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News release

October 3, 2013

Danielle Smith seeks MLA pay increase

Deputy Premier Thomas Lukaszuk issued the following statement regarding the Oct. 2, 2013 Members Services Committee meeting. Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith brought forward a motion at Members Services Committee yesterday to increase one of her MLAs salaries. She is asking committee members to consider allowing the Wildrose to use taxpayers dollars to fund an $8,040 increase to the salary of the partys deputy house leader, Shayne Saskiw. Its important to note that the PC deputy house leaders do not receive an additional stipend as a result of the additional work they do in this role. Danielle Smith is asking for special treatment for her MLA. The Wildrose party routinely takes issue with MLA salaries and insists that MLAs take pay cuts. And at yesterdays meeting, Smith reiterated the importance of MLAs not accepting pay increases but then turned around and asked for a whopping pay hike for her MLA and only her MLA. This kind of hypocrisy is typical of the Wildrose party. We look forward to asking pointed questions at Smith during the next Members Services Committee meeting, such as: Has she changed her position on MLA pay? Why is Shayne Saskiw worth a pay raise when Smith has advocated pay freezes for all other MLAs and public sector employees? Smith must explain why she thinks this one MLA is so special as to deserve a special pay increase during this time of fiscal restraint. - 30 Media inquiries may be directed to: Janice Schroeder Office of the Deputy Premier 780-638 5615
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