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ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material);

Part 1
[Marks Available:8] 4 minutes Text 1 (For Candidate A) I am going to read something to you. Please listen carefully. I will ask you to tell me what this text is mainly about. The Interlocutor should read the text below slowly, with a clear pause at the end of each sentence. Ben is going for shopping on Sunday to buy some new clothes. He is happy to go for shopping .He likes light colour so he decides to buy a grey color suit with black shoes. He buys white shirt for his office. He goes to the shopping centre with a big list. He also buys some groceries. After shopping he goes to his friends place to meet. The Interlocutor should read the text again .The interlocutor then asks this question: 1(a) Is this mainly about Bens shopping, buying new clothes or buying groceries? Answer: Bens shopping. I am now going to read this again. You may make notes. I will ask you to tell me four things about what you have heard. (Read the text again.) 1(b) Can you tell me four things you remember? Candidate needs to recall four things as given in the list below or other similar answers. Interlocutor may prompt using: Anything else? CANDIDATE A- POSSIBLE RESPONSES Bens going for shopping. He buys new clothes. He buys white shirt for his office. He also buys some groceries. Bens likes light colour. He buys a Grey suit with Black Shoes.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material);

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 1
[Marks Available: 8] 4 minutes Text 1 (for Candidate B) I am going to read something to you. Please listen carefully. I will ask you to tell me what this text is mainly about. The Interlocutor should read the text below slowly, with a clear pause at the end of each sentence. James likes to do shopping for his family. He buys some books for his wife. He wants to buy a nice gift for his daughters birthday. So he looks for a gift shop in shopping centre. He buys a card and then He chooses a red colour dress. He also buys a nice chocolate cake, balloons, candles, ribbons for party. He also buys some cookies, candies, juices and chocolates. The Interlocutor should read the text again. The Assessor then asks this question: 1 (a) Is this mainly about Shopping for family, buying books or buying a cake? ANSWER: shopping for family.

I am now going to read this again to you. You may make notes .I will ask you to tell me four things about what you hear. (Read the Text gain)

1(b) Can you tell me four things you remember? Candidate needs to recall four things as given in the list below or other similar answers. Interlocutor may prompt using: Anything else?

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material

CANDIDATE B - POSSIBLE RESPONSES James likes shopping for family. James buys books for his wife. He buys red dress for his daughter. He also buys a card for her. Its her birthday. He buys a chocolate cake for party.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 2 (a)
[Marks Available: 10] 7 minutes Candidate A (use name) your text was about Bens shopping. Candidate B (use name) your text was about shopping for family. Now I am going to tell you about how I do shopping. Then I am going to ask you to tell me something about yourselves. Please insert the relevant information.

Hello, my name is I like to buy


. I like to go for shopping on and sometimes for myself and for my husband.

The Interlocutor should instruct the Candidates to listen to each others responses as they will be asked to talk about them. You may ask for my instructions to be repeated. 2 (a) Now Candidate A (use name), can you tell me three things about shopping (for e.g. When do you go for shopping and why)? Now Candidate B (use name), can you tell me two things that Candidate A (use name) spoke about? Now Candidate B (use name), can you tell me three things you like shopping for? Now Candidate A (use name), can you tell me two things that Candidate B (use name) spoke about?

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 2 (b)
[Marks Available: 8] 6 minutes The Interlocutor now needs to develop an exchange between Candidate A and Candidate B. This should include: Candidates asking and answering questions Candidates making requests Candidates making statements Candidates listening and making appropriate responses.

It is important that the interlocutor does not participate in the conversation between the candidates, beyond providing prompts to facilitate the conversation. If one candidate is not contributing enough you may prompt, e.g. Candidate A, Where do you usually go for shopping? Candidate A and B you now want to talk about Shopping. Where do you go shopping for? What do you like to buy? The exchange may include the following points; Requests: Would you like to tell me about your shopping? Please tell me about your nearest shopping centre? Can you tell me when do you go for shopping?

Questions: Do you like shopping? Do you go for shopping? Do you buy something for family?

Statements: I do shopping on Sundays. I buy fresh fruits and vegetables. My nearest shopping centre is Stratford.

At the end of the exchange close the test. Thank you both very much. THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST FOR (Candidate A) and (Candidate B)
ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 1 April 2013 Set 1 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL speaking and listening Entry 2

May 2013 Set 2(Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 1
[Marks Available: 8] [4 minutes] Text 1 (for Candidate A) I am going to read something to you. Please listen carefully. I will ask you to tell me what this text is mainly about. The Interlocutor should read the text below slowly with a clear pause at the end of each sentence. Mary is on holidays, so she decides to visit Manchester. She telephones the Travel agent and asks for some travel information. Travel agent tells her to take Virgin train because it is faster, more convenient and more comfortable. She also asks about travel expense. She also takes some relevant information about affordable hotels. She asks about the famous places to visit their .She likes the information given and then she decided to visit the agents office to book the ticket. The Interlocutor should read the text again .The interlocutor then asks this question: 1(a) Is this mainly about buying a ticket, taking a train or travelling to Manchester? Answer: Travelling to Manchester.

I am now going to read this again. You may make notes. I will ask you to tell me four things about what you have heard. (Read the text again.)

1(b) Can you tell me where Mary decided to go? CANDIDATE A POSSIBLE ANSWERS Manchester Birmingham

1(c) Can you tell me other things you remember? Candidate needs to recall four things as given in the list below or other similar answers. Interlocutor may prompt using: Anything else?

CANDIDATE B- POSSIBLE RESPONSES Mary is on Holidays. She wants to visit Manchester. She asks about train information. She asks about Hotels. She also confirmed about the places to view. She decides to book the ticket.

ESOL speaking and listening Entry 2 May 2013 Set 2(Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL speaking and listening Entry 2 May 2013 Set 2(Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 1
[Marks Available: 8] [4 minutes] Text 1 (for Candidate B) Everyone likes the transport system in London even those having their personal vehicles. For many people, the fastest is travelling by car or by train which is a daily necessity. People use their own cars to go to work, to go shopping or to take their family out during weekends. For those who cannot drive or afford to buy their own vehicles, public transport is the only source for them to travel. Using a public transport like bus is cheaper than using personal vehicles. But the trains are the fastest mode of transport and are expensive than cars and buses. The Interlocutor should read the text again. The Assessor then asks this question: 1 (a) Is this mainly about transport system in London, travelling by car or travelling by train? Answer: Transport system in London. I am now going to read this again. You may make notes. I will ask you to tell me four things about what you have heard. (Read the text again.) 1(b) Can you tell me the two fastest modes of transport? CANDIDATE A POSSIBLE ANSWERS Car Train

1(c) Can you tell me other things you remember? Candidate needs to recall four things as given in the list below or other similar answers. Interlocutor may prompt using: Anything else? CANDIDATE B- POSSIBLE RESPONSES

Everyone likes the Londons transport system. Train saves the travelling time. Train is fastest mode of transport. Travelling by train is expensive than Cars. People use cars and buses. Buses are cheaper.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 2 May 2013 Set 2 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 2 (a)
[Marks Available: 8] 5 minutes Candidate A (use name), you heard about Marys travelling information. Candidate B (use name), you heard about transport system in London. I am now going to tell you a little bit about how I like to travel in UK. Then I will ask you to talk about your travelling around UK. Listen to me and to each other carefully. The Interlocutor should read the following passage. The specific information may be changed if the Interlocutor finds alternatives more realistic. Every morning I travel by train to reach office. I have to reach on time so it is the fastest mode of transport for me. I have my own car, I drive my car during weekend to go for shopping but sometimes travelling by train is easy and convenient. Candidate B (use name), please listen to Candidate A (use name).
2 (a)

Now Candidate A (use name), can you tell me two things about how often do you use public transport and Why? The Interlocutor may need to prompt for Anything else? if the Candidate only repeats directly what has been heard. Now Candidate B (use name), can you tell me what Candidate A (use name) spoke about? Can you ask Candidate A (use name) a question about what he/she said? Candidate A (use name), please listen to Candidate B (use name). Now Candidate B (use name), Can you tell me two things whats your favorite form of transport and Why? Now Candidate A (use name), can you tell me what Candidate B (use name) spoke about? Can you ask Candidate B (use name) a question about what he/she said?

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 2 May 2013 Set 2 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material); Created by Shivani Gupta.

Part 2 (b)
[Marks Available: 8] 6 minutes The interlocutor now needs to develop an exchange between candidate A and candidate B. This should include: Candidates asking questions and making requests Candidates recognising feelings or opinions through responses (e.g. understanding a like or dislike) Candidates making statements of fact

It is important that the interlocutor does not participate in the conversation between the candidates, beyond providing prompts to facilitate the conversation. If one candidate is not contributing enough you may prompt, e.g. Candidate B, can you say more about? 2 (b) You should now talk about various forms of transport we have. When do you use public transport? Which is your favorite and how do you travel? Candidate A/B (use name) will you start by asking a question? The exchange may include the following points: Requests: Can you please tell me which forms of transport you know? Can you tell me the fastest form of transport? Questions: How to solve the traffic jam problem? How convenient is car than train? Which form of transport is mostly liked by people? Response to opinions/feelings: Recognises like or dislike in response (e.g. I like to travel by ship I like to travel by plane to save my time) Statements: Various means of transports are Car, Bus, Train, Taxi, Van, Plane etc. The most Comfortable are train, plane, ship, and car. We can use public transport on our holidays. Its cheaper to take a train. The Fastest is train and plane. At the end of the exchange close the test. Thank you both very much. THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST FOR (Candidate A) AND (Candidate B)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 2 May 2013 Set 2 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3(Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material

Part 1
[Marks Available: 8] 4 minutes Text 1 (for Candidate A) I am going to read something to you. Please listen carefully. I will ask you to tell me in your own words what this text is mainly about. The Interlocutor should read the text below slowly with a clear pause at the end of each sentence.

Technology has become a major focus on education world now days, especially Computer Technology. People are using internet for various works such as playing games, reading books, finding recipes, writing letter using E-mails, listen to music, watching shows and many more. They can spend their time sitting in front of computers for long time without talking to anyone. Computer makes life easier for people every day. They help us to do tasks quicker and help us to communicate even with our friends and family with just one click on it. With the help of computer, people become more educated and more skilled .They have developed self-confidence and self -esteems as computer makes the things happen for them. The Interlocutor then asks this question: 1(a) Is this mainly about writing letter using e-mails, communicate with friends using computers or use of computer technology. ANSWER: Use of computer technology. I am going to read this again. You may make notes. Then I will ask you a question about what you hear. (Read the text again) 1(b) Can you tell me two things about how people are using computers? ANSWERS: They can play games using internet. They can read books online. They can write letters using e-mails. They can talk to their friends and family.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

1 (c) Can you tell me three other things you remember? Candidate needs to recall three things given from the list below or other similar answers. Interlocutor may prompt using: Anything else? CANDIDATE A POSSIBLE RESPONSES Computer technology has become popular among people. Computer makes the life easier for people. It does the tasks quicker. People are becoming more educated because of computer. They have developed their self-confidence because of computer.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 1
[Marks Available: 8] 4 minutes Text 2 (for Candidate B) I am going to read something to you. Please listen carefully. I will ask you to tell me in your own words what this text is mainly about. The Interlocutor should read the text below slowly with a clear pause at the end of each sentence. Nowadays our society is enjoying the benefits of modern technology. We are blessed with modern tools and equipments that we are using in our daily file. A technology benefit like cleaning our houses with Hoovers, washing our clothes using machines, cooking our food in ovens has reduced human efforts to minimum. Modern tools also support man in business and in studying with the use of computers and laptops. It is not necessary that every individual is using the benefits given by technology. Some people like it and some dislike it. They either cant afford it or believe that it has many bad effects on health and generation, but in surveys it is found that modern technology has both advantages and disadvantages.

The Interlocutor then asks this question: 1(a) Is this mainly about cleaning houses with Hoovers, washing clothes in machines or benefits of modern technology ANSWER: Benefits of modern technology. I am going to read this again. You may make notes. Then I will ask you a question about what you hear. (Read the text again) 1(b) Can you tell me two things how people are enjoying benefits of modern technology? ANSWERS: They are cleaning their houses with Hoovers. They are washing their clothes in Machines.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

1 (C)

Can you tell me three other things you can remember? Candidate needs to recall three things given from the list below or other similar answers.

Assessor may prompt using: Anything else?

CANDIDATE B POSSIBLE RESPONSES People are using modern tools and equipments. They are using Hoovers, machines and Ovens. Technology has reduced human efforts. Some people like it and some dislike it. Some people cant afford to use the technology. Some believe it has many bad effects.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 2 (a)
[Marks Available: 8] 5 minutes

Your college decided to educate the society with advantages and disadvantages of using technology. As you both did survey so your college has invited both of you for a meeting to discuss about this.

Candidate A (use name) and Candidate B (use name) you are both attending this meeting. You each need to introduce yourself formally at the meeting.

Candidate A (use name), give your opinion on advantages of technology and why? Candidate B (use name), please ask Candidate A (use name) more about what he/she said. Candidate A should answer the question. Candidate B (use name), give your opinion on disadvantages of technology and why? Candidate A (use name), please ask Candidate B (use name) more about what he/she said Candidate B should answer the question.

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material)

Part 2 (b)
[Marks Available: 8] 6 minutes The interlocutor now needs to develop an exchange between Candidate A and Candidate B. This should include: Candidates asking and answering questions Candidates making requests Candidates taking turns and responding appropriately to other points of view Candidates making statements of facts

It is important that the interlocutor does not participate in the conversation between the candidates, beyond providing prompts to facilitate the conversation. If one candidate is not contributing enough you may prompt, e.g. Candidate B, Can you say more about? You will now discuss about the types of modern technology used by people. Do you like technology? Do you use any technology? The discussion may include the following points: Requests: Can you please tell me do you use any technology? Would you like to tell me what types of Technology do you like?

Responding to opinions and turn taking: In my opinion technology saves human efforts. I do not like to use computers for long. I like to use computers.

Statements: Technology affects our health. We do not do any physical activity . I think children should play outside rather to sit on computers for long

At the end of the exchange close the test.

Thank you both very much. THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST FOR (Candidate A) AND (Candidate B)
ESOL Speaking and Listening Entry 3 May 2013 Set 3 (Adapted from Edexcel Sample Assessment Material

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