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Marriage is a formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. 2. Dowry refers to property or money brought by a bride or her family to her husband on their marriage. Bride price on the other hand, is an amount of money or property paid by the groom or his family to the family of the bride upon the marriage of the woman to the man. 3. Kinship is the state of being related to the people of common ancestry and descent or a system of social relationships connecting individuals by virtue of some relatedness, similarity or familiarity to each other. 4. Biological kin type refers to the degree of actual genealogical relatedness and is represented by different symbols as follows: F M D S = = = = Father Mother Daughter Son Z B H W = = = = Sister Brother Husband Wife

Examples: = brothers daughter (BD); sisters daughter (ZD); cousins daughter (CD) b. Cousin = fathers brothers son (FBS); fathers sisters son (FZS); fathers brothers daughter (FBD); fathers sisters daughter (FZD); mother brothers son (MBS); mothers sisters son (MZS); or mothers brothers daughter (MBD); mothers sisters daughter (MZD) c. Uncle = fathers brother (FB); mothers brother (MB); fathers sisters husband (FZH); mothers sisters husband (MZH) a. Niece Kin terms are the labels given in a particular culture to different kinds of relatives. Examples: a. Fathers sister (FZ) = Aunt (English), He-opaije (Danish), Ggu (Chinese) b. Brothers wife (BW) = Sister-in-law (English), Svigerinde (Danish), Saozi (Chinese) c. Daughters husband = Son-in-law (English), Svigersn (Danish), Nxu (Chinese) 5. Matrilineal skewing refers to an individuals a preference for relatives on the mother's side.

6. The family is generally regarded as a major social institution and a locus of much of a person's social activity. It is a considered the basic unit of the society and is by far created by blood, marriage, or adoption. 7. Categories of Families a. Family of Origin - Persons who are biologically-related, such as parents and children, siblings, grandparents, and other relatives.

b. Family of Orientation - The family into which an individual is born. c. Family of Procreation - The family one creates through marriage. d. Nuclear Family - A basic family group consisting of married female and male parents and dependent children, living away from other relatives. e. Extended Family - A family group consisting of more than two generations of the same kinship line living either within the same household or, more usually in the west, very close to one another. f. Accordion Families - A family that is distinctly composed of adult children who are living off their parents' money and retirement savings with little means of their own when the older generation is gone. The adult children are usually called parasite singles. g. Fictive Kin - A term used to refer to individuals that are unrelated by either birth or marriage, who have an emotionally significant relationship with another individual that would take on the characteristics of a family relationship. h. Family of Choice - Diverse family structures, usually created by members of the third sex, immigrants, and racial or ethnic minorities, that include but are not limited to life partners, close friends, and other loved ones not biologically related or legally recognized but who are the source of social and care giving support. i. Family of Affinity - A family by marriage or adoption, not by blood relation. 8. Residential Patterns a. Patrilocal - The family resides with or near the husband's parents. b. Matrilocal - The family resides with or near the wifes parents. c. Neolocal - The family resides separately from both the husband's natal household and the wife's natal household. d. Ambilocal - A residence in which the family live with or near either the husband's parents or the wife's parents. 9. Endogamy is when one marries someone within one's own group. Exogamy is when one marries someone outside one's own group. 10. Monogamy refers to a system where one person marries only one spouse while polygamous usually refers to a system where one can enter plural marriages or have multiple spouses. 11. Types of Polygamy a. Polyandry - A union that involves one woman and two or more men. b. Polygyny

A term coined for a union involving one man and two or more women.

12. Serial monogamy is a succession of short monogamous relationships or having one partner at a time in series. Instances: a. Person who has gone through multiple divorces and finds new partner short after. b. Individual who is often widowed and remarries each time. c. Breaks between relationships come in days or weeks that others may only know that such couple have been together when they had already broke up. 13. Sororate monogamy is a practice by which when a mans wife dies, her sister is given to him as a wife. Whilst levirate monogamy is a practice in which a man marries the widow of a deceased brother. 14. Descent Patterns: a. Unilineal - A term that refers to the affiliation of a person with a group of relatives related to him only through one of his parents. This is usually determined and distinct per ethnicity. b. Bilateral - A term that refers to the affiliation of a person with a group of relatives related to him through both his parents c. Ambilineal - A rule affiliates an individual with kinsmen through the father's or mother's line. Some people in societies practice this system affiliate with a group of relatives through their fathers and others through their mothers. The individual has the option as to which side he wants to affiliate. 15. Types of Unilineal Descent a. Patrilineal - A rule that affiliates both male and female children to their father's kin group but not their mother's. b. Matrilineal - A rule that affiliates both male and female children to their father's kin group but not their mother's. 16. Types of Family Authority: a. Patriarchal - In this family the power and authority is vested in the hands of the father or male member of the family. b. Matriarchal - The power and authority in the family is vested in the hands of the mother or female member of the family. c. Egalitarian - The power and authority are shared by husband and wife in the family. 17. Culture is a society's total way of living while society is the group of people that lives in a defined territory and participate in common culture.

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