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Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

: Reading Skill : World of knowledge : Malaysian Food : 2.2.1 Able to apply word attack skills by (a) grouping words according to words categories. 2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple and compound sentences.


: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able (1) sequence the sentence strips (2) group the words accordingly

Cross Curricular Elements : Contextual learning, thinking skills Teaching Aids : Pictures, text, sentence strips, word cards and lyric of the song Steps Set Induction Teacher shows the picture of Malaysians food and asks pupils to talk about them. (Appendix 1) :

Pre-reading 1 Teacher shows the text and read aloud. 2 Pupils read after the teacher.

While- Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Divide pupils into groups and ask them to read as a group. Put the first sentence strip on the board about Nasi Lemak. (Appendix 2) Ask pupils how the Nasi Lemak is served. Next, put the second sentence strip. Pupils read aloud the sentence strip. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with other sentence strips. Teacher shows the correct answers.

Post Reading 1 Paste word cards around the classroom. (Appendix 3) 2 Instruct pupils to look for as many word cards as they can. 3 Pupils read aloud the word cards collected. 4 Pupils categories the side dish to the correct food in the Table.

Closure 1 Pupils sing the song of Malaysian Food (tune of Oh! My English song) (Appendix 4)

Appendix 1

Appendix 2 NASI LEMAK

Nasi lemak is originally a Malay breakfast, but it is now widely eaten and enjoyed by other races.

It is cooked with coconut milk and served with cucumber slices, dried anchovies, boiled egg, roasted peanuts, and spicy sambal.

Sambal is a type of spicy paste made from chilli, shrimp, and sugary lime juice.

Today, you can find many Nasi Lemak shops at all over the places in Malaysia.

You can have it at anytime that you want!


Roti Canai, another popular food to be eaten during breakfast, is commonly known among the Indians. It is type of bread which is always served with curry or dahl.

Although it is originally an Indian food, Roti Canai is also very popular among the Malays and Chinese.

Some Malays and Chinese love to eat them with sambal and sugars.

You can easily find Roti Canai in many Malaysian stalls and restaurants.


Besides Yong Tau Fu and Wonton soup, Hainanese Chicken Rice is another popular Chinese food eaten by Malaysians.

It is based on the well-known Hainanese dish called Wenchang chicken.

Hainanese Chicken is always served with a bowl of hot soup and chilli sauce.

Sometimes, it is also served with a plate of boiled bean sprouts.

Appendix 3

Nasi Lemak

Roti Canai

Hainanese Chicken Rice

Word Cards

cucumber slices

dried anchovies dahl

boiled egg

roasted peanuts




hot soup

chilli sauce

boiled bean sprouts

spicy sambal

Appendix 4 Chicken Rice, Roti Canai and Nasi Lemak They are all Malaysian food, Malay, Chinese and Indian, Oh! We love it! Oh! We like it! Malaysians favourite food Chicken Rice, Roti Canai and Nasi Lemak They are all Malaysian food, Malay, Chinese and Indian, So, dont miss it! So, dont miss it! Malaysians favourite food (Tune of Oh! My English song)

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