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Practical experiences in using 3CR12...

Tersainox and wine area... Sanitary pumps for milk... Changes in specifications for hydro... SiloTank Tersainox, much more efficient...

November 2009

Edition No. 47 English

Practical experiences in using 3CR12...

3CR12 ferritic stainless steel (ASTM A240 - UNS S41003) was developed to provide a superior alternative to coated carbon steels and other materials that exhibit little resistance to corrosion and wear. Although also an economical substitute for conventional stainless steels where corrosive conditions do not justify a higher content of alloys. Atmospheric corrosion tests on stainless steel ferritic 3CR12 to shown an improvement of up to 250 times the life on an unpainted carbon steel in certain environments. Tersainox SA you want to show a real and meaningful experience of the above and it shows what happened with the electricity cable rail system used in the seaport in Elizabeth, South Africa, then we to tell: In 1982 electricity poles were installed in steel 3CR12 all electrical wiring in the coastal border rail Port Elizabeth and one of the conditions in the purchase evaluation was that the posts will last 40 years maintenance free. The coastal railway is exposed to the sea fog and sea mist on windy days and / or storm, directly attacking the electricity poles as the train line. In 1993 the rst inspection is made to the power line poles in the train. It was reported that only found a slight decolorization own 3CR12 ferritic stainless steel in the near post to the coastline. In 2003 the second inspection is made, where there was a more general decolorization in all posts of the railway line. However, in most of the posts were still to be seen with the naked eye the marks formed in the folding line. Furthermore, inspecting the solder posts are not appreciated corrosion problems. All this in unison that the carbon steel rail tracks were in ux at the time of the revision of the posts.

Edition No. 47 English

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Practical experiences in using 3CR12...

In conclusion, after 20 years of use, 3CR12 steel power poles are in good condition and it is estimated that these will last another 20 years easily, meeting as required by the client. Tersainox SA some years that is promoting the use of ferritic stainless steel 3CR12 (12% chromium) to replace the use of painted carbon steel or galvanized steel and we have had good results with several Chilean companies that have believed in this new material, and date have not repented. Think 3CR12. Think Tersainox SA We will be happy to answer your queries and support their projects.

Guillermo Rudolph. Sales Engineer. TERSAINOX S.A.

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Tersainox and wine area...

For important companies Tersainox SA wine This manufacturing tanks of di erent volumes, with the aim of expanding the storage capacity to 3 million liters. - "After having clear business budgets and to request all manufacturers of stainless steel tanks in Chile and abroad, we decided Tersainox as it was the only company that gave us greater con dence, safety and ability to achieve carry out this project. This project should bring it forward in a minimum of time, according to our needs, which was achieved through a joint e ort between us and Tersainox professionals. These were the words of Winemaker in charge of the project. After performing the studies and calculations of the ponds to make, with our program Pro / Engineer and his professionals in charge, we be able to deliver to our client, a budget with the corresponding thickness and accessories according to the seismic zone where would ride would be built and ponds. For Tersainox proportions was a challenge because in the group of ponds to produce, were some to be manufactured in the eld, in con ned spaces and within minimum time. Were the words of Sales Engineer, Mr. Eric Miranda L. For us as a construction company in charge of manufacturing the new winery was very important work on this project, as we gain experience and allowed us to open new markets. Thanks to the unconditional support, professional and timely Tersainox professionals, we make our customer satis ed, as to the choice he had made. Were the words of a construction engineer in charge of building the winery.

Eric Miranda Lagos. Food and Spirits Division. TERSAINOX S.A.

Edition No. 47 English

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Sanitary pumps for milk...

FICOM SA as a company trying to provide solutions to our customers and partners with a wide range of steel hygienic pumps 304 and / or 316 for di erent processes to which milk is subjected from collection in the di erent farms. So our customers know this type of pump is that we want to emphasize the area where more work is the collection of milk on the premises. Brie y try to explain this very fundamental point in the chain of production and industrialization of this important product. Today dairies have outsourced this service, which is why the carrier should know that choosing a pump for hygiene and safety to do this work e ectively and e ciently, meeting the required standards for dairy plants such purposes. It is important to note that providing this service who must provide the dairy producer and dairy companies, the safety of the milk will be collected as it is removed from the pond as cooler and with the least possible disruption to its arrival at the plant.

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Sanitary pumps for milk...

To do so choosing the right pump depends on: - Rules of the milk plants for which I worked. - Speed of the pump without damaging the product. - Time travel. - Type and volume of milk collected. Main features of the pumps for milk collection: - Sanitary, stainless steel 304 and / or 316. - Polished nish internal and external devices. - Inputs and outputs in 2 ". - Electric. - Rotor in stainless steel or health neoprene (suitable for milk). - Self-priming or not, depending on the number of liters to collect. - Size suitable for settling the tanker. The pumps marketed by our company provide the guarantees needed to meet the above and still more that tested and approved by carriers and dairies in the country. In all models, it is the same pump body, but the ow of each is given by the speed (RPM). For example, the PTO of a truck, introduced (depending on the brand of it), around 1200 RPM, however, with the motor pump you would have approx. 1500 RPM (which indicates the motor plate). As can be seen FICOM SA has a wide range to help you solve your problems on this important issue so we invite you to consult us so together we can solve it.

Fernando E. Mayora. Commercial Manager. FICOM S.A.

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Changes in specifications for hydro...

Tersainox, with its disturbing discovery of new applications being developed for power plants work, so that one large U.S. companies in this area, has decided to use the 3Cr12 stainless alloy for fabrication and construction of structures in this replacing material originally designed tanks in carbon steel. The rst step was proposed company is to con rm that the values of machinery, were in the reasonable range of acquisition. Therefore, for eventual evaluation of the physical conditions of the material, we have awarded the manufacture of water storage tanks of the turbine for hydropower plant, which formerly were made in carbon steel, especially with an anti-corrosive paint to prevent rust . Upon delivery of local and foreign certi cations, we could allocate a smaller wall thickness in these ponds, which also means a customer economy by saving material, being sponsored by the best mechanical properties that have the alloy. Ponds have a very nice visual presentation, in addition to providing a longer duration, the resistance to corrosion, and practically a minimal maintenance, this being very attractive to the customer, with the intention to incorporate it in other stages of their units . Due to the corrosive environments where they are installed, hydroelectric and thermoelectric plants, is that the next step is to evaluate the incorporation of this material, in engineering design, to safeguard the maximum structures where corrosion is have shown, are highly damaging, leading to recurrent maintenance of all structures.

Marcelo Molina. Sales Engineer. Tersainox S.A.

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SiloTank Tersainox much more efficient...

Tersainox has shown that our Silotank compared with those made abroad have higher download speeds, this is also con rmed by one of our customers is one of the most important Silotank eet. Teams have a capacity of 25 m3 to 45 m3 and have a system of pneumatic vibrators installed in their cones, which are highly e cient to accelerate the download process, this combination of vibrators and cones with sharp angles are the results of the speed of discharge. Silotank equipped with air suspension, stainless steel chassis, which has managed to lower the tare weight of the equipment and that our customers can carry more volume. Besides the formation of Silotank with sharp angles and vibrators allow you to download faster, leaving no residue on the inside. This noble material also has high resistance to corrosion, ensuring excellent product ow and better downloads.

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SiloTank Tersainox much more efficient...

The transport through Silotank is simple, e cient, clean, safe and economical. Its aerodynamic design we generate higher fuel consumption. Today after 15 years of further development of di erent models of transport equipment, we have achieved using advanced technology, so we already have more than four years ago, di erent models of chassis made with special stainless steel, achieving lower The tare of all previously manufactured models. In its design and manufacturing Tersainox SA meets strict standards for manufacturing and labor certi cations.

Francisco Perez. Responsible Area Transport. TERSAINOX S.A.

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