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SYLLABUS: Fall 2012 ACCT 245 Managerial Accounting

Instructor: Ryan Dales E-mail: Office Hours: 10:00 11:30 MW (or by appointment) Office: PH 447 Classroom: AW 304 * MW 12:00 13:50

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Accounting 245 is an introduction to the techniques used in

managerial accounting for planning and control. Completion of this course will enable the student to interpret and apply managerial accounting information in a variety of business decision making roles. The objective is not to prepare you to be accountants, but to be informed users of accounting information in common business situations.


1. Explain and use the concepts and terminology in current management accounting practices. 2. Demonstrate the ability to analyze and use accounting information for basic planning and control, decision making, performance evaluation, and to increase company profitability. 3. Calculate the cost of product for financial reporting purposes 4. Perform sensitivity analysis using cost-volume-profit analysis 5. Identify relevant costs in making business decisions 6. Understand time/value of money, and calculate net present value 7. Prepare budgets for cash receipts and purchases

Required Materials: Textbook:

Financial & Managerial Accounting (3rd Edition), by Horngren, Harrison, and Oliver with Student Access Code for Course Compass/MyAccountingLab in one of the following formats: 1. E-Book Version: ISBN 0136154786 (Least expensive, but no printed book pages.) 2. Loose Leaf Book Version: ISBN 013276427X (Student Value Package) (More expensive, but you can bring only the pages for the current chapter to class) 3. Bound Book Version: ISBN 0132785854 (Most expensive and heaviest, but you get a complete bound book.)

Other Required Materials:

1. High Speed Internet Access and/or use of the WWU Computer Labs 2. Simple 8 function calculator that does not beep 3. Red Pencil

My Accounting Lab:
This course will be using MyAccountingLab ( MyAccountingLab is very similar to Blackboard, but it is hosted by the book publisher rather than by WWU. The Course ID number for this class is dales97515. Students are responsible for knowing both the information in the syllabus and the information posted online.

Homework: There will be 26 MyAccountingLab (MAL) online homework assignments during the course. Each MyAccountingLab assignment will generally be due by 11:55 PM on the day before the corresponding exam (please refer to course calendar below for specific dates). Quizzes: There will be six quizzes worth 40 points each administered in class randomly throughout the quarter. Five will be graded; the lowest score will be dropped. Exams: There will be two online exams and an online final exam worth 200 points each. The exams will be taken through MyAccountingLab and will include multiple choice questions, exercises,

and problems similar to those at the end of each chapter. Scheduled exam dates are shown on the course schedule at the end of the syllabus. If a date needs to be changed, students will be notified well in advance of the change. Students may use up to 120 minutes to complete each of the three exams. All exams must be taken sometime between 6:00 AM and 11:55 PM (preferably before 9:00 PM) on the days shown in the course schedule. The final exam will be taken between 6:00 and 11:55 PM on December 14, 2012. All exams can be taken from any computer that has fast and reliable internet access. However, I strongly suggest that you take the exams on the WWU campus, using a WWU computer in one of the campus computer labs. Avoid using a computer with a wireless connection connectivity issues will cause you to be locked out of your exam. If you use a wireless connection or take the exam away from campus, you assume the risk of losing points due to an internet or computer failure.

Homework: Quizzes: Exams: Total

Points 200 200 600 1,000

Percent 20% 20 60 100%

There are 1000 points available, and grades will be assigned as follows: A AB+ B BC+ 94 100% 90 93% 87 89% 84 86% 80 83% 77 79% C CD+ D DE 74 76% 70 73% 67 69% 64 66% 60 63% 00 59%

I reserve the right to offer extra credit assignments as appropriate in an effort to improve the course. However, there are no planned extra credit assignments, so do not count on this possibility to improve your grade if it becomes lower than you desire.

Attendance and Late Submissions: Attendance will not be graded, but missing class will
result in lost points if graded activities are missed or submitted late. However, it is worth noting that students who are in class and engaged tend to score better on exams than those who are not. As stated above, exams can only be made up in very rare circumstances. This same guideline will also apply to all other assignments. Only in very rare and extraordinary cases (often requiring some form of official documentation) will exceptions to these guidelines be made at my discretion.

Guidelines for Success in Accounting: Accounting makes rigorous demands of your time as well as your analytical skills. Below are some suggestions to help you be successful:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do the assigned homework, practice set, and comprehensive problems. Study, not just read, each chapter. Study for the final examination and quizzes. Ask if you dont understand something. Attend all classes.

Remember, I want you to be successful in this class.

Changes to the Syllabus: I reserve the right to make reasonable changes to this syllabus as deemed necessary to improve the quality of this course during the quarter. While significant changes are highly unlikely, students will be notified of any and all changes made. Students are responsible for knowing the information in the syllabus, the information posted on the MyAccountingLab course site, and information announced in class.

ACCT 245 Course Calendar:

9/24 9/25


9/26 Course Overview Start Chapter 16 Read Pages 773-777 (Intro, LO 1,2) 9/27



10/01 Read Pages 777-793 (LO 3,4,5,6)


10/03 Start Chapter 17 Read Pages 813-821 (Intro, LO 1,2)



10/08 Read Pages 828-833 (LO 3,4,5)


10/10 Start Appendix 17A Read Pages 856-865



10/15 Read Pages 865-870


10/17 Review Chapters 16, 17, 17A


MAL Homework # 1-9 DUE 11:55 PM

10/19 Exam #1 covering Chapter 16 17 17A: Available from 6:00 to 11:55 PM

Bring questions
10/22 Start Chapter 18 Read Pages 880-893 (Intro, LO 1, 2) 10/23 10/24 Read Pages 893-901 (LO 3,4) 10/25 10/26

10/29 Start Chapter 19 Read Pages 924-933 (Intro, LO 1, 2) 11/05 Start Chapter 20 Read Pages 962-982 (Intro, LO 1,2,3)


10/31 Read Pages 933-945 (LO 3,4,5)




11/07 Read Pages 982-990 (LO 4)



11/12 NO CLASS *****************

11/13 MAL Homework # 10-17 DUE 11:55 PM

11/14 Exam #2 covering Chapter 18 19 20: Available from 6:00 to 11:55 PM 11/21 Read Pages 1020-1036 (LO 4)

11/15 11/16


11/19 Start Chapter 21 Read Pages 1010-1020 (Intro, LO 1,2, 3) 11/26 Start Chapter 22 Read Pages 1050-1072 (Intro, LO 1,2,3,4) 12/03 Start Chapter 23 Read Pages 1105-1117





11/28 Read Pages 1072-1083 (LO 5,6)




12/05 Read Pages 1117-1132



(LO 4,5,6)

(Intro, LO 1,2,3)




12/13 MAL Homework # 1826 DUE 11:55 PM

12/14 Final Exam covering Chapters: 21, 22, 23: Available from 6:00 to 11:55 PM

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