Orani District Hospital

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Orani District Hospital Billing and Record System

Lysa R. Santos MIS-4

Graphic Overview
1. Splash Screen

2. Log-in

3. Main Form

3.1 File

3.2 Transaction

3.3 Reports

3.4 Log-out

3.1.1 Add New Patient

3.2.1 OPD Payment

3.3.1 Bill Report

3.1.2 Old Patients

3.2.2 Admit New Patient 3.2.3 Charges for Admitted Patients 3.2.4 Settle Bill

3.3.2 List of Patients

3.1.3 Medical Charges

3.3.3 All Payments

3.1.4 Ward Availability

3.3.4 Admitted Patients

3.1.5 Search


The program starts with a screen flashing the name of the hospital (Orani District Hospital), the system type (Billing and Record System) and a progress bar. It denotes that the system is loading the whole project. The splash screen consumes 5 seconds before proceeding to Log-in.

2. LOG- IN
For security and privacy purposes, a log in form is needed. It is to limit the access of information in the hospital. Only credited employees can access the system e.g. billing officer, record officer, and cashier. Enter the username and password to access the whole system. Username has a minimum of ten (10) characters while password is case sensitive and has a minimum of nine (9) alpha-numeric characters.
*Special characters are not accepted.

The command button LOGIN is to confirm the username and password you entered in the field. If the field for username or password is blank, a message box will appear asking to check for the blank field/s. Once the username and password matched, it will now proceed to the main form. But if it did not match, a message box will appear saying that you have failed in log-in. After two wrong attempts, a message box will appear again, a warning that in the third wrong username-

password matching the system will be terminated. The command button CANCEL is to terminate the log-in procedure, the system will be terminated.

It is the remote control of the system. You can access all forms and reports here. It serves as the switchboard of the sytem. Here are the following menus, its corresponding forms and its uses. As the main form opens, you will see the four menus, the left sidebar; consisting of ODH name, a piture, the calendar, the time box and a log-out command button. The main content displays a blank wide white space.

3.1 File Menu

The File Menu controls record of the system. There are five sub-menus here.

3.1.1 Add New Patient

As you clicked it, it will show a the Add New Patient Form. And as the form loads, it automatically generates a unique patient number for every new record and the command button NEW is disabled because you already have a new form to fill-up. You have to complete all the fields before saving it, unless a message box will show asking to complete all the mismatches or the blank fields in the form. As long as the information is completed, you can click now SAVE, a message box will appear confirming to save a new record. If you click YES, the record will be saved while if you click NO, the it will not be saved. If the record has been saved, the command button SAVE will be disabled and the command button NEW will be enabled. If you want to add another record just click the new and it will generate another unique patient number, incrementing the value from the previous record and now you repeat the process in filling up new form and

saving it. The command button CANCEL is to cancel all the information in the fields, clearing all data except for patient number because it is uncahangeable. Lastly to exit the form, click EXIT.

3.1.2 Old Patients

To view all the patient record in the database, the form Old Patients is needed. Here you can search, view, edit, update and delete records. For example, a patient named



went to the hospital for a medical check-up. Assuming that he forgot his patient number, you can search his record using his last name. In the right middle side of the form, there is a search button there. Type the Aguilar in the text box and click search. All the records will be filtered and the list below will only show all the patients whose last name is Aguilar. As you click his name in the list, all his record will appear in the fields in the form in the right side. Suppose that he is now living with a new place (the record in the database is not updated), you can update his record by clicking the command button EDIT. By then, the fields are ready to edit. You can change now his address. You also add now the findings in his check-up to maintain his medical history for future purposes. After editing, you can now click UPDATE. A confirmation will appear before saving it. The command button DELETE is to delete a record. Like before editing, you have to click from the list which record you want to delete. A confirmation will also appear before deleting it. The command button CANCEL is to cancel all the information in the fields, clearing all data in the fields. Lastly to exit the form, click EXIT.

3.1.3 Medical Charges

It contains all the medical charges in the hospital. It is the list of the procedures, medical test, fees and its corresponding price. You can also add new medical charges here, edit existing medical charges (such as updating prices), delete charges and search for charges. This list will be used in charging the OPD patients and admitted patients in the hospital. This list is very important in the system, because this where all the payments will be coming from.

3.1.4 Ward Availability

This form keeps track the vacancy of the wards. Maintaining it is manually can lead to confusion, you have to check everytime if someone is occuupying a specific bed. But with this form you can check a specific bed with just few clicks. With this form, lets say that there is a newly built ward for patients, you can add the new ward in the system. In terms of searching for ward vacnacy, just use the search button in the rightmost side. In later form (ADMIT PATIENT), once that a newly admitted patient occupies a bed, the status of that

Available bed will be changed to Occupied. And vice versa, when the patient settled the bills and have been admitted, the status will be changed back to Available.

3.1.5 Search
Aside from the search button in the form OLD RECORDS, I made another form for general searching. The parameter available in the OLD RECORDS is last name only. But with this SEARCH FORM, you can search according to patients whole name, his/her patient number or address. Click first the mode of searching (by name, patient number, or address) before typing a keyword and hitting the serach button. Using the example earlier, I tried to search for the patient number using 101-001 , obviously only one record will show because each patient has a unique record. But if you use BY NAME, all patients with a name JOSHUA and last name AGUILAR will show. While If you use BY ADDRESS, all patients living in Orani will be displayed (you can also use the name of the barangay as a keyword).

3.2 Transaction Menu

This is where you can find forms for the daily transaction in the hospital. This consist of four sub-menus

3.2.1 OPD Payment

These are the out-patients or the walked in patients. They go to hospital for some check-up (but in serious cases where they needed to be admitted they are no longer OPDs). Some are having Urine test, Blood Test etc, minor tests that is taking them short time.

*The picture above is an example of an OPD Payment. A patient has availed two Cross Matching Test which costs Php 200.00 each.

But before making any transaction you have to click first the command button NEW TRANS. below. A transaction number is automatically generated then. In the field Medical Charges, you can select the test or charges for the patient, there is a list that will drop down when you click the command button SELECT. CANCEL is used to clear the field or to hide the list. When you already selected the charge for the patient, you can enter the quantity and clicking the command button AVAIL will

make the total amount payable by the patient. The 500 below is the total amount, it sums up all the amount of the charges (note: you can add as many charges with a single patient). Clicking PROCESS is paying the total amount. A box will show indicating how much you will pay. In the field Cash, you can enter the value that the patient gave; change depends on the difference of the cash and the total bill. Clicking OK button is saving the transaction and automatically a receipt will be printed. The form will now be cleared and ready for another transaction. OUT button is to exit from the form.

3.2.2 Admit New Patient

This is the process of admitting a patient, occupying a vacant bed and all the process. The patient whose about to admit must have a record in the hospital. If he doesnt have previous record, hell be subject to Add NEW Patient. In Admitting a patient, you have to click first NEW PATIENT, again the Admission Number is automatically generated. To search the record of the patient whoseabout to admit, enter the patient number then click search, again only one result will show because of uniqe patient number of each record. Choose the Bed for the patient, but when you choose a bed that is Occupid, a warning will show asking to pivk again a bed which is Availabale. If all fields are ok, click ADMIT, a confirmation will show for Admission. After successful Admission, all fields will be cleared and ready again for another admission.

3.2.3 Charges for Admitted Patients

After admission, a patient would have availed medicat test, had taken madecine from pharmacy, must have selected a private doctor or an airconditioned room. Each day an admitted patient has expenses to be paid to the hospital. And of course it has to be re orded well for fair transaction to both sides.

In this form, you have to select the bed no of the patient who availed that test. For example, in the bed MA1, the patient occupying that bed had undergone to Urine Test. Select the Bed No, a list will drop down (it is the list of all the current admitted patients) then select the medical charge another list will drop down again (list of medical charges). After that you can specify the quantity and as you click the AVAIL it will multiply the amount to the quantity and add to the list of the charges of patients. When you click SAVE, the charge will be save. It can be updated every time if there is a new charge for him, and every update will add the total to the total charges.

3.2.4. Settle Bill

This is the last phase of transaction, when the patient is ready to discharge the billing officer should compute all the charges that has to be payed by the patient. In this form, you just have to search the name or the bed number of the patient, click it from the list and the information will be copied yo the left

sidebar of the form. When you click the DISCHARGE, box will show for the payment. Clicking ok will save the record, print reciept and discharging slip. The bed he used will become availabale again. If the money is insufficient, a messsage box will appear saying that the money is not enough.

3.3 Reports Menu

3.3.1. Bill Report

This is the generator of daily and monthly report of payments in the hospital. In the daily, just indicate the specific date (mm-dd-yyy ex: 02 04 2012) then ENTER, all the payments for that day will be viewed can be printed.

*Sample of Daily Report

While in the monthly report, just indicate a month (ex: 02) and the year (ex: 2012) and then click ENTER, and it will show all the payments for the indicated date

*Sample of Monthly Report

3.3.2. List of Patients

As you clicked the List of patients, it will automatically give you the list of all the patients in the record.

3.3.3. All Payments

As you clicked the All Payments, it will generate and will give a preview of all the payments in the hospital. From the first payment up to the last payment.

3.3.4. Admitted Patients

It will give a print-out of all the current admitted patients in the hospital. It is given to the pharmacy because the office is closed beyond 5pm. The Pharmacy now is the one adminestering the bill settlement.

3.4 Log-out Menu

This exits the system, opening the log-in form for the new user.

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