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This survey report is truly based on my knowledge gained from the one week field trip organized for

the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering as per our syllabus in third year first part. This surveying has been able to impart me and my group members the great opportunity to consolidate and review the practical and theoretical knowledge on surveying, which we gained in second year.

We have been able to achieve the true objectives of survey and upgrade the knowledge as handling of the instrument, working procedure, problem solving and field booking precisely. This survey camp gave us the practical knowledge of overcoming the technical difficulties and developing a skill in tackling it. It encouraged us to cope with the team members, as the surveying involved all the members equally during the field procedures, calculations and plotting and report preparations.

Actually this survey camp promoted us in developing the ideas of the major and minor traversing, RL transformation, detailing, detailing by plane tabling and topographical map preparation. In this way the survey camp was really fruitful and it enhanced to enrich our confidence to carryout engineering survey on required accuracy in near future. It was held during my semester break on 25th August 2013 until 1st September 2013 about seven days which is one week that full of pressure. This camp was the 5th batch and attended by 113 students from faculty of civil engineering. The camp was takes place at PDS Sanctuary Training Camp Port Dickson. We arrived at the camp around 1pm on 25th August and we were separated into 22 groups which every group was consists of 5 or 6 members in a team. I was in group 15 that consists 5 person which is 2 boys and 3 girls.

On the first night, we have some briefing regarding the tentative, works, food, hostel and rules and regulation for about one week when we got to stayed there. Some of rules and regulation is we have to take all instrument in the morning around 7.00 am until 7.30 am only and the surveying hours is from 8.00am until 5.00pm. On the Monday morning, we started on our first survey which is traverse survey. A traverse may be defined as the course taken measuring a connected series of straight lines, each joining two points on the ground; these points are called

traverse stations. The straight line between two consecutive traverse stations is called traverse leg, the angle at any station is called traverse angle. The traverse leg are measured by direct chaining or taping and angles at any station is measured with a Theodolite is called Theodolite traversing. According to the nature of the starting or closing station there are two types of traverse which is closed traverse and open traverse. Our group need to do the survey around the block B5 that faces the sea. We were lucky because in one trial survey we got to closed the traverse. On the second day, we had to complete our leveling work which is important to find the elevation of given points with respect to given, or assumed datum, to establish points at a given elevation or at different elevations with respect to a given or assumed datum. To provide vertical controls in topographic map, the elevations of the relevant points must be known so that complete topography of the area can be explored. Leveling was performed to determine the elevation (relative height) from a given datum.

After that, we had to complete our report which is include theory, calculation, discussion and conclusion regarding two that we had been completed. On the Thursday, we started to do our third survey which is tacheometry in which both horizontal and vertical distance between the staff station and instrument station are determined from instrumental observation. The primary objective of tacheometry was the preparation of plans requiring both the horizontal and vertical control. The main objective of tacheometry is the preparation of contoured plan around the block B5. The last task on Friday is to do Setting Out Building which was the simplest task that can be completed in an hour. On the last night we spent there, we had some barbeque and karaoke session to release tension after continuously working for about 5 days.

It was a golden opportunity to gain the knowledge on different aspects of surveying that will definitely prove beneficial in every step of the civil engineering projects in near future. Last but not least, I would like to convey my sincere thanks to the management of college for choosing such a healthy and creative environment for teaching and learning practice for such a long period of seven days.

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