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Ranking 2012 Explanatory Notes

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Ranking Components
Quality Assurance & Enhancement Teaching Quality Research Employer Perception Survey Peer Perception Survey Total Score

Total Ranking Scores

20 35 35 5 5 100

Component # 1:

Quality Assurance & Enhancement = 20

Parameters System for Assessment & Marking
Based on evidence on various stages of implementation viz. 1. Constitution of Plagiarism standing committee (PSC) 2. Notifications/Minutes of Syndicate/BOG/Statutory body meetings. 3. Functioning of the committee (PSC) by resolving the plagiarism cases. Based on adherence of HEC set criteria for appointments of faculty members viz. 1. Notifications/Minutes of Syndicate/BOG/Statutory body meetings for implementation of set criteria by university. Based on compliance of HEC criteria viz. 1. Notifications/Minutes of Syndicate/BOG/Statutory body meetings for implementation of set criteria by university. 2. Signed compliance checklist to be received through PhD Country Directory Profroma. As per scorecard developed and shared with HEIs by QAA of HEC.


Plagiarism policy implementation scores for ranking 2012


Eligibility Criteria for appointments of faculty members scores for ranking 2012


Compliance of M.Phil./MS & Ph.D. criteria scores for ranking 2012


Quality Enhancement Cell Categorization scores for ranking 2012

Component # 2:

Teaching Quality = 35
Parameters System for Assessment & Marking
Total regular faculty and proportional parttime faculty will be considered for ascertaining overall Student Teacher Ratio. It is the PhD faculty divided by total faculty. For medical FRCS, FCP etc. will be treated as terminal degrees. It is the ratio of the total applicants seeking admission in the university and students actually selected. The total number of computers available to students and faculty of university. Total number of books at campus library excluding electronic books. It is the ratio of full time faculty to part time faculty. Full time faculty is regular and contractual faculty whereas part time faculty is the visiting faculty. Mechanism of teacher evaluation established within the framework of QEC or universities own conducted faculty evaluation survey apart from QEC. As per Learning Innovation Division, HEC record and data provided by universities on ranking proforma will also be used for this component. Other faculty training information (National as well as international) as per evidence provided by universities will be considered. By definition one week means 36 hours training either rigorously or in parts. Documentary proof such as schedule, modules and notification may be provided.


Student Teacher ratio


Ratio of PhD faculty to total faculty (For Medical this is Total PhD Faculty)






Library books


Ratio of Full time faculty to part time


Teacher Evaluation


Training of faculty

Component # 3:

Research = 35
Parameters System for Assessment & Marking
HEC Approved supervisors are those supervisors which can enroll HEC scholars. Whereas HEC registered supervisor are those supervisors who can only supervise scholars which are not funded by HEC. Ms. Madiha Aslam Research Officer, HEC is the contact person for HEC approved/registered supervisor scheme. Phone#90408072 Email: Last 3 years data will be considered. As per the record of HEC R&D Division the number of research grants approved by the HEC will be used. Documentary evidence viz. MOUs etc. will be required for those research grants received by the university other than the HEC. Last 3 years data will be considered. As per the record of HEC R&D Division, number of travel grants received by the faculty members of the HEIs will be used. Documentary evidence will be required for those travel grants received by the university faculty other than the HEC sources. Last 3 years data will be considered.


Approved supervisors


Research grants approved


Travel Grants approved

3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Publications in Impact Factor Journals Number of papers published by the university Citations University H Index Number of W, X, Y , Z Journals Published by the University As per Quality Assurance Division record, number of HEC recognized journals published by the university in W, X, Y, Z category will be used. Average utilization of Internet bandwidth by the universities acquired through PERN and other ISPs will be used. Documentary proof MRTG, PRTG etc. of Internet bandwidth utilization will be required of other ISPs. As per the record of R&D Division, HEC the number of seminars, conferences, workshops & symposia organized by university through ISI web of knowledge will be benchmark and records (research output) extracted by HEC Digital Library will be used.



Internet Bandwidth (PERN) utilization


Number of Conferences Organized


System for Assessment & Marking

HEC funding will be used. In addition conferences etc. organized by universities through national/international collaboration from sources other than HEC funding will also be accounted, for which documentary evidence will be required. Last 3 years data will be considered. Data provided by universities through ranking proforma and records of PhD Country Directory data will be used. Total number of HEC indigenous scholars enrolled in university as per records of HEC scholarship section.


Total PhD output for 2011


Indigenous scholarship

Component # 4:

Employer Perception Survey = 5

Parameters System for Assessment & Marking All Universities have been requested to provide to provide the 05 top recruiters information in the relevant field. Employer perception survey will be finalized based on responses received from potential employers of university graduates.

4.1 Employer Perception Survey

Component # 5:

Peer Perception Survey = 5

Parameters System for Assessment & Marking Each university has been given opportunity to consider academic standing of other universities among peers and rank them as 1,2,3, . to 10, accordingly. Each university has to rate other one falling in the same focused area (category), excluding itself. Universities in General Category will be providing peer perception according to respective size of distributed on enrollment basis, given below: Large>=7000 Medium>=3000 & <7000 Small <3000 The relevant list has been provided by HEC to each university.

5.1 Peer Perception Survey

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