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V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 5 : O C T 2 0 1 3

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Another Ramadan has passed us by and another successful Naat competition took place once again this year. This years Ramadan and school summer break coincided with each other, which meant the under 16s had lots of free time and very little to do.

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The Naat competition gave the children of East Lancashire something to do, BME Engagement Pro- 2 keeping their minds ticking and giving ject them a chance to get on the radio too.
VCFS & Partners Update 3

The parents were grateful to us for giving their children a new level of confidence and the chance to use their holidays proFazs Forum: 4 ductively. All the youngsters loved it and those that made it to the final received certifiWinter Blues cates for participating and boxes of Asian sweets. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners ELDS Show broadcast 5 were given CDs and vouchers for up to 30.
with signing guest

1st prize winner for the girls competition; Atiyah Parveen, being given her prize and certificate by the shows presenter; Rabia.

The competition was held for the boys and the girls separately, with contestants calling Delete Blood Cancer 5 in once a week on a dedicated show to get involved. Most of the children who made it to the finals, which took place after Eid were from East Lancashire. & Rahaan
Girls Summer Club with Youth League 6

YPS - Awards Celebra 7 ting Young People Advertise 8

PCR hopes in the following year more children from across the whole of Lancashire participate, in order to be in with a chance of appearing on the radio and winning a bunch of amazing prizes. We are proud to have been able to successfully host this competition through the help of our talented presenters Rabia and Jaleel and our generous show sponsors. Pendle Community Radio would also like to thank all the parents of East Lancashire for supporting their children and encouraging them to participate. Well done to all those under 16s who made it to the final. We hope to see you back next year!!!

1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners stood proudly with their prizes, accompanied by presenter and competition judge Muhammad Jaleel.






Over the last three months, ELCAP, in partnership with Lancashire County Council, have been carrying out a survey with regards to the current day time support within Nelson and Brierfield. The engagement project was quite successful, with 100 responses recorded from the residents of these areas. We are very grateful to the local organisations and service providers such as Yarnspinners Medical Centre, in Nelson, Making Space and Age UK Lancs; to name but a few, for aiding our research. We appreciate that within the BME community the topic of day time support is a little taboo however we felt it was important we informed these areas of Pendle about the positive aspects of such support. Those that participated in the project were full of praise for our work with the community. We feel we helped people by making them more knowledgeable in regards to the support available to them. Also by allowing the community to share their views, they felt like they were being counting in for once. In our four focus groups held in both Nelson and Brierfield, the individuals told us that more awareness needed to be raised of the support available for the BME community, in particular the South Asians, i.e. Indians and Pakistanis. The people from the BME community who got involved were very pleased to have had the
Focus group meeting held in Brierfield Community Centre, for Men.

chance to share their views with people who understood their language, their culture and their religion. These are just some of the factors that pose a barrier for them normally when trying to access such services. We gained some real quality feedback from this engagement exercise which will now be reported to Lancashire Country Council, leaving it with them to implement any changes if need be. A copy of the report could be made available to the public via the Lancashire Country Council and Pendle Radio websites.






Pendle Community Radio has been promoting Voluntary, Community & Faith sector (VCFS) organisations and groups for the past 15 months. Since July 2011 we have helped over 140 organisations to promote the work they do and the good services they provide to their LOCAL communities. We are also offering VCFS organisations and groups the opportunity to expand their social media presence online and also develop websites so that people can find out more information about them. If you require any of these services, then please get in touch with the Pendle Radio team and we will be able to assist you.

Chris from St Vincents Homecare & Repair

Colleagues from Lighthouse Tai Chi

If you are a VCFS (Voluntary, Community & Faith Sector) organisation or group that would like time on the radio to highlight and discuss your work and the services you can offer the community, then please get in touch with Moazzam Ali (Project Co-ordinator) on 01282 723455 or by email: and we will organise for you to come onto one of our community programmes.






Everyone is missing the long Summer days and as soon as Autumn and Winter approaches and as the clocks go back, I am always dreading it. If I had a choice, Id stick to living in the Summer time because I feel the Winter days bring lethargy and a lack of motivation to life. The weathers been miserable, days are getting shorter Faz Patel MBE; Volunand its getting darker and teer at Pendle Radio. darker earlier and like many people including myself, they will feel the sense of gloom that the weather brings to our lives. Like myself, many of you will already be thinking of spending the next Winter holidays in a hotter climate.

Yes, people will have good jobs and public services, houses, food, nice cars, but what really matters is how we use this aspect of the quality of life that we achieve through our hard working days. In Summer, we will know exactly what we will be doing in the next few months but it is when Winter strikes when we wont know or have a clue about what we can do to keep ourselves occupied without having to mention work. Myself personally I like taking breaks away from our country, to hotter climates and as a regular traveler I meet many people from different countries and cultures who feel that the weather is what brings motivation to their lives.

Many of our generations in the sub continent are living a much healthier and motivated lifestyle in comparison to us. Even when they have little money, theyll know what is important; the way of The other day I was sitting with a friend from Paki- life and the quality of life. It just shows what an imstan who arrived here three weeks ago. Since then pact the climate has on a persons life. all he has seen is rain, rain and more rain. We were discussing the quality of life; I was telling him how I feel like theres nothing to do once the working day is over and the question arose as to why many people in other countries experience a more pleasant and better quality of life. The answer is the weather. After work, in many places around the world people have the chance of spending time with their families, bonding with children, spending time with the elderly, taking a stroll in the park, visiting friends, or even making a trip to the beach. The weather is perfect and it just makes life a bit more interesting. It brings joy to the individual and everyone around them. Unfortunately in the country we live in, we cant complain about it. There will be many people out there who will be less motivated, sad and depressed about the fact that we go to work when its dark and come back when its dark. Its like theres no light in our lives anymore. Many places are closed by the time a working day is over or it just gets really windy and starts pouring down with rain. I know many friends who have migrated to countries like Dubai, New Zealand and Australia purely because of the sunshine and the quality of life there. There will be many people out there who will be feeling the winter blues but my advice would be to keep yourself active, get involved in the community, get involved with things on a day to day basis and keep yourself happy and motivated with everything that we have around us. Personally for me I will be looking forward to spending my Winter holidays somewhere away from these cold nights; just to bring that motivation back into my life and to keep me going until next Summer. But for now, I guess Ill be amongst those, living under the Winter blues.






For the first time in Pendle Community Radios history we had the pleasure of inviting a guest to our station who could only communicate through sign. Amina Iqbal, the host of Taleem Q, was delighted to have Chantelle De La Croix who had an hearing impairment, as a guest on her show. Chantelle was from the East Lancashire Deaf Society (EDLS) and had a British Sign Language interpreter who accompanied her to help communicate the important information she was giving to the audience and Amina alike.

Being the Director and Community Developer, Chantelle told listeners about the services they provide for deaf people to enable them to fully participate in society. Radio is a platform used to communicate through sound, however regardless of her hearing impairment Chantelle was able to fully get involved with the radio show through the help of her talented BSL interpreter.

Chantelle, Director and Community Developer at East Lancashire Deaf Society

BSL interpreter, interpreting sign into words for the listeners.

Blood cancers affect the production and function of your blood cells. Most blood cancers start in your bone marrow where blood is produced. Stem cells in your bone marrow mature and develop into three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. In most blood cancers, the normal blood cell development process is interrupted by uncontrolled growth of an abnormal type of blood cell. These abnormal blood cells, or cancerous cells, prevent your blood from performing many of its functions, like fighting off infections or preventing serious bleeding. Donors of stem cells are desperately needed by organisations such as Delete Blood Cancer, to save peoples lives. There is a real lack of Asian Stem Cell donors at present. We have recently been aiming to raise awareness of blood cancer and make our listeners of Pendle Community Radio aware that getting yourself registered with Delete Blood Cancer UK and swabbing could save a life. Pendle Community Radio, recently came across Rayaan, who is a 6 year old boy suffering from a rare blood disorder. Through this child our radio station was able to raise awareness of this disease and inform listeners on how they could potentially save someone else's life. The simple 5 minute task of registering and swabbing could get the ball rolling. The appeal for Rayaan brought the issue of medical donations in the Asian society, to the forefront once again. We would like to encourage the Asian community to come forward and save lives of people like little Rayaan.






A two week summer club was organised by the Muslim Youth League for girls aged 6-14. The summer club which commenced on 12th August and concluded on 22nd August was held in the Minhaj Education Centre in Nelson. However owing to the great summer sunshine, the girls were also able to get out and about, giving them a chance to run around and catch some rays of sun. The summer club was an opportunity for young girls to spend their holidays in a productive way and simply have some fun.
The young girls taking part in outdoor activities at the park.

The volunteers that make up the Muslim Youth League organised activities including arts and crafts, baking and cake decorating, pizza making, planting flowers, role plays and days out; giving the youngsters something to do over the summer. Some very original activities were on offer for the girls, including a treasure hunt at the local mosque, this involved the children finding a star and working out the riddle associated to it, which would then lead them to the next star.

The girls from the Summer Club using their creative and cooking skills to make a decorate mini pizzas.

Approximately 30 girls from around Nelson and Brierfield participated in the summer club and the feedback was very positive, all the girls enjoyed themselves and hoped to attend similar clubs in the future. The girls were able to socialise with their local friends, play out in the sun and learn some new skills too. At present only young girls from the area can participate in the club, but if the demand is there MYL are hopeful that something may become available for the boys too. An awards ceremony was held to gift the girls certificates for participating and a small gift, encouraging them to want to take part again. Out of appreciation for their hard work, the staff and volunteers received a thank you card and boxes of chocolates from parents.
A group photo of all participants of the Summer Club 2013.






Local Lancashire people are being given the people gain and the chance to nominate finalists for an awards cere- positive contribumony celebrating young people's achievements tion they make. taking place in February 2014. Awards will be pre-

The Celebrate Youth event, being organised by sented on the eveLancashire County Council's Young People's Ser- ning by a host of vice will take place at 6.30pm on February 18 at celebrities and Park Hall, Charnock Richard. VIPs. Each award winner will receive a special Young people can be nominated as individuals or prize, and there will also be an overall Pinnacle Award winner on the night. groups in the following six award categories:

Community Engagement Beyond Barriers Inspiring Volunteering or Advocacy Sporting Achievement Artistic Achievement Improving Lives

Last year's Celebrate Youth Awards were a huge success. Winners came from across the county from Clitheroe Youth Forum who won the community engagement category for their work to commemorate people who lost their lives in World War II, to Jack Hardwick from South Ribble, a gifted musician who picked up the artistic

The achievement can be a sporting or artistic one, achievement award for his contribution to comvolunteering or making a contribution to the local munity events. communities. The Pinnacle Award was won by Hyndburn-based Nominations should be returned by Friday, De- Infinite Flow a group teaching people 'free runcember 20, in order to be assessed and short- ning' a form of running from point A to point B listed by a judging panel of young people. using skill, imagination and flair. This year's final will feature presentations of work young people have been involved in, including some performances demonstrating their talents. To nominate a young person for a special award, please complete the nomination form which you can download or complete on the young people's service website at Completed nomination forms can also be reThere are thousands of fantastic young people in turned to Brian Wood, County Lead for Youth Lancashire, and they deserve a positive image for Work Strategy, Young People's Service, Room all that they do and achieve. This event is one way 208, 2nd Floor East Cliff, Preston, PR1 3JT or by of celebrating the wonderful achievements young emailing

Pendle Community Radio is now offering local businesses the opportunity to advertise or sponsor programmes on the radio. Pendle Radio is very popular amongst the local community & is also available on the internet, as such it offers a great opportunity for businesses to advertise their products to this growing consumer demographic. The expense of advertising on other types of media can be a restrictive factor especially for smaller businesses and this is precisely where Pendle Radio can help. Ad spots can be bought by the second and as such offer great value for money. The science of advertisement suggests repetition and simplicity are the key to a good radio advert, the cost of ads on Pendle Radio means even smaller businesses can now purchase repetitive ads. Pendle Radio can also author and produce your advertisements for you. If you would like to advertise on Pendle Radio please contact us via email;

ELCAP would like to thank all the readers of this e-newsletter, listeners of PCR Radio and the wonderful Volunteers who make it all possible. You are all an important part of ELCAP and we hope that you continue to enjoy the various services we endeavour to provide through ELCAP e-news, PCR Radio and on We always welcome your comments, whether they are good or bad - we would love to hear from you. The articles in this e-newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of ELCAP.

ELCAP is committed to providing a variety of services to the local community in the East Lancashire area. Contact US Our mission is to enrich the lives of the local community through the provision of education, information and training through modern art, media and digital technologies. Phone: One of our key projects is the Pendle Community Radio station which provides an invaluable service to the East Lancashire community.
ELCAP Publications

15 Cross Street Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 7LE 01282 723455

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Twitter: @pendleradio Facebook: pendleradio

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