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What Type Of Welfare Activities Extended To Employees By Various Banking Sector


Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar

In partial fulfillment of requirements for degree of MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (M.B.A.)

Submitted To: Mr.Tarun Arora (Lec. In PTU )

Submitted By: Anu Puri

The Research onWHAT


would like to add a few heartfelt words for the

people who at various stages of the project development helped me by their valuable guidance. First and foremost I would like to pay my sincere gratitude which I owe to MR. TARUN ARORA (LEC. MBA) for their valued help and guidance which they gave me when I needed it the most. It was only due to their sincere help and efforts that I was able to end up with this project. Last but not the least; I would like to pay our gratitude to my PARENTS, without their help and blessing I cant take a single step in right direction.



As a part of degree of M.B.A, every student has to undergo for final project research in a Commercial organization. With the help of this research students come to know that how the academic knowledge is applied in actual business situation. They also come to know about the working conditions under which they will have to work in near future. In MY FINAL RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT I studied WHAT TYPE OF WELFARE FACILITES EXTENDED TO EMPLOYEES BY VARIOUS BANKING SECTOR. We must forewarn the readers that this project is not a work of excellence by a scholar. It is a student attempt to watch, record, analyze and understand the business activities a by applying his/her theoretical knowledge and concepts. Even then we dare to say that we made the best possible attempt to accomplish this work.











Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services,

benefits and facilities offered to employees by the employer. Though such generous fringe benefits the employer makes life worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wages and other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal provisions. Welfare measures may also be provided by the government, trade unions and non government agencies in addtion to the employer. The basics purpose of lavour welfare is to enrich the life of employees and keep them happy and contended. Welfare measures may be both statutory and voluntary. Lavour laws require the employer to extend certain benefits to employees in addition to wages. Voluntary benefits are the result of employers generosity, enlightenment and philanthropic feelings.

According to the Lavour Investigation Committee (1946), Employee welfare means anything divine for intellectual, physical, moral and economic betterment of the workers, whether by employers, government or by other agencies, over and above what is laid down by law or what is normally expected on the part of the contracted benefits for which workers may have bargained.


The Employee investigation committee: Anything done for intellectual, physical ,moral and economic betterment of the employees, whether by employees, by government or by other agencies over and above what is laid down by law, or what is normally expected on the part of the contracted benefits for which employees may have bargained. The committee on labour welfare: Today, welfare is generally accepted by employees. The state steps in to widen the area of applicability only. Welfare is being looked at as a social right of workers. The committee described it as social security measures that contribute to improve the conditions under which workers employed in India. Employee welfare includes both statutory as non-statutory activities under taken by employers, trade unions and both the central and state governments for the physical and mental development of workers. Labour Welfare Officer: The factories Act, Plantation Labour Act and mines Act provide for the appointment of one or more Welfare officers. According to the Plantation Labour Act,in every plantation wherein 300 or more workers are ordinarily employed, The employer shall Employee such number of welfare officers as may be prescribed.


1. 2.

Welfare facilities provide better physical and mental health to the workers and make them happy. Welfare facilities like housing, medical benefits, education and recreation facilities for the workers families help to create contended workers.

3. 4. 5.

Improvement in material, intellectual and cultural conditions of life protects workers from social evils like drinking, gambling etc. Enables workers to have a richer and more satisfying life. Raises the standard of living of the workers by indirectly reducing the burden on their pocket. Welfare measures will improve the physical and psychological health of employees, which in turn, will enhance their efficiency and productivity.

6. 7.

Absorbs the shocks injected by industrialization and urbanization on employees. Promotes a sense of belonging among employees, preventing them from resorting to unhealthy practices like absenteeism, labour turnover, strike, etc. Welfare work makes the service in mills more attractive to employees. It improves the relationship between employers and employees.

Types of Welfare Facilities

Welfare services may broadly classified into two categories:


Intramural activities which are provided within the establishment latrines and urinals, crches, rest centers, canteens uniforms, library, medical aid, subsided food, allowance etc.


Extramural activities which are under taken outside the establishment such as family planning, child welfare, cooperative stores, credit societies, vocational guidance, holidays homes, leave travel facilities, transport to and from the place of work etc.

Intramural and Extramural Welfare Activities: ILO

Intramural Drinking water Toilets Crches Washing and bathing facilities Rest shelters Uniforms and protecting clothing Recreation facilities Canteens Subsidized food Medical aid

Extramural Housing Education facilities Maternity benefits Transportation Sports facilities Leave travel Vocational training Holiday homes Cooperative store Social insurance

Labour welfare Work may also categories into two categories: i) Statutory welfare work comprising the legal provisions in various pieces of labour legislation.


Voluntary welfare work includes those activities, which are undertaken by employers for their workers voluntarily. Many employers nowadays offer, the flowing welfare amenities voluntarily:

I) Education: A scheme of workers education was envisaged on an all the scheme had four main objectives: India basis by the government of India, way back in 1957. To develop strong unions through trained officials and more Enlightened members. To develop leadership from the rank and file. To equip organized labour to take its place in a democratic society and discharge its social and economic function. To promote, among workers, a greater understanding of the problems of there economic environment and there privileges and obligation as union members and officials and as citizens. II) Housing: In view of acute shortage of housing accommodation in cities industrial housing is an important part of employee welfare in India. An industrial housing scheme was introduced in 1952. Under this scheme, the Central Government provides loans and subsidies for the construction of houses for industrial workers. Low Income Housing Scheme and a Special Housing Scheme for displaced persons have also been introduced. The National Commission on Labour recommended the government should take the major responsibility For housing. Fiscal and monetary incentives should be provided. III) Transportation: With the growth of industries, the distance between the workplace and residence of worker has increased considerably. It

is therefore, necessary to provide proper transport facilities to and from the factory . Such facilities will reduce strain and absenteeism. The Committee On Labour Welfare recommended the provision of adequate transport facilities to workers to enable them to reach there workplace without loss of much time and without fatigue. Employers should also advance loans for purchase of bicycles, scooters etc., by employees. In undertaking where transport are not provided, some conveyance allowance mutually agreed upon between the employer and the employees should be paid. IV) Recreation: Recreation in the form of music, art, theatre, sports and games can play an important role in the physical and mental growth of employees. The Committee on labour Welfare recommended that State governments and trade unions should take the initiative and combine their efforts to provide a minimum number of sports and Recreation to keep the labour force fit and healthy. Excursions,youth Clubs and holiday homes can be provided for employees. V) Other facilities: These are basically intended to improve the comfort Level of workers while at work and include the following: Canteen, restrooms and lunchrooms: Canteens established inside Factories generally offer food at subsided rates. In modern Organization, food courts offering a variety of continental and inter Continental cuisine has become quite popular in recent times.

Washing facilities, medical aid leave travel concessions: Most factories have first-aid facilities to care of minors injurious. Reimbursement of medical expenses actually incurred is also increasingly favoured nowadays. Consumer cooperative stores: The Indian Labour Conference in 1963 recommended the setting up of consumer cooperative stores in all industrial establishments including plantations and mines employing 300 or more workers.

Agencies for welfare work

There are several agencies involved in labour welfare work Besides central and state governments, employers, unions and social organizations work agencies for extending welfare facilities to the workers. Central government The central government tries to extend its helping hand through various Acts covering the safety, health and welfare of workers. The Factories Act, 1948, Mines Act, 1952, Shipping Act, 1948, Plantation Labour Act,1951, Motor Transport Workers Act 1961, Employees State Insurance Act,1948 etc.provide for canteens, crches, restrooms, washing facilities ,etc. Labour welfare officers oversee the welfare activities closely and ensure justice to workers. State governments Governments in different states and union territories offer welfare facilities to workers. In Assam a statutory welfare fund is created for offering medical educational, recreational and other facilities to plantation workers. In Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab and Karnataka, welfare boards administer Labour welfare centers. Employers Enlightened employers TISCO, Hindustan Lever, Godrej, L&T, Siemens, Voltas, Bajaj Birals Sandoz, Philips , HMT LIC, BHEL, Air India,RCF etc. have undertaken welfare activities in the interest of workers. The TISCO runs a well Equipped hospital in Jamshedpur, supported by health centers and dispensaries in different residential Localities.Family planning clinics, credit societies, gymnasiums, clubs, crches, canteens, schools are also set by the TISCO for the benefits of workers.

Trade Unions The contribution of trade unions in India towards labour welfare activities is not significant. Poor finances, multiple unionism, often come in the way of undertaking labour welfare work enthusiastically. There are certain exceptions to this like the Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association, Mazdoor Sabha of Kanpur, Railwaymens Union and the Indian Federation of Labour.These labour organizations have provided welfare facilities to workers such running schools, libraries, sports centers, cooperative stores recreation and cultures centers, legal cells labour journals, etc. Other Agencies In addition to the above social service organizations such as The Bombay Social Service League Assam Seva Samity, etc. also provide services to the working class on a voluntary basis.


Punjab National Bank was established in 1895 at Lahore. PNB has the distinction of being the first Indian Bank to have been started solely with Indian capital. In 1969, PNB was nationalized along with 13 other banks. PNB serves over 3.5 corer customers and has the largest branch network in India- 4062 branches and 447-extension counters spread all over the country. Punjab National Bank was established in the year of 1944 in Mandi.A S Thakur is the branch manager and 27 employees working in it. There are two branches of PNB in Mandi.One branch situated is near the Sanjivan hospital and other one is near the Mandav hospital. PNB provided ATM facilities to there custemers. PNB provided following welfare activities to there employees. Welfare Schemes Of Bank: Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better

quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be restricted to the

percentage applicable to the dependent family member,i.e. 75% of charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals.


Scholarship facility: PNB provided scholarship for employees children those who are in a merit list. Bank give 3500 for the merit holders.

Loan facilities:
Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or extension or renovation of a house. Bank gives a 1% rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward. Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyance, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government. Maintenance & House Keeping Expenses: Besides the schemes being administered through the Bank and the Trust, The Bank is allowing @ Rs. 900-per employee annually for Maintenance and House Keeping. News Paper Bill Reimbursement: Bank give reimbursement of News paper bill to there employees when they take news paper facility at residence. Petrol / Conveyance Expenses Reimbursement: Employees are allowed reimbursement for using their own vehicle for use of official purpose.

Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours. Drinking Water Facility&Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank.

Bank of Baroda was founded by Maharaja Sayajirao gaekwad of Baroda on July 20, 1908 with a paid up capital of Rs. 10 Lakhs. Since then bank has traversed an eventful and successful journey of almost 100 years today Bank of Baroda has a network of 2737 branches include 39 overseas branches spread over 20 countries. Bank of Baroda took the lead in shifting from manual operating systems to a computerized work environment. Today, the Bank has 1918 computerized branches, covering 70% of its network and 91.64% of its business. Bank of Baroda open its branch in the year of 1976 in Mandi.Mr. R K Thakur is a Branch manager and 9 employees working in it. This Bank is situated near the Indira Market.Bank of Baroda provided ATM facility to there customers.The bank provided following welfare activities to there employees, Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 100% of expenses incurred on Hospitalisation and not reimbursed under the Hospitalisation schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be restructed to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member,i.e. 75% of charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. the

Loan facilities:
Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or

extension or renovation of a house. Bank gives a 1% rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward. Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyane, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government.

Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. House Maintenance: Besides the schemes being administered through the Bank and the Trust, The Bank is allowing @ Rs. 750 per employee annually for Maintenance and House. News Paper At Residence: All officers including Newly recruited /Promote Officers whether confirmed or on probation shall be eligible for News paper at residence facility with their entitlement. Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank.

Petrol / Conveyance Expenses Reimbursement: Employees are allowed reimbursement for using their own vehicle for use of official purpose. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and in those branches Where strengths of employee below 26 there this facility is not provided but instead of it bank give 50 rupees per month to each employee. Scholarship facility: Bank provided scholarships to employees children those who are in a meritlist.Bank give 500 to 2000 on the performance of children.


At the national level the bank was establish on 19 th February 1943 at Lahore as a private sector bank, floated by Thapar Group. However, actual operation was started in the year, 1944 as a regional bank in northern India. After independence, it had to shift its base from Lahore to Amritsar and subsequently to New Delhi in 1951. Bank was establish its branch in Mandi. It is situated near the Town Hall. 10 employees working in it and bank provided 28 holydays annually to there employees. Bank provided following welfare activities to their employees: Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside. A sum of Rs. 440/- per month is reimbursed to the employees for this purpose. Adhoc Grant on Death: In case an employee dies in harness, a grant of Rs. 1,50,000/- irrespective of the Cadre of the deceased employee is paid to his legal heirs to enable the dependants of the deceased employees to meet the immediate urgent financial needs. Education Subsidy: Education Subsidy will also be available for pursuing correspondences courses from registered/Recognized institutes. All request whether for Education Subsidy or any type of grant from the Trust are to be sent through respective regional offices. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalisation and

not reimbursed under the Hospitalisation schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be restructed to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member,i.e. 75% of charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. the

Loan facilities:
Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or extension or renovation of a house. Bank gives a 1% rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward. Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyance, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government. News Paper At Residence: All officers including Newly recruited /Promote Officers whether confirmed or on probation shall be eligible for News paper at residence facility with their entitlement. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family.

Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank. Petrol / Conveyance Expenses Reimbursement: Employees are allowed reimbursement for using their own vehicle for use of official purpose. Honors on Completion of 25 years of services: Employees with 25 years of unblemished service are eligible for this award. The term unblemished service would mean that no penalty/ punishment has been imposed upon him/ her during the immediately preceding 3 years or rigor of penalty was in operation, whichever was longer. The award could realized after the debarment period was over. The award may be in the form of an article like wrist watch, silver or any other article of employees choice costing an amount not exceeding Rs. 2000/. OBC- Parivar Health Care Scheme: In order to ensure good health and carefree post retirement life of its employees, the bank has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the United India Insurance Company Ltd. and taken an insurance policy effective from January 2007 under which post-retirement medical insurance cover is made available to all employees of Oriental Bank of Commerce. Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees.

House Maintenance: Besides the schemes being administered through the Bank and the Trust, The Bank is allowing @ Rs. 750 per employee annually for Maintenance and House. News Paper At Residence: All officers including Newly recruited /Promote Officers whether confirmed or on probation shall be eligible for News paper at residence facility with their entitlement Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours. The bank is paying the premium for the said policy. Insurance coverage S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Designation /Scale/Category CMD/ED Scale VII & VI Scale V& IV Scale III & II Scale I Nonsubordinate Sub- Staff Clerical Cover Available (Rs in Lakh) 10.00 7.50 5.50 3.50 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Annual Medical Health Checkup: As a measure of staff welfare and in order to timely detection of any serious ailment and help the employees to take proper care of self and their Spouse health well in time Annual Health Checkup is provided to all full time employees of the bank who have attended 40 years of age.


The origin of State Bank Of India date back to 1806 when the Bank of Calcutta was established. In 1921, the Bank Of Bengal and two other presidency banks were amalgamated to form Imperial Bank Of India. In 1955, the controlling interest in the imperial Bank of India. In 1955, the Reserve Bank Of India acquired the controlling in the Imperial Bank Of India and the State Bank Of India came into existence by an Act of Parliament as successor to the Imperial Bank Of India. State Bank of India (SBI) is Indias largest commercial bank. SBI has a vast domestic network of over 9000 branches and commands one fifth of deposits and loans of all scheduled commercial banks in India. SBI establish its branch in the year of 1956 in Mandi.It is situated near Gandhi Chowk. Mr. Madan Sood is the branch manager and 38 employees working in it. Bank provided 32 holydays to there employees in a year. Bank also provided ATM facilities to their customer. The head office of SBI is situated in Mumbai. The State Bank Group includes a network of eight banking subsidiaries and several nonbanking subsidiaries offering their services. The eight Banking subsidiaries are: 1. State Bank Of Bikaner And Jaipur 2. State Bank Of Hyderabad 3. State Bank Of India 4. State Bank Of Indore 5. State Bank Of Mysore 6. State Bank Of Patiala 7. State Bank Of Saurashtra 8. State Bank Of Travoncore Welfare Schemes Of The Bank:

Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank. Maintenance & House Keeping Expenses: Besides the schemes being administered through the Bank and the Trust, The Bank is allowing @ Rs. 950-per employee annually for Maintenance and House Keeping. Scholarship facility: Bank provided scholarships to employees children those who are in a meritlist. Bank gives scholarship to employees children who take 60% marks or above. Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours. Petrol / Conveyance Expenses Reimbursement: Employees are allowed reimbursement for using their own vehicle for use of official purpose. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 100% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The

members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be restricted to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member, i.e. 75% of the charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside.

Loan facilities:
Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or extension or renovation of a house. Bank gives a 1% rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward. Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyance, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government. News Paper At Residence: All officers including Newly recruited /Promote Officers whether confirmed or on probation shall be eligible for News paper at residence facility with their entitlement. Education Subsidy: Education Subsidy will also be available for pursuing correspondences courses from registered/Recognized institutes. All request

whether for Education Subsidy or any type of grant from the Trust are to be sent through respective regional offices.

UCO Bank is commercial bank established in 1943. The idea to establish the bank was first conceived by G D Birla the famous industrialist. The idea was

culminated on the 6th of January 1943 when the United Commercial Bank Ltd. was born with its registered and head office at Kolkata. In July 1969, the Bank was nationalized and 100 percent ownership was taken over by the government of India. In 1985, an Act of Parliament changed the name of the Bank to UCO BANK. Today, UCO Bank has nearly 2000 branches and 34 regional offices spread all over India.UCO Bank has witnessed many ups and downs since its establishment. This bank is situated near the School Bazaar. Mr. Ram Kishan is Branch Manager of UCO bank and 10 other employees working in this branch. Bank gives 26 holydays in a year to their employees. Bank provides following welfare activities to there employees: Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside. Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank. News Paper At Residence: All officers including Newly recruited /Promote Officers whether confirmed or on probation shall be eligible for News paper at residence facility with their entitlement Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other

centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank.

Loan facilities:
Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or extension or renovation of a house. Bank give a rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward. Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyance, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be destructed to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member,i.e. 70% of charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. the

Scholarship facility: Bank provided scholarships to employees children those who are in a merit list. Bank gives scholarship to employees children who take 60% marks or above Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family.


Indian Overseas Bank was established on February 10, 1937 is a major bank based in Chenai. In 1969 the government of India nationalized IOB. The bank has 1400 domestic branches and six branches overseas. The bank has target to a expand online banking to 1200 branches by the end of financial year 2007-08. IOB also has a network of about 500 ATMs all over India and IOBs International VISA Debit Card accepted at all ATMs belonging to the cash tree and NFS network. Indian Overseas Bank was established its branch in 1974 at Mandi.Mr. Prem Lal is the manager of the bank and 11 other employees working in it. The branch is situated near Evening Plaza Hotel. Bank gives 28 holydays to their employees in a year and it also provided to their employees. Bank gives following facilities to their employees: Welfare Schemes Of The Bank: Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside.

Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be destructed to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member,i.e. 70% of charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. Scholarship facility: Bank provided scholarships to employees children those who are in a merit list. News Paper Bill Reimbursement: Bank give reimbursement of News paper bill to there employees when they take news paper facility at residence. the

Loan facilities:
Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or extension or renovation of a house. Bank give a rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward. Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyance, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either

generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government. Petrol / Conveyance Expenses Reimbursement: Employees are allowed reimbursement for using their own vehicle. Bank gives Rs. 250 as a reimbursement to employees for using their own vehicle. Maintenance & House Keeping Expenses: Besides the schemes being administered through the Bank and the Trust, The Bank is allowing @ Rs. 250-per employee annually for Maintenance and House Keeping. Cooking Gas Reimbursement: Bank also give cooking gas reimbursement to their employees. As reimbursement bank give 100 Rs monthly. Need Base Provision: Bank give 100 rupees to their employees as a need base provision. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be destructed to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member,i.e. 70% of charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. the


Canara Bank was founded in 1906 by late sh. Ammembal Subba Pai. The Bank was initially named as Canara Bank Hindu Permanent Fund. It blossomed into a limited company in 1910 and was renamed as Canara Bank Ltd. In 1969 the Bank was nationalized and there after to be known as Canara Bank. Today Canara bank is one of the premier banks in the country with a network of 2513 branches spread all over the country. The bank was established its branch in 1985 at Mandi. It takes over Luxmi Commercial Bank which is private sector bank. Mr. Ramesh Lal Attri is the branch manager of Canara Bank and 9 other employees working in it. Bank gives 32 holydays to their employees. This branch is situated near Mandav Hospital. Bank also gives ATM facility to their customers. Bank provided following facilities to their employees: Welfare Schemes of the Bank: Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside.

Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be destructed to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member,i.e. 70% of charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. News Paper Bill Reimbursement: Bank give reimbursement of Newspaper bill to their employees when they take news paper facility at residence. Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank. Petrol / Conveyance Expenses Reimbursement: Employees are allowed reimbursement for using their own vehicle. Bank gives Rs. 250 as a reimbursement to employees for using their own vehicle. the

Loan facilities:
Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or extension or renovation of a house. Bank gives a rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward.

Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyance, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government. Scholarship facility: Bank provided scholarships to employees children those who are in a merit list. Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours.


The rich heritage of state Bank Of Patiala dates back to the year 1917, when it was founded by Late Highness Bhupinder Singh, maharaja of erstwhile Patiala state. The Bank then known as the Patiala State Bank. In 1948 the Bank was reorganized and brought under the control of Reserve Bank Of India. Another milestone in history of the Bank was its becoming a subsidiary of the State Bank Of India on 1 st April, 1960 when it was named as the State Bank Of Patiala. State Bank of Patiala established its branch in 1993 at Mandi. Mr. Bhuri Singh is the Branch manager of State Bank Of Patiala and 11 other employees working in it. The branch is situated near Indira Market. Bank also provided ATM facility to their customers. Bank provided following welfare facility to their employees: Welfare Schemes Of The Bank: Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside. Where canteen facility is not provided, bank gives Rs.500 to their employees instead of it. Scholarship facility: Bank provided scholarships to employees children those who are in a merit list. Bank gives scholarship to employees children those are in general category and got 60% marks in Board Examination and 50% for reserve categories.

Loan facilities:

Housing loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the Banks service, a loan for the purpose of land for construction of a house, or extension or renovation of a house. Bank gives a rebate in interest on the loan for there employees. Education Loan: Education loan to be sanctioned to wards of officers staff by the branch within their powers. Prior permission from vigilance department is required only when the officer employee stands as guarantor for education loan to his/her dependent ward. Conveyance Loan: The bank may grant to an officer confirmed in the banks service, loans for the purpose of motor car or other conveyance, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may decide either generally or with reference to any particular loan having regard to the guidelines of the Government. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow 1% additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Facility of Holiday Homes: To provide clean and hygienic boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of the Bank at Hill Stations and other centers of tourist attraction, Holiday homes have been permitted to be taken on rent. The holiday Homes are being managed by Union and Association in the Bank. Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours.

Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 100% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. The reimbursement will be destructed to the percentage applicable to the dependent family member, i.e. 70% of the charges applicable to the lowest paying bed in such hospitals. Petrol / Conveyance Expenses Reimbursement: Employees are allowed reimbursement for using their own vehicle. Bank gives Rs. 250 as a reimbursement to employees for using their own vehicle. News Paper Bill Reimbursement: Bank give reimbursement of Newspaper bill to their employees when they take newspaper facility at residence. Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees.

HDFC Bank was incorporated in August 1994 in the name of HDFC Bank Limited with its registered office in Mumbai, India. The commerced operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in January 1995. HDFC Bank has a network of over 531 branches spread over India. All the branches linked on an online real time basis. Customers in over 120 locations are served through telephone Banking. HDFC Bank was established its branch on 13th December 2006 in Mandi, Himachal.Mr. Vijay Thakur is the branch manager of the bank and 10 other employees working in it. Bank gives 30 holydays to their employees. This branch also provided ATM facility to their customers. This bank is situated near BSNL Exchange Office. Bank gives following welfare facility to their employees: Welfare Schemes Of The Bank: Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises. Bank provided lunch to their employees . Outing: Bank organizes a trip after every six months to their employees. This trip organize on Sunday or other holydays. All the expenditure paid by the bank. Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to

employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital. Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours.

ICICI Bank is Indias second largest bank. ICCICI was formed in 1955 at the initiative of the World Bank, the government of India and representative of Indian Industry. The Bank has network of about 573 branches and extension counters and over 2000 ATMs.ICICI was originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Limited an Indian Financial Institution, and was its wholly owned Subsidiary. ICICI Bank setup its international banking group in fiscal 2002 to cater to the cross border needs of clients and leverage on its domestic banking strengths to offer products internationally. Today, ICICI Bank offers a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customers through a Varity of delivery channels and through its specified subsidiaries. ICICI bank establishes its branch on 15 th of December 2006 in Mandi. Mr. Pranshat Aahuja is the branch manager and 10 other employees working in it. Bank gives 25 holydays in a year to their employees. This branch also provided ATM facility to their customers. Following are the welfare activities of the bank: Welfare Schemes Of The Bank: Canteen facilities: To enable the banks employees to procure better quality of tea, coffee, snacks etc., at the place of their work, small space has been provided at banks premises, wherever possible and other places such items are provided from outside. Bank gives token as a lunch to their employees of Rs. 950. Get to gather: Bank gives facility of Get To Gather to their employees in every month. All the expenses of this get to gather paid by the bank.

Outing: Bank organizes a trip after every six months to their employees. This trip organize on Sunday or other holydays. All the expenditure paid by the bank. Group Personal Accident Insurance policy: The bank has taken an Insurance Policy for providing Personal Accident Insurance cover to all its employees against Accidental Death and Permanent Total disability during and after office hours. Drinking Water Facility &Toilets: The Bank has provided cool drinking water facility to their employees and separate toilets for male and female employees. Interest on Deposit: The Bank may allow additional rate of interest over its ruling rate of on Fixed Deposits, Saving deposits and Recurring Deposits to employees individually or jointly with any member with any member of his family. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Under the scheme reimbursement is provided to the extent of 90% of expenses incurred on Hospitalization and not reimbursed under the Hospitalization schemes of the bank. The members of their families are expected to secure admission in a government hospital or any private hospital.



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: it is a way to systematically solve the research problem. The research methodology includes the various methods and techniques for conducting a research. Research is the systematic design, collection and analysis and reporting of data and finding a solution to a specific situation or problem. D.Slesinger and M.Stephenson in the encyclopedia of social sciences defines Research as the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art.

Research is, thus, an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. The purpose of research is to discover answers to the questions through the application of scientific procedures. My project has a specified framework for collecting data in an effective manner. Such framework is called Research Design. The research process followed by me consists of the following steps: DEFINING THE PROBLEM AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: It is said, a problem well defined is half solved. The step is to define the project under study and deciding the research objective. The project

undertaken by me relates to the welfare activity extended to employees by various banking sector. The main objectives of research are: 1. To gain familiarity with phenomena or to achieve new insights into it. 2. To portray accurately with the characteristics of a particular industrial situation of a group. 3. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. 4. To test hypothesis of a casual relationship between variable.

DEVELOPING THE RESEARCH PLAN: The second stage of this study consists of the most efficient plan for gathering the relevant data. The research is descriptive in nature. All efforts have been made to meet various different sections of the employees. SAMPLING PLAN: The sampling plan calls for three decisions. SAMPLING UNIT: Who is to be surveyed? The target population must be defined which has to be studied. It is necessary to develop a sampling frame so that everyone in the target population has an equal chance of being taken. SAMPLE SIZE: How many people have to be surveyed? Sample refers to the total number of items or units in any field of enquiry. Generally large sample gives more reliable results than small samples. The sample size of my study consisted of 50 respondents. The sample has been drawn from employee

having different post and age group. The selection of the respondents has been done on the basis of simple random sampling. DATA COLLECTION: In my project two types of data has been considered i.e. Primary data and Secondary data. Major emphasis is on gathering the primary data. The secondary data has been used to make things more clear. Primary Source: Primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happens to be original in character. I have conducted survey through Questionnaire. Secondary Source: Secondary data are those which already been collected by someone else and which already had been passed through the statistical process. I have collected secondary data through Cos brochures and websites. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: After collecting the data the analysis of data has been done through various statistical tools and techniques. The analysis of data requires a number of closely related operations such as establishment of categories, the application of these categories to raw data through coding, tabulation and drawing statistical inferences. The unwieldy data should necessarily be condensed into few manageable groups and tables for further analysis. Thus, it helps to classify the raw data into some purposeful and useable categories.

Coding operations is done at this stage through which the categories of data are transformed into symbols that may be tabulated and counted. Editing is done to improve the data for coding. After this Tabulation of data is done where in classified data are put in the form of tables. After tabulation the analysis work of my project is based on the computation of various statistical formulae-values, pie charts and graphs. After analysis interpretation has been done i.e. to explain the findings on the basis of analysis.

Primary objective is to study various welfare activities extended to employees by various banking sector. To know the employees perceptions and their satisfaction towards various welfare activities and services provided by Banks. To suggest necessary recommendation improve the existing system. To find out that the welfare facilities increase the performance of employees or not. To find out that welfare activities increase the employees standard of living or not. To find out that both government and private sector provide same welfare activities to their employees.


While doing the survey, many things have been faced which acted as a limitation rather. Had these interventions not been there, the project would have been a much bigger success that it had actually been. Here are some of the main limitations:
The survey done could not cover whole of the employees. Thus, comparatively less survey was done. As the sample taken was small in size, it may not be necessarily true. There is every possibility that the respondents who answer the questionnaire might be biased. There has been limited access to secondary data pertaining to banks performance in other regions or any other information has been another problem in finding on correct response.


Keeping in mind the objectives of the study, the survey was being done and following interpretation was being drawn. 1. Are you satisfied the welfare facilities that are provided by the Banks? Objective: -To check the satisfaction levels of employees, this question is asked. As there are a number of welfare facilities provided to employees by various banking sector. 3.1 No of employees satisfied with welfare facilities. Yes 38 No 12

5.1 Satisfaction level of Employees


76% Yes No

Interpretation The evident from above finding showed that out of 50 respondents, 38 respondents are satisfied of the welfare facilities of the banks and rest of the respondents i.e.12 is not satisfied. 2. Do you think that welfare activities increase the standard of leaving? Objective: -To knows that welfare activities increase the standard leaving of employees. 3.2 Increase the standard of leaving of employees.

Yes 38

No 12

5.2 Increase the satisfactions of employees


76% Yes No

Interpretation The above figure depicts that out of 50 respondents, 38 respondents are think that welfare activities increase the standard of leaving and rests of the respondents i.e.12 are not agree with this.

3. Do you think that private banking sector will affect the public banking sector in future? Objective: - To know the affect of private banking sector over public banking sector in future. As we know that more and more customer moving towards private sector because of more facilities and service provided by private sector. 3.3 Affect of private banking sector over public banking sector. Yes No Cant say 16 30 04

3.3 Affect of private banking sector over public banking sector

8% 32% 60%



Cant say



As the above figure depicts that only 16 respondents are think that private banking sector will affect the public banking sector in future and 30respondents not satisfied and rest of 4 cant say anything. 4. Do you want to add more facilities in your welfare? Objective: -To knows the willingness of employees to add more facilities in their welfare. As there are a number of facilities bank provided to their employees but my object to ask the question what employees want in reality. 3.4 Willingness of employees to add more welfare facilities. Yes 46 No 4

Employees willingness to add more facilities in their welfare


92% Yes No

The above figure depicts that most of respondents i.e. 46 are want to add more facilities in their welfare activities and rest of i.e. 4 are satisfied. 5. If you want to add more facilities then what type of facilities you want to add in your welfare? Objective: - To know the employees preference regarding to add more welfare facilities. 3.5 Preference regarding various welfare facilities to add in welfare. Free residence 14

facility Free loan facility 09 Rebate in income 18 tax Increase in vehicle 10 allowance

3.5 Preference regarding add more welfare facility

20% 27%



FRF RIT Interpretation


As the above evident shows that as most as 18 of the total respondents prefer to add rebate in income tax, 14 prefer to add free residence facility, 10 prefer increase in vehicle allowance and rest 9 prefer to free loan facility.

6. Do you agree that private banking sector provide good working environment in comparigion of public banking sector? Objective: -To knows the employees perception towards working environment, which is provided by bank. 3.6 Employees perception towards working environment of private banking sector or public banking sector.

Yes 12

No 38

3.6Employees perception towards Working environment





Interpretation The above figure depicts that out of 50 respondents, 12 respondents are agree that private banking sector provide good working environment to their employees in compression of public sector and rest of 12 are not satisfied. 7. Do you think that welfare facilities increase the performance of employees? Objective: -To knows that how many employees are agreeing that welfare facilities increase the performance of employees. 3.7 No of employees agree that welfare facilities increase the performance. Yes 43 No 7

No of employees agree that welfare facilities increase performance


86% Yes No

Interpretation The above figure depicts that out of 50 respondents 43 are agree that welfare facilities increases the performance of employees and rest of 7 are not agree. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY

As far as satisfaction level most of employees are satisfied from welfare facilities of the banks and they think that it gives motivation to work more and increase the standard of leaving. This clearly comes out the survey conducted that most of employees think that private banking sector will not affect the public banking sector in future. It has clearly come out that most of the employees dont agree that private banking sector provide good working environment to their employees in comparison of public sector. It has hardly come out that if they want to add more facilities then most of employees want to add rebate in income tax and after that they want to add free residence facility.

It has also comes out that most of employees think that welfare facilities increases the performance of employees It also find out that maximum banks provide same facilities to their employees but there is a difference of amounts.

Banking sector provide lot of facilities to their employees. Most of Banks provide same facilities to their employees. The main reason of these welfare facilities to increase the performance of employees and give motivation to them and these facilities also increase their standard of leaving. Employees are the backbone of any organization and its organizations duty satisfied them. To increase the satisfaction level of employees both public and private banking sector provide lot of facilities to employees. All Banks are bless to the mankind which has awakened many new hopes and aspirations for humankind a vision of a new, just equitable and fair global order governed by a time tested value system based on a noble human passion of love, compassion, tolerance and mutual understanding.

It is a great challenge to all the banks to maintain employees interest in their jobs and it is very difficult task because of entering new banks in market and each bank give more facilities to their employees. These facilities throws before employees a daunting challenge i.e. the utilization of these facilities to create a brave new world in which a qualitative and a clear change between yesterdays and tomorrows can easily perceived. I have done a detailed analysis regarding the welfare facilities extended to employees by various banking sector set Mandi and concluded that most of the Banks provide same facilities to their employees and they are satisfied from it. About the affect of private banking sector over public sector in future maximum employees dont agree with it. From the SWOT analysis, I conclude that there are still a lot of weaknesses in some banks but as it is a growing banks are working hard to overcome these weakness and threats. All Banks are set the strategies and mission after proper vision and is achieving the targets by working in co-operative and co-coordinated manner and giving the employees well services and facilities and making work easy. So, I would like to conclude by saying that to increase the satisfaction level of employees all Banks provides good welfare facilities to them.

RECOMMENDATIONS To increase the standard of living of employees all banks provide number of welfare facilities to their employees. As we know that employees are the backbone of a organization so give satisfaction to them is major objective of the organization. Banks gave many facilities to increase the satisfaction of employees. These facilities also increase their performance and they are the valuable assets of the Banks they work as a boundary spanner to work well banks give them lot of facilities. Banks also provide good working environment to their employees it gives more satisfaction to them

QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/Madam I am the student of MBA doing a project What type of welfare facilities extended to employees by various banking sector. Please cooperate to fill this questionnaire. 1. Are you satisfied the welfare facilities, which are provided by bank? (a) Yes (b) No

2. Do you think that welfare facilities increase the standard of leaving? (a) Yes (b) No

3. Do you agree that private banking sector will affect the public sector in future? (a) Yes (c) Other 4. Do you want to add more facilities in your welfare? (a) Yes (b) No (b) No

5. If you want to add more facilities in your welfare then what facility you want to add? (a) Yes (b) No

6. Do you think that private banking sector provide good working environment in comperagion of public sector?

(a) Yes

(b) No

7. Do you agree that welfare facilities increase the performance of employees? (a)Yes (b) No

*Thanks for your valuable time and co-operation*


Officer Diary (2007) VSP Roa DR. C B Gupta K.C. Garge, R.C Chawla Mercantile Law Kalyani Publishers # Referred web sites:

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