Maha Chundi Sadhana

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Maha Cundi The Great Victorious Vajra Who Conquers the Six Realms

Namo Bhagavati! Praise to the Great Vajra Mother & Father! Refuge & Bodhicitta Recite three times Guru Saranam Gacchami Buddham Saranam Gacchami Dhammam Saranam Gacchami Sangham Saranam Gacchami May I develop the Victorious Nature of the conquerors to benefit all sentient beings of the six realms. May I develop the Heroic Nature to guard and protect the Three Jewels. Om Bodhicitta Utpadaya Aham The Four Immeasurable Thoughts Recite Three Times May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes of happiness, May all sentient beings be free from suffering and its causes of suffering. May all sentient beings never be separated from sorrowless bliss. May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free of bias, attachment aversion and anger The Seven Limb Prayer Recite Reverently I prostrate with my body speech and mind, And present clouds of every type of offering, actual and mentally formed I declare all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time And rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings. Please remain until cyclic existence ends and turn the wheel of Dharma for all sentient beings. I dedicate all the virtues of myself and others to the great enlightenment. Mandala Offering Recite with Mandala Mudra This ground, anointed with perfume, flowers strewn, Mount Meru, four lands, sun and moon, Imagined as a Buddha land and offered to you May all beings enjoy this pure land. The objects of attachment, aversion and ignorance friends, enemies and strangers,

my body, wealth and enjoyments I offer these without any sense of loss. Please accept them with pleasure and inspire me and others to be free from the three poisons. Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Niryatayami Om svabhava suddha sarvadharmah svabhava suddho ham Meeting Cundi Bodhisattva Purify and Prepare the Dharma Realm seal Recite seven times, following with Svaha, Repeat Three Times Om Vam, Svaha Om Bhrum The Great Illumination Recite with Visualization Om Ah Vi Ra Hung Kha Om Bhrum A great wind mandala arises and then dissolves into a great fire mandala, which then dissolves into a great water mandala, which then arises and dissolves into a great vajra earth mandala, from which arises a brilliant golden light, which forms a brilliant eight petaled lotus, blooming with a rainbow array. Visualize ones own nature arising from the center of the lotus and ones head glowing with a rainbow array. With absolute reverence invoke Maha Vairocana whose Golden light body appears before you. You make offerings to the Great Vajra Father of the greatest treasures one can imagine. The Buddha then merges with you through the your glowing crown, and you become inseparable with the Golden light buddha. One then invites ones Vajramaster and makes offerings as before, and ones Vajramaster merges with and becomes ones crown ornament. Long Dharani Recitation Recite 3, 7, 21 or 108 times Namah saptanam samyak-sambuddha kotinam Tadyatha: Om Cale Cule Cundi Svaha Om Bhrum Visualization Above a vast expanse of ocean is a stretch of clear open sky. A brilliant autumn moon disc rises from the ocean into the sky. Inside the moon disc is the white seed syllable "VAM" emitting soft golden light. The seed syllable inside the moon disc revolves and transforms into the majestic Maha Cundi Bodhisattva whose body is a soft golden hue.Adorned with a crown adorned with the image of a Buddha, Maha Cundi has three eyes and eighteen arms. She wears white celestial robes and her arms are adorned with jeweled ornaments. While the original pair of hands hold the Root Mudra, the other sixteen hands hold

the following implements in a clockwise direction: wish-fulfilling banner, lotus, vase for bathing, lasso, dharmachakra, conch, precious vase, wisdom chest, head-dress, vajra scepter, hook, axe, heavenly fruit, mala beads, wisdom sword, and Fearless Mudra. Enter the Heart of the Blessed Mother Form root mudra then, Recite the Heart Mantra 1 full mala (hold onto the mental picture; your 3rd eye fixed on the deity) Om Cale Cule Cundi Svaha Om Bhrum Visualization Visualize that the third eye at Maha Cundi Bodhisattva's brow-point shines a brilliant light into one's third eye. As the third eye of Maha Cundi Bodhisattva keeps emitting a brilliant white light, it arches and enters one's body through the crown chakra, purifying the body into crystal white. All negative karmas, or sickness look like tar, and are flushed out through the lower part of the body. Dwell on this visualization until there is no distinction between Cundi Bodhisattva and oneself. As the light continues to stream inward a red eight petal lotus blooms in ones heart with the vam in the center and the mantra chain in blazing light. Read the Maha Cundi Sutra, The Heart of the Mother of Seven Koti Buddhas Buddha Speaks the Sutra of Maha Cundi Dharani, The Heart of the Mother of Seven Koti Buddhas Translated during Tang Dynasty by Tripitaka Master Divakara from India Once, the Buddha was dwelling near Shravasti, at the Anathapindada Garden in the Jeta Forest. At that time the World-Honoured One was contemplating and observing the sentient beings of the future. Out of great compassion for them, the Buddha decided to expound on the Dharani of Cundi, the heart of the mother of seven kotis of buddhas. Thus, the Buddha revealed the mantra: NAMO SAPTANAM SAMYAKSAMBUDDHA KOTINAM. TADYATHA: OM! CALE, CULE, CUNDI SVAHA! If any bhiksu(monk), bhisuni(nun), upasaka(layman), or upasika(laywoman) upholds and recites this dharani 800,000 times, all his or her deadly karmic transgressions created since beginningless time shall be eliminated. The individual shall earn the opportunity to meet all buddhas and bodhisattvas wherever he or she is born, and shall be endowed with all accumulations of merit as the individual wishes. The individual shall gain the opportunity to renounce worldly existence in every lifetime, maintaining all the precepts and vows of a bodhisattva. The individual will always be born in the human and heavenly realms and avoid

encountering rebirth in the evil paths, and will always be protected by heavenly beings. If any layperson should uphold and recite this dharani or mantra, his or her household shall be free from affliction and harm of calamity and illness. Everything the person does shall be auspicious; his or her words shall gain the trust and acceptance of others. If one completes a recitation of this mantra 200,000 times, he will dream of the buddhas, bodhisattvas, pratyekabuddhas and sravakas, and see a black substance being vomited out of one's mouth. Should an individual commit a heavy karmic transgression, upon reciting the mantra 200,000 times he or she shall dream of the buddhas and bodhisattvas and will also, in his or her dreams, vomit a black substance. If the individual has committed one of the five deadly transgressions, and is unable to receive this auspicious dream, it is advisable that he or she recite the mantra 700,000 times. After this, the individual shall receive the auspicious dream and signs. When the individual dreams of vomiting a white substance such as a thick paste of rice, it clearly indicates that he or she has gained the pure sign of karmic purification. I shall now elucidate what this great dharani may achieve. One may stand before a statue of a buddha or find some clear ground before a stupa. Pour gomaya (cow dung, considered in India as clean and purifying) over the ground and create a square mandala shrine, adorning it with offerings of flowers, incense, canopies, food, lamps and candles, according to the size of the mandala. Make these offerings within one's capacity. Then recite the mantra and spray perfume in the four directions, as well as above and below, to set a protective spiritual boundary. Place a bottle of perfume in each of the four corners and also in the center of the mandala shrine. The practitioner should enter the mandala, kneel and face the East. Recite the mantra 1080 times and the perfume bottles shall rotate on their own. Hold a variety of flowers with both hands, which are overlapped in a crossed position, and recite the mantra 1080 times to empower the flowers. Upon completion, cast the flowers at a mirror. After this, face the mirror and recite the mantra 1080 times. One should then be able to see the appearance of buddhas and bodhisattvas. Recite the mantra again 108 times over some flowers and cast them in the air as an offering. Ask any questions and they shall be answered. If someone should contract an illness traced to spiritual entities, recite the mantra over some cogon grass and sweep the cogon grass over the patient. The patient shall be healed. If a child is possessed by spirits, take five different colored strands of thread and have a young girl weave them into a single thread. Take the weaved five-colored thread and tie a knot with each recitation of the mantra and complete 21 knots. Tie the thread of 21 knots over the neck of the child, recite the mantra 7 times over a handful of mustard seeds and cast the mustard seeds over the face of the child and the child shall be cured of the possession. Other applications of this mantra include the following methods:

1) For a sick person who is possessed by spirits, while the person is present, draw the body features of the sick person on a piece of paper. Recite the mantra over a willow stick and strike the drawing of the sick person with the stick. This may cure the sick person of his or her illness. If a sick person affected by spirits resides in a distant place, recite the mantra over the willow stick seven times, and send another person with the stick. Have him or her draw the illustration before the sick person and strike the illustration of the sick person with the stick. This should heal the person of his or her illness. 2) If one recites this mantra while traveling, there shall be no fear of meeting thieves, robbers or wild beasts. 3) If one should constantly recite this mantra, he or she shall be on the winning end of any dispute. If one should cross the ocean, recite this mantra and one shall not meet any harm caused by the evil beings of the ocean. 4) If one is being locked up and handcuffed, recite this mantra and one shall be freed. 5) If a country suffers from a flood, drought, or a prevailing epidemic, prepare cream, sesame seeds and polished non-glutinous rice. Using any three fingers, grab a portion of each to prepare one mixture. Recite the mantra once over the mixture, and cast it into a fire. Do this continuously for 12 hours over a period of seven days and all calamities shall be eliminated. 6) Seal an imprint of a stupa image into the sand beside a river bank with each recitation of the mantra. Do this 600,000 times. One should either see the appearance of Guan Yin Bodhisattva or Tara herself. Or perhaps, one will see the appearance of Vajrapani. Whatever you pray for shall be fulfilled. One might even be given spiritual medicine or receive a prediction of attaining enlightenment. 7) If you circumambulate the image of a bodhi tree clockwise and recite the mantra up to ten million times, you shall witness a bodhisattva preaching the Dharma to you and be allowed to follow the bodhisattva. 8) If you make offerings of food and recite this mantra often, you shall be out of danger from any evil person or fierce dogs. If you should first complete 300,000 recitations of this mantra in front of a pagoda, or a statue of a buddha, or a stupa, and subsequently make a very large offering of food on the fifteenth of suklapaksa (the bright, first half of the month), reciting the mantra for a day while fasting from food, you shall gain an audience with Vajrapani and receive an invitation to go to his palace. 9) If you should stand before the stupa erected to mark where the dharma wheel was first turned, or the stupa erected to mark where the Buddha was born, or the stupa built to mark where the Buddha descended the precious steps from Trayastrimsas Heaven, or any stupa containing relics, circumambulate the stupa clockwise and recite the

mantra. You shall see the Aparajita Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva Hariti. Your wishes shall then be fulfilled. If you should need any spiritual medicine, it shall be given to you, and you will also receive a spiritual discourse on the bodhisattva way. 10) If an individual who recites this mantra is not in a spiritual place, he shall receive a visit from all the bodhisattvas, regardless of where he or she is. This great dharani of Cundi is a great luminous mantra that has been expounded by the buddhas of the past, and shall be expounded by the buddhas of the future. In fact, all buddhas of the present expound this mantra, as I do today. This is done to benefit all sentient beings so that they may attain Supreme Enlightenment. Should any sentient being who is lacking in merits and has little good karmic root, and has none of the natural capacity and factors of enlightenment be so fortunate to receive this dharani, he or she shall swiftly attain the Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment (Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi). If one constantly remembers to recite this mantra, infinite good karmic roots shall ripen into accomplishments. When the Buddha spoke of the Dharani of Cundi, infinite sentient beings were elevated from their impurities, and they received the merits of the Great Dharani of Cundi, the Great Luminous Mantra, and witnessed the presence of the buddhas, bodhisattvas and holy beings of the ten directions before they prostrated and left. **End of Sutra** Introduction to Cundi: The causes and conditions of Cundi Cundi Bodhisattva is a being of great spiritual status. She is said to have been the manifestation of the World Honored One entering into the Samadhi of Spiritual Power of Transformation of Space and Ocean. Cundi is known also as the Cundi Guan Yin. The word Cundi means Supreme Purity. Being the mother of all the deities of the Lotus class, she is therefore known as the Buddha Mother, the Mother of Seven Kotis of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Cundi has eighteen arms and three eyes. She is allpowerful, and her Tantric epithet is the Most Victorious Vajra, or Subjugation Vajra. Cundi is attended by two dragon (naga) kings who stand guard by her lotus throne. These two dragon kings are Nanda and Upananda. The Outer Aspects of Cundi Cundi Bodhisattva appears with eighteen arms and three eyes. She is adorned with a jeweled crown which is mounted with a figure of a manifested buddha. Her body is light yellow in color, adorned with all kinds of jade and pearl ornaments. She wears jade and pearl arm ornaments, and wears a white celestial garment. Seated on a lotus throne, her eighteen arms, with the original two hands forming the Root Mudra, hold different implements, in a clockwise direction: a wish- fulfilling banner, a lotus, a bathing vase, a lasso, an eight-spoked wheel, a conch, a precious vase, a wisdom chest, a head-dress, a vajra scepter, a hook, an axe, a heavenly fruit, mala beads, a wisdom sword, and the Fearless Mudra.

The Uniqueness of Cundi The eighteen arms of Cundi are said to express the eighteen merits of attaining buddhahood. These are the eighteen uncommon qualities. Her arms are the symbolic expression of these secrets, endowed with the significance of profound principles. In the Mahaprajnaparamita-sastra, these eighteen characteristics of a buddha (the avenikadharma ) distinguish a buddha from a bodhisattva. They are: 01. His perfection of body 02. His perfection of speech 03. His perfection of memory 04. His perfection of impartiality to all 05. His serenity 06. His self-sacrifice 07. His unceasing desire to salvage sentient beings 08. His unflagging zeal to salvage sentient beings 09. His unfailing thought to salvage sentient beings 10. The unceasing wisdom to salvage sentient beings 11. The powers of deliverance 12. The principle of the powers of deliverance 13. Revealing perfect wisdom in deed 14. Revealing perfect wisdom in word 15. Revealing perfect wisdom in thought 16. Perfect knowledge of the past 17. Perfect knowledge of the future 18. Perfect knowledge of the present As the eighteen arms of Cundi represent the eighteen uncommon qualities, they are able to eliminate all the negative karma of sentient beings, hence the name Most Victorious Vajra. One who practices this deity yoga is able to eradicate all past negative karma and avoid all calamities. All that he or she wishes for in this lifetime, and all siddhis of worldly and transcendental practices, shall swiftly manifest. As Cundi is also known as the Subjugation Vajra, and the practice of Cundi constitutes a special practice of Tantrayana, this practice is regarded as supreme. It is wish-fulfilling and can subjugate all maras and heretics. It embodies infinite power and merits, and through this practice the practitioner shall gain a round and perfect aura. The printing of this sutra and all other sutras will benefit oneself and others, and help to remove all forms of calamity. It helps one gain great merits and blessings, and bridges others to the teachings of Buddhism. The Symbolism and Meaning of the Eighteen Arms of Cundi

1. The original 2 hands forming the root Mudra of Expounding the Dharma represents the fluency of elucidating all Dharma. 2. The hand holding the wondrous precious banner represents the ability to build a most

magnificent, great monastery. 3. The hand forming the Fearless Mudra represents the ability to deliver sentient beings away from all terror and fears. 4. The hand holding a lotus flower represents the purification of the six senses which, untainted, are as pure as the lotus flower. 5. The hand holding a sword of wisdom represents the severing of the entanglements of afflictions and the three poisons of greed, anger and ignorance. 6. The hand holding an empowerment vase represents the flowing of nectar to nurture all sentient beings so that they may receive the empowerment of the buddhas. 7. The hand holding a wonderful jewelled headdress represents the wish to be linked to wonderful dharma art. 8. The hand holding a vajra lasso represents the ability to attract all into the yoga tantra. 9. The hand holding a wonderful celestial fruit represents the accomplishment of the fruition of enlightenment, and the extensive cultivation of good karma. 10. The hand holding an eight-spoke wheel represents the constant turning of the great dharma wheel, radiating its magnificent lights over the three lower realms. 11. The hand holding a battle axe represents the elimination of all evil practices and the severing of attachment to oneself and others. 12. The hand holding a large dharma shell represents the expounding of pure Dharma which shakes the universe. 13. The hand holding a vajra hook represents the skill to magnetize and attract all phenomena within one's view. 14. The hand holding a wish-fulfilling vase represents the function of manifesting all treasures and scriptures at will. 15. The hand holding a vajra represents the collective convergence of support given by the eight classes of celestial beings and dragons. It also represents the subjugation of stubborn sentient beings. 16. The hand holding a wisdom sutra represents the self-cognition of knowing the profound and wonderful truth without any guidance from a teacher. 17. The hand holding a mani or wish-fulfilling pearl represents the vibrant and luminous state of mind which is flawless, pure and perfect. 18. The two original hands, beginning with the first hand, are held in the Dharma Expounding Mudra. Hence, the eighteen arms. Some images of Cundi Bodhisattva depict different gestures, such as forming the root mudra or holding mala beads. The meaning remains the same, regardless. The gestures represent the eighteen merits of Cundi Bodhisattva. You may visualize the hands clearly and recite the mantra so that you may attain realization swiftly and liberate sentient beings from their suffering.

Utilizing the Symbolism and Meaning of the Sixteen Arms To pray for a wish to be fulfilled, one visualizes that particular object shines a brilliant light over one's entire body. The light is red for attraction, yellow for prosperity; and white for removing all forms of calamity. To perform the practice for someone, visualize they are beside you,and the light cleanses and surrounds them. Recite the heart mantra many times:

"OM! CALI CULI CUNDI, mercifully guide me SVAHA!" "OM! CALI CULI CUNDI, mercifully protect me SVAHA!" "OM! CALI CULI CUNDI, mercifully grant me (so and so), SVAHA!" Visualize oneself (or someone) as manifest in the situation one is wishing for, as the wish already been granted; dwell on this visualization with utmost effort. Great Six Syllable Illumination Mantra Form lotus mudra then, Recite 1 full mala with Om Mani Pad Me Hung Om Bhrum 100 Syllable Mantra Recite with Vajra Mudra Om Vajrasattva Samaya anuplaya vajrasattva tvenopatistha dridho me bhava Sutosyo me bhava suposyo me bhava anurakto me bhava sarva siddhim me prayaccha sarva karma su ca me cittam sreyah kuru hum ha ha ha ha hoh bhagavan sarva tathagata vajra ma me munca vajri bhava maha samaya sattva Ah Hung Phat Dedication By this merit, may all beings attain omniscience. May they defeat the enemy of wrongdoing. From the stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death, From the ocean of samsara, may I free all beings. Just as the heroic Manjushri became omniscient, and Likewise Samantabhadra accomplished the same, So too shall I, by following their example and training accordingly. I dedicate this virtue to the benefit of all. Through this virtue may all beings Perfect the accumulations of ordinary and wisdom merit. From the arising of merit and wisdom, May the two sacred kayas be achieved!


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