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JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 246







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Omar announces judicial probe in Shopian incident

'Let facts be brought to public notice'
SRINAGAR, OCT 01: Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah on Tuesday announced judicial enquiry by a retired High Court Judge in the Shopian incident describing it need of the hour to unearth the reality and bring facts before the common people. Replying the Adjournment Motion moved by the main opposition party and other parties pertaining to the incidents of Shopian, Kishtwar, Gool, Markundal, Samba and Hira Nagar, the Chief Minister said that the various statements pertaining to the Shopian incident issued by the police and other security agencies have created a situation where judicial probe is necessitated. Omar Abdullah said that he will ask the Law Department to issue necessary notification in this regard and make the probe by "Any person who possesses human heart will not remain untouched by the killing of human beings", he said and added that when in the past he used to speak his heart in this regard, it was misinterpreted as his helplessness. "The reality is that such of mine statements were the voice of my heart reflecting my deep pain over human killings", he said and referred to his statement in the Legislative Assembly over the killing of a youth of Baramulla. The Chief Minister said that right from 1990 such incidents have taken place during the period of various Chief Ministers. "I am sure that all of these Chief Ministers were equally pained and grieved as I am", he said and maintained that every Chief Minister wants to stop such happenings and he has also 8Contd p2


SRINAGAR, OCT 01: Opposition BJP and National Panthers Party (NPP) members today staged a walkout from the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly after the speaker rejected their adjournment motion over Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's comments about accession of the state to India. The BJP MLAs had submitted an adjournment motion yesterday demanding a discussion on remarks made by the Chief Minister on the conditional accession of Jammu and Kashmir to Union of India during a meeting with a European Union Delegation. However, Speaker Mubarak Gul rejected the motion saying the members who have moved it should go through the history. "The adjournment motion is disallowed as the Chief Minister has said those things on the floor of the House (also). It is history," Gul ruled. Angered by the speaker's ruling, the BJP members were joined by three NPP MLAs in slogan shouting against the government. They staged a brief protest inside the House, facing the media gallery, before staging a walkout. Omar, during an interaction with a delegation of ambassadors of EU member nations, had said while other states had merged with Union of India after accession, Jammu 8Contd p2


I never called Manmohan Dehati woman says Sharif

ISLAMABAD: In an attempt to end a controversy over his purported remarks about his Indian counterpart, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that he never called Manmohan Singh a "village woman". Sharif also denied charges that Pakistan was sponsoring terrorism in India, saying his country was itself a victim of the menace. Just a day before the two Prime Ministers met on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York on Sunday, a Pakistani TV talk show host claimed Sharif had described Singh as a "dehati aurat" (village woman) during an informal chat over breakfast with journalists. The talk show host withdrew his remarks after an Indian journalist, who too was present at the interaction, said 8Contd p2


NEW DELHI, OCT 01: The Supreme Court has issued a contempt notice to former Army Chief VK Singh for his remarks questioning the court's decision in his age row. The top court took up the contempt petition on its own after General Singh's alleged remarks in an interview published by the Indian Express on 22nd September. The general had said in the interview, "If the court can define the age of a rape victim on basis of his matriculation certificate, then why has the Supreme Court failed to decide my age despite checking and cross-checking my certificates? "If the superior judiciary of this country can believe the matriculation certificate, and say a rapist and a murderer is a juvenile. What happens to my certificate which has been checked, rechecked and carbon-dated over a period of time? Why? Why didn't they give a decision? "Knowing fully well that they were not going to give a decision since people were pressurizing them and asking them not to give it. So, the controversy was created." Reacting to the remarks, the court today said, "It scandalises this court and also lowers the authority."

a retired High Court Judge a time bound matter. He said he wants people should know the veracity of the event in which five people have lost their lives. Describing Shopian, Kishtwar, Gool, Hira Nagar,

Samba, etc incidents of different nature, Omar Abdullah said that the loss of human lives is most disturbing and painful for any Chief Minister. He said whenever any such incident takes place he is engulfed with pain.

Govt facing credibility crisis says Mehbooba

this House," she said initiating a discussion on an adjournment motion on killings in incidents of violence in the state. Mehbooba alleged the present coalition government in the state is facing a credibility crisis due to recurrent incidents of violence in which innocents are getting killed. "Today if you say, there is sky and sun over the head, people will not believe it," she said. Referring to the Shopian incident in which four persons were killed in CRPF firing on September seven, the PDP president said she failed to understand why the police took so long even in giving a receipt of the complaint filed by the father of one of the deceased youth. "We are 8Contd p2

Another politician Rashid Masood convicted, sent to jail for four years
NEW DELHI, OCT 01: Rajya Sabha member and Congress leader, Rasheed Masood, was on Tuesday sentenced to four years in jail by a Delhi court in a corruption case, becoming the first MP to lose his seat after a recent Supreme Court judgement had removed the immunity for convicted lawmakers. 67-year-old Masood, who attains the dubious distinction of being the first lawmaker to be disqualified after the July 10 Supreme Court judgement, was immediately taken into custody by the court. Special CBI Judge JPS Malik handed down the jail term to Masood after holding him guilty of fraudulently nomisentencing is the first case after the Supreme Court judgement that struck down a provision in the Representation of the People Act, under which incumbent MPs and MLAs could avoid disqualification till pendency of the appeal against conviction in a higher court. On Monday, a court in Ranchi convicted RJD chief Lalu Prasad and JD(U) leader Jagadish Sharma, both Lok Sabha members, in a fodder scam case. Their sentencing is scheduled for October 3 following which they also face disqualification. Besides Masood, the court has awarded four-year jail term each to two other public servants, Gurdial Singh, a former IPS 8Contd p2

Kashmir terrorist recruitment case: 13 found guilty by court

KOCHI, OCT 01: A special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court on Tuesday found 13 accused guilty in the sensational Kashmir terrorist recruitment case but acquitted five others. Those convicted include Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) operative Thadiyantavide Nazeer who is also an accused in 2008 Bangalore serial blasts. The special court Judge S Vijayakumar will pronounce the quantum of punishment on Friday. NIA is yet to nab two accused in the case, Abdul Rehman Alias Wali, a Pakistani national from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Mohammed Sabir. The case relates to the recruitment of Indian youths by LeT in 2006 for carrying out terror acts after training them at different parts of the country. In October 2008, four Malayalis - Fayas, Abdul Rahim, Mohammed Yasin and Fayis - were killed in an encounter in Jammu and Kashmir while attempting to cross the border and reach a terrorist training camp run by LeT in PoK. The judge held the 15th accused, Abdul Jabbar alias Anoop from Malappuram district, guilty of waging war against the country and committing terror acts under Section 121 of the IPC and Section 15 of the Unlawful Activities Prevention (UAP) Act. Death penalty is the maximum punishment that can be awarded as per the sections under which Jabbar has been found guilty. Charges against the other 12 convicted, 8Contd p2

Obama care shuts down America, million workers to go without pay

WASHINGTON: A flurry of lastminute moves by the House, Senate and White House late Monday failed to break a bitter budget standoff over President Obama's health care law dubbed Obamacare by his detractors, setting in motion the first government shutdown in nearly two decades. Congress was unable to reach an agreement in time for the midnight deadline, triggering the first government shutdown since 1995. House Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio headed to vote on the latest bill to link further government financing to a weakening of President Obama's health care law. President Obama met with his cabinet on Monday to discuss how to deal with a possible government shutdown. The impasse meant that 800,000 federal workers were to be furloughed and more than a million others 8Contd p2

SRINAGAR, OCT 01: Opposition Peoples Democratic Party president Mehbooba Mufti on Tuesday said she will resign from the Legislative Assembly and never return to the House if the government can prove that even one of the 120 people killed in 2010 summer unrest was a militant. "If you can prove even one of the 120 persons killed in 2010 was a militant, I will resign and never return to

nating undeserving candidates to MBBS seats allotted to Tripura in medical colleges across the country from the central pool as health minister in the National Front government of 1990. The court also imposed costs of Rs 60,000 on Masood. Masood's conviction and


ROHIT SINGH RANA Soon after the conviction of Lalu Prasad Yadav, his family and the party men plus all Chamchas proudly said that Lalu was framed and they will go to the Janata Ki Adalat to set things right for the RJD supremo. Perhaps time has travelled a full circle for the politicians. They are no more respected nor believed by the people. They are perceived now as masters in the art of deception and double speak. New phrases and puns have been developed by them to hoodwink public opinion. One such phrase, oft repeated is Janata Ki Adalat. Translated into earthly English, it turns out to be Peoples Court. Well, for the Englishman it could mean tennis court too but for the Indian politician it has a very varied meaning as well as use. It is for him the proverbial Ram Ban, the arrow of Lord Rama which never fails to find its target. Great Indian politicians with a nasty sense of survival exhibited shamelessly and without any hesitation. Janata Ki Adalat is an ultimate refuge of tainted, scam ridden, corruption coloured, and dishonest politicians, who without any shame brace up again to go to the peoples court. After amassing ill-gotten money these corrupt and tainted law makers head towards the ultimate destination of the Peoples Court to find refuge. Forgetting conveniently that the people who elected them never aspired to be led by such leaders falling in disgrace by doing all things they were actually elected to fight. Political propriety is the last thing in the minds of the politicians. Wonder what actually Jajata Ki Adalat means for them. Having created a rift in the people by dividing them on the base of caste, creed, region and religion the voter is being fed with multiple and layered dreams, aimed at the particular chunk of vote bank. The latest statement of Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde that Muslim youth should not be unduly harassed by the state governments and their law and order machinery, points to level of opportunism to which the political discourse in the country has been reduced to. Coming back to the Janata Ki Adalat, it will be naive to gloat over the phrase in a light hearted way. Tragedy with Indian politics is that politicians create an agenda, and then contrive short phrases, to give condensed political acceptability and finally confuse the electorate, so that they lose all power of discrimination. Any tainted politician who is convicted after a long drawn battle of wits and delay is peeved over the punishment. While keeping the legal options open, he creates a mirage in which colours become blurred, black and white gradually changes into grey. In this grey, he senses his chance and decides to go to the Janata Ki Adalat. Call it high point or low point of political machinations, the convicted politician refuses to be seen as convicted. In Lalu Yadavs case, he and his family as well as his party spokes persons refused to acknowledge that Lalu had done anything wrong despite being sent to jail. Same scheme was diligently adhered to in the past and in the future too will be employed with similar doctored convictions. To tell these unabashed opportunists that the Courts are stronger and more potent than the Peoples Court, once a person is convicted, is like the proverbial to play music before a snake. They will not get deterred until the High Court too upholds their conviction. With Supreme Court open to them as money is no problem, for having looted the Janata Ki Adalat with both hands, best lawyers come handy. Past masters in delaying the process of law, by creating theories and doubts with a pinch of Constitutional hoodwinking, these top counsels delay the flow of justice. Ramjaeeth Malani is replicating the same script in the case of tainted and rape accused God man Asaram. Peculiarly, two courts cannot be allowed to decide the fate of corrupt law makers at their whim and sweet will. Let convicted be deemed convicted and allow him rot in jail, so that the purity of politics is restored to some extent. Janata Ki Adalat is a misnomer and people have to realize that those who do not spare animals cannot spare men. The fate political of hundreds of dishonest law makers who have developed a fine art of invoking people must be thrown out of the political arena by the Janata Ki Adalat which holds Darbar once in six years. People of India will have to rise to make the Janata Ki Adalat sound pretty effective and a deterrent to the likes of Lalu Yadavs, Rashid Masoods, Kalmadis etc.

If terrorists escape can we ever neutralise terror

Seven terrorists of dreaded terror organization SIMI escaped from Khandwa district jail. Amjad, Zakir, Guddu, Aslam, Abu Faizal, Ezazuddin and Abid were arrested two years ago. The security was so lax in the jail that these dreaded terrorists broke the steel railings of the jail bath rooms and escaped. The evil minded ones after escape attacked a police patrol, stabbed two police men, and then escaped with their service weapons. Such incidents will happen and continue. Soon we may find their escape on the National Geographic which runs a programme on daring jail breaks. India has yet not understood that terrorism is a real threat and no politics should be played on it. But who cares. Indian blood and lives are dispensable, so it means no severe pinpricks for the politicians. If India were serious on tackling terror then Digvijay Singh should have been first questioned on their escape because he showed sympathy for SIMI terrorists and many times said that persons associated with the dreaded terror organization were victimised. In Batla House encounter he and other likeminded minister Salman Khursheed cast aspersions on the encounter itself. Union minority affairs minister went to the extent, saying that there was no such organization like Indian Mujhadeen. It will not be any negative step, if those politicians who support and doubt the acts of terrorists are first tried for treason. At least major stumbling block in the way of controlling terror needs to be rooted out first. RANASAHIB

2.qxd 10/3/2013 7:56 PM Page 1


their case had been transferred to the Juvenile Justice Board on January 25, 2007. The then Tripura Chief Minister Sudhir Ranjan Majumdar and the then Health Minister Kashi Ram Reang were also accused in the case. They passed away during the pendency of the trial. During the arguments on sentence, the counsel for Masood sought benefit of probation, citing his long service to the nation and health reasons. However, CBI prosecutor V N Ojha opposed his plea for probation, saying, "Rasheed Masood does not deserve anything less than seven years (in jail) and a hefty fine should be imposed because by nominating undeserving candidates including his own nephew, he had spoiled the career of meritorious students". The prosecutor also said Masood is a person who is a "lawmaker turned into a lawbreaker" even after taking oath to abide by the Constitution which says all are equal before the law. "He and the other two public servants convicted in the case should be given maximum punishment as the students who suffered nearly two decades ago cannot be compensated for," the prosecutor said. Former IPS officer Gurdial Singh's counsel said he is a senior citizen who even after retirement is associated with several social organisations to serve the society. Convict Amal Kumar Roy's lawyer too sought leniency for his client, citing his old age and health problems. CBI, however, said both Singh and Roy were "law protectors but both turned into lawbreakers". Counsel for the nine students said their career will be spoiled if harsh punishment is given to them and their only mistake was that they took admission through these means. Masood has been held guilty on same counts in two other similar cases. The three cases in which the Congress leader has been convicted form part of eleven such cases registered by CBI in 1996 never called Singh a "village woman", Pakistani dailies reported today. He said he was satisfied with the outcome of his meeting with Singh. He said external forces were involved in terrorism inside Pakistan and "far from being a sponsor, Pakistan was actually a victim of a foreign-funded well organised wave of terrorism". During his meeting with US President Barack Obama and in his speech at the UN General Assembly, Singh had referred to Pakistan as the "epicentre of terrorism". Sharif said he had discussed with Singh "all important issues", including Kashmir, sharing of river waters, Siachen, Sir Creek and Balochistan Republicans. "They've lost their minds," Mr. Reid said, before disposing of the House bill. "They keep trying to do the same thing over and over again." The federal government was then left essentially to run out of money at midnight, the end of the fiscal year, although the president signed a measure late Monday that would allow members of the military to continue to be paid. "You don't get to extract a ransom for doing your job," Mr. Obama said in the White House briefing room as the clock ticked to midnight. Mr. Obama called House Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio, but they spoke for less than 10 minutes, without any sign of progress. "I talked to the president tonight," the speaker said on the House floor. He summed up Mr. Obama's remarks as: "I'm not going to negotiate. I'm not going to negotiate." The House's most ardent conservatives were resigned to seeing through their war on the health care law to its inevitable conclusion, a shutdown that could test voters' patience with Republican brinkmanship. Cracks in the party were opening into fissures of frustration. "You have this group that keeps saying somehow if you're not with them, you're for Obamacare," said Representative Devin Nunes, Republican of California. "If you're not with exactly their plan, exactly what they want to do, then you're somehow for Obamacare, and it's just getting a little old." "It's moronic to shut down the government over this," he continued. It was far from certain that Republicans could remain unified on their insistence on health care concessions if a shutdown lasted for some time. Asked whether Republicans could hold together through the end of the week, Representative Phil Gingrey of Georgia, one of the more conservative members, answered: "I don't know. I don't know." Earlier Monday, the Senate voted 54 to 46 along party lines to kill the previous House plan immediately after ending a weekend break. Senators then sent the House a bill to finance the government through Nov. 15 without policy prescriptions. But House leaders would have none of it, again demanding a significant hit to the health law as a price for keeping the government open. Mr. Reid laid into Mr. Boehner and put the blame for a shutdown solely on his shoulders. "Our negotiation is over with," he said. "You know with a bully you cannot let them slap you around, because they slap you around today, they slap you five or six times tomorrow," Mr. Reid, a former boxer, continued. "We are not going to be bullied." In addition to criticizing Mr. Boehner,

Mr. Reid excoriated what he called the "banana Republican mind-set" of the House. He called on the speaker to put the Senate bill up for a vote, which would almost certainly pass in the House because of overwhelming Democratic support and backing from moderate Republicans. In one of their final moves, House Republicans attached language to a government funding bill that would delay the mandate that individuals obtain health insurance and would force members of Congress, their staffs and White House staff members to buy their health insurance on the new exchanges without any government subsidies. Conservative activists have portrayed the language as ensuring that Congress and the White House would be held to the same strictures that apply to ordinary Americans under the health care law. In fact, the language would put poorly paid junior staff members at a disadvantage. Most people buying coverage on the exchanges will receive subsidies through generous tax credits. Most Americans will still get their insurance from their employers, who will continue to receive a tax deduction for the cost of that care. Under the House language, lawmakers and their staffs, executive branch political appointees, the White House staff, and the president and vice president would have to pay the entire cost of health insurance out of pocket. Representative Peter T. King, Republican of New York, said junior staff members were "being used as a sacrifice" for a political gambit, driven by Republican hard-liners in the Senate like Ted Cruz of Texas, that will go nowhere. "They locked themselves into this situation, the dead end that Ted Cruz created," Mr. King said. The budget confrontation - which threatened to close federal offices and facilities, idling thousands of workers around the country - stemmed from an unusual push by Republicans to undo a law that has been on the books for three years, through a presidential election, and that the Supreme Court largely upheld in 2012. A major part of the law is set to take effect Tuesday: the opening of insurance exchanges, where people without insurance will be able to obtain coverage. Republicans argue that the administration has itself delayed elements of the law. They say it should be postponed for at least a year. Democrats say Republicans are being driven by the most extreme elements of their party to use the federal budget to extract concessions on health care that they could not win through the traditional legislative process. "The scary thing about the period we're in right now is there is no clear end," said Representative Chris Van Hollen, Democrat of Maryland.


Omar announces ..
taken various measures to prevent such killings. He said during his regime all the incidents involving civilian deaths by security forces have been accounted for and cases were registered for enquiry. He said many such enquiries have been completed and many are in the court of law. "I assure the people of Shopian that if in the judicial probe, security forces were found guilty of innocent civilian killings, would be booked under the law for handing over the severe punishment", he said and elaborated that the impression being given that security forces have free hand to commit civil killings is totally wrong. He referred to the arrest of a BSF officer in the killing of a youth from Brain and said that his case is in the court of law for final judgment. He also mentioned various enquiries constituted by his Government in various cases involving civilian killings. He also mentioned Patheribal incident and said that the final verdict in the case will be given by the Supreme Court. Omar Abdullah said that when people lose faith in the system that is most serious thing. He asked all political parties and legislators to be united in strengthening the institutions and said that the verdicts by courts in such cases where public sentiments are involved need to be put on fast tract like that of Delhi rape case. The Chief Minister said that while the killings of innocent people are condemnable by all measuring standards, the sacrifices of police and security personnel to safeguard the State and the lives of the people are highly commendable and their martyrdom should be condoled in the same manner as the killing of civilian. He said 57 police and security personnel laid their lives in the militancy related incidents. "We should also remember them and express our sympathy and solidarity to their families", he said praising the sacrifices made by these brave police and security personnel. Omar Abdullah referred to the incident of Kishtwar and other parts and said that rumours were responsible to fan the tension and create wedge between different sections of the society. He said that the timely action by the administration and the full cooperation extended by people helped to save the situation going out of control. He said some vested elements wanted to accentuate and raise the sentiments of people to create 2008 like situation in the State. Omar Abdullah also referred to the resignation of the then Minister of State for Home, Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo and said that it was Mr. Sajjad's own decision to frustrate the elements who want-

ed to flair-up the situation and create communal tension. He said credit for this goes to Sajjad Kichloo who snatched all chances from the hands of peace inimical elements and helped conduct of smooth judicial probe.

BJP, NPP stage ..

and Kashmir had only acceded to the federation on four matters of currency, communication, foreign affairs and defence. "While all the States acceded to Union of India and then merged with it, the Jammu and Kashmir only acceded and not merged. That is why we have special status, our own constitution and the State Flag," he had said.

Govt facing ...

governed by the Constitution which provides for registering an FIR in case of a crime. While the FIR based on CRPF complaint was registered immediately, the receipt for the complaint filed by father of Tauseef Ahmad (one of deceased) was given only after 12 days," she said. Mehbooba said through a gradual process, the security force personnel were being absolved from responsibility. "First, the police said three youth had no militancy-related record. Then they came out with another version that two of them had relatives who were militants and third had been booked under PSA for stone-pelting. Today (Special) DG CRPF says all of them were associates of the militant. "Then what is the (Magisterial) inquiry for? Why not the security forces feel accountable? Why is this government protecting CRPF?" she asked.

Obama care ....

would be asked to work without pay. The Office of Management and Budget issued orders shortly before the midnight deadline that "agencies should now execute plans for an orderly shutdown due to the absence of appropriations" because Congress had failed to act to keep the federal government financed. After a series of rapid-fire back and forth legislative maneuvers, the House and Senate ended the day with no resolution, and the Senate halted business until later Tuesday while the House took steps to open talks. But Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, dismissed as game-playing the House proposal to begin conference committee negotiations. "We will not go to conference with a gun to our heads," he said, demanding that the House accept the Senate's six-week stopgap spending bill, which has no policy prescriptions, before negotiations begin. The Obama administration and the Republican-controlled House had come close to failing to finance the government in the past but had always reached a last-minute agreement to head off a disruption in government services. In the hours leading up to the deadline, House Republican leaders won approval, in a vote of 228 to 201, of a new plan to tie further government spending to a one-year delay in a requirement that individuals buy health insurance. The House proposal would deny federal subsidies to members of Congress, Capitol Hill staff, executive branch political appointees, White House staff, and the president and vice president, who would be forced to buy their health coverage on the Affordable Care Act's new insurance exchanges. But 57 minutes later, and with almost no debate, the Senate killed the House health care provisions and sent the stopgap spending bill right back, free of policy prescriptions. Earlier in the day, the Senate had taken less than 25 minutes to convene and dispose of a weekend budget proposal by the House

Another politician ..
officer, and retired IAS official Amal Kumar Roy, the then secretary of Tripura Chief Minister Sudhir Ranjan Majumdar. Masood was held guilty of offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act and IPC Sections 120-B(criminal conspiracy), 420 (cheating) and 468 (forgery). He, however, was acquitted of the charge under Section 471 IPC (using as genuine a forged document). The court, which has convicted nine students in the case, has also given one year imprisonment each to nine of them. It also imposed a fine of Rs 1.5 lakh on Singh, Rs one lakh on Roy and Rs 40,000 each on the nine students. Soon after the sentence was pronounced in the jam-packed room, the court ordered the custody of the convicts. The nine students have moved their bail applications to enable them to file an appeal against their conviction and sentence before the superior court. The nine students, who had fraudulently got admission in the medical colleges, were convicted for cheating. Two of them, including Masood's nephew, were juvenile at the time of the offence and

Kashmir terrorist ...

including Nazeer can invite a maximum of life imprisonment, according to legal experts. Five accused were acquitted by the judge by giving them the benefit of doubt. The case, registered in 2012 in Edakkad police station, was soon taken over by NIA. As part of the probe, 186 witnesses were interrogated. The trial of 18 culprits, including Nazeer had started in February, 2012. The full implications of the case which had sent shock waves across the country came to light after the identities of terrorists, who were killed in Kashmir, were revealed by the Army.

I never ...
Sharif had made no such remarks. Sharif told the media in London that he


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Sagar takes stock of the work under execution at Syed Mirak Shah Road Khanyar
Directs for early completion of the project

J&K Bank attains 75 year age, celebrates Platinum Jubilee

Omar appreciates performance, growth of J&K Bank

Chidambaram for opening more J&K Bank branches in Country, overseas

SRINAGAR, OCT 01 While congratulating the Jammu and Kashmir Bank on its Platinum Jubilee, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Tuesday said that the past of Bank has been amazing and if it continues to grow and improve like that its future will be brighter and there is no limit to boundaries it can touch. Comparing the ageing of an institution with that of an individual, the Chief Minister said that while an individual gets weaken by becoming older and older; the institutions get strong and stronger with attaining more and more age. He said that the same is true for the Jammu and Kashmir Bank attaining 75 years of age and serving the State with a commitment and zeal. The Chief Minister said that when J&K Bank celebrated its 50th annual celebration, the scale of its progress and improvement was not that significant. After 1996 elections a person outside the banking system was appointed as the Chairman of J&K Bank and the Bank got introduced to reputed tain sections of media, politicians and former bankers. But their apprehensions were proved false and the bank took it as an opportunity to achieve new goals and lofty heights, he said and added that in the tremendous growth and development of J&K Bank lies the endeavour of its Chairmen, officers and the staff down the lines of lowest rank officials. Omar Abdullah said that with the improvement in the situation in Jammu and Kashmir other Banks are looking towards the State. He said this would create competition between these Banks and J&K Bank. He said that he has told some of the Banks intending to do business in Jammu and Kashmir to localize their products and make these relevant to the local economy. We have vibrant agriculture, handicrafts, tourism, entrepreneurship development, horticulture, IT and ST sectors. The Banks should focus on localized products, he said and advised J&K Bank to move an extramile in its banking activities aimed at helping the local economy.

Corporate Sectors in India. It elaborated its business and today after 25 years we find the Bank emerging as one of the leading banks in the Country, he said adding that if the Bank continues to grow like this the day is nor far when it will be the best

bank in the region. Omar Abdullah said that when his Government allowed the Bank to adopt RBI ways and means for becoming financially independent and commercially sound, many apprehensions were made by the cer-

SRINAGAR, OCT01: Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar on Tuesday urged upon officers to work with more zeal and dedication for the betterment of people. He asked them to work in unison so that developmental works are completed well in time and people are benefited. This was stated by the Minister in a meeting con-

vened to assess the pace and progress of the work being executed for the development and beautification of Syed Meerak Shah Road. He directed the officers for speedy removal of bottlenecks coming under the project and asked for taking necessary measures for speedy completion of land acquisition process besides comfortable and immediate rehabilitation of affected people.

Mr. Sagar directed them to speed up the pace of work being executed for the beautification of Khankah-iMoulla and other city Shrines. Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Mr. Farooq Ahmad Shah,Director Health Services, Kashmir, Dr. Saleem-ul-Rehman, officers of R&B, Revenue and other concerned departments were present on the occasion.

IMPCC vows to strengthen national integration and communal harmony in J&K

SRINAGAR, OCT 01: Chairman IMPCC Mr. Obaidur Rehman has urged upon all the media units to highlight the need and significance of national integration and communal harmony in the state through their regular programmes and other activities during the coming months. This he said is the need of the hour to strengthen the social fabric of the state. Besides, media of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting have also been asked to highlight other relevant themes like youth and right to vote in addition to the routine publicity of flagship programmes and the new initiatives of the central government. The Chairman appreciated the work done by all the media units of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting during the latest-phase of Bharat Nirman Publicity campaign and coordination among them during the recently concluded Public Information Campaign at Kargil. Addressing the meeting, DDG Radio Kashmir Srinagar Mr. Bashir Aarif stressed the need for launching joint ventures by the print and electronic media units, so that the message could be delivered to the target groups in a more effective and result-oriented manner. He expressed his concern over lack of coordination by a few media units within IMPCC. DDG Doordarshan Jammu Mr. Shabir Ahmad Buch informed that Doordarshan Jammu is trying its best to reach out to the people in farflung areas and in such an attempt has recently recorded programmes at Rajouri, besides giving full coverage to the state level conference organized by the Pahari speaking people in the district. Among others the meeting was also attended by Assistant Director News DDK Jammu Mr. Sanjay Khajuria, In-charge Commercial Broadcasting Service Radio Kashmir Srinagar Ms Ruksana Jabeen and representatives of DDK & AIR Leh, DDK Srinagar, DFP Srinagar and PIB Srinagar.

Blood donation Camp held at JLNM Hospital

Blood donors save precious lives: Shabir
SRINAGAR, OCT 01: In connection with National voluntary Blood donation Day, a Blood Donation Camp was held at JLNM hospital here on Tuesday which was inaugurated by the Minister of State for Health, Mr. Shabir Ahmed. The camp was organised by J&K State AIDs Control Society, Health and Medical Education Department, J&K in collaboration with Director Health Services Kashmir. On the occasion the Minister congratulated the volunteer blood donors, doctors and students for voluntarily donating the blood for the needy persons and said that it is a great help to the society especially to the needy and poor people. He said that blood donors play a great role to make society healthy and to save precious lives. The Minister said that medical science has made significant progress in the field of

Div Com for expediting dev activities in Baramulla

Stresses on facilitating people
BARAMULLA, OCT 01: Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Mr. Shailendra Kumar on Tuesday exhorted upon the officers and the executing agencies to expedite the developmental activities and achieve the tangible targets within the stipulated time frame. He also directed for the implementation of various welfare and developmental schemes on grass root level so that the people can avail the benefits and improve their socio-economic conditions. This was stated by the Divisional Commissioner at Baramulla on Tuesday while convening a meeting of sectoral and district officers to review the pace of development activities in the district. Deputy Commissioner, Baramulla on the occasion, made a power point presentation of the developmental activities being executed in the district. It was given out that under PMGSY, Rs. 29.07 crore have been utilised while as many as 4112 works have been taken up out of which 1802 works have been completed during the current fiscal, besides 87046 job cards have been distributed thereby generating 709370 mandays in the district. Divisional Commissioner asked the officers to ensure better power supply and adequate availability of essentials for the consumers in view of the ensuing winter season. He also directed for ensuring regularity and punctuality of the officials besides submitting the attendance report to the divisional administration on daily basis. Earlier, a deputation of Civil Society Baramulla called on the Divisional Commissioner and apprised him about their demands. Mr. Kumar gave them a patient hearing and assured for the early fulfilment of their genuine demands.

UDHAMPUR, OCT, 01:As per past practice, the Akhand Jyoti of Merhada Mata would be lit at village Ghordi and Barmeen on the occasion of first Navratra on 5th of October, 2013. It was disclosed by the President Merhada Mata Akhand Jyoti Committee Ghordi, Bharat Bhushan Sharma on Tuesday. The Akhand Jyoti of Marhada Mata would remain for the public darshan at village Ghordi on the occasion of first Navratra and would be carried forward for Merhada Mata on the occasion of 2nd Navratra on 6th of October early in the morning followed by thousands of devotees. Meanwhile, another Akhand Jyoti of Mehada Mata would remain for public darshan at village Barmeen upto 3th Navratra and would be carried forward to Marhada Mata on the occasion of 4th Navratra early in the morning. It is worthwhile to mention here that Merhada Mata is situated at a hillock in block Ghordi of Ramnagar tehsil of Udhampur district about 10 km from Ghordi and Barmeen. On the occ1ewasion, various social organizations would arrange free pandals at different places during navratras including Ghordi, Nalla Ghouran, Bekhater, Ganpati, Gaula and Merhada Mata especially on the occasion.

Merhada Mata 35 MNREGA works completed in Akhand Jyoti Panchayat Sarote, more 26 taken up DODA, OCTOBER 01-As The 26 works approved for yatra from many as 35 works have been the current year under completed in Panchayat MNREGA include, construcOctober 5 Sarote of Thathri Tehsil tion of three pucca paths,
involving a cost of Rs 27 Lakh under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme(MNREGA) during last year, while 26 more works are being executed in the halqa during the current year under the same scheme. Similarly, under Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF) an amount of Rs. 1.50 lacs and under MPLAD Rs. 1.80 lacs have been expended in the Panchayat. The works completed include 6 water reservoirs constructed at various places in the Pancahyat to meet the water requirements for various purposes. each involving a cost of Rs 1 lakh, besides construction of various protection works. The information was given during the inspection of the completed and ongoing works by Assistant Commissioner Development (ACD) Rakesh Kumar. ACD also inspected ongoing works under Nirmal Bharat Abhyan (NBA) which include Latrine at Primary School Haneja and IHHL units at other places. The ACD also listened to the grievances of the people and passed on spot directions to the concerned to mitigate the same.

medicare, adding that the observance of the day is to mobilize voluntary blood donors by motivating them for the cause. Mr. Khan stressed upon the doctors and the NGOs to give awareness to the general masses so that the donors will increase and later take great care of the donors when they also need blood. The Minister stressed upon the doctors to take strong care of the ailing

humanity and serve the people. On the occasion large numbers of volunteers blood donors, doctors and Director Health Service Kashmir donated the blood. Project Director AIDs Control Programme, Director NRHM, Director Health Service Kashmir, Director ISM, Director AYUSH, Drug Controller and Medical Superintendent JLNH, were present on the occasion.

Farmers' Training Camp held at Magam

BUDGAM, OCTOBER 01: To boost the productivity and production and allied sectors by the use of modern technologies a daylong farmers training camp was organized at Town Hall, Magam in Budgam district on Tuesday. MLA Beerwah , Dr. Shafi Ahmad Wani who was the chief guest on the occasion emphasized for coordination and cooperation between progressive farmers and the experts of Agriculture department to achieve the goal of self sufficiency in food production. The experts on the occasion advised the farmers to adopt modern technology in Agriculture and allied sectors and stressed for participating in such type of training campus to update the available techniques and machinery to achieve maximum returns by judicious use of land resources and adopting the latest cropping patterns. Besides large number of progressive farmers, officers of field functionaries of Agriculture department attended the camp.

Malhotra chairs BAC Meeting

SRINAGAR, OCT 01: A meeting of the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Council was held under the Chairmanship of Chairman, Legislative Council Mr. Amrit Malhotra here on Tuesday. The meeting was attended by the Minister for Planning Mr. Ajay Sadotra, Minister of State for Technical Education and Information Mr. Vikar Rasool Wani, Legislators, Mr. Vijay Bakaya, Mr. Ravinder Kumar Sharma, Syeed Nayeem Akhtar and Mr. Khalid Najib Suherwardy. It was decided in the meeting that there will be no Government Business on October 3rd because of the Holiday and Private Member's Resolutions which were scheduled for October 3rd shall now be taken up on October 9th. It was also decided that the scheduled Government Business on October 9th shall now be held on October 10th.

Omar has become a security risk for country says Bhim

JAMMU, OCTOBER 01: Prof. Bhim Singh, Chief Patron of National Panthers Party and Member of National Integration Council who has been fighting against the echelons of power for the past 56 years from the streets to the Supreme Court has urged the Union Home Minister and the Prime Minister of India to act fast to ensure that the security of the state is kept intact and integrity of India is maintained. He pointed out that Omar Abdullah has become a security risk for the country which is evident from the latest declaration of the J&K Chief Minister that J&K never merged with the Indian Union and therefore he claims that J&K is not integral part of India. This statement, Prof. Bhim Singh said, is violation of his oath of allegiance he has taken to defend, uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India. Omar Abdullah's statement infringed Section 3 of the Constitution of J&K r/w Article 1 of the Constitution of India as Section 3 of J&K Constitution mandates that J&K is and shall be remain an integral part of India. Article 1 of the Constitution of India defines the territorial sovereignty of India which includes entire State of J&K as it existed under the rule of Maharaja Hari Singh in 1947 when J&K was invaded by forces from Pakistan side. The Panthers Party Chief accused Omar Abdullah for his malicious propaganda and hate speeches against India and the Indian Army for which he deserves to be prosecuted and tried as Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru had to do vis--vis Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah in 1953 though Nehru and Sheikh were great friends. He reminded Dr. Manmohan Singh that Nehru had to put Sheikh Abdullah in jail and try him for years for sedition because nation was more important than the personal friendship.

32 cr spent on tourism infrastructure in Kargil, Zanskar

G A Mir for development of quality infrastructure

SRINAGAR, OCT 01: The government has spent around Rs 18 crore to develop tourism related infrastructure in Kargil since the inception of Kargil Development Authority. The information was provided in a meeting of Kargil Development Authority Board held here t to review the physical and financial achievements registered for development and up gradation of tourist related infrastructure in the area. Minister for Tourism, Ghulam Ahmad Mir chaired the meeting while as Chief Executive Councillor, Kargil Hill Development Council, Haji Asgar Karbalie, Advisor to Chief Minister, Mr. Qamar Ali Akhoon, Executive Councillor, Tourism, Mr. Skyzalng Wangyal, Commissioner Secretary, Tourism and Culture, Mr Atul Duloo were present in the meeting. The meeting was informed that tourism developmental projects have been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs.25 crore in Kargil under Centre and State Plans against which Rs. 17.69 crore were expended till last fiscal. The meeting after thread bare discussion approved Rs 1.50 crore action plan of RDA for current financial year. The meeting was told that under Prime Ministers Reconstruction Programme the Development work on Kargil, DrassPanikhar and Drass-Sankoo as tourist destinations has been completed by creation of varied tourist infrastructure, while as preservation and beautification work of historical monuments and way side facilities and development of tourist infrastructure in Kargil was taken up at the total sanctioned cost of Rs.8.60 crore under Destination Development Scheme phase-Ist, against which so far Rs 1.71 crore were expended on several monument works in the area. The meeting was further told that over Rs 4 crore have also been incurred on upgradation of tourist infrastructure in the area under State plan during last 4 years in the area. The formulation of Master Plan, land acquisition, out sourcing of assets, completion of on-going projects also came under discussion during the meeting and concerned authorities were directed to keep close coordination for removal of impediments which hamper completion of the projects in time. Meanwhile the Minister also reviewed physical and financial achievements of Zanskar Development Authority in a separate meeting in which, the Minister of State for Information Technology, Mr. Feroz Ahmad Khan, the local representative of the area was also present.

Katra Navratra Festival to commence on October 05, arrangements finalized

KATRA, OCT 01-To discuss arrangements pertaining to ensuing Navratra Festival at Katra, District Development Commissioner, Reasi, Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary convened a meeting of senior officers and members of Navrata Festival Celebration Committee at SMVDSB, Katra on Tuesday. Senior officers of different departments, members of Navrata Festival Celebration Committee were present in the meeting. Discussing arrangements to be made by Tourism Department and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board for the event, the DDC was apprised of the activities to be performed during the festival besides other preparations being made for smooth conduct of Navratra Festival commencing from 5th October this year at Katra, the base camp of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Ji Shrine. Stressing on attractive programmes of public interests to be presented during festival days, Dr. Choudhary asked the officers to come up with innovative and impressive events with in the available resources to ensure maximum public participation. He said being a momentous affair of Jammu Division stress should also be given on traditional programmes. The District Development Commissioner said that the main aim of organizing the festival is to showcase the culture and traditions of Jammu and all the steps have been taken by the administration and the organizers of the festival to make the event a grand success. Giving details of the events scheduled to be conducted at Katra during Navratra days, the tourism department apprised that the main programmes included Shoba Yatra, All India Devotional Song Contest, Kathua, pravachan, wrestling competition and cultural events adding that programme would be organized both during the day and also in the evenings. She said Katra will be illuminated during the nine days and different government departments like Handicraft, Handloom etc will put up their stalls. It was decided that best decorated Hotel/ Restaurant during the Navratra Festival at Katra would be awarded by the festival organizing committee. ADDC Bikram Singh Jamwal, ACR Tilak Raj Shastri, SP Reasi Sharief Chouhan, DTO Arshad Choudhary and officers from health, PHE, PDD, PWD, Municipality and KDA were present in the meeting.

Voluntary blood donors are saviours of mankind: Bhalla

JAMMU, OCT 01-Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla on Tuesday asked the Department of Immunohematalogy and Transfusion Government Medical College (DITGMC) and J&K State AIDS Prevention and Control Society (JKSAPCS) to create awareness among the people about the importance of voluntary blood donation and ensure availability of safe blood to the needy patients. The Minister was interacting with the doctors and staff of DITGMC and JKSAPCS after inaugurating the National Voluntary Blood Donation Camp organized by National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) here today at Nehru Market Gandhi Nagar . Faculty members of NACO, Mr. Ravinder Shrivastva, Mr. Rajiv Shrivastva, Mr. Raghvendra Naryan Mishra, Mr Omesh Pangotra, Mr. Pawan Tripathi and Secretary JKSAPCS Mr Anil Padha were present on the occasion. About 150 Voluntary Donors of city of temples participated in the camp and donated the blood. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Bhalla said nothing is comparable to the preciousness of human blood adding that there was a need for enough blood stock to meet any eventuality. He said despite rapid and remarkable conquests of medical science today there is no factory that manufactures blood, adding that it is only in human beings that human blood is made and circulated. The Minister said those who require blood for saving their lives, sharing from other fellows is the only means, adding that blood donation - rather voluntary donation is the only way of accumulating blood at safe storage to meet emergency requirements for saving lives. He said this is the greatest gift one can give for the mankind. He further said that voluntary blood donors are saviors of mankind. Mr. Bhalla said "If someone really loves oneself and other fellow beings, the only way to express it is to donate blood voluntarily", adding that donating blood means giving life to someone and it is believed that voluntary blood donors command the highest respect for their sacrifice. In his address, Secretary JKSAPCS said that blood transfusion has saved many lives, but this vital fluid also carries the risks of transmitting diseases. It is therefore mandatory to test every unit of blood collected for the presence or absence of five disease markers i.e. human immunodeficiency virus, Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, syphilis and malaria. He further informed that to give the safest blood to the needy patients, it is globally accepted that the best source of blood for transfusion is from voluntary donations and preferably from repeated voluntary donors as blood from voluntary donations are the safest.

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Gulmarg taek-won-do cup - 2013 event concludes
One player to be selected for participation in international tournament to be held in turkey
SRINAGAR, OCT 01: Gulmarg Tae-Kwon-Do Cup 2013 organized at Gulmarg, Kashmir by Budgam District Tae-Kwon-Do Association under the auspices of J&K Taekwon Do Association concluded today. More than 200 players participated in the said event. The players showed their great skills and art during the said championships which has been highly appreciated and lauded by the spectators. The participating players were also exposed to the natural beauty of Gulmarg. Player while leaving the Srinagar to Gulmarg for participating in said event, were seen off by Speaker J&K Legislative Assembly Mr. Mubarak Gul The prizes were distributed by Mr. Tariq Ahmad, CEO Gulmarg Development Authority. A good number of dignitaries from various government departments especially from health and tourism also witnessed the closing ceremony of the said championships. Pahalwan Sports Club, Soibugh bagged 6 golds, 7 silvers and 5 bronze medals, R.M.P. Magam,

Focus on Sehwag, Gambhir as India A take on West Indies A

SHIMOGA: The spotlight would firmly be on out of favour veterans like Virender Sehwag and Gautam Gambhir when India A seek revenge for the opening match humiliation against the West Indies A in their second unofficial Test starting on Wednesday. Led by Cheteshwar Pujara, India A were beaten by a massive 162 runs in the opening match in Mysore. It will be interesting to see how Pujara handles the team filled with heavyweights such as Sehwag, Gambhir and pacer Zaheer Khan, who have been out of the national team for different reasons. Sehwag has not scored a century in 30 Test innings while Gambhir's dry run with the bat has seen him without a century in 40 innings since January 2010. Zaheer too has not been in good form, failing to take five wickets in a Test innings since October 2010, and his fitness and endurance has been a concern too. After the 2011 World Cup, he played just seven Tests, breaking down in England. This match would be quite testing for Sehwag and match, Pujara and his men would be wary of their opponents. Among others, Sheldon Jackson, Abhishek Nayar, Paras Dogra, Uday Kaul (wk) and Mohammad Kaif, who have shown their potential, would like display their batting talent. With his seven-wicket haul in the previous match, Parveez Rasool would also look to impress the national selectors. He was the only hope for Pujara and he made it count. The West Indies A, on the other hand, would go into the series with their tails up after handing out a humiliating 162-run defeat to the hosts. However, they would not like to get carried away by the win against a relatively inexperienced Indian side. They are well aware that they are in for a real test against the odds of Sehwag, Gambhir and Zaheer. Riding high on their matchwinning half centuries, captain Kirk Edwards, Kraigg Braithwaite and Assad Fadudin will look to carry their good form into the much-awaited tough encounter. Kieran Powell would also like to continue his good form as it has been inconsistent in the tour so far. The West Indies bowlers, especially spinners, have come to the party by exploiting the Indian conditions effectively in both the innings of previous Test. Spinners Nikita Miller and Veerasammy Permaul, who finished the first Test with match hauls of nine and eight, would be itching to once again push Indian top order to the brink. SQUADS: India A: Cheteshwar Pujara (capt), Gautam Gambhir, Virender Sehwag, Sheldon Jackson, Abhishek Nayar, Paras Dogra, Uday Kaul (wk), Mohammad Kaif, Parveez Rasool, Bhargav Bhatt, Dhawal Kulkarni, Zaheer Khan, Ishwar Pandey, Mohammad Shami. West Indies A: Kirk Edwards (c), Kieran Powell, Kraigg Brathwaite, Jonathan Carter, Sheldon Cottrell, Miguel Cummins, Narsingh Deonarine, Assad Fudadin, Jahmar Hamilton, Delorn Johnson, Leon Johnson, Nikita Miller, Veerasammy Permaul, Shane Shillingford, Chadwick Walton.

Gambhir, who have had a poor run in the NKP Challenger Trophy as well. With the kind of experience, they would be eager to get big scores under their belt and make it difficult for the national selectors to ignore them for the upcoming West Indies series. In the NKP Salve Challenger Trophy, while Sehwag scored 72 runs with a half century in three ODIs, Gambhir scored a mere 24 in two innings. Pujara would also look at Zaheer, who spent time in the south of France with Yuvraj Singh, to bolster the Indian attack, which was out of sorts in the Mysore Test. They were a great disappointment

as Ishwar Pandey and Mohammad Shami did not fire in both the innings. They struggled to purchase wickets despite bowling 73 overs in the first innings for three wickets conceding 224 runs between them. They went wicketless in the second innings as they failed to stick to a consistent line and length. Pujara would also look to forget his performance in the last match where he managed only 20 runs in two innings. The Saurashtrian will hope to make a mark as he had done in the South Africa A tour with a blistering century. With the kind of form, the visitors displayed in the first

Somdev, Bhupathi knocked out of China Open CLT20: Rajasthan Royals beat
BEIJING: Somdev Devvarman put up a valiant fight before going down to world number 31 Fernando Verdasco while Mahesh Bhupathi yet again stumbled in the doubles first round as the two Indians bowed out of the ATP China Open on Tuesday. The 97th-ranked Somdev saved as many as nine break chances, but lost the battle 6-7 (6), 3-6 in one hour and 34 minutes. Somdev traded a break with Verdasco to push the opening set to a tie-breaker, in which he could not get past the formidable Spaniard. In the second set, Somdev saved two of the three break chances but that one chance was enough for Verdasco to seal the win. In the doubles event, Bhupathi yet failed to cross

Otago Volts by 4 wickets

bagged 5 golds, 4 silvers and 7 bronzes medals, while as District Baramulla bagged 2 golds, 1silver and 3 bronze medals in the said championships. Mr. R.G.N. Wani Advisor, Federation of Indian Taek-won-Do congratulated the organizers for successful organization of the said event and assured the players that such events shall be made a routine henceforth so as to expose the talent of the local players on national and international levels. Ten players from said event have been selected for national coaching, where-

from one among them will be selected for participation in international championships to be held at Turkey. Dr. Mustafa Kamal conveyed his congratulations for the 10 players who have got selected for national coaching. He also announced three sports kits in favour of 3 top players from Tangmarg. He further said that we are waiting for the players who are going to participate in Kashmir Gold Cup - 2013 to be held from 15th November, 2013. Dr.Mustafa Kamal also declared the said championships closed on telephone.

the first round hurdle for the third successive time as he and his Swedish partner Robert Lindstedt suffered a straight sets defeat against Novac Djokovic and Swiss Stanislas Wawrinka. The second seeded Bhupathi and Lindstedt lost 3-6, 3-6 in

one hour and three minutes. Before this Bhupathi lost the first rounds of US Open and in Bangkok. India's challenge is still alive as top seeds Leander Paes and his Canadian partner Daniel Nestor will face Americans John Isner and Sam Querrey.

Novak Djokovic advances in Beijing

BEIJING: World No.1 Serb Novak Djokovic shut out Czech Lukas Rosol 6-0, 6-3 in first round men's singles action of the ATP Tour's China Open on Tuesday. The 26-year-old won nine games in a row in a match where he underlined his intentions of claiming his fourthstraight title at the National Tennis Centre. The man chasing the Serb's top spot Spain's Rafael Nadal, the world no.2, put out Colombian qualifier Santiago Giraldo 6-2, 64. Among the women world no.1 Serena Williams knocked out Italy's wildcard entrant Francesca Schiavone 6-4, 75, but her older sister Venus, bright smile to match her hair which now wears a shade of fuchsia, was wiped out by big-hitting German Sabine Lisicki 6-1, 6-2 in 53 minutes. In a men's doubles first round match, the second-seeded pairing of Mahesh Bhupathi and Swede Robert Lindstedt were bounced out of the tournament, beaten 3-6, 3-6 by Djokovic and Swiss Stanislas Wawrinka.

NEW DELHI: Ajinkya Rahane's 48-ball 52 and Brad Hodge's electrifying 23-ball 52* helped Rajasthan Royals register a thrilling 4-wicket win over Otago in their Champions League Twenty20 match at Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur. Hodge, who hit 5 smashing boundaries and 3 scintillating sixes, played a gem of an innings to guide the home side to an impressive victory and stay on top of Group A. James Neesham brought the Volts back in winning contention earlier when he dismissed Sanju Samson and Shane Watson in successive overs to dent the Royals run chase. Neesham got the better of Sanju Samson's stumps in the tenth over before he gave Otago Volts another reason to cheer by dismissing the dangerous Shane Watson (2) in the 12th over. Neil Wagner then rubbed more salt on the Royals wound when he dismissed Stuart Binny (1) in the very next over to leave the home side reeling at 75/4 after 13 overs. Soon after, Rahane completed his half-century off 44 balls with the help of 7 boundaries. Earlier, chasing a modest target of 140 runs, Rajasthan lost their skipper Rahul Dravid after he put up 49

runs for opening wicket with Rahane. The Dravid-Rahane duo gave the Royals a flying start but spinner Nick Beard proved successful in breaking the growing stand when he had Dravid (10) caught by Nathan McCullum at point. The Otago Volts innings concluded when Rahul Shukla's impressive figures of 3/23 helped the Rajasthan Royals restrict then to 139/7. After being put into bat, Otago Volts got off to a horrible start when Rajasthan pacer Rahul Shukla scalped three wickets in his first over. Shukla, brought into the side at the expense of Vikramjeet Malik, picked up the wickets of Hamish Rutherford (5), Derek de Boorder (0) and skipper Brendon McCullum (0) in the fourth over. Soon after, Shane Watson joined the wicket-taking party when he dismissed the dangerous Neil Broom (11) to leave the Volts struggling at 22/4 after 5 overs. Ryan ten Doeschate and Jimmy Neesham then gave the Volts some respite when they stitched a crucial 53-run partnership for the fifth wicket. Earlier, Rajasthan Royals captain Rahul Dravid won the toss and decided to bowl against Otago Volts.

Williams powers into 3rd round of China Open

Taj inaugurates 59th National School Games in Cricket, SBI football tournament
SRINAGAR, SEPT 30: The 59th National School Games in Cricket under 14 years of age for Boys took off on Tuesday at Srinagar. Minister for Medical Education, Youth Services & Sports, Mr. Taj Mohi ud Din inaugurated the games at Bakshi stadium this morning. 21 State teams have already arrived in Srinagar for the games. The matches are being played on League-cumKnockout basis at six venues of University of Kashmir, N.I.T, Islamia College, Srinagar, Government Hr. Sec. School Bijbehara and Government Degree College Baramulla grounds. Approximately, 41 matches will be played in the championship including semifinals and final. The Closing Ceremony of the games shall be held at Sher-i-Kashmir Cricket Stadium, Church Lane Sonwar, Srinagar on October 06, 2013 at 3.00 PM. To monitor the smooth organising of the games, a Control Room has been established in the Directorate of Youth Services & Sports, WazirBagh, Srinagar which has already been functioning from 28th of September, 2013. Meanwhile, the Minister also inaugurated a football tournament sponsored by State Bank of India at Polo ground this evening. The inaugural match was played between J&K Bank and AG's office.

BEIJING: World No. 1 Serena Williams served 10 aces in her 6-4, 7-5 victory over Italy's Francesca Schiavone on Tuesday, moving into the third round of China Open. It was Williams' third straight sets victory against her Italian opponent on hard court this year with earlier wins coming at the US Open and at the Toronto Open. Williams sent down six aces in the first set only before Schiavone fought back hard in the second set and broke the American's serve three times. But Williams responded with breaks of her own to clinch the victory. Williams' chances of winning the tournament were boosted by the surprise loss of defending champion Victoria Azarenka on Monday.

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opment but also future development. India's strategic training pact with Afghanistan, again, is far more situationspecific. The US-imposed training regime lasted a bare three weeks per intake while cal narrative will more likely focus on betrayal rather than the reality of the West's bad homework and flawed assumptions. This may not be the truth but then when has history ever been about the truth? The inevitable isolation of Pakistan post-2014 will in all probability be absolute. Whatever plausible deniability that Pakistan concocts post-2014 in the Afghan power vacuum, will simply not be bought. In short, Pakistan will have no more excuses left. An isolated Pakistan also forces the military's hand in ways that have thus far been impossible. Most top military brass with families and holdings, either in London or Dubai, have thus far been beyond reach. Should the Pakistani Army be singled out for isolation, then for the first time and within the rule of law, can the assets of these grandees be targeted. Moreover, the West has been caught in a deep military pincer. On the one hand, as China modernises and becomes an ever bigger threat, the West has to contend with a demographically and ultimately financially superior power capable of wielding significant high-intensity warfare resources. On the other, consistent military engagements in deeply-wasteful, lowintensity conflicts in rogue states (many of them beneficiaries of Chinese diplomatic protection) have drained the West of will and focus. Gallingly, Pakistan which has proven to be the single most valuable source of Western military technology for China, for a while at least, succeeded in getting more hi-tech. All this will stop post-2014. The withdrawal from Afghanistan will simply refocus the West's attention on real issues of grand strategy instead of tying their world view to intangibles like freedom and democracy. Are we losing Afghanistan? Yes, and in the process India gains a victory of the magnitude our Army has failed to achieve. We should all be praying for a crushing defeat - the worse the defeat in battle, the bigger the victory in the war. Defeat is not the unavoidable consequence but rather the desired end goal. The West's problem is India's solution - it is just that the West does not know it yet. But are we prepared for the cost of this victory?


Abhijit Iyer-Mitra
The West may accuse India of playing a dangerous game in Afghanistan. But by baiting Pakistan into exacerbating its selfdestructive nature, New Delhi has provided the US and its allies a scapegoat and isolated Islamabad post-2014 The secret is finally out. India does not have anything lethal to supply Afghanistan. Despite the Defence Research and Development Organisation's bravado of producing equipment worth thousands of crores of rupees, we now realise that we don't have the licenses to give the Afghans what they want, and what we have licences for, the Afghans don't want. Yet, of all the countries involved in Afghanistan, we're the only ones giving lengthy sermons on what the West should be doing there, without either the wherewithal or the means to defend our own interests but still expecting everybody else to follow our gameplan. A case in point is reconciliation. India has for 'principled' reasons been opposed to any talks with the Taliban. Ostensibly this is because it gives too much importance to Pakistan in post-2014 Afghanistan. The West, in private, views reconciliation as a divide-and-rule tactic - to split the Taliban, and create deep distrust in the Pakistani Army of its Taliban clients. In this process, reconciliation works as a carrot for these malcontents to defect and rediscover their 'deeply hidden liberal'. India's opposition to this process, without anything tangible to offer in military terms, therefore, is bound to exasperate other stakeholders and at some point presumably perpetuate the 'we don't care about India' attitude already evident in the West. Let us, for example, look at an argument that in all probability will be bandied about. Already, William Dalrymple's report has set the basis for this and such voices are only bound to grow. Given the India fatigue setting in, we need to be aware of the crosscurrents at work here. So, here follows what will probably end up becoming the Western narrative if India continues to be unhelpful, on top of being strategically ambiguous and the economic backwater that it is rapidly becoming: That India is playing a 'destructive' game in Afghanistan is undeniable. India's recently ramped up engagement is designed to do

The meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif on September 29 was not expected to achieve anything substantial, and it did not. Both leaders agreed on the need for the Directors-General of Military Operation of India and Pakistan to thrash out a plan for ensuring ceasefire at the Line of Control. This did not need a prime ministerial-level talk to happen; the Defence Ministers could have worked it out, and that too over the phone. The symbolic acceptance of the need to maintain peace along the LoC has been made more meaningless with neither of the leaders setting up a time-table for the plan to be concretised. We are told that the Indian Prime Minister 'firmly' told Mr Sharif that dialogue between the two countries could have a meaningful shape only if Islamabad takes genuine steps to stop exporting terror. We have heard such stern reminders before. New Delhi had made similar demands when Mr Yousuf Reza Gilani was the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and earlier. But since the Congress-led UPA Government failed to retaliate every time the country was hit by terrorists that came from across the LoC or against their handlers who live in Pakistan and prosper under the patronage of that country's state actors, both Islamabad and Rawalpindi got the message that the Indian Government did not have the political will to act. This has led to repeated incursions of militants along the LoC and ceasefire violations by Pakistan's Army. This being the case, no purpose is going to be served by issuing hollow warnings. National Security Adviser Shiv Shankar Menon would like us to believe that the talks between the two heads of Government were "cordial, useful and constructive". When the Indian Government goes to the ends of the earth to appease Islamabad, there would be no scarcity of cordiality from the other end! The only "useful and constructive" aspect appears to be that both Prime Ministers invited each other to their respective countries with warmth that is reserved for all-weather friends. Mr Singh had gone ahead with the dialogue despite strong reservations which the principal Opposition had expressed. The Bharatiya Janata Party had pointed out that, talks in the backdrop of terror attacks which took place in Jammu & Kashmir even as the ground for the meeting between the two Prime Ministers was being prepared, was ill-timed. The BJP had also rightly said that the extension of an olive branch at this stage would send the wrong signal to Pakistan. But the Government of India brushed aside those concerns. We are back to square one, with no real commitment from Islamabad on bringing to justice either the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks or the Pakistani soldiers who recently entered Indian territory and killed our jawans. On top of this, Mr Sharif has got away by lampooning the Indian Prime Minister for complaining to the US about Pakistan.

India's strategic training pact with Afghanistan, again, is far more situationspecific. The US-imposed training regime lasted a bare three weeks per intake while the German training went on for an unrealistic three years. In India, officers are trained for a period of six to eight months enabling a reasonable quality-quantity matrix. This may be a case of too-little-too-late but given that almost everyone agrees that Afghanistan is a lost case, India stepping in with renewed vigour provides a significant boost to Afghan morale. Small gestures like India's massive increase in aid can bring a semblance of calm before things invariably spiral out of control post-2014.
one thing - rile Pakistan into maintaining its support of the Taliban. While the coldblooded realpolitik element of this is evident, there are also many reasons why the 'problem' is also the solution. This may not be the 'perfect' solution but then perfect solutions only lay in the minds of beauty pageant contestants. India's development aid to Afghanistan has always been situation-specific and its development projects there are targeted to spread work, funds and benefits evenly across communities. Unlike the West, which has now started favouring dominant tribes to ensure stability, India has always accepted Afghanistan as a loose confederacy of warring tribes where the imposition of external definitions of statehood and stability do not work. The net result is that when the Western withdrawal is complete, 'collaboration' is identified with one tribe that then gets decimated, while economic favouritism makes enemies of all the disenfranchised. Contrast this with the Indian approach which ensures an even wellspring of favourable opinion that can be activated at a later date. Similarly, unlike the West, which has contributed to the brain-drain out of Afghanistan as those who study in the West usually end up immigrating there, most Afghans who come to India go back to rebuild their country. India, therefore, has concentrated not just on current develthe German training went on for an unrealistic three years. In India, officers are trained for a period of six to eight months enabling a reasonable quality-quantity matrix. This may be a case of too-little-toolate but given that almost everyone agrees that Afghanistan is a lost case, India stepping in with renewed vigour provides a significant boost to Afghan morale. Small gestures like India's massive increase in aid can bring a semblance of calm before things invariably spiral out of control post2014. India, by exacerbating Pakistan's selfdestructive streak, has simply brought home to the latter the reality of its failed policies. That Pakistan still refuses to introspect is a different matter, but the bankruptcy of the Pakistani national myth, its failed policies and institutions, its excessive and too-smart-by-half militarism, and of course Islamism, run amok, are evident to any thinking person in that tragic country. In many ways the situation in Pakistan is not dissimilar to the dangerous last phases of the Weimar Republic with people wondering 'what if'. And yet a foreign and Afghan policy collapse may have the same effect as the Soviet banner of victory hoisted atop the Reichstag. Baiting Pakistan into increasing its duplicity in its dealings with Nato, India has effectively provided the West with a convenient scapegoat. Come 2014, the histori-

The mutual lovelessness of the US and Russia is crippling the G20

Ashok V. Desai
Europe abounds in impressive royal cities laid out in the 17th and 18th centuries; St Petersburg is one of them. It was founded by Peter the Great in 1703, but he named it after the saint, not after himself. His capital was Moscow, but he needed a port in the Baltic to give him access to the maritime countries of the Atlantic; the mouth of the Neva River was ideal for it. The Swedes, who were then a warlike tribe of herdsmen, sailors and robbers, stood in his way. In April 1703 he took the Swedish fort of Nienchanz, but it was small, damaged and vulnerable. So he decided to build another fort on the island of Enisaari. He first built a wooden cabin for himself in 1708. Then he brought in thousands of slaves to build a city. His noblemen were reluctant to move to the swamps of the Neva, so he banned the building of stone houses anywhere else in Russia. He had the essentials of a city when he died in 1725, but it was not yet grand. It was his daughter, Elizabeth, who came to power in 1741, who began the process of giving it grandeur. She was followed by her nephew Peter III, who was soon overthrown by his German queen in 1762; it was she, Catherine the Great, who turned St Petersburg into a great city. She was familiar with the style of the old royal dynasties of Europe; she built a palace, gardens, and set up an academy of fine arts, an academy liest is the winter palace, built near Peter the Great's wooden cabin by his niece Anna Ioannovna. She got together a set of mostly German administrators, taxed her peasants heavily, and used the revenues to build great palaces and live a life of luxury. While Anna ruled, Elizaveta Petrovna, daughter of Peter the Great, had a tough time. No royal would marry her since he would then get

Nothing significant was expected to emerge from Sunday's talks between prime minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in New York. Indeed, for this reason alone many sections did not favour a meeting between the two leaders at this juncture when the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir has been less than quiet. Yet, given the history of political and diplomatic relations between the two neighbours, there is no option but to avail every opportunity to keep the channels of high-level communication open. Therefore, the Singh-Sharif meeting in New York is welcome. That the two leaders focussed, in their talks, on an immediate issue of concern to India, is important. And that issue is about recent incidents of the violation of a decade-old bilateral LoC ceasefire agreement. The two sides agreed on the need to abide by the ceasefire agreement in letter and spirit. To this end, the two leaders decided to task the DirectorsGeneral Military Operations (DGMOs) of the two armies. This might appear to be a small step, but in the context of the tense situation on the ground along the LoC, it is very significant. India may still have concerns regarding Sharif's sincerity in acting immediately on the commitment. Partly it arises from the doubts about Sharif government's control over the Pakistan army and the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence. During his previous tenure as prime minister, Sharif had no effective control over these two powerful institutions, which led to the Kargil conflict with India and soon thereafter his overthrow. Besides, Sharif might simply choose to wait until the next general elections in India before he begins taking strong steps on India-Pakistan issues. Earlier, in his United Nations' speech too, Singh called on Pakistan to shut down "terrorist machinery" based on its soil. Falling back on New Delhi's known position on the Kashmir issue, Singh iterated that India can "never ever" be expected to give up territory to reach a settlement with Pakistan on Kashmir. Given the fact that the ruling UPA is in the midst of its preparations for a difficult parliamentary elections, this kind of a hard-hitting speech did not come as a surprise, more so as the rival BJP had made it a point to oppose the scheduled Singh-Sharif meeting. But this rhetoric apart, New Delhi would do well to follow-up on the New York outcome to restore ceasefire along the LoC.

President Vladimir Putin hosted the meeting of the Group of 20 in Constantine Palace, where a hunting lodge built by Peter the Great in 1718 still survives. The present palace was built for Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, the second son of Paul I, in 1807.
of sciences, and a public library amongst other things. She was followed in 1796 by her son Paul I, who in turn was assassinated in 1801 and succeeded by his son Alexander I. He was a great one for bureaucracy; he introduced order into the administration of St Petersburg. These early kings, queens, princes and princesses built palaces for themselves, many of which survive to this day. The earVed Prakash, Bhagwati Nagar


Dear Editor,

Traffic mess
Dear Editor,

Not at all. Or rather, 'none of the above', in short, NOTA. This new button on electronic voting machines and its representative column in ballot papers are symbols of the additional power given to voters by order of the Supreme Court recently. Voters are now free not to accept - vote for - any of the candidates the various parties put up for election. This is a 'deepening' of democratic choice, and would, activists and idealists hope, compel political parties to select candidates who would be perceived as good in governance, efficient, 'clean', sincere about promises, interested in the good of the constituency rather than that of the family. Power to the people is always welcome in a democracy. But the logic of empowerment has also to be thought through on the practical level. From the point of view of procedure, it has to be decided what would happen if, as a result of the NOTA button, no one is elected in a constituency. If new candidates and re-elections are considered as the solution, finances have to be adjusted accordingly. Can everyone be expected to be aware enough, or concerned enough, about democracy, to stand in queue just to reject all candidates? The people must accept that the power to reject is an affirmative power, that it moulds and shapes government just as voting for a candidate does. Of course, this, too, is a matter of practice. A power has been given, practising will make it perfect.
Yours Etc.

Commuting in Jammu city on any working day is a nightmare; people stranded in frequent traffic jams are driven to the edge. Official claims that the traffic management in and around the city is improving need seem fresh validation as on ground, or on roads to be precise it is a different story. Even slight changes, a small function anywhere near the roads closes routes temporarily and brings all vehicular movement to a halt. Road widening that is often put as panache on the working cap of the authorities seems to follow the same pace - the sluggishness we witness in traffic jams. On one hand the number of vehicles plying on roads has been increasing at a tremendous rate and on the other hand the space in the city has been continuously shrinking with both legal and illegal constructions. Despite the markings on the road, people often halt their vehicles in the middle of the road in attempts to quickly grab a thing or two from stores. Dream projects, like 'multi-storeyed parking' have remained dream projects only. Municipal corporations or urban bodies do not bear the brunt as much as the traffic department itself that is meant to streamline traffic. Caught in the moment they have often have no clue as where to direct the vehicles. Their efficacy is measured by 'chalans' and occasional drives to inculcate good traffic sense in the drivers. Rest is at rest.
Yours Etc. Homa Sheikh, Bhaderwah

into trouble with Anna. So Elizaveta had a series of lovers: a sergeant, a coachman, a waiter, a peasant singer. On Anna's death in 1740, her infant son was crowned Ivan VI. Elizaveta staged a coup against him next year and became Tsarina. She invited the Italian architect, Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, to rebuild and expand the winter palace; he finished it in 1762, just after she died. St Petersburg counts at least 17 palaces amongst them, Kamennoostrovsky palace, home of Alexander I, Yelagin palace, home of his mother Empress Maria Fyodorovna, marble palace, built for Grigori Orlov, a favourite of Catherine the Great, and Tavrichesky palace, built for Grigori Potemkin, another of her favourites. President Vladimir Putin hosted the meeting of the Group of 20 in Constantine Palace, where a hunting lodge built by Peter the Great in 1718 still survives. The present palace was built for Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, the second son of Paul I, in 1807. Constantine Palace was badly destroyed in World War II; only the walls were standing. As part of St Petersburg's tercentenary celebrations in 2003, Putin had the palace restored to its original design, and turned it into his presidential residence. He had 20 seaside cottages built for important guests. In 2003, he hosted 50 world heads of state at the tercentenary celebrations; he hosted the Group of 20 there in 2006 as well as this month. The sherpas of the heads of state, including our own, were put up in the early 19th-century stables, which have been turned into a four-star hotel. But for all Putin's hospitality, the G20 conference was not a smooth affair. The bad chemistry between him and Barack Obama is well known. Obama once called him "the bored kid at the back of the classroom" in one of his press conferences. Obama was the only head of state who refused to use the Mercedes sent to pick him up; he brought his own Mercedes. In their joint press con-

ference in St Petersburg, Obama said to Putin, "Everyone here thinks you are a jackass," and went on to explain his abuse in the context of the asylum Russia gave to Edward Snowden, imprisonment of the members of Pussy Riots, prejudice against homosexuals, Syria and so on. He then called Putin a d**k. Putin did not react immediately, but said later, "I should be afraid of this skinny man? I wrestle bears." (This reaction of Putin is unconfirmed. I should declare, for the sake of our prime minister, that the above details were not obtained from him or any of his favourites.) The reactions to these displays of bad manners will depend on one's political sympathies. But they are surprising in at least two respects. First, these are heads of states; one would have expected them to treat one another with some politeness. Second, even though Obama is an American, he has always been extremely well behaved. He does not even react to the Republicans, whose manners are terrible even for Americans. His defenders would say that his patience was tested - that he is utterly frustrated with Putin. Even if one does not judge these two men, one must despair over G20. Fights between nations can be extremely bloody, and generally indecisive. The Western countries fought costly wars for centuries. But even they found World War I too costly: 8.5 million of their soldiers were killed, and 21 million wounded. So they decided to try jaw-jaw as a substitute for war-war. Their first experiment, the League of Nations, a parliament of countries, was a failure; Hitler simply ignored it and conquered all of Europe before the enormous resources of the Americans defeated him. So they created the United Nations, where the most powerful nations created a security council in the hope that it would police the world. It proved ineffective; the United States of America and the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics could agree on nothing, so the US took the law in its own hands and policed the world. In the early 1970s, the Western countries created the Group of 8 as a club to coordinate their economic policies. After the East Asian crisis of the 1990s, they decided that a larger group was necessary to deal with crises, and created the G20. That brought Russia into the group. Lack of love between it and the US is now crippling the G20, as it did the UN. Jaw-jaw has not till now proved much better at solving world problems than war-war. Still, no one will mind it if the prime minister, his sherpa, and their colleagues from 18 other countries gather together in posh resorts twice a year, have a good time, and even throw a tantrum once in a while; while their holidays are expensive, they will have paid their cost if they prevent an occasional war.

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Rahul, not BJP, made fun of PM: Rajnath to Sonia

KOLKATA SEPTTEMBER 01: BJP president Rajnath Singh on Tuesday came down on Congress president Sonia Gandhi for accusing the BJP of "making fun" of the Prime minister, and said that it was the Congress vice-president who instead made fun of the PM. "I read a statement of Soniaji where she said that the BJP made a fun of the Prime Minister, but the whole party is beside him (PM). But the person who made fun of the PM is the vice-president of the Congress Rahul Gandhi, not the BJP," Singh told a press conference here. "BJP did not show any disrespect to the Prime minister. If Soniaji has any concern for the respect of the PM, she should ask Congress vice-



Terror camps: 13 convicted for recruiting Kerala youth
KOCHI: The NIA special court on Monday found 13 accused, including alleged Lashkar operative T. Nazeer, guilty in the case relating to recruitment of youths from Kerala for terror camps in Kashmir. Five others were acquitted by Judge S. Vijayakumar, who is likely to pronounce the sentence on October 4. The case relates to recruitment of men from Kerala to the camps in Kashmir for terror-related incidents in 2006. The case was registered by police at Edakkad in Kannur district and later handed over to NIA which had filed the charge sheet in the case in February 2011. Two accused in the case are absconding.All the 18 accused were produced in the court, where the security was very tight.

president to resign or tender an apology to the country," he said. The BJP chief said that when the PM is out of the country, he is not the Prime Minister of a political party, but he represents the entire nation. "At that time, snubbing the PM, putting

aquestion mark on his credibility or even dubbing an ordinance a complete nonsense defeats the very purpose for which the PM has gone abroad," he said. The BJP president said that his party was opposed to the ordinance to safeguard

convicted parliamentarians and legislators from the beginning. "Our leaders LK Advani, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley had already met the President with a request not to sign it. I also request the President to return the ordinance," he said.

Supporters of Indias opposition Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) leader Narendra Modi sing at a public rally addressed by Modi in Mumbai, India.

2G scam: Loop investor files intl arbitration against Centre

NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1: Loop Telecoms investor KHML has filed international arbitration against Indian government seeking damages of over $1 billion for 2G licences in which it had invested and were cancelled by Supreme Court on February 2, 2012. The claimant, Khaitan Holdings (Mauritius) Limited (KHML) hereby demands arbitration with the Respondent, the Union of India (the UoI), the notice served by KHML to Indian government said. KHML holds 26.95 per cent stake in Loop Telecom whose all 21 telecom 2G licences were cancelled by apex court. Mauritius based KHML said that Loop paid a cash entry of Rs. 1,454.94 crore and financial guarantees worth Rs. 812 crore. KHML has sought return of $140 million invested by it in Loop along with 12 per cent interest from the date of receipt of the investment till the date it receives the claim, its share of the lost shareholder revenue estimated in excess of $1 billion, loss of the market values of the licences in excess of $300 million. Loops investor has held various rounds of meetings with government representatives but failed to arrive at any conclusion, said the statement Following failure of talks with Indian government, KHML has invoked international arbitration and offered to hold arbitration outside India in London or Dubai. The firm has filed arbitration under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and nominated Singapore based individual Francis Xavier SC as its arbitrator. No immediate comments were received either from the company or the nodal government agency Department of Telecom on the matter. KHML in the notice said that the Supreme Court judgement has held the Indian government process to issue licences seriously flawed and legally untenable, as well as its policy being inherently arbitrary, and neither KHML nor Loop were blamed for this. Despite this, neither adequate or any compensation has been paid to KHML and the spectrum has been subsequently rebid, the notice said. The Mauritiusbased investor first served notice to the government in April 2012 for resolving disputes under Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements following cancellation of all of Loop licences by the apex court. Mauritius-based Kaif Investments and Capital Global, majority investor in Loop Telecom had served notice under BIPA in April 2012, following which government representatives have held three rounds of discussion.

MBBS seat scam: Congress MP Masood jailed, faces disqualification

undeserving candidates from across the country to MBBS seats in 1990-91, making him the first to stand disqualified as a lawmaker. Special CBI Court Judge J.P.S. Malik held Masood guilty on charges of corruption and other offences. Masood was convicted of fraudulently nominating undeserving candidates from across the country to the MBBS seats allotted to Tripura medical colleges from the central pool. Masood, who was immediately taken into custody after the sentencing, will also lose the right to contest polls for the next 10 years since a convicted leader cannot fight elections for six years from the date of release from their prison. Masood faces immediate disqualification as the Rajya Sabha member under a recent Supreme Court ruling that a Member of Parliament and State legislatures stands disqualified immediately if convicted by a court for crimes with punishment of two years or more and under some other laws even without jail sentence. Masood was found guilty of offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act and under Indian Penal Code Sections 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 420 (cheating) and 468 (forgery).

Minor girl raped by business school students

MANGALORE: City police on Tuesday arrested a business management student in connection with the gang rape of a minor girl. The 13year-old girl from Kulshekhar was allegedly sexually abused by the accused Vikesh (20), student of a B-School in the outskirts of the city and his friend Praveen (20), student from another college and from Mysore, for about three months. Mangalore rural police arrested Vikesh and have launched search for Praveen. According to sources, accused Vikesh is girl's cousin. Vikesh has lured the girl by giving chocolates and showing porn clips and allegedly raped her on several occasions in the past several months. Vikesh also introduced her to his cousin Praveen, who is also accused of raping the girl, a class IX student. According to sources the girl was staying at the house of Vikesh as per the advise of her aunt.

NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1: Rajya Sabha member Rasheed Masood of the

Congress was on Tuesday sentenced to four years in jail for fraudulently nominating

NIA arrests Bhatkals aide in fresh case of terror strikes Sanjay Dutt granted parole on medical grounds
NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1: Indian Mujahideen (IM) co-founder Yasin Bhatkals close aide Mohd Manjer Imam was today arrested in a fresh case by the NIA inside a Delhi court in connection with terror strikes across the country since 2003 and remanded to 15 days in police custody. Mr. Imam was produced before District Judge I S Mehta from Ernakulam in Kerala in pursuance to the production warrant issued against him and the NIA sought his custodial interrogation to unearth the entire conspiracy that led to various terror strikes in the country. Mr. Imam was arrested by the NIA after the court allowed its plea and granted the probe agency his 15-day custody. During his (Bhatkal) custodial examination, he revealed that another IM operative namely Manjer Imam has been working closely with other IM associates like Tahseen Akhtar under the command of another founder member of IM, namely Riyaz Bhatkal, the NIA said. The probe agency also referred to the chat communications between IM founders Yasin and Riyaz and said that during the investigation, it has come out that Mr. Imam was working for the banned terror outfit under the instructions of Riyaz and others. Investigation has revealed that the accused (Imam) has played a significant role in the conspiracy of IM and is associated with other IM operatives. It has been revealed that the accused person has also stayed with other IM operatives, at various places in India and is having explicit knowledge about the hide outs of other IM operatives and their locations, the agency said. NIA said Mr. Imams detailed interrogation was required to unearth the details of larger conspiracy hatched by IM operatives. The court allowed the NIAs plea and remanded Imam to police custody till October 15. PUNE, OCTOBER 1: Bollywoods incarcerated actor Sanjay Dutt was granted a two-week parole by Punes Yerawada Central Jail authorities for medical reasons, official sources confirmed here on Tuesday. Dutt had sought a months parole in mid-August to get medical treatment for certain illnesses that he has been suffering from. Currently serving a 42month sentence for his role in the March 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, Dutt left Pune for Mumbai and is expected to reach home later in the afternoon. Dutt had surrendered before a Special TADA Court in Mumbai in May and was later shifted

to Pune to serve the remainder of his jail term.

Priest gets jail for not allowing Dalit woman to enter temple
RAIGARH: A local court on Tuesday sentenced a priest to two years' rigorous imprisonment for not allowing a Dalit woman to enter a temple in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh. District judge Anil Kumar Shukla sentenced priest Raja Pandey (63) to two years of imprisonment and imposed a fine of Rs 2,000 for prohibiting a Dalit woman, Mayawati Sarathi, to step into the temple at Chatipali village of Baramkela in Raigarh district around four months ago, public prosecutor Panchanan Gupta said. The judge said the imprisonment may extend to six months in case of nonpayment of fine, he added. The incident took place on May 12 this year, when the woman was entering a Durga temple at Chatipali along with her friends. Pandey asked her not to conduct rituals in the temple and stay outside, following which she approached to police, he said. On May 14, Pandey was arrested and later produced before the court. The judge convicted Pandey under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and pronounced the judgement, he said.

Pawar calls for complete revamp of PDS CBI books Dayanidhi Maran, BSNL officials
that may distort international prices. He urged the state governments to address five aspects production, procurement, transportation, storage and distribution. On improving distribution, Mr. Pawar said, Distribution side involving procurement, transportation, storage and distribution is an extremely voluminous and multi-layer system posing tremendous challenge to the administration. This makes it vulnerable at every stage. It would not be a good idea to have a central tailor-made approach for re-engineering the distribution system. But each state must take up the agenda in a mission mode to implement the food security act in its true spirit, he suggested. The states should gear up to plug loopholes with the use of appropriate and innovative technology as the incentive for foodgrains diversion from ration shops would be very high because of the huge difference between the market price and the issue price, he added. That apart, Mr. Pawar urged states to put extra effort at all stages of operation in ensuring that beneficiaries get quality foodgrains. Noting that the country has achieved self-sufficiency in foodgrains because of strong procurement machinery, Mr. Pawar said the future demand of food can be met only if farmers are assured of the support price and procurement, especially in eastern states. Mr. Pawar emphasised on procurement of neglected coarse cereals as demand is expected to rise under the food law. A similar arrangement could be made for pulses procurement to ensure the country is not dependent on imports. Mr. Dayanidhi Maran and BSNL officials the then CGM K. Bramhanathan and M.P. Veluswami. The agency which had registered the enquiry into allegations in 2011 had wrapped up its probe in July. Mr. Dayanidhi Maran could not be reached for reaction either over the phone or text messages. The sources said the 323 residential lines were allegedly in the name of a BSNL General Manager connecting the Chennai residence of Mr. Dayanidhi Maran with the office of Sun TV through a dedicated underground cable during his tenure as Telecom Minister. The probe had started in 2011, nearly four years after getting complaints that a virtual telephone exchange was allegedly set-up at the then Telecom Ministers for facilitating data transfer from Sun TV. The agency had recommended action to the then Telecom Secretary in 2007 but the department allegedly did not give its nod in the case, they said. Finally, CBI had filed a preliminary inquiry in the case in 2011, they said. The sources said these lines were not ordinary telephone lines but costly ISDN, capable of carrying huge data thus facilitating faster transmission of TV news and programmes across the globe. The CBI in its report to the Telecom Secretary had alleged that these lines were for use of large commercial enterprises to meet special needs such as video conferencing or transmission of huge volume of digital data for which heavy fee is charged but Sun TV got it for free.

NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1,: The CBI has filed a case against the then Telecom Minister Dayanidhi Maran and BSNL officials for allegedly allotting over 300 high-speed telephone lines to Mr. Marans residence in

Chennai which were extended to his brother Kalanithi Marans channel Sun TV. CBI sources said an FIR was filed following its preliminary enquiry when it found enough material to proceed with a regular case against

Slum population up, from 52 million to 65 million

NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1: Newly released census data shows families living in slums have a far better child sex ratio than the urban Indian average. Over a third of Indias slum dwellers live in unrecognised slums. Over 65 million people live in slums, up from 52 million in 2001, but slum populations have grown slower than the average urban population over the last decade. The average household living in a slum is no larger than an average urban Indian household, with 4.7 family members. The child sex ratio (0-6 years) of an average slum household is 922 girls for every 1,000 boys, compared to 905 for urban India. Scheduled Castes (SCs) are over-represented in slums, with 1 out of every five slums residents belonging to SC, compared to just over one out of 10 for urban India as a whole. The proportion of SCs living in slums has risen over the last decade. Scheduled Castes in slums have far better sex ratios than other urban communities. The literacy rate in slums is now up to 77.7% but still lags behind the urban average. Both men and women living in slums participate at a higher rate in the workforce than the urban average, even though fewer have employment through the year. The census defines a slum as residential areas where dwellings are unfit for human habitation because they are dilapidated, cramped, poorly ventilated, unclean, or any combination of these factors which are detrimental to the safety and health and covers all 4,041 statutory towns in

NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1: Denying having any reservations on food law, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar on Tuesday said the successful implementation of the worlds largest social welfare scheme should be enshrined on strong domestic production and not on imported grains. Since the food subsidy is almost Rs. 1,000 per person per year, there is a need for complete re-engineering of the existing public distribution system (PDS) so as to ensure each and every grain reaches the right beneficiary, he said. The ambitious food law considered as game-changer by the Congress-ruled UPA government and described by the opposition parties as political gimmick ahead of 2014 general elec-

tions aims to provide a legal right over cheaper foodgrains to about 82 crore people. A lot has been talked about my reservations on the food security law. There is no question of having any reservations for a social security programme covering the poor and needy sector of the society, said Mr. Pawar, while addressing the state food ministers conference on food law. Stating that the implementation of worlds largest social security programme is a monumental task, he said, I am of the firm opinion that we must enshrine food security on the strong foundation of domestic production and not on the imported grains. He said high domestic production of foodgrains will obviate the need for imports

Girl throws acid on lover for refusing to marry her

BASTI: Infuriated over rejection of her marriage proposal, a 20-year-old girl allegedly threw acid on her lover in Padhni village here, police said on Tuesday. The girl threw acid on Dharmendra on Monday afternoon, they said, adding that she had been angry with her lover ever since he had refused to marry her. The youth was rushed to the district hospital from where he was referred to the Lucknow Medical College Hospital, police said. The girl has been arrested.

India. For the latest round, the census designated slums in three different ways notified, recognised and identified. While the first two are designated as slums by some official authority, identified slums do not have legal status as a slum, but must consist of at least 60-70 tenements with

at least 300 people. The data shows that of the three types, identified slums have the largest sub-set of slum population, indicating that over a third of Indias official slum population does not have official status as a slum, or access to legal protection and municipal services.

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WA S H I N G T O N , OCTOBER 1: The standoff that partially shut down the U.S. government on Tuesday deepened as the Democraticled Senate rejected the latest House Republican effort to negotiate on a spending bill stalled by conservative efforts to derail the health care overhaul. In a 54-46 party-line vote, the Senate turned aside a House request to name negotiators to a conference to resolve differences. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he would not negotiate as long as Republicans were holding up a straightforward spending bill to keep the government operating. About 800,000 federal workers are being forced off the job in the first government shutdown in 17 years, suspending most nonessential federal programmes and services. It wasnt clear how long the standoff would last, but there were no signs of compromise.

Chemical weapons inspectors arrive in Syria

BEIRUT, OCTOBER 1: Experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons begin their complex mission of finding, dismantling and ultimately destroying an estimated 1,000-tonne chemical arsenal. An advance group of international inspectors arrived in Syria on Tuesday to begin the ambitious task of overseeing the destruction of President Bashar Assads chemical weapons programme. Twenty inspectors from a Netherlands-based chemical weapons watchdog crossed into Syria from neighbouring Lebanon on their way to Damascus, to begin their complex mission of finding, dismantling and ultimately destroying an estimated 1,000-tonne chemical arsenal. The experts have about nine months to complete the task, which has been endorsed by a U.N. Security Council resolution that calls for Syrias chemical stockpile to be eliminated by mid2014. It is the shortest deadline that experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have ever faced in any nation, and their first mission in a country at war. Upon arrival in Damascus, the inspectors are expected to meet with Foreign Ministry officials later Tuesday. Experts at The Hague, where the

Senate rejects House offer amid shutdown crisis

The Senate vote marked the fourth time during this fight that it has rejected House Republican efforts. President Barack Obama, who has vowed not to allow Republicans to cripple his signature health care law, readied a midday statement to the nation as Democrats and Republicans maintained a blame-each-other duel in Congress. Stock markets around the world reacted resiliently, with analysts saying significant damage to the U.S. economy was unlikely unless the shutdown lasted more than a few days. U.S. stocks edged higher in early trading on Tuesday, while European stocks mostly recovered after falling the day before the shutdown deadline. Asian stocks were mixed. The stalemate pits Democrats against a core of conservative activists who have mounted a campaign to seize the must-do budget measure in an effort to dismantle the 2010 health care reform, which is intended

OPCW is based, said on Sunday the inspectors priority is to achieve the first milestone of helping Syria scrap its ability to manufacture chemical weapons by a November 1, 2013 deadline, using every means possible. That may include smashing mixing equipment with sledgehammers, blowing up delivery missiles, driving

tanks over empty shells or filling them with concrete, and running machines without lubricant so they seize up and become inoperable. Some of the inspectors will be double-checking Syrias initial disclosure of what weapons and chemical precursors it has and where they are located. Others will begin planning the logistics for

visits to every location where chemicals or weapons are stored. Within a week, a second group of inspectors is scheduled to arrive fewer than 100 combined and form teams that will fan out to individual sites. Their routes are secret both for their safety and because Syria has the right not to reveal its military secrets, including base locations.

to provide coverage for the millions of Americans now uninsured. Republicans passionately oppose the plan they have dubbed Obamacare as wasteful and restricting freedom by requiring most Americans to have health insurance. A key part of the health law was taking effect Tuesday, unaffected by the shutdown. Enrolment opened for millions of people shopping for medical insurance. Also exempt from the shutdown were people classified as essential government employees, including air traffic controllers, Border Patrol agents and most food inspectors. National parks, museums in Washington and agencies like NASA and the Environmental Protection Agency nearly closed. The National Zoo in Washington closed to visitors and turned off the popular panda cam that had showed off a weeks-old cub.

II never called Singh a village woman: Sharif Syria to top Khurshid's Moscow 4 killed in fresh spate of violence in Myanmar ISLAMABAD, OCTOBER Mr. Singh a village woman,
1: In an attempt to end a controversy over his purported remarks about his Indian counterpart, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that he never called Manmohan Singh a village woman.Mr. Sharif also denied charges that Pakistan was sponsoring terrorism in India, saying his country was itself a victim of the menace. Just a day before the two Prime Ministers met on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York on Sunday, a Pakistani TV talk show host claimed Mr. Sharif had described Mr. Singh as a dehati aurat (village woman) during an informal chat over breakfast with journalists. The talk show host withdrew his remarks after an Indian journalist, who too was present at the interaction, said Mr. Sharif had made no such remarks. Mr. Sharif told the media in London that he never called Pakistani dailies reported on Tuesday. He said he was satisfied with the outcome of his meeting with Mr. Singh.He said external forces were involved in terrorism inside Pakistan and far from being a sponsor, Pakistan was actually a victim of a foreign-funded well organised wave of terrorism.During his meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama and in his speech at the UN General Assembly, Mr. Singh had referred to Pakistan as the epicentre of terrorism. Mr. Sharif said he had discussed with Mr. Singh all important issues, including Kashmir, sharing of river waters, Siachen, Sir Creek and Balochistan. Asked about jingoistic language used by Indian politicians and media for his meeting with Mr. Singh, Mr. Sharif said he believed that dialogue was the only way forward to achieve peace and stability in the region.

talks: Russian spokesman

MOSCOW, OCTOBER 1: Syria will top the international agenda of External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshids visit to Moscow this week, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.Mr. Khurshid is visiting Russia on October 2-4 to prepare an annual summit meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Vladimir Putin in Moscow later this month. Apart from talks with Sergei Lavrov, the External Affairs Minister will co-chair the I n d o - R u s s i a n Intergovernmental Commission (IRIGC) with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. At the talks between Mr. Khurshid and his Russian counterpart, Mr. Lavrov special attention will be paid to the situation in Syria, the Middle East and North Africa, to interaction in the United Nations, as well as in BRICS

and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation), Alexander Lukashevich, official spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, told the RIA Novosti news agency. The Indo-Russian economic talks will focus on joint investment projects, the spokesman said. An IndoRussian working group on priority investment projects will hold its first meeting during Mr. Khurshids Moscow visit.Mr. Lukashevich lauded the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) with two Russian-made reactors as a successful example of cooperation between the two countries. He, however, said nothing about progress in talks on a deal to build Units 3 and 4 at Kudankulam, which have been stalled over Indias insistence that the Russian supplier should bear liability for possible reactor accidents.

YANGON, OCTOBER 1: Buddhist mobs attacked Muslim neighbourhoods in Myanmars restive Rakhine State on Tuesday, killing at least four people just hours before a planned visit to the area by the President. Four people were reported dead and 50 more were injured by this evening, said a police officer in Thandwe, about 270 km northwest of Yangon. The mobs also burned down at least 100 houses and shops in villages neighbouring Thandwe city, he said. We cant get the exact number of dead and injured now, said Win Myaing, spokesman for the Rakhine State government. We are trying to restore order, he said by phone. Buddhist mobs started setting fire to Muslim houses and shops in five villages around Thandwe on Tuesday, and police failed to contain it due to a lack of personnel, the

police officer said. Thandwe is situated more than 100 km south of Sittwe, the capital of the Rakhine State, which was the scene of bloody sectarian fighting last year that claimed at least 167 lives and left 140,000 homeless, most of them Rohingya Muslims. Last years violence was aimed at the Rohingya Muslim minority group, a stateless people who have

been living for generations in the three northernmost townships of Rakhine, which borders Bangladesh. Tuesdays violence appeared to be directed against Rakhine Muslims who are Myanmar citizens, sources said. Trouble started in Thandwe on Saturday after a Buddhist taxi driver complained to police about being verbally abused by a Muslim shop owner for parking in front of

his establishment. Police took the Muslim in for questioning. When he was released, Rakhine Buddhists became enraged and pelted the mans house with stones, according to police reports. At least two houses were burned down in Thandwe on Sunday night, Mr. Myaing said. The renewed sectarian tensions in the Rakhine State came hours before Myanmar President Thein Sein was due to arrive in the restive state for the first time since taking office in March 2011. President Thein Sein will arrive in Sittwe this evening and plans to meet ethnic Rakhine members of parliament tomorrow, Mr. Myaing said. He may also visit the refugee camps. Myanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country, where Muslims account for an estimated 10 per cent of the population of 60 million.


CAD, auto sales push Sensex up by 137 points Growth will exceed 5% in 2013-14: Mayaram
MUMBAI, OCTOBER 1: The BSE benchmark Sensex on Tuesday rebounded from 3-week lows to end over 137 points up as investors cheered the lower-than-expected June quarter CAD number and encouraging September sales for automobile firms. The stock markets were also supported by a strengthening rupee that gained 28 paise to trade at 62.34 versus dollar, which was under pressure after the U.S. government shutdown for the first time in nearly 18 years as political deadlock over Obamacare led to a budget impasse. The 30-share Sensex, which fell by over 100 points in early trade, reversed losses to end at 19,517.15, a gain of 137.38 points or 0.71 per cent. The rise comes after the benchmark lost 514 points in the previous two sessions. Tuesdays Sensex rise is the best daily gain since September 19 when it soared by 684.48 points or 3.43 per NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1: The Finance Ministry on Tuesday said the Indian economy will grow by over 5 per cent in the current fiscal riding on high farm productivity and investments, and promised more steps to boost growth. "As we are seeing growth clawing back, I am quite sure that the environment will be conducive for further incentivising of growth and we will see whatever steps have to be taken," said Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram. Mr. Mayaram reiterated that GDP growth in the second quarter will be higher than in the first quarter with industrial production improving owing to a rise in electricity, construction and coal production and an increase in sown area by 9.1 per cent. Economic growth in the April-June first quarter was 4.4 per cent, the weakest quarterly pace in four years. The economy grew 5 per cent in the year ended 31 March, the stabilised, there is a need to remain vigilant and encourage capital flows. He said the FDI inflows this fiscal could exceed $24 billion. "We need to be watchful. We need to continue to work towards encouraging greater capital flows. We are encouraged by the current stability in rupee," he said ruling out any immediate curbs on imports. FDI inflow in April-June quarter was at $10.5 billion, against $8.2 billion in the corresponding period last year. Mr. Mayaram said curbs on gold import announced by finance minister P. Chidambaram in August had started showing results. Gold imports shall be restricted to 800 tonnes in 2013-14, Mayaram told reporters, adding that the current account deficit will be restricted to $70 billion (3.7 per cent of GDP) or lower this fiscal year. The government will not consider any immediate curb in imports, Mayaram said.

cent. On similar lines, the broad-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty shuttled between 5,786.45 and 5,700.95, before ending 44.70 points higher, or 0.78 per cent at 5,780.05. CAD widened by $21.8 billion in Q1FY14, below our expectation of $25 billion, said Karvy Analyst Kruti

Shah. The upsurge in shares was mostly led by the recent losers like stocks of banking, realty, capital goods and auto stocks on heavy purchased at current attractive levels, brokers said. They also said a higher trend in the Asian region and good opening in Europe, further influenced the sentiment.

slowest in a decade. "The Q2 GDP growth should be better than first quarter... The Finance Minister has said we need to incentivise growth. That continues to be the stand of the government. As far as the interest rate is concerned, it is completely the domain of RBI and

Governor will take a call on that," he added. With reference to the Current Account Deficit (CAD), he said it was expected to be less than $70 billion or 3.7 per cent of GDP for the full fiscal. "We would certainly hope the CAD would be less than $70 billion. The $70 billion CAD

will be fully and safely financed without any recourse to dipping into reserves," he said. The CAD, which is the difference between inflow and outflow of foreign funds, was at 4.9 per cent of GDP in the April-June quarter. Referring to rupee, Mr. Mayaram said though it has


MUMBAI, OCTOBER 1: The rupee on Tuesday rose 14 paise to 62.46 against the dollar, supported by better-thanexpected current account data and a weakening U.S. currency. Fresh dollar sales by exporters also helped the rupee. However, capital outflows capped the gains, a dealer said. The rupee resumed stable at the previous closing level of 62.60 a dollar and touched a low of 62.61 at the inter-bank foreign exchange market. It later climbed to a high of 62.17 as local equities recovered and exporters sold dollars. The rupee pared its mid-session gains on late dollar demand from importers and fell to settle at 62.46, a rise of 14 paise or 0.22 per cent. Traders said the U.S. government shutdown is seen having

Mahindra & Mahindra September sales down 10%

NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 1: Auto-maker Mahindra & Mahindra on Tuesday reported a 10.45 per cent decline in its total sales at 43,289 units in September, 2013. The company had sold 48,342 units in the same month last year, Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) said in a statement. In September this year, M&Ms domestic sales stood at 40,574 units as against 45,263 units in the same month last year, down 10.35 per cent. Total sales of passenger vehicles, including Scorpio, XUV500, Xylo, Bolero and Verito, stood at 18,916 units as against 23,808 units in September, 2012, 20.54 per cent. Sales of the companys fourwheel commercial vehicles were up 2 per cent at 14,709 units as against 14,417 units in September, 2013, it said. Three-wheelers sales were up by 5.86 per cent to 6,403 units during September, 2013 from 6,048 units in the same month last year. M&Ms exports too were

Current account deficit widens to $21.8 b in Q1

MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER, 1: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), on Monday, said that Indias current account deficit (CAD) for the first quarter ended June 2013 has widened to 4.9 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) compared to 4 per cent in the same period of the previous financial year. The trade deficit in the first quarter of 2013-14 increased owing to a rise in imports and some decline in merchandise exports, the RBI said in a release The CAD of first quarter of 2013-14 was at $21.8 billion (4.9 per cent of GDP) and it was $16.9 billion (4 per cent of GDP) in the first quarter of 2012-13, the RBI added. Excluding the increase in gold imports of $7.3 billion in the first quarter of 2013-14 over the corresponding quarter of the preceding year, the RBI said that the CAD would work out to $14.5 billion, which translates into 3.2 per cent of GDP.

a negative impact on economic growth, which may delay the tapering of the Feds massive bond-purchase programme. Yesterday, the current account data was released, which was better than expectations and that helped the rupee to post gains against the U.S. dollar, said Abhishek Goenka, CEO of India Forex Advisors. It came out at USD 21 billion against expec-

tations of $23 billion for the April-June quarter. On Tuesday, after the news came regarding U.S. governments shutdown, the rupee reacted positively as the US dollar index fell. The 30-share S&P BSE Sensex firmed up 137.38 points or 0.71 per cent. Foreign institutional investors sold a net $83.55 million of shares yesterday, as per SEBI data.

down by 11.88 per cent to 2,715 units during the month from 3,079 units in September, 2012. Commenting on the sales performance, M&M Chief Executive (Automotive Division) Pravin Shah said: While there has been a growth over August 2013, it is not to the extent that makes us

comfortable, especially as we approach the festive season. Factors such as increase in input and raw material costs and the depreciating rupee have not helped, he added. To compensate to some extent we have taken a price increase effective today. The auto industry is definitely in need of a trigger in terms of a

stimulus to boost consumer sentiments leading to a turnaround in the sector as well as a revival of the economy in general, he added. Last week, the company had announced plans to hike the prices of its passenger cars and commercial vehicles by Rs 6,000 to Rs 20,000 from October 1.


SRINAGAR, OCT 01: Minister of State for Animal and Sheep Husbandry, Mr. Nazir Ahmed Gurezi on Tuesday while replying on behalf of the Education Minister to a question by Mr. Abdul Majid Bhat in the Legislative Council said that the Government schools have considerably shown upward trend in results. The Minister said that the Government has taken various steps for increasing the enrolment of students and improving performance of government schools. He said Academic monitoring is being undertaken by the Directorate as well as by the State Institute of Education. In order to attract a large number of students towards Government schools, the teachers are imparted training by the concerned DIET as well as the State institute of education for better classroom transactions and introduction of Mid-day meals, Provision of scholarship at the elementary and secondary level to retain children in schools, he added. The Minister said that the trainings are also being imparted to the heads of institutions of secondary schools as well as Higher Secondary schools under RMSA, to enhance the quality initia-

Governor inaugurates Regional Science Congress; 9th JK Science Congress at KU

Urges scientists to work towards second green revolution
SRINAGAR, OCTOBER 1 - Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor Jammu and Kashmir, on Tuesday called upon the scientists and researchers to rededicate their efforts for effective application of scientific knowledge and technological innovations to address the challenges facing the State and the country and securing rapid and sustained all round progress to promote the welfare of the people at large. The Governor, as Chief Guest, was addressing the Inaugural Session of the 3-day Regional Science Congress, and 9th JK Science Congress, on the theme of "Innovations and Advances in Science and Technology" at the Kashmir University here on Tuesday. These two joint Science Congresses have been organized by the Kashmir University in collaboration with the Indian Science Congress Association; Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; J&K State Council for Science and Technology and the J&K Academy of Sciences. Referring to India's foundational contribution to varied arenas of science centuries Director IIIM, Jammu, Director NIT, Srinagar, Principals of Medical Colleges at Jammu and Srinagar, Principal of the College of Engineering and Technology, Jammu, and Director, Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar for a meeting so that all these institutions were adequately involved with the discussions at the 101st Session of the Indian Science Congress which would be held at the University of Jammu from 3rd-7th February 2014. This mega science event would be held for the first ever time in the State. The Governor congratulated the Indian Science Congress Association, Kashmir University and all those associated with the organizing of the two Science Congresses together and wished the participants fruitful deliberations. Mr. Feroz Ahmad Khan, Minister of State for Science and Technology, dwelt on the initiatives being taken by the State Government for the promotion of science and technology in J&K. He observed that the organizing of Regional Science Congress and the 9th JK Science Congress would go a long way in promoting scientific temper in the State. He thanked the Governor for taking keen interest for the promotion of science and technology in the State, describing these as essential tools for securing rapid economic advancement of the State. Prof. R. C. Sobti, General President, Indian Science Congress Association, spoke extensively about the establishment, evolution, history and activities of the Association. He gave details of the arrangements being made for the 101st Session of the Indian Science Congress being held at the University of Jammu next year and the VVIPs and the scientists likely to participate in this event. In his welcome address, Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, Kashmir University, gave details of the initiatives being taken by the University for the promotion of teaching and research activities at this institution. Prof. K. I. Andrabi, Chief Convener of the Science Congress, gave details about the various working sessions of the event.

Govt. schools registering upward trend in results: Gurezi
tives at the secondary level. He also said that the Department has constituted the State Education Advisory Board for the purpose of obtaining advice on matters pertaining to education policy and administration. Mr. Gurezi said that substantial achievement has been made in increasing the enrolment of children in schools through the schemes of SSA/RMSA for improving quality education. He said that the steps have been taken to provide infrastructure under SSA, RMSA and maintained that Monday test has been introduced in the schools to assess the weak students and directions have been issued to the staff to give extra attention and guidance to the weak students to improve their performance at par with other students. The Minister said that infrastructure is being upgraded to provide basic amenities to the Students/Teachers and strict Administrative mechanism has been put in place to check lacunae in the system. The Minister informed that all these steps initiated by the School Education Department will definitively improve the quality of education and performance of Government schools.

ago, the Governor called upon the academia, research institutions, policy makers and the governmental functionaries working in the field to operate in close collaboration to harvest the benefits of advancements made in the realm of science and technology for the welfare, progress and prosperity of humanity. Observing that J&K has its own particular problems, the Governor noted that one of these relates to earthquakes and referred to the recurring tremors which had been taking place in Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban districts in the past several months. Another

problem highlighted by the Governor was about the emerging challenges of global warming and climate change and its serious impact on agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, forests, animal and sheep husbandry and allied sectors. He suggested to the participating scientists in the Regional Science Congress and the 9th JK Science Congress to also focus their deliberations for identifying viable solutions for meeting these challenges. On the need for achieving the second green revolution for enhancing agri-productivity, the Governor suggested the usefulness of a group of scien-

tists from the two Farm Universities and other varsities of J&K being set up so that they can start working towards this objective. Referring to the Regional Science Congress being held at the Kashmir University, the Governor thanked Prof. R. C. Sobti, General President, Indian Science Congress Association, for agreeing to his suggestion to hold the first Regional Science Congress of the year at the Kashmir University. In this context, he recalled his invitation to the Vice Chancellors of all the 9 Universities in the State, Director SKIMS, Srinagar,

DLSA Bandipora organizes awareness camp

BANDIPORA, OCT 01: An awareness camp on "Rights of Seminar Citizens" was organized by District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Bandipora at Boys Higher Secondary School, Kaloosa on Tuesday. Presided over by Principal District and Sessions Judge, Bandipora, Mr. Haq Nawaz Zargar, the camp was attended by Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bandipora, Mr. Manjeet Singh Manhas, Additional Deputy Commissioner Bandipora, Superintendent of Police Bandipora, Principals of Higher Secondary Schools, Kaloosa and Aloosa, member of Bar Association, public representatives, senior citizens including women and the students. Highlighting the motto of organizing such camps, the Chairman, DLSA appealed the citizens to avail benefits from those schemes run for them through various departments. He said that such deserving facing difficulties can contact respective Courts in order to get justice free of cost. The District Social Welfare Officer, Bandipora while discussing various schemes said that 8755 persons were provided Rs. 70.04 lakh under ISSS during first 4 months of current fiscal, while as 4623 deserving are being covered under IGNOAPS in the district. The speakers on this occasion stressed for giving moral education to the children so that they honour their parents and other old aged persons.

JAMMU, OCTOBER 01The District Legal Services Authority, Jammu, organized an awareness camp regarding sensitization of youth towards HIV AIDS and benefits of free legal aid schemes available with the authority at Phalian Mandal area of block Satwari. The programme was organized in collaboration with J&K Women Society. The resource persons who spoke on the occasion were the members of the bar and other social workers. Sarpanchs, panchs and other prominent citizens participated in the camp.

Gujarat University collects fees of Rs 50 District Legal lakh on the last day of submission of forms Services OCT 01: information centre there was of the information system. Authority holds AHMEDABAD, The Gujarat University has no information which was Sensing trouble, the GU a fee of Rs 50 lakh passed authorities immediately awareness camp collected on the last day for the subcalled in police to manage
mission for the forms for various examinations and even the Gujarat University Convocation. The Gujarat University was forced to call the police after the students went berserk damaging the windows of the information centre. Officials in the Gujarat University said there was a sudden rush for filling up the forms leading to a major chaos. There were a large number of students were not aware that the last date for filling up forms was extended till October 5, but this was not communicated to the students. But even at the the students. Officials said that the Gujarat University should have opened more counters sensing a rush GU authorities should have opened more counters. It was only on Friday that Gujarat University had collected over Rs 40 lakh as fees. IT was on Friday that seeing the rush a counters the GU had extended the date till October 5. But they did not inform any one as a result there was a rush. Officials said that the counting of the collection will continue till late in the night.

TN govt to conduct TET for differentlyabled unemployed BEd teachers

to the students. The authorities had opened six counters as the rush increased, but this was not enough to meet the rush. This led to chaotic situation and some students even damaged the window glasses

Gujarat ayurveda colleges Haryana makes NBA accreditation mandatory demand fresh admission dates for polytechnics to ensure quality in education
CHANDIGARH, OCT 01: The Haryana government has decided to make it mandatory for all polytechnics in the state to have accreditation by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) to ensure quality in education. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is in the process of making accreditation mandatory at the national level by the NBA, a spokesman of Haryana State Board of Technical Education (HSBTE) said here on Tuesday. He added that the state government has decided to make it mandatory for all polytechnics in Haryana to have an NBA accreditation. The spokesman said that accreditation by the NBA is a quality assurance scheme for techarts and crafts in India which provide technical education to students. The Technical Education Department, Haryana recently organised a one-day workshop on NBA accreditation at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Chandigarh in which 108 participants from engineering colleges and polytechnics from the state participated, he said. "The objective of the workshop was to acquaint them with the process of accreditation and training of all senior faculty, including the principals on accreditation, preferably by NITTTR, Chandigarh," the spokesman added. AHMEDABAD, OCT 01: The managements of ayurveda colleges have threatened to launch an agitation if the state government disbands the Admission Committee for Professional Medical Educational Courses before admissions to ayurveda seats are completed. Officials of the ayurveda colleges said that there is a possibility of further increase in the number of ayurveda seats. There are six ayurveda colleges in the state, of which four have been approved by the Dental Council and another two are likely to get approval soon, the officials said. According to Dental Council of India rules, the last date for admission to ayurveda colleges is October30 while for other medical and paramedical colleges, it is September 30. The authorities of the ayurveda colleges said that admission dates for medical and paramedical seats were rescheduled after homeopathy colleges were granted approval. However, no such rescheduling of admission dates was announced for ayurveda seats after new colleges were granted approval, the authorities said. "We want that the Admission Committee for Professional Medical Educational Courses should not be disbanded and admission to ayurveda seats should be conducted afresh after rescheduling of dates," said Kamlesh Rajgor, member of the Guajrat Ayurved Council

nical education and is open to all institutions in engineering and technology, management, architecture, pharmacy, hotel management and catering technology, town and country planning, applied

and senate member of Ayurved University. He said that that with the approval to new ayurveda colleges at Ahmedabad and Vadodara, the number of ayurveda seats will increase to 300. "There are several students who, in the absence of ayurveda colleges, have taken admission in dental and homeopathy courses. Hence, we want admissions to the ayurveda colleges to be conducted afresh after announcement of new dates for admissions," he said. Rajgor said that if the admission committee is disbanded and admissions are not conducted afresh, the ayurveda colleges will be forced to resort to dharna and go on fast unto death.

CHENNAI, OCT 01: Tamil Nadu government said it would conduct a special Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) for differently-abled unemployed candidates with BEd degrees. The state teachers Recruitment Board would conduct the test. "Those differently-abled candidates with BEd, who clear TET would be employed in the backlog vacancies and in vacancies, which would arise in the future," chief minister Jayalalithaa said in a statement. The school education department would take steps to train visually-challenged candidates and their scribes to clear the special TET through District Institute of Education

and Training (DIETs) across the state. Post graduate candidates (a total of 200 visually challenged candidates) would be employed in the backlog vacancies, once they clear the TRB test for PG candidates, she said. As for colleges, government would take steps to employ 100 visually-challenged candidates who have cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) and State Level Eligibility Test in backlog vacancies and vacancies which would arise in future, she said. Earlier, she chaired a meeting at the secretariat, following continuous protests by visually-challenged candidates since last week.

CHiPS offers special computer training courses for youth

RAIPUR, OCT 01: Chhattisgarh InfoTech and Biotech Promotion Society (CHiPS) is offering a special training course for computer languages oracle and java for the benefit of youth. Chhattisgarh State IT secretary Aman Singh said IT students had to go all the way to metro cities for taking up the Oracle and Java training courses. Now, CHiPS and Oracle have jointly initiated the training programme within the state, aiming to encourage youngsters towards selfemployment and entrepreneurship. On completion of first phase of the training, chief executive officer (CEO) of CHIPS AM Pariyal distributed the 'oracle worldwide participation certificates' to 35 students of various engineering colleges, at State Data Centre in Civil Lines, Raipur. Students interested in the training programme may log on to for downloading the application form.

Punjab University delays Under Graduate re-evaluation results

CHANDIGARH, OCT 01: The delay in re-evaluation results has left over 8,000 students in a dilemma. Some of the students of undergraduate classes are worried as they have already applied for the compartment exam, without knowing the result of the reevaluation. Others who had taken admission in the next session are worried as the exams of the new session are approaching, but the result of re-evaluation is not yet out. Although the BA result was declared in July, the re-evaluation result has not been declared. The compartment exams for various subjects are going to be held next month (October), which has caused tension among students about whether to sit for the compartment examination or not. Parvinder Singh, the controller of examinations, said: "Usually, the re-evaluation results are declared in the make sure that the re-evaluation results are out well in advance before the compartment exams begin." The delay in declaration of reevaluation results has always remained a major cause of concern among students, since it affects their studies as well as the admission process. Most affected are those students who study in colleges affiliated to PU but not located in the city, making it difficult for them to keep track of the results. "I applied for re-evaluation as my marks were not up to the mark. I thought that even after reevaluation, if my score does not improve, then i will sit for the compartment exam. But unfortunately, I had to apply for the compartment exam on the very last day, as I had no other option," said Ruchika Singh, a student of GCG-11.

India aiming to achieve 25% skilled worforce through vocational education by 2017 says Raju
NEW DELHI, OCT 01: "India is aiming to increase the percentage of the workforce which has received formal skills through vocational education and training from 12% at present to 25% by 2017." This was stated by Minister for Human Resource Development M M Pallam Raju while inaugurating the National Workshop on 'Skilling India for the Next Decade through NVEQF' in Delhi. In order to achieve this target, Raju said: "Public-Private Partnership in financing, service delivery and provision of workspaces and training of trainers must be promoted to meet the demand and supply gap in the field of skill development." There is a need to establish an institutional mechanism for providing access to information on skill inventory and skill management and development. Special emphasis should be laid on those sectors that have high employment potential, he added. The minister further said that the objective of skill development is to create a workforce empowered with upgraded skills, knowledge and internationally recognized qualifications to gain access to employment and ensure India's competitiveness in the dynamic global market. Setting the agenda for the meet, Raju expressed the view that the skill building or skill development in India is derived from the changing demographic profiles in India vis-a-vis China, Western Europe, and North America. These changing demographic profiles indicate that India has a unique 20 to 25 years' window of opportunity called " demographic dividend". On the initiatives taken by the Government of India on skill development the minister highlighted four initiatives: of the 1,896 government-run Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), in all of them the Ministry of Labour decided to introduce a PPP-based model of reform in 2007. Second, about 2,000 privately owned industrial training centres, now called private ITIs, existed in 2007, the number of which has grown to 6,498 in India by 2011. The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is supporting the setting up of profit-making companies, since 2010, to promote skill up-gradation. MHRD has launched a National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF), in the country with the involvement of private sector industry in the provision of vocational education and training. Speaking on the occasion the secretary, Higher Education, Ashok Thakur said that all the stakeholders including vice-chancellor of universities/principals of colleges/heads of Boards and principals must take steps to accept the NVEQF. He said there is a need to create multiple regulators. He informed that the community college projects started from this year have taken off very well with more than expected colleges and polytechnics starting the courses. The inaugural function on NVEQF was organized by AICTE the apex body for making and maintaining the norms of technical education in the country, along with the MHRD. Recognizing the demand for skill the country, Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) had also emphasized the need for a National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF) that provides a common reference framework for linking various vocational qualifications and setting common principles and guidelines for a nationally recognized qualification system and standard.

month of November, and sometimes even as late as December, so it is not that big an issue. The results this time will be out soon, and to avoid confusion from the next session, the compartment forms of a particular class will be filled only after the results of that class are declared. And we will

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