Dominique while saluting. Whatever. I dont have anything to do anyway. replied Soren while he shook his head.

At the convenient store, Nikita was standing outside thinking does he has to do it. Then, came out Caitlyn taking out the trash saw him and asked if he wanted to come inside and buy something. He didnt say a word but entered anyway. As he acted to be a buying customer, he observed Caitlyn handling the money from the register. After walking back and forward within the store, he picked a few items and put on the counter. While she was busy counting the price items, Nikita strikes for the money register.

At the same time, Edwin was out of rice balls because he was greedy enough to finish all the flavoured rice balls he bought earlier. So, he went back again to the store again to buy more. Unexpectedly, he saw
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two figures were moving as though as they were fighting. Without hesitation, he rushed inside the store and witnessed Caitlyn and Nikita were having a brawl.

Nikita!? What are you doing here? You know him? concerned Caitlyn. This is the guy I was talking about. responded Edwin.

Nikita noticed his presence. He fled away as quickly as he could. Soon afterwards, several police cars came to the scene by a bystander who was walking along the quiet street. Luckily, Caitlyn didnt receive any injuries. Edwin realized she learned capoeira from a Brazilian who once wondered here since long ago observing how she fought with Nikita. Later, Officer Gavyn walked towards them to ask a few questions.

What just happened? asked Officer Gavyn. The store was nearly got robbed but the good news is that he didnt stole anything. explained Caitlyn. Did you get the suspects face? Yeah about that. It was actually- Hey! she said as Edwin immediately pulled her aside. (Cait, we cant just tell that Nikita did it. I promised myself that I will fix this.) whispered Edwin.
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(But he sabotaged my store. Okay, fine. Only for this once.) Well? Yeah, I did see him. Hes wearing a mask. So its hard for me to identify the suspect. lied Caitlyn. All right. If you see anything suspicious, dont hesitate to call. Yes, sir!

Meanwhile, instead of going back to the wood factory Nikita headed straight to his house to call off the night. He noticed the door wasnt lock and the whole house was pitched black. Then he switched on the light and everything was a complete wreck. Quickly, he advanced inside heading straight for his sisters. However, he was too late. They have already been kidnapped. They were nowhere to be seen. Then he saw a letter on the kitchen table. It was a note.

Dear Nikita, how did the task going? Wasnt successful, was it? As a consequence, we kidnapped your cute little sisters. Meet us at the old tower building tomorrow. Dont worry. We wont do anything to them. But you better hurry. Otherwise, they might soon receive an exciting pleasure from us.

At that point, Nikita was furious. He threw everything within his reach. In spite of the anger and hatred for himself, he screamed burst into tears. He cant do anything at that time due to the distress he

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experienced and the pain from his body from the fight at the convenient store.

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